Blueberry forte plant: a wonderful shrub in the garden. Features of planting and growing sunberries

That, they say, there is such a wonderful berry, similar to blueberries, but different. And for good reason! Despite the fact that blueberries are quite high in calories, they contain many useful substances. That's why it's worth introducing fresh and frozen blueberries into your diet. Thanks to the characteristics of the “parents”, the sunberry received their best features: fertility, ease of care, large berries and taste properties.

And if you decide to grow this plant, then my advice is to buy seeds only in specialized seed stores. You can even sow them in the same box with peppers and tomatoes. The fruits of this healthy nightshade can be eaten simply fresh. The berry is also readily used in the preparation of jam, compotes and pie filling. Pickled sunberries are quite popular. Sunberry is very unpretentious and bears fruit well in bad weather conditions, under which other berries do not ripen.

During the mass ripening of berries, the sunberry bush looks very original and decorative. I planted “Sunberry” the first year, purely by’s now 05.10. the whole bush is covered in berries! Lyudmila, sunberry is really very useful plant. Its berries contain ascorbic acid, carotene, glycoalkaloids, lipids, saponins, steroids and others. There is an opinion that jams and preserves should not be cooked, since during the boiling process the berries lose their beneficial properties.

Sunberry leaves are also beneficial. Having collected my thoughts and drawn a rough “project” on a piece of paper, I set to work. To celebrate, I found them anywhere, watered them thoroughly, and set off to google detailed information about the miracle judo-berry on the World Wide Web. The third stage of collecting information (may Google be with us!) informed me that since sunberry belongs to the nightshade family, the raw berries have a corresponding taste.

This amazing sunny berry The Solanaceae family is still little known in Europe. Sunberry cannot boast of beautiful and huge inflorescences. Its small flowers, collected in a cluster of 10-15 pieces, appearance similar to the flowers of potato and nightshade.

Sunberry Recipes

The plant has a massive stem on which a large number of stepchildren. The leaves are the same type and shape as nightshade. In Europe, sunberries are grown as annual plant.

This hybrid has a lot of useful properties. The berry helps well in relieving various inflammations: pneumonia, myocardium and arthritis; has anticonvulsant, diuretic and sedative effects. But not only the fruits, even the leaves of this small bush have medicinal properties.

Therefore, stems and leaves must be used with caution. Because deception very often occurs and this valuable crop is passed off as an ordinary wild nightshade. Sunberry is grown in absolutely all types of soil, since this plant is classified as unpretentious. The only thing that is not recommended is to plant berries on acidic soil, as this will reduce its high yield. Sunberry responds very positively to soil with manure.

True, there are exceptions - sunberry does not grow well among tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and potatoes, but you can safely plant it next to these crops. Nightshade can be grown as an annual plant, at least for the first year, since it is during this period that it produces very big harvest. The sunberry has a huge number of seeds, but successful reproduction It's better to use seedlings.

Sunberry nightshade is best grown in an area where there is no wind or drafts. The method of tilling the soil before planting is the same as for tomatoes. First, the seed needs to be cut in the place where it will grow, then placed in a damp environment, for example in a wet cloth, and wrapped for a couple of days so that they germinate.

Sunberry berries - how to use them

If you want to get your own seeds, you need to extract them from pre-ripened sunberry fruits. The flowering period of the sunberry nightshade begins in early summer and continues until frost. And only before the very first cold weather, it is recommended to pluck out several stepsons from the plant in order to slow down flowering and direct all the plant’s energy to ripening the fruits.

Nightshade berry (sunberry) - how to grow it on your own plot

Due to the general unpretentiousness of sunberries, and even resistance to any diseases and pests, caring for the plant is a pleasure. Decorative nightshade, having a very high yield, especially in the first years, can give you a full bucket of berries from five bushes. Their ripening occurs in September. But don’t rush to collect them right away. Even if they are overripe, this will not spoil their taste; they do not tend to rot, but will simply become a little lethargic.

