Astragalus. Botanical characteristics of astragalus. Chemical composition of raw materials

- (Astragalus) plant. family moths. A. verus, a shrub of M. Asia, produces tragacanth (see); seeds of A. baeticus (Southern Europe) coffee surrogate. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Pavlenkov F., 1907. ASTRAGALUS (Greek... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

1. ASTRAGALUS, a; m. [lat. Astragalus]. Genus of plants family. legumes (used as livestock feed, as well as raw materials in the pharmaceutical, textile and paper industries). 2. ASTRAGALUS, a; m. [Greek astragalos cervical vertebra, ankle].… … encyclopedic Dictionary

astragalus- a, m. astragal m., lat. astragalus. architect Combination of profiles ( cross sections) with a protruding half-shaft, a shelf and a rounded recess passing into it. BAS 2. On the ceilings he numbers a circle and an Oval, Festoon is everywhere, Astragalus is everywhere. Thread. SP 1... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

A genus of plants in the legume family. OK. 2000 species, in temperate and subtropical zones of the Northern Hemisphere, mainly in arid areas. The species, grouped under the subgenus Tragacanth, produce gum for the textile industry. Many astragals... ...

Tragacanth; (supracalcaneal, talus) bone, splenium Dictionary of Russian synonyms. astragalus noun, number of synonyms: 12 roller (11) bone ... Synonym dictionary

astragalus- Alpine. astragalus (Astragalus), a genus of plants of the legume family, perennial, rarely annual herbs and subshrubs, less often shrubs and shrubs, forage (mainly pasture) plant. About 2000 species, mainly in arid... Agriculture. Large encyclopedic dictionary

Architectural bummer, complex profile (combination of a roller with a shelf) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Husband. Astragalus plant, cat, hare, mouse pea; podweed, horned grass; A. diffusus, mouse tea; A. glycyphyllos, hare's pea, Peter's cross; A. physocarpus, chilcup? grass; A. fruticosus, rod; A. Cicer, flappers; A. major,… … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

- (Astragalus), a genus of plants of the family. legumes Perennial (rarely annual) herbs and subshrubs, less often shrubs and small (1–2 m high) shrubs. The leaves are pinnately compound, sometimes ending in a point. Flowers in racemes, capitate inflorescences or... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

- (from the Greek astragalos, lit. cervical vertebra), a smooth or beaded roller that serves as an articulation between the column trunk and the capital or base. (Source: “Popular Art Encyclopedia.” Edited by V.M. Polevoy; M.:… … Art encyclopedia

astragalus- Architectural break in the form of a roller with a shelf; the roller is sometimes decorated with a rhythmic row of round and flat beads [Terminological dictionary of construction in 12 languages ​​(VNIIIS Gosstroy USSR)] Topics architecture, basic concepts EN... ... Technical Translator's Guide


  • Astragalus. For diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, nervous system disorders, Yuri Konstantinov. Astragalus is one of the oldest medicinal plants, the history of which is covered in legends. This plant became famous thanks to the Scythian tribes, who considered it elite...
  • Astragalus. For diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, nervous system disorders..., Konstantinov Yu.. Astragalus is one of the most ancient medicinal plants, the history of which is covered in legends. This plant became famous thanks to the Scythian tribes, who considered it elite...

Astragalus norvegicus Web. 1784 - Norwegian Astragalus

BOTANICAL CHARACTERISTICS. Stems are 10-40 cm tall, ribbed, glabrous or with sparse hairs. Leaflets, 5-7 pairs, 8-25 mm long and 5-10 mm wide, oval, glabrous above, scatteredly appressed and finely hairy below, obtuse at the apex, less often barely notched. The racemes are ovoid or oblong, with drooping lower flowers. The bracts are lanceolate, equal to the pedicels or twice as long, scatteredly ciliated. The calyx is campanulate, 5-6 mm long, densely black and white, triangular lanceolate teeth 3-5 times shorter than the tube. The corolla is pale lilac, the flag is 11-12 mm long, with an ovoid, notched plate. The wings are 9-10 mm long, solid at the top. Boat 7-8 mm long. Pods are 6-7 mm long and 5 mm wide, on a stalk 1.5 mm long, drooping, oval, grooved on the back, densely black and white, membranous, almost bilocular.

