How to feed clematis in June. Rose-red varieties of flowering vines. N. Ya. Ippolitova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

From our previous articles you could already learn about the features of planting clematis. However, many gardeners are interested in the question of feeding these perennials. ornamental plants. From this article you will learn how to properly feed and fertilize clematis.

To make your clematis “pleasant to the eye,” you should follow simple rules for caring for this flower. , the agricultural technology for growing clematis is quite simple: clematis needs watering, tying up shoots, pruning, loosening and mulching the soil, and fertilizing. However, correctly selected clematis plays one of the main roles when growing this flower.

As you know, for planting clematis You should choose sunny or slightly shaded places. Clematis does not like drafts or blowing winds, so when choosing a place to grow this plant, take this feature into account.

If we talk about soil, then clematis needs well-fertilized, loose, light, well-permeable, non-acidic, fertile soil. However, no matter how fertile the soil is, clematis will need feeding.

Because clematis blooms profusely and for a long time and annually renews almost all its shoots and leaves, then, naturally, it needs strength and energy - nutrients. This is why it is so important to know what fertilizers clematis needs and when is the best time to fertilize.

Feeding clematis

Already starting from the end of May - beginning of June (during active growth clematis) clematis needs not only weeding, loosening and staking of vines, but also feeding. Most often during this period, gardeners use urea, lime mortar, or liquid manure to feed clematis.

When clematis has not yet bloomed, but is just planning to do so, it is worth taking care of the second feeding of the plant. During this period, clematis can be fed with a fertilizer such as “Agricola-7” (1 tablespoon of this drug + potassium sulfate is diluted into a 10-liter bucket of water).

During lush flowering Clematis needs not only abundant watering, but also feeding. During the flowering period, it is better to feed clematis mineral fertilizers or liquid manure.

In August clematis most often they begin to get sick, which is why during this period you should closely monitor their health. For better “well-being”, clematis can be fed with mineral fertilizers and ash. Ash not only promotes the ripening of vines, but also improves the winter hardiness of flowers.

When clematis fades, it needs the following feeding: the same preparation “Agricola-7” or “Flower” can be diluted in 10 liters of water. And when the growth of clematis comes to an end, it can be fed with Agricola for flowering plants+ superphosphate and potassium sulfate (two tablespoons of Agricola + one tablespoon each of superphosphate and sulfate).

Preparing clematis for winter

At the end of September, fertilizing of clematis stops and preparation of the plant for winter begins. It is during this period that clematis can be transplanted to a “safer” place if you initially made a mistake. In September, caring for clematis consists of loosening the soil and weeding.

In mid-autumn, clematis requires pruning. Pruning should be done very carefully and carefully. Make sure that the root collar of the plant is underground. If it is on the surface, sprinkle it with humus. When the air temperature begins to drop, clematis will need to be covered. This can be done using dry peat or humus.

As for clematis, it is still better to cover it than to leave it under a layer of snow. An excellent “insulation” for clematis will be crushed polystyrene foam, brushwood or dry leaves. So that your “blanket” for clematis does not “pack” under a layer of snow, it is worth building a sort of rigid frame. A regular wooden box is perfect for this purpose.

So, clematis are covered with a layer, covered with a wooden box and waterproof material (polyethylene or the like, but with holes for air), sprinkled with earth (a layer of at least 30 cm).

In spring, the cover from clematis is removed gradually, in several stages. First, the layer of snow is removed, later holes are made for ventilation, and the polyethylene is finally removed only when the threat of frost has passed. The drainage layer (dry leaves) is also removed gradually so that the plant gets used to the coolness and sun.

I hope this article was useful to you. Healthy clematis to you!

