Blooming flowers for the home. Indoor flowers that bloom all year round, unpretentious

In flower shops, customers are often asked to select unpretentious houseplants that require a minimum of care and provide maximum pleasure. Someone already had bad experience with dried flowers, while others are just about to decorate their home or office and already feel responsible. Sellers are sure to find suitable specimens of persistent plants that are able to bloom even in low light, irregular watering and lack of mineral fertilizing. We suggest you go through the list.

1. Geranium

This plant is planted in the house and in front gardens; it feels comfortable everywhere. Among the diverse varieties of geraniums there are light-loving and shade-loving, drought-resistant. At home she feels great with room temperature and bright lighting. There are no special requirements for the soil, but it needs to be watered regularly, focusing on the moisture content of the earthen clod. In winter, the frequency of watering can be reduced, since the plant is usually dormant.

2. Tolmia Menzies

This easy-to-grow plant will delight you with its unusual ability - the appearance of young leaves next to the adult leaf. In order for Menzies's tolmia to please for a long time, it is necessary to ensure its temperature environment within 15–18 degrees, keep away from heating systems in winter. Regular watering is needed: in the summer twice a week, in the winter - once every two weeks. Tolerates bright diffused light and partial shade well.

3. Howea Forstera (kentia)

Despite the fact that the subtropical palm was brought from the coast of Australia, it has taken root well in our apartments and has become one of the most shade-tolerant plants. She will be quite happy with the northern and northeastern sides. Tolerates dry air and significant temperature drops well. Therefore, it can often be found in offices. You need to water moderately, focusing on the condition of the top layer of soil - whether it has dried out or not. The plant will signal a lack or excess of moisture in the pot by the appearance of its leaves - large leaves may appear on them. brown spots. Healthy leaves love to shower.

4. Syngonium

The graceful shape of the leaf and the unusual color of the syngonium attract the attention of flower growers, who also love this plant for its simple and easy care. The plant tolerates partial shade and diffused light well, but in winter it is better to keep it close to natural light so that the leaves retain their color saturation. Loves humidified air and a temperature of about 20 degrees. If you wipe the leaves with a soft sponge in the heat, the syngonium will be grateful for such a gift.

5. Peperomia silver

Looking at the fancy leaves of this plant, you just want to smile - how similar they are to a watermelon! If you start silver peperomia at home, you are guaranteed a good mood. Especially if you provide her with more or less suitable care: bright diffused light or partial shade, a temperature within 20 degrees, moderate humidity and moderate watering based on the condition of the soil, especially in winter.

6. Chlorophytum crested

A good option for use in hanging flowerpots. Easy to care for, resistant to diseases, tolerant of temperature changes. Irregular watering will not affect its condition. For chlorophytum, you do not need to worry about saturated soil and abundant fertilizer, a large pot and bright light. All this is enough in moderation and with a reasonable approach. Will be grateful for frequent spraying in the summer.

7. Gasteria

The plant got its name from the tube-shaped compaction in the lower part of the perianth, which in Latin sounds like “gasltron”, and is translated as “pot-bellied vessel”. To fill this vessel, it is not necessary to water the flower abundantly; it is enough to keep the soil moist. In winter, you can water once or twice a month. But she would like more light, although she does not like direct sunlight. Then it's better to go into the shade. Doesn't like drafts, but won't refuse ventilation.

8. Ficus rubber

Only in our latitudes is ficus considered an ornamental houseplant, but in its homeland in the tropics it is a tree from which rubber is extracted. But family ties are strong, so the plant loves warmth and a lot of light, preferably diffused. Does not like drafts and waterlogging of the soil. It will be grateful for spraying in rooms with dry air and wiping the leaves with a damp sponge.

9. Araucaria variegata (Norfolk pine)

Do you want to have a Christmas tree in your house? Buy araucaria. The evergreen plant is very easy to care for. It can grow in the coolest room, and in summer - in the partial shade of an open balcony. If the air is dry, then it would be good to take care of spraying and regularly moistening the soil. It is better to water and spray with soft water at room temperature.

10. Mirsina

Modest care requirements – distinguishing feature this indoor tree. You just need to place it in a bright room, but not in direct sunlight, and also provide it with watering and spraying. The soil should be breathable; you can select it yourself from equal parts of garden soil, humus, sand, or buy a ready-made mixture.

