Mother-in-law's tongue flower - signs and superstitions. Mother-in-law's tongue flower - signs

Sansevieria is a plant with succulent leaves. The plant got its name in honor of the name of the Prince of Italy San Severo Raimondo de Sangro, who contributed to the development of botany.

Comes from tropical latitudes of Africa. In the homes of Russian amateur gardeners, Sansevieria three-striped is most often found. The plant is also called mother-in-law's tongue or pike tail due to its external features.

In Europe, they began to be bred about two hundred years ago as an ornamental houseplant. Sansevieria is interesting for its unusual flowering pattern and ability to give a rare and fleeting beauty of its culminating time of development.

    Does pike tail bloom?

    Sansevieria rarely blooms.
    Important conditions for successful flowering pike tail are:

    • good lighting;
    • proper care;
    • Fresh air.

    The plant is capable of development even in dim light, but certain conditions must be met to release the peduncle. Bright sunlight plays a decisive role here.
    The plant forms flower stalks when localized in the segment of greatest illumination. Window sills of southern, western and eastern orientation are well suited for this.
    Good light also favors the formation of rich leaf color. But you should remember that too hot sun can damage the leaves. In winter, the lack of sunlight is easily compensated for by artificial lighting.

    Quite unpretentious in care. Needs in moderate watering. Sansevieria is a succulent plant that retains moisture in its cells. Excessive moisture must be avoided, otherwise it will have a bad effect on the root system of the plant.

    In summer you can exhibit for fresh air. This will have a beneficial effect on the life of the plant and the formation of new leaves.

    When and how does it bloom?

    When flowering, it sends out an oblong arrow, on which ripening small whitish-green flowers with fragrant drops of nectar under them are located in a frequent order. Small flowers against the background of large ones bright leaves look amazing. The shape of the flowers is similar to lily flowers. Their aroma is delicate. An amazing feature of flowering is the blooming of flowers in late time days.


    What time of year?

    Sansevieria blooms most often in the warm season.

    With good content and abundance daylight Sansevieria is capable of releasing a peduncle in the spring, around April or May.

    How many times does a plant bloom (per year, throughout its life)?

    Every rosette is capable of blooming only once in my life. After the peduncle has formed, the rosette stops growing and dies after some time. The plant will no longer grow in height, growing only the side stolons. And flower growers use faded rosettes to propagate the plant.

    How long does flowering last?

    Process intense flowering Sansevieria is approximately a week of 5-7 days.

    Smell when blooming

    Fragile flowers, painted creamy with a greenish tint, emit a very pleasant scent. The delicate aroma is reminiscent of vanilla, which can spread throughout the room.

    Care after flowering

    Does the plant need pruning after flowering?

    As soon as my mother-in-law's tongue bloomed The peduncle must be cut off. And faded rosettes are used for plant propagation. Otherwise, caring for sansevieria after the flowering period is no different from caring for it before the flowering period. Moderate watering and replanting are required no more than 2 times a year.
    When replanting, you should consider the size of the pot into which the plant is transplanted. The container should not be much larger than the previous one, since flowering will occur only when the entire volume of the pot is filled with roots. Moreover, she prefers permanent place stay. And the leaves of the plant must be kept clean.


    So, for successful flowering, the Mother-in-Law flower needs excellent lighting, necessary care and good air ventilation. In response to due consideration this indoor plant will give you bright, long-awaited flowering and will delight you with the delicate aroma of its elegant flowers.

    Flowering on video

    You can see the flowering of Sansevieria in more detail in the following video:

One of the most unpretentious plants is the flower of Mother-in-law's tongue. It is suitable for decorating the interior of even the laziest housewife, as it does not require daily care and watering. However, there are still some peculiarities in cultivation, and you should familiarize yourself with them before purchasing the plant.

Flower "Mother-in-Law's Tongue" - description

Initially, this flower is called sansevieria, but it also has many other designations. Among them, the most memorable are “Pike Tail”, “Snake Skin”, “Indian Sword”. Some people call this flower “The Devil’s Tongue.”

The appearance of these names is directly related to the appearance of the plant. It consists of wide, dense leaves growing directly from the ground, which have an uneven green color. The shape of each leaf really resembles a huge tongue.

