Decorative facing bricks: types, application in the interior, installation rules. Decorative brick for interior decoration and its application

The desire to have a modern and beautiful house forces the developer to use a variety of finishing materials. At the same time, the manufacturer is not asleep. As they say, demand creates supply. And today we will talk about bricks. Or rather, about its imitation. Thus, finishing brick for decorative purposes today is especially popular among other finishing materials.

World-famous designers have developed an increased interest and love for indoor brickwork. They are the ones who dictate modern tendencies interior design. And the stone in this case looks very relevant. Brickwork on the outside is a unique tradition for Slavic people. But what if modern technologies and the building materials market allows you to save on building a house frame by using lighter cellular materials such as foam or gas blocks. In this case, you can make a brick wall of a house using facing stone in the form of tiles. Such decorative brick will successfully replace the full appearance of traditional masonry.

Decorative brick: definition

Decorative bricks are industrially produced panels or tiles that imitate a natural stone. In this case, “brick” means both an imitation of brick blocks and an imitation of rocks, sandstone, shell rock, etc. That is decorative features such products are not limited.

Depending on the purpose, decorative bricks are divided into facade tiles and on tiles for interior decoration. The first option is products made of frost-resistant and impact-resistant material that can repel moisture. Wherein decorative rock has sufficient weight.

The second option for finishing material is a lighter tile made from gypsum. In this case, the cladding has less weight and is at the same time resistant to cold and moisture.

Types of decorative bricks

All decorative tiles under brick is divided not only by purpose, but also by the type of material from which it can be made. Thus, the building materials market offers the following types of decorative brick tiles.

Clinker brick

Such finishing material made in production from refractory clay. In this case, the firing of brick blocks occurs at high temperatures. As a result of this “hardening”, the resulting tiles perfectly resist moisture, frost, mechanical stress, abrasion and fading in the sun. Almost an exact copy of a brick, only in a thinner design. As a rule, such stones for cladding have dimensions in width and height standard brick. Only the thickness of the tiles differs. It varies from 2 to 2.5 cm. Most often, this decorative stone in the form of a brick is used for cladding the facades of a house.

Important: if the decision to clad a house with clinker tiles and stones is made at the design stage, then the load-bearing capacity of the foundation must be calculated based on the increase in weight of the cladding. Because clinker facing bricks have a certain weight in their mass.

The advantages of clinker decorative stone are:

  • Almost 100% natural appearance facade or basement;
  • Strength that increases over time during use;
  • Easy installation;
  • Durability of the material;
  • Favorable cost in comparison with natural brickwork.

Ceramic decorative stone in the form of a brick

In this case, fusible clay is used to produce decorative stone. And to give the tiles structure and strength, quartz sand, carbonate additives, and dyes are used. Using the latter, it is possible to obtain bricks of various shades from white limestone to black burnt. Such a wide range of colors facing material allows you to implement a wide variety of design ideas from loft to ancient classics. In production ceramic brick equipped with decorative chips, which enhances the aging effect of the cladding.

The advantages of ceramic decorative tiles-bricks are as follows:

  • Strength and resistance to mechanical stress;
  • Inert to moisture, sun, frost;
  • Resistance to aggressive environments;
  • The durability of the material and at the same time its comparative lightness;
  • Absolutely environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing cladding.

Ceramic stone for decorative purposes can be used both outside the house and indoors. This decor is especially relevant in decoration fireplace portal, kitchen work apron, living room panel, etc.

Gypsum tile-brick

Its purpose is exclusively interior decoration. These tiles are made from a mixture of gypsum and water. Special dyes are used as tinting agents. It is noteworthy that gypsum tiles can be made at home. It is only important to find molds for pouring the tiles. After the gypsum mixture in the molds has completely dried, the brick can be removed and mounted on the wall using special glue. And to give it a gloss, you can coat such tiles with a special protective varnish.

Important: such tiles for interior decoration (gypsum material) are afraid of water. Therefore, it can only be used in rooms with low level humidity.

Dimensions of decorative bricks

For those who wish to use in cladding decorative tiles-bricks, it is worth understanding that cladding is available in various formats. So, if this is cladding for interior decoration, then most often the tiles have the dimensions of standard bricks. That is, the height of the tiles can vary from 6 to 15 cm, the length of the tiles varies in the range of 16-24 cm, and the thickness facing stones invariably equal to 2-2.5 cm.