11. Crassula (money tree)

Apparently, the shiny, fleshy leaves of the plant evoke an association with coins, which is why the second name has firmly established itself for the fat plant - Money Tree. But even if you don’t get hung up on this, the simplest care will keep the plant blooming and the greens juicy. It is important not to overdo it with watering and not to replant the flower often and into a large pot. It is necessary to fertilize only in the summer with special fertilizers. He loves diffused sunlight - this is due to his African roots.

12. Ceropegia Vuda

Even if you have not watered the plant regularly and never fed it, it will still please you with flowering in early summer. This is the only reason why you can love Wood's ceropegia. She also feels good in conditions of high and low temperatures, on southern and northern sides. The only point that should be taken into account for a hanging plant is to hang the pot higher, as growth can be fast and lush.

13. Aloe

Tree aloe is the most common and most familiar representative of the genus of succulent plants. Most often it is bred in medicinal purposes due to the fleshy leaves, the contents of which are used both in folk medicine, and in the traditional one. This plant is able to survive in extreme climatic conditions, which is why it has survived to this day. This means it will survive your departure.

There are about 500 species of aloe in nature, and there are very beautiful specimens, so don’t be lazy to look for the one you like best. So that the money for a flower does not end up being wasted, still try to pay attention to it. Care is simple: in summer you need to water the plant once a week, in winter - once a month, you can focus on dry soil in a pot. Replanting in special soil for succulents is enough once every two years. The flower tolerates shade better than the scorching rays of the sun.

14. Kalanchoe

The parade of unpretentious succulent plants will continue with Kalanchoe, which is also known for its medicinal and decorative properties. Of the two hundred species growing in tropical zones, several dozen fall into the category of our indoor plants. You are guaranteed to be able to choose your Kalanchoe and make friends with it, even if you pay minimal attention to it. The plant will better withstand drought in its pot than a flood at your mercy. Feels good in a cool room and does not like to be under the scorching sun, although it prefers light.

15. Echeveria (echeveria)

This flower from the genus of succulents is also called " stone rose"due to external similarity. The plant is easy to grow as it does not require special conditions. You can use clay-sandy soil, if you have one in your area, or buy a special mixture for succulents. It does not like water to stagnate in the pot, so even in summer it is better to reduce watering if the soil is still wet. In winter, you can completely avoid watering for a month. With sufficient light, expect flowering in spring or early fall.

16 . Godson Rowley

Due to the unusual shape of the leaves, this succulent was called “strings of pearls”. Their thick skin was formed in the process of adaptation to the harsh conditions of arid Africa. This means it will survive in your conditions. For a beginning florist, ragwort is just a godsend. You can not water it for a long time, put it on the shady side or on the sunny side, dry the air in the room or overcool it. He will silently endure all experiments, reacting to them only with the size of pea-sized leaves and more elongated weakened stems.

17. Sedum Morgana

The following plant with unusual hanging stems may become your favorite not so much because of its appearance, but because of its unpretentiousness. For its root system, you can take small pots; the soil is usual for succulents, which include sedum. Loves the sun, as it comes from warm countries. It is important not to overdo it with watering to prevent rotting of the root system. Be careful when watering or moving the plant to avoid snagging the fragile leaves. If they fall off, new ones will not grow in their place, and “bald spots” will remain.

18. Haworthia striped

The bright attractive appearance of a small succulent makes it a favorite of everyone who has at least once encountered it on a windowsill or in the far corner of a room. Haworthia loves fresh air, so the ideal location for her is a shaded balcony. Or find an opportunity to ventilate the room where the flower is located more often. Watering can be minimal, as for most succulents. The reference point is soil moisture and air temperature. Avoid getting water on the plant rosette so as not to cause rotting.

Another “experimental field” for beginning flower growers. It is persistent and loyal to tests from its owners; it will express its attitude towards unsuccessful methods of care only by dropping its leaves. But, if the situation with watering, spraying, and lighting improves, it is ready to release new leaves and curl further around the room, as befits a vine. Epipremnum feels ideal in the kitchen - here it is warm and humid.

One of the few plants that can easily withstand direct sunlight and at the same time is able to grow on the shady side, for example, the western side. In summer he is comfortable even in hot weather, but in winter it is better to leave him alone and move him to a cool place. It could even be an insulated balcony. Watering is moderate with settled water at room temperature.

This is only a small part of the plants that can survive your negligence in caring for them and will delight you with green leaves and even flowers. But it’s still better if you take the time to examine them, notice new shoots, rejoice at their persistence and thank them by feeding them with special fertilizers.

