Combined houses - advantages and features. Types of combined houses made of stone and wood: design and construction. Combined chalet houses

Austrian style chalets in Russian cottage villages

Construction technology combined houses consists of laying the walls of the first floor from stone and using wood to assemble the second floor. The general name of the buildings is chalets. The word came from Austria: such buildings were often erected in the mountains.

GOOD WOOD builds combined houses from laminated timber own production and porous ceramic blocks Porotherm. These are safe and durable materials that can be used without additional insulation.

Why are combined houses so popular?

Chalets are a hit in cottage villages. Popularity over the last 3-5 years combined projects is growing steadily: several hundred families already live in the standard KD-225, which has become a real bestseller among GOOD WOOD offerings.

Advantages of combined houses:

  1. Non-standard appearance. Agree, against the backdrop of completely brick and wooden buildings The chalets look very advantageous.
  2. Eat finished projects and many objects built according to individual drawings. It’s easier for the customer to choose suitable house and immediately determine the price of construction.
  3. Reliable stable design. It will suit anyone who doubts the strength of wooden housing construction.
  1. Combining two materials for families who have not yet come to a consensus on what to build a house from. The solution will suit both brick (ceramic block) supporters and wood lovers.
  2. Division into residential and common areas. The first (stone) floor is reserved for the living room, kitchen, boiler room, and storage rooms. The second (wooden) floor is used for bedrooms and children's rooms.

Ready-made projects of combined houses

The catalog presents 3 ready-made projects: KD-225, KD-202 and a new development by our partners (architectural bureau "Carlson and K") - cottage K-1. For all standard cottages, a detailed package is provided - with materials, a description of construction technology and other details. For KD-225 and KD-202, you can even calculate the monthly heating cost in advance.

It is not difficult to make a high-quality combined house with your own hands if you follow all the rules recommended by technology. However, as the experience of home-grown builders suggests, it is better to leave some stages of the process to professionals or order a full range of turnkey services. For those who want to dare, below brief instructions on building a house from different materials.

Manufacturing technology of a combined house. Stages

So, how to build a combined house with your own hands? Before construction begins, future owners are required to take several steps to begin the process. Namely:

  1. Come to a consensus on the appearance of the object.
  2. Order the project and related documentation.
  3. Obtain a building permit.
  4. Prepare the site - clear the area of ​​vegetation and organize storage facilities. Leaving material in the open air is fraught with damage and theft, especially if the object is not guarded.

If such conditions are not met, the city or town services will have the right to independently decide the fate of the new facility. That is, it will be very easy to demolish the building.

  • The construction of a combined house with your own hands begins with the usual action for all objects - installing the foundation. The choice is predetermined by the project and, most likely, is a slab or a monolithic strip. Its construction is simple - a ditch, shock absorption, waterproofing, insulation, reinforcement, filling.
  • After the allotted time for shrinkage, the first floor is erected. Since the elements have regular geometric shapes - bricks, blocks - the laying begins from the corners, using a mooring cord for this.

It is convenient to use to check for level compliance. In addition to corners, wall intersections are laid. The walls lead from the finished elements.

  • Classic mortar should be used for masonry only when using bricks. The blocks must be connected with special adhesives. Thus, it will be possible to reduce heat loss through the seams.
  • Having brought the walls to the desired height, they begin the stages of building a house with their own hands, associated with interfloor ceilings. To do this, grooves for the ceiling beams are left on the walls in advance. The ends of wood with a cross-section of 150 mm or more are wrapped in several layers of roofing felt.

It is necessary to act in such a way that the pieces of material lie freely on brick walls. It is not advisable to tar the bitumen - the bitumen will completely clog the wood channels, and rotting will happen quickly.

In this way, the first, framed crown is protected from dampness. Larch timber is laid on a layer of rubber or roofing felt - this guarantees that moisture from temperature changes will not get on the wood.

  • Next, the construction of a private house with your own hands continues as follows - the previously prepared crowns are lifted up and secured using the appropriate method. For this, dowels are used - wooden clamps similar in shape to shovel handles.

They can also be square in cross-section, the main thing is that they fit into the holes prepared in advance with difficulty. They hammer them in with a mallet. Don't forget about the inter-crown seal.

