Jusai: what is this? Useful properties of jusai. Sweet onion or jusai - culinary and medicinal value

Jusai onion belongs to the family onion plants. What is it and how does it differ from other members of the family? Its leaves look like long narrow arrows of bright green color, strongly reminiscent of the greens of young homemade garlic. Perennial onions have a pronounced garlicky taste and aroma, and some, having tasted the feather, will say that it is wild garlic.

The homeland of Jusai is considered to be the territory of modern China and Mongolia. Originating in the Asian part of the Eurasian continent, today field garlic is distributed throughout the world. It is grown with pleasure and used for preparing dishes, products traditional medicine or as an ornamental plant.

Bright green feathers combined with small star-shaped flowers look great as a decoration for flower beds and flower beds. For use in cooking and medicine, jusai is collected 3-4 times per season, which lasts from spring to late autumn.

What does it look like

On the picture mature plant during the flowering period

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of Chinese onions is truly unique and has the potential for widespread use in everyday life. The beneficial properties of the plant are due to the large number of vitamins it contains: vitamin C, B vitamins, vitamins E and K, as well as beta-carotene.

Besides vitamins chemical composition Dzhusaya is rich in other microelements beneficial for humans. It contains: potassium and calcium, natural essential oils and sugars, as well as iron and sodium.

The table shows the approximate content of chemicals:

The nutritional value

Chinese branched onions are slightly higher in calories than other members of the family: 100 grams of greens contain 40-41 kcal.

Important! Due to its low calorie content, special chemical composition, high fiber and coarse fiber content, jusai can be classified as a “negative calorie” product.

Beneficial features

All parts of field garlic, including inflorescences and bulbs, are beneficial. The leaves and inflorescences contain the maximum concentration of vitamin C, so they are recommended to be used to strengthen the immune system and prevent diseases of the vascular and nervous system. Dzhusai is also used to treat endocrine diseases, disorders of the body's hematopoietic functions, as well as colds and their complications.

The breadth of use of the plant is due, first of all, to its beneficial properties, such as: diuretic and choleretic effects of use, pronounced hemostatic and healing properties. Jusai juice has a regenerating effect on the skin, soothes and prevents the development of inflammation.


The rich chemical composition of the plant can bring not only benefits, but in some cases, harm. There are a number of contraindications to the use of Chinese onions, which should not be neglected.

Consumption of jusai can be dangerous:

  • For people with intolerance and allergies to this plant;
  • For people with gastrointestinal diseases (cholicestitis, pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers, etc.);
  • For those suffering from heartburn and reflux;
  • For diseases of the genitourinary system associated with the patency of the canals.

Use in cooking

Jusai is widely used in cooking. Most often it is used in the same way as leeks and in the same combinations. Field garlic perfectly complements the taste of salads, soups and side dishes, and also adds a special spice to meat and fish dishes.

Chopped onion for the dish

One of the advantages of jusai is its early germination, which allows you to use fresh onion shoots when other greens have not yet grown. Jusai can replace not only green onions and leeks, but also wild garlic, not inferior to the latter in the prevention of spring vitamin deficiency.

Jusai can often be found as a filling for pies, in pickled or canned form, as well as in sauces or fresh salads. Crushed bulbs are used as a seasoning for meat and fish, and the inflorescences are used in winemaking and moonshine.

Important! Chinese onions lend themselves perfectly to canning, drying and freezing, while retaining some of the beneficial properties and natural organoleptic characteristics.

Onion dishes

There are a great many recipes for dishes containing jusai, and in order to appreciate the versatility of onions, try making lagman, pasties or sauce:

Lagman from Bishkek


  • Veal (beef) - 800 g;
  • Onions - 4 pcs;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • White radish - 3 pcs;
  • Fresh jusai - 1 bunch;
  • Tomato juice - 700 ml;
  • Garlic - 1 head;
  • Hot red pepper - 2 pcs;
  • Boiled water - 1 l;
  • Wide noodles (preferably fresh) - 200-300 g;
  • Spices to taste.

Photo of the dish "Lagman"


  1. First, you should chop the meat and vegetables: cut the beef into 2x2 cm cubes, cut the onion into half rings, and cut the carrots and radishes into thin “Korean” strips.
  2. Pour into a deep bowl with thick walls (ideally a cauldron, or a duck pot) vegetable oil and heat it up. Place the beef in boiling oil and fry it until golden brown.
  3. Onions are added to the meat. After it acquires a golden color, reduce the heat and add spices.
  4. Add the radish and carrots after the oil has cooled slightly. Cover the dish with a tight lid and leave to simmer for 5-10 minutes, stirring a couple of times.
  5. The next step is to add tomato juice. The resulting mixture should be brought to a boil and boiled for 5-10 minutes.
  6. Lastly, crushed jusai, garlic and hot peppers, as well as 1 liter of boiled water.
  7. Lagman is left on low heat for another 25-30 minutes.
  8. To serve the dish, pour the resulting gravy thickly over the homemade noodles.

