Amaryllis flower: description, home care. Red indoor flowers and photos of house plants with red flowers

Let's say you bought yourself a hippeastrum flower in any condition (blooming or not). Now you are wondering what to do with it. Attention, our article is for you! At optimal care hippeastrum can reach a height of 1m 20 cm!

When does the hippeastrum flower bloom?

Hippeastrums bloom for the first time in spring or winter. In the second year of life, flowering will occur in the summer. The flower arrow is formed by the hippeastrum after every four leaves. The better you take care of your hippeastrum flower, the more leaves he will have, the more flower stalks he will knock out for your joy! Everything is interconnected.

Methods to help speed up the flowering of hippeastrum

1) Soak the plant bulb in hot water for three hours.

Soak the hippeastrum flower in hot water

Water temperature +43 +45 °C. In this case, the hippeastrum flower will bloom in 25 days. I conducted such an experiment. After 25 days I will show his photo again. Subscribe to blog updates to find out if my hippeastrum has bloomed.
2) Send the hippeastrum flower to rest in August (put it in a dark place and stop watering). At the end of January, resume watering and return the flower pot to its original place. Using this method, you will see the hippeastrum bloom in 30 days.

3) In June, cut off all the leaves of this indoor flower and stop watering for a month. After a month, resume watering and fertilizing the plant. The plant will bloom in August or September.

Features of hippeastrum care

Humidity - hippeastrum is not demanding of humidity, but it is recommended to periodically wipe its leaves.

Watering — the soil should dry out by one phalange between waterings. When watering, water should never get on the bulb.

Hippeastrum watering scheme:

rest period - do not water (if the bulb is in a cool place) and water occasionally if the plant overwinters in a warm place
the period of emergence from hibernation and until the flower shoot grows up to 20 cm - extremely moderate watering
- gradually increase watering to beginning of flowering
bloom - frequent moderate watering
after flowering - regular moderate watering
end of September - watering stops

Transfer - for the residence of the hippeastrum, choose narrow and tall dishes, because it is necessary to accommodate the long roots of the flower! The pot must be stable! After all, the diameter of blooming flowers can reach 25 cm. In terms of width, choose a pot such that there is a distance of no more than three centimeters from the bulb to the side. Hippeastrums are replanted once a year either before the dormant period (in August) or immediately after the dormant period (in December).

Hippeastrum bulb

Inspect the bulb before planting. If you see a dotted pattern or a red border on it, you know your plant is infected with a fungal disease. The plant grown from it will have to be treated for a long time.

Soil mixture for hippeastrum:

2 parts turf land
1 part peat
1 part humus
1 part coarse sand.
Hippeastrum also grows well in a purchased mixture for bulbous plants. Don't forget to put drainage (2-3 cm) at the bottom of the pot. The bulb should be buried 2-3 deep into the ground.
Lighting - the plant likes bright, diffused light.
Love your hippeastrum flower and it will definitely love you back! Please share the information with your friends! Perhaps neither are looking for something like that!

Indoor plants will add coziness to every room. They create oases at any time of the year, no matter where they are installed between the bed and nightstand, on your wall or windowsill. These exotic beauties also cleanse the air of pollution. You can choose your favorite flower among wide range species and varieties to realize your floral design concepts.

Houseplants such as African violets (Saintpaulia), Euphorbia pulcherrima or royal orchids (Orchidaceae) impress with weeks of lavish blooms. Lush ornamental foliage plants, such as the picturesque Dieffenbachia and the majestic Philodendron, act as architectural elements turning your home into an evergreen garden. But there is something you should keep in mind, the different care requirements at home. Plants such as succulents will live for weeks without water, while tropical flowers require daily care. Therefore, you should know in advance about caring for indoor plants, and choose those that are ideal for your lifestyle.

If you don’t know the name of a flower, we bring to your attention a catalog of indoor flowers and plants, with which you can determine the name of the plant and choose the right care at home.

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Good afternoon. They gave me a houseplant with a red flower for my birthday. It is large, sticking out from a rosette of leaves. The plant has an exotic appearance. I like it very much. Tell me what it is called and a little care.


Your plant is called Guzmania. This is an epiphytic plant from the Bromeliad family, it came to us from South and Central America. What you call a red flower are actually bracts, and spike-shaped inflorescences appear in their axils. So guzmania remains decorative for a very long time.

Houseplant with red flower

Guzmania - tropical plant. It needs high air humidity, read how it can be raised in the room.

The temperature should be no lower than 18 °C, the lighting should be bright diffused light, shaded from direct sun in summer.