E c o l o g y . Grows in tundras, taiga forests, on riverine pebbles, meadows, among bushes, on rocky slopes.

Within Siberia, plants of this species are distributed in a number of administrative subjects and floristic regions.

In Western Siberia these are the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Altai Republic.

IN Central Siberia Norwegian astragalus grows in the Taimyr floristic region, Putorana floristic region, Tunguska floristic region, Upper Yenisei floristic region and the Republic of Tyva.

In Eastern Siberia, the plant is found in several floristic regions, which include the Angaro-Sayan, Prilensko-Katangsky, North Buryat, South Buryat, Kalar, Shilko-Argun (Dauria), Arctic, Vilyuisko-Verkhnelensky, Yana-Indigirsky and Kolyma floristic regions areas.

Outside Russia - Scandinavia, the Alps, the Carpathians, the mountains of Northern Mongolia, North-East China.

Astragalus is an inconspicuous plant, due to its beneficial properties, which was practically exterminated by people in the wild, therefore it is currently listed in the Red Book. A wide range of therapeutic effects on the body has made Astragalus wooliflorum a valuable component of medicinal preparations in Tibetan and Chinese medicine.

Biological description

Astragalus dasyanthus Pall ., (Astragalus dense-flowered), legume family - Fabaceae, is a herbaceous perennial, 30-40 cm high, with numerous erect stems. The root is taproot, multi-headed. The leaves are alternate, up to 20 cm long, unpaired-pinnately compound, with 21 to 27 elliptical leaflets ranging from 6 to 20 mm long. The flowers are light yellow, collected in 10 or 20 pieces in capitate inflorescences located on peduncles reaching a length of 15 cm; calyx - gray-green, five-leaved, bell-shaped. The fruit is a leathery bean, ovoid or elliptical in shape, 10-12 mm long, with a spout measuring 2-3 mm. The entire plant, except the corolla, is covered with whitish protruding hairs. Astragalus blooms in June, the fruits ripen in late July - early August.

It is necessary to distinguish woolly-flowered astragalus from woolly-flowered astragalus (Astragalus pubiflorus), which does not have medicinal properties and is not allowed for the procurement of raw materials. Astragalus fluffy-flowered has practically no stems, the leaves form a rosette. The inflorescences of this species of astragalus are almost sessile, on peduncles 2-4 cm long, the plant is covered with reddish hairs.
Astragalus wooliflora prefers open places in steppe zone, along the slopes of river valleys and gullies. The plant does not tolerate excess moisture and shade. It grows in the south of the European part of Russia, in Hungary, in Ukraine and Moldova.

Collection and preparation of astragalus

The raw material is Astragalus wooliflora herb, collected during mass flowering. The grass is carefully cut or mowed, leaving the base of the stems 5-7 cm high. During harvesting, you need to ensure that there is no rust or powdery mildew on the leaves.

Dry the grass quickly in dryers at temperatures up to 55 degrees or under awnings, in attics, in ventilated sheds, laying it out on cloth or paper in a layer of 3-5 cm.

Chemical composition of raw materials

Triterpene saponins, flavonoids (quercetin, astragaloside, kaempferol), tannins, amino acids, coumarins, vitamins, micro- and macroelements (silicon, aluminum, calcium, zinc, manganese, copper, iron, molybdenum) were found in the grass. Astragalus is capable of accumulating a large number of Selena.

Useful properties of the plant

Astragalus wooliflora has a large number of beneficial properties and has a healing effect on the following body systems:

  • Central nervous system — preparations obtained from raw materials have a sedative effect, reduce dizziness and tinnitus.
  • Cardiovascular system - when used medicines from astragalus decreases arterial pressure, blood circulation improves.
  • Hematopoietic— astragalus increases blood clotting time, normalizes fibrinolysis (the process of dissolving blood clots).
  • Urinary system - used as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Respiratory system - has an expectorant effect, relieves shortness of breath.

Astragalus is also used to treat:

  • difficult-to-heal wounds,
  • benign and malignant tumors,
  • rheumatism,
  • liver diseases,
  • muscular dystrophies.

Application in medicine

IN medical purposes They use dried and crushed Astragalus wooliflora herb, from which infusions and decoctions are prepared.