  • Sometimes, instead of solid wooden walls, the process involves installing a frame and covering the resulting sectors with sip panels or other material. In this case, the help of lifting equipment is necessary - such elements are quite heavy for installation on their own.
  • The rafter system for combined objects differs only in a large number of dressings and reinforcements. The pediments can be assembled on the ground and installed with shields in certain places. Rafter legs should “travel” outside the house, focusing on the lower level of the first floor, so that the draining moisture does not linger on the blind area or basement.
  • There is no need to wait for the entire structure to shrink - finishing the first floor can begin immediately. For external surfaces, clinker tiles that imitate brick can be used as cladding. It looks great, especially if unpresentable cinder blocks or similar raw materials were used in construction.

As a result of using imitation as cladding, combined do-it-yourself chalet-style houses are obtained. There are a lot of trends - country, Russian hut, Scandinavian motifs.

That's the whole process described briefly. Any item has many nuances, and you should definitely study the relevant information on this topic.

Experience from professionals

This section will tell you about common mistakes when building yourself:

  1. The materials of the first and second floors must match each other. You cannot use homemade blocks and heavy logs that are similar in weight to a monolith. It would be stupid to wait for a fortress then.
  2. Considering stone to be unaffected by moisture, a home-grown builder is sorely mistaken. Everyone knows that water wears away even cobblestones, so it is worth protecting it from penetration and accumulation of vapors or precipitation. If the owners want to leave their original beauty, they should apply the appropriate composition to the construction raw materials.
  3. If it is decided to clad the first floor with bricks rather than tiles, then a separate foundation is made for it, a reinforced mesh and special fastenings are purchased. Otherwise the masonry will simply blow away.
  4. Window and doorways the second floor is cut out after the wood shrinks, unlike the first floor, where they are taken into account by the design. If you do them right away, then over time, the double-glazed windows will simply be crushed, despite the compensation gap - the peak of shrinkage occurs in the first year of the box’s existence. It is worth meeting this period rather than spending it on new frames later.
These are not all the nuances of objects of this type. Building a combined house with your own hands will give home-grown craftsmen invaluable experience - they will teach you how to handle two types of raw materials at once. If the owners are frightened by the stages of construction, then the work of professionals is always at their service.

It is not the gods who fire the pots. Once upon a time in Rus' it was considered common to build a house for your own family. Now, with all the variety of materials and technologies, it would be a sin not to take advantage of the knowledge gleaned from various sources, including this article.

Among the completed housing construction work: different types a significant place is occupied by combined houses, projects using a combination of building materials with different characteristics, for example, a house made of stone and wood. Why are such structures so popular?

Advantages of combined type projects

The correct combination of various building materials used in the construction of building structures allows you to optimally combine the advantages of each of them, minimizing their disadvantages.

For example, a stone is immune to any external influences, including fire. But it is too heavy and large, and a structure built entirely from stone will not support any foundation and in some cases it will require reinforcement. But using wood to construct the upper part of the building will not only reduce its specific weight, but also provide excellent appearance. In addition, wood will significantly reduce the cost of construction.

Thus, the design and construction of turnkey combined houses is one of the priorities of the Krovmarket company.

Projects of combined houses in the Chalet style

Among the house-building projects that combine various building materials, there are the following:

The architects of the Krovmarket company have developed various design solutions, including housing that combines brick and wood or stone and wood, that is, you can look at ready-made projects of combined houses. By using any of the proposals, you can reduce the cost of building combined houses without losing the quality and aesthetic properties of the structure.

If a potential homeowner has his own idea of ​​what a future home should look like, Krovmarket architects will create an individual project for a combined house. Any construction solutions developed by highly qualified specialists and using combinations of different building materials, be it small cozy houses or huge mansions, they are distinguished by functionality and special charm.

If, while studying the project catalog, you have questions, our specialists will be happy to answer them and give all the necessary advice on construction and making possible changes to standard projects.

Construction of combined houses

The construction and design of combined houses is one of the company's priorities. Working with us, you will get the maximum useful information, tips and recommendations that will help you understand many things and make the right decision for yourself.

    Availability of our own production base;
    We work without intermediaries! Own production site in the north of the Kirov region (logging, production of lumber and wooden house kits from logs and timber) - a guarantee of fair prices and prompt solutions to all production issues;

    Specialized design bureau
    At the request of the customer, we will make any redevelopment and changes to the basic projects or develop an individual one. Our project will take into account all the wishes for the construction of an individual combined house, using modern and efficient construction and finishing materials. Drawings and realistic pictures will be created that will allow you to see your future cottage as it will turn out after construction is completed;

    Big choice finished projects
    Projects of combined houses are developed taking into account the requirements and norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation on low-rise construction and guarantees that there will be no problems when obtaining a construction permit and commissioning. All processes and material consumption have been optimized, which will allow you not to overpay, and builders to complete all stages efficiently and in a short time construction work;

