Fencing for the garden and vegetable garden. Plastic fencing for garden beds. Making beds from plastic boards: features of the material

Borders around garden and garden plantingspractical solution, which has a lot of advantages. However, not all summer residents are in a hurry to fence vegetables and herbs, citing the complexity of the work and the high cost of materials. Let's look at the most popular methods of erecting borders, try to dispel doubts and offer options for how to quickly and easily special costs make a fence for the beds from scrap materials. A variety of techniques allows you to create beautiful and practical fences for any type of plant.

The benefits of fencing for garden beds

Some summer residents adhere to traditional way cultivating the land and do not understand why the beds are fenced.

Wooden fencing

Dividing the garden into mini-zones with the construction of fences has a number of advantages, both practical and decorative:

  1. Reduction of weeds. Framing the beds significantly reduces the area for weeds to grow. In addition, when the sides are buried in the ground, a kind of barrier is created that prevents the spread of pests and diseases to neighboring crops.
  2. Strengthening loose soil. The fence for the beds prevents the soil from shedding and reduces its weathering and erosion. The use of fences is especially important for sandy loam and sandy substrates.
  3. Getting an early harvest. Installing borders for beds allows you to create a “thermal garden” by filling the constructed box with various organic matter. In warm landings temperature regime soils are higher than when organizing a traditional vegetable garden, so vegetables are planted and ripen faster.
  4. Easy to care for. Weeding, loosening or harrowing the soil is much easier.
  5. Convenient lawn mowing. When mowing grass, garden bed borders protect the plantings from damage from lawnmower blades.
  6. The attractiveness of a flower and vegetable lawn. The row spaces remain clean and the garden looks well-groomed.

Growing crops in separate boxes

Fencing can become an integral element of landscape design. Combining multi-colored border strips for beds or original application using familiar materials will allow you to zone the site and create a bright garden composition at your dacha with your own hands.

Zoned vegetable garden on a personal plot

Requirements for garden fences

The requirements for framing plantings primarily depend on the purpose of the fence. Fences for flowers should be harmoniously combined with the style of the entire garden, and borders for garden beds are selected taking into account the type of vegetable crops and the method of growing them.

Beautiful fencing for garden beds

General requirements:

  1. Strength. The sides must withstand the pressure of the earth and not creep to the sides when the soil gets wet - especially during the thaw period and spring floods.
  2. Resistance to mechanical damage. In the event of an accidental impact with a rake or shovel, the material should not deform or crack.
  3. Durability. It is optimal if the constructed frame lasts at least 5-10 years.
  4. Easy to assemble. Difficult-to-install fences should be erected for perennials - shrubs and flower beds. When arranging ridges, it is advisable to provide for the possibility of dismantling and moving the structure to another location.
  5. Environmentally friendly. The material must not emit toxic substances. This requirement is especially relevant when choosing polymer fencing, since some plasticizers are poisonous when the temperature rises. Harmful elements can enter the soil and then into the roots, stems, leaves and fruits of plants.
  6. Economical. This criterion is best met by fences made from scrap materials: boards, old bricks, plastic containers.

Advice. For construction, you should not choose a material that gets very hot in the sun. In such structures, the soil dries out very quickly, and the plants experience a moisture deficiency.

Layout of a plot for growing vegetables

  • the minimum height of the fence is 15 cm if there is fertile soil on the site, 30 cm if an embankment or partial replacement of soil is planned;
  • for planting potatoes, beets and other root crops, a raised ridge with a height of 40 cm is suitable;
  • when constructing compost thermal beds, the height of the box should be at least 60 cm;
  • the width of one row is within 120 cm - this will allow you to effortlessly reach the middle of the plantings while cultivating the land or harvesting fruits.

We make fencing with our own hands

There are many techniques for framing garden beds in the country. To choose best option, it is necessary to compare the positive and negative qualities of each method.

Practical use of picket fence

Wooden fencing - a variety of options

Wood meets most requirements. This material for beds is economical, safe, easy to install and quite durable. The only drawback is the susceptibility to rotting in high humidity conditions. However, this risk can be minimized by treating the curbs with an antiseptic composition.

To create wooden fences for garden beds with your own hands, timber, clapboard, edged material, slabs, stumps, long boards or a picket fence are suitable - any household materials can be used. The options below will help you decide on the model of formwork for beds:

  • a multi-tiered ridge made of profiled timber will decorate any dacha or personal plot;
  • picket fence for beds - the elements should be located end-to-end to prevent soil from spilling out;
  • tall warm plantings framed by slabs - an alternative to a traditional greenhouse;
  • organization of natural farming on high ridges made of boards.