If it is intended to use facade finishing, then to facilitate the work, the craftsman is offered decorative finishing bricks in the format of panels. Such fragments are easier and faster to install. The dimensions of such panels can vary between 320X340X25 mm; 380X200X25 mm, etc. (but strictly depending on the type of stone that imitates the panel).

Important: if decorative brick tiles imitate rocky stones, then here the dimensions may look different - 210x102x48mm. That is, the thickness of the stones will be greater, and their height will be less.

Areas of application of decorative stone

Decorative coating in the form of stone-brick modern designers used in a variety of occasions and interiors. So, the most popular points for cladding in the house are:

  • Entrance hall and corridor;
  • Kitchen work area;
  • Decorative finishing of a balcony or loggia inside and out;
  • Fireplace portal and the area around it;
  • Partial areas of rooms (corners, wall panels, panels);
  • Cladding the basement, corners of the house or the entire facade.

Features of using brick finishing

If you decide to use finishing bricks, then when working with such decorative stone you need to remember some nuances:

  • So, facade finishing ceramic or clinker bricks require reinforcement of the foundation, since pressure will be exerted on the walls.
  • It is important to use panels in the form of decorative bricks in ventilated façade systems. And when laying bricks on the wall, it is better to provide small ventilation gaps.
  • When laying finishes on walls, ensure that the surfaces are perfectly flat. Otherwise, the decorative stone will fall off over time.
  • Gypsum tile-bricks are glued with gypsum-based glue, and ceramic and clinker bricks are mounted with concrete-based glue.
  • Before installing the stone, it is better to prime the walls. This will strengthen the adhesion between the cladding and the wall.
  • When finishing the interior with stone, you can additionally highlight the panel or tiled area. This will add texture to the finish.

Important: any type of decorative brick looks good in combination with wood or simple plaster. Therefore, feel free to create your own interior or exterior design of your home.

If you are planning to radically transform your interior, make it stylish, modern and at the same time cozy, use decorative brick for interior decoration. the best way turn your plans into reality. There is probably nothing more beautiful and refined than the presence in the house natural material, pleasing to the eye.

Wall decoration with decorative bricks

Today, brickwork is used almost everywhere. It can be used for interior decoration of private houses, apartments, hotels, offices and other premises.

The relatively inexpensive price of this material, with its incredible natural beauty, allows it to compete with natural stone.

In production facing brick only from natural materials, so it is absolutely safe for humans. The appearance of brick has many different textures and color shades, which allows it to be used in interior design of various style themes.

Brick wall in various styles

Very often, a brick wall is used as decor in the pop art style, which is characterized by the use of various bright colors.

Orange color is a great combination with a brick wall

Modern design styles: high-tech and art deco, country and others also often use brickwork in their design. Brickwork adds a unique twist to the interior, which harmonizes perfectly with other materials such as steel and glass.

By decorating a wall with brick, you can make it a wonderful backdrop for your favorite paintings or family photos dear to your heart. Proper lighting, well-chosen furniture and decorative elements will make the interior even more attractive and elegant.

Brick in the interior can be combined with other finishing materials, for example, which can imitate natural stone. Such a neighborhood will balance general form rooms, giving the design sophistication and a peaceful atmosphere.

Magnificent design solution(from Meritage Homes) - a recreation area located near a brick wall

A brick wall should not have a cold and austere appearance. Dilute it with different decorations or change the colors for stunning results.

Recently, the fashionable trend is to decorate walls with white brick, which is diluted with bright colors. This color is suitable for decorating Scandinavian style interiors, which implies calmness and expressiveness.

Brick in the interior - where is it best to use it?

Designers do not have a definite answer to this question, since their opinions on this matter are divided. Some argue that the best place for the use of brick in the kitchen and living room, others believe the opposite and insist on the appropriateness of its use in living rooms.

However, I would like to note the following. If we take into account the characteristics of decorative bricks, then its scope is much wider than the kitchen, living room and bedroom. It can just as successfully be used for cladding walls in the corridor, hallway, or bathroom.

