Making an apron for a kitchen set with your own hands. How to make holes in tiles for sockets. How to make an apron in the kitchen from plastic panels

The very concept of a kitchen apron relatively recently began to be used by Russian designers, although the idea of ​​lining one kitchen wall washable materials for decades. And this decision is completely justified. It is completely rational, because soot, grease and dirt are constant companions of cooking. Even the cleanest housewife has encountered grease stains in the kitchen. They appear during the cooking process, and the kitchen cannot be protected from these types of pollution.

Kitchen apron task- make the area subject to maximum “load”, easy to clean and wear-resistant. Grease and odors quickly eat into various types of coatings, turning it into an untidy place. Getting rid of grease stains, for example, is very difficult. Often, various products containing abrasive particles are required. And such a “hard” approach can lead to scratches on the surface of the apron. That is why it is worth special attention approach the choice of materials.

How to make an apron in the kitchen from plastic panels?

This material can be called one of the cheapest and easiest ways to make an apron in the kitchen with your own hands. Plastic - perfect option for an economy class kitchen, as well as for apartment owners who plan to renovate in the next 3-5 years.

Main advantages this material: it low price , ease of installation, wide choice of colors and resistance to stains. To return the plastic to its original appearance, just wipe it with a coat of detergent, grease and dirt. easy to clean from a smooth surface. Another advantage can be called moisture resistance this material. But this, perhaps, can close the list of “advantages”. Plastic panels are not the best option for finishing the kitchen, especially the apron. They cannot withstand high temperatures, so they can become deformed or even melt near the stove. In addition, plastic quickly loses its color, and the white panels turn yellow over time. And, of course, it is worth noting poor strength of the material. On him dents remain, and you can break through the panel completely by accident.

But installation will not take you much time. First you need to attach the rail at a height of 80 centimeters from the floor. It should be smooth. The plastic panels will be joined to it. They can be installed both horizontally and vertically. The second method can be called the simplest. The panels themselves are attached with liquid nails. After installation, all edges are covered with starting strips.

How to make a kitchen apron from tiles?

Traditional option The design of the apron has stood the test of time. Even in ancient times kitchen stoves lined with ceramics. Now ceramic tiles protect walls from dirt. The only disadvantage of this method is laying the tiles. If it was released large sheets, then there would be no problems, but technological features manufacturing limits the possible size of the tiles. And this means avoiding joining seams It won't work. Bacteria happily multiply in them, and mold finds its “home.”

Advice. Buy only high-quality modern grouting materials that keep the joints hygienic.

First, you need to level the walls to make the tiling process as easy as possible. After this, the craftsmen recommend calculating what size the apron should be. Traditionally it starts at a height of 80 centimeters from the floor and extends about 70 centimeters in height. The width of the apron depends on the size of the kitchen and the kitchen set.

Using a building level, draw a straight line at the required height. The first row of tiles will be laid on it. It is best to fill a strip of wood or a metal profile along the line, this will make it easier to lay the first row.

Prepare the adhesive according to the instructions on the package and begin laying the tiles. Remember to keep the same distance on the seams. To achieve this, use “crosses”. Consumption: one “cross” for four tiles. After this, it’s time to grout the joints. Select the appropriate product and dilute it according to the instructions. For grouting, it is best to use rubber spatulas and a large sponge. Do not forget to promptly remove any remaining mixture before it hardens.

If you want to know how to make an apron in the kitchen with your own hands, the video will help you understand all the intricacies of the process:

How to make a glass apron in the kitchen?

This material is considered one of the best for decorating a kitchen apron, as it is highly durable and easy to install. Glass can be washed with various cleaning agents and does not absorb odors. The only problem is the production of glass panels. They need to be ordered immediately increases the price similar apron.

First, carefully calculate the dimensions, because you will not have the opportunity to “file” the canvas on the spot. Then worry about the background. These can be the most ordinary ones, glued under glass. Or a special film made to your order.

The panel can be secured either using a regular metal profile (it is installed around the perimeter of the apron) or using fasteners with wide caps.