When choosing a material, you need to pay attention to the type and condition of the wood. Suitable wood species:

  • ash and oak - high-strength, durable wood, minus raw materials - high cost;
  • pine - inexpensive, soft material, easy to process, the disadvantage of wood is susceptibility to moisture;
  • cedar and larch – have a long service life;
  • acacia - has good performance characteristics, but is difficult to process.

How to make sides from boards with your own hands

Let's look at step by step how to fence the beds with boards with your own hands. The proposed option is suitable for dividing a vegetable garden into open ground, box size – 1*1.6 m.

Homemade fencing made from boards

Materials and tools:

  • boards 150*25 mm, length 2.5 m – 4 pcs.;
  • boards 150*25 mm, length 3 m – 2 pcs.;
  • board 100*50 mm, length 2.5 m – 1 pc.;
  • screws;
  • tape measure, pencil and ruler;
  • screwdriver and saw.

Work progress:

  1. “Increase” the height of the sides with another row of boards.
  2. Fix the upper shelves - first screw the longitudinal sides, and then the transverse ones.

Fixation top shelves

Transfer the formwork to Right place and fill with fertile soil.

Practical metal fencing

The French vegetable garden with metal borders for the beds looks very neat. Thanks to the rigidity of the material, it is possible to achieve clear geometric lines. Galvanized frames of beds are considered the strongest and most durable - galvanized steel coating is preferable to iron.

Application of metal structures

Features of metal fences for garden beds:

  • ready modular fencing very mobile - they are easy to assemble, disassemble, transport and reinstall;
  • high cost of a metal box;
  • such a design will not “float” during the rainy season and after the snow melts;
  • hardware susceptible to corrosion; in the absence of galvanization, the sides will have to be painted annually;
  • metal has good thermal conductivity - the soil near the fence can heat up to a critical temperature, inhibiting plant roots.

Advice. It is better to install fences for beds with a polymer coating - the layer reduces the thermal conductivity of the metal and protects the soil from overheating.

Purchased galvanized fencing

When creating fences with your own hands, galvanized corrugated sheeting is often used. Let's look at how to make a fence for ridges step by step:

  1. Decide on the dimensions of the bed made from corrugated sheets, apply markings to the metal sheet and cut them. For cutting, you can use metal scissors or an electric saw.
  2. When planning the product, it is important to ensure that the direction of the waves of the metal profile should be transverse relative to the surface of the earth. The height of the formwork is calculated taking into account a depth of 10-15 cm.
  3. Mark the location of the bed on the site and dig a shallow, narrow trench around the perimeter of the site.
  4. Place the prepared sides, level them, overlap them and secure them with rivets.
  5. Fix a U-shaped profile on top of the corrugated sheeting - it will hide the sharp edges and protect the metal from moisture.

Durable stone fencing

You can build an unusual decorative fence from stone with your own hands. The shape, layout order, dimensions of the elements used - everything is at the discretion of the performer. Options for constructing stone borders for garden beds with your own hands are presented below.

Dry method. Large cobblestones are used as fencing. The first row of blocks is buried 5-8 cm into the soil, ensuring the stability of the structure. Subsequent cobblestones are laid out on a sand-earth layer.

Dry laying of stones

You can enclose the beds with sandstone, limestone, basalt or pebbles. It is undesirable to frame the beds with granite - the mineral acidifies the soil, worsening its nutritional quality.

Laying on mortar. The method is more labor-intensive, but allows you to build a durable monolithic structure, which does not require any maintenance. This approach involves the use of both large and small stones in construction.

Fixing stones with sand-concrete mortar

Application of curb stones. To cover the beds, some summer residents buy ready-made decorative slabs. A wide range of suitable border stones for garden beds allows you to create original fences of different colors.

Border stone in the arrangement of vegetable plantings

The disadvantage of this method is the limited height. Curb stone is not suitable for constructing a raised thermal bed.

How to make a decorative pergola around a garden bed

Gabions and pergons are bulk decorative fencing. The mesh steel frame is filled with stones of different fractions. The design is simple to implement, does not require a foundation, is affordable and fits perfectly into any landscape design.

Gabions – original way garden bed design

To create a pergon with your own hands you will need:

  • durable galvanized mesh with a wire thickness of 2-3 mm;
  • clamps for fixing the frame;
  • geotextile for substrate;
  • filler – pebbles, stones;
  • shovel, pliers, tape measure, level.

Fixing the sides of the frame

Work progress:

  1. Prepare the sides of the box from the mesh. When finished, the bed will be framed with rectangular blocks - the height and width are selected arbitrarily.
  2. Along the perimeter of the planting area, mark a strip with a width equal to the base of the fence. Level the soil, compact it and cover it with geotextiles.
  3. Assemble the frame, fixing the position of the formwork with wire. Screw the fasteners inward to maintain the neatness of the structure. Leave the top of the prepared basket open.
  4. After installing the four boxes, fill the mesh frame with stones and screw the top part.

