Jusai - beneficial properties. Allspice onion (jusai), area of ​​application, beneficial properties and recipes for delicious dishes

Jusai is a branched onion. People call this bow more simple, not so exotic names, such as garlic onions, mountain garlic, and also fragrant onions. Such names did not appear by chance, but all because when you eat Jusai, you can feel the taste of garlic, although not very pronounced.

Jusai what is it

The plant is native to the mountain slopes of China and Mongolia. Jusay unpretentious to the soil and undemanding to care, it tolerates cold seasons well. Onions of this type can be found both in the garden and on mountain slopes and fields. Due to its unpretentiousness, Jusai is distributed throughout the entire globe.

Description of Jusay's appearance

The leaves of Jusai can reach 0.5 meters in length and have a bright green color; the leaves are very thin and densely spaced. Root system The plant is called false bulb. With this type of root system, the number of bulbs increases every year increases and large families are formed.

The so-called blooms fragrant onion at the beginning of June, at the same time it produces long arrows on which there are inflorescences. The inflorescences consist of a large number of small white flowers that have a delicate aroma. As mentioned earlier, Jusai does not require special care and therefore does not create problems for the vegetable grower regarding care.

The care of this plant is:

  1. In periodic watering
  2. In cutting dry leaves

Jusai is perfect for growing not only for culinary purposes, but also for decorative purposes. In addition, he also has healing properties, therefore it is used in the treatment of many diseases.

How to grow Jusai

Growing mountain onions is very simple and does not require much effort. It gets along well both in shady and sunny areas, and it doesn’t matter what kind of soil it grows in, so it’s suitable for cultivation not only acidic soil, but also neutral. Jusai is a perennial and can grow in one area for 10 years.

Reproduction occurs in the following ways:

  1. With the help of a seed
  2. Vegetative way
  3. Using an onion

It is best to sow seeds in spring period. In order to transplant a plant vegetatively, it is necessary mature plant dig up and divide into several individual bulbs. It is recommended to plant 3-4 bulbs in one hole. The most successful period for planting a plant using the vegetative method is spring.

Growing method using a bulb is very similar to the vegetative method. During the planting process, the bulbs are also placed in one hole, 3-4 pieces each. With this propagation, seedlings appear within two weeks. As for flowering, Jusay will be able to please the vegetable grower with its flowering only after a year. There is no need to cut off the foliage in the first year of plant growth, as it needs to gain strength and get stronger. After Jusai becomes strong and takes root well, you can prune it, but not more than 4 times a season.

Dzhusay: useful properties

Mountain onions contain a large number of microelements and vitamins useful for the human body.

Benefit for the human body is that:

In addition to the fact that Jusai has beneficial properties, it can also harm human health if used incorrectly.

Contraindicated use of mountain onions:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • if you consume the plant in large quantities, it can lead to heartburn.


Jusay is very useful plant, which contains a large amount of microelements and vitamins necessary for the human body. And also he has wide range actions. Jusai not only produces delicious dishes filled with beneficial properties, but it is also irreplaceable in medicine. Of course, Jusai is more often used in the preparation of various dishes. Onions can be used fresh, for example, to prepare various salads and appetizers, and they can also be fried, for example, to make soups and stewed with vegetables. By the way, many chefs use this type of onion to decorate dishes.

Due to the fact that the Jusai aroma has a very fragrant and pleasant smell, it is recommended to add it to sauces and chopped meat. You can eat both onion leaves and its arrows. Onion arrows are often pickled or added to pickles in order to give the vegetables a delicate fragrant aroma.

Dishes from Jusay

As mentioned earlier, a huge variety of dishes can be prepared from the leaves and arrows of Jusai. Mountain onions can be added anywhere, including sauces, pickles, salads, and appetizers. Vivid and common examples of dishes using Jusai are the following:

  1. Lagman
  2. Korean salad with Jusai
  3. Potato salad with Jusay

Lagman is a dish that is traditional Uyghur. Jusai is one of the main ingredients in this dish. The dish is based on meat; when served, noodles called chuzma are placed on the plate. And also, for preparing the dish, the necessary ingredients are fat tail fat, green beans, basil, celery, jambul, onions, cilantro, star anise and bell pepper.