Every home has indoor flowers that not only decorate it, but also delight with its presence. By choosing the right flowers, you can create a blooming island on your windowsill on all year round . Long-flowering, unpretentious plants give joy, good mood and bring benefits by purifying the air.

When growing flowers at home, of course I want their care to be minimal and their flowering to last as long as possible. There are many such plants and you can choose to purchase Clivia, Decembrist, Indoor gerbera or, Saintpaulia, etc.


When selecting a plant, you need to pay attention to the requirements for growing conditions, because the duration of flowering and appearance flower.

Top 10 flowering indoor plants

Abutilon (Indoor maple)

Blooms from spring to autumn, and as it declines daylight hours the number of flower stalks decreases and the plant enters a dormant phase. But if you provide additional illumination with fluorescent lamps, provide fertilizing and watering, flowering does not stop. The leaves are similar to maple leaves, hence the second name. Abutilon flowers look like lanterns of different colors.

It is unpretentious in care, it needs a lot of bright light, regular watering, and a temperature limit of 18-25 ºС. The plant grows quickly, its height reaches 1.5 m. In spring, abutilon shoots need to be cut to 1/3 of their length. To stimulate flowering, fertilizing should include potassium nitrate and superphosphate.

Anthurium is a plant with large glossy leaves and heart-shaped flowers.

Needs constantly moist soil, can grow even in the shade, but blooms better and develops on southern and western window sills. For abundant flowering winter temperature should not be lower than +15°C, summer temperature +25°C.

Loves spraying, but only with standing water for at least two days, or better yet, with purified water.

Feeding is advisable organic fertilizers(Gumat, “Ideal”, “Darina”), because. the plant is sensitive to an excess of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and mineral salts.

Impatiens blooms almost all year round. It is photophilous, but it must be excluded from direct sunlight. In autumn and winter, when there is a lack of sunlight, it continues to bloom beautifully under artificial light. It loves moisture, both in the soil and sprayed on the leaves, especially on hot days. Growing temperature +15÷ +25°C. does not like crowded conditions, so neighbors should be at a distance from it, otherwise it will shed leaves.

Excellent propagation by apical cuttings. At 3-4 years of age it requires replanting and rejuvenation; old plants bloom worse.


- a heat-loving flower that loves moisture, but not spraying on the foliage. To maintain air humidity, you need to place containers of water between flower pots. At air temperatures below +16°C, begonia will not bloom. It loves bright, diffused light; in the bright sun, the leaves fade, the flowers fade, and begonia loses its decorative effect. Fertilizers to stimulate flowering should be given to begonias every 2 weeks, alternating organomineral with mineral fertilizers for flowering plants.

To create a full begonia bush and create more side shoots, you need to periodically cut off the tops of the shoots, using them for propagation.

Begonias great variety: there are bush ones, they are also ever-flowering, tuberous, double, hanging.

A classic window sill from the time of our grandmothers. An unpretentious, light-loving plant that loves abundant but infrequent watering. Temperature growing +8÷+25°C. Geranium loves a lot of air, so in summer it should be placed on balconies or in the garden. Pots for growing should not be large; to obtain a lush flower bush, you need to plant three seedlings in one pot.

Pelargonium royal

It differs from geranium in having larger flowers and a smaller, almost absent smell of leaves. Care is the same as for geraniums.

For more abundant flowering and to make the bush compact in spring, pelargonium needs to be pruned, leaving 3-4 internodes.

Hibiscus (Chinese rose)

Hibiscus – evergreen flowering shrub. The lifespan of one flower is a day, for hybrid, double forms up to 3 days.

Demanding of sunlight, abundant watering and fertilizing. In summer you need to spray daily. With insufficient watering, it drops buds and flowers. Hibiscus needs to be replanted annually; the top layer of soil is removed from adult plants and a new one is added.

Depending on the pruning method, hibiscus can be grown in tree or bush form. Flower height can reach 1.5-2 m.

Hibiscus responds very well to regular feeding once every 2-3 weeks.


An unpretentious plant that prefers light partial shade and moderate watering. Loves high air humidity, but absolutely cannot tolerate spraying the leaves. Pots with Koleria should be placed on trays with expanded clay filled with water.

The temperature during flowering should be +23÷+26°C. In winter at the level +16°C. Once a month it is necessary to feed Koleria with liquid fertilizers for orchids.

Pachistachis is a plant without any special pretensions. The main thing is abundant watering, high air humidity, and regular pruning. Optimal temperature+20÷+26°C. When the temperature rises, it stretches out and exposes the shoots; when it drops, it sheds its leaves.

