Treating apple trees against pests during flowering. When does a bud develop? Preparations and means for spraying fruit trees and shrubs against diseases and pests in the spring

Regular treatment of apple trees with various insecticides and fungicides, the use of which begins in early spring.

How and when to process apple trees

Maintaining apple trees in a healthy condition is a whole range of measures, consisting of: sanitary pruning trees, their feeding, soil care. This also includes pest control and protecting the wood from various fungal and other types of infections. In the battle for the harvest, the main thing is not to waste time and carry out thorough protective spraying of apple trees even before intense sap flow and insect reproduction begin. The easiest way is to destroy the enemy before he wakes up from hibernation and produces numerous offspring. It is also important to choose the right vegetation protection product. garden plot and apply it correctly, which, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in doing.

So, all protective equipment is divided into three main groups

Biological agents

These are “live” preparations based on bacteria and viruses, the effect of which is detrimental to insects and the spread of fungus. The drugs included in this group act systematically and for a long time. It is advisable to spray with such products during the flowering of apple trees.


Combined products

The drugs consist of chemical and biological ingredients. Such multicomponent preparations are universal in nature and help to cope with various ailments and eradicate almost all types of insects from under the tree bark.

All drugs are divided into those that fight insects (insecticides) and diseases (fungicides). Also today, the market offers compound preparations of a universal nature that work in several directions at once.

What products do you use to treat apple trees?

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    Biological agents 18%, 3 vote

    Combined products 18%, 3 vote


Spraying technology

Spraying the garden must be approached carefully. It is not enough to simply buy a pesticide or dilute it yourself. It is also important to select the appropriate equipment with which you can easily process trees

If the apple trees are young or undersized, then handheld device with a small pump and liquid container. Tall trees are easier to spray using an automatic sprayer.

The sprayer should release an even amount of concentrate so that the surface is covered with a fine scattering of droplets. The bulk of solutions are prepared immediately before spraying, since due to complex compounds they cannot be stored for too long and therefore lose their effectiveness. During the treatment procedure, the container must be shaken regularly to prevent sediment from forming in the container.

The protective agent should be applied not only to the tree crown and trunk, but also to the soil near the trunk. Treatment should be carried out in the evening in dry, windless weather. There should be about a meter between the sprayer and the surface to be treated so that a large area is irrigated at once.

It is necessary to carry out chemical treatment of the garden using personal protective equipment. You are not allowed to take a smoke break or snack. After spraying, you need to wash yourself thoroughly to wash off any toxins that may have accidentally entered your body.

Processing stages

Treatment of apple trees in early spring comes down not only to spraying the trees with various poisons that prevent the spread of diseases and pests. First, the trees need to be cleaned and prepared for various procedures.

Before the buds swell

In March-early April, as soon as the snow melts, wounds, hollows, damage from frost, black cancer, etc. are treated. The damage is cleaned with a sharp, clean knife down to healthy tissue and disinfected. copper sulfate(300 grams per 10 liters of water) and cover with garden varnish (petrolatum and others).

To destroy overwintered pests, the trunks and skeletal branches are cleaned of dead bark and disinfected with whitewash. Whitewashing the bottom of apple trees is recommended to protect the wood from sun-frost burns that can occur due to return frosts. You can whitewash with acrylic paint or a mixture of water, lime (for whitewashing young apple trees it is better to use chalk, since lime can corrode the bark) and two spoons of office glue. Whitewashing can be done 2-3 times per spring period.

Trees are sprayed against pests and diseases with nitrafen (250-300 grams per 10 liters of water) once every 2-3 years.

Against a high number of pests (sweetworms, aphids), spray with oleocuprite (400 grams per 10 liters of water).

Against pathogens of fungal diseases, mosses and lichens, it is advisable to use iron sulfate (500 grams per 10 liters of water) or copper sulfate (200 grams per 10 liters of water). It is recommended to use sulfates no more often than once every 4-5 years.

Beginning of bud break (green cone)

This stage affects the end of March and the first half of April, depending on the weather. The buds at this moment have already swollen, but have not yet fully blossomed.

The stage consists of exterminating awakened pests (apple aphids, honey beetles, mites, scale insects, flower beetles), as well as behavior preventive measures against fruit rot and scab. Treatment with urea helps fight against a number of diseases, including fungal ones.

In the second stage of treatment, colloidal sulfur is also often used, which perfectly fights fungi and mites, and lepidocide, a biological insecticidal agent that attacks leaf insects.

Separation and pinking of buds

As soon as the leaves appeared and flowering began, treatment with harsh chemicals stop. To combat pests and diseases, apple trees are sprayed with fungicides - copper oxychloride, polycarbacin or polychome. All these means are aimed at eliminating signs of moniliosis, scab and other types of spots.

Applicable chemicals: Skor, Horus, Abiga-Peak, Bordeaux mixture.

Biological preparations: Fitosporin-M or Alirin-B.

Treatment with drugs can be carried out several times per growing season plants. Also, chemical fungicides can be combined with well-known insecticides:

10% karbofos (80 grams per 10 liters of water);

10% triphosomes (70 grams per 10 liters of water);

10% benzophosphate.

Intestinal insecticides also include chlorophos solution, which counteracts adult flies, ticks and beetles. All of the above products can be used no more than twice per season and stop spraying them a month after the fruit appears.

End of flowering (after petals fall, end of May)

Against scab, you can use Bordeaux mixture (1%), copper oxychloride or polychome (40 grams per 10 liters of water).