Korean salad with Jusai. In addition to mountain onions, the salad is based on ingredients such as bell pepper, onion, red pepper . The salad is very easy to prepare and does not require much time.

Potato salad with Jusay. Such a salad can rightfully be called a vitamin salad, since it contains ingredients that contain large amounts of vitamins. The salad is based on young potatoes, mountain onions, cilantro, dill, parsley, feather onions; the salad is dressed with olive oil and sour cream.

Dishes with jusai

Salty Jusai recipe

For the recipe for pickling Jusai you will need a saucepan or bowl. The container in which the onions will be cooked must be dry and clean. Place chopped mountain onion in a bowl or pan, sprinkle coarse salt on top, then mix the contents of the bowl. You shouldn’t skimp on salt; it’s difficult to say exactly how much salt you’ll need, so it should be taken in a ratio of approximately 2:1. The resulting mixture must be placed in clean, sterilized glass jars. Then you need to firmly press down the contents of the jar with your hand and fill the top with salt. Then you need to close the jar with a plastic lid, scalded with boiling water, and place it in the refrigerator or cellar.


Jusai is a common onion rich in vitamins. Jusai found its use not only as an ingredient in numerous dishes, but also in medicine. With the help of Jusai and when used correctly, a huge number of diseases can be cured, for example, gastritis, pneumonia, and colds. And also, Jusai is a source of ascorbic acid, which is definitely necessary for the human body. Jusai propagates in 3 ways: using bulbs, seeds and vegetatively. If it is not possible to grow onions yourself, you can buy them at the market or in almost any store without any problems.

With the participation of Jusai, you can prepare a huge variety of dishes according to simple recipes. But onions are also often used as a kind of decoration for salads, appetizers and other dishes.

The Jusai bow has the following characteristics:

  • External characteristics. Externally, Jusai is similar to garlic, thanks to its long (30-40 cm) narrow (5-6 mm) flat green leaves. After the development of the branched part, at least a year passes until the arrow with the flower appears. The flower stem grows up to 60 cm in height. During flowering (July-August), a spherical inflorescence of small star-shaped flowers is formed white. The rhizome is formed by small narrow (up to 1.5-2 cm) bulbs.
  • Taste qualities. Has a garlicky smell and taste. No spice.
  • Homeland of the plant. The territories of China and Mongolia are considered the homeland of the branched onion. However, currently this plant grows almost all over the planet.
  • Growing conditions. Jusay is relatively unpretentious plant. IN winter period under a small layer of snow it can withstand frosts down to -45 degrees. IN summer time is able to survive for a long time without watering, but at the same time the yield decreases. Beds with this onion can be located both in the shade and in sunny areas.

Useful properties of branched onions

The beneficial properties of Jusay are provided by the high content of ascorbic acid and potassium, as well as other components. Jusai is an excellent nutritious product that can be used to replenish essential minerals and vitamins.

The effect of Jusai on the body is as follows: hematopoietic, vascular-strengthening, choleretic, diuretic, antimicrobial.

Eating onions strengthens the immune system, stimulates the production of gastric juice, the hormone testosterone in the male body, improves the functioning of the nervous system and regulates water balance due to the potassium it contains. Zinc helps strengthen hair and improve skin structure. Calcium strengthens teeth.

  1. Colds;
  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  3. Infectious diseases of the respiratory system (tuberculosis, pneumonia);
  4. Nettle burns, insect bites, skin injuries accompanied by bleeding;
  5. Violation water balance in organism;
  6. Gastritis;
  7. Neurasthenia, etc.

Chemical composition of fragrant onion

The Jusai plant is of great value for the human body, and this is explained by its chemical and energy composition.

The calorie content of branched onions is low, it is only 40-41 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Carbohydrates - 8.2-8.4 g;
  • Proteins - 1.4-1.5 g;
  • Fats - 0.2 g.
Nutritional value has the following description:
  • Water - 91-92 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 0.8-0.9 g;
  • Ash substances - 0.3-0.35 g.
Vitamin composition:
  • Beta-carotene - about 1 mg;
  • Ascorbic acid - 4.8 mg;
  • Vitamin B5 - 0.1 mg.
  • Vitamin B3 - 0.28 mg;
  • Alpha tocopherol - 0.02 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.13 mg;
In smaller amounts, branched onions also contain Vitamin K, B1, B2 and B9.