Tatyana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board, correspondent of the online publication "AtmAgro. Agro-industrial Bulletin"

How to properly feed and how to fertilize clematis Notes for summer residents From this article you will learn how to properly feed and how to fertilize clematis. To make your clematis “pleasant to the eye,” you should follow simple rules for caring for this flower. As we already know, the agricultural technology for growing clematis is quite simple: clematis needs watering, tying up shoots, pruning, loosening and mulching the soil, and fertilizing. However, the right place for planting clematis plays one of the main roles when growing this flower. As you know, for planting clematis you should choose sunny or slightly shaded places. Clematis does not like drafts or blowing winds, so when choosing a place to grow this plant, take this feature into account. If we talk about the soil, then clematis needs well-fertilized, loose, light, well-permeable, non-acidic, fertile soil. However, no matter how fertile the soil is, clematis will need feeding. Because clematis blooms profusely and for a long time and annually renews almost all its shoots and leaves, then, naturally, it needs strength and energy - nutrients. This is why it is so important to know what fertilizers clematis needs and when is the best time to fertilize. Feeding clematis Already from the end of May - beginning of June (during the period of active growth of clematis), clematis needs not only weeding, loosening and tying up the vines, but also feeding. Most often during this period, gardeners use urea, lime mortar, or liquid manure to feed clematis. When clematis has not yet bloomed, but is just planning to do so, it is worth taking care of the second feeding of the plant. During this period, clematis can be fed with a fertilizer such as “Agricola-7” (1 tablespoon of this drug + potassium sulfate is diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water). During the period of lush flowering, clematis needs not only abundant watering, but also feeding. During the flowering period, it is better to feed clematis with mineral fertilizers or liquid manure. In August, clematis most often begin to get sick, which is why during this period you should closely monitor their health. For better “well-being”, clematis can be fed with mineral fertilizers and ash. Ash not only promotes the ripening of vines, but also improves the winter hardiness of flowers. When clematis fades, it needs the following feeding: the same preparation “Agricola-7” or “Flower” can be diluted in 10 liters of water. And when the growth of clematis comes to an end, it can be fed with Agricola for flowering plants + superphosphate and potassium sulfate (two tablespoons of Agricola + one tablespoon each of superphosphate and sulfate). Next, clematis needs to be prepared for wintering. Preparing clematis for winter At the end of September, fertilizing clematis stops and preparing the plant for winter begins. It is during this period that clematis can be transplanted to a “safer” place if you initially made a mistake. In September, caring for clematis consists of loosening the soil and weeding. In mid-autumn, clematis requires pruning. Pruning should be done very carefully and carefully. Make sure that the root collar of the plant is underground. If it is on the surface, sprinkle it with humus. When the air temperature begins to drop, clematis will need to be covered. This can be done using dry peat or humus. As for wintering clematis, it is still better to cover the clematis rather than leave it under a layer of snow. An excellent “insulation” for clematis will be crushed polystyrene foam, brushwood or dry leaves. So that your “blanket” for clematis does not “pack” under a layer of snow, it is worth building a sort of rigid frame. A regular wooden box is perfect for this purpose. So, clematis are covered with a layer of drainage, covered with a wooden box and waterproof material (polyethylene or the like, but with holes for air), sprinkled with earth (a layer of at least 30 cm). In spring, the cover from clematis is removed gradually, in several stages. First, the layer of snow is removed, later holes are made for ventilation, and the polyethylene is finally removed only when the threat of frost has passed. The drainage layer (dry leaves) is also removed gradually so that the plant gets used to the coolness and sun. Healthy clematis to you!

To make these vines bloom profusely and for a long time, experienced flower growers use several tricks.

Two meals a day

Over the summer, clematis grow a huge mass of shoots, leaves, and then flowers, so nutrition comes first for them. These vines need to be fed twice a month, in small portions. And the fertilizer must be in liquid form!
The first feeding is given in the spring, when shoots begin to grow. The best fertilizers at this time - ammonium nitrate (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water), mullein (1:10) or chicken droppings (1:15). Consumption rate – 1 bucket per plant.
Subsequently, mineral and organic fertilizers alternate. And when the buds appear, they give both mineral and organic matter at once.
But the largest Russian specialist in clematis, breeder, author of many varieties, Margarita Beskaravainaya, in her book “Clematis - Creepers of the Future,” offers another feeding - lime milk (200-300 g of garden lime per 10 liters of water). Clematis loves this “elixir” very much, but it can only be used on acidic soils!

