Is it possible to keep mother-in-law's tongue at home? Is it possible to keep a mother-in-law’s tongue flower at home: signs, superstitions, home care and photos

Sansevieria ( scientific name), which is popularly called mother-in-law's tongue, pike tail, is an evergreen herbaceous perennial succulent plant that lacks a stem. Sansevieria belongs to the Asparagus family. The plant lives in subtropical forests and savannas of Africa, Asia and America. Proper care of the mother-in-law's tongue flower at home will make it easy to grow this plant.

This indoor flower is valued by gardeners due to its ease of cultivation. Since the flower looks quite attractive, it is often used in interior design. The pike tail is suitable for keeping not only for beginning gardeners, but also for those people who throughout their lives have not been able to grow a single indoor plant. This is explained by the fact that Sansevieria occupies a leading position in all available ratings regarding its growing endurance.

But, despite this, the flower still has some needs, so before purchasing sansevieria, you need to familiarize yourself with some agrotechnical techniques for growing at home.

Location and proper lighting

Since in natural environment habitat Sansevieria grows at large quantities sunlight, then it is best to provide the plant with bright lighting at home; for this it is recommended to place it on a southwestern or southeastern windowsill.

If bright varieties are used for cultivation, then they need even more light indoors, since in shaded places the leaves begin to mother-in-law's tongue fade, become almost monochromatic, and growth slows down. Of course, Sansevieria will not die if it does not have enough light, but the flower begins to develop worse.

If the indoor plant is placed on the south side, then sunburn may form on the leaf blades, so with this placement the pike tail needs additional shading.

To prevent the flower from growing at an angle, it must be periodically turned in a circle..

Air humidity and temperature

Rules for caring for mother-in-law's tongue at home imply compliance with the temperature in the room, as well as the level of air humidity. In summer, the flower can be kept at any air temperature, even +30 degrees is suitable. With the arrival of winter, Sansevieria can tolerate a short-term drop in air temperature to +5 degrees, but it is recommended to keep the indoor plant at a temperature not lower than +16 degrees. If the temperature is lower, the root system may begin to rot.

As for air humidity, mother-in-law's tongue prefers dry air; the plant does not need to be sprayed, especially when keeping it at low air temperatures. Periodically sheet plates You can simply wipe off dust with a damp cloth or sponge.

Features of plant care

Sansevieria requires minimal attention when kept at home. You just need to comply simple rules care, and the pike tail will feel good.

Flower watering mode

Sansevieria is a drought-resistant flower, so it should not be overwatered. It is necessary to water the pike tail regularly, but in moderation:

  • In summer and spring, the plant is watered once a week, immediately after the top layer of soil in the pot has dried. In cloudy weather, plants are watered even less often.
  • In winter, Sansevieria is watered no more than twice a month, immediately every other day after the soil dries.

For irrigation, you can use rain, distilled or settled water room temperature. It is also necessary to ensure that watering is not too frequent, especially when keeping the plant in cool conditions. Water should also not get into the sockets, as this can cause softness and lethargy of the leaves, as well as their yellowing and rotting at the bases.

Fertilizer application frequency

In winter, this unpretentious houseplant does not need to be fertilized at all, and in the period from late spring to September, fertilizers are applied a maximum of twice a month. To do this, it is best to use special fertilizer for succulents and cacti. It is also allowed to use simple mineral fertilizers.

It is important to note that for varieties that have colored decorative stripes on leaf blades, the dosage of fertilizer dilution must be reduced by 3 times. Otherwise, the leaves will become a solid green due to excess chlorophyll production.

Sansevieria pruning procedure

Prune this houseplant is quite easy. It is only necessary in this case to observe the principles of moderation, since excessive pruning of mother-in-law's tongue can cause a slowdown in the growth of a houseplant. During this procedure, only old, heavily damaged leaf plates that have lost their decorative effect are removed, and rotten and yellowed parts are also trimmed. The ends of the leaves do not need to be cut off.

Soil composition and transplantation process

It is recommended to replant this indoor flower in early summer or spring. Sansevieria has a good growth rate, so young plants will have to be replanted every other year, and mature ones once every three years. If root system starts to stick out of the pot, this indicates that it is time to replant the flower.