Mineral composition:

  • Potassium - 120-123 mg;
  • Sodium - 27-29 mg;
  • Calcium - 19-22 mg;
  • Magnesium - 8.5-9.5 mg;
  • Iron - 0.26-0.28 mg;
  • Zinc - 0.12-0.15 mg;
  • Manganese - 0.08 mg;
  • Selenium - 0.5 mcg;
  • Copper - 0.06 mcg.

How to use branched onions

Branched onion is considered an excellent food product, therefore it is often used in cooking as a component of many dishes. The Jusai onion has edible leaves, arrows, flowers, and bulbs. It is eaten raw as an independent dish, considering the product to be self-sufficient.

It is used as an additional ingredient in meat, fish, hot dishes, salads, and is sometimes added to pies and preserves. The arrows are marinated. It is noteworthy that if you freeze the leaves of this plant, they will retain almost all their taste and beneficial qualities.

The healing properties of field garlic allow this plant to be used as a medicine.

For many gardeners, Jusai performs decorative functions, decorating the garden plot with dense branches and numerous inflorescences. Photos of branched onions clearly demonstrate the beauty of a flowering plant.

Despite useful composition, fragrant onions have a number of contraindications related to the nature of the effect of this food product on the body. These include cholelithiasis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, nephrosis, nephritis, hyperacidity, individual intolerance. A relative prohibition is pregnancy, epilepsy, hemorrhoids, and diabetes.

Features of growing garlic onions

Based on the many beneficial properties and relative unpretentiousness of the plant, it can be assumed that many gardeners have a desire to plant it in their beds. Therefore, we will describe in more detail the basic principles of growing Jusai onions:
  • The soil. There are no special requirements for the composition of the soil for growing Dzhusai onions. However, you should not plant the plant in areas where potatoes or cabbage previously grew. The best predecessors are pumpkin and legumes.
  • Preparing seeds for sowing. Seeds are soaked in clean water room temperature per day, with the fluid being changed 3-4 times. Then dry it.
  • Sowing. Seeds are sown in April. Two sowing methods are used. The first is tape, the distance between the tapes should be 30-50 cm. The second is nested, 2-3 seeds are sown in each nest. Planting depth is 1.5 cm. The second option gives faster germination.
  • Vegetative propagation. After the emergence of seedlings, the beds are thinned out. Removed rhizomes can be replanted. However, it is better to use the method of dividing the bush. It is applicable from the second year of the plant’s life. The whole bush dug out is divided into parts of 3-4 bulbs, which are planted at the same depth.
  • Harvesting. For earlier appearance of leaves, the area with Dzhusai is covered with film at the first spring sun to create greenhouse conditions. The harvest season begins in early spring the second year of cultivation, and ends in late autumn. During this time, it is recommended to cut the leaves no more than 4 times. In the first year, it is better to avoid harvesting so as not to disrupt the development of the plant and to allow the root system to gain a good foothold in the soil.
  • Plant nutrition. It should be done every time after harvesting.
  • Basic care methods. Frequent watering, weeding, thinning, and fertilization are used.
  • Winter period. No cover required when there is snow.
What a branched onion looks like - look at the video:

On the Internet you can buy Jusai in seeds for self-breeding at a fairly low price. So, about 200 seeds per package costs 30 rubles. You don’t often see this product in markets, because... more accustomed to use in our country green onions and garlic. In separate private advertisements, gardeners offer to buy greens at a price of 100 rubles per kilogram, the cost of seedlings (greens with rhizomes) is 25 rubles for 2 pieces.

Jusai is an early vegetable, and it is grown mainly for greens, which are used in any form, as well as as an addition to various seasonings and dishes. Garlic smell and taste are given to onions essential oils. Jusai first appeared in China and Mongolia, and then spread to Altai, Central Asia, and Siberia thanks to nomadic tribes.

Jusai - what is it?

This perennial, belonging to the Onion family. Jusai has the properties of garlic and onions. This plant also has other names: branchy, Chinese, fragrant, fragrant, garlic onion.

Comparing it with varieties of other perennial onions, one can understand that dzhusai is a heat-loving species, but with little snow cover it can withstand frosts down to minus 45 °C. Jusai - what is it? This is a plant that is resistant to drought, but a large and high-quality harvest can only be grown with abundant watering. Onions are undemanding to soil and can be grown on saline soils. Both sunny and shaded areas are suitable for it.