Fasteners are inserted into prepared holes in the wall, then glass panels are strung on them, and then the entire structure is fastened with wide caps.

How to make an apron in the kitchen from MDF?

The main reason for using MDF is its availability. This material inexpensive, is easy to install and does not require any special skills from the home handyman. You just need to correctly calculate all the parameters and dimensions of the apron, apply the selected shape to the MDF sheet, not forgetting about the sockets. After this, a panel for the apron is cut out of the sheet, which can be attached to the wall.

The easiest way is to use the same technique as when installing tiles or plastic panels. A profile or rail is nailed along the line, along which you can navigate. A panel is attached above it using liquid nails. After installation is completed, the rail is dismantled.

It is worth noting that the MDF apron is not the best option for the kitchen, since this material is flammable, susceptible to high temperatures and reacts negatively to humidity.

An apron for the kitchen is not only beautiful element design, but also the functional part. In the process of cooking, stains inevitably appear on the walls, sauce drops, pieces of food, etc. To protect the wall surface and make cleaning easier, it is recommended to install an apron made of easy-to-clean materials - tiles, stone or glass. In this article we will tell you how to make an apron in the kitchen with your own hands.

An apron in the kitchen improves performance characteristics, and with the right color and design, it decorates and completes the interior of the room. With its help, you can visually increase the space, emphasize the advantages of the kitchen unit, and hide the disadvantages of the layout. The variety of finishing materials makes it possible to implement the most original ideas. But the construction of anything should begin with the layout.

Apron design

The first step is to decide on the design of the apron - choose the shape and color scheme. The coating should be combined not only with the kitchen set, but also with other elements - accessories, fittings, floor, wall, and ceiling finishes. When renovating a kitchen, many people focus on choosing wallpaper or flooring, completely forgetting about the apron, but it is this that gives the interior integrity.

How to choose the color of the apron:

In most cases, aprons are made from tiles, since this is the most affordable and suitable finishing material on the market, but if you are not constrained by funds, you can make the interior more stylish and original by building stone or glass apron for kitchen.

Apron materials

Let's take a closer look at each of the materials used to create kitchen aprons. The choice is determined not only by the color category, but also by the complexity of installation and performance characteristics. So, if even an inexperienced person can handle laying tiles or artificial stone, then with glass panels the situation is much more complicated.

How to make a kitchen apron with your own hands:

Styling tools

Since in this article we will tell you how to lay a kitchen apron with tiles, we will select tools and materials in accordance with the installation technique. Before going to the store, take measurements and calculate the required amount of tiles. Buy with a reserve so that you can leave a few tiles in case of repairs.

Required materials and equipment:

  • tile;
  • tile adhesive (recommended Ceresit CM11;
  • deep penetration primer;
  • grout for joints (to match the tile);
  • building level, plumb line;
  • tile cutter;
  • rubber spatula;
  • notched spatula;
  • foam sponge;
  • plastic crosses for tiles.

You will need skills with a tile cutter. For thin wall tiles, you can use the most common manual mechanism.

Laying a tile backsplash

Before you start work, give a rational assessment of your capabilities - if you are not sure that you can handle it, it is better to hire a specialist and not risk damaging the materials. For those who want to get a new interesting and useful experience, we have prepared detailed instructions on installing an apron in the kitchen.

Apron marking

The first stage is marking the walls. This is extremely important point, on which the final result and aesthetics of your masonry will depend. To make correct and clear markings, you must be able to use a building level. Ideally, it is better to acquire laser guides - they will significantly speed up and facilitate the process.

Another important point is that the walls before marking should be as smooth as possible. If there are problems with this, you will have to apply leveling plaster. Otherwise, you will have to compensate for the discrepancies due to the thickness of the adhesive when installing the tiles.

There are different standards for laying the height of aprons in the kitchen, and this parameter should be selected in accordance with the dimensions of the kitchen unit. On average, 80 cm are laid off from the floor with an apron height of 75 cm. Thus, you will be able to lay 7 tiles standard size 10x10 cm in height, and 5 cm will remain for the seams.