Useful doping

Clematis are rarely affected by diseases and pests, so there is no point in treating them with herbicides and other deadly chemicals.
But these vines love growth stimulants. Therefore, experienced gardeners spray them with epin-extra or zircon several times during the summer - they protect the plants from stress, help them withstand spring frosts and activate the growth of shoots from the lateral buds. This means that clematis bushes will grow more luxuriantly and bloom more abundantly.

The ideal remedy

Landscape designers know very well that clematis go perfectly with roses. Therefore, many advanced flower growers combine business with pleasure - they plant mixed plants near supports climbing roses and clematis.
This combination of vines not only decorates the garden, but greatly facilitates their care and saves time, which is always so lacking.
Before fertilizing clematis, you need to remove their winter shelter. They do this as soon as the snow melts. If you tighten it, the young shoots will begin to grow directly under the protection and will be crooked, thin, weaved into a ball and will probably break when the bush opens. But the first shoots are the most valuable - they bloom earlier!

First flowering of my clematis 2015.


This summer the increase was not large.

In the first year after planting, clematis seedlings do not need to be fertilized. In the future, fertilize them in the same way as ordinary perennial flowers. Good results feeding of clematis with “Strawberry concentrate” showed. A suitable supplement is water in which unsalted meat or fish has been washed.
Water your clematis with lime milk every spring ( dolomite flour, chalk) and a solution containing copper (one tablespoon per bucket of water).
Powdering gives good results wood ash the lower part of the vines after rain - this prevents clematis shoots from withering during frequent rains, especially on heavy soils. On light soils, wilting of clematis is rarely observed.
Clematis vines reach their greatest decorative value at the age of 3-7 years.
After seven years of age, clematis flowers begin to shrink due to a lack of fertilizers and water, since in the heat, in the absence of good rains, irrigation water no longer penetrates deeply to the roots (they reach a length of 60–70 cm or more). To prevent this from happening, you can dig 3-4 pots with a hole in the bottom around the clematis bush. When watering plants, the pots are filled with water, which does not spread anywhere and penetrates deeply.

Clematis also suffer from overheating of the soil, and therefore mulch the ground around them with humus or moss. At the base of the vines, plant low-growing plants, for example, “marigold”-calendula, which will also serve as protection for clematis from nematodes.

You can plant clematis on lawns, then the grass will protect the roots of the vines from the sun and overheating

What varieties of clematis do you have? What do you feed your pets? How do you cover for the winter?

Good afternoon friends!

Many summer residents decorate their local area and front gardens decorative vines. The most common flower crop among them is perennial clematis, abundant flowering which cannot leave indifferent any inhabitant or guest of your country estates. So, let's talk about how to feed clematis for its lush flowering.

To stimulate the formation of peduncles, extend the flowering period, strengthen root system and help the vine recover after summer, experienced gardeners carry out several feedings per season, applying mineral and organic fertilizers under the roots in liquid form.

Ideally, root feeding clematis is performed 2 times a month, starting from May and ending in October. The best option nutrition flower culture– alternation of mineral and organic fertilizers.

Alternating mineral and organic fertilizers for clematis

In spring and early summer, when the plant forms aboveground part, it needs to be provided with increased portions of nitrogen. Optimal composition for spring fertilizing- urea solution or ammonium nitrate based on 1 tbsp. l. for a standard bucket of water. Apply 5-6 liters of solution to a young vine, and 10 liters to an adult vine.

From organics, flower growers recommend using slurry(1:4), mullein (1:8), horse manure (1:10) or bird droppings (1:16) in the form of infusions. In addition to nitrogen, these types of fertilizers enrich the soil mixture with a valuable set of microelements and vermicompost, which creates favorable conditions for the development of beneficial soil microflora. For each clematis, use 10 liters of solution.