Jusai has narrow-linear false bulbs with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm, attached to the rhizome and of no value. Onions have large, wide, rich green leaves about 50 cm long. During the year, the plant forms 5-6 leaves. Every year, a daughter bulb is formed at the very base of the shoot, which serves as the beginning of a new shoot. Thus, the plant branches and the number of leaves increases. The next year after planting, the jusai onion produces an arrow-stem, at the end of which an umbrella inflorescence is formed. The flowering stem reaches a height of 60 cm. One shoot can produce from six to twelve leaves with a total weight of 40-70 grams.

The white flowers look like small stars with a purple vein on the petal, collected in an inflorescence - a thick umbrella, spherical in shape. They are sometimes used to form flower arrangements or for cutting into bouquets. Very beautiful flowers have a delicate aroma; this plant is sometimes called fragrant onion. It blooms, as a rule, in the second year, in the second half of summer. The capsule fruit has three nests containing black seeds.


Jusai - what is it? This is an excellent taste and the ability to harvest throughout summer season. Jusai has a semi-sharp, slightly garlicky taste. During growing season Leaves are cut 3-4 times, otherwise it will begin to turn yellow.

After cutting, the onions need to be fed and watered. The last cutting is done in the twenties of August so that the plant has time to get stronger before winter. This variety of onion can be used for food until autumn. Growing jusai does not differ from the agricultural technology of ordinary onions.

Preparatory work for sowing

  • The best predecessors: any berry bushes.
  • You need to choose a sunny place with loose, moderately moist soil.
  • Add lime to acidic soil.
  • Dig up the soil in the fall.
  • Feed with the following composition of nutrients per 1 square meter. m: ten-liter bucket of humus, 20 g of potash fertilizers, 200 g of ash, 30 g of superphosphate.
  • In early spring, harrow and add 5 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 sq. m. m.

Dzhusai: how to grow

In the spring, an adult plant is divided and replanted. If these manipulations are carried out in the autumn, then the onion will take root worse, since it continues to bloom in early September. Jusai is propagated by bulbs or seeds. Onions can be grown for three to four years in one place.

  1. Seed material remains viable for two years. Sowing of jusai seeds begins in mid-spring. Before doing this, it is recommended to soak them in water for about a day; the water should be changed at least three times. Next, the seeds need to be dried. They are sown in rows, at a distance of 30 cm and to a depth of about one centimeter. Seed germination begins at a temperature of 2-3 degrees, and optimal temperature It is considered about 18 degrees. For rapid growth and plant development recommended temperature regime- from 15 to 24 degrees. Shoots appear after three weeks; when three leaves appear, the crops are thinned out, in case of frequent planting. Onions can easily withstand temperatures down to minus 10. In the first year, the greens are not cut.
  2. How can you grow jusai differently? Starting from the second year, jusai can be propagated by dividing the bush. For this method, you need to dig up a whole bush and divide it into parts consisting of two or three bulbs. Then they need to be planted in a new place in well-watered holes. Onions are planted at a distance of 30 cm from each other. To obtain good yields, rhizomes must be divided every two years. After planting, it is watered. Further watering is carried out twice a week.

Foliage begins to be collected when it grows at least 3 cm in length. Greenery is collected three to four times per season. The buds are cut twice: in early summer and late autumn, in this case the plant will be able to produce good harvest leaves and flowers. There is a rule for jusai - the more foliage you cut, the more flowers will appear, and accordingly, the higher the harvest.


Jusai onion, the cultivation of which is no different from other perennial onion crops, is an unpretentious plant, but does not like waterlogged places and northern slopes. Dzhusai needs constant feeding, watering and weeding. At daylight hours 10-12 hours onion growth slows down.

When loosening the bulbs, they are not covered with soil, but rather, they are cleaned and the soil is pushed into the space between the rows. If there is insufficient moisture, the foliage becomes rough. To save taste qualities, as well as the juiciness and tenderness of the leaves, regular watering of the plant is necessary.

After the first shoots appear, fertilizing begins:

  • per 1 sq. m, 5 g of urea is enough, which is scattered over the garden bed and then watered warm water;
  • can also be used chemical agent"Epin Extra", an ampoule of which is dissolved in 5 liters of water.