Filling a mesh box with stones

Available plastic fencing

The simplest and quick way fencing vegetable plantings with your own hands - edging the beds with plastic. A wide range of products are available for sale ready-made solutions for the dacha.

Border tape. Flexible, lightweight fencing for edging lawns, flower beds, paths and raised beds. The tape is supplied in rolls of different lengths, the width of the strip is 20-50 cm. The kit includes plastic pegs for fixing the fence. Flat and corrugated “curbs” are available.

Plastic border tape

The technology for installing the tape is very simple:

  1. Mark the border of the bed on the site.
  2. Place pegs evenly along the contour of the “vegetable” area.
  3. Attach the tape to the wedges, partially deepening the border into the ground.

Important! The tape must be well tensioned - this will ensure the rigidity of the fence and prevent sagging.

Technology for assembling garden polymer panels

An alternative to flexible tape is straight flat panels. They are more rigid, but are suitable for creating only straight mini-vegetable gardens. Thanks to the presence of teeth on the underside, the installation of plastic borders for beds is facilitated.

Volumetric panels « garden board" and "Stone". Products emit natural Construction Materials. With their help, various gardening compositions are created. Polymer modules are decorative and practical, the only drawback is the relatively high cost.

Do-it-yourself assembly will not cause any difficulties - the set is equipped with panels, pegs and plugs. The performer’s task is to prepare the site and secure the curb.

Garden constructor– fencing with flexible design. Bed borders made of plastic panels are designed to create beds and flowerbeds of unusual shapes. The elements of the border are combined into a closed single circuit. By changing the direction of the “snake”, in a few minutes you can create an unusual fence for growing garden crops.

Budget slate fencing

For those who are looking for an inexpensive way to fence garden beds, the option of using slate is suitable. Asbestos-cement boards are resistant to moisture, easy to process and install, durable and affordable.

Fences for garden beds are often built from flat or corrugated slate. There are special asbestos-cement strips of standard dimensions on sale: length - 3 m, thickness - 16-40 mm.

Strengthening the sides of a slate fence

Instructions for edging beds with slate yourself:

  1. Determine the dimensions of the future ridge and, according to the dimensions, make blanks for the sides of the box. When calculating the height of the side, it should be taken into account that 20 cm of slate will go deep when installed.
  2. Mark the ground and dig a trench 20 cm deep around the perimeter.
  3. Install slate sheets in the dug holes in a strictly vertical position.
  4. Fix the sides - cover with earth and compact.
  5. Prepare holes for fasteners in metal corners and asbestos-cement sheets.
  6. Attach the corners to the slate with bolts.
  7. To give rigidity and stability to the entire structure, it is advisable to install metal supports. Weld the metal plate to the reinforcing rod - the homemade support is bolted to the sides of the fence.

Fastening the sides of the box metal corner

By analogy, you can fence off the beds wavy slate. To strengthen the high sides, it is necessary to build a frame from reinforcing rods and boards. Attach slate sheets to wooden elements with nails.

Wavy slate framing option

Before framing the beds with asbestos-cement sheets, you need to consider safety measures. When sawing slate, a lot of dust is generated, so it is important to protect your eyes and respiratory tract. The cut area should be moistened with water.

Compliance with safety measures when cutting slate

Fencing made from plastic bottles

Fencing beds with plastic bottles is not difficult. For implementation simple option You will need PET bottles with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters, a shovel, sand and multi-colored paints.

Fencing with plastic bottles

Step-by-step algorithm for fencing beds with your own hands:

  1. Select containers of the same volume. It is optimal if the containers match in color, but it is difficult to collect many identical bottles. Therefore, it is better to paint them one color, preferably from the inside.
  2. Fill the bottles with small pebbles or sand - this will give them the missing strength and ensure stability.
  3. Determine a place at the dacha to form a bed and mark it.
  4. Dig a trench 8-10 cm deep around the perimeter; the width of the trench should correspond to the dimensions of the bottles.
  5. Turn the filled containers upside down and place them in the trench as tightly as possible - the elements should not wobble.

Strengthening a plastic structure

Fenced beds can be reinforced at the corners with support posts. Make holes in the bottles in advance, stretch the wire and tighten it tightly on the side stakes. This coupling will prevent elements from “falling out” when cultivating the soil.

At creative approach to the question, even from used containers it will be possible to build beautiful fences beds. They may have an unusual shape, consist of several tiers, or be supplemented with decorative elements.