During the budding period (June), clematis requires phosphorus, which strengthens the roots, and potassium, which activates flowering processes. Therefore, instead of nitrogen fertilizers, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are introduced into the vine menu, for example, a solution of superphosphate (20 g/bucket of water) and potassium sulfate (10 g/bucket of water). Suitable and rich in macro- and microelements (1 cup of sifted ash or stove soot is infused for 24 hours in 10 liters of warm artesian water).

According to reviews from experienced summer residents, nitrogen fertilizers, starting from June, are contraindicated for clematis. If the acidity of the soil in your area is high, then you can improve the nutrition of clematis with the help of lime milk, which is prepared by dissolving 0.2-0.3 kg of garden lime in 1 standard bucket of water. Watering with the solution is carried out 1-2 times per season.

In autumn, clematis is fertilized with potassium and phosphorus. To do this, it is enough to add 1-2 cups of ash or soot to the digging. Mulching also works well trunk circle rotted organic matter, such as humus or mature garden compost. insulates the roots, and as they decompose until spring, restores balance nutrients in the soil.

Growth stimulants for clematis

Clematis responds well to foliar feeding. Since the plant practically does not have any, there is no need for pesticide treatments.

But irrigation of leaves, stems and buds with solutions of growth stimulants strengthens the flower’s immunity, stimulates the growth of young branches from boron buds, increases the bushiness of vines and the number of flower stalks, helps to easily endure the sharp drop in night temperature in the spring, which is typical for the middle zone.

In May, experienced gardeners spray their clematis several times with water with the addition of Epin or Zircon (dilute the preparations according to the instructions on the package). This treatment guarantees the harmonious development of new shoots and sheet plates, as well as lush, abundant flowering in the summer.

Clematis, like any other flower, must be fed for good and lush flowering. Then it will fully develop and give you its own, amazingly beautiful flowers that will decorate your fence, wall or gazebo. It all depends on what you planted it next to. amazing plant. After all, this is precisely why clematis is grown, so that it can further decorate the structure that serves as its support. Now, let's directly figure out what types of fertilizer are suitable for clematis. What you can feed him and what he doesn’t like.

We feed clematis. What and how should this be done?

During its entire growing season, clematis is usually fed 4 times. In the spring, when your clematis just wakes up, you already need to think about feeding. This is not done immediately, but only at the end of spring. You need to feed it with urea (here is a good article about this fertilizer). You will only need to take a tablespoon of this fertilizer, and add mullein to it (it should already be in liquid form, 1 liter). Both of these components are diluted in an ordinary 10-liter bucket of water.

The second time you will need to fertilize when the clematis has not yet bloomed, but is already about to do so. We calculate again using a bucket of water. “Agricola-7” (a tablespoon of this drug) is already diluted in it, plus potassium sulfate (taken in the same quantity).

When your clematis has successfully flowered, you need to start feeding it again. The same 10 liters of water, but we already dilute any of these 2 fertilizers in them: again, “Agricola-7”, or it can be replaced with “Flower”.

And the final feeding, number 4, will be necessary for clematis when its growth comes to an end. The same amount of water is taken, the preparations will be slightly different. We take “Agricola for flowering plants” (here the quantity is 2 tablespoons), plus potassium sulfate and superphosphate (both in a tablespoon).

As for fertilizer consumption. At all stages of feeding this is no more than 10 liters. This is how much you need to pour on each clematis bush.

Preparing clematis for winter. How to do it?

In order for clematis to successfully overwinter, it must be properly prepared for this. You need to start with pruning; when doing it, you will need to seriously shorten the shoots and leave them only 20 centimeters in length. The roots must be covered. This can be done with humus or dry peat. The plant itself is covered with a box on top. And then they add additional sawdust on top. A film is laid on top of the sawdust, but it is necessary to make a hole in it so that the clematis simply does not suffocate and suffocate there.

In severe frosts, clematis may suffer even under such cover. It happens that clematis gets a little bit cold. In this case, it is restored quite quickly, but the flowering will no longer be so lush.

And here is another useful video on the same topic. Let's see.

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