A new container for the plant should be selected with thick walls. It is best to use a shallow but wide pot for this, since pike tail has a powerful superficial root system. It is imperative to lay a good layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot, for which you can use expanded clay, broken pieces of brick or pebbles.

Immediately after purchasing sansevieria, the earthen lump must be removed, since store-bought soil is most often oversaturated with peat and too depleted. After this, the root system must be examined for rotting or mechanical damage.

On top of the drainage, the thickness of which should be at least 1/3 of the entire pot, it is necessary to place soil. For this, it is best to use low-nutrient and quickly drying light soil. You can also take special soil mixtures for succulents and cacti, or mix in equal quantities:

  • Leafy soil.
  • Sod land.
  • Coarse river sand.

When the substrate for the plants is ready, it can be planted in a pot. The root system is slightly pressed down from above with soil, after which the plant is watered abundantly. After the transplantation procedure, tall specimens must be tied to some kind of support, since the powerful leaf plates can overweight, causing the flower to turn over with the pot.

Pike tail propagation methods

Sansevieria can be propagated at home by dividing the rhizome, leaf, side shoots, and seeds. Propagation by seeds takes a long time and is also less efficient. Features of reproduction methods:

Possible diseases and pests

Basically, no problems arise when growing any of the varieties of sansevieria. But some difficulties may still arise, which most often appear due to proper care.

If dark spots appear on the leaves, this indicates excessive watering at low air temperatures in the room in which the indoor flower is kept.

Yellow leaves indicate a lack of lighting or a too cramped pot. If the tips of the leaf blades begin to turn yellow, wither and dry out, this also indicates insufficient lighting in the room, excessive watering, and also too low the air temperature in the room.

If the leaves become soft and bend in half, then they simply stretch out in search of additional light, unable to support their own weight.

If the leaves begin to curl, this indicates that the flower has not been watered for a long time.

If whitish spots have formed on the leaf blades, this indicates the presence of spider mites. To combat this pest, the leaves of the plant must be regularly wiped with a damp sponge or a special insecticide must be used for treatment. To avoid the appearance of spider mites, the air in the room must be regularly humidified.

Thrips may appear in the form of light spots, which are located on the surface of the leaves, and their larvae are most often found with reverse side leaves. Special insecticides are also used to combat this pest.

If the plant begins to bloom, and the flower stalks begin to bend and turn yellow, then this indicates the presence mealybug. This pest can only be removed by hand, after which the leaf plates are wiped with a damp sponge. It is also recommended to use insecticides if there are too many pests.

Folk signs and superstitions

There is one belief that says that the pike tongue flower can harm the family, which is why it received such a popular name. Unpleasant signs of the mother-in-law's tongue flower:

  • If this houseplant is placed in the bedroom, then this threatens quarrels in the love bed, and also promises betrayal. In this case, the spouses may lose interest in each other.
  • If you keep sansevieria in the kitchen, this will provoke problems at home.
  • A flower in the living room promises financial quarrels.

Speaking about whether it is possible to keep the mother-in-law's tongue flower at home, it is not recommended to have this indoor plant for young families - those who have lived together for less than 1 year. There is an opinion among people that this plant negatively affects the family life of the spouses, and scandals and quarrels begin in the house over all sorts of trifles.

However, avid skeptics say that the pike tail is not able to influence family life. And experts in the field of psychology believe that during the first year of marriage, a couple is just getting used to each other, so it will be quite difficult to avoid minor quarrels and conflicts of interest.

Many also believe that a gift in the form of sansevieria has a negative impact on the home atmosphere, which causes frequent squabbles and quarrels.

There are also superstitions and signs of Sansevieria if it is in the workplace. In this case, folk superstitions attribute to this plant the ability to protect a person from various gossip and excessive attention from envious people.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the plant, which is called sansevieria, also has great benefits. The flower is often used to treat otitis media, cystitis, inflammation of the oral cavity, and also for skin lesions. But experts do not recommend using sansevieria treatment methods during pregnancy, since it contains substances that have an abortifacient effect.

If you want to get a mother-in-law's tongue flower, signs will help you better understand this plant. Some of them are simple superstitions associated with its name, but many beliefs are worth listening to.