"Ferovit" is used to improve photosynthesis 15 days after the first feeding. After cutting the greenery (in the second year), fertilize the plant with nitrophoska, using 40 g per ten-liter bucket. In mid-August, the last harvest of onion greens is done, so the jusai plant can gain strength for the winter. All greenery is cut off in late autumn. In one place, the plant produces rich harvests for up to four years, then it weakens, grows, and little greenery is produced and of poor quality.

Use in cooking

Jusai - what is it? It is a plant that is grown for its taste. The flat leaves are ready to eat raw and salted. They are added to any dishes. Flower arrows can be pickled.

When preparing meat dishes from beef, lamb and game, the leaves of the plant are used. They are added to the minced meat for dumplings. This type of onion is an indispensable ingredient in exquisite Uyghur, Kyrgyz, Dungan sauces, as well as roasts. Jusai is one of the most important components of dishes in Southeast Asia.

What else can you cook from jusai? Onion flowers are used to make homemade wine and tinctures, and the nectar makes excellent honey.

Use in folk medicine

The grass and onion contain mineral salts, vitamins and fiber, thanks to which the onion is able to retain its tenderness and the whole range of beneficial properties without losing them until the fall.

The leaves and inflorescences contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, which is used to strengthen the immune system, circulatory, endocrine and nervous systems. In addition, ascorbic acid strengthens cartilage and vessel walls. Jusay, beneficial features which are multifaceted, also replenishes the lack of vitamin C. The jusai bulb contains mineral salt, vitamins and some fiber. Reviews indicate healing qualities of this plant.

Jusai is used to treat colds, bronchitis and pneumonia. Beneficial properties and vitamins are preserved if the plant is frozen. This type of onion restores blood and has diuretic and choleretic properties. For example, in the East, onions are used to treat neurasthenia, gastritis and exhaustion. In Tibet, onions are used for snake bites as an excellent antidote. There are many recipes for using both seeds and bulbs to treat various diseases.


Among the contraindications:

  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • gallstones;
  • inflammatory process in the spleen;
  • cholecystitis.

The calorie content of this onion is slightly higher than other similar plants. One hundred grams of jusai contains forty kilocalories.

In addition to all the positive qualities, which are confirmed by numerous reviews, onions can serve as a decoration for your garden thanks to their bright green leaves and small white flowers called stars.

Gardeners call this spicy plant differently: wild and Chinese garlic, aromatic, branched and fragrant. Officially, the culture is called Jusai onion. In some sources, when this plant is mentioned, the first letter is sometimes lost, and the result is “zhusai” (although we are talking about the same spice).

What is Jusai onion

The bulbous crop came to domestic beds from the East, where it is an excellent alternative our feathery green vegetable. Not only China is famous for eating unusual onions - they are valued in Mongolia, India and other southeastern countries. In order not to confuse the plant with other greens, you should carefully study the description of Jusai.

Mountain garlic is nothing more than perennial grass with a pleasant spicy aroma. With its elongated stem without a clearly defined bulb, Jusai has an external resemblance to a leek. Although in a number of varieties you can still find large, egg-shaped onions.

Instead of feathers, the plant has leaves that are flat, straight and long. The crown of the seed arrows is crowned with small white flowers, collected in airy ball-shaped umbrellas. In some varieties, the inflorescences exude a piquant, appetizing aroma, while in others there are pronounced garlic notes.

Popular varieties of Jusai

NameShort description
ApriorA fragrant variety of medium ripeness. The first rich greens appear in the second half of May. The bush is branched, multi-leafed (up to 10 feathers). Valued for its high ascorbic acid content (up to 95%/mg)
FragrantThe name speaks for itself - this is a very fragrant Jusai. Enough early variety, giving at least 3 cuts per season. From 1 square meter you can get up to 5 kg of products
CapriceA fragrant branched bush (about 8 feathers on a shoot), growing up to 0.5 m in height. The spicy leaves are juicy and meaty. Belongs to varieties of medium growing season
SpicyAn excellent salad specimen, which has a pleasant, delicate feather flavor that lasts throughout the season. This variety preferred by gardeners for its high frost resistance

The unpretentiousness of the plant has already been appreciated by summer residents, and they began to actively grow allspice onions or Chinese garlic. garden plots. Even multi-storey building is not a hindrance - Jusai is ready to decorate a balcony or window. At the same time, home plantings are no worse than those found in open garden beds.

