What are the best convectors for heating a house? Electric convectors: rating, review, characteristics. The best gas convector

Electric convectors are quite common devices. They are characterized by high efficiency and miniature size, making it possible to heat rooms for various purposes. When using electric convectors to heat a private home, the price of heating can be quite high. Is it worth using this heating equipment at all and how justified is it when heating private households?

In our review article we will cover:

  • about the costs of electric heating using electric convector heaters;
  • on calculating the number and power of convectors for a particular area;
  • about the choice of electric convectors and adjustment of heating costs.

After reading this material, you will get an idea of ​​the feasibility of operating electric heating using convector heaters.

Economic benefits from using electric convectors

Using electric convectors to heat a private home, the price of heating will consist of the initial costs of purchasing the equipment and the cost of electricity required to operate the equipment. Can electric heating be called profitable? Compared to classic heating systems with electric boilers, heating radiators and pipes connecting it all, the benefits are obvious:

  • no need to buy an expensive boiler;
  • no need to buy temperature control equipment;
  • there is no need to buy and lay pipes.

By choosing heating with such devices, you save yourself from purchasing all this expensive equipment and laying pipes.

Thus, the main benefit of using convectors is the absence of the need to purchase additional equipment. Considering the high prices for the same batteries, where one section costs from 500 rubles, the savings will be decent.

Another factor that makes electric heating of a private house with convectors more profitable is the lack of costs for the work of specialists. Laying pipes, connecting radiators, installing and tuning a heating boiler - all this requires serious costs. As for the installation of electric convectors, in this case the costs will be minimal, since installation requires only suitable fasteners.

What other benefits are there from heating with electric convectors? Yes, at least with less heat loss - it is lost in electric boilers and in pipes. In the case of electric heaters, there are no special losses, since the heating elements are located directly in the heating equipment. In addition, convection reduces required power for heating 1 sq. m - many manufacturers talk about this.

Despite the fact that manufacturers of electric convectors give different recommendations for calculating power, for the Russian climate it is better to use the standard calculation formula based on 100 W per 1 sq. m.

Reviews about heating a private house with convectors indicate that such heating is highly efficient and relatively high speed warming up. The set temperature is set in the premises 1.5-2 hours after the equipment is turned on to the electrical network. For more economical energy consumption, it is advisable to buy electric convectors for heating a private house with electronic control.

In terms of heating rooms with high ceilings, electric heaters are a little inferior. In this case it is better to use auxiliary heating equipment, e.g. infrared heaters– they are well suited for heating high rooms and spaces.

We calculate the number of convectors

By placing appliances under windows, you prevent cold air from entering from them.

Are you planning to buy convectors for heating your home, but can’t figure out how many there are? In many cases, one heater is enough to heat one room. For example, for a room of 15 square meters. m in a well-insulated house, you should purchase a model with a power of 1000 W (as manufacturers advise, but we remember the need for a reserve and climatic features our country). Therefore, the recommended power will be 1500 W.

The optimal place to place a convector is under a window from which the cold comes. In order to protect yourself from the cold, we place devices under the windows. Accordingly, if there are three windows in a given room, we hang a heating device under each. In total, we will need three electric convectors with a power of 500 W each. The area of ​​the room is 25 square meters. m, but it only has two windows? In this case, two convectors with a power of 1 and 1.5 kW are required.

To heat large rooms more uniformly, you can increase the number of convectors by reducing their power - for example, in a room of 25 square meters. m, you can place two 1 kW convectors under the windows, and a third heater can be placed on one of the walls.

We calculate energy costs

Now we will try to calculate the power of the equipment necessary to heat the rooms. In our calculations we will use the standard formula, based on which for heating 1 sq. m we need 100 W of thermal energy. IN northern regions this figure increases to 150 W, and in the south it drops to 80 (it is best to focus on 100 W or check this figure with heating specialists in your region).

Remember a simple rule for calculating the power of a convector: multiplying the area of ​​the room by 100 you get the power required for heating it in W.

Let's say we need to heat a house measuring 50 square meters. m of living space. For this we will need electric convectors with a total power of 5 kW. If the devices operate around the clock, the daily consumption will be 120 kW. Based average cost 1 kW of energy costs 4 rubles (in different regions differently), daily costs will be 480 rubles, and monthly costs will be 14,880 rubles (for months with 31 days).

But convectors do not operate around the clock - they periodically turn on and off, maintaining the set temperature. Therefore, we can safely reduce the amount received by half - it will be 7,440 rubles. You also need to take into account that winters can be warm, with a large number of days with positive temperatures. In this case, heating costs will be lower. Electronic control, which provides more accurate support for the set temperature, will also help reduce costs.

How to reduce heating costs

We have written more than once that reducing heat losses helps make electric heating cheaper. How to reduce heating costs? Here are the basic steps to help reduce your energy costs:

The main indicators of heat loss in private houses. If you insulate the walls, floor and attic, and also install good windows and doors, you will save significantly on heating.

