Chemicals for controlling insect pests. Down with garden pests

More and more gardeners are trying to avoid the use of chemicals to combat pests and diseases of garden and vegetable gardens. garden crops. Folk remedies for pests are mainly infusions and decoctions different plants, both wild and growing in the garden.

Phytoncides secreted by certain plants have insect repellent properties. That is why it is recommended to plan the beds taking into account the compatibility of plants - a useful proximity, for example, of carrots and onions, will protect the onions from the hated onion fly, and the carrots from the carrot fly.

However, we must remember that folk remedies for pest control have, rather, a preventive effect. In case of mass destruction of a bush or tree by a pest, it will not be possible to do without chemicals.

We have already written about the use of birch tar and ammonia in the garden as insect repellents, about folk methods feeding plants with infusions of herbs, eggshells, yeast, coffee, different types manure Today we will pay attention to herbal infusions, which have long been used in the fight against insects, ticks and some diseases.

Folk remedies for pests

Garlic infusion against pests

Garlic infusion is quite effective in the fight against late blight, cladosporiosis, and sucking pests. To prepare it, take 0.2-0.3 kg of garlic (not necessarily cloves, you can use leaves and shoots), grind it to a mushy state, add water, stir well, filter after 20 minutes and immediately spray the plants. If after processing you still have unused solution, don’t worry: keep it in a sealed bottle for a month, then spray the trees against the codling moth.

If you don’t have that much garlic, the garlic infusion can be prepared a little differently: pour 50 grams of chopped garlic into a liter of water and let it sit for 24 hours, stirring occasionally. Afterwards, the infusion is filtered and the cultures are sprayed.

You can also prepare a garlic infusion concentrate. To do this, take garlic, ground into a pulp, and water in equal parts, and leave for 10 days in a tightly closed container. Before use, the concentrate is diluted - two tablespoons per bucket of water.

Onion peels for pests

An infusion of onion peels is a favorite folk remedy for aphids and spider mites. It is prepared like this: add a bucket of water to 200 grams of crushed husk, bring to a boil and cool. Trees are treated with this infusion three times at five-day intervals. Other crops affected by aphids and other sucking pests can also be treated with onion infusion garden plants.

Onion peel infusion They also prepare it in a different way: fill the bucket halfway with husks, add to the top hot water and let stand for 24 hours. Next, the infusion is filtered and diluted twice before processing.

Tobacco for pests

The use of tobacco dust is well known to gardeners, but in the fight against aphids, thrips, honey beetles, leaf roller caterpillars, cabbage moths, sawflies, gooseberry moth, secretive proboscis, and flea beetles, you can use tobacco shag or real tobacco in the form of infusions. To do this, take powder from tobacco leaves and fill it with water (one to three), let it stand for 48 hours, and immediately before processing the concentration is halved. Spraying is carried out two to three times at weekly intervals.

Infusion of chilli pepper

This folk remedy for pests helps cope with small larvae and caterpillars, aphids, slugs, cabbage cutworms and moths. So, take 50 grams of dry pepper or 100 g of fresh pepper, chop it, add one liter of water and boil it in a closed container for one hour. enamel dishes, after which they are allowed to stand for 48 hours. The infusion is filtered and a concentrate is obtained, suitable for long-term storage in sealed bottles. Bushes and trees are treated with the solution until the buds open (500 ml per bucket of water). During the growing season, make a less concentrated solution - 0.1 liter per bucket of water, and even less for strawberries - 0.05 liter.

Dandelion infusion

Not bad folk remedy for ticks, aphids and copperhead. For 200-250 grams of crushed roots or 400 grams of fresh leaves, add a bucket of warm, not hot, water. After 1-2 hours of infusion, filter and the product can be used. For greater effectiveness, it is recommended to add a glass of onion, chopped into a pulp, to the dandelion.

Decoction of tomato tops

Tomato tops will help get rid of the larvae of various pests, cabbage cutworms, and apple moths. In the summer you can use stepsons, and in the fall - tops. It is best to prepare a concentrate suitable for long-term storage. So, add a liter of water to 4 kg of tops, leave for a couple of hours, then boil for half an hour. The boiled tops are squeezed out, the concentrate is poured into hermetically sealed containers. Before spraying, dilute in water (1:3).