Soil for replanting is specialized for Bromeliads or a mixture of fibrous peat, leaf and turf soil and sand in a ratio of 2:1:1:0.5. You can also add sphagnum to the soil. Good drainage is required.

Water abundantly, the water should be soft. It is poured into a socket, but the substrate is moistened moderately, but not allowing it to dry out. Fertilize Guzmania twice a month during flowering with orchid fertilizer.

Guzmania is a houseplant that not only has a red flower, but also yellow and pink inflorescences. But after flowering, the mother rosette dies. But don't be upset. With normal care, new daughter rosettes are formed at this time at the base of the mother rosette. They are separated and planted in separate pots.

This exotic beautiful flower of the Bromeliad family has captivated many gardeners. Externally, guzmania is a bunch of dense leaves, similar to a fountain, from the center of which the same leaves grow, but red, yellow or orange.

The original name of the flower is guzmania in honor of the biologist Guzman. South America is considered the birthplace of this flower. IN natural environment guzmania takes root not in the ground, but in the rotten bark of trees. For this reason, the roots of guzmania are very poorly developed; this must be taken into account when planting.

Guzmania currently grows in the wild in India, Brazil, South and Central America. Since these places are quite dry, the cup-shaped leaves of this plant allow it to store water, which exotic birds often use.

Some information about the plant:

  • At first glance, it may seem that such a warm and light-loving tropical plant will not take root well in our homes, that it will not be comfortable here and is quite picky. But this is not true at all.
  • Growing an indoor guzmania flower is not so difficult; you just need to follow a few rules. At proper care this flower will decorate your home with its flowers for many months.
  • The leaves of this plant can reach a length of up to 70 cm, depending on the species.
  • After the guzmania flowers, the mother plant dries up, but the “babies” live on.
  • Guzmania blooms for quite a long time, more than 3 months. Those bright flowers, which you can observe are actually inflorescences. Guzmania flowers are small and rather inconspicuous.

It is believed that the presence of guzmania at home allows the owner to become more generous, develop a strong character, and also free his home from prejudices and bad energy. Also this beautiful flower is able to effectively purify the air. It is good to install it in offices, rooms where several people are located at once.

The peaceful energy of Guzmania will promote conflict resolution, calmness, and protect against stress and depression.

Guzmania has a huge number of species. The most common: reed, mosaic, blood-red, single-spike, Donnell-Smith. Flower growers especially love the reed and blood-red guzmania.

Guzmania is an epiphytic annual plant. This means that it dies after flowering and takes moisture mainly from the air due to a poorly developed root system. All this is important to consider when caring for a flower.

Although guzmania is relatively unpretentious, in order to prolong its flowering, you need to follow some care rules. It blooms in spring and summer for several months, depending on the variety and type.

Care Tips:

  1. Tropical guzmania does not particularly like light and does not need it much, because it originally grew in the shade of trees. But for the greatest richness of flowers, place the guzmania under diffused sunlight. Direct rays can burn leaves. You can keep guzmania in the shade, but under no circumstances on the windowsill. In summer, the sun will damage its leaves, and in winter, a scorching radiator will kill the plant with drought.
  2. There is no need to think that if it is, then it loves the heat. The temperature in summer should be a little more than 20 degrees, and in winter a little less. Then Guzmania will feel great. But too low a temperature is undesirable. Cold is not always destructive, but it can cause delayed flowering and various diseases.
  3. Guzmania loves high humidity. It needs to be sprayed as often as the temperature is high. In summer you can do this twice a day. You can also humidify the air in winter with the heating on using special humidifiers. They will delight both flowers and people with their coolness. Leaving water in the pan is also not prohibited, but it should not stagnate, otherwise the root will begin to rot. If you have just sprayed a flower, do not place it in the sun, otherwise the burns on the leaves will be even worse.
  4. Watering Guzmania in a standard way, through the soil, is not recommended, since this flower is not used to taking moisture from the ground. Occasionally and very carefully you can moisten the soil, but it is better to prefer spraying that is usual for plants.
  5. Do not plant Guzmania in a large pot. It doesn’t need an abundance of soil for the same reason as a poorly developed root. But the drainage must be good so that excess moisture did not stagnate.
  6. During flowering guzmania mineral and organic fertilizers. To save time and effort, buy ready solution for feeding bromeliad plants. It is advisable to fertilize once every 2-3 weeks. If you forget the last time you fertilized your soil, create a schedule that prevents you from being late or over-fertilizing.

You only need to replant your guzmania if the pot and soil with which you purchased it do not suit the flower. Usually the seller warns about this. If everything is fine, the pot is of normal size, the soil is of the proper composition, there is no need to replant the plant immediately after purchase. Wait until spring until the guzmania outgrows the box and daughter shoots begin to bud.