Spraying with 10% karbofos (80 grams per 10 liters of water) helps against pests during this period. You can hang traps for codling moth butterflies in the roots of trees.

The most famous means in the fight against diseases and pests

Copper sulfate

Copper sulfate is an inexpensive and easy-to-use remedy. Experienced summer residents will always have a supply of this substance, which is blue granules that are highly soluble in water, although modern world There are also more advanced means of protecting trees from pests and diseases. Blue crystals are dissolved in water according to the instructions (0.1 kg of vitriol per 10 liters of water) and irrigate the plants, including the root soil areas. A small concentration of the chemical is absolutely harmless to humans and beneficial insects, and also does not negatively affect neighboring plantings. Treatment with vitriol must be carried out strictly before the start of sap flow. Contact of even a weak solution on young leaves is detrimental to them.

note: treatment with copper sulfate can be compared to healing wounds - it is painful, but you need to be patient a little, soon everything will pass and the damaged area will quickly heal with new plant tissue. Copper sulfate pentahydrate heals deep cuts made when pruning trees.

The main ability of copper sulfate is to completely destroy all pests and their larvae hidden in the bark of trees, and also disinfects the soil and nourishes it with copper salts. In addition, sanitary feeding with this fungicide in early spring, before the buds swell, leads to the destruction of mosses, lichens, and slows down the development of scab. After treatment with this composition, the risk of developing black cancer and diseases of skeletal branches and even trunks of apple trees is reduced.

Fact: early spring is the most effective period for spraying apple trees with copper sulfate.

For the first time, the apple orchard is treated with an antiseptic already in March, at a time when the weather outside will be temperature conditions not lower than 5 degrees Celsius. It is recommended to choose a warm, calm and cloudy day. Before processing, the plantings are cleared of old and broken branches, old bark is removed, and the soil is cleared of grass residues. All cuts and cracks must be sealed with wax, paraffin or garden varnish.

Copper sulfate can be used as an independent fertilizer or as part of complex products, such as:

  • Bordeaux mixture;
  • burgundy liquid;
  • mixture with urea.

In the spring, treatment with vitriol can inhibit the appearance of flowering, thereby protecting the flowers from returning spring frosts.

The required concentrate is prepared in any type of container, completely dissolving the granules in water. It should be remembered that copper sulfate is toxic, and therefore you need to work with it using personal protective equipment. Ready solution cannot be stored for more than half a day.


The fungicide is a reaction between ferrous iron and sulfuric acid. Small crystals have a greenish-bluish tint. Fertilizer spray dissolves well in water and is used to irrigate fruit trees.

The principle of action of this fungicide is comparable to copper sulfate. However, iron sulfate has a little more ability: it also acts as a fertilizer - it saturates the plant with iron. This element is vital for the full growth and development of the apple tree. There will be iron - there will be abundant growth shoots, excellent flowering and mass fruiting.

Information: iron sulfate of any concentration is not dangerous to humans, since it does not tend to penetrate the intercellular structure of plants.

Prepare the enrichment solution in a clean glass or plastic container. The solution must be a homogeneous substance. Before use, it is necessary to infuse the mixture for several hours.

For what purposes is ferrous sulfate used:

Bordeaux mixture

An irreplaceable thing in gardening. This product is a mixture of copper sulfate and quicklime. Interacting with each other, these substances form copper hydroxide and calcium sulfate. To maintain the concentration of the mixture, it must be constantly stirred during use, avoiding the appearance of sediment.

Reference: Spraying with Bordeaux mixture is also called “blue”. This procedure received this name because of the color of the resulting liquid.

Spraying with Bordeaux mixture is the main protective antifungal measure, which allows you to subsequently avoid the appearance of diseases such as scab, moniliosis, anthracnose, fruit rot and others on the apple tree. For spraying, use a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture.

The garden is processed in two stages. The first time, healing sprinkling is carried out immediately after the snow melts and access to the trees becomes available. The plantings are sprayed a second time with a weakly concentrated solution (1%) before flowering.

You can buy ready-made Bordeaux mixture in a store or make it yourself. To prepare a 3% solution, you need to take 300 grams of copper sulfate and 40 grams of quicklime. Vitriol is diluted in one liter of water, and lime - in 9 liters. When each component is completely dissolved in water, they are combined. The resulting concentrate is used to treat trees until the buds swell.

Attention: It would be correct to add copper sulfate to lime milk, and not vice versa.

A 1% solution is prepared as follows: take 100 grams of copper sulfate and 150 grams of lime per 10 liters of water. The ingredients are mixed in separate containers, after which they are mixed by adding a mixture of vitriol to slaked lime. Trees are sprayed with this solution during flowering.

Working with such a drug requires certain rules:

  • spraying can be carried out only in calm and dry weather;
  • if apple trees are often affected by fungus, then treatment with copper should be regular;
  • the procedure must be carried out only in a protective suit and mask (respirator);
  • Bordeaux mixture is much more effective than monocomponent copper or iron sulfate. Its main property is the ability to firmly attach to the surface of wood. It does not evaporate or wash off, it lasts much longer and is not so aggressive;
  • It is believed that such a drug in small quantities is not dangerous to humans. However, copper can accumulate in the soil, and therefore enters the human body through vegetables. And an increased dose of this heavy metal is no longer so harmless. Therefore, it is recommended to use Bordeaux mixture only in extreme cases (severe incidence of scab) and no more than once every 3-4 years.