Astragalus infusion taken for edema, hypertension, gastric ulcer (with the addition of honey), arrhythmias, neuroses, and after traumatic brain injury. Externally, the infusion is used for rinsing the oral mucosa for stomatitis, gum diseases, sore throats, and for wound healing.

Astragalus decoction prescribed orally as an expectorant, for atherosclerosis, liver diseases, myocardial dystrophy, angina pectoris, for cancer, kidney diseases as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent. The effectiveness of treatment of benign tumors has been proven: fibroids and uterine fibroids. Externally, the decoction is used for douching for gynecological diseases.

You can also prepare your own from astragalus herb alcohol tincture , which is used to treat edema, high blood pressure, tachycardia, liver and kidney problems.

Designed by Astragalus syrup , which is recommended for prophylactic use in poor nutrition, stress, decreased performance, frequent colds, various chronic diseases.

Contraindications for use

Usually, the use of astragalus does not cause any side effects, the only contraindication is individual intolerance to the plant. Astragalus preparations should be taken with caution by persons suffering from chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system; Before using a medicinal plant, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Growing Astragalus

Astragalus wooliflora can be grown on personal plot. It is propagated by seeds, sowing them in early spring to a depth of 3 cm. To increase the percentage of germination, the seeds are scarified before sowing (their shell is thinned). Sunny places with chernozem soil are allocated for the planting area. The highest grass yield is usually observed in the second year of cultivation; every four years it is necessary to change the planting site.

Photo of astragalus

Astragalus herb was used for medicinal purposes by the Scythian tribes. Astragalus was called the “herb of immortality” and was obligatory for use by Scythian leaders in old age.

There is information that Kremlin doctors were developing an elixir of longevity from astragalus for J.V. Stalin. Research began after a German intelligence officer was caught trying to get a medicinal plant for Hitler on the territory of the Soviet Union. He spoke about the amazing properties of astragalus, which Hitler wanted to take advantage of, but, unfortunately for him, astragalus grew mainly on the territory of the Soviet Union.


Dear readers, today we will talk about amazing plant, the history of which is used for medicinal purposes goes back more than a thousand years and can serve as the basis for an exciting adventure film or book. The ancient Scythians used this plant for treatment, rejuvenation and prolongation of life only for members of the royal family and only for males.

Why did ancient healers care so much only about men? The fact is that the rulers were afraid that women would not be able to keep the recipes for using wonderful plant in secret and it will become known to hostile tribes. What kind of plant is this? This is astragalus or, if applied to the Scythians, then astragalus wooliflora.

The range of effects of astragalus on the human body is very wide. There is probably no organ or system on which it does not have a beneficial and therapeutic effect - from colds to cancer. The plant also tones, strengthens, restores and heals the entire body as a whole, inhibits the aging process, and has a rejuvenating effect. Let's talk in more detail today about this miracle plant: what it looks like, what its beneficial and medicinal properties what diseases can be treated with it. And at the end of the article I will tell you why astragalus is called the herb of life of the Kremlin leaders.

Astragalus - what kind of plant

Astragalus is the name of a genus that includes about 2,000 plant species. Many of them are recognized as medicinal and grow in Western and Eastern Siberia, in Far East, and some in Central Asia. Others can be found in the European part of the CIS.

Types of Astragalus:

  • swamp;
  • Daurian;
  • shrubby;
  • pendulous;
  • rising;
  • Danish;
  • licorice (sweet leaf) and others.

Many types of astragalus are widely used in medicine, including official medicine, in Mongolia, Korea, China, including Tibet.

More details about medicinal properties This plant can be read in the reference books of Lavrenova G.V., Lavrenova V.K. “Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants” Volume 1 and Sanina I.L. “Complete Directory of Medicinal Plants”.

In official medicine of Russia, two types of astragalus are recognized: astragalus membranaceus (a perennial plant), which grows on the Korean Peninsula, Eastern Siberia, the Far East, China and Mongolia, and its European analogue - astragalus wooliflora (also a perennial), which can be found in the middle and southern parts of the CIS (Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Russia).

These two plants are used interchangeably in official medicine and are used to treat the same diseases. True, Astragalus membranaceus has a more powerful effect and, unlike Astragalus wooliflora, in addition to the herbaceous part (stem with leaves and flowers), medicinal purposes The root and seeds are also used.