  • insulation of doors - if your house has uninsulated doors, feel free to throw them in the trash. Spend some money and buy a normal door with good thermal insulation;
  • triple glazing will help reduce heat losses by about 10%. Heat loss is also reduced by reducing the area window openings. This isn't always possible, but you can simply brick up a couple of unnecessary windows;
  • insulating the attic will provide another 5-10 percent savings;
  • creating additional thermal insulation of walls - for example, by lining a house with cement block brick and mineral wool, you will get significant savings.

Some of these tips are easiest to implement at the stage of building a home - do not create too wide window openings and once again review the number of windows, provide insulation with mineral wool or other thermal insulation, think about insulating the attic, immediately order triple energy-saving double-glazed windows.

Which convector to choose for a private home

When choosing a heater for a private home, you need to consider:

  • on equipment power;
  • on the brand;
  • on the type of control;
  • for additional functions;
  • for design features.

Electronic control of the connector will also help you save money, and the remote control will add ease of use.

We have already talked about equipment power and reducing heat losses. As for brands, we recommend buying products from well-known brands - it’s better to overpay a little than to suffer from constantly breaking convectors from little-known manufacturers.

It is also advisable to choose electric convectors with electronic control. Mechanical control is not particularly accurate, which entails additional heating costs. As for electronics, it ensures compliance with the specified temperature regime with an accuracy of 0.5 degrees. Thanks to this, energy costs will be reduced.

Additional functions include timers, remote controls, a built-in humidifier, work according to a given program, and much more. All these options slightly increase the cost of the equipment, but provide comfort during its operation. If you plan to heat a country home, we recommend that you pay attention to the presence of frost protection - this function will save energy on days when you are not at home (for example, you live outside the city only on weekends).

Another recommendation is to buy convectors with the possibility of floor installation. This way you can adjust the heating zone on particularly cold days with severe frosts. For rooms with designer decoration, we recommend purchasing devices with an attractive design, for example, with a glass front panel.

Device safety

When choosing a floor-standing electric convector, make sure that it has tip-over protection.

When purchasing convectors for a private home, you need to make sure that the following security systems are available:

  • rollover protection – will turn off the heating if the convector accidentally falls (relevant for floor-standing models);
  • overheating protection – ensures the safety of equipment when the critical temperature is exceeded;
  • protection against moisture - relevant for convector heaters that will be used in wet rooms, for example, in bathrooms.


Electric convectors are often used as main or additional heating devices, especially in non-gas-free settlements. Using these devices you can install desired temperature in a house, apartment or country house without special costs and hassle. What you need to consider when choosing an electric convector will be discussed in this article.

Electric for heating: how to choose a good unit

Design, advantages and disadvantages of electric convectors

The operating principle of electric convectors is based on the physical process of the same name - air convection. This process is the ability warm air rise upward, displacing colder air masses. To move air, it does not require the installation of a fan or other mechanism; this is completely done.

The design of the convector is extremely simple: a metal body with holes, a heating element installed inside and a control unit. Cold air is taken in through holes in the bottom of the case, and released through holes in the top of the front panel. There are models equipped with a switchable fan, which is designed to quickly warm up the room and accelerate the convection of air flows.

Electric convectors have a whole list of advantages:

  • rapid heating of the room;
  • high efficiency– up to 96%;
  • safety in use;
  • silent operation;
  • high level automation;
  • big choice models of various sizes and power;
  • long service life.

The disadvantages of electric convectors include the high cost of electricity compared to other coolants and certain requirements for home power. electrical network.

The choice of a convector for heating a cottage or apartment is carried out taking into account several criteria:

  • thermal and electrical power;
  • installation method;
  • shape and dimensions of the body;
  • heater type;
  • type of temperature control in the control unit;
  • availability of necessary protective functions;
  • degree of automation.

Some characteristics of convectors, such as power and installation method, directly depend on the size and type of the heated room. The rest affect the reliability, durability and ease of use of the device, as well as its safety.

Electric convector power

The efficiency of electric convectors is quite high, it reaches 96%, so the value of thermal power is almost equal to the value of electrical power. These parameters are measured in kilowatts. The calculation of the required power is carried out for each room separately, taking into account the area of ​​the room and the height of the ceilings.

When determining the power of the convector used as the main heating device, for rooms with different heights ceiling, you can use the data from Table 1.

Table 1. Determination of convector power depending on ceiling height.

Ceiling height, mConvector power per 1 sq. m., kW
2,5-2,7 0,1
2,7-3,0 0,11
3,0-3,3 0,12
3,3-3,5 0,13
3,5-4,0 0,15

For poorly insulated buildings and premises with two or more external walls, this indicator is increased by a factor of 1.3-1.5.

Calculation example: for a corner room with an area of ​​18 m2 with a ceiling height of 3.0 m, a convector with a thermal power of 18·0.11·1.3=2.57 kW is required. The resulting value is rounded to the nearest standard power. In this case, it is better to give preference to a more powerful device, if the parameters of the home electrical network allow.

If the convector is intended for additional heating of rooms with stove or water heating, it is enough to install a device with a power of 40-60% of the calculated one.