Chebureks with dzhusai


  • Flour - 500 g;
  • Eggs - 5 pcs;
  • Salt - 2 tsp;
  • Butter - 70 g;
  • Jusai - 2 bundles;
  • Vegetable oil as needed;
  • Boiled water - 200 ml.



  1. Mix sifted flour, salt (1 tsp), boiled water(hot) and 1 egg. The dough should be soft, slightly sticky, but pliable. You need to knead thoroughly, but do not compact it too much. After kneading, the dough is covered with a towel and allowed to “rest” for half an hour.
  2. At this time, prepare the filling for the pasties. Jusai is finely chopped and fried in butter. Add eggs beaten with salt to the fried Chinese onions (4 eggs and 1 teaspoon of salt) and stirring, bring to the state of an omelette.
  3. The finished dough is divided into pieces of 60-70 g each and rolled out into round thin flat cakes with a diameter of 18-20 cm. An egg omelette with jusai is placed on one half of each flat cake and covered with the other half. The edges of the cheburek are pinched with a fork or a special roller.
  4. Fry the onion cheburek by completely dipping it into hot oil. After frying, it is recommended to place the pasties on a paper towel to drain excess fat.

Spicy kefir cream cheese with jusai


  • Kefir (2.5%) - 1l;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Garlic - 1 clove;
  • Black and white pepper (ground) - 0.3 tsp each;
  • Dill, basil jusai (finely chopped) - 1 tsp each.

Cream cheese


  1. Kefir should be frozen in advance. To prepare the cream, use a thawed fermented milk product, which, after defrosting and stirring, acquires a creamy, thick consistency.
  2. Finely chopped jusai, basil and dill, as well as crushed garlic, ground pepper and salt are added to the melted kefir. Mix thoroughly and let sit for at least 15 minutes.
  3. Cream cheese can be used as a sauce, salad dressing, or spread on bread.

Use in folk medicine

Jusai is used in folk medicine, especially successfully in the treatment of respiratory diseases, colds, bronchitis or pneumonia. Moreover, the plant can be frozen before use, since heat treatment does not reduce its healing properties.

Chinese onion has a beneficial effect on hematopoietic processes in the human body, and also has pronounced diuretic and choleretic effects. In the Asian part of the Eurasian continent, jusai is used to restore a depleted body and to treat some degrees of neurasthenia.

Tibetan healers prefer jusai as an antidote for snake bites. In the practice of traditional medicine, all parts of the plant are used, including inflorescences and seeds.

Growing, planting and care

Fragrant onion jusai is perennial, which bears fruit every year from spring to late autumn. Dzhusai is not capricious at all, but there are several nuances that should be learned when planning cultivation on a personal plot:

  • Dzhusai is not picky about soil composition, light mode and tolerates low temperatures well;
  • Chinese onions are not recommended to be planted in soil where potatoes or cabbage were previously grown. In addition, it is advisable to change the location of plantings every five years;
  • Everything a plant needs to active growth this is light, soil nutrition and stable moisture (natural and artificial watering);
  • In order to use jusai plantings for several years and actively use the harvest, it is not recommended to trim the leaves in the first year after planting.

How to grow jusai, with seeds or bulbs, depends on whether the gardener plans to acquire a plant for the first time or whether he wants to propagate or replant existing plantings.

Growing fragrant onions in the country

Onion seeds are planted in rows with a distance of 30-40 cm between them. The seeds are buried 1-2 cm and watered abundantly. Planting can also be done using the bulbous method. To do this you need to dig healthy plant and carefully separate the onion. The bulb is buried 3-4 cm and lightly sprinkled with loose soil.

Dzhusai usually blooms in the second year after planting using the bulb method and in the first year when the plant is planted with seeds. The harvest is usually always abundant.

There are plants that are equally good for the vegetable garden and for the flower border. One of them is fragrant onion or a spicy green crop, the specific taste and aroma of which have made it very popular in the cuisine of Asian peoples. It will definitely appeal to lovers of spicy seasonings; the technology for growing jusai is in many ways similar to other perennial onions.

Green feather jusai is a popular seasoning and an essential ingredient in many oriental dishes.