Today we will talk about these two types of astragalus, and for convenience I will combine them under one name “astragalus”.

Other names

Astragalus wooliflora and membranaceus are known in medicine and among herbalists and under other names. Pay attention to this when you buy a plant in pharmacies or markets.

Woolly-flowered astragalus - dense-flowered astragalus, woolly-flowered astragalus or Astragalus dasyanthus Pall.

Membranous astragalus - membranous astragalus or Astragalus membranaceus.

The ancient Scythians called Astragalus woolly-flowered “herb of immortality” and “royal grass”.

How to prepare and store astragalus

Astragalus can be harvested by collecting it in natural growing areas, but some sources indicate that woolly-flowered astragalus is listed in the Red Book. Therefore, you can consider other options - growing a plant in a personal plot or even at home, like indoor plant. It is worth making an effort, because it is quite difficult to buy astragalus in pharmacies, and its beneficial properties in the treatment of various, including intractable diseases, are very significant.

Astragalus grass and leaves are harvested during the flowering period (May-June) before fruit formation, cutting with a knife or sickle at a height of 7-10 cm from the soil. The plant should not be picked to avoid damaging it. root system. You should also leave a few branches on each bush to form seeds.

Astragalus seeds are beans that are harvested in July-September, when 70-80% of the seeds have turned brown and the beans themselves are in the stage of waxy ripeness.

The roots are dug up in the fall (September-October), cleared of soil, and cut into small pieces.

The raw materials are dried in the usual way, spread out in a thin layer, in a dry, shaded, well-ventilated place. Don't forget to turn over often.

Dried raw materials are stored in linen bags made of natural fabric in a well-ventilated area. Shelf life – 1 year.

Photo of astragalus

If we want to harvest astragalus ourselves or grow it in our garden, then we should know what it looks like.

Chemical composition of astragalus

Astragalus herb is especially rich in a variety of macro- and microelements. These are calcium, silicon, aluminum, iron, magnesium, cobalt, zinc, copper, manganese, molybdenum, chromium, vanadium, phosphorus, sodium. One of important features plant is its ability to accumulate a significant amount of selenium.

Selenium is an important trace element, an antioxidant, a sufficient amount of which in the body significantly protects against many forms of cancer, heart disease, the harmful effects of radiation, normalizes blood pressure, and helps lower blood sugar levels. Selenium improves brain function, strengthens the immune system, increases the overall tone of the body, promotes rejuvenation and increases life expectancy.

Among the vitamins, the plant contains vitamins C and E.

Astragalus also contains triterpene glycosides (daziantosides) and saponins, flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin, narcissin, isorhamnetin and astragaloside), polysaccharides (glucans and heteropolysaccharides), tannins, coumarins and oxycoumarins, essential oil, amino acids.

According to research by scientists, the components of astragalus are combined in certain proportions, which provides the unique medicinal properties of the plant.

Beneficial and healing properties of astragalus

Astragalus has widest spectrum effects on the human body. The plant has antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, relieves swelling, has an astringent effect, has a hemostatic and wound-healing effect, and promotes the resorption of even very severe hematomas.

The healing effect of astragalus on the cardiovascular system is simply amazing. It has hypotonic, cardiotonic, vasodilating effects, practically proven highly efficient use plants as a means for recovery in the post-stroke and post-infarction period.

Astragalus also has diuretic, hepatoprotective (protects and restores the liver), choleretic, antidiabetic effects, is successfully used to treat cancer, and has a diaphoretic and expectorant effect.

In addition, this extraordinary plant has a calming effect, stimulates increased immunity, tones, strengthens the body, is an excellent anti-aging agent, antioxidant and antidepressant.

Health Benefits of Astragalus

Now let's talk in more detail about the healing effects of astragalus on individual organs and systems of the body, as well as what diseases are well treated by this plant.

For the heart and blood vessels

Astragalus, as I already wrote, is a highly effective remedy for the treatment and restoration of the cardiovascular system. It improves blood circulation, acts as a vasodilator, and, as a result, improves nutrition and oxygen supply to all organs and systems of the body.

Astragalus is used to treat circulatory failure. It helps reduce blood pressure, especially in the initial stages. A high effect was obtained when it was used to treat atherosclerosis and cardiosclerosis.

