Houseplants jasmine care and cultivation. Growing and caring for indoor jasmine: photo. Lighting and air temperature

Indoor jasmine It propagates well by cuttings. At home this is quite feasible, you just need to follow some recommendations.

Jasmine. Secrets of indoor floriculture

Jasmine, like any flowering plant, can be propagated different ways. The most common of them are layering and cuttings. Of course, you can propagate jasmine by seeds, but the varietal qualities will be lost. This method is applicable for propagating wild varieties.

Exuding an intoxicating aroma, this can be a wonderful decoration and at the same time a natural air freshener in your home. And if you do not have the opportunity to purchase it in a specialized store, it will be enough to get a few branches left over from pruning and try to propagate jasmine by cuttings.

Video about jasmine

  1. Preparation of cuttings. Prepare a sharp knife or pruning shears and disinfect its blade. We cut off the semi-lignified apical shoots you have into 3 eyes. The upper cut is 1 cm above the eye, cut off the top, and make the lower cut immediately below the eye. The ideal cutting is one that is selected from a lateral one-year shoot and cut with the “heel” of a two-year shoot.
  2. We remove the lower leaves, the top with leaves is also cut off, leaving the middle leaves that need to be shortened and cut off by one third. The best cuttings− these are those on which leaves have formed, but which have not yet become completely lignified.
  3. Before rooting, the lower cut or “heel” is dusted with heteroauxin or root powder. Phytohormones will significantly accelerate root formation.
  4. Preparing the soil mixture. To root jasmine cuttings, you need to prepare a light substrate. This can be 1 part fertile soil and 1 part sand, pure sand, perlite, vermiculite, or a mixture of soil with perlite and vermiculite. Moisture should not stagnate in the substrate, so as not to cause rotting of the cuttings and young roots. In addition, the components of the soil mixture must be disinfected. To kill fungal bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms, the soil must be heated in the oven, or frozen, or spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate before use.
  5. Clay pots with drainage holes in the bottom are best for rooting jasmine cuttings. You can use 0.5 - 0.7 liter plastic containers.
  6. We lay a layer of expanded clay on the bottom, then pour in the soil mixture. Lightly compact and water.
  7. We insert the prepared cutting into the center so that it goes deep along the leaves that we left.
  8. Cover the top glass jar, to maintain constant humidity. We place the pots on a warm windowsill and shade them from direct sunlight with white paper or loose white fabric, 2-3 layers of gauze.
  9. Care consists of timely watering, maintaining a temperature of 20° C and regular ventilation.
  10. Rooting will be indicated by roots emerging from the drainage holes, as well as dormant buds beginning to grow.

Jasmine, like any flowering plant, can be propagated in different ways.

If you do not have rooting phytohormones, use honey. One teaspoon per liter of water. Cuttings that have stood for a day in such a solution will very soon produce roots after planting in the ground. This honey solution is an excellent stimulator of root formation when cutting not only jasmine, but also other berry and ornamental shrubs.

Cuttings can also be rooted in water. When the roots reach 2-3 cm in size, young seedlings are planted in pots. This must be done as early as possible so that the long roots are not damaged during planting.

Qualitative planting material– the key to further full development and lush flowering

Place it next to the pot with indoor jasmine another pot filled with a mixture of the same composition as for rooting cuttings. Select a long thin branch of the mother plant and bend it down. In the place where the cuttings in the new pot will be covered with earth, make small scratches and cuts on the bark.

Dig part of the shoot into a new pot, water it and cover it with film. Pinch the end of the shoot so that a couple of leaves remain above the planting pot.

Care for the layering - regular watering, spraying when the air is dry.

Did you know that bottom heating can have a positive effect on the successful rooting of jasmine? A warm windowsill is a great place to grow cuttings and layering.

Video about caring for jasmine

When the cuttings take root and begin to grow, they can be separated from the mother plant with pruning shears, transplanted into nutritious soil and grown as usual.

High-quality planting material is the key to further full development and lush flowering. Root with cuttings, propagate by layering and seeds, and let this activity bring you not only benefit, but also pleasure.

In our country, the name jasmine is invariably associated with a common deciduous shrub, the flowers of which, collected in a brush, have a sweet and rich aroma. In fact, this is a mock orange, which has a very distant relationship with representatives of the Jasmine genus; it belongs to the Hydrangeaceae genus.