The plant looks quite nice and is suitable for those housewives who like to see greenery on the windowsill. Although some varieties of sansevieria, with proper care, can bloom and even bear fruit.

Varieties and types of flower

All types of Mother-in-law's tongue have similar parameters. The flower consists of large leaves protruding from the soil, which differ in color depending on the variety. In rare cases, the plant blooms with small flowers white. However, this is not particularly attractive. All the beauty is concentrated in the colors of the foliage.

The most popular types of Pike tail:

  1. Three-lane. It has medium-wide dark green leaves, on the sides of which there are dark yellow stripes of the same thickness.
  2. Liberian. The leaves have a dense structure, very wide, slightly twisting with each other near the ground. At the top, the plant unfolds with predominantly six flat leaves. The plants are dark green in color, with light green streaks along the entire perimeter.
  3. Pick. This variety It is a rosette with several thin dark green leaves. The plant has a white speck along the entire perimeter and a thin brown edging.
  4. Graceful. The succulent is represented by one dry stem protruding from the soil about 5 cm. Then dense gray-green leaves begin, which resemble the shape of a bean or a thin grass snake. There are also light stains on each sheet.
  5. Duneri. The variety looks like green flower. The rosette is small, formed by 15-20 thin pointed leaves. This type plants reach a height of no more than 40 cm. Looks beautiful in combination with stones.

Many signs associated with growing mother-in-law's tongue do not recommend keeping this unpretentious and very attractive indoor flower at home. According to such prejudices, negative manifestations when placing a flowerpot with this decorative culture expressed in energy absorption. There is a well-known superstition according to which if “mother-in-law’s tongue” bloomed in winter period, then such a phenomenon foreshadows major quarrels in the family.

However, such indoor flowers are fueled exclusively by negative emotions. of various origins, including rudeness, bad mood and anger. Long foliage serves as a kind of antenna, which helps absorb negativity and emit energy of peace and creativity. Sansevieria helps in getting rid of liars, gossips and ill-wishers, and also makes the indoor microclimate more harmonious and comfortable for life. This indoor flower will also be useful for people who cannot concentrate or need increased concentration.

Sansevieria: cultivation and care (video)

Popular types

The plants belong to the genus of stemless and evergreen perennials. Sansevieria is popular herbaceous plant from the Asparagus family, and natural conditions often found in regions characterized by dry and rocky soils.

Species nameDescription of the plantSpecies features
Great Sansevieria (S.grandis)The leaf rosette consists of two to four juicy and fleshy leaves of light green color.Leaves with attractive dark transverse stripes and a pronounced reddish edge
Sansevieria hyacinth (S.hyacinthoides)A half-meter plant with a tufted leaf rosette, including two to four dark green leavesThe presence of light green W-shaped shading on the leaves and a reddish or whitish marginal border
Sansevieria dooneri (S.dooneri)A subdued leafy succulent plant that forms a leaf rosette of two dozen flat and erect leavesThe foliage has a dark green pattern characteristic of the species.
Sansevieria graceful (S.gracilis)A perennial succulent plant with leathery, oval, long, pointed leaves of a grayish-green color, covering the stem base.The foliage has a gray-beige pattern in the form of transverse streaks
Sansevieria kirkii (S.kirkii)The plant is characterized by a relatively short rhizome and short leaf rosettes represented by spotted leavesIn floriculture, varieties with brownish or reddish-brown foliage are known
Sansevieria liberica (S. liberica)A leafy succulent plant with an expanded leaf rosette of six flat, parallel, dark green leaves.The foliage has blurry light green streaks and streaks, as well as a thin reddish-white or brown border.
Sansevieria three-lane (S. trifasciata)The most common plant in domestic indoor floriculture, with xiphoid, green or greenish-yellow leaves.This species is characterized as absolutely undemanding to cultivation conditions and is distinguished high level decorativeness

Egypt is famous for its superstition. For example, scissors are endowed with special symbols, so they cannot be opened and closed unnecessarily. In addition, many people put them under their pillow to prevent nightmares at night.