Light needs to be diffused; it loves fresh air, but not drafts. Loves leaf spraying.

Pachistachis needs to be cut off and the tops pinched as the shoots grow so that it bushes and does not stretch out.

An evergreen shrub that blooms all year round. The lifespan of a flower is one day.

Prefers bright, diffused light; direct sunlight needs to be shaded. Winter growing temperature +20 °C, summer + 24°C. Water abundantly as the soil dries. needs to high humidity air, so flower pots are placed in trays with wet expanded clay or sphagnum moss.

Ruellia is very sensitive to drafts and dry air, which can cause leaves to fall off.

The plant can be formed as a bush or vine.

Choosing flowering plants To landscape your home or office, you need to understand that, although it will be short, they will have a break between waves of flowering. During this period, the flower rests and gains strength. Give even unpretentious flowers a little attention and in return they will give you lush and long-lasting flowering.

Eco-friendly home: There are quite a lot of such low-maintenance indoor plants; it’s easy to choose hanging or beautifully flowering, large or miniature...

Plants for the lazy person

Beautiful, well-groomed green plants decorate the house, saturate the air with phytoncides, absorb harmful substances and create an atmosphere of comfort. But in order for store-bought potted flowers to grow and develop safely in your apartment, you need to take care of them.

Some capricious green creatures need to be sprayed with water mist 3-4 times a day, others need shading from the bright sun at noon and lighting in the evening. People who work outside the home and often go on vacation or on business trips cannot provide such plants with normal care.

So, can we do without greens entirely? No, you just need to choose the most unpretentious indoor plants for landscaping your home. Those that can withstand 1-2 weeks without watering, grow well in the dry air of a heated apartment, feel normal both in the heat and in a cold draft, and do not require frequent feeding and replanting.

1. It is probably difficult to find a more unpretentious indoor plant than Sansevieria (mother-in-law's tongue, pike tail) . It grows well both on a south window and in a semi-dark corner, but on a sunny window the leaves will be brighter.

You can replant it every few years when it doesn’t fit in the pot. No need to feed.

Sansevieria does not suffer from the dry air of the apartment in winter; it does not need to be sprayed. It is necessary to water rarely - the dense leathery leaves retain a supply of moisture, in winter you don’t have to water it at all - growth will stop, and it will rest until spring.

Cold drafts of sansevieria are not scary; it often decorates cold foyers and hallways.

2. Another exceptionally durable one hanging plant - hoya carnosa or " wax ivy". It grows well on the south window, and it won’t go to waste in the north room either. Its thick waxy leaves accumulate moisture, and it can easily survive several months without watering.

If you managed to completely dry out your hoya and it has lost all its leaves and roots, cut the stalk from the stem and place it in water - in a couple of weeks the plant will sprout roots again.

Wax ivy is replanted very rarely, when there is absolutely no room in the pot. You can also do without fertilizing. And when good conditions unpretentious hoya will delight you with abundant and lush flowering.

3. Indoor plant is very popular crassula oval , better known as Crassula or "money tree" . It needs to be watered rarely - the fleshy leaves retain a lot of moisture. Dry apartment air does not harm the fat woman. It practically does not need fertilizing and replanting.

The money tree can grow on the south window and on the north. Can be kept in a cool room in winter at temperatures up to 10 degrees.

You just have to follow two simple rules money tree care: the pot is small so that the soil has time to dry between waterings, and add more sand, perlite or vermiculite to the soil mixture.

It reproduces easily - just stick a leaf into the ground or water.

4. Graceful green or white-green narrow leaves chlorophytum seem tender and brittle. But this plant is one of the most undemanding and easy to care for. Its underground part has thickenings that accumulate water and nutrients.

Chlorophytum is not afraid of drought and excess moisture, heat and cold drafts; it can grow in the sun and in the shade. It can live in one pot for many years (it’s better, of course, to replant it on time, but it won’t go away without replanting and fertilizing).

Chlorophytum is considered one of the best absorbers of harmful substances from the air. Perhaps the reason the plant is able to survive without proper care is because it can obtain and process the substances it needs from the air.

5. Aspidistra also does not require special care. This plant in England is called the "cast iron plant" for its ability to withstand heat and cold, lack of light and moisture. Its other name is “friendly family” because of the large number of leaves on long petioles growing from a small pot.

This plant is ideal:

  • for northern rooms,
  • for decorating rooms with insufficient daylight,
  • for office landscaping with artificial lighting.