The artistic and aesthetic possibilities of brick in the interior are almost limitless. They can give the surface any shade and texture.

One of the striking examples, which is probably the flagship of this type of material, is artificially aged brick. Its main feature can be considered the absence of the need finishing walls after applying it.

The facing brick itself is a rather fragile material, so working with it requires special care, following the technology. The versatility of the product allows you to cover walls with almost any surface, from plasterboard to silicate blocks.

Properties of bricks for interior decoration

This material has excellent properties such as:

  • Durability - the service life of the material is at least 50 years, while the external attractiveness remains unchanged;
  • Good thermal insulation - significantly reduces heat loss in the house;
  • Abrasion resistance - minor mechanical stress will not affect the appearance of the brick in any way;
  • Waterproof - additional material, will protect the brick from moisture. In this state, the wall can be periodically cleaned with a soap solution;
  • Environmentally friendly - this brick contains natural ingredients that are absolutely harmless to humans.

Finishing brick is a finishing material that has to compete with other products such as or. Therefore, every year his physical and external characteristics become better and better.

Decorative brick in the kitchen

Brick wall cladding is very common in the kitchen. It is used to decorate either the entire wall or partially above work area, having previously covered the material with moisture-proof impregnation. Such a design decision almost always justifies itself, since there are a huge number of positive reviews from people who have tried this experiment.

The color tones of the dining room furniture can be duplicated with various decorative elements on the wall, so you will achieve the effect of a smoothed picture, in which there will be no clear boundaries.

Decorative brick in the living room

Another favorite place where designers like to practice their talents is the living room. This room is business card any house or apartment, so you can’t make a mistake here, everything should look flawless and aesthetically pleasing.

Don’t be afraid to experiment; add bright colors to your interior so that the holiday atmosphere never leaves you. Use everything for this possible ways: fabrics, chandeliers, paintings, furniture and other decorative elements.

A selection of the best design projects

Especially for you, we have selected ready-made works that already decorate the home of their owners. After looking through them, you can take something for yourself, or even repeat exactly what you saw, only this time at home.

Using decorative bricks is the right step towards creating a beautiful, flawless and expressive design for your home. Play with contrast and decor until you realize it's just yours. The work you have done will not go unnoticed by your loved ones and guests.

I wish you success in your endeavors and remember that only hard work will bring the desired result.

The history of the use of baked bricks in architecture goes back more than 4 thousand years. A new wave of interest in this artificial stone swept over designers in the 20th century, when old industrial buildings began to turn into apartments and offices. And soon the brick “moved” as decoration into new panel buildings.

A primitive-looking clay rectangle is fraught with countless possibilities. It can turn an ordinary apartment into a medieval castle, a hunting or rural lodge, a factory attic or modern home with a "twist".

Depending on the goal different types bricks are used in decoration various elements interior

Industrial revolution in the interior

In what style is decorative brick finishing used? In the interior of lofts - industrial premises that have become homes - brick surfaces occupy a dominant position. If the wall was originally made of brick, it is enough to clean it from dirt and dust mortars, rub the seams and varnish, otherwise the surface will crumble. For the sake of a stylistically correct “shabby” look, you can apply rough-textured plaster here and there or a thin layer of paint with rough strokes.

Where to get decorative bricks in the interior modern apartments? Since inhabited factories are rare these days, it is often necessary to create lofts from ordinary apartments. In this case, the new brickwork is deliberately aged: acid solutions, sandpaper, a hammer, acrylic paints and other available means.

Individual areas can be “smoked” using blowtorch. The “burnt” corners of the walls under the ceiling look especially impressive: this is how the room becomes overgrown with the legend of the fire that once raged here.

Additional loft style elements in the interior of a modern apartment

In addition to decorative brickwork the spirit of industrial aesthetics is supported by old ceiling beams, uncurtained windows, wooden floor. Paintings occupy a special place in the decor. They can simply be placed on the floor, leaning against the wall, or hung in the usual way. The more modern the content of the paintings (abstractionism, impressionism and pop art are welcome), the better their union with archaic brick looks.

