Germicidal lamp - how to choose a lamp by type, type, power, manufacturer and cost. Germicidal lamps: disinfection wisely

Today, many medical institutions use such special lighting, like bactericidal lamps. Already from the name itself it is clear that such lamps are used to destroy bacteria.

Despite the fact that many of us have heard about such a lamp, in fact we have little information about it. Our article will help you improve your literacy in this matter, which will tell you what a bactericidal lamp is, how it works, as well as many other things no less important points. This information will help not only the right purchase, but also to assemble bactericidal lighting devices with your own hands.

What is the structure and principle of operation of lamps

Design of a bactericidal lamp

Germicidal lamps are special lighting devices designed for carrying out disinfection procedures in premises. As a result of their work, such lamps destroy pathogenic viruses and bacteria in the premises.

Note! Such lamps are also called quartz or ultraviolet irradiators.

The operating principle of bactericidal lighting devices is based on the influence ultraviolet rays on pathogenic microflora, leading to its death. As a result, such lamps clean any surfaces and air from pathogenic microflora. The operating efficiency may be affected by the life of the device. At the beginning of operation, bactericidal lamps have a high efficiency rate. But if the lamp is nearing the end of its service life or has not been used correctly, its efficiency will be slightly reduced compared to its original performance.

Externally, bactericidal lighting devices resemble a sealed glass tube, for the manufacture of which uviol glass is used. This glass is capable of transmitting only ultraviolet rays of a certain spectrum. During operation, bactericidal irradiators generate radiation, which is partially filtered by glass. Filtration concerns the ozone-forming spectrum of radiation that is harmful to human health. As a result of its operation, the bactericidal lamp does not produce harmful human body ozone. At the same time, there is no threat to the formation of toxic substances in the room where treatment with such lamps takes place.

Note! Due to the absence of negative consequences for humans when operating bactericidal lamps, after disinfection is completed, the room does not need to be ventilated. But during disinfection it is still recommended to leave the room.

Lamps that have a bactericidal effect on pathogenic microorganisms have a long service life. Moreover, during operation they are absolutely safe and effectively cope with the disinfection of any premises.

Disinfection of the premises

The ultraviolet rays emitted by the lamps kill pathogenic microflora by destroying the structure of its DNA. This effect is observed when the DNA of viruses, bacteria, microbes and fungi is irradiated, which leads to their complete destruction in the treated room.

Pros and cons of using quartz lamps

Quartz lamps have the following positive aspects, thanks to which their scope of application today is quite wide:

  • long service life, during which the efficiency of destroying pathogens remains quite high. Only when the service life is nearing the end is a slight decrease in efficiency possible;
  • no risk of ozone formation during operation. A quartz lamp in this regard is completely safe for people;
  • easy installation and operation. If necessary, this type of lighting fixture can be easily hung with your own hands, without the help of specialists;
  • mobility. Some models (mobile lamp) do not even need to be installed in any one place with your own hands; they can be freely moved from room to room;
  • high degree of disinfection of the room. One treatment can completely destroy all pathogenic microorganisms in the room. As a result, the treated room becomes completely epidemiologically sterile;
  • bactericidal lighting devices purify the air and also have a positive effect on blood circulation and metabolism. Therefore, a quartz lamp is often used for medical and preventive purposes.

Note! A quartz lamp can increase the human body’s resistance to various infectious diseases, while simultaneously treating or preventing other ailments.

The main disadvantage of bactericidal lamps is that some of their types (for example, mercury) contain gas vapors that are dangerous to the human body. As a result, when such products reach the end of their service life, they should be disposed of in a special manner. Under no circumstances should you try to dispose of them yourself - you could get seriously poisoned.

Mercury disinfection lamp

This feature of the lamps should be remembered during operation. If the glass base is damaged, the lamp must be disposed of immediately and the room must be treated to remove harmful fumes.