True jasmines are graceful and evergreen shrubs with climbing or erect stems. The genus includes 198 species, many of them are of economic importance. Jasmine multiflorum has become widespread in indoor culture. Caring for it can hardly be called simple. In order for the plant to develop properly and please the eye lush flowering, it will take some effort. Jasmine is demanding and capricious. Inexperienced gardeners should pay attention to more low-maintenance indoor plants.

Multifloral jasmine: plant description

Compared to other representatives of the Jasmine genus this type stands out for its size and strong branching. A spectacular climbing shrub that can reach up to natural environment heights from one to ten meters, in room conditions the length of its lashes is more modest, as a rule, limited to 2 m. The leaves of the plant are complex, pinnate, located oppositely on a short petiole (0.4-2 cm), up to 5-7 cm in length.

Multifloral jasmine (Jasminum polyanthum) is famous for its magnificent view during the flowering period, which lasts from February to August. At this time, the bush is covered with numerous star-shaped white flowers, which at the bud stage are colored rich pink color. Their diameter reaches 2.5 cm. Attention is also drawn to their rich, thick aroma, which differs from that of mock orange. Flowers are collected in apical or axillary inflorescences (panicle or raceme). The fruits of the plant look like black spherical berries with a diameter of 6-11 mm.

Homeland of the plant

Information about where the plant comes from will be useful in order to provide it with proper care at home. Jasmine multiflora is common in China in the provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan. The plant can be found at an altitude of 1400-3000 meters above sea level.

In New Zealand and Australia, this species is considered invasive, that is, it has spread as a result of human activity and threatens the biological diversity of the place.

Location in the house and air temperature

Jasmine is native to Asian tropical forests. He needs large quantities light throughout the year, and especially during the period of budding and flowering. However, you should avoid exposing the plant to direct sunlight. South windows are not the best the best choice for jasmine, experts recommend giving preference to the east and west sides. The plant tolerates partial shade and shade with difficulty, and this affects its appearance.

The requirements for air temperature are not so high. Range +21+25ºС throughout growing season and a little cooler in winter, but below +10ºС indoors - this is what multifloral jasmine needs. The home microclimate is quite suitable for him in terms of temperature. It is allowed to grow this species in open ground. This is possible in regions belonging to the 8-11th frost resistance zone (in Russia this includes Sochi).

Air humidity requirements

The biggest challenges in care are related to providing high humidity air. Jasmine is a child of tropical forests, and in dry conditions it will not only not bloom, but will also suffer from diseases, pests, and is in a depressed state, actually slowly dying. There are two ways to increase air humidity levels.

Firstly, it is the direct spraying of moisture onto the plant. To do this, it is enough to have a fine spray bottle and settled soft water. The procedure is recommended in spring summer period carry out daily. During the flowering period, do not stop spraying, but only avoid getting drops of water on the flowers. During the winter dormancy period, the plant is not sprayed.

Soil selection and replanting

The soil mixture for jasmine should have a neutral or slightly acidic environment. The plant also has special requirements for the composition of the substrate. It should be light, loose and nutritious. When independently preparing a mixture for planting, experts recommend using disinfected turf and leaf soil, as well as sand and peat in a ratio of 2:3:1:1. It is important to provide a drainage layer 3-5 cm thick when planting.

When growing jasmine multiflorum indoors, only young plants are replanted annually. It is better not to disturb adult specimens needlessly. Once every 2-3 years they are transferred into containers 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous pot. The presence of a large volume of free substrate is a risk of soil acidification, which as a result can lead to disruption of air permeability and stagnation of moisture. Jasmine develops best when the pot is completely filled with roots.

Watering and fertilizing

Timely watering is one of the main aspects of care. At home, multifloral jasmine (photo according to the text) has a clearly defined period of winter dormancy, accompanied by partial or complete loss of foliage. This fact must be taken into account when building a plant watering system. The volume and frequency directly depend on the conditions in which the plant is located, its growth rate and age. In spring and summer, watering should be plentiful. It is carried out as soon as the top layer of soil dries. Special systems can be used to control the degree of soil moisture.