Draw a horizontal line where the first row of tiles will be laid. It will rest on a special rail. To do this, you can use a regular wooden plank or metallic profile. Screw the support to the wall with dowels and check with a building level.

Draw several vertical lines perpendicular to the plank to create additional guidelines.

Styling adhesive

One more important point before starting work. It is recommended to install kitchen tiles on the apron using the most popular adhesive among professional builders, Ceresit CM11. Low consumption will allow you to save money, if, of course, the walls in the kitchen are smooth and do not need to be leveled with glue. So, for 5 sq. m, approximately 12 kg of composition is consumed. When laying tiles on rough walls, consumption may increase.

Mix the dry mixture with water according to the instructions, using a construction mixer or drill with an attachment.

To lay the first row of tiles that will rest on the plank, you should coat the wall with glue to the length of 3-4 tiles and quickly apply them before the composition dries. To spread the glue, use a notched trowel to leave shallow grooves on the surface - this will improve adhesion and reduce solution consumption. Also, for better adhesion of the glue to the wall, it is recommended to make small scratches using a joint knife or the edge of a sharp screwdriver.

Laying tiles

Before laying, prepare the materials that you may need in the process and place them at arm's length: a spatula, crosses, a container with mortar, a stack of tiles.


Helpful Tips:

  1. To create original design, order a kitchen apron with photo printing from MDF. These can be ornaments, images of fruits, vegetables, landscapes, etc. You can also put photographs under the glass cover, make a collage, or even paint the surface by hand.
  2. Use LED backlight to add originality and organize additional lighting.
  3. The dimensions of the kitchen apron must correspond to the work area, covering the sink, cutting table, and stove area.
  4. When choosing tiles, keep in mind that it is much easier to care for a smooth glazed surface than a textured one.
  5. A kitchen apron made of plastic can become an excellent alternative tiles or MDF. Today on the market you can find high-strength plastic Decoration Materials, which will last for many years without losing their original appearance.
  6. To create aprons, you can use any suitable operational characteristics materials - they must be strong, waterproof and durable. River pebbles are ideal for these parameters - just imagine what kind of surface can be laid out from simple pebbles brought from vacation! You can also use old coins or broken tiles for this.
  7. Mirror and glass tiles as a backsplash cover look original. To grout such cladding, use transparent silicone.

Video about laying a backsplash in a kitchen made from large tiles:

Apron for the kitchen, photo

We hope this article helped you understand how to install a backsplash in the kitchen. Finally, here are some stylish design solutions.

The backsplash in the kitchen is the space between the countertop and cabinets. Its purpose is to prevent grease, splashes and other debris from getting onto the wall during cooking. At the beginning of the 21st century, the wall in the kitchen was decorated with ceramics, but technologies are improving and everything is changing, the material with which the walls are covered is also changing, and this article will be devoted to how to make a kitchen apron with your own hands.

What is a kitchen apron made of?

  • Nowadays, ceramic tiles have not lost their importance, as manufacturers are trying to make them the most unusual and diverse. But if you want to make a kitchen apron with your own hands, then this option will not be for you. Working with ceramic tiles is, first of all, hard work, since removing tiles from the wall is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.
  • One of the best and most colorful options is a mosaic kitchen backsplash or a living stone backsplash. It will last for many years and will perfectly decorate the interior of the kitchen. However, the big disadvantage of this option will be the high price and problematic installation.
  • The next method is MDF board medium density it can sometimes be seen in kitchens, because it is resistant to debris during cooking. If you decide to install this type of apron in the kitchen, you will need to place it away from the gas stove, as this is very unsafe.
  • In recent years, glass kitchen splashbacks have become extremely popular. The price of such an apron is much less than an apron made of ceramics, stone and mosaic. The quality of such an apron really deserves respect.

The main advantages of a glass apron for the kitchen

Glass is a very convenient material; you can also order a solid panel that is easy to clean. various types debris, including fat.

  • as already mentioned, glass is very easy to clean;
  • you can choose the pattern of your apron;
  • a glass apron will give your small kitchen visual space;
  • The main advantage of a glass apron is its easy installation and removal, which greatly facilitates all work.