In the article:

Mother-in-law's language: signs associated with the name

mother-in-law's tongue flower, photo

This plant has many popular names. Its scientific name is sansevieria, but it is also called pike tail, Indian sword, snake skin, devil's tongue and mother-in-law's tongue, which influenced the signs about this plant. Its leaves really resemble very long tongues in shape.

People believe that the mother-in-law is not the calmest and most friendly member of the family. True, not all women agree with this. Perhaps the popular name, associated with the length of the mother-in-law’s tongue, was given to the flower as a joke, but it has survived to this day and influenced the signs about it. Some consider it a gossip plant and believe that thanks to sansevieria, quarrels will appear in the house and the family will quickly collapse.

This opinion has no basis. In fact, a pike tail can be called excellent plant to strengthen the family. Quarrels and showdowns disappeared from the lives of people who acquired this flower. Love and understanding returned to families, relationships became harmonious and calm.

Pike tail flower: signs about energy

It is very important to maintain the correct energy balance in the apartment. Without this, there will be no calm atmosphere in the house, and the residents will not have the desire to return to it. Properly selected and arranged plants will help maintain coziness in the house.

Mother-in-law's tongue is a very unpretentious and easy-to-care plant. It is believed that it can adapt to any conditions. Like all plants, pike tail needs energy. But it is fueled exclusively by negativity of various origins- manifestations of rudeness, bad mood, anger. It encourages friendly communication between family members and guests. It is believed that the long leaves are a kind of antennas that absorb negativity and emit the energy of peace and creativity.

Sansevieria can help get rid of ill-wishers. If someone regularly interferes with your work with their nagging, try bringing it to workplace Mother-in-law's tongue. This plant will relieve you from unpleasant communication and help you concentrate.

Mother-in-law's tongue flower or pike tail, photo

Why mother-in-law's tongue blooms: a sign

To the question of why mother-in-law's tongue blooms, the signs of our great-grandmothers have more than one answer. It all depends on the time of year. However, untimely flowering of any plant is a bad omen, regardless of its type and significance. An unfavorable time for the appearance of sansevieria flowers is winter.

The flowering of mother-in-law's tongue in winter portends a major quarrel in the family or in the office of the company where the plant is located. It is believed that the cause of the scandal will be excessive care and the desire to take care of others.

Mother-in-law's tongue blooms quite rarely, only when improper care when it lacks light and watering. Some believe that this plant can bloom in an exceptionally favorable atmosphere. Therefore, if Sansevieria blooms at any time of the year except winter, this event does not have any bad meaning. On the contrary, it promotes new beginnings and good luck in their implementation.

Mother-in-law's tongue can be a good help in life if you take care of it and pay close attention to folk signs.

In contact with

Living in cities, people are increasingly losing touch with nature. Many people strive to get out into the countryside as often as possible and spend time in nature. But they do not always have such an opportunity.

This is what contributes to the fact that indoor plants are becoming more in demand, especially those that can treat any ailments. A prominent representative of domestic animals that have certain healing abilities is Mother-in-law's tongue.

Description and features of mother-in-law's tongue

This extraordinary plant has many names among various peoples, but few people know its international name - Sansevieria. Attitudes towards this flower are ambiguous and even a little mystical. According to signs of the flower of mother-in-law's tongue brings misfortune to the house, however, all this is just superstition.

The owners flower mother-in-law's tongue available a great opportunity add a unique touch of exoticism to your home. He is very popular, despite his "reputation".

Even on photo, mother-in-law's tongue flower looks noble and attractive. Having so many positive reviews, mother-in-law's language stands out among other plants.

is a flower that does not require special care and is able to survive even in the most unsuitable conditions. This mystical flower belongs to the Dracaena family and grows mainly in the arid regions of Sri Lanka, Africa and India.

In its natural habitat, Sansevieria receives little moisture and this explains why mother-in-law's tongue surprisingly viable in apartment conditions.

In the wild, there are about sixty species of Sansevieria, however, only two are adapted for living at home: cylindrical and three-lane. In height, an adult can grow up to one meter.

As a rule, it has fairly powerful leaves, usually growing upward from the root system. The leaves are green in color, with light or dark streaks.