Watering the plant is carried out only if there has been no rain for a long time. Nightshade needs feeding, but if it is planted on fertile soil, then this is no longer necessary. It happens that under the load of a large number of berries, the stepsons can bend to the ground; they must be tied up with slingshots or some kind of supports placed.

Conditions for sunny berries

It is recommended to do this in autumn period, before the onset of the first cold weather. Sunberry jam is especially delicious. You can take 4-5 kg ​​of berries and put them through a meat grinder. Therefore, you can make wonderful jelly. You need to grind the ground berries through a sieve to get rid of seeds and dense peel.

That's all - the jelly is ready. You can successfully combine nightshade with gooseberries, cranberries, red currants and barberries. You can find all of them on the Internet or in recipe magazines.

Sunberry is a new crop in our area and is still very rare, although its more than close relative - wild black nightshade - is very familiar to everyone as a weed. Sunberry - annual herbaceous plant with a bush reaching 1.5 m in height.

The berries are the same in shape as those of black nightshade (miniature black “tomatoes”), the size of a cherry (1.5-2 cm in diameter), and do not ripen simultaneously (until late autumn). Cultural value Sunberries can be eaten fresh, but not everyone likes their nightshade flavor, so they are much more often used for processing. Medicinal properties They also have leaves and stems (however, do not forget that, like all nightshades, they are poisonous, and therefore their use requires great caution).

Also, caring for and growing the plant, like any other crop, requires weeding and loosening. Miracle berry, aka sunberry, aka blueberry forte (not to be confused with a medical drug, to which, however, it has nothing to do). And then he told me about the miracle berry.

Family Solanaceae.

Sunberry is a new crop in our area and is still very rare, although its more than close relative - wild black - is very familiar to everyone as a weed. As a matter of fact, sunberry is a cultivated hybrid form this unpleasant weed, with the difference that it is not only non-toxic, but even beneficial for health - it has many healing properties In addition, they are larger and more numerous.

Biological features
Sunberry is an annual herbaceous plant with a bush reaching 1.5 m in height. The stem is powerful, fleshy, tetrahedral, and forms a large number of stepsons. The leaves are the same as those of black nightshade. The flowers are white, star-shaped (like nightshade or), collected in an inflorescence-brush with an average of 10-20 pieces. It blooms until late autumn; as soon as some flowers begin to bear fruit, the next ones bloom. the same shape as that of black nightshade (miniature black “tomatoes”), the size of (1.5-2 cm in diameter), they do not ripen at the same time (until late autumn). At the moment of the most massive ripening, it seems that the bush is completely covered with them.

Sunberry is very unpretentious and bears fruit well in bad weather conditions, under which others do not ripen.

The value of culture
Sunberries can be eaten fresh, but not everyone likes their nightshade flavor, so they are much more often used for processing. You can partially remove this taste by pouring boiling water over them, leaving them for several minutes and draining the water. After this, they can be processed into juice (from which a special wine with healing properties is also prepared) or jam, which in Western countries is highly valued for its original taste.

Sunberry juice diluted with water 1:1 with honey (300 g of honey per 1 liter of juice) normalizes blood pressure, increases endurance, relieves or completely eliminates headaches, and is also useful for stomach ulcers, rheumatism, hepatitis and asthma. From juice mixed with raw eggs, make lotions to treat eczema, psoriasis and seborrhea.

The leaves and stems also have medicinal properties (however, do not forget that, like all nightshades, they are poisonous, and therefore their use requires great caution). An infusion of crushed dry leaves is taken for gastritis, colitis, cystitis, neurosis, hypertension, various convulsive conditions (including epilepsy), neuralgia, as a sedative, as well as for bronchial asthma and many skin diseases.
During mass ripening, the sunberry bush looks very original and decorative.
Ukraine does not yet have its own officially recognized sunberry varieties, and the range of imported ones is unpredictable. On sale, sunberry seeds are most often found under the name “blueberry forte”. You should only purchase them in trusted stores in the packaging of seed companies, since there have already been precedents when the seeds of ordinary wild black nightshade were given out for sunberries.