    Fully equipped house
    We offer various configurations of combined houses. Construction can be divided into stages for the convenience of planning financial costs and the possibility of building a turnkey cottage by one organization. As a result, you will receive a house completely ready to move in;

    Construction in many regions of the country
    We carry out the construction of combined houses throughout almost the entire territory of the central (European) part of Russia: Moscow, Leningrad, Tver, Ryazan, Vladimir, Novgorod, Pskov, Nizhny Novgorod, Smolensk and other regions;

    Transaction security
    We guarantee the security of the transaction: The customer pays payments under the contract, in stages, upon delivery building material and the implementation of the next stage of work, monitoring each stage of construction;

    Moderate construction prices
    We do not build the cheapest combined houses in Russia, we build them honestly! Transparent estimate: The customer always sees what the price for the cottage is formed from, which is indicated in several options to be able to choose the optimal one economic solution;

    No hidden fees
    We fix the price and cost of construction in the contract, and it remains unchanged, even if the contract was concluded several months before the start of work. All unexpected expenses are at our expense!

    Experienced builders
    Only experienced and permanent construction teams. Each stage of work is carried out by highly specialized teams. Technical and design (author's) supervision of each stage of construction;

    Extensive work experience
    Combined houses have a number of fundamental differences from completely wooden or stone buildings. We know everything possible problems at all stages: design, construction, finishing, commissioning, and we do not allow their occurrence. We have already built a large number of combined houses and we are always ready to show you our existing facilities or cottages that we have already built.

The first floor of the combined houses is made of stone, and the second floor is made of wood. The combination of a stone bottom and a wooden top in one building divides the functions between stone and wood in such a way as to take advantage of the advantages of these building materials and, if possible, bypass or weaken their disadvantages, that is, “killing two birds with one stone” with one blow.

What's the point?

Building stone, whether ceramic brick or gas silicate, strong, durable, does not rot, is not as afraid of moisture as wood, and is fireproof. Stone buildings evoke a feeling of solidity and reliability. On the first (stone) floor of a combined house, all potentially fire-hazardous rooms that are in one way or another connected with fire are usually concentrated: a fireplace room, a kitchen, a boiler room, a sauna.

At the same time, we are tired of stone in the city; in stone rooms there is often a lack of comfort -
doesn't warm our souls. IN combined houses The living quarters are located on the second floor, built of wood. It’s easier to breathe in them - and this is not an allegory or an illusion: natural wood, as is known, reacts sensitively to fluctuations in humidity, absorbing and giving away excess or missing moisture - as they say, “breathes” - and maintains the ideal temperature in the room. human body microclimate. In a wooden volume, a different, more personal and emotional perception of a home arises than in a typical cell of a typical city high-rise building. At the same time, the tree, raised to the height of the second floor and separated from the moist soil by three meters of masonry, does not suffer from water, does not rot or mold, and is preserved much longer than in conventional wooden buildings. And the wide overhangs of the roof, characteristic of this type of building, protect the wood from rain and direct sunlight.

A completely natural and already familiar division arises: below are public areas and Technical buildings, upstairs is housing.

A little history

The combined floor is a very beautiful and time-tested type of construction. Similar buildings were erected in the dark times of the Middle Ages in the Alps, in the disputed province of Savoy, which belonged alternately to France and Italy. These were, of course, not villas and palaces, but shepherd’s huts - simple and durable. Constructed from solid timber and natural stone, they served reliable protection for people and livestock from bad weather, so frequent and sudden in the mountains. The buildings were erected from various available building materials - stone and wood, and lime was used as whitewash. The high ground floor has always been made of stone. This was dictated by the features local climate and geology - heavy snowfalls and the proximity of rock that served as a natural foundation. The sloping roof resisted strong winds (sometimes shingles or shingles were pressed on top with cobblestones so that the roof would not be blown away by the wind), and its large overhangs protected the walls from slanting rain. It is curious that they usually tried to orient the shepherd's dwellings according to the cardinal points, with the face - that is, the most beautiful main facade - facing the east.

This is how the now popular chalet style, so common in the architecture of combined cottages, was born.

But it was not only Alpine shepherds who learned to combine stone and wood. In Rus', from ancient times, log huts were also erected on a high stone cage, which served as a storeroom for some, and as a trading post for others. Here, among the dense forests, where stone is not such a natural material as in the mountains, two-story houses With a stone bottom, only relatively rich people, most often practical merchants, could afford them. And we, by building combined houses for ourselves, thereby continue the centuries-old merchant tradition.