Aspidistra grows normally in dry and humid air, is not afraid of drafts or heat, and does not suffer from excess or lack of moisture. It needs to be replanted rarely, when the rhizome begins to occupy almost the entire pot.

6. Exotic doesn’t need special care either. zamioculcas. Tolerates poor lighting and interruptions in soil watering. Zamiakulkas does not suffer from bright sun, does not require frequent replanting and fertilizing, and grows well in a small pot.

If you do not water for a long time, it will shed all the leaf blades and lose its decorative appearance, but new complex leaves will quickly grow from the tuber (thickened stem under the surface of the soil) after watering.

The only requirement– the soil should not be too nutritious and dense. It is better to mix ready-made soil for violets or cacti with sand.

7. Ideal plant for people who often leave their home for 1-2 weeks – nolina (bocarnea) . This desert dweller with a bottle-shaped trunk looks original in any interior and requires very little care and attention. And to form a caudex (thickening on the trunk), it needs to be watered rarely, but abundantly, so that it is saturated with water during the “drought” period.

The only requirement– to plant bokarnia correctly: the soil should be loose, low in nutrition, the pot should be small. After good watering all excess moisture should flow out of the pot. This plant will rot in wet soil.

8. Scindapsus aureus - an unpretentious hanging plant with heart-shaped or rounded leaves of bright green color with yellowish-white spots. The plant can reach one and a half meters in length and is used for vertical gardening.

Scindapsus is quite shade-tolerant and can grow in the back of the room., where the sun only occasionally hits, or even gets by with only artificial lighting. True, leaves in the shade lose their light spots and become completely green.

Plant care is minimal. Scindapsus effectively purifies the air of harmful substances. Feels very good in the kitchen, where there are constant changes in temperature and humidity. Its dense leaves and stems retain moisture well. It grows quickly, so it is advisable to fertilize it periodically.

9. Some types Kalanchoe have long been known as a medicinal houseplant that does not require any care. Recently, many beautifully flowering Kalanchoe hybrids have appeared.

The plant can be watered rarely; its dense, succulent leaves and stems contain a lot of moisture. Grows well on windows of any orientation.

Kalanchoe is a shade-tolerant flower, It tolerates sudden temperature changes without problems and blooms for a long time. It grows quite slowly and does not need frequent replanting.

10. Spathiphyllum - an unpretentious plant that blooms throughout the year. In summer it grows well on western, eastern and northern windows; in winter it is better to move it to the southern one.

It tolerates a lack of moisture well. If the leaves become too dry, they droop, but after watering they come back to life. Does not require frequent transplants. Fertilizers are useful, but without them they will not be lost.

For spathiphyllum, it is important to choose the right place - it does not like the cold. Place it away from drafts and windows that open in winter for ventilation, and there will be no problems with the plant.

There are quite a lot of such low-maintenance indoor plants; it’s easy to choose a hanging or beautifully flowering one, large or miniature. Minimal care does not mean that a flower can be left in a corner for six months without watering. Each indoor plant requires attention; it responds to care with new shoots and the appearance of buds.

Unpretentious, easy-to-maintain home flowers are perfect for beginning gardeners.

Indoor flowers that bloom all year round are most often plants with permanent flowers or with continuous, repeating flowering. Continuously colorful and attractive will enliven any interior. What flowers that bloom all year round can be grown at home? Photos and names of the 7 most beautiful indoor flowers that bloom all year round!

Flowering plants that bloom all year round will add accent to a colorless environment. Plants will bloom better if you regularly remove spent blooms and provide appropriate growing conditions.

Anthurium produces heart-shaped, white or red spathes at the base of the spadix, contrasting beautifully with the large, green, shiny leaves. Exotic inflorescences grow in large quantities throughout the year and remain on the plant for a long time.

Anthurium loves a bright place, it is recommended to protect it from direct sunlight. Prefers temperatures between 16-21 °C, does not like sharp fluctuations temperatures Anthurium is an attractive indoor flower that blooms all year round and requires fertilizing every 2 weeks with fertilizer for flowering indoor plants and moderate watering. It is best to control the substrate and water when the top layer dries.

is a relatively easy to grow orchid with long, persistent flowers that appear in winter and spring. The Cymbidium variety 'Snowgirl' is characterized by many flower spikes and is therefore incredibly popular. Cymbidium leaves are long and narrow. Also available in white, olive, pink, cream or red varieties. Cymbidium loves bright rooms, from moderate to high temperatures in the range of 16-21 ° C. Fertilize should be once every two weeks, in winter once a month. It is necessary to maintain constant substrate moisture.