Decorating a wall with bricks. Photo Key elements in the loft style. Photo: Brick wall decoration. Photo How to decorate a brick wall. Photo

Gothic Middle Ages in a separate apartment

To create the atmosphere of a medieval castle, we will need the same aged brick, only the traces of “fire” should be abandoned. A brick wall in the interior, painted dark gray, looks brutal. The paint layer is applied thickly so that it fills the seams unevenly.

In addition to the walls, columns and half-columns and pointed arches are decorated with brick. This finish is suitable for any room, from the kitchen to the bedroom. In high rooms (dining room or kitchen) you can veneer brick tiles vaulted ceiling. This will create the illusion of an old wine cellar. By the way, it is easy to arrange cells for storing bottles in the walls.

Gothic style consists of a combination of rough bricks with luxurious furniture, decorated with elaborate carvings and artistic forging. Huge chandeliers and massive candelabra will enhance the effect. Portraits of ancestors and heavy dark curtains will complete the creation of a medieval fairy tale.

Country estate or hunting lodge?

Brick - typical construction material For country house, it also acts as a finishing material. The aged surface of the walls, canvases with hunting scenes and elk antlers above the fireplace will “shift” the room into the past a couple of centuries. New brick and crisp contrasting seams look more modern. In any case, indispensable companions brick walls the interior features wooden window frames, doors, floors and furniture. You also can’t do without a fireplace lined with brick.

Brick with a Provençal accent

Another option for a country house is a home in the style of rural Provence. Brick painted white rules the roost here. To give naturalness and the spirit of antiquity, it can be aged; edges rounded over time and a cracked surface are allowed.

As a rule, one wall in a room is decorated with decorative bricks - for example, in a kitchen dining area or as an apron. The brick wall can be behind the head of the bed or behind the sofa in the living room. Light brick does not draw attention to itself, but introduces a certain rhythm with its texture. Suitable details for white rural brick are small still lifes and floor vases with flowers.

Modern design with brick

Despite its age, brick is also used in modern interiors. Minimalism or Scandinavian style fully allows for the presence of brickwork on accent walls or in niches. You can lay part of the wall with brick, leaving “torn” edges to highlight the bar area or hallway. In the latter case, the brick symbolizes the transition from street space to home space; it is appropriate to place shoes against its background.

In minimalism, as a rule, red or brown brick is chosen, which contrasts with white, gray and black surfaces. Scandinavian style stops on walls in light colors: white, blue, pastel yellow. Brick is also used to cover bar counters, kitchen islands, semi-columns and partitions, swimming pools, bathtubs, sinks, and showers. This gives the furniture solidity and geometric clarity.

Combination of brick and plaster on the wall. Photo Combination white and brick wall. Photo Harmonious combination: brick on the walls, wood on the floor. This mirror will give you a chic make-up

Increasingly, designers are returning to glass blocks rectangular shape. Interesting half-partitions are made from colored glass bricks, serving as screens in studio apartments.

Brick or “brick-like”: deciding on the material

How to create decorative brickwork? The simplest and most economical option is to treat the “native” brick wall. You can leave it a natural color, artificially age the surface or paint it. But if the builders deprived you of such a wall, you can build it from facing bricks or brick tiles.

Facing brick is similar to ordinary brick, but lighter and with thin walls, due to which it “eats” less volume. Today you can find options for the most different shades, matte or glazed, aged or new.

Brick tiles (“veneer”) are even lighter, so they are well suited for finishing thin plasterboard walls. The tiles, like facing bricks, are laid on a flat surface, fixed with a special glue for stone, and the seams are then sealed with regular grout. By the way, a similar tile made of baked clay, 2.5 cm thick, was used even under Ivan the Terrible and was called plinfa.

Glass brick, which was discussed above, also happens to be the most different colors, and sometimes contains inclusions in the form of plants or shells. Cladding with such material is often combined with lighting.

A simple option for simulating brickwork in the interior is “brick-like” wallpaper. This can be paintable wallpaper that replicates the texture, or colored wallpaper with a brick pattern. This option is successfully used for decorating wall niches.

Brick in the interior is not only a successful design find, but also practical solution. Durable, waterproof and tolerant of temperature changes, it fits perfectly in any room. Bathroom or kitchen, cellar, living room or bedroom - everywhere the brick is in its place, creating unique atmosphere and speaks of the impeccable taste of the owners of the home.