Infusion of potato tops

This is a folk remedy for aphids and fruit mites. It is prepared as follows: add a liter of water to 700 g of dry tops or 1200 g of freshly cut tops, let it stand for three to four hours, filter and spray the plant.

Yarrow infusion

Yarrow allows you to remove copperhead, aphids, caterpillars, and mites from the garden. To prepare the solution, 800 grams of yarrow herb are scalded with boiling water, water is added to a volume of ten liters and allowed to stand for 48 hours. Alternatively, do not infuse the herb and simmer over low heat for half an hour. The decoction or infusion should not be diluted before use.

Pine or spruce needles

Leaf-eating insects are afraid of the infusion obtained from pine needles. To prepare it, you need to take 200 grams of young growth, add half a liter of water and let it stand for a week in a dark place, stirring from time to time. Before use, the pine infusion is diluted in water (1 part pine concentrate to 10 parts water).

Infusion of celandine

Another folk remedy for pest control. Helps against sawfly larvae, caterpillars, aphids, and weevils. For 3 kg of freshly cut celandine (preferably in the flowering phase), or 1 kg of dried, add a bucket of water and let it stand for a day.

Mustard powder solution

To get rid of fungal diseases of plants, take 60-70 grams of mustard powder in a bucket of water and spray the plants with the resulting solution. You can prepare mustard solution differently: in a liter hot water Brew about 40 grams of powder and leave for several days in a closed container, after which it is filtered. To treat against aphids or mites, there is no need to dilute the infusion; for fungal diseases, add 3 parts of water to 1 part of the infusion.

You can use equally effective, although less well-known, folk remedies for pests:

- infusion of rowan leaves and berries effective against late blight

- alder branches, stuck in a garden bed, will not appeal to mole crickets and the Colorado potato beetle

-tansy decoction(per bucket of water - 1 kg) used against codling moth and Colorado potato beetle

Helps get rid of nematodes infusion of horseradish rhizomes and leaves

Infusion will help remove aphids buttercup or calendula(per bucket of water – 1 kg)

Shredded marigold seeds applied to the ground against root-knot nematodes

-dried orange peels(1 kg per bucket of water, leave in a warm place for 3 days) will help get rid of mealybugs and aphids.

And this is only a small part folk remedies from pests that can be used in the garden and garden. Cheap, efficient and environmentally friendly - what more could a smart and practical summer resident want?

The modern city dweller is tired of the noisy, hectic life in the foggy smog of public transport; he, like air, needs communication with living nature. Acquisition country house or garden plot– the opportunity to watch how it grows and transforms beautiful garden, grown with your own hands.

A well-groomed and fruitful garden is the result of a gardener’s painstaking work, which can be ruined by numerous hordes of voracious insects. They are capable in a short time of disrupting not only appearance tree, but also completely destroy the crop. Therefore, it is better to take preventive measures to protect plantings in advance.

This method is the most popular way to actively combat. This procedure is performed several times a year to obtain a more effective result.

In the spring, plants are sprayed to prevent the invasion of successfully overwintered insects and possible fungal diseases that have settled in the garden during warm and humid weather.

In summer, the treatment is repeated to destroy new generations of pests and provide nutritional supplements for better growth trees and high-quality fruiting.

Autumn spraying is carried out after harvesting as a preventive measure garden in the fight against garden diseases, the absence of which is observed already next year.

For processing, you need to have a manual piston-type sprayer or a special compressor, protective equipment against chemicals (rubber gloves, goggles and a respirator), auxiliary equipment (ladder, stepladder, additional hoses) and preparations for spraying trees.

A homogeneous solution must be applied evenly to the trunk, branches and foliage on the outside and back of all trees on the site, otherwise the treatment will be of poor quality and will bring little benefit.

The advantages of this processing method are that it is simultaneously applied:

  • for pest control;
  • to combat various diseases;
  • for feeding plants.

Preparations for spraying are of chemical, biological and plant origin.