African violet, also known as Saintpaulia ionantha, is one of the most popular potted flowers that blooms all year round. It has spectacular flowers, depending on the variety: white, purple, pink, sometimes two-colored or with a decorative edge, single or double. Plants are used as potted flowers for the kitchen, placed on a windowsill or table.

Prefers a bright place, feels good at room temperature 16-21°C. African violet is sensitive to cold; you should avoid places subject to sudden temperature changes and drafts. The fertilizing procedure should be carried out every 2 weeks with fertilizer for flowering indoor plants. African violet does not like overwatering; it is always watered on a stand under the pot so as not to wet the leaves.

Kalanchoe is a succulent plant that can be classified as an indoor flower that blooms all year round. The typical flowering time is winter, when many other plants do not look very attractive. Characterized by thick, green, oval-shaped leaves that contrast effectively with the flowers. Kalanchoe flowers collected in dense inflorescences - scutes. Depending on the variety there are different color, terry or single. Better conditions for Kalanchoe – a bright place and a temperature of 15-21 °C. Tolerates dry air at home well. Watering Kalanchoe should be kept to a minimum, watering when the top layer of substrate in the pot is clearly dry.

The beautiful spurge (Euphorbia milii) is one of the hardiest and most thorny. Decorative pink bracts develop in spring and summer over a fairly long period. The shoots of milkweed are densely covered with sharp thorns. Milkweed sap is poisonous, so be careful when caring for the plant.

Euphorbia Mila loves bright, sunny places with moderate temperatures in the range of 10-15 °C. Euphorbia should be fertilized every three weeks with a specialized fertilizer for succulents and cacti. Water when the soil is slightly dry. Do not flood the plant - it will react by falling leaves.

Streptocarpus is an interesting pot flower that blooms all year round. Produces variegated flowers of blue, pink or white. Some varieties of Streptocarpus are bicolored or have a wavy edge. Blooms profusely. A plant that grows in sunny places. Loves high temperature(16-21 °C) and air humidity. Every two weeks, fertilize with fertilizer for flowering indoor plants, watering when the top layer of soil in the pot dries.

Calamondin, also called miniature orange, completes our selection of indoor flowers that bloom all year round. The plant can bloom in different time year - in the summer on the terrace, in the winter in the kitchen. When the white flowers fade, orange, spherical fruits up to 4 cm in diameter appear, reminiscent of mini-oranges, sour in taste, and serve mainly a decorative role. When the fruits are fully ripe and fall off, new flowers appear.

The plant requires a lot of sun and feels best on a windowsill. From spring to autumn at room temperature, in winter a little cooler, 10-15 °C. Requires fairly high air humidity (kitchen, bathroom). Does not require transplantation. Fertilize every 2 weeks with liquid mineral fertilizer For citrus plants. Can be alternated with vermicompost.

For the first time, grow unusual and beautiful flowering plants steel during the era of great geographical discoveries. Today, indoor flowers, a catalog with photographs and names of which in paper form can fit in several closets, are a passion for millions of people around the world.

Photos and names of decorative home flowers

Ornamental plants are valued for their flowers different forms and colors, unusual foliage, a variety of forms, including erect, creeping and hanging, herbaceous and tree-like. Indoor flowers can be of local origin and come from the most remote corners of the world. Such plants differ not only in appearance, but also in habits, they require different conditions maintenance and care.

Some people are passionate about succulents, while others are more interested in watching the growth of epiphytes. Although it is almost impossible to get acquainted with all types of home flowers, their photos and names, a short catalog will be an excellent help in choosing a “green pet” to your liking.


An evergreen shrub that easily tolerates crown formation, blooming from late spring to mid-autumn. Numerous varieties and hybrids indoor flower prefer partial shade, are responsive to care, giving their owner a mass of white, yellow, pink, crimson “bells” with a diameter of up to 10–12 cm.

To restore strength, the plant requires a cool winter at 12–15 degrees.


The photo and name of this homemade flower in a pot became famous thanks to the famous film “Leon”. Today, the herbaceous perennial is popular due to its variegated, leathery, broadly lanceolate-shaped foliage and its unpretentiousness when kept indoors.

In the color of the leaves different types and varieties contain not only green, white and silver tones, but also bright pink and purple colors.


Among houseplants, ferns are not uncommon. Herbaceous evergreens attract attention with their carved fronds and hardiness. One of the most popular ferns is the adiantum, whose young fronds are gracefully curled and pinkish-cream in color. In the house, the flower requires partial shade and cool maintenance in winter.