Mother-in-law's tongue blooms extremely rarely. The scent of its snow-white flowers is as subtle as the scent of lilac. The flowering of Sansevieria has generated a lot of controversy. Some believe that the reason for flowering is particularly careful and thorough care, others see this as a bad sign.

Planting and propagation of mother-in-law's tongue

Mother-in-law's tongue tolerates transplantation favorably and can reproduce at any time of the year, but it is still better to do this in the spring. For of this flower, the only acceptable transplant option is vegetation. At reproduction of mother-in-law's tongue, Scientists recommend taking a whole leaf that already has a root system.

For the growing season, it is better to take a large leaf that has not been exposed to various diseases. Such a leaf is cut into strips of 8–10 cm and planted in sandy soil, maintaining a slight angle of inclination. The flower should not be planted to a depth of more than 25–30 mm. The distance between stripes should be no more than 5 centimeters.

It is better to keep already planted sprouts warm, under a film. In this case, seedlings need daily, short-term ventilation. The most comfortable temperature for them is from 20 to 25 degrees. Sansevieria takes root within 6 weeks.

Caring for mother-in-law's tongue

As noted above, care flower mother-in-law's tongue doesn't require much. But even when caring for the most picky plant, you need to follow certain rules.

Mother-in-law's tongue does not tolerate direct sunlight, but it cannot be placed in too dark rooms. There is no need to create any special temperature conditions for the flower.

He feels great with temperature conditions from 18 to 21 degrees. It is advisable to water infrequently. Considering that countries with arid climates are considered the flower’s homeland, it tolerates a lack of moisture better than its excess.

We should not forget about such familiar things as removing dust from. At the expense of their large leaves and strong cleansing properties, a layer of dust periodically accumulates on the leaves of the flower. It is recommended to wipe the leaves of the plant with a damp cloth at least once a week.

You can cure a flower using improvised means such as a mixture of garlic, soap and water. It is better to grate the garlic on a fine grater or squeeze it, grate the soap. The resulting paste should be rubbed into the leaves of the flower until the pests completely disappear.

Beneficial features mother-in-law's tongue

The leaves of the flower are considered poisonous due to the active component saponin. In the pharmacological industry, this substance is used in laxatives, choleretic and diuretic drugs.

Talking about useful characteristics, we note its anti-inflammatory effect and ability to relieve pain. For scratches and wounds of the mother-in-law, the tongue neutralizes bleeding and heals the wounds. It is widely used both for diseases of internal organs and external manifestations diseases.

IN folk medicine There are a number of recipes using mother-in-law’s tongue:

Mother-in-law's tongue has excellent disinfectant properties. It is able to stop bleeding and effectively helps with bruises and hematomas. It is enough just to fix a plant leaf on the damaged area, and you will immediately feel improvements.

Mother-in-law's tongue is an effective natural filter for cleaning indoor air. Among the plants that produce oxygen, there are practically no equals. It is recommended to clean the leaves from dust, and then you will find it easier to breathe in the room.

If you are an office worker, place your mother-in-law's tongue next to you, and you will feel your ability to work and your general condition improve. The leaves of the plant absorb harmful radiation from mobile phones and computers.

In conclusion, we note that indoor flower mother-in-law's tongue deservedly considered one of the most popular. Possessing its positive qualities, it stands out among many others. indoor plants.

Having bought my mother-in-law's tongue, you get not just useful, you get beautiful plant, which can be placed both in the home and in the office.

Sansevieria, or as it is popularly called “mother-in-law’s tongue,” comes from Africa. This is a plant of the agave family, numbering more than 50 species. Among them there are even epiphytes living in the tropics. IN indoor floriculture 7-8 species are common.

At home, “mother-in-law’s tongue” adapts well to environmental conditions and tolerates varying degrees of lighting. Because of its unpretentiousness and beauty, Sansevieria is deservedly popular among gardeners. It fits perfectly into many design solutions interior

Types of "mother-in-law's tongue" differ in height, size and color: these can be green leaves with chaotic dark spots, with yellow longitudinal stripes, small plants up to 20 cm in height or with leaves more than a meter.