IN autumn-winter period Watering should be careful, especially during cool wintering. An excess of moisture in the soil should not be allowed. The volume of watering should be reduced gradually, as well as increased as spring approaches.

Feeding is carried out during active growth and flowering weekly comprehensive mineral fertilizer For flowering plants(with high potassium content).

Diseases and pests

The main guarantee of plant health is proper care. Jasmine multiflorum is vulnerable to pests. Most often you can find aphids, scale insects, leaf weevils and spider mites on it. Recommendations to prevent their occurrence: proper care, preventative treatment insecticides and fungicides, removing parts of the plant damaged by insects.

Fungal and bacterial diseases found less frequently on jasmine. The main factor that can provoke them is low air temperature combined with waterlogging and drafts.

Jasmine propagation

Indoor multifloral jasmine is easiest to propagate vegetatively. Two methods are popular. The first is cuttings. Most optimal time for the procedure - spring or summer. For cuttings, semi-lignified, mature and strong shoots are used, cutting them with three internodes. It is recommended to treat the sections with a growth stimulator, as this significantly increases the ability to form roots. Then the cuttings are planted in a substrate prepared from equal parts of sand and peat. In a room or small greenhouse, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of at least +20ºС. The roots appear in about a month. Immediately seated in individual containers.

Second way vegetative propagation jasmine is the formation of layering. A shallow cut is made in a separate area of ​​the shoot in the internode, then this place is wrapped in damp moss. A month later, roots form at the site of the wound. Important condition- This is constantly wet moss; it should not be allowed to dry out.

Plant pruning

Like most evergreen vines, multifloral jasmine is easy to shape. It can be easily guided along the supports, giving the desired shape and size to the bush; trimming the plant is also acceptable. Major pruning must be done before starting intensive growth. The shoots are shortened by 1/2 or 1/3 of the entire length. Thanks to this, the plant produces a larger number of young shoots on which buds form.

At sanitary pruning remove all elongated, unsightly, damaged and dry branches with deformed and small leaves. U young plant with shoots whose length does not exceed 50-60 cm, just pinch the tops to stimulate tillering.

Use in medicine

IN medicinal purposes use all parts of jasmine multiflorum (photo according to text). The leaves are used as a healing agent by applying hot compresses to skin ulcers, as well as in the form of a decoction or infusion to reduce lactation. In Eastern countries, it is believed that jasmine root, infused with wine, can reduce the pain threshold, so it is often used before operations.

The flowers of the plant are a well-known natural component of tea, giving it a unique aroma.

indoor jasmine, a plant that combines all the advantages dear to the heart of an amateur gardener. It is beautiful, unpretentious, and most importantly – fragrant. The smell of jasmine is unique and unforgettable! It is mistakenly believed that this is a plant indoor variety big garden bush, growing in many garden and summer cottages. The flowers and smell are very similar. But this is completely wrong. These bushes are not jasmine at all, but mock orange.

At home, mainly three types of indoor jasmine are grown: Sambac, Large-flowered And Holofloral. Sambac, also known as Arabian (sometimes “Indian”) jasmine has gained great popularity among gardeners, because it blooms all summer and autumn, until winter. Also, this is the same type that is added to tea. Most often, this indoor flower grown as an ampel plant: in hanging pots, cascading stems cascading down or braided around an arch. Caring for indoor jasmine at home is very easy and not burdensome, which is very important for novice gardeners. Judge for yourself.

Indoor jasmine. Care at home.

First of all, I must note that the pleasant and strong aroma This plant is fraught with danger. It cannot be placed in a sleeping area! The aroma can cause severe headaches. Therefore, it is better to place indoor jasmine in non-residential, spacious and well-ventilated areas. By the way, the same applies to oleander.


Jasmine is a light-loving flower and can even withstand direct sunlight. But this does not mean at all that it can be placed under the scorching sun. If the jasmine is located on your south window, then take care of shading it. Bright but diffused light is just right for him.


First of all, take care to protect the jasmine from drafts. They are contraindicated for him. Otherwise, this plant is not particularly demanding of temperature. In the warm season, stick to special temperature regime, it doesn't make much sense. For jasmine, both heat and more moderate temperatures are equally comfortable. He will feel very good outdoors. In winter, it is desirable to provide the plant with a cooler existence, that is, a temperature lower than normal room temperature. But if this is not possible, then it’s okay, you’ll just have to water and spray it more often. The lower temperature limit for keeping indoor jasmine in winter is +8 degrees.