Brick wall in the interior - photo

Brick wall in the bathroom interior. Photo Brick wall in the living room interior. Photo Brick wall in the kitchen interior. Photo
Brick wall in the living room interior. Photo Brick wall in the living room interior. Photo

Decorative brick in the interior. Photo Decorative brick in the interior. Photo Decorative brick in the kitchen interior. Photo Decorative brick in the interior. Photo
Column lined with brick. Photo Decorative brick in the bedroom interior. Photo Decorative brick in the kitchen interior. Photo Kitchen apron made of brick. Photo

Brick kitchen apron. Photo Kitchen apron made of brick. Photo Decorative brick wall in the living room

Brickwork brings a unique charm and that “zest” to the interior. And if the external cladding of a building can still be done using various types of bricks, then indoors, especially in an ordinary apartment, it is not always possible to use such heavy finishing, because additional load on load-bearing floors can lead to extremely unfavorable consequences.

However, there is a way out - you can create an excellent imitation of a brick wall. There are several options for this finish, and you can handle each of them with your own hands. The final result depends solely on your imagination and personal preferences.

Before starting work, prepare the equipment necessary to perform decorative “brick” cladding. The list will vary slightly depending on the finishing method you choose, but in general you will need the following:

The simplest option for simulating brickwork

The easiest option for simulating brickwork to produce is to draw the corresponding cladding elements on plain wallpaper or simply a painted wall.

Of course, in this case there is no question of the realism and “volume” of the masonry, but the method has a number of great advantages, namely:

The disadvantage, as already noted, is the unnaturalness of the cladding. And the finished result does not look very attractive, to put it mildly. Therefore, it is recommended to use it only in some household and household premises such as a dressing room, garage, etc.

For living rooms, choose a more effective method of simulating brickwork from the following suggested ones.

Using masking tape, mark the boundary contours

We mark the window according to the narrow pattern masking tape and paint over with “brick” acrylic

Homemade gypsum bricks look no worse than factory-made finishing elements. Carrying out such cladding does not require the performer to have special skills or large financial costs.

The first step is making the mold

Make a mold to make bricks. The thickness of an individual element can be 5-20 mm. At a lower height, the bricks will quickly break, and the use of large-sized elements will lead to a significant increase in the consumption of plaster for grouting joints. In addition, too large bricks will visually reduce the area of ​​the room.

The second step is preparing the solution

Prepare a solution for making cladding elements. To do this, dilute the dry plaster with water until it resembles thick sour cream. Lubricate the mold prepared at the previous stage with a soap solution or simple petroleum jelly and pour the prepared mass into it.

Level the fill using a regular ruler. Leave the mold for 20-30 minutes, then turn it over and carefully remove the finished cladding element. Paint the brick the desired color. Sometimes, to obtain the required shade, the product must be painted in at least three layers. If desired, you can varnish the brick.

Third step - cladding

Start imitating brickwork. To do this, apply markings to the area of ​​the wall allocated for finishing. At the bottom of the wall, set aside a starting line from which you will begin laying the gypsum stones.

To fix the bricks, use an adhesive specially designed for such work, for example, tile adhesive. Buy it from the appropriate store.

Lay out the first row of bricks in compliance with the selected joint width. Attach further rows in a checkerboard pattern. Use a notched trowel to apply the adhesive to the wall. For greater effect, you can carefully break the outermost bricks in each row so that their edges look torn and uneven.

Leave the finish to dry for 1-3 days. You can check the exact drying time for the glue on the packaging.

Imitation foam brick

An imitation brick wall can be made from a ceiling foam tiles no pattern. The recommended size of the “bricks” is 150x70 mm. Cladding made from elements with larger dimensions will look unnatural. The procedure for making bricks is extremely simple.

First step. Mark the tiles. An ordinary gel pen will help you with this. Don't forget to leave small allowances for the seams between the tiles.

Second step.

Third step.

Make a “masher”. Take a lid from any tin can and cut a straight strip out of it. From one edge of the strip, cut off the edges, making a “sting” no more than 2 mm wide. Using this tip, push the marking lines to the end.

Fourth step.