One of the most popular universal gardening tools. Urea is a white granular, odorless substrate that contains more than 45% nitrogen. This drug can be used in different periods growing season of an apple plant, pursuing a variety of goals. For example, urea can act as excellent fertilizer, increasing productivity and soil quality. Thanks to this fertilizer, plants bloom better and have healthy appearance and give a very high quality harvest. Also, granules dissolved in water can help in the spring treatment of the garden against pests and diseases.

Reference: this mineral supplement for soil and plants was discovered back in the 18th century.

With the onset of spring and the establishment of warm weather, harmful insects wake up and strive to ruin the gardener’s life by attacking fruit trees. The activity of aphids, mites, copperheads, weevils and a couple of dozen other different garden pests in early spring is very high. They quickly multiply their population and attack plantings. Spraying apple trees with a urea solution will help get rid of them. As soon as the weather is warm (+6 degrees), clear, you need to dilute 500-700 grams of dry urea granules in 10 liters of water (the drug dissolves very well in warm water).

Fact: urea is used for root feeding, scattering granules on the ground.

You can also use this preparation for safe foliar treatment, since the weak concentrate practically does not cause leaf burns.

Urea helps not only in fighting insects, but also in getting rid of diseases. So, for example, if apple trees are affected by scab or purple spot, then the damaged areas should also be generously sprayed with a 5% urea solution.

You can get rid of diseases and pests with the help of urea in early spring before the buds swell (March-April) and in late autumn after the leaves fall (late October - November). Sanitation before wintering will help avoid the appearance of diseases next year.

note: high concentration of nitrogen in winter period reduces the winter hardiness of the apple tree.

Colloidal sulfur

A substance called colloidal sulfur is a substrate gray, which when dissolved in water turns into a very effective remedy against diseases and insects. Cumulus (another name for sulfur) has been used in gardening since ancient times. This remedy is also popular because it does not pose a danger to humans and animals, however, under the influence of sunlight it forms vapors that are harmful to harmful insects. It is easily washed off from the leaves with clean water.

A solution of gray unpleasant smell powder acts as a universal remedy that suppresses the viability of mites and stops the development of mosses and lichens on trees. Sulfur is also effective against powdery mildew, scab and other types of diseases.

The benefits of using cumulus include:

  • substance safety;
  • the possibility of combination with other drugs (but it cannot be mixed with other drugs);
  • easy to prepare;
  • very economical fungicidal agent;
  • high efficiency;
  • the soil layer is not contaminated.

Sulfur is also an active additive in plant nutrition. It stimulates the growth and development of trees.

The spraying solution is prepared from 500 milliliters of hot water, 600 grams of slaked lime and 400 grams of colloidal sulfur. After receiving homogeneous mass, add another 0.5 liter of water to it, and then boil for 15-20 minutes.

The prepared decoction can be used to treat trees up to five times during the season. The last time it is possible to spray apple trees is 7-10 days before harvest.

Treatment against powdery mildew:

  • at the end of flowering (May);
  • after 75% of the petals fall;
  • 14 days after the second treatment.

The apple trees are irrigated through a special sprinkler device, evenly watering the leaves from all sides. The effect of the drug is very temperature dependent environment. The colder it is outside, the worse the drug works. And when elevated temperature(+35 degrees), sulfur getting on the leaves can cause them to burn. Optimal temperature for treating the garden with colloidal sulfur – 21-28 degrees Celsius.

Attention! Colloidal sulfur cannot be used during drought or hot weather.

Diesel fuel

Solar oil is used in early spring, even before the buds swell, since the chemical effect of the substance negatively affects the leaves and buds. Treatment with diesel fuel eliminates various fungi, infections and larvae. The essence of its work is that an oil film is formed on the affected areas, which prevents the passage of oxygen, as a result of which the pathogenic microflora simply dies. Not only larvae are destroyed, but also adults. They can no longer feed on the bark and sap of a tree that is smeared with toxic chemicals.

It is noted that diesel fuel is capable of eradicating even bark beetles, which no other product can “reach.” Diesel oil penetrates into all narrow grooves and passages of wood and eliminates the insect.

To prepare an irrigation solution, you need to mix half a liter of solar oil with 10 liters of water. Before the procedure, it is recommended to check the apple tree’s reaction to such a chemical. To do this, first spray one branch and observe it for two days. If there are no consequences, then you can move on to other areas. Trees must be treated very carefully, without missing a single area through which insects can “escape.”

Folk remedies for protecting apple trees

Most summer residents do not use pesticides, preferring old, proven means at hand that our grandmothers used. Folk remedies are also good in the fight against various diseases and pests, however, they may not cope with too large a scale of damage. However, popular homemade solutions and decoctions prepared from various plants, are absolutely harmless to humans, pets and bees.

Fact: Many plants that grow in your area have insecticidal properties.

Knowing which plant will help in a given situation, you can prepare it in the fall in order to prepare a life-saving decoction from it in early spring and spray it on trees.