Scope and tasks of lamps

The bactericidal lamp has been used in medicine for a very long time. It began to be actively used in the middle of the last century. Medicine remains the most extensive area where such equipment is used. The disinfection method, which appeared thanks to the introduction of ultraviolet lamps, turned out to be so effective that it is now used in other areas of human activity:

Ultraviolet lamps in the laboratory

  • food industry. Such products are especially often used in the catering industry. After all, sterility is important for catering in the same way as for medical institutions;

Note! Often such lighting devices are used in catering canteens of preschool, school and other educational institutions.

  • in the field of laboratory research, when it is necessary to create sterile conditions for conducting an experiment
  • achieving hygienic standards in industry;
  • cosmetology;
  • sanitation in public areas.

Such products can also be used to disinfect household premises. Here you can even assemble such a lamp with your own hands. And in terms of efficiency in destroying pathogenic microorganisms, it will not be inferior to purchased analogues.
Depending on the scope of application, ultraviolet lamps perform the following tasks:

  • air purification;
  • water disinfection;
  • disinfection of premises, individual items, and instruments;
  • providing a therapeutic effect (prescribed by a doctor);
  • tanning for cosmetic purposes;
  • prevention of diseases associated with lack of sunlight (for example, rickets);
  • increasing overall tone, protective properties of the human body, as well as elevating mood;
  • keeping exotic pets at home.

As you can see, the scope of application and tasks performed for this type of product are very diverse.

What types of ultraviolet irradiators exist?

Today, depending on the spectrum of action, configuration and functional purpose, these bactericidal lighting devices are divided into the following types:

  • mercury-quartz lamp
  • disinfection lamps;
  • ultraviolet quartz lamp;
  • ultraviolet lamp, etc.

Mercury-quartz lamp

Open type lamps

Note! The most powerful bactericidal effect is exerted by lamps that produce short-wave ultraviolet radiation. The generally accepted standard for the emission of such lamps is 254 nm. This value is as close as possible to the peak of its destructive power. This should be taken into account when assembling the device with your own hands.

In addition, lamps come in two varieties:

  • with open body type. They are most effective for disinfecting premises and air. Here, ultraviolet radiation spreads freely in the surrounding space. It is much easier to implement when making it yourself;
  • with a closed type of housing (recirculators). IN in this case ultraviolet concentration occurs in a closed space. Passing through such devices, the air is disinfected and enters the room already purified. Such products allow disinfection even in situations where there are people in the room. The best option for home.

There is also a division by location:

  • floor (mobile). Used in spacious rooms. They have medium dimensions;
  • desktop Also applies to mobile lamps. They are distinguished by their compact structure, therefore they are widely used at home;
  • mounted or stationary. There are ceiling or wall models. The most common is the wall model. Due to limited mobility, they are less common. They have a small range of choice. They are often used in laboratory and medical premises, where their work is constantly needed.

Note! The service life of any type of bactericidal lamp depends on the stability of the power supply network.

Mounted bactericidal model

Recently, a regular indoor lamp has appeared, which in its design contains a bactericidal lamp. It provides for alternating bactericidal and fluorescent lamps. Some models are even equipped with an automatic mode switching mechanism.

What to consider when choosing an ultraviolet lamp

When choosing a lamp that has a bactericidal effect, you need to consider the following criteria:

  • what goals are pursued when installing a lamp - therapeutic, preventive, cosmetic, etc.;
  • the power of radiation produced by the lamp. Remember that you should not go too far here, since exceeded levels of ultraviolet radiation may well begin to have a negative effect on healthy tissues of the human body, and not just on pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid overdose and frequent use of UV radiation, except in situations discussed with the doctor;
  • operating requirements. If the operating conditions are violated, the manufacturer is not responsible for the quality of the lamp’s operation and its safe use;
  • manufacturer. It is better to give preference to proven brands that have already proven their quality and safety of products in the market. You shouldn’t cheap out on your health, otherwise it can lead to significant problems.

The main factor that should have a major influence on the choice remains the reason for the purchase. Everything else just adapts to it. Please remember that the exposure time and power must be calculated by specialists.


IN modern world lamps that produce ultraviolet radiation are widely used not only in medicine, but also in other areas. When choosing such products, you should definitely consult with specialists so as not to harm your body. At making the right choice and further operation, bactericidal lighting devices will allow you not only to normalize your health, but also to avoid the risk of getting sick.