Watering, air humidity and fertilizer

Jasmine needs to be watered regularly. Overdrying the soil is undesirable for it. In summer, the soil in the pot should always be moist. In winter, the frequency of watering depends on the air temperature: the lower it is, the less frequent the watering. For watering, use only warm and soft water.

Spray jasmine daily, and if it is very hot, then more than once. The water for spraying should be the same as for irrigation. As with watering, the regularity of spraying indoor jasmine directly depends on the air temperature and dryness of the air (it is usually drier in winter). If the plant overwinters in cool conditions, then there is no need to spray it at all.

From April until the beginning of autumn, when jasmine has a period of active growth, it must be fed every 10 days. Fertilizers for flowering indoor plants are suitable for feeding. Can also be used liquid potash fertilizers, alternating them with complete mineral fertilizer.


Adult plants are replanted as needed or once every two to three years. Young ones must be replanted every year. For replanting, any light, nutritious soil is suitable, which you can either buy or make yourself according to this recipe:

Leaf soil - one part;

Sod land - one part;

Greenhouse or humus soil - one part;

Peat - one part;

Coniferous soil - ½ part;

Sand or perlite - ½ part.


Indoor jasmine is primarily an ornamental plant, and to give it this very decorative look, it definitely needs to be cut off. I would like to note that it tolerates trimmings easily. This means you can safely “shred” it as your imagination dictates. During scheduled pruning (from late February to March), shoots are usually shortened by a third. If they are stunted and weakly leafy, then you can trim them to half. Pruning jasmine will not only give it a more well-groomed and aesthetic appearance, but also stimulate the growth of new side shoots, on which buds will subsequently form and fragrant flowers will bloom. Young plants that have no or very few lateral vines must be pinched. By pinching the tip of the shoot, you will stop its growth, which will give the opportunity to develop side branches. Actually, not only young plants need to be pinched, adult jasmine also periodically benefits from this procedure.


Indoor jasmine reproduces like indoor ivy or hoya, that is, very simply. It can be propagated by cuttings and layering. It will be easier and more visual to propagate it from cuttings. It is best to combine this event with pruning. At this time, there will be enough suitable cuttings, and sometimes it’s a shame to throw them away... For rooting, cuttings with 2-3 nodes and a length of about 10-15 centimeters are suitable. I would advise beginning flower growers to simply put them in a glass of water. This will allow you to observe the appearance and growth of roots (following the example of geranium). When the roots grow to a centimeter in length, the cuttings can be planted in a pot. You can root jasmine cuttings in damp sand or a mixture of sand and leaf soil. When using any of these methods, it is highly advisable to use a root formation stimulator (Kornevin, for example). You can add it to some water or dip a cut of the cutting into it (when planting in a mixture or sand). The use of a stimulator will accelerate root formation. Without it, this process can take up to one and a half months. For successful rooting (and this will happen during the relatively cold season), the temperature should be within +20-25 degrees.

Indoor jasmine also reproduces easily by layering. In some cases, this method is even more effective. This process is well known to those who propagated currants, gooseberries, climbing rose. Many indoor plants (Fittonia, Stephanotis and the like) also reproduce in the same way. In the same pot (if space allows), part of the jasmine stem is buried. If there is no space, then place a pot of soil nearby, and the stem is buried in it. First, you can lightly scrape the bark on the section of the stem to be buried (down to wood) and also treat it with a stimulant. After rooting, it will be enough to cut off the shoot from the mother plant, and you will get another young indoor jasmine.

Jasmine is a flower that exudes an amazing aroma. It is so strong that it is recommended to take jasmine out of the bedroom at night. An evergreen climbing shrub often used as hanging plant. From the article you will learn whether it is difficult to grow jasmine at home, how to care for it during flowering and what problems you may encounter.

Yellow color of jasmine holoflora.

The homeland of indoor jasmine is India and Arabia. A plant with thin climbing stems and axillary simple or double flowers has oblong oval-shaped leaves. Inflorescences are white, cream, yellow, pink. Indoor jasmine requires the installation of a support to which the branches will cling. Unlike garden mock orange, which is often called jasmine, the houseplant actually belongs to the Olive family.