Simple recipes for “folk” medicines for the garden


800 grams of dry wormwood are soaked in 10 liters of water, left for 24 hours, boiled for 30 minutes, and filtered. The decoction is used against caterpillars;

Lobel's hellebore

250 grams of dry grass are infused in 10 liters of water and boiled, then filtered and sprayed against leaf-eating caterpillars;

pharmaceutical camomile

1 kilogram of dry raw materials (leaves and baskets of inflorescences) is infused for 12 hours in 10 liters of water. Before spraying against aphids, ticks and caterpillars, filter the infusion and dilute with water. For effect, add grated soap;

Tobacco and shag

400 grams of dry tobacco are kept in 10 liters cold water about a day. Then boil for two hours. Next, filter, dilute with water, adding soap concentrate. Used against aphids, mites, copperheads, thrips, caterpillars and bedbugs;


Onions, garlic

300 grams of unpeeled onion or garlic are passed through a meat grinder, infused for two days in 10 liters of water, then a soap solution is added to the infusion. Spray trees against aphids and mites;


10 grams of powder are diluted in 10 liters of water and left for two days. The solution fights aphids and mites;


Bitter varieties are used to combat caterpillars, aphids, copperheads, and slugs. 1 kilogram of fresh chopped vegetables is boiled for one hour in 10 liters of water. The broth is infused for 48 hours, filtered, poured into well-closed containers and stored in a dark, cool room. To spray trees before buds open, take 0.5 liters of concentrate and 40 grams of soap per 10 liters of water;


100g wood ash dissolve in 10 liters of water, add a tablespoon of urea. The product helps in the fight against aphids and caterpillars.

note: even seemingly harmless herbal decoction If the concentration is incorrect, it can cause burns to leaves or buds. And some herbal remedies also pose a danger to humans. Therefore use folk remedies you also need to be smart.

Specialized finished preparations

If you don’t want to prepare a solution for treating your garden yourself, and you have the opportunity to buy a ready-made product, then experts suggest whole line generic drugs broad action, which will effectively and quickly cope with any tree diseases and their attacking pests. Inexpensive means They most often have a narrow focus and cope with only one ailment. More expensive products have a complex all-encompassing effect. The drugs can be used either independently or in combination with the drugs described earlier.

Most popular means


Liquid substance of saturated green color. The composition includes petroleum oil (more than 70%) and copper naphthenate (fungicide). A broad-spectrum drug against silkworms, leaf rollers and ticks. The chemical is toxic; you must wear a protective suit. During the season, it is permissible to treat trees no more than once a year.


An insectofungicide aimed at combating various harmful fauna. Destroys ticks, scale insects, caterpillars, and also acts against mosses, lichens, and scab. Treatment with the drug can be done only in early spring before the buds swell. They spray not only the crown of the tree, but also the soil under the trunk. Contact with leaves and flowers can cause serious burns.

Preparation No. 30

The essence of his work is that he covers areas of wood with a thin film on which insects cannot subsequently exist. A low-toxic drug, however, it can be used no more than three times per season.


Enemy of aphids, mites, scale insects, copperheads and many others. Spraying an apple tree can occur during all periods of the growing season. It is important to moisten the leaves generously.


Used to destroy pests that have overwintered in the bark. Also highly effective against rust, scab, moniliosis, coccomycosis and clusteroporosis. Can only be used once per season.


Helps well against scab and moniliosis. Before use, the product is diluted in water. For processing, it is better to choose a warm (no more than +30 degrees), calm and clear day.

Actellik, Insecticide

Effective on insects for several hours. Capable of completely eliminating the pest population.


Acts against fungus. Relieves the tree of scab and fruit rot. The product is dissolved in water. Processing is carried out within strict temperature limits - from +3 to 10 degrees. The duration of action is short - 7-10 days.


The product is used after flowering to protect the apple tree from scale insects, whiteflies and aphids.


Helps get rid of fungal diseases. It is possible to spray twice in the spring. The effect of the substance lasts up to three weeks.


Used as a protector against apple blossom beetle, ticks and others. Long-term action (up to one month). You can spray even in hot weather, as its effectiveness does not change.


Against rodents and sucking pests. Exterminates both larvae and adults. After three weeks, the effect of the drug stops.


Biological drug. Effective against various harmful insects. The prepared suspension should not be stored for longer than three hours.

Abiga Peak

Fungicide used during different periods of the growing season garden plants. A safe drug used mainly for preventive purposes.


The drug is used to protect against scab, sooty fungus, and powdery mildew. It has a cumulative effect, so it is necessary to spray apple trees with this product at least three times a season.


Voliam Flexi

New generation drug. Dangerous for almost everyone garden insects. Destroys the pest at any stage of its development. After treatment, insect death occurs within 3-5 days. It remains on the surface of the wood for a long time and is not washed off even by rain.

Attention! Copper-containing preparations slow down plant growth. Take this into account when spraying with such fungicides.

Protect the garden annoying insects and endless diseases that tend to spoil the plantings, for a gardener this is a complex, multifaceted and labor-intensive task that never ends all year round. Spring treatment of trees is very important to maintain the health of the apple crop. In the war for the harvest, all means are good, but not equally useful for orchard. Therefore, before arming yourself with a sprayer, you need to choose the right product suitable for a certain time of year and the growing season of the plant.

In this article, we will consider when (at what time) and with what (what preparations) you need to spray apple trees in the spring against diseases and pests.

Treatment of apple trees in spring against diseases and pests

To begin with (before the buds open) Damaged and diseased branches need to be cut out. If there are wounds on the apple tree, then you need to clean them with a knife to healthy tissue, then disinfect them with a solution of copper sulfate (300 g per bucket of water) and cover them with garden varnish. Next, you need to clean the trunk and skeletal branches from dead bark (under which pests can overwinter) and whiten them, thereby disinfecting them. The peeled bark must be burned.