Choosing lamps above the work table for the kitchen

Anyone can face an unpleasant situation. Let's take, for example, the most commonplace case - a cold and its treatment at home. Of course, you do not live alone in the house, and germs will spread to every member of the family and lead to the infection of all residents with the disease. To prevent this from happening, new technologies have developed bactericidal lamps that work in the presence of people.

Such a preventative electrical appliance very safe, unlike ordinary quartz, or as it is also called open-type bactericidal lighting. Where each of the devices is used and how the tasks are performed, we suggest considering below in our article.

You've probably heard about the quartzing procedure, in other words, this is air disinfection. Most often, such an event is carried out in hospitals and other medical institutions. Disinfection of premises occurs after operations, and before them, also in rooms where there were people with infection.

Scope of application and main tasks of the recirculator

Attention! People and animals must not be in the room when the recirculator is open.

Germicidal lamp closed type is quite safe and can work for any length of time. The main tasks performed by ultraviolet lighting are:

  • fight against infectious microbes;
  • destruction of pathogens;
  • eliminating the risk of infection from another person;
  • increasing the health safety of those who work in this room.

Since the device is quite effective, it should be used in any in the right places taking into account the correctly installed instructions.

Technical characteristics and instructions for use of the lamp

Germicidal irradiation is the radiation of ultraviolet-type electromagnetic waves with a length of more than 200 meters. The ultraviolet bactericidal lamp, as mentioned earlier, comes in two types: closed and open. The first one is used in almost any conditions, including the absence of people or animals in the room during its operation. The second option, on the contrary, was considered the most dangerous. Its use does not allow the presence of a person in the room being disinfected.

Important! Leave the lamp on only for the designated time.

The source of disinfection and the main active element of lamps is a bactericidal lamp. There are devices from different manufacturer, the most commonly used devices are from PHILIPS. The minimum service life of the device is 8000 hours. The established degree of protection is type B, electrical safety class 1. The weight of the device is small, 3.3 kg, which allows you to mount it on the wall in any convenient position.

Closed bactericidal lamp

Portable germicidal lamp: instructions for use

A disinfection device is quite relevant even at home, because most people try to protect themselves and their loved ones as much as possible from unpleasant diseases. It should be recalled that today’s range of devices is quite large and can be easily combined with any design.

Many manufacturers present models of closed ultraviolet lamps in wooden or metal design. Therefore, you will not damage the design by placing a bactericidal lamp in your home. Let’s delve a little deeper into the instructions and proper use of the recirculator.

  1. Open-type irradiators are connected to work exclusively in an empty room, since the radiation of ultraviolet waves is very dangerous for human health.
  2. Switches for such lighting should be located in a visible place. It is also required to leave information warning about the danger under them.
  3. It is prohibited to stay indoors for a long time immediately after turning off the bactericidal lamp; it is advisable to wait 20 minutes.
  4. A shielded bactericidal lamp can operate for no more than 8 hours a day, and operating mode is 2 hours.
  5. Compliance is mandatory temperature regime and the humidity range in the room where the irradiator is planned to be installed.

Portable germicidal lamp

How to choose an ultraviolet recirculator for your home?

Attention! When using the device at home, follow the rules of caution and operation.

The first thing you need to do is conduct a thorough analysis of the available recycler representatives on the market and compare important factors. The more popular the device, the higher its demand, of course.

When choosing a device, you should pay attention to the warranty period of the lamp and the possibility of its long-term operation. Be sure to evaluate the level of safety and noise suppression. If the equipment is designed correctly, it is practically inaudible in the operating position.

05/17/2015 – We present to your attention instructions on labor protection when working with bactericidal lamps. The instructions include five chapters: 1) general labor protection requirements; 2) labor protection requirements before starting work; 3) labor protection requirements when performing work; 4) labor protection requirements upon completion of work; 5) requirements for labor protection in emergency situations.