Creating beds of unusual shapes

It is not difficult to build a fence for planting vegetables. When choosing a suitable material, you need to compare own strength, time and money costs to implement the plan. Compliance with the chosen technology will help you easily “organize” your garden and increase its efficiency.

And beds with which you can provide an original aesthetic effect. Today there is a wide range of different borders on sale, in addition, you can make them yourself.

Purpose of fences

Garden fences for flower beds and beds have several purposes, and the main thing is to separate the plantings from the general area, which allows you to protect against contamination by earth mounds, as well as visually highlight the beds themselves in the common area. Another purpose of fencing is. They are a peculiar feature that emphasizes the overall composition.

In addition, fences are used to prevent the flowerbed from growing, which can spoil the overall appearance of the composition. Specially installed barriers allow you to block the roots of plants, preventing them from spreading beyond a certain area.

Depending on the purpose of use and the functions performed, fences are divided into decorative (up to 7 cm in height) and functional (from 10 cm). The first type is used exclusively to divide the site into certain zones.

Advice! INThe height of the fence depends on its purpose, as well as the type of plants. It should perform its protective functions well and at the same time provide an overview of the fenced off flowers.

Types of garden fencing

Before installing a fence for a flower bed, you need to decide on the purpose of the beds. There may be located vegetable crops, annual or perennial flowers, as well as any bush plantings. It is also worth deciding on the structure of the flower bed. It can be at the same level as the general topography of the site or be slightly elevated. If we are talking about raised beds, then they rise to a significant height above the ground level of the common area.

Depending on this, the type of fencing is chosen. They may differ in installation method:

  • removable - borders should be light, installed only while the flowerbed is in use, and, if necessary, can be used in another place;
  • stationary ones are installed in places of long-term use of the flowerbed and are made of durable frost-resistant materials, since they are at the destination not only during the use of the flowerbed, but also in the off-season.

The most common fencing materials for flower beds

If you want to buy garden fencing for flower beds and beds, then you should decide which of those on the market will suit you best. Today, the range of borders for garden beds is quite large, and all of them can be found both in hardware stores and in specialized and online stores. The most common ones on the market are the following:

  • plastic fences for flower beds and beds, consisting of sections that are assembled into a single one, have a small height, differ in shape and color, and have special legs for installation on the ground;
  • can have different heights, suitable for fencing flower beds and the entire front garden;
  • reinforced concrete border is used for fencing stationary flower beds, it is low, and its feature is resistance to temperature changes. Has different shapes;
  • You can also buy plastic fencing for flower beds and beds in the form of a tape, which is intended for low plantings. It is buried deep into the ground and allows you to create a barrier for the growth of flowers from the root. The flexible shape allows you to fence flower beds regardless of their shape;
  • wooden fences can have attractive appearance and shape, vary in color and height. This is a classic version of fencing.

You can decide for yourself which fences for beds and flower beds to buy, taking into account their features, quality and advantages. If for some reason you are unable to make a purchase, you can make them yourself.

Advice! If the fence should not perform protective functions, but is intended only to delimit the area, then you can use plants for this purpose, creating a small hedge. For this purpose, it is best to choose low-growing annual and perennial plants. bush plants with bright flowers.

Do-it-yourself fencing of flower beds

Do you want your garden arrangements to look unique without spending a lot of money on decorations? Decorate your garden yourself. There are many options and techniques with which you can make fencing for flower beds and beds with your own hands. Let's look at the most common of them.

Just as in the case of purchased borders, you should initially determine the level of the ground in the flowerbed in order to select the height of the fence. Next, we select the material for making the fence. You should choose what is available to you. This could be wood, brick, natural stone or scrap materials.

Wooden fences vary according to the type of original wood:

  • planks;
  • logs and beams;
  • edged board;
  • rods.

Advice! DIn order for fences made from the above materials to serve you longer, they must be treated with anti-corrosion agents, which will make the fence more resistant to moisture, temperature changes, and also prevent the premature appearance of fungus.

From the planks you can make a picket fence of the required height. It can have any original shape that can be obtained using, for example, planks of different lengths or different methods of connecting boards. Such a border can be installed on the surface of the ground, made collapsible if necessary and removed in the off-season.

A so-called palisade is created from logs and beams. True, unlike its large-sized counterpart, the tops on logs for small structures are best left blunt. Sharpen in in this case the bottom of the workpiece is better. This will allow you to easily drive them deep into the ground, creating not only an external fence, which is great for flower beds located above ground level, but also an underground barrier for the root systems of plants.

The edged board is also excellent material for fencing. With its help you can create flower beds of various shapes. Particularly popular today is the creation of pyramidal compositions of three or more tiers. Board structures perfectly hold soil in flower beds, which allows you to create high beds. To build a pyramid, several flower beds of the same shape are made, but different sizes, and are placed one on top of the other so that there is space between them for plants.