Note! In corner rooms with two or more windows, it is better to use several convectors with the required total power.

Installation method

According to the type of design and installation, electric convectors are:

  • wall-mounted, they are attached to the wall with brackets;
  • floor, on legs or wheels;
  • universal– the delivery set includes both brackets and legs.

Wall brackets are convenient when using convectors as the only heating source or in combination with stove heating. In this case, the convector is placed under the window sill, like. The heat emanating from it not only warms the main volume of air, but also creates a thermal curtain at the window, reducing heat loss. The wiring of wall convectors can be done hidden, which improves their appearance.

Floor convectors are more often used for temporary heating of a room: in the country or during severe frosts in addition to radiator heating. Floor-standing models are convenient for their mobility, but they take up useful space in the room and sometimes interfere with free movement.

The installation method for universal convectors is chosen depending on their use and the characteristics of the room. There are also in-floor convectors that are installed at the stage of pouring the subfloor. It is built into the floor with a grille in the upper part, through which cold air is taken in and heated air comes out.

Case shape and dimensions

The shape of the convector mainly determines the ease of installation, as well as the appearance of the device. The shape can be square, rectangular or round. Round models are often equipped with a fan.

Geometric dimensions affect thermal characteristics convector. The rate of supply of warm air into the room depends on the height of the device; a height of about 50 cm is considered optimal. In some cases, it is necessary to give preference to lower models, for example, when installing a convector under panoramic window.

The thickness of the casing affects the heat transfer: the larger it is, the higher this parameter, as well as the efficiency of the convector. Wall-mounted and universal models are usually thinner; floor-mounted ones can be 10-15 cm thick.

Note! When choosing the height of a wall-mounted convector installed under a window, it is important to consider the minimum permissible distances to the floor and window sill. They are indicated in the documentation for the device.

Heating element type

An important characteristic that can be checked with the seller or looked at in the passport for the convector is the type of heating element; he can be:

  • needle;
  • tubular;
  • monolithic.

Needle heaters consist of a steel plate with a zigzag thread of nickel wire. Electrical varnish is used as electrical insulation on nickel wire. Heating of the nickel filament occurs very quickly, but convection in such devices is not high and is determined only by the design of the housing.

This type of heater is the most unreliable and short-lived due to the fragility of the nickel thread and rapid overheating. Such convectors cannot be used in rooms with high humidity and possible splashes or drops of water. The only advantage is the low price, so you can buy such convectors only in case of short-term use with constant monitoring.

Tubular heater It is a sealed steel tube containing nichrome wire. It is isolated from the tube by a layer of ceramic backfill. Aluminum fins are soldered onto the tube, improving heat transfer and air convection.

Convectors with heating elements are durable and reliable, but have one drawback: in the first minutes after switching on, they crackle due to the difference in thermal expansion of the heater materials. What's happened “, You can look in our article.

Monolithic heaters– the most reliable and silent. They are a ribbed plate made from a single piece of material, and therefore have high strength and durability. The price of such convectors is usually higher than their analogues; it is advisable to buy them for permanent use.

Temperature controller type

The regulator in the control unit is designed to automatically maintain the room temperature. Based on the readings of the sensor installed in the lower part of the convector body, the regulator turns the heating element on and off when the set temperature is reached.

There are two types of temperature controllers:

  • mechanical;
  • electronic.

Mechanical regulator made on the basis of a step switch, it has the most simple design. The disadvantage of mechanical control is low accuracy with an error of 1-3 degrees, as well as low reliability. When the mechanically controlled heater is turned on, a distinct click of the relay is heard.

The advantages of this type of switches include resistance to voltage surges in the network. If a mechanical regulator fails and fails, it can be quickly and inexpensively replaced.

Electronic control unit– a more complex device that allows you to set the temperature with an accuracy of 0.1 degrees, as well as different modes of use: night, day, mode of maintaining a positive temperature. The heater switches on and off silently. Electronic regulators are often equipped with an LCD display that displays the room temperature, as well as mode parameters when programming it.

Electronic regulators are generally more reliable, but they fail when the voltage drops by 15-20% of the nominal value. Repairing and replacing an electronic unit is expensive, so it is better to install the device together with a voltage stabilizer or a protective voltage relay.

Note! For heating rustic or country house It is better to choose models with a mechanical regulator, since in rural networks voltage drops occur quite often.

Protective functions

Almost everything modern convectors equipped with built-in overheating protection. It is triggered when the temperature controller fails or when the convection openings in the housing are closed, for example, when drying clothes on a convector. The protection turns off the heater when it reaches a temperature that is dangerous for the insulation of the device or people.

Protection against splashing water is provided by the design of the housing, the size and location of the holes. It can be determined by the IP index indicated in the passport. For a bathroom or kitchen, the minimum value of this index should be 24.

Many floor-standing and universal convector models are also equipped with tip-over protection. If the convector falls and changes its position to horizontal, the protection ensures quick shutdown of the heater.

Like all other household appliances, convectors must have a degree of protection against damage electric shock no less than "2". This means that the power cord and plug of the device have a built-in ground, so the metal case does not need a separate ground.