  1. Biological preparations are made on the basis of microbes, viruses, fungi and their metabolic products.
  2. Herbal preparations - infusions and decoctions of herbs containing specific substances (insecticides) - are most popular among gardeners as they are harmless to the environment.
  3. Chemicals are necessary when processing the garden, their action is the most productive.
    • Copper sulfate. Used for processing fruit trees in the morning or evening in spring before leaves appear and in autumn after leaf fall. 10 liters is enough for one fruit-bearing tree ready solution.
    • (urea). It is used after fruit trees have finished flowering in about a week in the ratio of 50 g of carbamide solution per 10 liters of water. In this case, not only the tree itself is processed, but also the soil around it.
    • Inkstone. It is an excellent means of protecting against pests, garden diseases, as well as excellent feeding plants, as a result of which their growth accelerates and the fruitfulness of the tree increases.
    • Preparation 30. Thanks to the use of this product, which forms a thin film, you can get rid of those pests that have spent the winter under the tree bark. A solution consisting of 200 g of the drug and a bucket of water is sprayed twice a year.

There are many other means for treating trees. For example, Karate, Karbofos, Insegar are recommended for the codling moth; from aphids – Fitoferm, Khostavik; against ticks – Neoron, Colloidal sulfur; for scab and fruit rot - 1% Bordeaux mixture and its preparations (HOM, Kartotsid); from powdery mildew- Quickly, Topaz.


This method plays an important role in the fight against harmful insects and garden diseases. By digging up the earth, especially around tree trunks, you can destroy many beetles and their larvae located in the root zone, as well as pathogens and weeds on which some pests settle and reproduce. In the fall, you need to dig up tree trunks, remove dead bark and whitewash with chalk or slaked lime, adding 3-5% solution of copper or iron sulfate.

Pruning branches

Pruning branches of trees and shrubs and treating the cuts with mineral oil, carried out in a timely manner by the gardener, is one of the methods of pest control.

On old and damaged branches there is a large number of insects prepared for winter, their eggs and larvae, which die during the obligatory burning of removed plant debris.

The garden must be kept clean of weeds and fallen damaged parts of trees, the soil must be loosened in time, and falling fruits must be collected as quickly as possible.

Device of traps

This is mechanical method extermination of pests, which does not require special material costs and the use of pesticides:

  • Many gardeners use hunting belts made with their own hands. You can use a variety of materials: foil, foam rubber, corrugated cardboard, any available means. The principle is to create around the barrel something like a bowl into which you can pour oil, or a section of barrier, the surface of which is lubricated with grease. Falling into such a trap, insects are unable to move and die.
  • Insect trap light traps are used for flying insects in the evening. Then the caught individuals are destroyed.
  • During mass flight, moths use pheromone traps that attract adult males, but this method does not work on larvae and caterpillars.

Every month, the whitefly lays 130-280 eggs. Full description you will find the insect at the link.

Attracting fauna representatives

Please note that the garden where birds live looks much more attractive. For this it is necessary to create conditions for the constant presence in the garden of birds, hedgehogs, and bats, whose diet includes insect pests. You can attract predatory insects: ladybugs, hover flies, lacewings, aphelinus, tahins - friends of the garden, fighting unwanted inhabitants with their own methods.

A garden is a living, developing organism; it requires ongoing care and protection from diseases and pests. Therefore, from early spring to late autumn, gardeners should not give up. A carefully maintained garden will delight you in the spring during its lush flowering, in the summer it will protect you from the scorching sun with a lush crown, and in the fall it will reward you with a magnificent harvest.

Infusion of thistle thistle

Required: 3.5 kg of raw materials, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. Freshly harvested plants are crushed, filled with water and left for 7-8 hours.

Application. Effective in the fight against powdery mildew. Spraying 3-4 times with an interval of 5 days is necessary.

Decoction of chilli pepper

Required: 1 kg raw or 500 g dry crushed peppercorns, 40 g laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The raw materials are poured with water and left for 48 hours, then boiled for 1 hour and left for another 2 hours. Strain and put in a dark room. To treat plants, 500 ml of decoction is diluted in 10 liters of water (before flowering). For treatment after flowering, take 100 ml of decoction. Soap is added to the resulting solution.

Application. For spraying vegetable and fruit crops against aphids, honey bugs, small caterpillars, cabbage cutworms, moths and slugs. Spraying is carried out before and after flowering.

Walnut infusion

Required: 2-3 kg of dry leaves, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The leaves are harvested in the fall and stored in a dry room. 3-4 weeks before the beetles appear, the leaves are filled with water and infused. Then filter 2 times.