The use of rods for fencing was known several centuries ago. Weaving fits perfectly today into landscape design of modern plots. You can create a wicker border for a flower bed yourself. To do this, you will need thin pegs and even vine or willow branches. The branches of these plants are quite strong and bend very well, which simplifies the work. To give the branches more flexibility, they need to be soaked in hot water and work with them before the workpieces dry.

Brick flower beds have different designs, heights and characteristics. To fence the beds, the height of which coincides with the ground level, a small border is erected. In this case, for decorative design One layer of brick is used, which can be installed in any convenient way: vertically, horizontally, and also at an angle, which allows you to create a shaped frame for the flowerbed.

If it is necessary to fence a high flower bed, then the brick is laid in several layers. For raised beds, it is used to form a wall without gaps. When constructing large fences with a height of 30 cm or more, a shallow foundation is poured under the brickwork. This will allow the constructed wall to hold tighter and create an additional barrier for the root system.

You can decorate brick flower beds using various techniques. To do this, you need to prepare the surface by plastering it cement mortar. Next, you can make patterns using leftover tiles and other materials using mosaic technique. You can also create the effect of natural sea stone. To do this, it is necessary to apply a thick layer of plaster and, until it hardens, make a corresponding relief pattern.

Natural stone looks great in. Therefore, it can also be used to create fences. By using natural stone various shapes can be created. If it is necessary to lay several layers of material, it is necessary to fasten the elements together with cement mortar or special glue.

If the above materials are not found on the farm, then you can make a fence for flower beds and beds with your own hands from improvised materials.

Fencing for flower beds and beds made of alternative materials

Creating compositions from scrap materials has a lot of positive aspects. First of all, this is, of course, cost savings, because you can create a fence without spending a penny. With the right approach, such structures will look impressive and original. At the same time, you make your special contribution to protecting the environment by not sending used household items to a landfill.

Even garden beds fenced with a border will delight any gardener or summer resident, because in addition to beauty, it is also practical. If the cost of finished materials stops you, then why not make a border for your garden beds yourself?!

Why fence beds - good reasons

Garden beds look much more tidy if they are surrounded by a border. But it is not beauty that motivates gardeners - such beds are also much easier to care for. Firstly, weeds cause less trouble, since the area free from beds, the same paths, can be covered with bark or sawdust mulch. Secondly, with the help of high sides you can increase the thickness of the fertile layer - most often this is the goal that summer residents are guided by when constructing fences. Fertile soil can be selected from plant-free spaces, or increased within borders with organic mulch and compost.

A well-fertilized, fertile layer does not even need to be dug up from year to year., therefore, there is economic sense in the construction of curbs. The sides will make life easier for those who grow plants in greenhouses - it is much more convenient to attach arcs for greenhouses to the hard surface of the fence than to soft ground, and the structure will be much more reliable. Whatever one may say, there are plenty of reasons for such pleasure!

What can you use to make a border for your garden beds? Let’s use your imagination!

The first thing that comes to mind is wood - boards, beams, slats, in a word, everything wooden that can be nailed down and fastened together. In regions where there are no problems with trees, this DIY border for garden beds will be the easiest way out. The solution, of course, is not cheap, but very durable and beautiful. In addition, such structures are installed very quickly, and dismantling them is even faster. And it’s comfortable to work with - you can lean on a thick board or beam, or even sit down, put a pot of seedlings or a watering can.

It is not necessary to use new material for this - there will probably be many old slats from boxes or other products on the farm that have already served their intended purpose.

There will be more hassle with them, but the costs will be significantly reduced. Of course, the downside of any wooden element is its weakness to moisture and rot. Although there is a way out here - today there are many impregnations that will protect wood from destruction even in direct contact with the soil.

What can you make a border for garden beds from if you want to solve this problem for a long time, and you are ready to devote not only time, but also money to this issue? In this case the best option will be for you metal constructions made of galvanized steel - you can either make them yourself or buy ready-made options. They will serve for decades and, moreover, are very mobile - rearranging them will not take much time. True, this method also has its drawback - the metal gets very hot under the sun and, in turn, heats the soil.

There are remnants of old slate in almost every household - either the roof was replaced, or they were bought with a reserve many years ago, when it was much cheaper. Of course, there is no point in buying new sheets for such purposes - it would be easier to spend money on wooden beams. By and large, the low cost of this material is its only, but very significant advantage. Disadvantages - fragility and brittleness, and why older material, the more pronounced these shortcomings become.