Note! The convector only needs to be connected to a socket with a grounding conductor.

Degree of automation and additional functions

Convectors with an electronic control unit can be equipped with additional functions:

  • “restart” – the ability of the regulator to remember the last switched on mode and reproduce it even after the device is completely de-energized;
  • “anti-freeze” – when the air temperature in the room reaches +5°C, the convector will automatically turn on and maintain it at this level;
  • “ionization” is a relatively new function that allows you to clean and improve the air in the room; in most convectors it works even when the heater is turned off;
  • control panel - allows you to turn the device on and off, as well as change the mode remotely.

The choice of feature set depends on your needs and financial capabilities. At the same time, you should not overpay for additional functions that are unlikely to be useful to you. For example, the “anti-freeze” mode is relevant for a summer residence or country house with periodic residence, in a city apartment with central heating it's practically useless.

Wiring Requirements

The standard power of convectors, depending on the model, can vary from 0.5 to 3 kW. Electrical wiring and protective equipment in houses old building unable to withstand the maximum power of the device.

In this case, you can focus on following conditions:

  • a convector with a power of up to 2.0 kW can be connected to any standard household electrical wiring with an input circuit breaker rated at least 10 A;
  • for a device with a power of 2.0-2.5 kW, electrical wiring with a cross-section of 2.5 mm 2 for aluminum or 1.5 mm 2 for copper, a 16 A socket and a rating of an input circuit breaker of at least 16 A are required;
  • a convector with a power higher than 2.5 kW must be connected with a separate cable with a cross-section of at least 2.5 mm 2 for copper through a separate circuit breaker with a nominal value of 16 A.

Important! You cannot use extension cords of dubious quality to connect convectors; they often use wires of small cross-section, which can melt under load.

How to choose a convector - step-by-step instructions

Choosing a convector is not the best difficult task, but to ensure it is effective and safe work It is important to follow the recommendations of experts.

Step 1. Determine why you need a convector: for constant full heating or as a source of additional heating, and calculate the power of the device accordingly.

Step 2. Determine the installation location and required mobility. Wall-mounted convectors are usually installed under a window or on a wall that has direct contact with the street. Floor convectors can be installed in any place where there is an outlet designed for the rated current of the device.

Step 3. For wall-mounted models, it is necessary to measure the distance from the floor to the window sill and select the height of the device in order to ensure the necessary distances for air flow from below the convector when mounting.

Step 4. When purchasing, it is important to clarify the type of heater. For wet rooms, you can use convectors with heating elements or a monolithic heater; models with nickel filament are not suitable for this.

Step 5. Select the type of control knob. For a country house and dacha, models with mechanical controls are more suitable, for a city apartment - with an electronic unit. If you have a voltage stabilizer, you can use electronic control in the country.

Step 6. Determine the list of necessary functions, as well as the shape of the device, its color and other external characteristics.

Note! When choosing, it is also important to take into account the manufacturer, its reputation and availability service centers– in case of minor malfunctions, it will be easier for you to find components and parts for repair.

Video - Choosing an electric convector

A private country house is an ideal place to live, where there is healthy fresh air, no city bustle, you live surrounded by picturesque nature in full comfortable conditions. However, before creating such living conditions, it is necessary that a favorable indoor microclimate be maintained in the house throughout the whole year. But what is the best way to implement this if there is no way to connect to a centralized gas heating? Heating with electric convectors is an ideal solution for a country house. In this article we will get acquainted with the opinions of experts and reviews of people who are already using this convector for their home. Heating a country house with electric convectors, the reviews written below (collected by us based on a survey of visitors) will help you make the right choice.

Attention! All reviews presented here were collected by us from construction forums. No fictitious information.

Shevchenko Kirill – Director of the company “Shtibel Eltron”:

For efficient heating of a country house with an area of ​​200 m² with electric convectors, it is necessary to allocate 25-30 kW of power. Such a power reserve will not only allow you to use household appliances and lighting in the house with electric heating, but also effectively heat the cottage at high temperatures. negative temperatures. It is worth noting that such convectors can operate without human supervision, unlike heat guns and other heating devices.


I have two-storey house made of solid logs with a diameter of 35 cm, installed plastic windows and the roof and floor are insulated. I am not satisfied with heating with electric convectors, since heating costs amounted to 3,000 rubles for March, over 4,000 rubles for January, and over 6,000 rubles for February. The heating of the first floor also takes a long time; in 3 hours it only manages to gain 10 degrees after being idle. I plan to install a more economical electric boiler.


Installed Keddy Maxette fireplace-stove and convectors electric type Nobo company. The stove heats the living room and other rooms with convectors. Overall, I'm pleased with this decision. The house is made of logs; one winter, a draft appeared in the cuttings, but the power of the convectors was enough to compensate for the heat loss.


Country house with an area of ​​111 m², the total power of the electric convectors used is 7 kW. Two on the first floor and 3 on the second, a total of 5. At any frost of -30 ° C, the heating consumption was 5.5 kW per hour and was heated with an OB-11 stove. In principle, I am satisfied, the average temperature in the house is +21-24 °C.