Selecting a location
For sunberries, it is better to allocate warm, wind-protected areas at an elevation with good lighting, sandy loam and loamy soils with a pH of about 6. Since sunberry is an annual, you can sow a couple of its bushes directly in the beds with. In this case, the best predecessors are legumes; unacceptable - peppers (but sunberries can grow next to them).

Soil preparation
The soil is treated as for garden crops. Planting pit is not being done. At autumn processing soils are introduced, in spring - mineral ones.

Reproduction methods
Sunberries are commonly grown seedling method. They can be sown in boxes at the same time as tomatoes, from mid-February to March. Seeds germinate at room temperature. In seedling boxes it is necessary to ensure good drainage, water only warm water. After germination, the box is placed in a warmer place if possible. Seedlings require additional lighting.

After it gets stronger, it needs to be distilled, preferably into separate cups. They are planted in the ground after the end of spring frosts, when 6-7 true leaves have already formed.

If you want to get your own seeds, it is better to select for this from clusters that have ripened earlier than others (there is a possibility of increasing early ripening).

Guess diagram
The usual pattern is 70 x 70 cm.

Sunberry is very unpretentious and requires minimal care. It should be watered only when long absence rains. Other activities are also carried out only as necessary. Fertilizing is advisable, but not necessary on fairly fertile soil. The only specific feature is that the stepsons can droop to the ground under the weight of the ripened ones; this should not be allowed, therefore, slingshots should be placed under such branches or tied to stakes.

Although pruning as such is almost never carried out, a similar action - regular plucking of flowers and buds, carried out in the fall (it should begin about a month before the onset of a steady cold spell) - will increase the yield, since in this case new ovaries will not form , which still will not have time to ripen. But for those who have already started, that’s enough nutrients to form quickly and efficiently.

Features of harvesting and storage
The harvest can be harvested all summer as it ripens. The remainder of the crop is completely harvested after the onset of sustained cold weather. They are not stored fresh for a long time, but they can be ground with sugar or processed into juice.

Sunberry is practically not damaged by pests and even protects neighboring crops from them (an infusion of stems and leaves can even be used to control pests in the same way as an infusion of nightshade). Diseases are similar to those of garden nightshade crops, although in general sunberry is infected with them less frequently.

In recent years, in addition to traditional personal plots Exotic crops are becoming increasingly common. This seems to be becoming a fashion trend. A measure of the modernity and seriousness of the hobby of gardening. Among the diversity exotic plants, which have managed to establish themselves in temperate latitudes, I would like to dwell on a fairly new one that has not yet received wide publicity

Description of the berry

Sunberry (Galbrey)– hybrid the nightshade family. This bush was obtained by crossing the African nightshade and the European small-fruited creeping nightshade. It reaches a height of one and a half meters. More often it grows up to 90 cm. Very fruitful. Sunberry - translated from English as sunny berry. Named so by its creator, American gardener and breeder Luther Burbank (1849 - 1926).

This hybrid is valued primarily for its fruits. Sunberry berries are large and black in color. It is thanks to this this plant also called blueberry forte or Canadian blueberry. The fruits can reach sizes collected in clusters of 10-15 pieces. Contains vitamin C and carotene. Saturated with elements such as iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese, copper, zinc, nickel, chromium, silver, and this is almost the complete complex of trace elements necessary for a person.

Canadian blueberries are quite high in calories - they contain up to 220 kcal per 100 g of berries. The reason for this is the high content of nutrients: proteins, fats, fructose and glucose. The following active compounds are present: anthocyanins, bioflavonoids, tannins, chlorophyll.

Sunberry nightshade fruits have healing properties, can be used in the prevention and treatment of joint diseases, improve blood composition, digestion, and appetite. Increases visual acuity.

Often, due to the consonance of the name, people think that the composition of the medical drug “Blueberry Forte” includes Canadian blueberries. However, it is not. Apart from the name, the medical drug and blueberry forte have nothing in common. Although eating sunberry nightshade fruits also has a beneficial effect on human vision.

Conditions for successful growth

Blueberry forte is an unpretentious plant. Grows easily in middle lane how to withstand autumn frosts. The fruits have time to ripen. Galbry grows on almost any soil. You don’t have to thin out or stepchild. However, it is recommended to tie up the stepsons to avoid the berries touching the ground. It begins to bloom from the beginning of summer until the first frost. However, the plant also has its own preferences.