You can even fence a garden bed with stone and concrete - in such a frame, even carrots will look no worse than an exotic flower. Of course, expensive, but certainly for centuries! A more economical option would be to lay a paved path between the rows - in this case, the path can also serve as a frame. The disadvantage of such fences is their stationary nature. Gardeners love to constantly move their beds, changing their proportions and location from year to year. This option is more suitable for “yard” gardening, when you sometimes want to dig into the ground and eat vegetables from your garden and at the same time spend as little time as possible on such work.

Borders for lawns and flower beds - an economical solution

And flower beds have much greater aesthetic significance than borders for beds, so old slate will not do here. They are not without practical meaning - any fence will protect the soil from erosion and spreading during precipitation and watering. You can decorate a flowerbed with your own hands using old bricks - there has not yet been a single construction project that would have been completed without its remains. The older the brick, the more interesting it is - the surface slightly corroded over the years, rounded corners...

A fence in which the first two rows will be laid flat, and the third, final row, with an edge, perpendicular to the previous ones, will look very beautiful, which will allow it to hang slightly above the ground. This design in its own way appearance no worse than others expensive options. If there is no time or desire for masonry, the usual arrangement of cobblestones or large pieces of crushed stone can quite adequately decorate and protect your flowerbed. If cobblestone seems too wild an option for you, you can make your own tiles same sizes and molds are much cheaper than buying ready-made ones!

Border tiles - we do it ourselves!

You can give the shape of such a tile using any plastic molds lying around in your kitchen. The main thing is that they are the same! If there are no such molds, look in the store for deep disposable dishes or packaging boxes; it is best to take trapezoidal plates - cement does not stick to their surface, which is very important for obtaining the most aesthetic appearance; they turn out smooth and of a convenient shape.

How to make border tiles with your own hands - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Prepare the solution

It is best to buy a bag of M500 cement and quarry sand for such tiles. There shouldn't be any debris or lumps in the sand, so it won't hurt to sift it. The ratio for the solution is 1:3. Mix the sand and cement, first without water, until the mass becomes uniform. It is better not to mix the entire solution with water at once; separate a certain amount into a separate container and mix it with water there. We need a liquid solution, like sour cream.

Most summer residents and owners of private houses do not think about the aesthetic appearance of their beds, the main thing is that the harvest is good. However, if they have sides, they will look much neater. A neat and well-groomed garden will become the pride of the owner.

In addition to decorative purposes, borders will keep their shape, help save water and protect crops from weeds. Fencing can be purchased at a hardware store; the selection is simply huge. If the cost stops you, you can make them yourself.

Why do garden beds need fencing?

A bed with borders has a neater and more aesthetic appearance. But this is not the main reason why you should do them. Another reason is ease of maintenance. With edges, weeds are less annoying to garden plants.

They also allow you to increase the layer of fertile soil in the garden bed. The soil can be taken from free space or you can use compost and organic mulch for these purposes. Large layer Fertile soil does not require annual digging, which saves effort and time.

If the beds have sides, then it will be easier to attach arcs to them for the greenhouse. In addition, a greenhouse structure attached to a solid border will be much stronger than one stuck into the ground. As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to build their beds.

Video: Fence your beds and flower beds Arrange beautiful borders!

What to make a border for garden beds from

The choice of material from which fencing for garden beds is made is huge. The easiest option is to buy ready-made ones. Below we consider the advantages and types ready-made options fencing.


Galvanized are metal fences with a polymer coating. The coating of such fences can be of any color. They look beautiful and neat, have a long service life, and such a fence can be installed very quickly.

Disadvantages include: high cost and thermal conductivity. You can reduce the heating of the soil, for example, by covering the inside of the fence with cardboard. Taking into account their long service life, galvanized metal curbs justify their high cost.


Instead of metal, you can buy plastic ones. Such designs look more aesthetically pleasing, unlike their metal counterparts. They are produced in small sections of various shapes and with pegs along the edges for fastening.

Plastic fencing can only be used as decorative element, since on raised beds The plastic may not withstand the load and break. The cost of plastic borders is not high, but it is worth considering that the cheaper the product, the worse its quality. Cheap ones break faster and cannot withstand frost. Therefore, it is better not to buy the cheapest options, but to take a closer look at the more expensive ones, then you can be sure that the design will last a long time.

Tip: To prevent the plastic from bending under soil pressure, the fence can be reinforced with small wooden or metal supports.

Fences for beds - pergons

Pergons - frame made of metal mesh filled with stone or other similar material. In such beds you can plant herbs, berries, tomatoes (for example cherry tomatoes) or flowers. Such a fence can decorate not only the vegetable garden, but also the front garden.

From scrap materials

As mentioned above, if you do not want to spend money on buying ready-made structures, then the border can be built from scrap materials. It is made from leftover building materials.