We just built a house of 130 m² from 224 SIP panels, with a total glazing area of ​​23 m². Total power per house, taking into account electric heating with convectors and household appliances no more than 7-8 kW at maximum load. I'm happy with the heating, the house is warm and the temperature is uniform everywhere. I chose a transformer for the house and all the wiring with a margin of 10 kW.


We have a suburban cottage 5x6 meters. For heating we use electric convectors from Ensto. A total of 5 convectors with 1-1.5 kW of power are installed, which is quite enough to effectively heat the entire house even in severe frosts down to -25-30 °C. At the same time, we have children, and even with the maximum power of the convector, it is quite difficult to get burned on it, which is not unimportant for us. Very pleased.

If you analyze market trends heating equipment, the ever-growing popularity of electric heating systems becomes apparent. This is facilitated by the lack of gasification in some regions, the high cost of heat supply installations using solar and geothermal heat sources, as well as ease of installation.

Electric convectors are especially popular. The performance of the installations is sufficient to heat an apartment or a private house. Considering that there are several dozen different modifications on the equipment market, the question of which electric convector is better is asked by almost every buyer climate control technology.

How does an electric convector work?

In nature, there is a natural process of movement of warm and cold air masses. The heated air rises until it cools, after which it falls down. The principle underlying the movement of air currents is called convection.

In this regard, the question arises, electric convector - what is it? This is a device that uses the principle of convection of air masses. The air heated by the heating element rises upward. After cooling, it falls down and again enters the heating block of the device.

To ensure continuous convection, the housing is equipped with air channels through which air is taken in and released.

The operating principle of an electric convector may differ slightly depending on the type of heating element used and the presence or absence of blowing equipment (fan).

Types of electric heating convectors

When choosing climate control equipment, it is important to consider that electric convectors may differ from each other in the following characteristics:
  1. Type of fastening.
  2. Used heating element.
You should also pay attention to the product manufacturer and energy costs.

Types of electric convectors, according to installation features

Heating devices operating on the principle of air convection can be divided into three categories.

The main advantage of the convector is the low heating of the device body. This allows you to install a heater for heating a wooden house.

Classification of convectors according to the heating element used

In total, three types of heating elements are used. The design of the heating element affects the operation capabilities of the heater.
  • A needle heating element is a simple design; it is a chrome-nickel heating filament located in a dielectric plate. The top is coated with a special insulating varnish.
    A heater with a needle heating element is not suitable for wet rooms, since the heating element has absolutely no protection against the ingress of water, steam, condensation and other liquids. As a rule, budget models are equipped with a needle heating element.
  • Tubular heating element - manufactured in a waterproof design. The design consists of a steel tube filled with heat-conducting fill, which also serves as an insulator. To increase heat transfer, heat-distributing ribs are attached to the sides of the heating element, increasing convection. The heaters are equipped with overheating protection.
    One of the disadvantages of a tubular heating element is that the electric convector takes a long time to heat up. The operation of the device may be accompanied by sounds reminiscent of the crackling of burning wood.
  • Monolithic heating element - the most economical electric convectors for heating a private house use a monolithic heating element. The heating element body has no seams, the operation is not accompanied by extraneous noise.
    If you plan to make electric heating of the apartment with convectors the main one, then models with a monolithic heating element are optimal solution. During operation, minimal heat loss is observed. The heater heats the room efficiently and quickly.
    The only noticed drawback of a monolithic heating element is the high cost of the device.

To heat rooms using an electric convector, it is better to choose devices that have a tubular or monolithic heating element and are equipped with a built-in electronic or programmable thermostat.

Which brand of electric convector is better to choose?

The choice depends on the requirements for the heater, as well as the purchasing power of the person himself.

Having assessed the pros and cons of the equipment offered to domestic consumers, a small rating of convectors was compiled.

Because the lineup equipment is constantly updated with new modifications; to choose an electric convector, it is better to be guided not by the currently existing rating, but by technical and performance characteristics heaters.

How to calculate and choose an electric convector

In fact, choosing a convector yourself is not that difficult. It is enough to take into account several important aspects and do simple calculations.

We calculate the required power of the convector

During calculations, several important nuances must be taken into account:
  • Calculation of convector power by room area. Provided that the room is well insulated and has a ceiling height of no more than 2.7 m, 1 kW of thermal energy will be sufficient for every 10 m² of heated area. For a 6 m² bathroom, one 1 kW heater should be enough. A 20 m² bedroom has a convector with a capacity of 2 kW.
  • Number of windows. The operating principle of the devices is associated with the use of convection, this in a certain way makes adjustments to the choice of heaters. Total thermal energy required to heat the room should be divided by the number of window openings. So, for a room of 20 m² and having two windows, you will need to install 2 heaters of 1 kW each.
  • Presence of heat loss. The technical characteristics of electric convectors given in the operating instructions for the device, in particular the coefficient of heated area, are taken taking into account the absence of significant heat loss in the room. If you have an uninsulated basement or house walls, you should choose a heater with a sufficient power reserve.
To figure out how to choose the right electric heating convectors, you need to take into account, in addition to the power of the device, specifications, And functionality devices.