Bittersweet nightshade decoction

Required: 5-6 kg of raw materials (tops of stems with leaves, buds and flowers), 30-40 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The raw material is poured with water and left for 3-4 hours. Then it is boiled for 3 hours over low heat, cooled and filtered. The decoction is poured into glass bottles and close tightly. This way it can be stored for a long time. Before use, add soap to the decoction in 10 liters of water.

Application. Used in summer against sucking pests and small larvae and caterpillars on fruit and vegetable crops Oh.

Pollination with tansy

Required: tansy.

Preparation. The plant is harvested at the beginning of flowering, cutting off the inflorescences. Then dry in the open air. The dried raw materials are ground into powder.

Application. Against codling moths, honey beetles and flower beetles.

Decoction of wormwood with infusion of chicken manure (option 1)

Required: 1 kg of dried grass, chicken manure, water.

Preparation. Chicken manure is poured with a small amount of water and left for 1-2 days, filtered and added water up to 10 liters. The herb is poured in a small amount and boiled for 10-15 minutes. The broth is cooled and combined with an infusion of chicken manure.

Application. For spraying against apple codling moth caterpillars, aphids, white moths, cutworms, spider mites, whiteflies, young larvae of the Colorado potato beetle, viburnum leaf beetle, apple and pear honey beetles, sawflies and weevils. Fruit trees are sprayed 2 times with an interval of 1 week.

Decoction of wormwood (option 2)

Required: 700-800 g of dried herb, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The grass is filled with water and left for a day. Then boil for 30 minutes, filter. The broth is diluted with water 2 times.

Application. Sprayed against spider mites, whiteflies, apple moth caterpillars, aphids, white beetles, cutworms, Colorado potato beetle larvae, leaf beetles, apple and pear honey beetles, sawflies and weevils.

Decoction of wormwood (option 3)

Required: 1 kg of dried grass, pine branches, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. Wormwood grass and pine branches are placed in a barrel and filled with boiling water.

Application. For spraying against codling moth caterpillars. When sprayed twice with an interval of 7 days, the caterpillars die after 2-3 days.

Decoction of wormwood (option 4)

Required: wormwood, water.

Preparation. The bucket is filled to a third with raw materials and topped up with water. Leave for 3-4 days.

Application. Spray potatoes against the Colorado potato beetle. The first treatment is carried out during the period of mass appearance of the beetle, the second when the larvae appear. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after 6-8 days.

➣ Smoke bombs (300 g per 1500 m3), producing neutral smoke, are used for protection blooming gardens and other crops from spring, as well as the first autumn frosts.

Chamomile infusion

Required: 1 kg of crushed inflorescences and leaves, 40 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The raw materials are poured with water heated to 60-70°C and infused for 12 hours. Then filtered. Before use, dilute another 10 liters of water and add soap.

Application. Fruit trees are sprayed against aphids, mites, small caterpillars, sawfly larvae, caterpillars and larvae that harm vegetable crops.

Infusion of Dalmatian and Caucasian chamomile

Required: 200 g of inflorescences, stems, leaves and roots, 1 liter of water.

Preparation. The raw materials are poured with water and infused for 10-12 hours. Then the infusion is poured into a separate container, and the mass is again filled with 5 liters of water and infused for 12 hours. Then both infusions are combined.

Application. For processing fruit, berry, vegetable and flower crops, against a complex of sucking and leaf-eating insects.

Sarsazan decoction

Required: 2 kg of fresh or dried young shoots, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The raw material is poured with water and boiled for 1 hour. Then it is cooled and filtered.

Application. For spraying vegetable crops against aphids, cabbage white and cutworm caterpillars, moths and cruciferous bugs.

Soda ash solution (option 1)

Required: 30-40 g of soda, 40 g of liquid soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. Soda is dissolved in warm water and add soap.

Application. For processing berry bushes against powdery mildew and as a repellent against raspberry and strawberry weevil.

Soda ash solution (option 2)

Required: 70 g soda, 20 g liquid soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. Dissolve soda in warm water and add soap.

Application. Sprayed against slimy sawfly.

Decoction of tomato tops

Required: 4 kg of fresh chopped tops, 50 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The tops are poured cold water, leave for 30 minutes. Then boil for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. When the broth has cooled, filter and dilute half with water. Soap is added to 10 liters of broth.

Application. To combat aphid larvae.