What types of glass kitchen aprons are there?

If you have finally decided that you will install an apron made of this material, then first you need to take all the dimensions and select the design you like best, only after that contact the company that manufactures aprons. As a result, we can conclude that you did almost all the work yourself, except for making the glass. And we can rightfully be proud of this. But there are people who try to make glass themselves and apply a design, and naturally nothing comes of it; besides this, special equipment is required. You should not try to do all the work yourself, but trust a professional, this will reduce your time costs and make your work easier.

First you need to figure out the choice of an apron; it comes in several types - plain, glossy, matte. The types of kitchen aprons are described in more detail in our article glass panels for the kitchen. There is also an apron with a pattern. The most popular to this day is glass with a photograph on it. The design is applied to the material by a professional in a special way, which uses ink that is not susceptible to exposure to sunlight and does not fade over time, the color remains natural and rich for many years. The holding temperature is quite high - 120 degrees, you will agree that this is even more than in a bathhouse, so you won’t be afraid of damage to the apron from exposure to high temperatures.

In order for the apron to serve you for as long as possible, it is best to apply the design between two glasses. If you want to change the drawing in the future, it will not be difficult, just trust the professionals, and they will do high-quality work in a short time at a price that is acceptable to you.

How to take measurements and order a kitchen apron

Many people ask the question: how to correctly take measurements and order an apron? The answer is quite simple. To get straight to work, first watch a video on how to properly make an apron yourself and how to measure the wall so that there are no misunderstandings during installation later.

Pay special attention to all the furniture that is in the kitchen, carefully measure every detail, otherwise it may turn out that the apron will be unusable.

When all the furniture is hung, start measuring, also do not forget to check the walls to ensure that there are no holes or bumps. If there are any shortcomings, you need to get rid of them. If you need a long apron, then you will need a couple of panels for it, remember about the various sockets and fasteners that require holes.

DIY drawing for an apron for the kitchen

In order to make a drawing with your own hands, you need to purchase transparent glass and first select and prepare a drawing that will be on the adhesive tape. It is strictly forbidden to make a drawing on paper, since after a while condensation will begin to collect under the glass, as a result of which the apron can simply be thrown away.

We install a glass apron for the kitchen with our own hands

Now we will talk about how to properly install the apron. In order to properly install the apron, you will first need:

  • glass panels;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • dowels

Let's move on to the installation process itself, which consists of five points.

  1. First, you need to cover the tabletop with film or other material so as not to stain or damage it when installing the apron.
  2. In order to correctly draw the boundaries, the skins will need to be installed only along the edge at the top, after which holes are cut out.
  3. Only after completing these steps can you proceed to the installation itself. In order to cut holes, you first need to mark the dots with a pencil and then cut along them.
  4. To prevent contact between iron and glass, purchase plastic spacers.
  5. When all the work is done, return the sockets to their original places.

How to decorate a kitchen apron with your own hands

Professionals provide them with the most diverse and unique design, which a person without a creative education cannot do on his own. But you can be sure of one thing - the choice of lighting falls entirely on your shoulders - you need to install special backlit strips, thanks to which the kitchen takes on a luxurious look.

One of the most best virtues glass apron is easy and quick to change the design. An apron will perfectly complement your kitchen interior In addition, it will protect the wall from grease.

Kitchen decoration should not only be pleasing to the eye, but also be practical. When choosing a material for an apron, you need to pay attention to its size, quality, aesthetic beauty and cost. Distance above work surface, that is, the tabletop and hanging cabinets the headset should be optimal for protecting the wall from hot steam, oily splashes, grease and other contaminants. As a rule, finishing is done over the entire wall, but quite often it is limited to individual inserts, for example, in the sink area or stove.


When choosing an apron model, consider its size. The average height of this element is from 45 to 60 cm. When choosing certain sizes, you need to build on your own height and type of slab. The point is that the owners gas stoves must maintain a distance between the hood and the hob of 75-80 cm.