Sansevieria blooms very interestingly: neat flowers resembling stars appear on a small peduncle, which have a pleasant smell. The peduncle most often grows next to the leaves.

  1. Pot. For growing sansevieria, it is better to select spacious clay dishes, since the powerful root system, adapted for long droughts, plastic dishes will soon break.
  2. The soil. It is better to select loose soil, and to avoid stagnation of water, it is recommended to make drainage from gravel or expanded clay.
  3. Support. The leaves of “mother-in-law’s tongue” are tall and heavy, so it would be better to fix recently transplanted plants near a wall or support.
  4. Lighting. Sansevieria loves bright light. Therefore, it is advisable to choose well-lit places for it, otherwise its leaves will turn pale and the plant will stop blooming.
  5. Watering. In the hot season, you should water the “mother-in-law’s tongue” once a week, and in cloudy weather – as needed. IN winter period this should be done on average once a month.
  6. Air humidity. Since “mother-in-law’s tongue” refers to succulents, air humidity is not important for it. Although it is recommended to wipe the leaves from dust more often.
  7. Fertilizer. In the summer, it is advisable to feed the “mother-in-law’s tongue” with liquid fertilizer. At the same time, recently transplanted plants begin to be fertilized no earlier than six months later.

Reproduction of "mother-in-law's tongue"

  • propagation by division of rhizomes - with a sharp, clean knife, the rhizome is cut into pieces of about 10 cm, and for each piece of rhizome there should be several rosettes of leaves. The sections must be dried and planted in the substrate.
  • propagation by leaf cuttings - the most common types of sansevieria can be propagated by leaf cuttings. Wherein mature plant will grow from cuttings in two years. This propagation method is not used for variegated varieties with yellow stripes, since young plant in this case there will be no stripes. The exception is the three-striped Sansevieria with a yellow stripe along the edge of the leaf. It is necessary to cut the leaf at the base of the rosette at an acute angle near the yellow stripe and place it in a pale solution of potassium permanganate so that only the yellow corner of the leaf is in the solution. It is characteristic that the spine appears precisely in this part of the leaf. At exactly the same angle as in the solution, it is necessary to plant the cuttings in the soil. After a few months, a rosette similar to the mother plant should appear. And the sheet from which the rosette appeared must be removed with a sharp knife.
  • propagation by children from aerial rhizomes - some varieties of “mother-in-law’s tongue” produce children on aerial rhizomes. They need to be carefully trimmed with a sharp knife, dried and planted. In this case, roots should form within a couple of months.
  • propagation by seeds - seeds are sown in a greenhouse in soil from a mixture of turf, leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 1: 2: 1, respectively, and placed in a warm and bright place. The seeds sprout in a couple of weeks, and after a month the plants need to be planted in separate pots.

Problems when growing "mother-in-law's tongue"

  1. Rotting, yellowing and dying of leaves. This is a consequence of excessive moisture of the plant. If only part of the plant is damaged, then the affected parts should be removed and the cuts should be sprinkled activated carbon or sulfur, and change the pot for the plant.
  2. Cervical rotting in the absence of excess moisture may be caused by hypothermia. Optimal temperature in winter for sansevieria it is considered +12-+14 degrees. And at temperatures below +5 degrees the plant may die.
  3. Brown spots on leaves. This is evidence of waterlogging of the plant; watering should be done less often.
  4. The leaves are pale. This means there is not enough light. In this case, it is recommended to move the plant under direct lighting.
  5. The edges of the leaves are damaged. This may indicate that the plant is unstable in the pot or that it has been frozen. The flowerpot should be strengthened by placing it in an external container, or moved away from the window.
  6. Pests. "Mother-in-law's tongue" is susceptible to damage by thrips, spider mites, mealybugs.
  • mealybug - white spots appear on the underside of leaves - the pest likes to settle at the base of sword-shaped leaves and peduncles and suck out their juice, while the leaves and peduncles become bent, turn yellow and fall off. Pests are collected by hand, and the infected plant is washed with water. In case of severe damage, the fight is difficult, since the scale insects are able to gather on leaves and stems in large colonies. In this case, treatment with karbofos is indicated.
  • thrips - whitish silvery spots and dark brown dots appear on the underside of the leaf. Here you can consider small insects with wings. Insects are not very dangerous. They fly or crawl from leaf to leaf, leaving behind silvery streaks. These pests interfere with the growth of the plant, and after them the leaves become discolored and turn yellow, but most of all they harm the flowers, causing them to become deformed and stained. The fight against this pest is not very difficult - you need to regularly irrigate the sansevieria with water, increasing the air humidity. In case of significant damage, it is necessary to treat with Actellik
  • spider mite - a cobweb appears on the leaves, visible to the naked eye. At the same time, the leaves begin to turn yellow, acquire a marbled color and dry out. This is the most dangerous pest indoor plants located in warm, dry climates, which can affect almost all house plants, causing their growth and development to slow down, leaves to yellow and fall off. To combat mites, it is necessary to regularly irrigate the affected parts of the plant with water and wipe the leaves with a damp sponge. In case of significant damage, it is necessary to apply Actellik.