Decoction of dry tomato tops

Required: 2 kg of dry tomato tops, 40 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The tops are poured with cold water and left for 1 hour. Then they are boiled for 30 minutes over low heat. Cool and dilute with water 1:5. Add soap.

Application. To combat aphid larvae.

Hot pepper decoction (option 1)

Required: 1 kg of chopped peppers, 40 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The pods are filled with water, closed and left for 10 days. Then they filter. For spraying, dilute 0.5 cups of infusion in 10 liters of water and add soap.


Hot pepper decoction (option 2)

Required: 100 g dry pepper, 1 liter of water.

Preparation. The pepper is poured with water, covered and boiled for 2 hours. Then the broth is added with water to a volume of 10 liters and filtered.

Application. Against thrips, aphids, slugs, copperheads, beetle larvae and openly living small caterpillars.

Garlic infusion

Required: 150-200 g garlic, water.

Preparation. The garlic is peeled and passed through a meat grinder or ground. Pour in a small amount of water and leave for 24-48 hours. Then the infusion is filtered and diluted in 10 liters of water.

Application. Spray 2-3 times every 10-15 days against ticks, aphids, copperheads, and many fungal and bacterial diseases.

Pine mortar

Required: 3-4 tbsp. l. pine concentrate, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The concentrate is diluted in water.

Application. Sprayed against various caterpillars. The treatment is carried out 3-4 times.

Solution table salt

Required: 1 kg salt, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. Salt is dissolved in water.

Application. Prevents late blight infection of tomatoes. The protective effect occurs within a month if there is no precipitation.

Bird cherry decoction

Required: 200-300 g of fresh or dry branches with leaves, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The branches are filled with water and boiled for 40-45 minutes. Strain.

Application. Spray trees and shrubs in spring and summer to destroy leaf-eating caterpillars, larvae of flies and beetles, aphids, naked slugs, etc.

Infusion of Sophora leaf-tailed and thick-fruited

Required: 1-2 kg of raw materials, 30-40 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. During the flowering period, I collect the green part and dry it. The finished raw material is poured with water and left for 24 hours. Then it is filtered, diluted with water and soap is added.

Application. For spraying fruit crops against aphids, larvae of herbivorous bugs, apple moth caterpillars, copperheads, sawfly larvae and small caterpillars in spring and summer.

Solution of superphosphate and potassium chloride

Required: 10 g superphosphate, 5 g potassium chloride, 10 l water.

Preparation. Superphosphate and potassium chloride are dissolved in water and left for 1-2 days.

Application. Spray against leaf-eating caterpillars and aphids with an interval of 7-10 days, 2-3 times.

Infusion of tobacco or shag (option 1)

Required: 1 part tobacco or shag, 10 parts hot water, 40 g soap.

Preparation. Tobacco is poured with water and left for 24 hours, then filtered. Before use, dilute with water 2-3 times and add soap.

Application. Used to kill aphids by spraying.

Infusion of tobacco or shag (option 2)

Required: 400-500 g of dry waste leaves of tobacco or shag, 50 g of soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The tobacco is poured with hot water and left for 48 hours. Then the infusion is filtered through a cloth and squeezed out. The resulting liquid is diluted with water 2 times and soap is added to it for every 10 liters of solution.

Application. For spraying fruit crops against aphids, suckers, thrips, caterpillars, leaf rollers younger ages; onions - against the larvae of the secretive proboscis; gooseberries - against moth; cruciferous - against cabbage moths and cruciferous flea beetles.

Spray 2-3 times.

➣ Tobacco infusion and decoction are used immediately after preparation. It is important to remember that the product is poisonous to humans, so it must be handled with great care.

Decoction of tobacco and shag

Required: 1 kg of tobacco or shag, 10-30 g of soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. Tobacco is poured with water and boiled for 30 minutes in a sealed container. The broth is left for 24 hours, then squeezed out, filtered and diluted with water 2-3 times. Add soap.

Application. Against young caterpillars of apple moths, etc.

Tobacco smoke

Required: 5-10 g of tobacco per 1 m2.

Preparation. Tobacco dust or shag is poured onto iron baking sheets. The baking sheets are placed on burning coals. Fumigate the room until the smoking stops. For gardens: 2-3 kg of tobacco dust is poured onto a pile of straw, set on fire and fumigated for 30 minutes.