These indoor plants with flowers of white, pink, and purple colors are not accepted by all gardeners. But when creating the right conditions and constant attention, medium-sized shrubs, related to , delight with generous flowering and long life at home.


Among the numerous types of indoor flowers, there are many crops belonging to the Araceae family. People from the tropics of the Southern Hemisphere invariably amaze with the splendor of their greenery and variety of forms.

When you come across photos of decorative house flowers with the name “alocasia”, it is easy to notice how different these plants are in appearance. And this is not surprising, because several dozen representatives of the genus, for example, fragrant, copper-red, are unpretentious decorative foliage crops valued by amateur flower growers.


Unlike Alocasia, which loves moisture, all species are succulents that can survive drought thanks to the water accumulated in the succulent leaves. Tree aloe or agave are more often grown as home flowers. The plant is up to one and a half meters high and is decorated with long leaves, up to 30 cm long, set on the edges with spines.

The value of the plant is in its non-capricious disposition and healing juice, which has a softening, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect.


- another representative of the extensive Araceae family, which has become a popular indoor flower. The characteristic features of the plant are an underground stem, pointed, heart-shaped dense leaves supported on tall erect petioles, and inflorescence-cobs decorated with bright spathes up to 15 centimeters long. The modified leaf is painted in bright white-pink, scarlet, greenish-purple tones.


Related to the culinary delicacy of asparagus, as a houseplant it has an unpretentious disposition, active growth and long life in the pot. Several species of this crop, thanks to their needle-like foliage, ampelous or bush-like form, have long earned the respect and love of flower growers. Decorative effect The plants are complemented by rare but memorable flowering. The white flowers collected in clusters are small but fragrant. After they wither, red round berries are formed.


Originally from Southeast Asia, this is an ornamental deciduous plant, the main attraction of which is its large, wide-lanceolate leaves up to 80 cm long. In catalogs, among photos of indoor flowers with the name “aspidistra,” you can find specimens with variegated leaves, decorated with white or yellowish stripes . The flowers of this species are inconspicuous and even invisible. Corollas of a reddish-brown or purple color appear close to the ground.


House flowers in pots, in the photo, are popularly called “Vanka Mokrym” or “touch-me-not.” , which has taken up residence on the windowsills of our grandmothers, loves moisture, light and warmth. Extremely unpretentious plant thanks to the presence of a mass of varieties, it is ready to please the gardener with the flowering of simple and double flowers of the most different shades.


Begonia – rare plant, which has decorative leaves and flowers. There are more than 1000 cultivated varietals and hybrid forms, actively used for landscaping inside and outside the house. House flowers can differ in the way they are propagated, be bushy or hanging, bloom seasonally or constantly.

Connoisseurs of decorative deciduous crops highly value the bright, unique greenery of these unpretentious, fast-growing flowers.

Indoor geranium (pelargonium)

Unpretentious, abundant and long blooming pelargonium– an ideal indoor flower for beginners. The plant easily adapts to life in an apartment, can be shaped, can be renewed if necessary and reproduces vegetatively without any problems. And a sea of ​​varieties of various shapes and colors will help create a unique atmosphere in your home and decorate the interior.


Perennial, related to garden mallows and, in Russian conditions it has taken root as a houseplant. A large flowering crop is grown as a shrub or standard tree. At proper care and sufficient nutrition, it has an enviable longevity, grows to a height of 2–2.5 meters and regularly produces spectacular red, pink, and coral flowers.


Bulbous perennial popular thanks to simple care and incredibly bright flowering. It is accompanied by the appearance of powerful, up to 70 cm tall, peduncles with several simple or double flowers. The color of the corollas depends on the variety and can be variegated, white, pink, scarlet or deep purple. The leaves form a furry basal rosette, have a smooth surface and a pointed linear shape. In autumn, this type of indoor flower begins a dormant period that lasts several months and requires dry, cool storage of the bulbs.


Velvety large bells and the same exquisite “soft” oval-shaped leaves - character traits home flower gloxinia. A tuberous plant with a winter dormant period requires long daylight hours to flower. nutrient soil and a wide pot.

Above one rosette of leaves, several dozen spectacular flowers can simultaneously flaunt in all shades from white to deep purple.


Guzmania attracts attention thanks to its bright foliage bordering the not so noticeable and lush inflorescence. Flowering, which begins after 3 years of planting and lasts up to 3 months, means the imminent death of the mother plant, which must be replaced by basal daughter rosettes.