Chapter 1. General requirements on labor protection

1 TO independent work using bactericidal lamps (ultraviolet irradiators) are allowed to persons over 18 years of age who have the appropriate medical education and training in the specialty, who have theoretical knowledge and professional skills in accordance with the requirements of current regulatory legal acts, who do not have contraindications to work in this specialty due to health reasons, who have undergone preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic (during employment) tests in the prescribed manner ) medical examinations.

2. When working with bactericidal lamps, workers must be trained safe methods and methods of performing work, they were given an introductory briefing on labor protection and instruction on labor protection in the workplace, undergo an internship at the workplace and test their knowledge of labor protection.

Repeated training on labor protection must be carried out at least once every six months.

When working with electrical medical devices, the employee must have 1 electrical safety group.

3. Medical devices must comply with the requirements of TNLA and documents of manufacturing organizations.

4. All medical electrical devices must:

have a technical passport;

be equipped with grounding;

be in good condition.

5. Employees are obliged:

observe the work and rest regime established by law, the internal labor regulations of the organization, labor discipline, comply with labor protection requirements, personal hygiene rules;

comply with fire safety requirements, know the procedure for action in case of fire, be able to use primary fire extinguishing agents;

Smoking only in designated smoking areas;

know first aid techniques in case of accidents;

report malfunctions of bactericidal lamps and other comments on working with medical equipment, devices and tools to the head of the office or persons performing maintenance of the equipment;

comply with labor protection requirements, as well as rules of behavior on the territory of the institution, in production, auxiliary and household premises;

maintain order in your workplace;

undergo medical examinations, training (training), retraining, advanced training and testing of knowledge on labor protection issues in accordance with the procedure established by law;

perform your official duties carefully;

use bactericidal lamps strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions;

correctly use personal and collective protective equipment in accordance with the conditions and nature of the work performed.

6. When performing work using bactericidal lamps, medical workers may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors:

increased voltage in an electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body;

increased levels of ultraviolet radiation;

increased content of nitrogen oxides and ozone in the air of the working area.

7. When carrying out work using bactericidal lamps, it is necessary to control the content of mercury vapor (no more than 0.0003 mg/m) and ozone (no more than 0.03 mg/m) in the air of the working area.

8. When working in offices with installed bactericidal lamps, workers must be provided with access to primary fire extinguishing equipment and first aid kits. The employee must know the list of medications included in the first aid kit, know its location, and be able to use fire extinguishing equipment.

9. When performing work using bactericidal lamps, the employee must work only in special medical clothing and strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene.

10. When working with bactericidal lamps, medical personnel, taking into account the dangerous and harmful production factors affecting them, must be provided with the means personal protection(hereinafter referred to as PPE), in accordance with the Standard Industry Standards for the free issuance of personal protective equipment, approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection dated September 1, 2008 No. 129.


When a nurse is employed:

Cotton robe Bm - until worn out

Medical gloves BM - until worn out

Safety glasses O or protective face shield NBH - until worn out

Medical mask - until worn out

Cotton cap or scarf - until worn out

When working in a clinic, additionally:

Mi leather shoes – 24 months. or Mi leather slippers – 12 months.

11. It is not allowed to perform work while in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication, as well as drinking alcoholic beverages, using narcotic, toxic and psychotropic substances during working hours and at the place of work.

12. A medical worker is obliged to perform work required employment contract, provide assistance and cooperate with the employer in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, immediately notify your immediate supervisor or other official about the malfunction of equipment, tools, devices, protective equipment, or about the deterioration of your health.

13. If deficiencies in the operation and malfunction of bactericidal lamps are identified during work, workers must notify the head of the office.

14. Employees who do not comply with the requirements of these instructions will be held accountable in accordance with the law.

Chapter 2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

15. Check the serviceability of personal protective equipment necessary to perform the work, put on special medical clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment.

16. Work using bactericidal lamps ( ultraviolet irradiators) should be carried out in rooms in which the parameters of the necessary air disinfection are determined (procedure rooms, dressing rooms, sterilization rooms, operating rooms, laboratories).