Traditional methods of pest control for “mother-in-law’s tongue”

A solution of Persian chamomile and green soap will help destroy the listed pests. The infected plant is treated with this mixture, and after a day it is washed with plain water. It is recommended to carry out the procedure until the pests disappear.

Signs associated with “mother-in-law’s tongue”

“Mother-in-law’s tongue” also has many popular names: “pike tail”, “Indian sword”, “snake skin”, “devil’s tongue” and this influenced the emergence of various signs and superstitions, most often unfounded, associated with this plant:

  • a plant of gossip - some believe that “mother-in-law’s tongue” brings frequent quarrels and family destruction into the house. This is an absolute lie - Sansevieria is an excellent plant for strengthening the family - quarrels and showdowns disappear, love and mutual understanding return
  • energy - the plant absorbs negativity - rudeness, bad mood, anger and sets up positive communication, while emitting the energy of creativity and peace
  • getting rid of ill-wishers - the plant is able to stop gossip and drive away ill-wishers
  • flowering of a plant - it is believed that if “mother-in-law’s tongue” blooms in winter, this is a sign of a major scandal associated with excessive care. If flowering occurs at any other time of the year except winter, this is a good sign that speaks of good luck in new endeavors.

Indoor flowers are the best decoration for a home, but popular rumor ascribes mystical properties to some of them. One of these flowers is sansevieria, the people called him mother-in-law's tongue, Indian sword, pike tail.

There is a belief that mother-in-law's tongue should not be kept in the house, because it can cause a lot of trouble. So what is the danger of this plant?

Folk signs about mother-in-law's tongue

Sansevieria - exquisite exotic plant, its long green leaves can delight with their beauty all year round. In addition, it is unpretentious and does not require much attention; even a novice gardener can handle it. But there is a belief that this a flower can harm the family, that is why sansevieria was nicknamed mother-in-law’s tongue.

It happens that a mother-in-law can darken the life of not only her son-in-law, but also the entire family: nagging, the desire to impose her will on everyone and excessive guardianship. The same properties are attributed to the flower of mother-in-law's tongue: allegedly, with its appearance in the house, quarrels and scandals begin, and conflicts can lead to divorce and family breakdown.

The sign says:

  • if the mother-in-law’s tongue is in the bedroom, then quarrels in the love bed and betrayals cannot be avoided, spouses may lose interest in each other;
  • a flower in the kitchen provokes quarrels on domestic grounds, and in the living room - feuds over finances.

It is not known for certain where this belief came from, but if you think that there is no smoke without fire, then you should treat mother-in-law’s tongue with great caution.

Is it possible to keep a flower at home?

It is believed that this flower should not be given to a young family - one in which the spouses have lived together less than a year. There is a popular belief that the flower will negatively affect the life of a young family, and quarrels and scandals will begin in the house.

Skeptics claim that a flower can hardly affect the life of newlyweds, but psychologists believe that in the first year of marriage spouses get used to each other, conflicts of interest are inevitable, so disagreements are difficult to avoid.

Our great-great-grandmothers did not know about the opinions of psychologists and the research of meticulous British scientists, so they believed that quarrels in a young family were provoked by a flower with mystical properties.