Application. For the destruction of aphids in greenhouses and honey beetles in gardens.

Folk remedies for insect pests

Currently, modern preparations for protecting plants from pests are not always at hand. In addition, it is undesirable to process a ripening crop chemicals. In this case, folk remedies will help.

Infusion of aconite (wrestlers)

Required: 1 kg of grass, 40-50 g of laundry soap, 30 ml of alkali, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The grass is collected during the flowering period, filled with water, laundry soap is added and left for 48 hours. Before spraying, add 5 liters of water.

Application. Sprayed against apple aphids, raspberry beetles, leaf-eating caterpillars, beetle larvae, false caterpillars and sawflies.

Aloe solution

Required: aloe juice, water.

Preparation. The juice is diluted with water 1:1.

Application. Used for disinfection of vegetable seeds. Before sowing, the seeds can be placed in this solution for 6 hours, then rinsed with water and dried.

Anabasis solution (leafless barnyard grass)

Required: 800 g of young branches before flowering, 30-40 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The collected plants are dried, crushed and filled with water. Stirring, leave for 24 hours. The resulting infusion is diluted with water 1:10. Before spraying, add soap to the solution.

Application. For spraying vegetable crops against leaf-eating caterpillars, flea beetles, false caterpillars, as well as rapeseed flower beetle.

Orange infusion

Required: 1 kg of dried orange peels, 10 liters of warm water.

Preparation. Fill with water and leave for 3 days in a warm, dark place.

Application. The infusion is used undiluted to spray plants against aphids and mealyworms.

Infusion of dissected hogweed

Required: 1 kg of raw materials, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The raw materials are harvested before and after flowering (roots), during flowering (leaves, stems), crushed, filled with water and left for 24 hours. Strain before use.

Application. Used to treat fruit crops against aphids, mites and other sucking pests.

Infusion of black henbane

Required: 1 kg of finely chopped dry raw materials, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The raw materials are poured with water and left for 12 hours, then filtered.

Application. Used in planting fruit crops against various types aphids, herbivorous bugs, copperheads, spider mites, hawthorn and lacewing caterpillars, as well as cabbage whites, which damage cabbage plantings.

➣ To prepare henbane infusion, the roots and leaves of the plant are harvested in the fall or in early spring. During this period they have the highest insecticidal activity. The whole plant has this activity at the beginning of flowering. Henbane takes a very long time to dry in the open air, therefore, it is better to hang the plants to dry so that each one is well ventilated.

Red elderberry infusion

Required: 200-300 g of crushed elderberry shoots and flowers, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The raw materials are poured with water and left for 10 hours. Filter.

Application. To protect garden and vegetable crops from leaf-eating caterpillars, aphids, slugs, fly larvae and beetles. It is a good repellent against currant bud mites.

Infusion of marigolds

Required: dried crushed marigolds, 40 g of laundry soap, water.

Preparation. Fill the bucket halfway with flowers and fill it to the brim warm water. Leave for 48 hours, then filter and add soap.

Application. For spraying berry plants against aphids. Processing is carried out before the berries begin to ripen. In addition, the infusion can be used to disinfect gladiolus tubers, as well as aster and gillyflower seeds from blackleg.

Black henbane decoction

Required: 2.5 kg of freshly harvested or 3 kg of dried plants, 30-40 g of laundry soap, water.

Preparation. The plants are finely chopped and boiled in a small amount of water over low heat for 2-3 hours. Then the broth is cooled, filtered and topped up with water to 10 liters. Add soap before use.

Application. Plants are sprayed before and after pests appear.

Spotted hemlock infusion

Required: 1 kg chopped and mashed hemlock, water.

Preparation. Leaves are harvested from spring to June. The gruel is poured with 2 liters of water. Then the liquid is drained, and the pomace is poured with 15 liters of water. Leave for 10-12 hours. Afterwards, the liquid part is separated and combined with the one obtained earlier.

Application. Against young caterpillars, leaf-eating beetle larvae and sawflies.

Infusion of rose bittersweet

Required: 1-2 kg of crushed raw materials, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The raw materials are filled with water and left for a day, filtered.

Application. Against sucking pests of fruit and berry crops.