IN indoor growing The following species are cultivated:

  • Jasmine Sambac (Jasminum sambac) - the most unpretentious appearance, which feels good during warm wintering. It has lignified pubescent shoots, leaves up to 10 cm long, clusters of large inflorescences white. The flowers are more like double roses or camellias, atypical for jasmine, and the flowering period is long.
  • Multi-flowered jasmine (Jasminum polyanthum) branches more than other species. The buds are pink, but the opened flowers are white. They have a tubular shape, the limb consists of 5 blades, and smells stronger than other varieties. It also includes the finest jasmine, the inflorescence of which has a corolla of 8 petals.
  • Large-flowered jasmine (Jasminum grandiflorum) has snow-white umbels of flowers. The limb is divided into 5 petals, the flowers are very fragrant. In nature, the vine reaches 10 m in height and has completely bare shoots.
  • Bees jasmine (Jasminum beesianum) blooms with pink inflorescences, but the flowering period is shorter than other jasmines. The flowers reach 2 cm in diameter and bloom at the tops of the shoots. The leaves are brighter than other species.
  • Holofloral jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) has weak branches and has few leaves on its shoots, which may fall off in winter. The flowers are yellow, solitary, bloom in the axils of the leaves.

Features of caring for homemade jasmine

Indoor jasmine of any type requires similar conditions. If there are no errors, the plant will delight you with flowering for a long time.

Lighting and temperature

A light-loving plant needs full lighting all year round. He needs light not only for abundant flowering, but also shoot growth. However, jasmine does not like direct sunlight, so it should be shaded on southern windows, or better yet, placed on a western or eastern window sill. In the warm season, the pot with the bush can be taken out to the balcony or garden. Jasmine does not require additional lighting in winter; the natural length of daylight suits it.

In summer, the temperature of our climate suits the plant. Reducing the temperature to 16 degrees during the growing season can harm the plant, but in winter jasmine even needs to be kept at 12-14 degrees. Only Sambac jasmine needs wintering at 17-18°C; other species will bloom profusely after a dormant period at low temperatures. But even here you need to be careful - during wintering you should not allow the temperature to drop below 6°C. If jasmine overwinters in warm conditions, it can also bloom, but not so abundantly and for a long time.

The plant grows well in bright light and high humidity.


Indoor jasmine needs high air humidity. It is sprayed daily with boiled or filtered water. During the flowering period, you should avoid getting water on the inflorescences. During cold wintering, the humidity near jasmine should not be increased. And if the plant overwinters in a warm place, it is necessary to achieve an increase in temperature even more than in summer. You can place the pot on a tray with wet expanded clay or pebbles, and place containers with water.


The frequency of watering varies depending on the stage of flower growth. When jasmine is in the spring growing season, the bush should be watered abundantly as the top layer of soil dries out. The soil should be constantly moist and not dry out.

In autumn and winter, water rarely and sparingly. These are the conditions that guarantee flowering. Even if the jasmine flower overwinters in a warm place, you need to let both the top and middle layers of soil dry out. You need to switch from abundant to meager watering gradually, over the course of a month.

The quality of the water is important - it should be settled or filtered, a little warm. 1-2 times a month, water the plant with acidified water (dissolve a few crystals citric acid or 4-5 drops of lemon juice in 1 liter of liquid). If the acidity of the substrate is not increased, the plant develops slowly and blooms poorly.

Soil and replanting

Jasmine needs neutral or slightly acidic soil. The optimal mixture consists of 1 part of turf, leaf, greenhouse soil, peat, half of sand and coniferous soil. Ready-made universal substrates are suitable for purchase.

Young plants are replanted annually, and adult bushes are replanted every 2-3 years. The diameter of the pot should exceed the size of the previous one by no more than 2-3 cm. In a pot that is too large, it is easy to over-moisten the soil, which will lead to its souring. And the plant grows more actively when the roots completely fill the space.

When replanting, be sure to place a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot. It is better to transfer the flower along with the old clod of earth, filling the voids with fresh soil. The optimal time for this is March.