The first spraying is often called “eradicating”, since this treatment allows you to get rid of most of the overwintering stages of insect pests, as well as spores of fungal diseases.

Before the leaves appear Treat the apple trees with the contact preparation Actellik. Pests die when drops of the drug come into direct contact with their body or any food for them. And when there are already leaves, you can treat the apple trees with a systemic insecticide. This drug settles on the leaves and the pests that eat the foliage die.

Against pathogens of fungal diseases, mosses and lichens, trees can be sprayed with copper sulfate at the rate of 200 grams per 10 liters of water.

During bud break apple and pear trees are treated with one of these drugs: rovicurt (10 g per 10 liters of water), karbofos (75 g per 10 l) or benzophosphate (60 g per 10 l). This treatment helps in the fight against leaf-eating pests and.

During the pinking of the buds It’s a good idea to treat trees against caterpillars. For this purpose, drugs such as bitoxibacillin (50 g per 10 liters of water) or dendrobacillin (40 g per 10 liters) are used. If fruit mite larvae are found on the leaves, it is necessary to treat with sulfur preparations or karbofos. At the end of flowering, traps for codling moths and butterflies are hung.

The main stages and timing of treating apple trees from diseases and pests: when to spray

It is very important not to be late and to carry out the first early spring treatment of the apple tree on time. Naturally, it is very difficult to name specific dates; it is much easier to navigate by the phases of development (vegetation) of trees in the spring.

You can take the easy route and treat apple trees with only one preparation - urea. Watch the video about this.

How to properly spray apple trees in spring

  • When preparing solutions and spraying trees, follow safety precautions. If the packaging of the product says that you need to wear special clothing (robe, overalls, raincoat), goggles and a respirator, rubber gloves, then you need to wear it.
  • Treatment should be carried out only in dry and windless weather.
  • It is advisable to spray early in the morning (after the dew has dried) or late in the evening (after sunset).
  • Processing is always carried out exactly after spring pruning apple trees to further protect the cut areas (ideally, sprinkle with copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture, in other words, if the fungicide contains copper).
  • Spraying should not be carried out during the flowering period (may harm bees and other pollinators).
  • All prepared solutions should be passed through a filter mesh so as not to clog the sprayer.
  • Water is suitable for dissolving almost all drugs. room temperature(for vitriol it is advisable to use hot water, about +40-50 degrees).
  • If after treatment with a contact preparation it rains immediately, then spraying should be repeated the next day.

When and how to treat an apple tree in spring, video

Do you spray apple trees against pests and diseases in the spring? Please share with us in the comments what spring treatment of trees you consider the most effective and safe for health.

How to spray young apple trees

Adult fruit-bearing apple trees are treated in the spring in 4 stages. Apple trees that have not yet reached the age of fruiting (seedlings and slightly older ones) will only need to be treated 3 times:

  • on dormant buds from diseases and wintering pests;
  • along the green cone against insect pests;
  • after flowering, when pea-sized ovaries form, against diseases (especially against monilial burn).


The experience of every gardener proves that if you want a large and high-quality harvest, declare war on all insects and pests! Processing apple trees in the spring, when they wake up after hibernation, is precisely the most important “military” operation!

Processing apple trees in spring - tactics and strategy!

Pest control continues in almost all seasons, except perhaps winter. In the spring, spraying apple trees leads to direct contact of the preparations with insects and their rapid death; in the fall, these procedures are more of a preventive nature. However, it is the autumn spraying that determines how intensely the pests will launch a counterattack on your garden, so you should not underestimate them either.

though autumn work are not able to solve specific problems in each individual case. In the spring, the gardener sees and evaluates the degree of “infestation” of the tree with insects. Of course, you don’t need to grab the preparations and sprayer every time you see a suspicious butterfly flying over the trees - each treatment should correspond to the timing of the tree’s development. The simplest example is related to pollinators - imagine what it will be like for them to pollinate plants treated with dangerous insecticides during flowering. This is how entire bee families die.

The fight against apple tree diseases and pests occurs in several stages:

  1. Early spring (March) - mechanical cleaning, pruning, whitewashing.
  2. Mid-spring (April):
    the appearance of buds - spraying with solutions of copper and iron sulfate;
    the appearance of leaves - introducing ash into the tree trunk circle;
    formation of a green cone and extension of the bud - spraying with biological products.
  3. Late spring (late April-May) - treatment with fungicides and insecticides, installation of trapping belts.

Pest Controlearlyin spring - preparatory stage

Apple tree pest control is not just about spraying trees in the spring.In early spring, early to mid-March,chemical exposure better put it aside put it aside and start take take pruning shears too. Along with shortening and shaping the crown, clean the trunks of apple trees from lichens and exfoliated bark - the wintering place for many insects.

It is in early spring that the sun, which begins to warm up, coupled with frosts that do not want to give up their positions, causes serious damage to trees, including apple trees - sun-frost burns. In the first month of spring, we can recommend whitewashing the trunks, which has a combined effect - it will protect both from burns and from pests. For this purpose, you can use either acrylic paint, or a self-prepared mixture, diluting 300 g of lime (for young apple trees - chalk) and 2 tablespoons of office glue in 2 liters of water. A relevant reminder remains to treat the process without fanaticism: it is better to refresh the whitewash after a while than to apply it in three layers the first time.