17. Before starting work using bactericidal lamps, the employee must check for any visible damage to the bactericidal lamps, their serviceability and completeness.

18. Germicidal irradiators are gas-discharge lamps low pressure with installed self-piercing cathodes. They must be operated in rooms with an air temperature of at least 5 degrees. WITH.

19. When working with bactericidal lamps, the absence or malfunction of their protective grounding is not allowed.

20. Carry out work in strict sequence according to the operating instructions for bactericidal lamps.

21. Do not connect bactericidal lamps and other equipment to the electrical network with wet hands.

22. In the room where ultraviolet irradiation work is carried out, a supply and exhaust ventilation system or window openings must be installed and operating to ensure a single air exchange for at least 12 minutes.

23. Detected violations of labor safety requirements must be eliminated on our own, and if it is impossible to do this, employees are obliged to inform the head of the office about them. It is prohibited to independently eliminate malfunctions of bactericidal lamps associated with their repair and adjustment; repair of devices must be carried out in specialized organizations or by specialists of the organization.

Chapter 3. Labor protection requirements during work

24. Those working with ultraviolet emitters are prohibited from:

use wires with damaged insulation;

allow unauthorized persons into the workplace;

operation of bactericidal lamps without a commissioning certificate and a hygiene certificate;

operation of dusty lamps and irradiators;

work without special clothing and safety devices;

leave the unit switched on unattended, allow unauthorized persons to turn on the bactericidal lamps;

when disinfecting air in the presence of personnel, use bactericidal lamps without a protective screen;

install lamps at a height of less than 2 m from the floor level;

turn on mobile bactericidal lamps in electrical network without protective grounding;

touch exposed wires.

25. When working with bactericidal lamps, medical personnel are obliged to follow methods and techniques for performing work safely, use devices in accordance with their operating instructions, technical data sheets and other documentation developed by manufacturers.

26. In the absence of sufficient ventilation, continuous operation of the irradiators should be carried out within an interval of 2 hours of continuous operation and with mandatory ventilation of the room.

27. Germicidal lamps should be turned on from the corridor, before entering the room. The switch must be numbered. When supplying power to lamps with open receivers from the electrical network, it must be done from separate switches installed in the corridor near front door into the room, interlocked with a light sign at the front door: “Do not enter! Disinfection with ultraviolet radiation is in progress.”

28. It is allowed to work with bactericidal lamps in the presence of patients and staff, also in their absence. When working in the presence of people, the irradiators must be turned on during breaks between work, and the use of unshielded bactericidal lamps is allowed.

29. Closed-type bactericidal lamps must be placed on the wall of the room along the main air flows near heating devices at a height of at least 2 m from the floor.

30. When using combined germicidal lamps, the flow from shielded lamps must be directed to the upper zone of the room to prevent direct flow from entering the lower zone.

31. When using mobile irradiators, it is necessary to apply radiation protection measures, use protective equipment and post a warning sign about the danger.

32. Disinfection and cleaning of bactericidal lamps must be carried out by a trained electrical personnel according to the schedule within the established period of prevention.

33. Electrical personnel must replace starters and lamps. Germicidal lamps that have expired their standard life and become unusable must be stored in a separate room with their subsequent disposal in specialized organizations.

34. When working with bactericidal lamps, exposure control at workplaces is necessary. Measurement of bactericidal irradiation must be carried out using metrological measuring instruments certified by specialized organizations. The results of the operation of bactericidal lamps are reflected in the Logbook of their registration and control of operation.

35. If malfunctions occur in the operation of bactericidal lamps, a dangerous or emergency situation, stop work, turn off the devices in use and notify the head of the office.

Chapter 4. Labor protection requirements after finishing work

36. Upon completion of work with bactericidal lamps, medical personnel must:

disconnect the electric lamps via the power cable from the electrical network;

treat bactericidal lamps with a 30% solution of hydrogen peroxide using detergent;

remove tools, equipment and materials to their storage areas;

tidy up the workplace.

37. Inform the head of the office about the shortcomings identified when working with bactericidal lamps and other factors affecting labor safety.