Made from wood

Wooden fencing can be called a classic of the genre. Anything can be used: a picket fence from an old fence, scraps of boards, a slab, a lining. In addition, you can even use tree branches and make a small fence.

The disadvantage is that at first it looks beautiful, but over time the wood turns black and can become covered with fungus. Therefore, such sides require additional processing. The best way treatment - cover the wood with antiseptics.

If a lime treatment can be washed away by rain, the paint will crack and peel over time. Therefore, wooden borders are not the most durable material.

Made of brick

Previously, about 30 years ago, brick borders were in fashion. The brick was placed diagonally, on an edge, etc. Once upon a time, all city flower beds were fenced off like this. With the right approach, they can turn out to be quite creative.

Brick can be painted or whitewashed. If you use used bricks for borders, the look will not be the most presentable, but if you use new bricks, you can get beautiful, but very expensive beds.

From stone

To build such a structure, large stones will be required. The stone is laid on the mortar and you will have to tinker with the selection of suitable stones.

They look beautiful and last a long time. The disadvantage is its large mass. For this reason, you will have to monitor not only the garden bed, but also the condition of the fence itself.

From slate

If you recently replaced your roof and you still have old slate, it can be used to create fences for garden beds. Slate can be cut into straight slabs or diagonally.

Slate pressed into the ground and slightly rising above it looks beautiful. If you paint it in different colors you can get some pretty spectacular sides.

From plastic or glass bottles

accumulated a large number of bottles? Don't rush to throw it away. They are perfect for improving the garden. Glass or plastic bottles can be used to create borders for garden beds.

Bottles (preferably equal in volume) can be filled with sand and placed with the neck down in a specially prepared trench. The bottles do not require additional processing, but if desired, they can be painted with water-based emulsion.

Border tiles

You can buy tiles for the border, but you can also make your own. For the manufacture of tiles will do any mold, for example deep trapezoidal disposable plates.

The first step is to prepare a solution. To do this you will need M500 cement, sand and water. The solution is made in a ratio of 1 to 3 (1 part cement and 3 parts sand). The solution is mixed to the consistency of thick sour cream.

After the solution is mixed, it is used to fill the molds. To compact the solution, lightly tap the molds with a wooden stick. After this, the molds are covered with film and left for 24 hours. After this, carefully remove the tiles and leave them indoors for a month.

The tiles need to be watered periodically. In order for the tiles to have a beautiful and original look, they can be painted. You can paint with alkyd or rubber paint, or add pigment paint for concrete when mixing the solution. You can make borders from tiles of different colors.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is much easier to care for beds with borders. But if you think that simple beds don't need either special care, then perhaps you are right.

Watch the video: 30 examples of borders for flower beds and beds

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In the process of growing garden and vegetable crops, a situation often arises when hydrogen soil is eroded by rain and water during irrigation. But experienced gardeners know how to avoid this. Fences for garden beds can help solve the problem. You can use ready-made structures or make them from scrap materials - for example, slate, plastic panels, curb tape or boards.

Fencing garden beds: what and for what?

Every gardener wants not only to receive good harvests, but also enjoy the view of the plantings. And for this it is necessary maintain order in your area. However, in order for the painting to please you with its appearance, you will have to put in a lot of effort and spend a lot of time. To make it easier to keep the area clean, experienced gardeners use special fences for garden beds, which, if desired, anyone can make with their own hands from scrap materials.

To understand the benefits that garden bed fencing will bring to the gardener, you need to get acquainted with their functions:

To make caring for your beds easier and more convenient, you need correctly determine their sizes:

Materials for fencing beds

Experienced gardeners they know how to fence the beds. For the manufacture of bed fencing and the construction of sides, you can use any materials on hand. It can be:

  • brick;
  • rubble stone;
  • sheet metal;
  • plastic panels;
  • special fencing curb tape;
  • plastic and glass bottles;
  • slate;
  • metal slate.

Each of the above materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, which you need to learn about before you start making fences from the chosen option.

You also need to remember that all the materials listed above for constructing the sides of garden beds differ in the costs of their acquisition. The most inexpensive option is fences made from plastic bottles. If you want to install sides from a special border tape for beds, then you will have to spend a lot of money.

Pros and cons of materials for fencing garden beds

They are one of the most practical options due to its high resistance to mechanical damage. They perfectly retain their original shape. To give the desired shape metal sheets they are cut using special metal scissors. However, this rather difficult operation can only be performed by a person who has certain skills in working with them.

Metal borders will be able to properly perform their intended function for several years, but we must not forget that they will have to be tested regularly negative impact from external threats, primarily rust, which can soon completely destroy the fences. After all, the fences will constantly interact with water. To increase the service life of metal borders, you need to take care of their protection. Myself in a simple way The solution to this problem is coloring finished parts beds with protective compounds.