Spicy greens: a mix of onions and garlic

In China, Mongolia, and Japan, fragrant onions are grown as everywhere as onions in our country; it is no coincidence that one of its names is Chinese garlic. In the wild, the perennial plant is found on hills, rocky slopes, and along the banks of mountain rivers. It was introduced into culture many centuries ago; it came to the European part of the continent along with the nomadic tribes of the peoples of Asia.

The perennial is relatively low-growing (30–35 cm), forms a horizontal rhizome, to which small cylindrical bulbs are attached, consisting of mesh and film scales. Each of them forms a rosette of 5–6 thin long leaves. After overwintering, it forms several daughter bulbs; in place of a single shoot, a bush of 4–5 stems grows, then branches in an arithmetic progression. Hence another name for the crop - branched onion.

By mid-summer of the second year of vegetation, the plant expels many arrows (peduncles) with sheaths of inflorescence buds. Before the flowers bloom, the arrows are very tender, juicy and quite edible. Opened umbrellas emit a pleasant honey aroma that attracts insects and fully justifies the name of the onion - fragrant or fragrant.

Although sweet onion is easily confused with other types of onion crops, it still has a number of distinctive features.

  • Its leaves are thin and long, like those of chives, but not tubular, but flat and thickened (fleshy).
  • The aroma is onion-garlic, as is the taste, but not spicy, like wild garlic, but rather piquant.
  • Not only feathers are eaten, but also young shooters.
  • Another “brand” is a floral scent that other onions do not have.

Planted in light shade, the plant remains green and tender even during flowering.

Food, medicinal and decorative properties

It’s hard to imagine Chinese, Thai, Kazakh, and Korean cuisine without onion or, in the Kazakh interpretation, dzhusai; generally speaking, a quarter of the world’s population uses spicy greens as food. The feather goes in salads, snacks, as an additive and an independent product, goes well with meat. In dried form, together with other herbs, it is used as a spicy-flavoring seasoning. Pickled arrows taste like wild garlic; they are fried in a similar way to garlic flower stalks.

The fragrant perennial is valued in folk medicine.

  • This is a source of ascorbic acid and carotene - powerful antioxidants that prevent oxidative processes and have a beneficial effect on overall health.
  • Regular consumption of the plant dilutes bile, cleanses the body of toxins, improves immunity, and has a diuretic effect.
  • It is used to treat coughs, colds, asthma, and tuberculosis.
  • Young greens strengthen the heart muscle and the walls of blood vessels.

The fragrant jusai onion looks organically in borders and tapeworms. It is planted in natural compositions, rocky gardens, and on alpine hills.

Note! Greens contain little fiber, they are juicy, tender, and do not become rough for a long time. Thanks to this, it can be eaten by people suffering from gastroenterological diseases.

Jusai flower arrows are a special delicacy!

The best varieties

In the Russian Federation, about a dozen varieties of allium are zoned. Here are a few of the most popular.

  • Jusay – aromatic variety With late maturation and the ability to cut feathers until late autumn. The leaves reach 25–30 cm, dark green with a bluish bloom.
  • The fragrant onion Aprior is mid-season and produces its first full harvest of greenery by mid-May. The variety is highly branched and produces up to 10 leaves on each shoot. Record holder for the content of vitamin C in greens (78–95 mg per 100 g of product).
  • Fragrant – very early high-yielding variety. During the season, feathers can be cut 2–3 times, the total production yield is up to 5 kg/m².
  • The salad variety Piquant is distinguished by its frost resistance and delicate taste, which the plant retains throughout the summer.
  • Fragrant onion Caprice – tall variety average growing season. The flat, fleshy feather reaches a length of 50 cm, the bush is branched (6–8 leaves per shoot).

Jusai leaves are so tasty that they can become the basis for a salad.

Planting and care technology

Sweet onion or jusai is unpretentious to growing conditions. Like any plant, it is responsive to fertile soil and care, but in general its agrotechnical requirements are minimal.

  • A sunny or partial shade location is suitable for planting; it will be good to grow in the shade of trees and bushes.
  • Compared to other perennial onions, they are more heat-loving - it is better to make sure that the bed with crops is covered with snow in winter. It comes out from under the snow early, but actively grows with the onset of stable warmth.
  • The plant does not like waterlogging. Flooding can lead to soaking of the rhizome.
  • Dzhusai is undemanding when it comes to soil and can even grow on salt marshes. But if you feed the crops, the greens acquire a more delicate texture, rich taste and aroma.

Planting by seeds

Sweet onion, also known as mountain, field or Chinese garlic, is grown using bulbs, dividing the bush, and growing from seeds is practiced.