Chapter 5. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

38. A worker with bactericidal lamps must stop work and turn off the power to the devices:

upon detection of broken power wires, grounding faults and other damage to devices;

if a strong ozone odor is detected;

if the integrity of the lamps is damaged and mercury leaks;

in case of short circuit of electrical equipment and its fire;

in the event of a fire or accident.

39. In the event of a fire in electrical wiring, equipment, or similar incidents, turn off the power supply and take measures to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing agents using carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers.

The use of foam fire extinguishers and water to extinguish live electrical equipment is not permitted.

40. Turn off the supply and exhaust ventilation, immediately report the fire to the head of the office and the fire department, indicating the exact location of its occurrence, notify others and, if necessary, remove people from the danger zone.

41. If a strong ozone odor is detected, you must immediately disconnect the lamps from the electrical network, remove people from the room, turn on the supply and exhaust ventilation system and open the window openings in the room until the room is completely ventilated. Call a repair service to determine the serviceability of the lamps used and the possibility of their further operation.

42. If a broken lamp or spreading of mercury is detected, it is necessary to collect the fragments in a separate bag and collect the mercury using a rubber bulb in a container with a lid. Rinse the room with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. Hand over the collected mercury and broken lamp to a special technical service of the organization for further disposal.

43. In case of an accident at work, you must:

quickly take measures to prevent the impact of traumatic factors on the victim, provide first aid to the victim, and call emergency medical services to the scene of the incident;

report the incident to the head of the office or the responsible (official) person, ensure the safety of the situation before the start of the investigation, if this does not pose a danger to the life and health of people.

Various microorganisms that are carriers of infections and viruses constantly live in the air. It is unrealistic to fight germs and bacteria outdoors in an open space. But it is possible to purify indoor air using special devices, .

If a person has high immune defense, his body independently fights pathogenic microorganisms. However, people with weak immune systems are much more likely to catch diseases carried by bacteria and viruses. For this reason, bactericidal lamps are widely used in medical institutions, schools, kindergartens, and catering establishments.

Scope and purposes of operation

The bactericidal irradiator became effective means in the fight against infectious diseases, viruses and many other pathogenic agents, especially in the cold season.

The lamps do an excellent job of disinfecting air, surfaces and water. Open bactericidal irradiators are used only where people and other living beings are not present. And closed lamps are successfully used in rooms where people and other living beings are located. The maximum effect in air purification and disinfection is demonstrated by the use of two types of mercury-quartz devices.

UV disinfection lamps are suitable for:

  • Air purification.
  • Disinfection of rooms, certain items, tools and equipment.
  • Water disinfection.
  • Disinfection of cutlery and dishes.
  • General improvement of the microclimate.
The principle of ultraviolet water disinfection

Operating Requirements

Depending on the nature of the actions performed and the purpose of the premises, they are classified into three categories:

  1. Rooms where disinfection is carried out in the presence of a person.
  2. Rooms where the air is disinfected in the absence of living beings.
  3. Premises where disinfection is carried out in the short-term presence of a person.

To disinfect rooms with the constant presence of living beings, it is necessary to use closed-type devices that do not allow direct radiation to escape into the room. Recirculators are used for this. With their help, continuous operation of the lamp is ensured.

If it is possible to temporarily vacate a room from people, then bactericidal irradiators are used that carry out disinfection with a directed ultraviolet stream. Such devices do not work for long.

Short-term exposure to ultraviolet light provides children with vitamin D, usually supplied by sunlight. "Sunshine Vitamin" strengthens young bones.

Recirculators are installed in rooms on the walls, taking into account the main air flows, namely next to heating devices at a height of 2 meters from the floor.

If the room is cleared of people for a short time, then mixed-type irradiators become appropriate. While there are people in the room, they work, and when the room remains empty, the irradiators are turned on for a short time. In this case, the operating time of the device is reduced to 5 minutes. The intervals between disinfections are 3 hours. Thanks to mixed disinfection devices, the degree of disinfection of rooms during preparation for operations increases.