Site selection

The requirements for the site are quite simple. This can be any part or garden. Closed or open. It is advisable that there is no strong wind in the selected area. The plant responds well to shading. However, this reduces the yield. The berries grow small and have a tart taste. You can plant galbri between rows of other crops (except for other nightshades: potatoes, tomatoes, etc. In the latter case, the plant will grow and develop poorly.

Canadian blueberries cannot be planted within city limits. This is due to the fact that the plant pulls all the heavy metals from the soil. For example, zinc, arsenic, cadmium, manganese.

Ideal soil for planting

Important! Sunberry does not like acidic soil.

How to grow sunberry seedlings from seeds

Blueberries forte are easy to grow. It is enough to buy seeds at a garden store or get them from fruits grown in your garden. If you want to “breed” Canadian blueberries from fruits from your own plot, you should take into account some conditions.

Seed preparation

The seeds are extracted from ripe black berries. Use the largest berries from the most prolific and early clusters. Seeds can also be purchased at a specialty store. Nightshade seeds are very similar to tomato seeds.

Sowing scheme

It is optimal to plant in open ground Galbry seedlings. Seeds take a long time to germinate, up to three months. Before planting, it is better to treat the seeds, soak them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes, and then rinse them under running water. cold water and place for 2-3 days in a damp cloth or gauze. Make sure that the shadow does not dry out. It is better to sow in February or early March. Sowed in a container with nutritious soil(plastic cups can also be used) to a depth of 3-5 mm. Before planting, make sure the container has enough holes for drainage. Seedlings germinate at room temperature and moderate humidity. It is better to water with warm water.

Seedling care

The container with seedlings should be moved to a warm, well-lit place. It is better to plant them in separate containers (cups). It is better to place seedlings in a room with windows facing south. It is better if the containers with seedlings are placed on the windowsill. Galbry is very light-loving. It is recommended to spray the seedlings 1-2 times a day with a spray bottle. There should be enough moisture. However, make sure that it is good. Excessive moisture can harm young roots. At good conditions seedlings grow quickly.

Did you know? The sunny berry has no officially named varieties. Consider this fact when purchasing seeds. Do this only in specialized places.

Planting sunberries in open ground and further care

The timing of transplanting blueberry forte seedlings into open ground coincides with the time of planting tomato seedlings, namely the end of May - the beginning of June. U young plant 5-7 leaves should just appear. It is better to choose a place at the rate of 70 by 70 cm for each bush. There should be about half a meter between the rows. Don’t forget, sunberry grows up to one and a half meters - this is quite easy. In addition, free access to the plant is necessary when collecting

Watering and fertilizing the plant

Sunberry nightshade is unpretentious to watering. However, make sure that the soil does not dry out too much. In dry summers it is better to water regularly. This should be done either early in the morning (5-6 am) or in the evening (19-20 pm). The water should be warm, not lower than 23°C.

Blueberries forte do not need special ones Can show completely good results, growing on ordinary soil. However, to guarantee positive results, it is better to fertilize the plant at least twice a season with mullein. Can be dissolved in water and poured under the root.

Soil care and tying

As such, soil care is very simple. You just need to weed as needed and loosen the soil between the rows. The frequency of loosening is about once every two weeks. This procedure will allow the soil to be saturated with oxygen, and, therefore, the nightshade root system will develop better. Weeding allows you to remove unnecessary operations. Perform soil cultivation operations carefully. The depth of loosening is within 6-8 cm. It is best to loosen the day after rain or watering. To do this, you can use a regular squeegee.

Don't damage the roots. This can lead to crop losses.

Straight bushes don’t even need to be tied up. If you want to save the harvest, it is better to tie up the plant. To do this, it is enough to use slingshots or some other supports. The fact is that there can be a lot of berries and the stepson branches cannot support the weight of the fruit and tend to the ground. The berries should not touch the soil.