Astragalus normalizes the balance of the blood coagulation and anticoagulation systems, which provides protection against thrombus formation and thromboembolism on the one hand and stops internal bleeding on the other.

Astragalus also has great benefits for the heart. It dilates the blood vessels of the heart, improves its function, thanks to this medicine, including official medicine, successfully uses it for chronic cardiovascular failure, coronary disease and angina pectoris, heart defects, interruptions and pain in the heart as a means to prevent myocardial infarction.

For the brain

Astragalus has a beneficial effect on brain function. Some consider this impact to be no less than or even greater than that. With regular use of astragalus, cerebral circulation and tissue respiration of the brain improves.

Astragalus is used for various diseases brain, including high blood pressure, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, flushing of the head, flashing “spots” before the eyes. It is also used for swelling or dropsy of the brain and hematomas. In Europe, practical research is being conducted on the use of the plant for such a difficult-to-treat disease as Alzheimer's disease.

Simply amazing and fairly quick results are achieved when using the plant as a restorative remedy after a stroke, even in people in serious condition. And what is also important: course use of astragalus protects against recurrent stroke.

I suggest watching a video about the benefits and use of astragalus for dizziness, tinnitus, and for general strengthening of the body.

For vision

Thanks to the positive effect of astragalus on the blood vessels of the brain, blood circulation in the organs of vision is normalized, the narrowing of capillaries is reduced, and pressure is reduced, which is used to treat diseases associated with this effect.

For digestion

Astragalus helps normalize digestion and is used to treat gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, including old ones. It is used for diarrhea and vomiting, a tendency to flatulence, as well as for chronic constipation.

For the kidneys

Official medicine has recognized astragalus as effective remedy for the treatment of various kidney diseases, such as acute and chronic nephritis, glomerulonephritis, etc.

For respiratory diseases

Possessing antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, astragalus has found its use in respiratory diseases. It is used to treat influenza, ARVI, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, as well as acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia and other pulmonary diseases, including emphysema.

Astragalus is taken orally in the form of infusions and decoctions, used for rinsing and as an ointment for rubbing the chest and back. It helps with dry cough, thins mucus, relieves inflammation and sore throat, and has a diaphoretic effect.

Also thanks to its strong antibacterial effect this plant used for diphtheria.

Astragalus helps strengthen the immune system, so it is good to drink as a prophylactic during epidemics of influenza and other colds.

For the female body

Astragalus is used to treat infertility, uterine prolapse, cervical erosion, uterine bleeding, painful menstruation, and also as a means to speed up labor.

The plant is also used in folk medicine for benign and malignant formations of the female genital area, such as uterine fibroids and fibroids, cervical, ovarian, and breast cancer.

For muscles and joints

Astragalus contains a unique complex of substances that ensures normal muscle function. Thereby official medicine uses it to treat various muscular dystrophies.

The plant has also found its use in articular rheumatism, osteochondrosis, deforming arthrosis, arthritis and polyarthritis.

For oncology

Traditional healers, both modern and historical, have successfully used astragalus to treat various forms of cancer, including leukemia.

However, although the plant suppresses the growth of cancer cells, modern representatives of traditional medicine recommend using it in combination with other medicinal plants and/or medications.
Astragalus is also used after chemotherapy and radiotherapy, for impotence and lack of appetite.

Due to the seriousness of these diseases, before starting treatment with astragalus, ALWAYS consult with your oncologist and/or herbalist.

For the nervous system

Both official and unofficial medicine note the beneficial effects of astragalus on the nervous system and the normalization of a person’s general mental state. Therefore, the plant has proven itself well in the treatment of neuroses, depression, as well as irritability, mild excitability, feelings of anxiety and restlessness, insomnia, and in stressful situations.

Wounds, ulcers, bleeding, burns, inflammation

Astragalus, having antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and hemostatic effects, gives good results in the treatment of various damage to the skin - wounds and ulcers (including non-healing), cuts, abrasions, burns. It can be used in the form of compresses, for washing, wiping alcohol tincture, as well as in the form of ointment and oil.

The plant is also an excellent remedy for resolving bruises and relieving swelling.

For the elderly

IN Soviet time many Kremlin leaders, reaching old age, nevertheless remained in relatively good physical and intellectual shape. And astragalus also served as a means to help them achieve this.