Gradually, the Alpine chalets resembled squalid huts less and less, acquiring a more residential and comfortable appearance, turning into permanent shepherd's dwellings. More and more attention was paid to convenience, warmth and coziness. Now in such a chalet it was possible not only to wait out prolonged bad weather, but also to live for a large shepherd or peasant family. Perfected by harsh mountain nature and centuries folk art, traditional chalet houses have survived to this day. And now the most common architectural style combined houses are ennobled and modern style chalet.

Chalet interiors traditionally gravitate towards the “country” style, playing with the juxtaposition of stone and wood. What is characteristic of this style? Mostly used natural materials: stone, wood, lime plaster, woven draperies. The walls of the first floor are most often covered with lime. Almost always the interior is decorated with protruding wooden ceiling beams; They are often painted in a contrasting color dark color and decorated with carvings. In residential interiors, attics like to use aged wood, dark, with a web of microscopic cracks. A large fireplace with dark winter evenings the whole family can gather. All this creates an atmosphere of comfort, warmth, security, peace, good traditions with a touch of some patriarchy - the atmosphere of Home with a capital H.

What materials and how to build a combined house?

Modern construction technologies present a wide range of options on how and what to build from
in accordance with the budget.

The stone first floor can be made of brick, gas silicate or porous ceramic blocks. Brick according to modern requirements It is advisable to insulate heating equipment. For this, there are proven technologies - the “ventilated facade”, without which not a single urban construction site can do today, and “ wet facade"when special plaster is applied to the insulation layer. Thickness brickwork in this case, it can be made minimal, as long as it corresponds to the necessary strength characteristics of a residential cottage.

Walls made of gas silicate or porous ceramics do not need to be insulated - the house will already be warm. They are usually plastered on the outside; in this case, special plaster compositions for gas silicate should be used that have good vapor permeability.

Log, beam or frame?

The choice of specific material and technology for constructing the second floor of a combined house is even wider. A residential floor can be built from rounded logs, profiled or laminated timber, ordinary unplaned timber, insulated from the outside using the “ventilated facade” method, or made into a frame.

Rounding and laminated veneer lumber are the most traditional options, which are suitable for those who simply love wood, its beauty, warmth, texture, smell.

In fact, a low frame is being cut on a high one stone plinth under a sloping roof - that’s all the features.

Insulated timber is perhaps the most modern version, corresponding to heat standards in a residential building. Outdoor decorative finishing The façade can be anything from imitation of prestigious laminated timber to reproducing the traditional appearance of authentic Alpine chalets.

When planning the construction of a combined house, do not forget that, thanks to its stone foundation, the house will be very heavy, which will most likely require the construction of a fully buried strip foundation or reinforced concrete slab of considerable thickness. Be that as it may, the design and calculation of the foundation must be done competently and responsibly.

The frame also allows you to give the attic any appearance. But in this case, the environment may suffer: it is not living wood that comes into contact with living spaces, but a synthetic vapor barrier film. However, an interesting modern version of the construction frame attic- half-timbered technology with large area glazing. Energy-saving double-glazed windows comply with heat standards, and the appearance is both strictly traditional and completely unusual. It can be said that panoramic glazing Attic facades are very suitable for a modern combined house.

Do you dream of building Vacation home, but reached a dead end when choosing a building material. No wonder. There are people who value stone for its strength and monumentality. Some people choose wood for its environmental friendliness, speed of construction, natural color and wood pattern. There are people who have the same attitude towards both materials. The solution is quite simple - consider projects of combined houses made of brick and timber. The problem of choice will disappear, and it will be possible to unite two elements under one roof.

Any design cannot be perfect. There will always be pros and cons of individual houses and the materials used for construction. Combined projects have their own characteristics. Let's talk about the advantages of using timber and brick together.

Reliability of a combined house

Any building can be reliable if everything is taken into account during construction important points. The combined project provides greater reliability of the house. Mostly two-story cottages are built according to this principle. The ground floor and first floors are made of brick. This ensures structural strength and prolongs the life of the house. Brick is not afraid of fire, water, strong wind, and sunlight. Provided the foundation is laid correctly, the brick box will not move or be destroyed by the elements. It is better to make the second floor from timber. There are several variations of timber:

  • not profiled;
  • profiled;
  • glued.

Before choosing timber, read quality characteristics everyone, so as not to make mistakes. They mainly use profiled and laminated timber for log houses. Wood has different properties, which can be extended by constructing the lower part of the brick box. A reliable brick base will allow a light timber box to stand under any circumstances. For example, during a flood it often floods a home to the level of the roof if the house does not have a superstructure. Wooden structure rarely withstands large flows of water and its influence:

  • the log is difficult to dry;
  • the box is deformed or, in general, falls apart;
  • required major renovation or installation of a new log house.