Top dressing

During the growing season, the jasmine plant needs to be fed frequently - once a week. They use complexes for flowering plants (phosphorus-potassium), preferably liquid ones. After the end of the flowering period, fertilizers are stopped until the next growing season.


The procedure is necessary for the formation lush bush. Pruning is carried out before active growth begins - in late February-early March. All shoots are shortened by half or 1/3 with sharp, disinfected scissors or a knife, forming a bush at your discretion.

The plant easily tolerates the procedure and begins to branch more actively. Buds will form on young shoots. In Sambac jasmine, pinching and pruning are carried out throughout the entire period of active growth; other types can be pruned once a year. If the bush is young, the shoots do not reach 60 cm, they are simply pinched.

White inflorescences of multi-flowered jasmine.

Flowering period

Jasmine can bloom for about six months depending on the species. Sambac blooms the longest - from March to October with white flowers. Holofloral jasmine blooms in January and delights with inflorescences until April, multi-flowered jasmine - from February to August. Large-flowered jasmine blooms from June to October. The shortest flowering period is for Bis jasmine, which blooms in May and fades after 1.5-2 months. The first flowering occurs 3 years after planting.

During the flowering period, it is better to keep jasmine away from the bedroom and children's room. Flowers do not cause allergies, but strong smell may cause headaches. Although their aroma is believed to reduce aggression and stress. Dried inflorescences can be added to tea if desired.

If jasmine doesn't bloom

The lack of flowers in jasmine can be caused by errors in care or diseases. Most often, jasmine does not bloom for the following reasons:

  • Lack of lighting.
  • Planting in soil with a high content of lime, not acidic enough.
  • Watering with hard and cold water.
  • Winter is too warm.
  • Deficiency or excess nutrients in the ground.

Problems in growing

Jasmine is an unpretentious plant, so problems with it arise with systematic improper care. Most often in jasmine:

  • Leaves fall off when the soil dries out or becomes waterlogged, low air humidity, lack of lighting, or drafts.
  • The tips of leaves and branches dry out when the soil is too dry or the air in the room is dry.
  • The branches gradually dry out when the plant is watered with inappropriate water. Alkali accumulates in the soil.

Jasmine pests

At the slightest mistake in care, jasmine is attacked by pests. What bothers him the most is spider mite who loves heat and dry air. When affected, cobwebs can be seen at the internodes of the plant. Damage is also caused by aphids, leaf weevils, and scale insects. The plant slows down in growth and gradually dies. Scale insects are collected manually using cotton swabs soaked in alcohol. To combat other pests, use appropriate insecticides.

Pests love to settle on back side leaf.


At home, propagation of jasmine is possible using cuttings and air layering. The first method is more often used as it is simpler.


From an adult bush it is necessary to cut cuttings 10-15 cm long, having 2-3 pairs of leaves. For rooting, they are placed either in water, having previously dissolved the tablet activated carbon, or in a glass with jasmine soil. When rooting in the ground, the cutting is covered with a transparent glass or bag on top, creating a mini-greenhouse.

The roots appear in about 1-1.5 months. If you rooted the cutting in water, it can be transplanted into the ground. When rooted in the soil, the growth of the cutting will indicate a successful outcome - new leaves will appear. When the roots grow, the cutting can be planted from a glass into a small pot and cared for as an adult plant.

Rooted jasmine cuttings.

Reproduction by layering

Take a small but wide container and fill suitable soil. Make a cut on the lower branch of the mother bush with a sharp, disinfected knife. Tilt it and place the cut in the prepared pot, secure with a pin, and sprinkle with earth. When small shoots begin to emerge, the cuttings can be cut off from the mother bush.

You can buy a jasmine bush at a flower shop or greenhouse. The price will depend on the variety and height of the plant. So, a plant with a height of 30 cm costs about 1200-1300 rubles, and over 50 cm - from 2000 rubles. When purchasing, pay attention to the leaves and stems - there should be no spots or signs of pests on them, the color should be uniform.

Indoor jasmine is quite unpretentious and resistant to diseases, but in the absence of cool winters it will not always be possible to wait for flowering.