Cover the selected section of the wall with ready-made bricks. Use tile adhesive for gluing. Start tiling from the bottom edge of the wall. The seams may not be filled. Leave a 1-2 mm gap between the “bricks”.

Fifth step.

Paint the finished siding. Apply an increased amount of paint into the gaps. This way you will create the most realistic imitation of brickwork.

Wood bricks Imitation of brickwork can be very easily made from wood..

First step. Buy material for making “bricks”. You can use, for example, plywood.

Second step.

Cut the workpiece into the required number of rectangular elements

same size

Third step.

Sand the front side of each element.

Fourth step.

Prepare markings on the wall.

Fifth step.

Lay out the bricks according to the markings, starting from the bottom opposite corners. Attach the elements at the same distance, corresponding to the seam thickness you have chosen. A gap of a couple of millimeters will be enough. Lay out all the bricks.

Sixth step.

Paint or varnish the finished masonry.

The advantage of imitation brick walls made of wood is environmental friendliness and impressive durability.

Decorative bricks can be made from dry tile adhesive.

First step. Dilute the dry component in water until you obtain a mixture with a consistency close to very thick sour cream.

Second step.

Second step.

Add a little white to the mixture.

Third step.

Treat decorative masonry using the tampon method. To do this, take a sponge, dip it into the thick mixture prepared in the previous stages, and evenly distribute the composition over the cladding. Fourth step. Take liquid paint of a brown shade or close to it. Spray the paint onto the trim using a toothbrush.

To get more effective and natural look finishing, you can use different painting techniques for each row. For example, you can treat the second row of masonry with cold hematite diluted with water, cover the third row with a mixture of sienna and white, etc. Apply all coloring compounds using the same tamping technique. Alternate shades in order.

Finally, coat the imitation brick wall with a couple of coats of varnish. If desired, give the cladding

matte surface

, carefully sand it with fine-grain sandpaper.

To create an imitation brick wall yourself, you don’t need to be a great master. Choose the method you like best and start finishing according to the instructions. Good luck! Video - DIY brick wall imitation

Decoration of premises is done in many ways. If we consider the cheapest and most accessible in terms of

independent implementation

technology, then one of the simplest and cheapest is imitation brickwork.

This design option is applicable to almost any building, regardless of the wall material. How to do this with your own hands, without the involvement of assistants, and especially specialists, we will figure out in this article.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions

Drawing the wall

The easiest way is along a long rail. Naturally, with exact observance of the distances between the horizontal lines (the bricks have the same dimensions). You can focus on the standard. The thickness of single - 6.5, one and a half - 8.8, double - 13.8 (cm).

Before starting work, the wall must be painted in the color that should be at the seams. Typically gray or white (or something in between). The fact is that depending on the components and their ratio in the mixture, the dried solution takes on a different shade. Next, horizontal seams are indicated (using tape). After this, it is easy to highlight individual bricks, simulating masonry with shifting products in adjacent rows (pieces of adhesive tape are attached vertically).

Peculiarity: Since the tape will then have to be removed, there should be free ends left, sufficient to grab them with your fingers. After this, the prepared mixture is applied to the wall.

Important: the consistency of the solution should be such that it does not flow down the wall. And the layer should be applied minimally, no more than 2 - 3 mm.

Option #1- based on gypsum. But this material hardens quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce a so-called “moderator” into the mixture. Its use leads to the fact that the layer of gypsum mortar does not harden for 20 to 40 minutes. Otherwise, it will simply not be possible to remove the tape to mark the masonry seams.

Option No. 2- plaster mixture + tile adhesive (1 to 1). In this case, only the smallest fractions of sand are used in the preparation process. This means that you will have to purchase it specially, since the usual one (from a river or from a quarry), even well sifted, will not work.

Flaws: If the object is large, covering the wall with tape will take a lot of time and material. If the solution hardens too quickly, it can lead to problems in removing the tape from it in order to preserve the appearance of the design.


The method is more complicated, since you will have to prepare the grate. It is made from a sheet of plastic or rubber, knocking out rectangles in it.