What to do while the kidneys have not yet woken up

Measures to protect against diseases and pests, in particularspraying them with chemicalswe undertake strictly in accordance with the phases of the tree’s awakening from winter sleep.The first period is considered to be the period before bud break. Only at this time can apple trees be treated for lichens and tinder fungus. A 5% solution of ferrous sulfate (diluted in 10 liters of water) is perfect for this.500 g iron sulfate)or 5% Bordeaux mixture consisting of lime and copper sulfate. In both the first and second options, 500 g of powder is diluted in 10 liters of water.

In order to combat ants, they also coat the trunk with garlic arrows and tar. You need to be careful with the latter, as this method can cause burns to the wood. For further treatment of apple trees against pests in the spring, each gardener can choose biological products, for example Lepidocide, as well as chemicals, for example Preparation No. 30.
Mid-April and early May – time of formation of the green cone and protrusion of the bud. These days, trees are attacked by green apple aphids, bud weevils, fruit sawflies, leaf rollers and many other insects that can ruin your harvest even before it appears.

These days, gardeners are “arming themselves” with such preparations as Calypso, Horus, Actofit, Topaz, and also carry out repeated treatment with biological products. Great solution In mid-spring, the crowns of apple trees will be sprayed with a solution of urea, taken at the rate of 100 g per 10 liters of water. A more saturated solution (650 g per 10 liters of water) is suitable for treating the trunk at the border with the ground.

Video about the work

How to protect a tree at the bud stage

At the end of April-May, the stage of pinking of the buds begins. It is at this time that apple trees are especially vulnerable to infection by fungal diseases ( fruit rot- moniliosis, scab) and it is worth taking their protection seriously. Good results brings treatment with chemical or biological fungicides - 1% Bordeaux mixture, “Chorus” or “Fitosporin-M”.

Protection after flowering

Unfortunately, the fight against pests that can destroy the crop does not end with flowering. 2 weeks after the end of flowering, it is recommended to re-spray the apple tree against fungal diseases and pests, among which the codling moth becomes especially active at this time, the caterpillars of which emerge from the oviposition just in late spring, at the very end of May. For these purposes they use Fitoverm, Actofit, Match, Fitosporin, Urea K-2. It is important to combine and change these drugs, focusing on their mode of action.

When asking how to treat apple trees in the spring, be guided by the following considerations: For effective destruction pests require both contact and systemic drugs. Contacts infect the insect by falling directly on it. However, within a week they will lose their strength or will be washed away by rain, although they will eliminate the pests after treatment. But systemic drugs penetrate inside the plant, poisoning its juices.

This does not affect the fruits, since at the time of ripening the insecticides decompose into harmless components. By combining different drugs, you will achieve the greatest effectiveness of your actions!

In order to reduce the possible negative effect on the apple trees of the treatment agents themselves, it is worth using their combinations in order to spray against the maximum number of pests at a time. Among such drugs, we can recommend Fitoverm.

In regions with a warm climate, for the same purpose, already at the end of May, you can use the so-called “catching belts,” environmentally friendly mechanical traps for harmful insects. Such “traps” can be bought in stores or made yourself, which is quite simple. There are dry, poisonous and sticky belts. It is made of rubber, cardboard, plastic, plastic film, etc. The main goal is to catch most of the harmful insects moving along the trunk to the crown and back.

When grown on personal plot Gardeners of apple trees and other fruit trees invariably face the problem of pests. The fight against them involves both preventive work in the garden and spraying trees with various insecticides to kill such insects. We will tell you in more detail how the apple orchard is processed in the spring, and we will also talk about when and with what to treat the apple trees.

Common apple tree pests

Various insects can become a real problem for apple trees and other fruit trees. They destroy foliage, spoil bark and feed on pulp apples ripening on the tree. Regardless of the specific crop eater, it is necessary to start fighting it as early as possible, which will help to cope with existing problems.

One of the most common and dangerous pests apple tree is a codling moth. This small, inconspicuous butterfly lays numerous eggs on the apple tree even before flowering, and subsequently these eggs hatch into voracious larvae that make their way inside the ripening fruits and feed on the pulp. Such a moth can completely destroy an entire crop in a short period of time.

Also, when growing apples, problems can arise mites, moth, aphids and other insects that, without proper attention from the gardener and when improper care behind the garden quickly multiply by fruit trees, inhibit plantings and reduce the yield of apple trees.

Spraying apple trees against pests

Preventative spraying of the garden can be performed in spring and autumn. Having completed this work in early spring before flowering, the gardener destroys eggs and larvae overwintering in the bark, preventing the subsequent appearance of such pests on trees. By treating the apple tree before the formation of buds on the tree, it is possible to use potent insecticides that effectively destroy insect pests and pathogens, being an excellent preventive measure against the occurrence of similar problems in the future.

We can recommend that you do spraying apple trees before flowering endosulfan. This is an effective and easy-to-use insecticide that can be applied manually or using various sprayers. Experts recommend performing several sprays with this agrochemical, with a break between treatments of approximately two weeks.

Each product differs in its toxicity, so you need to read the instructions for its use.

An effective universal means for preventing diseases of apple trees is the agrochemical oleocuprite. It must be used in full accordance with the instructions.