An ornamental deciduous plant with large leaves of different colors is relatively unpretentious and stands out high speed growth and numerous natural and varietal forms. As in nature, at home, the flower with the name shown in the photo in a pot should receive enough moisture, warmth, nutrition and a lot of bright, but diffused light.


Accustomed to truly “Spartan” conditions in nature, dracaena is not capricious in an apartment. Several of its varieties are grown as house flowers, eventually forming a “tree” with a bare trunk and a cap of tough green or variegated foliage at the top.


Zamioculcas, a tuberous plant from the Araceae family, is often found in the collections of gardeners who are keen on evergreen ornamental deciduous crops. An unpretentious indoor flower with a height of 50 to 150 cm forms several powerful, dense stems covered with glossy oval-pointed leaves. Adult plants, with proper care, form milky-white inflorescences-cobs.


Encyclopedias and catalogs of indoor plants and plant names often contain references to. Moreover, plants with this name are often included in the list of ornamental and medicinal crops. We are talking about different related species, interesting and remarkable in their own way.

The common features of all varieties are unpretentiousness, rapid growth, easy propagation by all available vegetative methods and responsiveness to care.

Decorative varieties amaze with the splendor of their flowering, and the viviparous species of Kalanchoe will help cope with skin and colds.


Clivia is an evergreen rhizomatous plant with a powerful basal rosette of long leathery leaves. During flowering, the plant produces a powerful peduncle with bright orange-yellow corollas gathered at the top into an umbrella. At home, flowers last for more than 3 weeks.


Arrowroot is a low, often creeping or hanging perennial with decorative foliage, on one leaf plate combining shades of light and dark greens, purples and pinks, white and brownish tones.

Euphorbia Mile

Euphorbia Milya in Russia is better known as the “crown of thorns”. This unpretentious plant in nature reaches a height of 2 meters. In a pot, a succulent with a stiff stem covered with long thorns and a tuft of leaves at the top is much smaller. The unusual appearance of the plant is completed by small inflorescences bordered by bright bracts in scarlet, pink, yellow and white tones.


Sansevieria or “mother-in-law’s tongue” has been a regular on window sills for many years. Unassuming home flower popular for its tough foliage, with variegated patterns or light borders.

is one of the most common indoor flowers, but the cylindrical variety with pointed, erect leaves of an original shape is only gaining adherents.


The decorative house flowers in the photo owe their name to their fleshy, coin-like leaves. Crassula or “money tree” is excellent home plant, which even a beginner can take care of. In terms of endurance and easy propagation, the flower can only be compared with Kalanchoe. Even a fallen leaf soon takes root and gives rise to a new plant.


Tradescantia – excellent ampelous flower For home grown. The plant is different rapid growth, highly decorative, unpretentiousness and easy agricultural technology. The presence of varieties with variegated foliage of different shades allows you to create unique compositions using one crop. It is moisture-loving, amenable to crown formation and takes root easily, in water or on the ground.


Phalaenopsis or "butterfly-like" flower. This most popular orchid in nature is an epiphyte. At home, the flower is content with a special pot and substrate, unlike ordinary soil. Relatively easy care for phalaenopsis allows the novice orchid lover to master all the features of these ornamental plants.

Usambara violet (Saintpaulia)

At first sight, the Uzambara violet captivates with the appearance of its fleecy foliage, gathered in lush rosettes, above which simple, semi- or double flowers of the most bizarre shapes and colors reign with a bright cap. Modern varieties Saintpaulias number in the thousands and represent giant and dwarf plants, plain and variegated flowers, green leaves and greenery with white or pink edging.


Catalog of indoor flowers with photographs and names various types and varieties of ficus can be published as a separate book. Today there are almost a thousand varieties of this plant; several dozen are grown in culture, in the form of a bush, tree, ground cover and even hanging specimens. The most widespread is rubber.


– the leader among plants in terms of air purification ability. But this is not the only reason for the popularity of indoor flowers. An unpretentious and easily propagated indoor herbaceous perennial forms lush rosettes of pointed-lanceolate leaves of green or variegated color. The peculiarity of the culture is the flowers and daughter rosettes of the plant formed on long hanging shoots.


Among domestic vines, hoya occupies one of the first places in beauty and popularity. An evergreen perennial with long stems covered with dense “waxy” leaves and umbrella-shaped inflorescences of fragrant star-shaped flowers, it leaves no one indifferent. At the same time, ivy growing on a suitable surface does not need special care and is excellent for keeping at home.