In addition, it is advisable to create a template from thin slats, the undoubted advantages of which are:

  • the ability to work with solutions that harden quickly, since they have time to “set” and dry;
  • a large selection of materials and flexibility in carrying out any set of works. The shape of the structure fully repeats the elements already discussed;
  • the ability to create a template directly on the wall and an image of any shape;
  • naturalness and authenticity of the appearance of the resulting brickwork.

Flaws: a stencil needs to be made or money must be spent on purchasing a finished product.

Do-it-yourself imitation of a brick wall made of polystyrene foam (ceiling tiles)

For false bricks, flat polystyrene foam tiles without a pattern are suitable. For our purposes, you can use any of its sides. Optimal size“stone” - 7/15 cm. If you increase the proportions, the wall will look unnatural. The process of making “stones” is simple: we squeeze them out of ceiling tiles.

First, we apply markings on the polystyrene foam with seam allowances. Next, we press straight lines, after which we cut out the “bricks” with a painting knife. We glue the finished products with our own hands onto the desired part of the wall. We use glue as a binder for ceramic tiles. There is no need to fill the seams with plaster. The gaps between the “stones” need to be made very small: 1-1.5 mm.

After finishing the gluing work, the bricks need to be painted. We try to apply as much paint as possible into the gaps, thereby creating an imitation of brickwork.

Do-it-yourself imitation of a brick wall using plaster (tile adhesive)

For the manufacture of parts, any tile adhesive is used, which is sold in the form of a dry mixture. It needs to be diluted with water until it becomes a very thick sour cream. It is best to use a white composition. Then we will divide the entire mass into 3 parts, adding a little paint to each of them.

It is important that the paint differs in shade in each part.

Mix the mass in each pile like dough. We will get a mass with beautiful stains. Roll it out into a “pancake” and cut bricks of the same size. We lay them out to dry. We do this until we collect the required number of “stones”. We glue it to the wall using the same tile adhesive. We will fill the seams with a composition painted in a more dark color

. At the end, the wall surface can be covered with several layers of varnish.

How to paint false bricks?

To get a more natural shade, you should mix two types of ocher: light and red. Then add a small amount of white to them. To make the texture of the brickwork look like the real thing, we use the stamping technique to apply paints.

We take a sponge and begin to apply the pre-prepared thick mixture to the wall. After which you will need liquid paint in a “burnt bone” shade. We spray it on the bricks using a regular toothbrush.

The second can be given a tint using mars diluted with water. For the third - use sienna and white. All paints are applied using the same stamping method. Then they continue to alternate shades in the same order. Upon completion of the work, it is recommended to varnish the wall in two layers. If you want to get a matte surface, then lightly sand it with fine sandpaper.

This type of decoration has several subtleties, because due to its characteristics it can either create a special atmosphere or clutter it up.

It is worth remembering that it is not at all necessary to imitate masonry in the area of ​​​​all walls; one surface out of four, decorated in this way, will be enough. When planning your actions, it is important that you imagine a complete image of your own room - and then everything will work out.

Do-it-yourself imitation of a brick wall - photos of real objects:

Imitation brick in the living room interior

False brick wall in the bathroom

Imitation brick wall
do it yourself from cardboard in the bedroom

Accent wall made of false brick in the hall

Imitation of aged brick
in the living room interior

False foam brick in the hallway

Brick loft in the living room interior

Imitation brick on a kitchen work wall

Figured false brick masonry
in the living room interior

Stenciled false brick in the dining room

Imitation of a wall made of three-color bricks
with your own hands

Living room interior
with false brick finishing: fusion of loft with neo-modern

flight of stairs,
lined with plaster bricks

Imitation of a brick wall in the hallway

Accent wall made of false bricks in the living room

Textured decorative brick
from tile adhesive

Imitation brick wall
do it yourself in the bedroom interior

Combination of natural and false brick
in the interior of the fireplace room

DIY white false brick
in the interior of the office

Imitation brick made of cardboard
on accent wall attics

Brick Ceiling Tile
in the living room interior

Large brick,

False brick accent wall
in a minimalist room

DIY brick imitation
in the interior of a private house

There is a lot of false brick in the interior. Clearly overkill!

Imitation of brick walls
do it yourself in the interior of the hallway

Painted foam brick
In bathroom

False arch made of stencil bricks
in the living room interior