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Mother-in-law's tongue flower - signs and superstitions

Almost every indoor plant has its own list of signs and superstitions. Some help with financial matters, others help improve family relationships. Green pets can clear space from negative energy and protect their owners from the machinations of ill-wishers.

Sansevieria, known to many as “mother-in-law’s tongue,” has precisely these abilities. Folk signs they claim that this plant creates an atmosphere of goodwill and extinguishes conflicts.

Is it possible to keep mother-in-law’s tongue at home: what do the signs say?

Sansevieria - evergreen native to Africa with long or short lanceolate leaves of a dark green hue, decorated with white, yellow streaks or borders. Often used by designers to create flower arrangements in residential premises, offices and winter gardens.

A distinctive feature of the plant is the absence of a stem. The leaves grow straight from the root and can be flat or rolled into a tube. In some varieties they come out of the ground like a fan, in others they are located strictly vertically or stick out in different directions from the outlet.

The variety of colors and shapes has given rise to many names under which Sansevieria is known to lovers indoor floriculture. Among them are the following:

  • cuckoo tail;
  • pike tail;
  • devil's tongue
  • Indian sword;
  • leopard lily.

The most famous name for Sansevieria is mother-in-law's tongue.. This is the name given to a flower with erect leaves. They can reach a meter in length and end with a sharp sting.

According to signs and superstitions about mother-in-law’s tongue, this plant is recommended to be placed in a home for the following purposes:

  1. Cleaning space from germs and viruses.
  2. Protection against harmful fumes emitted by synthetic materials.
  3. Normalization of intra-family relations.
  4. Development of creative abilities.
  5. Protecting household members from gossip.

To stop conflicts between employees, mother-in-law's tongue is recommended to be cultivated in offices. In the presence of sansevieria, children become more obedient and attentive, adults restrain negative emotions, and animals do not show aggression.

Mother-in-law's tongue has bloomed - what do the signs promise?

All plant varieties have medicinal properties. The juice of the leaves is poisonous and is not suitable for internal use. It is used to treat skin diseases and is instilled into the ears for otitis media. Tinctures are prepared from rhizomes to boost immunity. Dry plant people suffering from headaches are set on fire and smoke is used to fumigate them.

Mother-in-law's tongue, despite the many superstitions and signs associated with it, has settled on almost all window sills. From organizations and offices to home indoor flower beds. Mother-in-law's tongue is a flower whose care is so simple that, despite superstitions, even the most inexperienced gardeners buy and grow it.

Sansevieria grows very quickly, does not require complex care, and received its name in honor of a prince from Italy named San Seviero. At least that's what is commonly believed. I don’t know what the flower and the notorious prince had in common.

Sansevieria is popularly called mother-in-law's tongue or pike tail. There are a few other names that make you shiver. How do you like, for example, the devil's tongue or snake skin? She received all her names for appearance. Its leaves really resemble snake skin, and their pointed ends look like the sharp tongue of an evil mother-in-law.

It’s a strange thing, they are afraid of mother-in-law’s tongue, they attribute to the flower bringing all sorts of troubles into the house, but in terms of prevalence it is not inferior to home geranium, or pelargonium, as it should be properly called.

What he loves home flower mother-in-law's tongue, how to care for it and what it looks like. So - I ask you to love and favor this undeservedly hung with superstitions, home plant- mother-in-law's language.

Sansevieria care at home photo

The flower grows in countries with very hot climates, so it simply needs a large number of light, heat and watering no more than once a week summer period. In winter, watering should be reduced to 2 times a month. Excessive humidity and cold will kill the plant.

Make sure the top layer of soil is dry before watering. Dry soil does not stick to your fingers if you check the soil in the pot by touch.

Before planting, make sure there is good drainage. Be sure to make large holes at the bottom of the pot, place stones and sprinkle them with sand. The soil for the flower should consist of a mixture of sand, turf and leaf soil. Ratio 1:2:2.

After transplantation, you can use cactus fertilizer. Just keep in mind that the rate indicated in the instructions must be divided by two. Sansevieria, if fed in excess, can change the color of the leaves and become unattractive.