Rose bittersweet decoction

Required: 1-2 kg of crushed raw materials, 20-30 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The raw material is poured and left for 6-8 hours, boiled with iota for 30 minutes, cooled and filtered. Before spraying, the broth is diluted with 10 liters of water and soap is added.

Application. Against sucking pests of fruit and berry crops. The decoction can be prepared in advance and stored in tightly closed glass jars.

Peppermint decoction

Required: 1 kg of stems, 30-40 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The collected stems are poured with water and boiled for 30 minutes. Let stand and filter, add soap.

Application. For the destruction of many leaf-eating pests of vegetable and fruit crops. After 1-1.5 days, the pests die.

White mustard infusion

Required: 200 g mustard powder, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The powder is poured with water and left for 10-12 hours.

Application. Spray apple trees (by leaves), as well as others fruit crops(5-6 g per 10 liters of water) against red apple mite.

Sarepta mustard solution (option 1)

Required: 100 g mustard powder, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The powder is stirred in a small amount of water until it reaches a creamy consistency, then the rest of the water is added.

Application. Against aphids, caterpillars, cutworms, tobacco thrips, meadow bugs and ticks.

Sarepta mustard solution (option 2)

Required: 200 g of powder, 10 l of water.

Preparation. The powder is poured with water and infused for 10-12 hours.

Application. Spray apple trees against red apple mite.

Sarepta mustard solution (option 3)

Required: 50 g powder, 1 liter of water.

Preparation. The powder is poured with water and boiled, left for 3 days in a tightly sealed container. Then the solution is diluted in 20 liters of water.

Application. When red apple mites appear, spray the plants.

Birch tar solution

Required: 100 g tar, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The tar is diluted with water and stirred.

Application. Used for spraying against the Colorado potato beetle.

Infusion of Datura ordinary

Required: 400 g of raw materials, 20-40 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The aboveground part of the plants, collected during the flowering period, is dried in a suspended state, crushed, and filled with water. Then leave for at least 10 hours and filter. Add soap before use.

Application. To combat pests of fruit crops: plant bugs, spider mites, copperheads and aphids.

Infusion of high larkspur (option 1)


Preparation. At the beginning of flowering, the entire plant is cut off, dried and crushed, then filled with water and left for 48 hours, filtered and used immediately.

Application. For spraying plants against cabbage moths, cabbage and turnip moths, sawfly larvae, beetles, apple worm, ringed silkworm caterpillar, hawthorn, goldentail.

Decoction of high larkspur (option 2)

Required: 1 kg of dry grass, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The herb is poured with water and infused for 10-12 hours, then boiled for 1-2 hours and filtered. The decoction can be stored for up to 1 month.

Application. For spraying plants against pests of vegetable (cabbage moth, cabbage and turnip moths) and fruit crops (sawfly larvae, openly living beetles, apple worm, ringed silkworm caterpillar, hawthorn, goldentail).

Calendula infusion

Required: 200 g calendula seeds, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The seeds are poured with water and left for 24 hours.

Application. To combat a complex of pests on vegetable crops.

Ash-soap infusion

Required: 1 kg of ash, 40 g of laundry soap, 8 liters of boiling water.

Preparation. The ash is poured with boiling water, closed and left for 48 hours. Then it is filtered and the volume is brought to 10 liters, soap is added.

Application. Spray cabbage, radish and radish seedlings as needed to repel cruciferous flea beetles.

Ash solution

Required: 300 g of sifted ash, 40 g of any soap, 2 liters of water.

Preparation. The ash is poured and boiled for 30 minutes. Let stand for 1 hour, then increase the volume to 10 liters. Soap is added before use.

Application. To combat powdery mildew of currants, gooseberries, cucumbers, cherry mucous sawfly. Treatment (spraying) is done 2 times a month.

Infusion of carpesium wormwood

Required: 700 g of raw materials, 10 l of water.

Preparation. The above-ground part is harvested during the growing season, the seeds after ripening. The raw materials are filled with water and left for 24 hours.

Application. Plants on which mites have settled are treated.

Infusion of potato tops

Required: 4 kg of green, disease-free tops or 2 kg of dried tops, 40 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The tops are poured with warm water and left for 3-4 hours, then filtered and soap is added.

Application. The infusion is sprayed on fruit crops against aphids and mites, and on vegetable crops against cabbage whites, moths and cutworms.