Guzmania is replanted in the same way as other flowers. You need to slightly moisten the soil, carefully remove the flower so as not to damage the root system and plant it in another pot with previously prepared soil. Be sure to place drainage stones in the bottom of the shallow pot. When replanting is completed, the soil and leaves need to be watered.

If you replant a flower in new soil purchased from a specialty store, you do not need to fertilize it for a month and a half after that.

On average, guzmania lives 1-2 years before flowering and six months after. But if you bought an already blooming guzmania (ask the seller how long it has been blooming), it will live from six months to a year, and then we can plant the “babies”.

After the guzmania flowers, it dries up, giving life to the shoots. However, this is not always the case. There are times when the mother plant does not die. It will continue to grow if the “babies” are planted. Daughter shoots can be grown without being separated from the main flower, but they can also be separated when they have their own roots. You need to carefully monitor this, carefully digging up the soil under the shoots. Under no circumstances separate them before the root system appears; they will not be able to take root.

If you are longing for “babies” to appear, but guzmania does not bloom, although it is high time, you can speed up this process.

For a flower to bloom, the surrounding air must be saturated with acetylene. This substance is released in sufficient quantities by rotting apples. Place the rotting fruit next to the flower and cover with plastic.

As a rule, guzmania produces only one shoot. When it gives its roots, grows about 15 cm, and its leaves begin to dry out, it’s time to plant it. The shoot is separated with a sharp knife very carefully, without damaging the roots. The pot for the new guzmania must be small size. Don’t forget to put drainage at the bottom so that the plant does not die from excess moisture.

More information can be found in the video.

The amaryllis flower attracts with its large, bright petals. They can be completely different shades- from white to dark burgundy and even green. You can grow it in an apartment or on personal plot. The flower has its own characteristics of content.


Africa is considered the birthplace of the amaryllis flower. In its natural environment, it loves warmth and does not tolerate cold climates. Planting it in the harsh conditions of Russia became possible thanks to the breeding of hybrid resistant varieties.

Fragrant flowers

A person who decides to purchase for the first time will be interested in what an amaryllis flower looks like. Its leaves are distinguished by their linear, tongue-like structure. Aboveground part The flower is dense and juicy. At the end of the peduncle, an inflorescence is formed, which consists of six to twelve buds. Their size is about eight centimeters. Two arrows can come out of one bulb.

Amaryllis blooms most often in autumn. At good conditions it may bloom again in early spring. The buds open after the leaves die.

Many people confuse amaryllis with its hybrid hippeastrum. Both plants have beautiful flowers. But amaryllis has them fragrant aroma.

Care and propagation of indoor amaryllis flowers

The flower will feel great on windows on the south side of the house in direct or diffuse sunlight. indoor lighting. But in the darkened part of the room, inflorescences may not form.

The flower loves good air circulation, so the room should be ventilated daily. In the cold months of the year it is enough for him temperature regime 10-15 degrees Celsius above zero. During the warm months, the air temperature should fluctuate between 18-25 degrees Celsius above zero.

Watering the plant depends on the air temperature - in cold times, moistening is carried out no earlier than two days after the top layer of the substrate has dried; in warm times, the soil is moistened immediately after it dries. The condition of the soil should be monitored so that it does not sour or become moldy. You should not spray the flower itself, but it is advisable to spray water near it.

Features of transplantation:

  • The container and substrate should be changed once every one to two years.
  • The container should not be large, since the created space will reduce the abundance of flowering. The distance from the tuber to the walls of the pot should be about three centimeters. It is better to choose a heavy ceramic pot that will not allow the plant to overturn itself during flowering.
  • When replanting, it is important not to damage the root system. To remove the bulb without damage, the soil should be moistened several hours before manipulation.
  • It is not recommended to disturb the flower by replanting until the flower stalks have dried.

The plant requires constant pruning. Especially if it blooms often. Otherwise, the stems will become more elongated and the leaves will shrink. The shoots are removed when the plant gets enough sunlight. Usually pruning is carried out at the end of October. Remove elongated stems, and also remove dried and yellowed areas.

Outdoor care

The plant can be planted in open ground. It is especially successful when combined with coniferous plants. During periods of spring and autumn frosts, the flower must be covered. At the end of September, its bulb can be dug up to be transplanted into a pot or stored until spring.

The amaryllis flower, which takes time to care for, can be grown in a container. This way it will grow outside until the cold weather sets in. It is noteworthy that flowering in an open place is more luxuriant.