When you install an apron in the kitchen, leave a couple of centimeters under the top and bottom sets and the countertop. The visible joint should be hidden using a plinth or treated with silicone or sealant. This is done to ensure that water does not flow behind the floor cabinet, and its wooden walls do not swell, deform, or provoke the formation of mold and mildew.

Each material has its own characteristics, specifications. Thus, experts do not recommend using unglazed ceramic tiles, because they have a porous structure. If you do not want to encounter the accumulation of fat and moisture that are difficult to remove from the surface, pay attention to chipboard, glass, Italian tiles, MDF and plastic, and artificial stone. All other materials will become an excellent barrier against bacteria and their proliferation. With proper care kitchen apron will last a long time.

To make regular maintenance easier, try to choose the right, even and smooth structure without seams or joints.

Varieties and colors

Often a kitchen apron acts as an excellent design accent in the interior. You don’t have to spend incredible amounts of money on boring kitchen facades, super-washable wallpaper, or expensive insulated floors. It is enough to decorate the apron with high-quality materials in an interesting way. color scheme. It will certainly attract the glances of curious guests and will perfectly decorate the overall atmosphere of the kitchen. There is a colossal amount of materials on the market from which you can create a truly artistic masterpiece.

If you do not have enough funds to purchase elite European materials, you can use their cheaper analogues. Such finishing from MDF, chipboard, plastic perfectly imitates wood species, natural stone, creates amazing stained glass windows, the effect of broken colored glass, etc. When designing an apron, it is important to understand what role it will play in the interior of the kitchen. Sometimes it can be a wonderful backdrop for a kitchen set or vice versa. In this area, you can place a volumetric 3D photo print, visually expanding the work space and adding a plot twist to the kitchen interior.

This could be the seashore, a mesmerizing horizon line, floral still lifes, fantasy scenes, animal paintings, or any national pattern (Scandinavian, oriental, Provencal, azulejo, etc.). The universal color for an apron is still considered white. Plastic panels and glass will look great with a set of any color. To prevent them from having a “hospital” boring look, designers advise diluting the snow-white tone with a colored insert from mosaics, ceramic decor, or photo printing. Neutral colors also include ivory, beige, Ivory, milky, creamy.

If you decide on a colored apron, be sure to “support” its palette with other interior details. It is best if it goes tone on tone or pattern on pattern with textile elements of the kitchen: curtains, decorative pillows, as well as wallpaper. The colors of marsala, burgundy, lime, emerald, and ultramarine will look incredibly stylish in the kitchen.

If the bedroom is key color palette turns purple, then in the kitchen - rich purple. Try to use as many natural colors as possible. By the way, all shades of brown, yellow, gray will appear in contrast with black, white, cream, sand, pastel, etc.

Popular finishing materials

One of the most popular materials is ceramic tiles or small-format porcelain tiles. They are affordable in price and quality, but more expensive than the option made from chipboard or MDF. Aprons made of resistant glass and artificial stone are an order of magnitude higher. The latter are mainly used in country cottages, apartments to maintain the prestige of your property.


Try to choose tiles with a glossy surface for ease of maintenance. Its shiny surface will reflect light, which will visually expand the kitchen area. If you don't mind small square meters, you can use volumetric decors, select relief tile samples, for example, with a 3D effect. For any interior, a beige-brown color will be a win-win option, regardless of the style that surrounds you (classic, kitsch, vintage or art nouveau).

A special feature of the tile is that it easily imitates other materials: stone, wood, glass. A popular decoration will be a watercolor drawing or patterns with stains. With them, minor dirt and stains are practically invisible. When laying tiles, pay attention to problem areas and seams. Light grout will lose its original color over time. Important at the start finishing works use only quality materials with dirt-repellent, moisture-resistant components, for example, like epoxy grout.

You can also choose rectified tiles, in which the distance between the seams does not exceed 2 mm. In this case, the darkened areas will be practically unnoticeable during operation. Experts advise choosing tiles with a special coating that perfectly withstands aggressive environments. With such material it will not be scary to use any chemicals even with abrasive particles in the composition.