The following agrochemicals can be used for spring treatment of apple trees:

  • Karbofos.
  • Benzophosphate.
  • Speed
  • Bordeaux mixture.
  • Nitrafen.
  • Urea solution.
  • Lepidocide.
  • Chlorophos.

Mature and old diseased trees can also be sprayed with iron sulfate, which allows you to feed the plantings and destroy various insect pests.

We cultivate the garden in spring in three stages

First spring treatment apple trees are carried out in March, simultaneously with pruning the crown and clearing the trees of lichen and dead bark. The main purpose of such processing is prevention of various diseases. For such spraying, we can recommend using copper sulfate, urea solution and nitrafen.

The second spraying of the plantings is carried out before flowering begins. Using Bordeaux mixture, colloidal sulfur or lepidocide, you can destroy pests such as leaf beetles, scale insects, aphids and other pests.

  • In spring, treatment should be carried out at air temperatures of at least 5 degrees.
  • This work is performed until the buds swell.
  • For processing, it is best to choose calm, cloudy weather.
  • Such processing should be carried out in three stages.
  • Use appropriate means personal protection, including safety glasses and a respirator.

We destroy insect pests

As soon as you find various insect pests on the apple tree, you need to treat the plantings as soon as possible. We can recommend you to use universal insecticides, which combine efficiency and ease of use. For example, you can use Decis Expert or Calypso insecticide. Such agrochemicals are easy to use and help control a variety of insects, destroying both adult larvae and microscopic eggs in foliage and bark.

The use of universal-action insecticides involves several treatments of trees, which allows you to completely destroy insect pests. Plantings should be sprayed in accordance with the recommendations in the instructions for each specific product, which will guarantee a complete solution to the problem with various insects.

Modern insecticides are environmentally friendly and completely safe means , which can be used even if there is a ripening crop on the tree. Still, most gardeners recommend performing the final treatment with such insecticides no later than two weeks before harvesting.

Folk remedies for pest control on apple trees

Various folk remedies for controlling insect pests on fruit trees show excellent effectiveness. We can recommend that you treat your garden with a homemade spray that you prepare from hot pepper and garlic. To prepare such a product for treating trees, you need to chop half a glass of hot pepper and garlic, mix the resulting mass with a bucket of water and carefully spray the trees. Similar means They cope well with moths and repel slugs and other insects. It is only necessary to use such a spray when the gardener notices the first signs of diseases and pests.


Spring spraying of apple trees in the garden with insecticides of universal action will prevent the appearance of various insect pests on the trees. A gardener can also use such agrochemicals to control moths, aphids and other pests. It is only necessary to apply such means as early as possible after you notice such pests on the apple tree, which will allow you to easily cope with existing problems, and the gardener will receive excellent harvest tasty and healthy apples. In this article, we told you when and how to spray plantings against diseases and insects that can cause a lot of problems for the gardener.

Apple orchard brings a high-quality harvest only with proper care.

Mandatory measures include: pruning, disease prevention, whitewashing, installation of pest protection and spraying apple trees. Let's look at the last procedure in more detail.

Spraying timing

The first question that worries summer residents is not even what to treat the apple tree with, but when and at what period to carry out this activity. Mandatory measures include spraying in autumn and spring, as this protects them from insect pests and diseases.

In the summer, such care is usually not required, but if necessary, it can be applied.
For convenience, you can always use our treatment calendar so that you can easily determine when to spray the apple tree and what effective means apply in this case.

In the spring, the following actions must be taken:

The rest of the time the following activities are required:

What to choose for processing?

Anyone who is familiar with the number of pests and diseases that can harm an apple tree should grab their head, because in order to grow a rich harvest, it is necessary to constantly devote time to them. In fact, many drugs are complex and one treatment can relieve several problems at once.

Therefore, if your apple tree has several types of pests or even diseases, then try to choose only one fungicide so as not to overload the tree with chemicals.

Many of the drugs that are used to treat apple trees were named in the table, but it is worth talking about their features in more detail.

Urea (or carbamide)

It can be considered one of the most common drugs. Before use, it should always be diluted according to the instructions given on the packaging; it cannot be used in its pure form. About urea

Urea can be used for various purposes, and they depend on the time of processing of green spaces. In the spring, it helps fight aphids, as well as other insects that have overwintered in the bark.

Spraying must take place at a steady temperature, but as quickly as possible so that the pests do not have time to awaken. If you plan to only process the bark, then it is better to prepare a less concentrated solution.

In summer, urea also plays the role of fertilizing, but you need to make sure that it does not get on the foliage. It contains a lot of nitrogen, so it helps tired trees gain strength and grow good crown and, of course, give a good harvest.

Fertilizing can be both root and foliar, so if you still plan to use the latter, try to use less urea, but more water, so as not to cause burns to the foliage. If you have doubts about whether you have the right concentration, it is better to wait to treat the entire tree and spray it only on a couple of branches.

In autumn, you can spray urea after more than 60% of the leaves have flown off; you can slightly increase the concentration of the drug in the water.

If you want to carry out one serious treatment with the maximum possible amount of urea in the solution, then it is better to wait until the leaves fall. Then pay attention to processing not only the crown and bark, but also the soil in tree trunk circle– this will also serve as fertilizer.
Do not rush to apply the product in the fall, wait until the sap flow ends, otherwise you will reduce the winter hardiness of the wood.