Growing conditions

One of the characteristics of fragrant garlic is its complete indifference to the soil in which it is to grow. It is also unpretentious to light, so it grows well in the shade. The same applies to humidity - Jusai is able to develop in natural conditions.

Important! But crop rotation will have to be taken into account. You should not plant garlic onions after cabbage and potatoes. It is better to use melon or legume beds.

Culture propagation

The perennial onion bush is easily propagated by division. For planting, plants need to be at least 3 years old so that they have time to form many bulbs. Having divided the plant into parts, they are planted in separate holes, pre-moistened. The distance between young bushes is maintained at about 30 cm.

If the onion bushes on the site are still young (or completely absent), but you want to get an extensive plantation, it is better to use the seed propagation method. Fortunately, faded umbrellas provide a lot of planting material.

Sowing with seeds

If the location of wild garlic Dzhusai is a windowsill, the seeds can be sown at any time of the year. As for the beds, it all depends on the method: whether it is seedling or not.

If you sow immediately open ground, then this should be done in early spring - the crop is not afraid of frost, and the first shoots will already appear as soon as the air warms up to +2 degrees. In the prepared area, make grooves no deeper than 2 cm, moisten and distribute the seed evenly. In summer you can enjoy young onion feathers.

Growing seedlings

The seedless method is not entirely acceptable, as it gives poor germination. Therefore, it is better in indoor or greenhouse conditions prepare the sprouts by sowing the seeds in a seedling box in the summer to plant in the garden bed in September. And already in the spring of next year it will be possible to reap a bountiful harvest.

These works are preceded by the preparation of seeds. They are soaked for 2 days, filled with water at a temperature of 40 degrees. In a seedling box, you can thicken the planting, and then, when there are 2 normal leaves on the sprouts, thin out.

To grow seedlings, it will take 2 months, during which the sprouts are constantly cared for:

  • make sure that the seedlings have enough light;
  • You don’t need to water it often so that the bulb grows, not feathers;
  • It is recommended to maintain a moderate room temperature and conduct frequent ventilation.

Further planting of seedlings in beds requires adherence to the following scheme: 20 cm between sprouts, 30 cm between rows. The seedlings are buried in moistened holes, without pressing down the soil. When all the sprouts are planted, the bed is watered abundantly again.

Cultivation care

Allspice needs constant care, then it will develop more actively. The first stage of agricultural technology is thinning the beds as the bushes grow.

Weeding and loosening

This important point in growing onions Jusai. Weeds take some of it nutrients and moisture on itself, preventing the plant from fully developing. This will ultimately provoke fungal diseases.

In parallel with weeding, the soil is loosened. The purpose of this procedure is to optimize air exchange, allowing the bulb to breathe fully.


In the year of planting, you should not concentrate on watering - it should be rare, as needed. This will allow the bushes to take root better. And from the second year throughout the season you will need at least 10 water procedures. At the same time, for each square meter plantations need 30-50 liters of water at a time.

Note! If you limit the crop's moisture content, the feathers will become rough and lose their juiciness.


They begin to fertilize branched onions with the first shoots, scattering urea (1 tsp/sq.m.) on the beds, which is watered with warm water. At the same time, spray the sprouts with Epina Extra solution. After 2 weeks, the plants are treated again, but with Ferovit, which improves the process of photosynthesis. In the second year (and subsequent ones) in the spring, use a solution of chicken manure in a ratio of 1:12.

How to harvest

What time is the crop harvested? They begin to take the aromatic onion for food from the second season, making 3-4 visits. Only feathers that have reached 25 cm in length are taken. The first cutting occurs in July, the last one should end 2 months before stable cold weather (somewhere in mid-August).

After this, it is better not to touch the bushes so that they have time to gain strength for the winter. Before covering the onion, all remaining leaves are completely cut off. Each pruning of leaves requires subsequent fertilizing with mineral water alternating with organic matter.

Additional Information. IN industrial cultivation They begin to harvest fragrant garlic in May, when the bulb is fully ripe. It is dug up and stored in containers for subsequent sale.