There are a huge number of options for laying Italian tiles. You can choose a checkerboard, traditional or offset. You can arrange it diagonally according to the Soviet motif or using the kaleidoscope method (in a variety of colors). If you select ceramic tiles 10 x 10 cm, then when laying you can do without additional trimming. It looks great in small kitchens.

You can reduce the time of finishing work with ceramic tiles if you purchase medium-sized samples, from 30 x 30 cm and above. They can imitate small tiles, have slots and recesses, but they will install several times faster.


An apron made with photo tiles looks incredibly fashionable. It will become a unique decoration for the kitchen, adding individuality and luxury to any interior. You can depict absolutely any print, pattern or design above the hob, even your family photo. This decoration will certainly inspire you to cook delicious, appetizing dishes for your beloved household members.


If you are a fighter for quality, strength and longevity, take a look at models made of tempered glass. It can be decorated at any time with a pattern, for example, made from acrylic. The advantages of this finish are resistance to stains, ease of use, and long service life.

The product “gets along” well with the hob, tolerates any temperature changes, and does not allow moisture to pass through. You can decorate glass with drawings of large flowers, images of birds, animals, vintage items, fruits or vegetables, and sweets.

The shine of glass will give the kitchen a neat appearance in any light. It is believed that glass, as well as laminate models, is the most noble type of finishing; it always looks laconic, expensive, and prestigious. When mounting it is better to use fasteners. You will not scratch the furniture or facades, so repair and finishing work can be carried out at any stage of construction. Just as popular will be a mirrored apron, which corrects all the imperfections in the geometry of your kitchen.


The exquisite design of a kitchen apron using mosaics is trendy and consists of contrasting shades and non-trivial colors. Mosaic will add a special charm to the kitchen, tenderness and elegance. When installing such a structure, glue and grout are used, which takes most of the time to “remove” the seams. It is also necessary to observe the order when laying the mosaic.


In the absence of sufficient funds, you can resort to an apron made from natural stone, Italian fresco, to hypoallergenic plastic of the economy class category. There are several options for this kitchen decoration:

    made of plastic based on MDF, chipboard or fiberboard;

    use of decorative hot-pressed plastic;

    creating stunning visualizations “like wood”, stone and other materials;

    using plastic made from polycarbonate.

All models are easy to install and care for, extending their service life every year. You can also think about a budget option made of chipboard and plastic. This design is easy to make with your own hands and can be replaced if necessary. Quite often the material is colorless and transparent. You can put stylish wallpaper under it, create a photo print.

This model exhibits excellent resistance to moisture and high temperatures. If you want to get an apron at an affordable price without seams or joints, take into account the chipboard system!

Artificial stone

One of the most aesthetically attractive ideas will be the use of artificial stone. In this case, it is better that the tabletop is made of the same material. Despite its high cost, the finishing is very popular among wealthy owners of cottages, penthouses, and townhouses.

Quality work required during installation experienced craftsmen, which will create the perfect picture of the interior. Careful handling of this surface guarantees a long service life. The product perfectly withstands frequent cleaning, including wet cleaning.

Water, dust and other negative influences. To the working wall a number of demands are being put forward, incl. high strength and practicality, ease of maintenance, ability to withstand moisture and high temperatures. In addition, the apron must have good appearance, since it occupies a significant part of the kitchen. What materials can be used to decorate a working wall in the kitchen, what are their main advantages, and what else needs to be taken into account when choosing a finishing material?

No. 1. What materials can be used to finish the apron?

To all the requirements for the material of a kitchen apron described above, it is worth adding what it should have maximum smooth surface and low porosity. Due to this, the ability of the material to absorb moisture is reduced, and the ease of maintenance, on the contrary, increases.

Today The following materials are used to organize an apron:

  • ceramic tile;
  • mosaic;
  • glass;
  • PVC panels;
  • natural and decorative stone;
  • MDF panels;
  • metal;
  • plaster, paint and other materials.

Each of these materials has its own advantages, disadvantages and features, and below we will dwell on the characteristics of each of them.