In the absence of a person, disinfection is carried out with open instruments or devices combined type. The maximum duration of irradiation is 25 minutes. During this time, the required level of bactericidal effect is achieved. The intervals between services should be at least 2 hours.

Power supply for ultraviolet installations open view supplied using special switches located outside the room, next to the entrance. These switches are accompanied by the use of an illuminated sign indicating “Danger” or “Do not enter, disinfection in progress.”

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

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Attention! To prevent unexpected exposure of people to ultraviolet radiation, devices are recommended that block the power supply to the device if the doors are opened.

Switches for “ozone-free” devices are mounted in any accessible place. Above them you need to hang a sign “Bactericidal irradiation”.

It is imperative to provide personal protective equipment for employees from ultraviolet radiation: face masks, glasses, gloves. These things are used when there is an urgent need for a person to be in the room when the irradiator is operating.

Glasses - means of protection against negative impact bactericidal and quartz lamps

The operation of open ultraviolet lamps in a room where there are people is strictly prohibited, according to sanitary rules.

When using mixed-type irradiation devices, the bactericidal flow from the shielded lamp is directed to the ceiling in such a way as to prevent the rays from reaching living objects.

Combination devices are equipped with separate switches, which provide separate control of the unprotected and shielded bulbs. In this case, the action open lamps permissible only in the absence of living beings in the room.

Using mobile types of irradiators for effective disinfection, service personnel wear face masks, protective gloves and goggles. These products prevent ultraviolet rays from reaching the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes. Disinfection is carried out without the presence of strangers.

Installations that use reflected flow in their operation are used exclusively in places where people are present for a short time, for example, in warehouses, toilets, corridors. It is important to comply with hygienic requirements regarding the degree of exposure, the duration of one-time exposure and the time interval between procedures and the total duration of the irradiator.

Regardless of the purpose of the room and under any conditions, bactericidal devices are placed in such a way as to prevent human exposure to direct directed ultraviolet radiation.

How to improve efficiency?

To improve the operating efficiency of bactericidal devices, the following rules are provided. Closed irradiators or recirculators are installed in rooms on the walls in the same direction as the main air flows, at a height of 2 meters from the floor surface. If several lamps are used, they are placed around the perimeter at the same distance from each other.

Germicidal lamps are placed in places where people frequent

The effectiveness of ultraviolet treatment of a room is assessed by the reduction in the concentration of bacteria in the air, on the surfaces of furniture, walls and equipment under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The basis is an assessment of the degree of microbial contamination before irradiation and after the procedure. Both values ​​are compared with standards.

One of the distinctive qualities of bactericidal devices is the high dependence of their emitting and electrical characteristics from hesitation electrical voltage. When the mains voltage increases, the life of the lamps decreases. When the tension increases by 20 percent, the operating time drops to 50 percent. If the voltage drops by more than 20 percent, the germicidal lamps burn unsteadily or go out completely.

During lamp operation, the emitted ultraviolet flux gradually decreases. A too rapid reduction in flux is observed during the first tens of hours of using the lamp - up to 10 percent. With further use, the rate of reduction decreases. The duration of lamp operation is affected by the number of switches.

The temperature indicators of the air in the room and the movement of air masses are reflected in the fluxes of lamp radiation. Closed devices practically do not change their power when changing external temperatures, unlike open lamps. The lower the room temperature, the more difficult it is to ignite devices, the sputtering of electrodes increases, which reduces the service life of the product. If the air in the room is colder than 10 degrees Celsius, some lamps may not turn on.

The electrical characteristics of bactericidal devices practically do not differ from the parameters of standard ones fluorescent lamps. They can be connected to AC power.


  • The flasks of bactericidal lamps, as well as the screens used, must be cleaned from dust. These procedures are carried out according to a set schedule.
  • Dust is wiped only on devices that are disconnected from power.
  • Lamps whose operational period indicated in the documents has expired must be replaced with new ones in a timely manner. To determine the expiration date, electric meters are used that show the total operating time of devices in hours. The readings of radiometers confirming a decrease in the power of antibacterial radiation are also taken into account.