When constructing a building according to a combined project, the following consequences can be avoided:

  • the lower floor is made of brick and is not subject to destruction;
  • it is enough to dry the walls and foundation;
  • perform interior finishing.
  • the second floor made of timber will not be damaged by water.

There can be many such situations; we will not list them.

Comfort of a combined house

Possibility of accommodation common rooms on the first floor:

  • kitchens;
  • bathroom;
  • living room;
  • toilet;
  • boiler room

Brick can withstand changes:

  • temperatures;
  • humidity;
  • fumes from cooking.

The tree does not behave so flawlessly. Therefore, a private area is placed on the second floor. In the rest and sleep areas, the timber retains its natural properties:

  • breathes;
  • allows moisture to pass through;
  • keeps warm;
  • creates a comfortable microclimate.

This allows you to create comfortable conditions to residents. The first brick floor is set up for an active life, the second floor made of timber helps you relax, enjoy the tranquility, natural decor walls

Combination house safety

Fire safety concerns not only residents apartment buildings, but also an individual mansion. This is no coincidence. How much equipment and engineering structures are provided in the cottage for a full-fledged stay. Gas, electrical devices pose a fire hazard. Brick is resistant to fire. Its use in the construction of the first floor is very advisable due to the location of fire sites. The brick will prevent the fire from spreading quickly. The second floor made of timber, with a timely response, will not be exposed to fire.

Speed ​​of box construction for a combined project

If you don’t have time to wait long, combined housing projects will come to the rescue. Attic made of glued or profiled timber chamber drying assembles quickly:

  • poured the foundation;
  • given the opportunity to dry out;
  • laid out a brick wall;
  • assembled the second lightweight floor from timber;
  • the wooden box looks aesthetically pleasing even without finishing;
  • establish communications;
  • moving to live on the second floor of a combined building.

The first floor requires more time to finish. So we’ll deal with it last, living on the second floor.

Price of combined projects

I would like to save money during construction. Combined house projects allow you to do this. The brick, its masonry, and mortar will cost the developer a decent amount. We will have to build a house on one floor. It is cheaper to install a log house from timber if you do the installation yourself. This is easy to do from profiled or laminated timber. Here's the savings for you. House at an affordable price. The project of a combined frame made of brick and laminated timber is more expensive, but the properties of profiled timber are no worse. Choose for yourself what to make the second floor from.

The disadvantages of combined projects include the following:

  1. Exterior view of the facade. The combined house has no specific styling. The rough simplicity of brick is the natural appearance of timber. It can be fixed. There are façade finishing elements. They will give a finished look to the walls.
  2. Search for generalist builders for a combined project.
  3. It is necessary to correctly calculate the transitions of walls from the first to the second floor and install them.

Otherwise, the shortcomings may be of a personal nature based on the requirements of the owner of the combined housing.

Types of houses according to a combined project

Houses made of brick and timber are of different modifications.

  1. Often projects are presented with two-story houses. It is possible to build structures of greater height. It all depends on the client’s imagination and capabilities.
  2. There are one-story projects - remodeling existing house. Not long ago for construction individual house Hand-cut logs were used. The box has retained its appearance and strength, but needs to be enlarged square meters. It is not always possible to build a second floor on a wooden box due to the foundation or soil. Then a project is created to expand the house at the log house level:
  • They are adding a toilet, shower room, and a new kitchen. Brick is more suitable for this. The result is a project for a combined house made of timber and brick on one level.
  • Sometimes log house covered with bricks in one layer. Environmental friendliness, comfort, room climate is maintained, and functions are expanded.

Projects of combined houses made of brick and timber are welcome:

  • If the soil does not allow the construction two-storey house made of brick. The load is large, the foundation can burst and cause deformations and distortions.
  • A second floor made of glued or profiled timber will reduce the load.
  • You can save on strengthening the foundation for a heavy house. There will be no need to raise the soil layer to a sufficient height.

The combined project will make the dream of two-story cottage. To be decisive, watch a video about houses made of brick and timber:

Let's look at photos of projects of combined houses made of brick and timber: A house built of brick and timber looks unique. In recent years, demand for projects has emerged. Combined housing is very popular abroad. A well-known example is a “chalet” house or buildings that combine a brick first floor and a frame second tier. Projects of combined houses made of brick and timber deserve attention. Having studied the design features, you can safely begin to create and implement your own version.