Choosing an electric convector based on functionality

In addition to the performance of the device, the type of heating element used, it is worth paying attention to the heater control unit and the presence of additional functions.

What do manufacturers offer?

  • Mechanical thermostat. Almost every device is equipped with a mechanical or electronic thermostat. Mechanics do not withstand loads well and cannot accurately regulate temperature conditions.
    It is strongly recommended not to leave an electric convector unattended. If overheated, the mechanical control unit may fail, resulting in a fire hazard.
  • Electronic thermostat – supports set temperature with a minimum error of no more than 1/10 degree. Comes complete with timer and temperature sensor. Using an electronic thermostat reduces energy consumption.
    Wall-mounted energy-saving electric heating convectors with an electronic thermostat are recommended for use as the main source of heating. The control unit has several degrees of protection to ensure safe operation.
  • A programmable thermostat is a control unit installed in premium heaters. Typically such modifications are equipped remote control and can even connect to a GSM alert system. Programming of operating modes is provided. 2-4 ready-made programs are installed, and it is also possible to set an individual heating mode. The heater is turned on by the control panel.
  • Additional functions. Climate control equipment from well-known manufacturers often has built-in modules that affect the quality of operation. Models with an air humidifier are popular. Premium heaters automatically monitor and maintain the required humidity in the room.

How much electricity does a convector consume?

For convenience, the calculation of electricity consumption is carried out for permanent residence in a house with a heated area of ​​80 m².

The result obtained may vary depending on the type of heater used, heat loss in the house and other parameters.

Does an electric convector dry the air?

The operating principle of a convector differs from the way an air heater or a gun heats a room. If the system is not used forced circulation, then the humidity in the room remains unchanged.

When using a fan, a slight decrease in moisture is observed. This is especially noticeable if the heaters are operated in constant mode. Compared to heat guns, a convector does not dry the air at all.

As additional measure To maintain a healthy microclimate, it makes sense to install an air humidifier complete with an ionizer, or purchase a modification of the heater with a built-in device of this type. The control system itself will automatically monitor the humidity level and maintain it at the proper level.

Which is better, an electric convector or a fan heater?

The fan heater heats the air instantly, passing it through a hot spiral. As a result, moisture evaporates and the air dries out. It makes sense to use a fan heater where it is necessary to quickly warm up the room. It is not recommended to install such heaters as the main heating source.

Unlike fan heaters, convectors operate in a safer mode. Thanks to this, you can even hang electric convectors on wooden wall. The surface temperature of the housing rarely exceeds 60°C.

Of course, you should follow the rules for installing electric convectors in a wooden house:

  • The electrical wire is laid on top wooden surfaces in a special fireproof corrugation.
  • Thermal insulation with foil coating is placed under the heater installed on the wall.
  • Floor-standing electric heating convectors for wooden dacha are installed in such a way that there is at least 0.5 m to the nearest wall. There is no need to place non-combustible material under the heater.
Time has shown that the optimal solution is to install an electric convector. Although the device heats up more slowly than a fan heater, it provides complete safety of operation, fire protection, and also has a beneficial effect on the microclimate in country house or dacha.

Heating will always be in demand. A convective heater, or, more simply, a convector, is one of the most common types of such devices. The operating principle of such devices is based on the physical process of the same name - convection, when a warm air flow rises upward.

The convector works as follows: ambient air is drawn in through the intake chamber; it then passes through the internal heating element; then through special holes on the radiator body it goes up. As the air cools, it drops again, and the process repeats ad infinitum, or until you unplug the plug.

Features of the technology

First, let’s figure out which electric convector is better than another and why, that is, we’ll outline the main characteristics that you need to pay attention to Special attention before the purchase. Everything else - color, appearance and placement method - is not critical, and here you can simply rely on your personal preferences.


This indicator is calculated quite simply. Each kilowatt of radiator power covers approximately 15 square meters of living space. The formula works provided that the height of your walls does not exceed the 3-meter mark. Beyond these limits, you need to add 10% power every 10 centimeters of height. Economical electric convectors, that is, low-power ones, will simply be useless for a large house or large apartment, because they will not heat the existing ones square meters, so you shouldn’t get carried away with such “savings”.

overheat protection

In addition to overheating, there may also be some design features that protect the device from tipping over or freezing. Such additions are extremely important if you are going to purchase an electric convector for a summer house or private home, that is, where regular check radiator is not always possible.


Thermostats can be either electrical or mechanical. The first is distinguished by its accuracy and almost silent operation, and also copes well with maintaining the selected temperature mode. The second significantly loses in accuracy, but is much cheaper and less picky about voltage changes in the network, as well as more durable. Which electric convector is better in this or that case is up to you to decide: if you have a stable 220 V or a good stabilizer, go with electrics, in other cases it’s better to go with mechanics. Otherwise, you risk being left in a cold room due to a burnt-out thermostat.