Harvesting and harvesting

About a month before harvest (September - October), it is advisable to tear off the buds and new stepsons. This is done with the aim that the plant directs all its forces to the development of the fruit, and not to flowering and shoots.

Harvesting is best done after the first frost. This is somewhere around the end of October - beginning of November. From the cold, blueberries forte lose their astringency, become sweeter and more pleasant to taste. They ripen in batches. Therefore, the collection will take several approaches at intervals of several days. Moreover, fertility will increase each time.

Did you know? Canadian blueberries do not rot on the bush. Therefore, do not rush to collect them in September and early October. Let them hang until frost. A little wilted, but taste qualities will improve.

Sunberry berries do not have a long shelf life. The easiest and most convenient way to store is to freeze the berries in freezer. In addition to simplicity, this method will also improve the taste of the sunny berry.

You can grind the fruits of nightshade forte with sugar or squeeze the juice out of them.

For fresh consumption, it is better to scald the berries with boiling water. They will become sweeter.

Sunberry in translation sounds like “sunny berry”. This is the name of the tree that grows juicy, large black fruits - blueberries forte. The plant belongs to the Solanaceae family. Its berries have many beneficial properties and taste like a mixture of wild blueberries, blueberries and currants. It is on its basis that popular dietary supplements of the same name are prepared, which are successfully used to restore visual acuity.

Sunberry is an unpretentious and useful plant

Sunberry is native to Canada, so it’s not for nothing that the berry is also called Canadian blueberry. The shrub grows in many climate zones, including ours. For dachas and vegetable gardens it is considered exotic, but is becoming increasingly widespread.

In many areas you can find elderberry that grows on its own, requiring absolutely no care. Its fruits are very tart and almost impossible to eat fresh. But this black nightshade is useful and is widely used in folk medicine. Sunberry is a hybrid of elderberry and the larger American nightshade.

Blueberries forte grow on powerful bushes that can reach up to 1.5 m in height. They bloom in early summer. White flowers gather in large clusters, and flowering bush makes an excellent garden decoration. Flowering continues until late autumn.

Large black berries the size of cherries grow in dense clusters. Sunberry gives excellent harvest, you can easily harvest a whole bucket of blueberries from one bush.

The blueberry bush is not afraid of heat and drought; it also tolerates cold weather and frost with ease. But due to the climate, the plant is cultivated as an annual, and in hotter countries it grows as a perennial.

It is planted with seeds and through seedlings. The berry fully ripens only in late autumn.

The benefits of Canadian blueberries

Due to the high content of antioxidants, blueberries forte prevent the aging of the body. It also contains many vitamins and microelements. The cleansing effect of berries due to the presence of pectin has been scientifically proven. They remove toxins well.

The popular drug Blueberry Forte, which is used to improve visual acuity, as well as in the treatment of glaucoma, is based on sunberry berries. And they are also part of the well-known dietary supplement for the liver LIV-52.

Don't eat berries before driving vehicle. It causes drowsiness and has a laxative effect.

The properties of blueberries forte, such as improving memory, blood composition, healing neuroses, and coordination of movements, have been proven by science. Plant extracts are used in medicines to fight cancer.

If you eat a handful of garden nightshade every day during the season, you can remove waste and toxins from the body. and also cleanse the blood well.

Use in folk medicine

Blueberries forte are used to treat the diseases presented in the table.