Seeds can be sown at different times:

  • before winter - shoots will emerge in March, by mid-summer the feathers can already be plucked;
  • in April - greenery in this year It is advisable not to touch and allow the plant to grow stronger;
  • in the summer, until mid-July, the feather will be ready for cutting next spring.

Before sowing, nigella seeds are soaked for 8 hours in water at a temperature of 40⁰ C, then simply in warm water for up to 2 days.

On a dug up, leveled area, rows are laid out at a distance of 20–30 cm. The seeds are sown in moist soil to a depth of 1–1.5 cm, sprinkled with soil and humus on top. The seedlings are thinned out gradually - some of the grown plants are planted, some of them are used for food.

Advice! If the arrows are not cut, fragrant onion will reproduce by self-sowing. The plant is tenacious and will quickly spread throughout the garden bed. To prevent growth, restrictive devices are used - plastic curbs, tires, boxes.

In the photo there are crops of jusai

Reproduction by shoots

To plant fragrant onions with shoots, in early spring or by the end of summer, dig up a whole bush and divide it into fragments of 2-3 bulbs in each. Plant in holes without deepening them at intervals of 20–25 cm.

What to pay attention to in care?

Caring for jusai onions is the same as when growing ordinary nigella for sets. Please note the following points.

  1. When sowing seeds in the first year, the greens are not cut off.
  2. Thinning frees up the feeding area for the seedlings; by winter, the interval between shoots should be at least 8–10 cm; in the spring they break through again, increasing the distance to 20 cm.
  3. In the first year, you do not need to water often - this will allow you to grow a powerful root system.
  4. From the second year, abundant watering is needed - 8-9 times per season, each 30-40 l/m².
  5. The first feeding in the spring, preferably with organic matter (chicken manure 1:12), then, after each mass cutting, with full mineral fertilizers.
  6. When partially harvesting, you need to tear off the feathers from the outer row, leaving the central shoot for further growing season.

Fragrant onions, planted in an inconspicuous corner of the garden, will not take up much space, but will attract bees, provide vitamin greens, and transform the taste of pasties, manti, and lagman beyond recognition.

Fragrant onion propagation by dividing the bush:

Among salad plants rich in vitamins, a special place occupies onion-jusai. Its delicate leaves stimulate the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, it has anthelmintic properties, and also improves immunity. Let's take a closer look at this useful plant and we will understand the agricultural technology of growing jusai.

Jusai plant: description

Often when describing jusai, it is compared to garlic grass or garlic onions. Indeed, it has a spicier taste than onions, and it perfectly complements any meat dishes - manti, pies, lagman, and is simply good for adding to meat or chicken frying. It tastes similar to .

Jusai onion can be propagated vegetatively - by dividing the bush (photo 2015)

Allium odórum (jutsai, dzhusai, zhusai) – sweet onion or Chinese onion, mountain onion, branched onion works well on any soil. The leaves do not harden for a long time, are very juicy, and have a garlicky, non-spicy taste. After cutting, the shoots become more powerful and remain tender throughout. growing season.

The height of the bushes is 30-40 cm, the leaves of the jusai plant are flat, 5-6 mm wide. The plant is cut from early spring to late autumn with simple garden shears 5 cm from the ground. After cutting, the zhusai grows back. The plant shoots a flower arrow in the 3rd year, the height of the arrow is 60 cm. During the flowering period, cutting to the table is also possible, you just have to manually sort through the leaves, removing the tougher pipes from them.

Dzhusai: how to grow

Jusai is undemanding to soil and watering, self-seeding even made its way through concrete

Like spring onions, dzhusai is a perennial and stays well in the garden for 10 years or more. It is very drought- and frost-resistant, even in the crevices of concrete it fluffs up (see photo). Gives abundant self-seeding. At the same time, purchased seeds germinate less readily than self-sown seeds. Therefore, be patient, but immediately allocate a permanent bed for this beautiful grass - in five years it will become an indispensable conveyor of juicy and fragrant greenery to the table.

You can sow seeds in a school, and in the third year make neat rows on permanent place in partial shade. Suitable for this in adult gardens tree trunk circles fruit trees. Replant bushes better in spring, the root lobes of the plants are very thick and powerful. Therefore, they will confidently endure transplantation during the wet period. In the first year of growth, cutting greenery is not recommended - the plant needs to gain strength and strengthen.

So, jusai has many advantages when growing - this includes its unpretentiousness in agricultural technology (does not require annual planting), multiple harvests from one bed, and drought resistance. It is not susceptible to fungal diseases and is not attacked by the onion fly. Do you have such perennial greens in your garden?

Every gardener is constantly in search of unusual specimens for his summer cottage. But these plants should not only be unusual or beautiful, but also beneficial. Jusai onion is exactly what you need, since it is an indispensable inhabitant personal plot.