The real pride of a florist is regularly blooming homemade jasmine. It is incredibly beautiful, exudes a pleasant sweetish aroma, and attracts attention. correct form crown and neat oval leaves with a pointed tip, arranged in pairs. Indoor jasmine requires minimal care at home, if you follow the main growing rules. A novice gardener first needs to decide on a variety, then study the basic requirements and properties of the plant in order to protect himself from disappointments in the future.

Indoor jasmine (Jasminum) is a highly decorative evergreen liana plant from the Olive family. Grown in cold regions exclusively as indoor culture. Habitat: tropics and subtropics. The decorative value of the vine lies in its graceful simple flowers white, cream, yellowish and pinkish shades. A flower in a room can grow either freely or on a support. It all depends on the pruning method and the characteristics of the variety.

Description of species that are successfully grown indoors:

What does an exotic plant need for active growth?

All types of indoor jasmine have special requirements for cultivation, but the plant rewards systematic care with an amazing aroma and prolific flowering. Home flower diffused lighting is required. In direct sunlight, the buds will not have time to open and bloom; with a lack of sun, the plant will be weak. The optimal place for placement in an apartment is a western or eastern window. You can place the flowerpot on the south window, but be sure to provide shading. On the north side, the plant will experience a lack of light.

Knowing how to care for jasmine, you don’t have to worry about flowering. In order for amazing flowers to appear every year, you need to give the plant the opportunity to feel the change of seasons. The optimal summer temperature in the room should be between +18 and +25 °C degrees. In winter, it is reduced to +10 or +15 °C, placing the decorative resident on an insulated balcony or on the floor about balcony door. Thanks to the change of regime, the plant will rest and prepare for active spring flowering.

Watering is a regular procedure. Jasmine needs a lot of moisture. Every next watering carried out as the top layer of soil in the pot dries. The water should be warm and soft, it is advisable to leave it for 1-2 days. If the lime content is high, it is acidified by adding a couple of drops of lemon or acetic acid for 1 liter of water. In winter, the amount of liquid added is reduced by 2 times.

Fertilizers for flowering plants are applied every 7-10 days. Feeding is carried out from the beginning of spring, when the flower wakes up, until autumn.

Rules for pruning and rooting cuttings

Jasmine is pruned at the beginning of each spring to actively build up green mass. Pruning allows you to make the bush more branchy. Buds will appear on new shoots this year.

Trimming rules:

After cutting, there are usually many cuttings left, some of which can be selected for rooting. Blanks 10-15 cm long are selected from the upper part of mature branches. Each cutting should have 2-3 internodes. Rooting successfully takes place in water and substrate (sand with leaf soil 1:1). Favorable temperature for root formation is + 20 °C. New leaves begin to appear after 1-1.5 months.

When and how to replant?

A young flower must be replanted annually, adult plants are moved to a new pot every 2-3 years. The container should be 2-3 cm wider than the previous one. The soil for replanting is prepared from clay-deciduous, deciduous soil and sand, taken in equal proportions. It is not forbidden to add a little peat. For adult specimens, an increase in clay-deciduous soil to 2 parts is required.

The optimal time to change the pot is the end of flowering. When transplanting, the root collar is left at soil level, otherwise the plant will hurt. The bush cannot be immediately exposed to direct sunlight; it is sent to a shaded place for a week. After moving, watering and spraying with soft water will help you adapt faster. Some vines will require support. The stem is carefully wrapped around the structure and tied with twine.

Video with growing rules.

Why doesn't jasmine bloom?

Considering increased requirements to the conditions of detention, the reasons for the lack of flowering should be sought in improperly organized care:

  • lack of light;
  • direct sunlight on the plant;
  • lack of moisture, the soil dries out;
  • excess water, too hard water;
  • it’s too hot or too cold in the room where the jasmine is;
  • slightly acidic soil reaction - if the substrate is not prepared correctly, jasmine will not bloom;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • fungal disease or pest.

To help jasmine bloom, it is enough to determine the cause in time and return to normal conditions. If decorative liana exposed to disease or pest attack, the help of insecticides and fungicides will be required.

A tropical, handsome jasmine in a room is a reason to be proud, especially if it blooms luxuriantly and for a long time. Since the recruit is sensitive to changing conditions, the appearance of buds is a long-awaited event. All the efforts of the florist will pay off when he feels the delicate aroma of jasmine in the apartment.