Name of the disease What part of the plant is used Methods of preparation and dosage of taking folk remedies
General strengthening agent to improve visual acuityBerry juiceSqueeze the juice from the ground berries, add liquid honey to it in a ratio of 1:1.5 (per liter of juice - one and a half liters of honey). Stored in the refrigerator, usable for 1 year
For the treatment of sore throatBerry juiceThe juice squeezed out of the fruit is filtered through cheesecloth. Dilute with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Gargle a sore throat with the resulting solution.
For runny nose, uterine bleeding and as a sleeping pillLeaf juiceThe leaves of the plant are crushed, the resulting juice is used in the form of drops
To improve digestion and get rid of wormsFresh blueberries forteEating fresh berries is very beneficial, although they have a slight laxative effect
To combat skin diseases: psoriasis, seborrhea or eczemaBerries and leavesThe crushed berries and plant leaves need to be mixed. Apply the resulting mixture externally, in the form of spot compresses.
For the treatment of purulent wounds and ulcersJuice from leaves or berriesThe juice from the berries or leaves of the plant is mixed with yogurt in a ratio of 1 to 1. The mixture is used in the form of compresses. You can keep them on all night. In the morning, rinse the wound with boiled water
For headaches, psoriasis and hemorrhoidsFresh berriesAnd also for varicose veins, gout and rheumatism, it is recommended to eat more fresh blueberries forte
For migrainesBerries, stem and leavesThe berries, stem and leaves are simmered over low heat for an hour. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with the broth and keep it on your hair for half an hour, wrapping your head in a towel. The course of treatment lasts a month
For stomach problems, colitis and cystitisDry leavesPrepare an infusion from 1 tbsp. l. dry, crushed blueberry leaves, brewed with boiling water. Infuse it for two hours under the lid, filter and take one tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

Blueberry forte deserves a special place in the garden, because it is a truly useful plant. It will not only help preserve youth, but will also perfectly restore all metabolic processes in the body, strengthen the body and spirit.

Homemade preparations and recipes

Not everyone likes the taste of fresh blueberries. It is used rather for benefit. But jams, jams or pies with garden nightshade turn out delicious. And the tart black wine made from these fruits will leave few people indifferent.

Like all nightshade berries, blueberries forte have a tart flavor. To remove it, you need to pour boiling water over the fruit.

Blueberry raisin

A very easy to prepare and healthy delicacy - blueberry raisins forte. It is easy to prepare at home.

The washed berries are dipped into boiling sugar syrup. After boiling for 2 minutes, drain in a colander. Allow the excess syrup to drain and you can enjoy the healthy sweetness.

If you add lemon, mint leaves or vanillin to nightshade jam, this will significantly improve its taste.

Five-minute blueberry

To continue cleansing and rejuvenating the body in winter time, you need to stock up on Canadian blueberries for future use. There is an excellent preparation recipe that preserves all the vitamins and microelements of the berry.


  1. 1. Berries - 1 kg.
  2. 2. Sugar - 300 gr.
  3. 3. Lemon to taste.

When the berries release juice, stir the contents of the pan and place on medium heat. Bring the jam to a boil. Add lemon, cut into small slices, or minced through a meat grinder. Boil the jam for no more than 5 minutes. The prepared delicacy should be stored in the refrigerator. Due to the short cooking time, it may spoil at room temperature.

Blueberries forte are valued for their beneficial properties. In order not to “kill” all the vitamins during cooking, nightshade jam is cooked for no more than 5 minutes.

You should consume 5 tablespoons daily. This will be enough to provide an adult with necessary set vitamins and improve his well-being.

Healthy jam

This jam is also cooked for 5 minutes, but in several stages. This technology allows you to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins in the berry.


  1. 1. Sugar - 1 kg.
  2. 1. Berries - 1 kg.
  3. 3. Water - 200 ml.

Sunberry berries are sour, so you need a lot of sugar. Dilute the entire volume with water and boil the syrup. When the sugar is completely dissolved, the berries are dipped into the boiling syrup. Boil them for 5 minutes and leave to cool. The second time, bring everything to a boil, cook the fruits again for 5 minutes and leave to cool. The third time they cook according to the same procedure, but after boiling for five minutes, the jam is poured into jars and closed for storage.

Growing blueberries forte in the garden

Blueberries should be planted at the same time as tomatoes. The sunberry bush is very similar to the tomato bush in structure; it also produces many stepsons. Seeds are selected from the largest and delicious berries so that the harvest is no worse. The collected seed remains viable for no more than three years.

Often in the second year of cultivation a lot of young shoots are formed. If you thin it out, leaving only the strongest and strongest shoots, you can get a fertile Canadian blueberry bush without planting seeds for seedlings.