The best devices

For a more visual picture, let’s make a rating of electric convectors, which includes popular and most intelligent models from different manufacturers. List members have a large number of positive feedback from users and have received awards at specialized exhibitions more than once.

  1. "Neurot Spot" E-3 1000.
  2. "Nobo" C4F 20 XSC "Viking".
  3. "Timberk" TEC PF8 LE 1000 IN.
  4. "Ballu Plaza" BEP/E-1000.
  5. "Timberk" TEC.PS1 LE 1500 IN.
  6. "Electrolux" ECH/AG-1500EF.
  7. "Skul" SC HT HM1 1000W.
  8. "Atlantic Bonjour" 1000W.
  9. "Roda Deluxe" X 2.0 EVNA-2.0/230S2M.

Let's look at each participant in more detail.

Noirot Spot E-3 1000

The wall-mounted electric convector from Noirot has an efficiency of 90% and 1 kW of power. The model is the best option for use in rooms with an area of ​​10-15 m2. The convector was distinguished by its rapid heating of the main element and minimal impact on the air.

Despite the fact that the device is supplied to us from Europe, where the voltage in the network is clearly more stable than the domestic one, the automatic equipment of the Noirot electric convector is capable of withstanding strong fluctuations. It should also be noted that the model can remember its current state: if the electricity is turned off, the parameters are not lost and there is no need to configure anything again.

In addition, smart automation will save you a lot of time and offer several modes to choose from, and the latter are not just for show, but actually work as they should and help well.

Advantages of the model:

  • good efficiency indicator;
  • economical device for heated footage;
  • reliable and attractive design;
  • many settings and automatic modes;
  • overheat protection;
  • silent unit.

No deficiencies found.

The estimated cost is about 6,000 rubles.

Nobo C4F 20 XSC Viking

This wall-mounted model is included in the rating of electric convectors due to its practicality. The device is twice as powerful as its previous analogue and copes perfectly with an area of ​​up to 30 m2. The model is powerful, but silent and reaches operating modes within 60 seconds.

Oxygen combustion is practically eliminated thanks to the clever aluminum fins of the radiator. Therefore, you will not experience any discomfort when heating due to mixed odors. Despite the fact that this is an electric convector with a mechanical thermostat, the model has fairly fine control settings. The only negative, which is more than compensated by all the advantages, is the price.

Pros of the model:

  • large working heating area;
  • almost instant heating (less than a minute);
  • presence of overheating protection;
  • with high precision adjustment;
  • convenient wall mounting mechanism;
  • reliable and durable design.
  • the cost of the device is high for domestic consumers.

The approximate price is about 12,000 rubles.

Timberk TEC PF8 LE 1000 IN

This is a 1 kW electric wall convector from Timberk. The model is distinguished by its good resistance to voltage surges in the network, and this is in the presence of a very precise electronic thermostat. Here you can add excellent moisture resistance of the structure and an extremely attractive appearance.

The device is able to heat a room with an area of ​​10-13 m2. The indicator is not the best, but for small apartments quite enough. The model is equipped with an LED display, has a control panel, and in general, looks great in any environment. As a plus, you can add two heating modes - “autumn” and “winter”, which means that the room can be heated, and not heated, if there is such a need.

Advantages of the model:

  • ultra-precise electronic thermostat;
  • reliable protection against voltage surges;
  • overheat protection;
  • two heating modes;
  • the design is protected from moisture according to class IPx24;
  • exclusive and extremely attractive appearance;
  • LED display with remote control.


  • small heating area.

The estimated cost is about 5,000 rubles.

Ballu Plaza BEP/E-1000

The kilowatt model included in our rating of electric convectors has a scrupulous and well-thought-out design along with a high efficiency rate. Guests will receive the device sooner plasma TV on wheels than a regular heater.

It has ten automatic operating modes, several heating programs, and a very useful “anti-freeze” function that will allow you to maximize all the capabilities of the unit. In its class (floor type) it is one of best models, which will ideally heat an area of ​​up to 15 m2.

It should also be noted that the Ballu convector is silent, and the heating element is made of aluminum, which has the best effect on the oxygen space of the room. The heater can be controlled both from the control panel and from the remote control.

Pros of the model:

  • high-quality aluminum heating element;
  • a large number of automatic operating modes;
  • high efficiency rate;
  • control from a remote control;
  • silent unit.
  • The buttons on the case are “wooden”, so you can only operate it normally using the remote control.

Approximate price - about 4000 rubles.

Timberk TEC.PS1 LE 1500 IN

Another floor-mounted electric convector, distinguished for its manufacturability. The model will not only efficiently heat an area of ​​15-20 m2, but will also add fresh air with its built-in ionizer. Using an electronic thermostat, you can set the necessary, and most importantly, accurate settings.

In addition, floor-standing electric convectors of the LE series have an express heating mode, which allows you to heat the entire room to the desired temperature in a matter of minutes. If you are an economical person and frost-resistant, then you can enable the appropriate economy option and maintain a comfortable temperature while paying noticeably less on bills.