Jusai - what is it?

Jusai is a branched onion. People sometimes call it garlic onion or mountain garlic, as well as fragrant onions. This name is due to the fact that when you eat it you can feel a slight taste of garlic. The mountain slopes of China and Mongolia are the birthplace of this unusual onion.

Unlike many crops growing in household plots, dzhusai is used in its natural, original form. This plant tolerates the cold season quite easily and is not at all demanding on the soil. It can be found not only in the garden, but also in the fields and mountains. Due to its unpretentiousness, it has become widespread throughout the world.

The leaves of branched onions can reach up to half a meter. They have a bright green color. The leaves are very thin and numerous, they form a large mop of greenery. Root system This plant is called false bulb. Thanks to this structure, every year there are more and more bulbs, forming large families.

Mountain garlic begins to bloom in July, throwing out long stems with round inflorescences. The inflorescences are formed by many small white flowers, which have a very pleasant delicate aroma.

It is quite easy to care for it. It is necessary to water it periodically and cut off dry foliage. It can be grown not only for culinary use, but also as ornamental plant. It is also very useful for treating various diseases.

How to grow

Due to its unpretentiousness, growing jusai is not difficult. special labor. It grows well in both sun and shade. He is also indifferent to the soil. It can be grown in both acidic and neutral soil.

This perennial can grow on the site for up to 10 years.

Reproduction can occur in three ways: using seeds, vegetatively and bulbous. It is better to start sowing seeds in the spring.

When grown vegetatively, an adult plant is dug up and several bulbs are separated from it. It is best to take 3-4 bulbs and plant them in one hole. The most optimal time for such planting it is spring.

The bulbous method is very similar to the vegetative one. You can also take several bulbs and plant them in a hole. With this method of propagation, seedlings begin to appear after 2 weeks. With this method of planting, fragrant onions will begin to bloom only in the second year.

Benefits and harms

Dzhusai contains many vitamins and microelements. But, despite its obvious benefits, it also has a number of contraindications.

  • contraindicated in case of individual intolerance;
  • Use is not recommended for inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis);
  • Excessive consumption may cause heartburn.


The contribution of the jusai onion cannot be overestimated. The sector of its application is striking in its diversity, from cooking to medical use.

Mountain garlic is most often used in cooking. It can be used fresh, adding to salads and snacks, and for preparing soups, stewing vegetables and many other dishes. It can also be used as a decoration for various dishes.

He has a pleasant and fragrant aroma, thanks to which it is often added to sauces. It can also be added to chopped meat. You can eat not only greens, but also onions. They can be pickled or added to other pickles to add flavor and aroma.

It is included in the recipes of many dishes, such as lagman and various Korean salads. If you freeze greens for the winter, you can save them beneficial features and in this form used for cooking.

Mountain garlic can be used not only in cooking, but also in medicine. It has many useful properties. And its use is recommended for the treatment of various diseases.

Consumption of jusai is necessary to compensate for the deficiency of vitamin C. It is also useful for people suffering from gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Helps in the treatment of heart diseases. Improves the condition of blood vessels. In Tibet, various potions are prepared from it. It is especially valued because it is used to prepare an antidote for snake bites.

You've probably come across a plant like jusai at least once, but perhaps you didn't even know what it was called. The second name of this plant is branched or fragrant onion. The beneficial properties of jusai are similar to those contained in onions or garlic. or jutsai came to us from Mongolia and China, after a while the plant rapidly spread in our latitudes.

How is jusai useful?

Many people like this plant because taste qualities, it is often used in cooking. It can be added fresh to dishes or even preserved for the winter. Freezing does not affect the properties of jusai in any way, so it can be stored in this form.

The similarity with onions gave the plant the same useful qualities And healing properties. Compared to other similar plants, this is one of the most high-calorie plants. In addition to growing as an addition to dishes, it is also relevant as a decoration for a personal plot due to its bright green leaves. Dzhusai blooms with small flowers white, which are also called asterisks.

The benefits of jusai onions are immediately noticeable. The inflorescences and leaves of the plant contain a considerable amount of ascorbic acid, which helps strengthen the immune system and more. This plant activates the functionality of the endocrine system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and cartilage. This onion is useful to eat during colds and diseases of the respiratory system. It also promotes the excretion of bile.

Benefits and harms of jusai

You should use this plant with caution, especially for the first time, for the reason that it can cause intolerance in some people.

It is not recommended to use it for people with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, because, like onions, it can cause heartburn and discomfort, so when introducing this plant into your diet, start consuming it with a small amount.