No. 2. Ceramic tiles: immortal classics

Most of us still choose to decorate our kitchen backsplash, and for good reason. This one of the best and practical options , A it has a lot of advantages:

  • high strength;
  • heat resistance;
  • ease of care;
  • a huge assortment: you can choose tiles of any size, color and with any pattern;
  • , which with some skill you can even do on your own.

With tiles you can create a variety of effects, for example, using a material of a certain color: decorative tiles You can select an area near the stove or sink, and lay out the rest of the area with simpler tiles. It is worth noting that dirt can accumulate in embossed ceramic tiles and in the joints between the tiles, so it is better to choose the smoothest possible material and make the seams thin or varnish them. When combining tiles above the work area and other types of finishes in the rest of the kitchen, it is better not to settle on one color. Work area better color separate from dining area in the kitchen, thus performing effective zoning.

No. 3. Mosaic: room for imagination

This is all General characteristics mosaics, because it can be different types and made from different materials:

  • ceramic mosaic repeats all characteristics ceramic tiles, only you can lay out any patterns from tiles measuring 2*2 cm;
  • glass mosaic shows excellent performance in operation, as it is completely inert to moisture and fire. In addition, this material can change color slightly depending on lighting conditions, which makes it even more unique;
  • stone mosaic It is quite rare due to its high price, and caring for it is difficult;
  • metal mosaic It’s quite durable and practical, but you can’t rely on a variety of shades and colors.

Among the disadvantages of mosaics, one can note complexity of the installation process and, in some cases, cost. A perfectly flat surface is needed, and they should be treated with extreme care so that dirt does not accumulate in them. Otherwise, this is an excellent material for finishing an apron in the kitchen.

No. 4. Glass: unusual and impressive

Glass has been used to decorate kitchen splashbacks not so long ago, but in vain. This is an excellent material that meets all the requirements for this zone. Glass panels with a pattern printed on them are also called. They are made from thick tempered glass and decorated in various ways: by sandblasting, placing 3D polycarbonate material inside, or using ultraviolet printing. Sandblasting involves the impact of small abrasive particles under high pressure on the surface of the glass, as a result of which a relief three-dimensional pattern can be obtained, and for an even more impressive result, some areas can be painted with colored enamels. Using UV printing, you can also obtain realistic, beautiful images, and apply any patterns and colors to glass.

The main advantages of this finishing method:

  • high strength, because tempered glass is used, which is difficult to break, and even with a strong impact it is not capable of injuring anyone, because it shatters into fragments with blunt edges;
  • practicality and ease of maintenance, resistance to aggressive detergents, while the appearance of the surface remains unchanged for many years;
  • absolutely seamless coating, which ensures excellent hygiene, because dirt will not accumulate in the seams and microorganisms will not develop;
  • unique appearance, because you can apply absolutely any image: be it fruit, a painting, or your own photograph.

As we see, glass panels, or thrown off, are distinguished by high performance and external characteristics, but are not yet used so often due to high cost of material and work on organizing the apron in this way. Although the glass apron is easy to wash, you will have to do it regularly, because all splashes and stains are clearly visible on its surface. It will be very difficult to change the image if desired, and you will have to completely think through the interior in advance, because if it later turns out that you need to organize railing in the area working area, then this will not work. But a glass apron can be illuminated very effectively, and it will acquire a 3D effect.

No. 5. PVC panels: cheap and practical

Uses for finishing a kitchen apron are one of the cheapest ways organize the work area space. In addition to the price, this material has a lot of other advantages:

  • ease of installation, because almost everyone can cope;
  • easy to care for, the panels are very easy to clean and can even withstand exposure to aggressive chemicals;
  • moisture resistance;
  • durability, and the plastic does not lose its original appearance over time;
  • ability withstand temperatures up to 115 0 C, but before purchasing it is important to inquire about the fire resistance of the material;
  • The seams between the panels can be decorated with special corners, which can even be matched to the roof rails or kitchen furniture.

Plastic panels do not shine with a variety of colors: you can choose a suitable material for the interior of the kitchen, but it will be far from unique, and it is quite possible that you will find exactly the same one in your neighbor’s kitchen. But it's not that scary. It's much worse that plastic panels scratch easily, so you need to be careful when handling them.