Blueberry seeds forte

Garden nightshade seeds are very small, the core of the seed is enclosed in a hard shell. They wake up with difficulty and for a long time. They need to be “awakened” before disembarking. To do this, soak in a warm solution of potassium permanganate. Then, with a thin needle, shallow cuts are made on each seed. Place in a jar with coarse river sand and shake vigorously several times.

This procedure allows you to peel off the skin without damaging the seed kernel. Prepared seeds are germinated on a damp cloth, covered with film on top. You need to choose a place for germination that is bright and warm.

Seeds are planted for seedlings at the end of February so that the plant has time to complete all growth cycles and delight with tasty and ripe berries.

Growing forte blueberries is absolutely no different from growing tomato and eggplant seeds. So much so that you can even plant sunberry seeds in the same box with these plants.

The bottom of the container is covered with expanded clay to ensure drainage of excess liquid. Next, a small layer of neutral soil is poured. The soil does not need to add peat. The hatched seeds are planted to a depth of about 0.5 cm. The plantings are watered and covered with film on top.

Periodically open the film to ventilate the soil. The first shoots will appear only by the end of May. By this time the coating can be completely removed. Picking is carried out after the appearance of the third true leaf. The seedlings are placed in a warm and bright place. It does not need frequent watering, just make sure that the soil does not dry out.

Planting in open ground

Seedlings are also transferred to the garden along with tomatoes and eggplants. It is important to plant nightshade bushes correctly, given that the plant grows greatly. The optimal distance between seedlings is from 80 cm to one meter.

The plant is not afraid of droughts, frosts and scorching sun, but does not grow well in windy, shaded places and next to cabbage.

Once planted in the ground, the plant requires virtually no maintenance. You don't even have to tie it up. Strong stems will perfectly withstand the weight of the crop.

The bush shoots a lot. To increase the yield, you need to trim off excess shoots.

It is enough to feed it with mullein a couple of times a season and water it periodically. Otherwise, the usual scheme for caring for garden plants is applied.

You can enjoy berries throughout the summer. The massive harvest occurs in September. Then you need to pick off new flowers and ovaries on the bush. They still won’t have time to ripen, but this procedure will increase the size of the remaining fruits.

The bush matures completely only by mid-October. If climatic conditions do not allow you to leave the berries to ripen on it, you can cut it off entirely. They will ripen faster if you hang it on a crossbar in a dry and warm room.

If the plant is sick

Sunberry is not one of the sickly and capricious plants. It itself fights diseases and pests very well, but sometimes it needs help.

Manifestation of the disease Diagnosis How to treat a plant
The lower leaves of the plant have changed color. They are covered with gray and brown spots indefinite form. If left untreated, small spots merge into one large one.Brown spotBordeaux mixture will help cope with this disease perfectly.
The berries fall from the bush before they have time to fully ripen.Blossom rotIt is necessary to reconsider the watering regime. The first reason for this disease is that the plant lacks moisture.
Rolled leaves fall from the bushAphid attackSick plants will have to be removed from the site. Treat the remaining ones with anti-aphid preparations.
The leaves are strewn with white spots of irregular shape.White spotYou need to water the plant less. Bordeaux mixture will help cure it
The stem and berries become covered with brown sores and deep cracks.Bacterial cancerThe disease cannot be cured. It is necessary to get rid of the bush. Its seeds also cannot be used for planting, they are infected with cancer

Thanks to the presence of silver forte in blueberries, it not only fights pests, but also helps neighbors in the garden. Sunberry leaves and stems are added to infusions for spraying against pests of any garden plants.

A blueberry forte bush will take up little space in the garden. It is absolutely undemanding in care. But if you grow it on your own plot, you can eat handfuls of vitamins all summer and even store them for future use.