Traditional medicine has recipes for using astragalus in the fight against aging of the body. According to it, astragalus inhibits the aging process and is used not only to maintain strength in elderly and/or infirm people, but also helps their recovery.

According to one traditional healer, astragalus cannot restore youth, but it can turn a frail old man into an active old man.

If you start using astragalus in a timely manner, it, having a general healing effect on the entire human body, is able to prolong life, preserving and maintaining physical fitness and intellectual abilities in a fairly good and active state.

Astragalus also gives good results for memory problems and loss of strength inherent in older people.

For our entire body

Astragalus has found wide application not only for the treatment of individual diseases, but also as a preventive and healing agent for the entire body. Plant preparations help strengthen the immune system, normalize hormonal balance and metabolism.

It is recommended as a restorative agent for high physical and mental stress (allows you to easily endure it), loss of strength, syndrome chronic fatigue, as well as after suffering a serious illness.

As a prophylactic agent, astragalus is used to maintain strength, energy and good physical and intellectual shape, and slow down the aging process. There is information about the rejuvenating effect of the plant.

Chinese traditional medicine believes that the beneficial and healing properties of astragalus are superior to those of ginseng!

It’s not for nothing that astragalus is called the herb of life, because “it restores life and vigor to the elderly, gives health and strength to the young, and cures a huge number of ailments.”

Astragalus. Contraindications

With such extensive and varied beneficial and medicinal properties of astragalus, it has practically no contraindications.

The plant should not be used during pregnancy, since it is, as I already wrote, an obstetric aid. At the same time, there are recommendations for the use of astragalus for children almost from infancy. Although I still strongly recommend that you exercise caution and ALWAYS consult with a pediatrician you trust before starting. For the same reason, it is necessary to consult a specialist when breastfeeding.

Although astragalus is generally well tolerated and allergic reactions to it are extremely rare, people with a tendency to allergies should exercise caution and start taking plant preparations in a weaker concentration than indicated in the recipe. In the absence of negative manifestations, you can safely continue treatment at the dosage indicated in the recipe.

If you have serious chronic diseases and the need for constant use of medications, before starting treatment with astragalus, consult your doctor regarding their compatibility.

I would also like to recommend that you read Ekaterina Melekhova’s book “Astragalus - the herb of life of the Kremlin leaders.” Series "Kremlin Secrets". Ekaterina herself is a journalist. The book is written in an easy and interesting way. There are so many facts about miraculous healing with this herb. There you will find detailed descriptions use of the plant for various diseases. I think this information will be very useful to many.

Tea with mint. Pure Joy

Today a lot is known about the medicinal properties of astragalus. However, the healing properties of the herb have not yet been fully studied. Astragalus is considered the herb of longevity. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous, cardiovascular, hematopoietic and other systems of the body, allowing a person to live and enjoy every happy minute.

And life becomes more beautiful...

Weed and weed are different

Astragalus is a common representative of the Legume family, which has over 2000 (!) species of herbaceous and shrub plants.

Important! Among the variety of varieties healing properties Only a few are endowed. Most popular among traditional healers Used: Astragalus wooliflorum and Astragalus membranaceus. Let's take a closer look at both types.

All about the woolly flower panacea

Habitat of growth, harvesting rules

Astragalus wooliflora - this species is popularly known under other names:

  • densely flowered
  • fluffy-flowered
  • cat peas
  • sweetleaf flight
  • licorice potion.

However, do not be deceived by the appetizing names, because the plant tastes far from sugar; on the contrary, it is a little bitter.
Medicinal flower grows everywhere in the European steppes of Russia and partly in the south of Ukraine. It can be found on field edges, in the steppes and on the hills of mounds.
Astragalus begins to bloom in late spring - early summer. The healing herb is unpretentious to growing conditions, but does not like high humidity and shading. Its stems, inflorescences and leaves are covered with thin fluffy hairs, which distinguishes this species from similar plants. A kind of symbol of love and tenderness.

For medicinal purposes, all parts of astragalus are collected during its flowering period.

Important! This species of the Legume family is on the verge of destruction, and therefore is on the Red Book lists. Preparing medicinal collection, try to cut the grass at a distance of about 5 cm from the roots. Do not cut the entire bush, leave some of the shoots for the seeds to ripen. Do not tear the stems with leaves, do not damage the roots and buds. Don't restock in the same places every season.