Infusion of clematis grape-leaved

Required: 1.25 kg of buds and flowers or 500 g of fresh leaves, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The raw materials are poured with water and left for 1-2 hours.

Application. For spraying against sucking insects, aphids, and copperheads.

Oriental goat's rue infusion

Required: 1 kg of dry plants, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. Plants are harvested throughout the growing season. They are crushed and filled with water. Leave for 24 hours.

Application. Used against spider mites.

Mullein infusion

Required: 1 kg of raw materials, 3 liters of water.

Preparation. The raw materials are poured with water and infused for 3 days, then filtered and diluted with water 3 times. If you leave the solution for 3-4 hours, there is no need to dilute it.

Application. Used against powdery mildew of melons.

➣ If strawberries are struck gray rot, then you can get rid of it by pollinating the bushes during the ripening period (10-15 g of ash per bush). If necessary, pollination is repeated 2-3 more times. Many amateur gardeners spray plants with an ash solution when they are affected by other pests and diseases.

Infusion of manure

Required: 1 bucket of rotted cow dung, 5 liters of water.

Preparation. Manure is diluted in water and infused for 5 days, then filtered.

Application. Used in the fight against powdery mildew of gooseberries and currants. Spraying is done in the evening. The bushes are treated the first time before the buds open, the second time after the ovaries have formed.

Nettle infusion

Required: 1 part nettle collected before flowering, 10 parts rainwater.

Preparation. The plants are crushed and filled with water. Leave for 10 days. The extract is diluted 10 times before use.

Application. To combat aphids and as a growth stimulator.

Infusion of burdock

Required: freshly harvested plant leaves, water.

Preparation. The plant is placed in a bucket to a third of its volume and topped up with water. Leave for 3 days. Strain.

Application. Cabbage, radishes, radishes and other vegetable crops are sprayed against various leaf-eating pests.

Onion infusion (option 1)

Required: onion peel, 10 liters of warm water.

Preparation. Fill the bucket to half the volume with onion peels, add water and leave for 24 hours. Strain and dilute 2 times with water.

Application. Sprayed to combat aphids, herbivorous mites and other sucking pests of vegetable crops.

Onion infusion (option 2)

Required: 200 g onion peels, 10 liters of warm water.

Preparation. The husk is filled with water and left for 4-5 days. Then filter.

Application. For spraying cabbage seeds against spider mite and aphids. Spraying is carried out every 5 days (no more than three treatments).

Decoction of milkweed, twig-like

Required: 4 kg of leaves and stems, 3-5 liters of water.

Preparation. The leaves and stems are cut off immediately after flowering, crushed, filled with water and boiled for 2-3 hours. Then filtered and diluted with water to 10 liters.

Application. For spraying vegetable crops against cabbage white caterpillars, cutworms and moths (4 day interval).

Buttercup infusion

Required: 1 kg aboveground parts plants, 40 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. Plants are collected during flowering, filled with water and left for 1-2 days. Then filter and add soap.

Application. Used against aphids.

Potassium permanganate solution

Required: 5 g of potassium permanganate, 10 l of water.

Preparation. Potassium permanganate is dissolved in water.

Application. Plants are sprayed against powdery mildew of pumpkin and tomato streaks, and repels the raspberry-strawberry weevil.

Urea solution

Required: 700 g urea, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. Urea is dissolved in water.

Application. Used for treatment against scab in early spring tree trunk circles fruit trees, as well as in the fall after harvesting before the leaves fall (500 g of urea).

Soap solution

Required: 250-300 g of laundry soap, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. Soap is dissolved in warm water.

Application. The solution is used against aphids.

Dandelion infusion

Required: 300 g of crushed rhizomes or 400 g of green leaves, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. Rhizomes or leaves are poured with water and left for 2-3 hours. Strain.

Application. Used for spraying fruit trees against aphids, mites and copperheads. Spray on the blossoming buds, and then after flowering. If pests have already appeared, then spray several more times with an interval of 10-15 days.

Sulfur alder decoction

Required: 2 kg of fresh alder leaves or 1 kg of dried leaves, 10 liters of water.

Preparation. The leaves are crushed and filled with water. Leave to knock, then boil for 30-40 minutes. Allow to cool and filter after 6-12 hours.

Application. Fruit crops are sprayed against aphids and spider mites.