Blueberry forte plant how to use. Sunberry (Canadian blueberry, blueberry forte)

The Solanaceae family. Sunberry is a new crop in our area, although its closest relative, wild black nightshade, is very well known to everyone as a weed (by the way, it is also very useful from a medicinal point of view). As a matter of fact, sunberry is a cultivated hybrid form of this weed, with the difference that its berries are not only not poisonous, but are very good for health - they have many healing properties, in addition, they are larger, like the plant itself. Sunberry is popular in many countries of the world. There they have already appreciated its dietary qualities and healing properties. (I have been growing it for five years.)
WITH in English"Sunberry" is translated as "sunny berry". Sunberry is the result of many years of work by the famous American Darwinian breeder Luther Burbank. Representatives were used as parent forms flora from different continents: African and European creeping nightshade. The brainchild of L. Burbank inherited from its African ancestor large fruit, high productivity, unpretentiousness growing conditions, and its European relative has good taste. Sunberry has a height of up to 150 cm, a thick tetrahedral stem with powerful stepsons. This green giant presents a grandiose sight when the berries ripen. The plant is completely covered with black berries the size of large cherries. They are collected in brushes of 10-15 pieces. The harvest is up to a bucket of berries from a bush. Flowering and ripening of berries occurs continuously until late autumn.
Thanks to its numerous beneficial properties Sunberry is extremely popular in many countries. Nowadays, sunberry grass, berries and seeds are officially recognized by the pharmacopoeias of England, France, the USA, Germany, Turkey, China, India and other countries. In Russia, this plant is actively used in folk medicine. Sunberry reduces the permeability of vascular walls. This property is determined by the presence of anthocyanins and vitamins in this plant, especially P (rutin, quercetin). These substances also protect from destruction ascorbic acid, which is involved in the synthesis of collagen - the basis of the walls of blood vessels, which eliminates the main cause of angina pectoris and atherosclerosis. This makes it possible to prescribe its drugs for any manifestations of bleeding, hemorrhagic syndromes of various origins - after radiation therapy, for varicose veins, arthritis and arthrosis.
Berry extract reduces eye fatigue and increases visual acuity. It is useful for rheumatism, osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, asthma, improves blood composition, digestion, memory, sleep, appetite, general well-being, appearance, restores beauty and youth, strength and health. Due to their high pectin content, sunberries improve intestinal motility and promote bowel movements.
Sunberries are one of the richest sources of plant-based antioxidants. They actively combat symptoms of aging such as loss of memory and muscle strength, blurred vision and poor coordination.
According to many years of observations, this miracle berry heals from neuroses, headaches and joint pain, gastritis, colitis, cystitis, hypertension, angina pectoris, diabetes, seizures, varicose veins veins, seborrhea, eczema, etc.
Sunberry leaves are also beneficial. They have high antimicrobial activity, an astringent and hemostatic effect, increase the acidity of gastric juice, weaken spasms of the smooth muscles of the intestines and urinary tract, and reduce blood sugar, which is especially important for patients with diabetes.
A month before the onset of a steady cold spell, leaves and buds are plucked out daily. This agricultural technique significantly increases the yield, since the remaining berries are fully ripened. It should be noted that sunberry tolerates light autumn frosts.
I grow sunberries through seedlings. I sow seeds and plant sunberry seedlings at the same time as tomato plants. In open ground, I place sunberries according to a 70x70 cm pattern. Sunberries are resistant to lodging. Its powerful stems do not need garter. Only the stepsons, under the weight of ripening fruits, can droop to the ground. The berries should not come into contact with the ground. Therefore, I tie the stepsons to stakes or place them on wooden slingshots.
This plant is an annual plant, so I collect seeds every year. For seeds, I select the largest berries from the earliest and most prolific clusters. This is how the signs of early ripening and productivity of plants are established annually.
Sunberry berries are non-poisonous (unlike wild nightshade) and can be consumed fresh without restriction. Not everyone may like the taste of fresh berries, which can be preserved in preparations, so it is advisable to pour boiling water over it and drain the water after cooling. But the sunberry pie filling is excellent. Sunberry jam has an incomparable taste.
Sunberry is unpretentious. Even in the most unfavorable years it will delight you with a high harvest. This means that if the harvest of other berries fails, sunberry will help out, and you will make preparations for the winter from this crop.
Jam (300g of sugar per 1 kg) resembles the taste of grape. Berries dipped in hot syrup for 2-3 minutes and dried acquire the taste of raisins. Medicinal properties at the same time they do not lose.