How to store?

There is no need to lay out supplies under the scorching sun, you may end up with an unpresentable appearance collection - discolored, overdried and devoid of nutrients hay.

Health Pantry

All parts medicinal plant contain:

  • group of flavonoids
  • organic acids
  • tanning components
  • essential astragalus oil
  • coumarins
  • vitamins C, E
  • organic metals: iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and in slightly smaller quantities sodium, silicon, manganese, selenium.

Some may find it difficult to thoroughly study the influence of all of the listed microelements on the human body, so we will try to highlight the main advantages of using astragalus in folk medicine, without going into details of its chemical composition.

Effect on the cardiovascular system

Doctors and patients note that the medicinal properties of astragalus are manifested in the cardiotonic and hypotensive effects of the herb on the heart, arteries and capillaries. Today, many herbalists prescribe decoctions and infusions to patients with chronic heart failure and a tendency to spasms of the coronary vessels.

Relief of hypertension symptoms

Drinking infusions from the stems and leaves of astragalus is beneficial for people with high blood pressure. Drinking them regularly will help normalize blood pressure, as well as reduce the symptoms of initial hypertension.

Strengthening the nervous system

In folk medicine, decoctions of astragalus herb are used primarily to combat stress symptoms and diseases of the nervous system. Astragalus is believed to have calming and sedative properties, and therefore relieves headaches and reduces emotional stress without a hypnotic effect.

Stop – oral diseases

Herbalists have noticed the beneficial effects of astragalus in the treatment of sore throat, stomatitis or periodontal disease.
In the first case, leaves, flowers and stems of astragalus are added to the collection pharmaceutical chamomile, eucalyptus and marigold. Gargle the throat 2 times a day.
When treating stomatitis or periodontal disease, to eliminate inflammation, rinse the mouth with a pure decoction of astragalus for 1-2 weeks.

An effective remedy for burns

Infusions of Astragalus wooliflora are used externally to relieve pain and accelerate the healing of burns. Here's a simple one effective recipe: 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of herbs in a glass of boiling water, cool, water the affected areas until you feel relief!

Down with rheumatism

Astragalus has proven itself well in the treatment of rheumatic pain. Are you completely overcome by the disease? Try pouring the herb into a bottle and filling it with vodka (½). After 21 days the medicine is ready for use. Infusions are used as rubs and compresses.

Important! Use folk recipe, as an adjuvant, but under no circumstances determine the course of treatment yourself and do not replace effective medications with tinctures!

Astragalus membranaceus - healthy competition for woolly flowering plants

The medicinal properties of Astragalus membranaceus deserve special attention. This is an effective tool of modern Chinese medicine.

Recent laboratory developments have been incredibly encouraging. It turned out that astragalus root extracts are a powerful pharmacological drug with the following effects:

  • immunostimulating
  • antiviral
  • antitumor
  • antioxidant
  • antidiabetic
  • antibacterial
  • wound healing.

Astragalus root has become a popular remedy among Chinese doctors for the prevention and treatment of colds, as well as against strains of certain viruses. It is successfully used in the fight against heart disease, immunodeficiency and side effects chemicals in oncology. It is believed that preparations with astragalus root slow down the physical aging of the body and have a beneficial effect on the overall tone of a person.

Preparations from the country garden

Traditionally, miraculous raw materials are dug up in the fall or spring. The roots are thoroughly washed, dried outside under the sun, after which they are crushed and used to prepare tinctures, teas and decoctions.

Indications for use:

  • chronic fatigue
  • insomnia
  • lack of appetite
  • diarrhea
  • decreased immunity
  • cardiac fibrosis
  • deterioration of capillary elasticity
  • respiratory infections
  • many other diseases.

From dried and crushed raw materials, herbalists prepare teas, infusions and other medicinal preparations at home. Internet pages are replete with recipes containing certain components of astragalus. How not to get confused in the variety of offers and choose the right combination of herbal tea? It's simple.

Tip: the most effective recipes for Astragalus membranaceus are contained in product inserts (herbal infusions) in pharmacies. You should not self-medicate; consult a herbalist about proper use of the root!

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!