Harvesting the bulb is also carried out in private gardening when the time for relocation of the mother bush approaches. This procedure is carried out in the fall, when green onions are most in demand. The vacated bed is prepared for planting other plants in the next season.

The main bulbous bush is carefully removed from the garden bed, along with the soil. The feathers are not completely cut off - a third of the greenery should remain on the queen cell. The cut tops are used for food, and the bulb is sent to the cellar for storage at a temperature of 0-2 degrees.

Important! This parameter is required condition, since in a warmer climate, perennial onions will begin to rot and rot.

Beneficial features

Jusai is not only a nutritious spicy plant, actively used in cooking. Perennial onions are useful - in the East they are included in the recipes of traditional healers. There is especially a lot of ascorbic acid in its composition: in the leaves – up to 45%/mg, in the umbrella-balls – almost 100%/mg.

All parts of the plant contain many trace elements and vitamins, which is why in Tibet medicinal potions are made from Jusai.

The plant also has great benefits when consuming onions in the diet of people suffering from heart disease, neurasthenia, and gastritis.

Branched onions are recommended for colds and other respiratory diseases. Spices have choleretic, diuretic and hematopoietic properties. Onion juice is good at relieving inflammation from insect bites and nettle burns.


Jusay is not suitable for everyone. First of all, individual sensitivity to spice plants. Those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, such as gallstones, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, should also avoid eating this garden greenery.

The jusai (or jutsai) plant is better known as branched onion or fragrant onion. It belongs to the onion family and has all the same properties as garlic and onions.

The homeland of this plant is Mongolia and China, from where the plant spread to Altai, Central Asia, and Western and Eastern Siberia.

This onion is harvested up to 4 times a season.

Properties of jusai

The plant is grown mainly for its taste. Jusai tastes and smells like garlic. There is a certain spiciness to the onion, but it is not pronounced. In different countries, jusai is used in cooking in different ways.

Like regular onions, jusai has beneficial and healing properties. The calorie content of jusai is not so high, but it exceeds the calorie content of other plants. There are 40 calories in 100 grams of this onion. In addition to special cultivation, it is used for decoration. personal plot, and this is facilitated by bright green leaves, as well as small white flowers called stars.

Benefits of jusai

Both the inflorescences and leaves of the plant contain a lot of ascorbic acid, which helps strengthen the immune system, the nervous, circulatory and endocrine systems, as well as the walls of blood vessels and cartilage.

This onion will also be useful for colds, pneumonia, heart disease, tuberculosis and bronchitis. Dzhusay has a choleretic and diuretic agent, and also restores blood. The juice of this onion is effective for nettle burns and insect bites. In the East, jusai is used to treat gastritis, exhaustion and neurasthenia.

The bulb and grass of the plant contain mineral salts and vitamins, as well as a small amount of fiber. Thanks to this, the plant retains its beneficial properties and tenderness for some time, and the onion itself is edible until late autumn.

Application of jusai

The most widely used onion is undoubtedly in cooking. At the same time, both arrows, leaves, and bulbs are suitable for food. The arrows themselves can be pickled or salted in the same way as the arrows of wild garlic or garlic. The bulbs can be added to vegetables that are planned to be preserved, or pickled separately. But what Dzhusai values ​​most is its greenery. Its leaves have an interesting onion-garlic flavor and a fresh smell, which allows them to be added to salads, meat and vegetable dishes, sauces and soups. At the same time, they can be frozen without harm to the plant - all vitamins and beneficial properties will remain intact.

Kitchens different countries This onion is considered one of the main components of complex sauces and is used to make minced meat.

In addition to cooking, this onion is also used in medicine, since it has medicinal properties. This onion is grown for further consumption in order to replenish vitamins, in particular vitamin C. This onion has a diuretic and choleretic effect, and it also has a positive effect on capillaries and improves the functioning of the heart muscle. Tibet values ​​jusai for its excellent effect on gastritis, neurasthenia and asthma; it is even used for snake bites as an antidote.

Harm of jusai

The plant has individual intolerance, so you should be careful when using jusai for the first time. It is also worth using jusai carefully for people who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an inflammatory nature, with cholestitis, pancreatitis and cholelithiasis. In other cases, jusai can be consumed without harm to health.

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