Another disadvantage that metal borders for summer cottages have is strong heating under the influence of sunlight. This is especially noticeable on hot summer days, when the surface of the fence can heat up to + 50°C.

Wooden fencing

They have a sufficient number of advantages, among which one of the main ones is environmental safety. But they have serious disadvantages - high cost and extremely short service life. Especially noticeable on their operational characteristics interaction with water and damp soil affects them, which is why they quickly become unusable. Under such conditions, bacterial rot quickly develops in the wood structure and fungal infections occur. Such fencing is not greatly helped by the preliminary protection measures taken before installation, which can only slightly extend the service life of these fencing.

Wooden fencing can be decorated in any color, which seems suitable to the gardener. And this provides an excellent opportunity to create unique landscape compositions in compliance with a single style. landscape project. However, this option cannot still be considered optimal due to the fragility of wood fences.

They are one of the most affordable materials that any gardener can get. Doesn't occur big problems and when constructing fences made of this material. To do this, you just need to place the bottles in the ground one after another. The main thing is to observe the direction of the fences and the parallelism of the rows. The easiest way to do this is if, before digging in the bottles, you mark a line with twine, for which you first drive pegs into the corners of the future bed in a place pre-selected for the fence, and then pull the cord over it.

But the bottle fence is serious loses in strength the above-mentioned analogues. They can easily be knocked out of line, fall to one side and lose their shape. Bottles seriously suffer from constant exposure to the sun and precipitation, as a result of which their surface becomes cloudy and dirty, and such a fence is unlikely to make the area more attractive.


It is no coincidence that it is one of the popular materials that is used by gardeners to solve a variety of problems. Very often, after roof repairs, slate remains appear that can be used for fencing. There are no difficulties with their installation, and they can withstand prolonged exposure to moisture and low temperatures. They also heat up less in the sun compared to metal and pose less risk of damage. garden crops in case of contact of their stems with their heated surface. Garden bed fencing made from slate can fit perfectly into the design of any site.

Rubble stone

Can also be used as an alternative to traditional materials. With his presence, he can make any area more attractive. Experienced gardeners use them as a basis when installing framing flower beds . However, this material has a serious drawback - difficulties with installation. This is a rather lengthy and labor-intensive process. In addition, the material is one of the most expensive.

Plastic panels

Lately they've found everything greater distribution as a material for creating a frame for vegetable beds. Gardeners like them because they tolerate the effects of excess moisture well, are protected from rot, and are resistant to deformation. Therefore, even after several years of using them, you can be sure that beds made of plastic boards will not lose their original geometric dimensions as a result of exposure to frost, sun, snow or rain.

PVC panels- this is one of the lightest materials, so there are no problems with its transportation. To prepare it for work, no special tools or skills are needed. You can even build plastic fences for garden beds from used panels. And since anyone can build beds from plastic panels with their own hands, they are very popular today.


My personal opinion is that you can do just fine without fences. We don’t use border tape at our dacha and we can’t complain about the harvest - onions, carrots, zucchini and other crops grow well here. We also have no shortage of strawberries. Our neighbor decided to fence the beds with slate, and poured concrete around. The yield is quite average by standards. Still, I believe that the earth should breathe, and these fences only make the area more attractive, nothing more. After installing them, the gardener may deprive himself of part of the harvest.

Ivan Makrushin

Although I have more than once had the idea of ​​​​installing similar fences at my dacha, I always refused it. The roots must be able to breathe, and if they are fenced off with boards, then all kinds of dirt and other infections will accumulate there. I grow all my crops in beds 20-25 cm high. I water them regularly, and on very hot days I moisten the soil between the rows, where I then put the weeded grass. I water directly on top of it, which not only helps to provide the plants with water and in sufficient quantities, but also with nutrition.

Marina Sablinskaya

If the beds on the site are perfectly horizontal, then it is quite possible to do without fences. It's a completely different matter if there is a slope on the site. In this case, you will have to install fences, otherwise the ground will slide down the slope. I just found myself in this situation, so I decided to install a fence.

Sergei Tolbukhin


There are still many people in our country who continue to grow on their own every year. summer cottages vegetable and flower crops. But in addition to the harvest, everyone wants their garden to look beautiful. This is quite easy to achieve. This process itself takes a lot of time and effort to maintain cleanliness, but you can do it differently - install fences on the beds, for example, from tape.

However, not all gardeners consider ready-made polycarbonate beds necessary on their site. The fact is that because of them, plants may lose the ability to breathe. That is why you should not rush to fence off the beds by installing wooden or polycarbonate borders. Although in some cases you simply cannot do without them, because with constant rains, fertile soil can disappear due to them, which will subsequently seriously affect the harvest.