The bactericidal lamp instructions for use describe all the requirements regarding safety and rules of interaction with the device. Before turning on the device, you need to carefully set the correct direction of the radiation flow. It is also necessary to strictly follow safety instructions when using stabilizers.

Cleaning and processing of the device is carried out only after it is disconnected from the power supply. These procedures are performed with soft sponges without water. In treatment rooms, kindergartens, and clinics, there is always a logbook where the operation of these devices is recorded.

Safety requirements

When ultraviolet waves up to 320 nm are exposed to exposed skin or eyes, dangerous burns and a serious risk of developing melanoma, a skin cancer. Therefore, disinfection lamps are used at a time when there is no one in the room. In some cases, it is acceptable for an adult to be in the room, but the lamps must be protected by an opaque reflective screen that directs the emitted flux towards the ceiling. Remember that no rays from the lamp should reach the area in which living beings, including people, are located.

It is prohibited to use lamps that are not equipped with screens if they are in a person’s field of vision.

Each irradiator has accompanying documents that describe technical properties, types of lamps, magnitude and intensity of flux, expiration dates and production date.

In any disinfection devices, disinfectant lamps and irradiator elements must be kept in perfect cleanliness, since even a slight layer of dust becomes an obstacle to the radiation flow.

Thanks to the study of methodological recommendations, the user high level will comply with the requirements of current regulations describing sanitary standards maintenance of various children's, medical, home premises or production workshops, equipped with irradiators with bactericidal lamps.

When using the described disinfection devices, it is taken into account that ultraviolet irradiation is not a replacement for standard sanitary and epidemiological measures, but only a supplement to them in the form of the final stage of space treatment.

In case of contact with skin or mucous membranes, bactericidal streams from lamps lead to burns. Therefore, it is possible to use bactericidal lamps only in empty room where there is nothing alive. In some situations, a person may be in the room during disinfection. But at the same time, the lamp is equipped with a reflector that directs the flow of ultraviolet radiation upward. The use of unshielded devices near people is prohibited. After performing the procedure, the room needs to be ventilated, especially if a person hears the sour aroma of ozone.

After use, mobile irradiators are sent to a special storage room and covered with covers.

Lamps that have burned out the allotted number of hours are subject to mandatory replacement. The reason for replacement is also a reduction in the llama flow if its indicator is below the limit. This value is determined by metrological control.

If the lamp is broken or damaged, do not allow mercury vapor or mercury itself to enter the room.

It is prohibited to throw away both whole used lamps and broken devices into general waste containers. These products are sent to the appropriate regional centers involved in the processing of mercury-containing devices. If mercury does get into the room, demercurization is mandatory.

Expert opinion

Alexey Bartosh

Specialist in repair and maintenance of electrical equipment and industrial electronics.

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Attention! During operation of the irradiator, ozone may form inside the room. This substance is dangerous to human health. Children and people with chronic respiratory diseases are especially sensitive to the negative effects of ozone. Therefore, regular monitoring of the ozone content in the air of the treated room is required. Concentrations exceeding the norm are unacceptable.

To reduce the risk of ozone formation, preference is now given to ozone-free lamps - closed devices covered with uviol glass rather than quartz. And quartz lamps can only be used in a room free of living creatures.

Disinfection of catering premises

Organizations in the catering sector, such as cafes, canteens, kitchens and restaurants, are considered to be at high risk for the occurrence of outbreaks and the rapid spread of infectious diseases. Consequently, these establishments are closely monitored by the relevant authorities.

As a rule, disinfection in canteens and restaurants is carried out for prevention. This procedure includes not only mechanical cleaning, but also disinfection using bactericidal lamps.

Disinfection of kitchens in catering establishments is also important. They are carried out to prevent food spoilage and contamination by pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, bactericidal lamps are now widely used in hot and cold cooking shops. Such lamps study ultraviolet radiation, which destroys bacteria in the air and on indoor surfaces. Ultraviolet irradiators can be used not only to disinfect space, but also to disinfect equipment, kitchen equipment, containers and devices.