No. 6. PVC film - temporary solution

If you need to make quick and inexpensive temporary repairs, then it makes sense to take a closer look at PVC film. For a while, just before you do normal repairs, it can serve normally. Her the main advantage is low cost. In addition, the range of colors of such films is simply huge: natural materials, landscapes, ornaments, etc. You can cope with gluing such material yourself; the film is resistant to mechanical damage, but that’s it. pros are ending.

This material can gradually fade under the influence of sunlight, it is afraid of high temperatures, and if damaged it cannot be restored. It can be used as a temporary kitchen decoration, but is not suitable for permanent use.

No. 7. MDF panels: a budget and practical option

No. 8. Natural and artificial stone

A natural stone It is used extremely rarely to organize a backsplash, but if it is used, it is often granite. Although the material is moisture resistant, it can withstand high temperatures, it is heavy and expensive, it requires special care. Often a stone apron is created as a continuation of.

Alternative to natural stone - artificial analogue, which is inferior only in terms of strength, but wins in all other characteristics. Fake diamond can imitate any natural species, it looks great in the interior. In addition, it is moisture resistant, can withstand high temperatures, stains of grease and various foods will not leave a trace on it, and in terms of care it is quite simple. Its price and weight are significantly lower than that of natural stone, therefore working wall You can safely finish it this way.

No. 9. Mirror: original, but troublesome

There are probably more disadvantages to a mirrored apron than advantages., although the issue must be considered individually in each specific case. The ability to reflect and double the area of ​​a room can play a cruel joke: the amount of dirty dishes will also be doubled. Happens often in the kitchen high humidity, That's why the mirror may fog up, and its appearance deteriorates. But the mirror will look much worse when it gets splashed with water and grease. Of course, it’s not difficult to wipe it down and put it in order, but such a procedure will have to be carried out constantly during active cooking.

No. 10. Metal: ideal for high-tech style

A metal apron will only fit into interior in. There are many advantages to such a solution: durability, resistance to fire and water, chemicals . At the same time, you will have to put up with the fact that on the metal all the splashes are clearly visible, drips, stains. They will need to be wiped regularly to ensure the coating looks perfect, but this is not that difficult, especially since you can get rid of dirt quite quickly.

Main disadvantage this finish lies in its cold appearance, and there are very few possible colors. It is important to think through the interior of the kitchen very well so that such an apron looks truly organic and stylish. Moreover, this material reflects light very well, so you need to think through the lighting system so as not to end up with a room with an abundance of glare and sunbeams.

No. 11. How to organize a kitchen apron in an original way?

Kitchen apron possible paint or, naturally, with maximum water resistance, but if you cook something more or less often, then this option is not suitable, especially when it comes to light-colored finishes.

In addition to all the ways described above to organize a working wall, there is also a lot of unusual, creative options that will highlight your individuality and make your kitchen unique. Here are just a few of them:

  • use broken and whole pieces of ceramic tiles and dishes. First you will need to lay out all the fragments on the floor or on the table, and then carefully mount them on the wall. It comes out stylish and original;
  • remnants of parquet may also come in handy. It is fixed on a sheet of moisture-resistant chipboard, for example, in a herringbone pattern, and about hob Additionally, a panel of transparent tempered glass is mounted on top to protect the material in the most critical area;
  • wine corksgreat option organizing the space of a kitchen apron, however, you will need a lot of them - about 1000 for an apron 2 meters long. They can be cut in half lengthwise to be used more economically, and it will be easier to attach them this way. You can cut the corks crosswise and also get an original effect. It is better to glue them not on the wall, but on a sheet of moisture-resistant chipboard, in order to make the dismantling process easier in the future. Such an apron is covered with tempered glass in order to preserve the performance qualities necessary for the work area while maintaining the original appearance. Finding such a number of traffic jams is not as difficult as it seems: you can ask around in bars and restaurants or even look on notice boards; It seems crazy, but if you cover them with a glass panel, then everything falls into place. You can use any