It is considered a bad sign if A woman gave a flower to a young family. Allegedly, it is in this case that the mystical properties of the flower in destroying marriages manifest themselves especially clearly.

There is a belief that unmarried girl, in whose house there is such a flower, cannot get married for a long time.

Sansevieria given to a young wife by her husband’s relatives is a cause for concern. People believe that this the gift will have a bad effect on the atmosphere in the house, squabbles and quarrels over trifles and on everyday grounds will be inevitable.

And here it’s worth remembering one more folk sign: witches and healers advise you not to accept flowers in a pot with soil as a gift from people you don’t trust, as this may the land is from a cemetery and a slander can be made on it.

Mother-in-law's tongue, given by a young unmarried woman, portends:

  • betrayal and infidelity of either spouse
  • cooling interest in each other.

For the same reason, it is not recommended to accept a flower as a gift on family dates: wedding anniversary, spouses’ birthdays, etc. According to this sign, You shouldn’t accept mother-in-law’s tongue as a gift from a widow(widower) or a person with an unsuccessful family life.

If a young family inherited a flower, then popular rumor, on the contrary, attributes to it the properties of protecting spouses from spontaneous quarrels and making family ties stronger.

Another sign says that you should not place mother-in-law’s tongue in the bedroom or at the head of the spouses’ bed. The belief says that being in this position, the flower will fully demonstrate its properties of destroying a family.

According to Feng Shui, this arrangement of the flower is undesirable, because there should be no sharp objects in the area where a person sleeps defenselessly. And the leaves of Sansevieria are just long, pointed in shape, which is why another name for the flower is known - Indian sword.

A good location for the mother-in-law's tongue is on the windowsill in the kitchen or living room, away from the bedroom. There, its mystical properties weaken and there is no longer any need to be afraid of family quarrels. According to the superstition, the flower can be placed in the room whose windows face a busy street or a densely populated courtyard, so you will protected from gossip about you.

It’s good if the flower is visible through the window from the street, so it can protect the inhabitants of the house from the negative energy of envious people.

If you believe in this folk sign and want to protect yourself, then It is recommended to plant the flower in a light-colored pot(as an option - a calm gray-blue color scheme) or in white pot with metal steel ornament (steel has the property of cooling passions).

It is not advisable to keep your mother-in-law's tongue in a red pot or a similar color (from deep pink to dark burgundy), because these colors have the ability to inflame passions and intensify emotions.

Popular rumor ascribes to this flower ability to predict major family quarrels and scandals. On the eve of such shocks, it blooms at inopportune times. The traditional time for Sansevieria to bloom is winter, and at this time it does not foretell anything unusual. Bloomed at a different time of the year - be prepared for major shocks and big changes in life.

Pike tail at work

Designers often use sansevieria for office landscaping, as it looks stylish and is low maintenance.

If you decide to use mother-in-law's tongue to decorate your workplace, then popular rumor ascribes the ability to the flower protect your master from gossip and annoying attention from envious people.

The pike tail is also famous for its ability to protect its owner from unpleasant communication and empty, aimless conversations.

Sansevieria, or as popularly known, mother-in-law's tongue, is a fairly popular plant among lovers of home flora. This flower came to us from the distant and hot African continent. Today there are more than 60 varieties of Sansevieria in the world, ranging from indoor flower and ending with a plant nesting in the branches of tropical trees. In our country, the flower is better known as “pike tail” or “mother-in-law’s tongue.”

It is unpretentious, can grow in poor light conditions and easily adapts even to unfavorable conditions environment.

Description and care

Depending on the subspecies of mother-in-law, the tongue may differ in leaf color, shape, height and rosettes. This plant is characterized by heavy, dense leaves, most often bright green.. They may have numerous yellow lines and small black spots in the center.

The size of sansevieria can reach one and a half meters, but there are also very dwarf babies that do not grow up to 20 centimeters. In tall plants, rosettes are most often hidden in pointed leaves; if the flower is small, then the leaves often bend outward, forming the shape of a flower.

Mother-in-law's tongue practically not picky about its contents. Loose soil and a large clay container are enough for him. Please note that it is clay, since the plant has a very powerful root system that can easily penetrate plastic or plastic. The pot must be wide enough and stable, since the leaves of sansevieria are very dense and heavy, which can lead to a shaky position of the flower.