Copper sulfate

This remedy is applicable both as a means of combating emerging insect pests, and as a preventative method to prevent common apple tree diseases - scab, moniliosis, anthracnose. About copper sulfate

The solution is sprayed in the spring to prevent fungal diseases. It can also be used in the fall, but some summer residents still prefer not to use it at this time, due to its high aggressiveness.
A strict rule that must be followed is not to spray the solution when the sun is hotter than 30 degrees, otherwise it will become poison for the tree.


Unlike its copper “brother”, it is used not only as a remedy for a variety of diseases, but also as a supplement for feeding apple trees with iron - this is the microelement they usually lack. If not only the tree, but also the soil is depleted, then during processing you need to pay attention to it too. About iron sulfate

Thanks to iron sulfate, it is possible not only to increase fruiting, but also to stimulate growth. The best result is achieved with two treatments during the growing season - in spring and autumn. And for young garden One event is enough, but if the apple trees are old, then autumn spraying is necessary. It helps to destroy many diseases: scab, moss, lichen, black cancer, cytosporosis.


This insecticide, chlorophos, is considered the most widespread since the times of the USSR. It is not considered toxic and is not capable of harming either humans or plants, but its protection class is somewhat low. As a rule, chlorophos evaporates from the surface after 10 days, and if there was rain during this time, then this period is significantly reduced.

They need treatment if fruit mites, aphids, butterfly caterpillars, or other sucking pests appear on the apple tree. The solution is also well suited as a measure to combat sawflies that harm the ovaries.

Colloidal sulfur

Colloidal sulfur is used against powdery mildew, spider mites and scabs. Before using it, you need to dilute the required amount of sulfur in a small amount of water to obtain a suspension, and then add it to the main liquid in the can.
It is recommended to use it in stable warm weather; in rain or even just cloudy weather, it is ineffective.


This product, dolomite flour, is usually applied to the soil, as it has deoxidizing properties, but experts also use dolomite as a calcium supplement. The greatest effect is achieved not only from applying it to the soil, but also in the form of spraying. In this case, the apple tree quickly receives the missing microelement, which has a good effect on productivity.
Spraying is carried out as needed, but as a preventive measure it is best to use it in the spring.


This drug is a bacterial means of combating a huge number of insects, so it is used against pests. Application can be year-round, but the most important thing is that it can be used even during the flowering period, since it does not affect beneficial insects (for example, bees).

The effectiveness of entobacterin depends on the air temperature - if it is high, then the drug will have a strong effect. When the weather is cloudy for a long time, you can compensate for the effectiveness by increasing the concentration by increasing the dosage of the powder.

Bordeaux liquid

The bordeaux liquid is made by the gardener himself on the basis of lime and copper sulfate. The usual dosage is 100 grams of each ingredient per 10 liters of water. At the moment there are ready-made mixtures Bordeaux mixture, as it has some preparation nuances.
It should be used as a measure to combat fruit rot, anthracnose, and scab.

Potassium permangantsovka

The spray can must be plastic.
The main application is the prevention of various fungal diseases of apple trees. Also, treatment with copper sulfate is necessary after harsh winters, or if the tree is weakened. In cases where hollows appear in the wood, after cleaning it is necessary not only to treat them, but also to carry out the treatment by spraying.

Soap-ash solution

It can be used both in spring and summer, and in autumn, and before spraying, you can add any drug to it, be it mineral supplements or insecticides. We can consider that a soap-ash solution is a kind of organic fertilizers, which simultaneously perform the function of protection against pests.

First summer months more pests appear, so to scare them away, you can add pine concentrate, yarrow or wormwood to the product, or use an infusion of herbs. The frequency of processing is every 7 days, and with the arrival of autumn this gap can be doubled.
This solution is very good for those summer residents who prefer to use less chemicals in their yard.

Diesel fuel

Any gardener will tell you that petroleum products, including diesel fuel, are products that are best not used in a summer cottage. However, it won't hurt if used wisely. First of all, it is important to dilute it with water before spraying so as not to cause a burn.

The most important thing is that such a solution must be used not only before the leaves appear, but also before the buds form, in order to accurately eliminate possible negative consequences. In the fall, you can also treat the tree with diesel fuel, but you will need to wait until the leaves completely fall off.
Interestingly, in some cases, treatment with diesel fuel is necessary. So, if your apple tree has a sharp corner that has begun to rot over time, then annual treatment will prevent rotting processes and allow your green darling to live longer.

How to spray

Spraying should be carried out using a special sprayer, be sure to wear various protective equipment (mask, goggles, gloves). Handy devices for high-quality processing trees are not suitable, since the fungicide dissolved in water must reach the entire crown.

The easiest way to process a columnar apple tree, since it’s easy enough to go around it, but you need to be more attentive to the shoots and bark, since an overly concentrated solution can cause chemical burns.

By the way, they can also appear on mature apple trees of other varieties, so before spraying it is better to conduct a small experiment to show whether the tree is ready for the procedure. To do this, you need to select one of the branches, sprinkle it with the solution and wait about 3 days.

If it gets damaged, the shoot can simply be cut off without losing the entire tree. Select only a young apple tree for such an experiment, since the old one has thicker bark.

Tips for gardening

In addition to the above table, here are some tips from experts. Knowledge of the little tricks of experienced gardeners has never been given to anyone


When choosing preparations for spraying apple trees in the store, Special attention Pay attention to their production date and expiration date. Also take the time to study the ingredients. If nitrogen-containing additives are added to the mixture, under no circumstances treat the garden with the preparation before going to sleep.