It is also worth noting that a convector can be called, to some extent, a universal household appliance. Additional equipment for this series is sold on the brand’s shelves - a humidifier and a heated towel rail, so for small apartments where every meter counts perfect option, and with a very affordable price tag for the available characteristics.

Advantages of the model:

  • pleasing to the eye appearance;
  • presence of an air ionizer;
  • electronic thermostat with the highest possible (for this type of equipment) accuracy;
  • modern heating element;
  • two heating modes;
  • There is a convenient shutdown timer with a daily scale.


  • When changing modes, distinct and frightening clicks are heard.

Estimated cost is about 4000 rubles.

Electrolux ECH/AG-1500EF

The one and a half kilowatt electric convector from Electrolux copes well with rooms up to 15 m2. The floor heater is equipped with a system of protective screens, so you can move it, even in intensive modes, without fear of burning your hands. The convector body heats up 20 percent less than its competitors, and reaches operating heating modes in just over a minute, which is also a good indicator in its class.

The Electrolux electric convector practically does not dry out the air space of the room, is frost-resistant and has a high efficiency rate, as well as being economical. The model cannot be called expensive, looking at the available characteristics, so we can recommend it to anyone.

Pros of the model:

  • the element heats up quickly and starts working (about a minute);
  • cute and versatile appearance;
  • practically does not dry the air in the room;
  • economical unit for its class;
  • high efficiency rate.
  • the manufacturer slightly overestimated the rated heating area (about 13 m2 instead of 15).

Approximate price - about 4500 rubles.

Scoole SC HT HM1 1000W

Despite the fact that this is a model from the budget segment, it easily and efficiently copes with an area of ​​up to 20 m2. Some analogues from the premium segment cannot cope with this. The main feature here is the micathermic radiator, which allows you to reach operating temperature in a matter of seconds.

The convector uses ribbons made of of stainless steel, thanks to which the cost of the entire device is significantly reduced. This “filling” is less reliable, but for temperate climate zones, where winters are not so cold, it is quite suitable, because the equipment will not be used all year round.

Advantages of the model:

  • very fast set of operating temperature;
  • attractive and versatile appearance;
  • impressive heating area for a kilowatt;
  • accurate and reliable bimetallic mechanical thermostat;
  • a more than affordable price tag for the available characteristics.


  • Stainless steel as a main element is less reliable than aluminum.

Estimated cost is about 2000 rubles.

Atlantic Bonjour 1000W

Unlike the previous model, this budget electric Atlantic convector is equipped with a heating element with a significantly increased service life. In addition, the heater operates almost silently and hardly dries out the air.

It is also worth noting that the model meets all modern safety protocols for this type of equipment: there is protection against overheating and freezing of the main elements, the case is protected from moisture and is protected by automatic shutdown if dropped. In this regard, the heater fully complies with European standards.

The fly in the ointment here is the heating area - about 10 m2. Yes, the figure is modest, but for small bedroom or kitchen - a completely worthy option. In addition, the price tag for the model is very attractive for the available characteristics.

Convector advantages:

  • high-quality heating of the room;
  • fast start;
  • all safety protocols for this type of equipment have been observed;
  • pleasing to the eye appearance;
  • democratic price tag.
  • modest heating area.

Approximate price - about 2000 rubles.

Roda Delux X 2.0 EVNA-2.0/230S2M

If you are looking for an inexpensive convective type heater that can work in a very aggressive environment (large bathroom, loggia, etc.), then Roda Delux is great option. An electric spatial thermostat will allow you to set the desired temperature as accurately as possible, and two kilowatts of power will easily heat a room up to 30 m2.

The model is reliably protected from moisture, so you can safely place it in the bathroom or in the pool - the case will adequately cope with increased moisture. In addition, the temperature of the external elements will never rise above 60 degrees, so they simply cannot get burned. The price tag for the model is also not bad and is quite acceptable for the average domestic consumer.

Advantages of the model:

  • excellent protection of the case from moisture;
  • heating an impressive area (up to 30 m2);
  • high-precision electric thermostat;
  • the case is reliably protected from overheating;
  • attractive and versatile design.


  • in some cases (depending on environment) dries out the air greatly.

Estimated cost is about 3500 rubles.


As mentioned above, before choosing a convective heater and paying your hard-earned money to the cashier, be sure to take into account three main parameters - power, thermostat type and protection class.

You should not take a two-kilowatt device into small room. Firstly, you will get away with such power, and secondly, you will spend quite a small amount of money on paying electricity bills. Of course, there should be a margin of footage, but no more than 2 or 3 square meters.

As for thermostats, you definitely need to look at the quality of your wiring. In old houses or dachas, it is better to take mechanical devices or take care of a good stabilizer so as not to throw away money every month on heater repairs. If everything is normal with the voltage in the network, then choose any model with electrical “stuffing”.

Well, the situation with protection is clear - the more there is, the better. For dachas and dilapidated housing, this point is especially relevant. It would also be useful to take into account maximum temperature housing, if there are small children in the house who strive to touch and taste everything.