If you are the owner of a tall plant, then a couple of weeks after transplanting it is better to play it safe and tie your mother-in-law’s tongue to a support. Periodically check the container with the flower, the root system develops very quickly, and if the flower becomes crowded, it may die.

To prevent water from accumulating in the plant pot, use gravel as drainage. The lighting in the room where Sansevieria grows should be as bright as possible, since it is used to basking in the sun in hot Africa.

Otherwise, the wide leaves of the pike tail may lose their bright, rich color, and the plant will stop blooming. By the way, mother-in-law’s tongue got its name precisely because of the external similarity of the shape of the leaves to this human organ.

Mother-in-law's tongue is an excellent air purifier in the apartment. Among other houseplants, Sansevieria has the most developed oxygen filtration system due to its wide, dense leaves. The flower is also capable of absorbing electromagnetic radiation from a computer, TV, etc. household appliances. It is also commonly believed that mother-in-law’s tongue cleanses the room of negative energy and attracts good luck and prosperity to the house.

Superstitions: can you keep it at home?

Widely known among the people magical properties Sansevieria. There are many different folk signs associated with this flower. It is believed that if conflicts often break out in your home, animals suddenly begin to show aggression towards their owners, children do not obey, and there is no understanding and care between you and your loved one, then mother-in-law’s language will become great solution all these problems.

Besides that the plant has excellent wound healing and antiseptic properties, it is capable of cleaning the energy background in the house.

It is believed that mother-in-law's tongue attracts material wealth and good luck to the apartment. You can not only improve relationships with loved ones, but also improve your well-being. tall plant their long leaves forms a kind of magical antenna that concentrates positive energy.

Those who want to restore harmony in their relationship with their significant other should get a low plant with bowl-shaped rosettes. They accumulate love energy in the room.

Mother-in-law's language is not easy capable of absorbing negative energy in the house, it also helps a person get rid of bad thoughts, adjusting his aura in a positive way. The mystical abilities of the plant are quite extensive. The flower also carries protective properties. He protects the house from enemies and prevents evil tongues from spreading gossip.

If you don’t have good team relationships at work, place a pot of sansevieria next to your workplace. She will get everything out of her ill-wishers negative energy, after which their desire to harm you will decrease significantly.

At first glance, or rather, hearing, one gets the impression that the plant carries negative properties. We have all heard about the behavior of the mother-in-law in the family, about her sharp tongue, love for gossip and stories. In the case of Sansevieria, everything is different. The name of the flower is indeed due to its resemblance to the sharp tongue of the old pepper shaker, but... magical properties are aimed at maintaining harmony and order between households.

Why does Sansevieria bloom?

Mother-in-law's tongue can bloom at any time of the year, everything will depend on proper care of the plant. Despite its unpretentiousness to the external environment, if a flower is left for a long time without water and grows in insufficient light, it it may not bloom at all.

There are widely known cases when Sansevieria begins to bloom in winter or late autumn. It is with this untimely event that people associate a variety of signs and superstitions.

For example, it is believed that if a flower blooms in a cold winter time, then this will become a harbinger of severe conflicts and disputes in the family. If the plant is at work, then relationships in the team will also not develop in the best way.

Oddly enough, the cause of all disagreements will be excessive guardianship and care of one person for another. If it occurs to you to take a colleague under your protection or begin to tightly control a child or your significant other, stop. It is important to have a sense of proportion in everything; without noticing it, you can take up someone else’s personal space, which will only cause aggression, but not gratitude.

If you are waiting for guests or a loved one to arrive, and mother-in-law’s tongue suddenly blooms in the house, then most likely it will be a messenger with bad news. In former times it was believed that flowering Sansevieria could produce clean water liars, but how exactly she does it, the information has not been preserved.

There is also folk sign about what will happen if mother-in-law's tongue blooms in spring or summer. In this case, the plant indicated the possibility of an early wedding of one of the family members living in the house or their relatives. Sansevieria flowers in the warm season could foretell the birth of a child or the receipt of good news.

In any case, the fact that the flower has gained color indicates positive energy in the room, harmony and stability in people’s lives.