For the first five years, the “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower grows very actively, so it will have to be replanted once a year - in the spring. After growth slows down, it is sufficient to replant once every 3 years.

Choose a pot taking into account the fact that mother-in-law's tongue thick, long, strong roots, and the height of the plant can reach up to a meter. But perhaps you have a shorter type of it, and it does not reach such a height.

But in any case, its roots are developed and strong - otherwise it would not be able to survive in the natural conditions of a hot climate and lack of water. He extracts it from all subsoil layers around the flower.

How it blooms and how to propagate

Many people believe that Sansevieria does not bloom. In fact, it is blooming. And at the end of flowering, berries are formed that contain seeds. Therefore, mother-in-law’s tongue propagates not only by cuttings, but also by seeds.

  • Ripe berries need to be collected and planted in a tray to a depth of about a centimeter. The distance between seeds is 5 centimeters. Prepare the soil in the same way as for replanting. Place a tray with
  • seeds in a bright, warm place, cover with film and wait for germination. The first ones will hatch in two weeks. As soon as the plants get stronger, they can be planted in pots.

It’s easier and faster for “mother-in-law’s tongue” to propagate by cuttings. Separate the cutting, leave it in the air for 10 minutes to dry the cut, and then plant it in the prepared soil.

You can divide the roots that have green rosettes. It is better to do this when transplanting, in the spring.

If there is a yellow edging on the leaves of your mother-in-law's tongue, none of the propagation methods described above will work. Only the leaves need to be divided.

  • Cut a healthy leaf at the base at a 30-degree angle.
  • Place the leaf in the pink manganese solution.
  • Then lift it so that only the yellow corner is in the manganese solution.
  • Roots will appear from there.
  • Also plant at an angle.
  • When sprouts appear, cut off this leaf with a sharp knife.

Mother-in-law's tongue - can you keep it at home?

Sansevieria is beneficial for human health:

  • it purifies the air,
  • makes him healthier
  • carries positive energy.

Like all the plants that grow next to us, mother-in-law’s tongue is also healing and can help us solve some health problems.

What does mother-in-law's tongue cure?

  1. Decoctions can be prepared from the roots to boost immunity.
  2. The juice of the leaves can be instilled into the ears for otitis media.
  3. And if you grind the leaves into a paste and apply it to fresh wounds or burns, the skin will quickly recover and the pain will go away.

Mother-in-law's tongue flower omens

About the mother-in-law's flower, people come up with superstitions, supposedly it becomes the cause of gossip and scandals. And its name is appropriate. Nice plant They won’t call it mother-in-law’s tongue.

Well, for example these:

If a flower blooms in winter, expect trouble. There will be quarrels, scandals or troubles at work. At any other time, flowering does not carry any negativity.

Since mother-in-law’s tongue blooms very rarely, if its flowering coincides with some family event, such as the birth of a child, pregnancy or preparation for a wedding, people begin to wonder whether mother-in-law’s tongue blossomed for good or for ill.

It is also believed that if mother-in-law’s language is spread in the house, then life in the family will be poisoned by scandals, gossip and quarrels.

Why did they put all this on common plant- we can only guess. This leaves have a very unusual shape. indoor flower. So associations arise that are given the status of signs. Most likely this is speculation and superstition.

But the fact that mother-in-law’s tongue takes away bad energy was noticed by employees of local institutions: hospitals, public organizations, clinics, banks. Where there is a lot of different people, sometimes tense and nervous, the indoor Sansevieria plant blooms more luxuriantly. It’s as if it takes over the entire nervous aura.

Therefore, in places where people come to do their business, they willingly grow sesseveria. No flower required special care, but perfectly decorates the interior. Especially minimalistic or formal, typical for the environment of organizations and company halls.

There is no reason why this flower should not have the same calming effect on the decor of the home. Try to abstract yourself from the negative signs attributed to mother-in-law’s tongue and spread it at home. Perhaps everything will turn out to be completely different from what superstitions portray to us?

Try to treat it as a creature torn out of the usual and convenient conditions for growing, take care of it, create conditions close to natural ones.

It seems that something will definitely change for the better in your family. This will be the basis for new signs associated with mother-in-law’s tongue. And they will be kind, these new signs.