The hole should be dug on the south side. The place should be sheltered from drafts and winds. It is advisable to feed and loosen the soil. Decorative stones are suitable for the background.

When planting several tubers, it is important that the distance between them is at least thirty centimeters. Tubers are planted to a depth of fifteen centimeters.

Growing technology

Planting amaryllis flowers is carried out using a certain technology:

  • Substrate - prepared from high-quality soil mixture. It should consist of sand, peat, humus. A drainage layer can protect the roots from possible stagnation of water.
  • Fertilizing - the flower requires constant fertilization. For this purpose they are used special means, designed for indoor crops. Feeding can be reduced at the end of the flowering period. The supply of fertilizers stops when the flower enters the dormant stage.
  • Choosing a container - shallow containers made of any material work well. They can be installed indoors, in a flowerbed, or on a balcony. The tuber should be slightly protruding from the soil. The dug up bulbs can be stored in the refrigerator for the winter.
  • Planting - the bulb should be placed in the ground at the end of November or early spring. Expanded clay and pebbles are laid on the bottom. Two handfuls of sand are poured on top, then the prepared mixture. Before lowering the tuber into the substrate, it should be moistened in the Humisol solution. After planting, the soil is moistened with water.

Like any plant, it can be affected by insects. What are the main problems that can occur with amaryllis?

Main problems

Scale insects can damage the root system. Their presence can be seen by cotton balls in the axils of the leaves. The insects themselves are quite large, and they lay eggs on the leaves.

Excessive watering can also destroy the plant. This causes red rot that affects the tubers. Fundazol can get rid of the problem. At the first signs of disease, the amaryllis is removed from the container, the damaged areas are removed, and the cut areas are treated with crushed charcoal. The flower with dried tubers is placed in a disinfected pot. The soil requires sterilization for thirty minutes.

“Aktellik” has proven itself well against the pests listed above. Most often, the cause of flower infection is the carelessness of the owner, as well as the purchase of plants in unverified stores. Preventing infection is much easier than curing it. Often several courses are required chemicals.


Amaryllis doesn't bloom

Often amateur gardeners complain that the amaryllis flower does not bloom. This behavior of the plant is associated with the following negative factors:

  • The bulb has not yet ripened, has not reached the right size.
  • The time to rest was too short.
  • During the growing season, the plant was in a hot microclimate.

It should also be understood that the number of inflorescences depends on the size of the bulb. When purchasing a bulb, it is worth checking its type. If the tuber is soft with dark spots, you should refuse to buy it.

Propagation by bulb

Amaryllis flower can be propagated at home. During the next transplant, you can separate the daughter bulbs from the main tuber. Two years after planting in the ground, they will become the size of the mother plant. The process of planting a new bulb is no different from planting a mature tuber.

Propagation by seeds

The amaryllis flower can reproduce by seed. In order for fruits to form during flowering, the flower must be pollinated. To do this you will need a small brush. With its help, cross-pollination is carried out, that is, pollen from one flower is transferred to another. Then you need to allow the plant to mature.

The process takes more than one month. When the seed pods are formed, you need to wait until they become yellow-brown in color. Each fruit has three compartments. They contain about fifty seeds. They must be collected and dried thoroughly. To do this, the rudiments are laid out on a clean cloth or tray and left for one month.

Prepared rudiments are placed in water room temperature. There they will hatch, and after another three weeks they can be planted in the ground. Root system It is still very fragile, so a separate container is prepared for each amaryllis.

Dried seeds can also be placed in the ground. A shallow container with holes for draining water is suitable for this. Sand and turf are suitable as a substrate. Seeds are scattered over the surface. The seeds do not have to be planted immediately; they can be stored in the refrigerator, but not more than one year.

The buds in the soil must be sprinkled with a small layer of soil. It is better to water every day so that dry soil does not damage them. Moisture can be retained using polyethylene covered on top. But seedlings must be ventilated every day. After a month, the first shoots should appear. Then fertilizing is added to the watering.

A plant that appeared by seed will only be able to bloom after seven years. While the bulbous version will produce an inflorescence already in the third year of life.

The flower is not for a child's room

The blooming amaryllis flower is extremely beautiful, but you should not place it in the children's area. All its areas have an increased concentration of toxic substances. The plant can cause a gag reflex. If the flower juice enters the animal’s body, swelling, pain in the mouth and stomach, and breathing problems will appear. Children and pets should not have access to the plant.

In rare cases, amaryllis blooms can cause allergic rhinitis and skin irritation. In this case, you should say goodbye to the flower.

If a flower does not cause allergies, you can enjoy it for many years. To avoid harming yourself poisonous juice, all manipulations with it should be carried out with protective gloves.