Rules for decorating walls with wallpaper. Niches - for exclusive items. The choice of photos and paintings is the business of the owners, not the decorator

Open shelving takes up impressive space in often modern living rooms, bedrooms and dining rooms. This is not only a way to store books and memorabilia, but also an opportunity to decorate the interior. To ensure that the shelves do not look like a dump of things, but play along with the overall style and harmony of the house, you need to follow a few simple rules.

Symmetry and geometry

Classic symmetry techniques also apply to the design of shelving. Place objects that are the same or similar in color, size and shape symmetrically vertically, horizontally or diagonally. This does not mean that all objects must be symmetrical; a couple of key ones will be enough to create a fulcrum. The technique where some identical items are placed on shelves in pairs also maintains symmetry.

A stronger version of symmetry is mirroring. Place items on the two halves of the rack as if there was a border in the middle in the form of a mirror. Again, the objects or the form of their arrangement must be similar, but not absolute, otherwise all interest will be lost.

Another geometric technique is the rule of triangles. Arrange similar objects so that they form the vertices of triangles. These imaginary triangles can intersect and do not have to be isosceles, this will add dynamics. In addition to the items themselves, triangles can be made from the backs of the rack cells, painted in different colors, or sections closed with doors.

Dynamics of height and depth

Identical rows of books on shelves cause boredom. At a minimum, you can alternate horizontal and vertical stacks of books, and even better, dilute the books with various objects.

For greater harmony, use the entire height of the shelves. Small objects can be placed on stacks of books or boxes like a pedestal, or tall, flat objects such as large-format books or paintings can be placed behind them.

The second option will also save space by occupying the entire depth of the shelf. Don't neglect this space when creating multi-layered compositions.

Games with colors

Don't forget about color. It is best if the contents of the rack support color scheme rooms - 2-3 colors (4 are possible if one of them is basic neutral). To do this, books that do not match the color will have to be wrapped in covers or put away in boxes.

The shelves can be left colored if the interior allows it. But here there are a couple of interesting tricks: books can be arranged in a gradient, according to the colors of the rainbow, or you can assign your own color to individual shelves and collect books and decor on them only in shades of this range. It would be good if not every shelf was bright, but only a few accent ones.

The color of the back of the shelves is also very important. The photographic examples below will help you understand its enormous importance for the overall composition.

Free space and lightness

Air between objects is the best visual separator. Without it, the entire decor, even carefully arranged according to the rules, risks turning into a single spot. Give each object or group additional empty space around it.

Sometimes it's even better to leave entire sections empty. If this seems wasteful to you, doors on some bins or neutral boxes that fit exactly to size will do just as well.

Another rule for maintaining visual lightness: heavy (not so much in weight as in feel) objects down, light ones up. The lower shelves can be densely packed with heavy volumes of encyclopedias, and the shelves at eye level can be flaunted with several elegant objects. If the rack is very high, up to the ceiling, the most upper shelves You can again force it, but it is important that they do not draw attention. The ideal solution would be a row of identical boxes, paper folders or books of the same series.

Folders can help not only in storing papers, but also serve as a kind of vertical boxes - behind the beautiful spine of the folder several books with unpleasant covers or small equipment such as a router can be hidden.


Drawing wallpaper designers divide it into: “flowers”, stripes, large spots, spotted backgrounds, smooth backgrounds (wallpaper without a pattern).

"Flowers". This is what professionals call any recognizable figures and objects. For the general architectural perception, it does not matter what is depicted on the wallpaper - plants, people, animals, pyramids. These objects can be small or large, frequent or rare, contrasting or blurry.

✓ frequent and large “flowers” ​​visually reduce the space and thicken it;

✓ rare and small - discharge and expand space;

✓ small pattern is neutral, it is suitable for different styles;

✓ a large drawing sets accents and dominates;

✓ a clear, contrasting pattern emphasizes the stylistic idea of ​​the designer;

✓ a blurry picture gives a more general idea.

"Stripes". They go well with items of any style. The exception is Baroque and Art Deco, which are alien to straight lines.

✓ vertical stripes visually increase the height of the ceiling, but at the same time reduce the overall volume of the room;

✓ the wider the stripes, the less the effect of space compression;

✓ in tight spaces with low ceilings use wallpaper with large stripes;

✓ blurred borders of the stripes (blurred and non-contrasting) raise the ceiling and do not affect the size of the room;

✓ alternating stripes “raise” the ceiling and “bring the walls closer” to each other;

✓ not too contrasting colors of adjacent stripes weaken the effect of vertical expansion and horizontal compression;

✓ Wallpaper with a linear pattern, if placed approximately at eye level, leaving an empty part of the wall from the middle to the ceiling, will visually increase the height of the ceiling.

Large spots. For example, these could be drawings that imitate animal skins. Such contrasting and distinct images are immediately noticeable. But it is still undesirable to cover the entire room with such wallpaper - it may turn out too flashy and aggressive.

It is better to use “spots” to zone the space, that is, to highlight a certain part of it. This can be one wall or a sector of it.

Stains on wallpaper can have an ornamental, ordered or chaotic appearance.

✓ large spots (the more clearly they are written) visually narrow the space;

✓ blurry spots have a pronounced decorative effect; they create a feeling of play of light and shadow, evoking associations with sea waves playing in the sun.

Spotted backgrounds. They are small alternating spots of two or more shades and resemble splashes from a spray bottle. This grainy decor originated in the 20th century and its use is limited modern styles. But this pattern can be used on any wall.

✓ small droplet spots perfectly mask and conceal even significant flaws in the surface of the walls. They scatter light rays in a variety of directions, hiding the errors that remain under them.

Plain wallpaper. Plain wallpaper or wallpaper with a barely defined pattern is artistically neutral and serves as a background that highlights interior items, creating the desired depth of perception.

Smooth wallpaper will perfectly emphasize the expressiveness of all furnishings: smooth outlines of furniture, graceful forms of sculptures, figurines, flower arrangements, the play of light - both artificial and natural.

✓ it is plain wallpaper that will best help emphasize the beauty of paintings, photographs, decorative panels, wall installations;

✓ plain wallpaper can only be pasted on smooth walls, otherwise all the bumps and defects will appear. And only the dense and embossed structure of the wallpaper will help hide imperfections.

✓ Wallpaper style creates a special atmosphere. So, the dining room with modern interior Floral wallpaper will add a touch of romanticism.

Flowers can be various types and shades. At the same time, do not forget about color spots (this could be pieces of furniture: a leather sofa, a plastic chair, a table). Their color should match the shade of the flowers on the wallpaper.

You can use a carpet or pillows of the appropriate color as color spots - plain (to match the color of the petals) or with a floral pattern. Striped pillows in shades similar to the colors on the wallpaper look good.

✓ B classic interiors use wallpaper in pastel colors; texture - characteristic embossing, elegant monograms.

✓ The avant-garde is characterized by bright, catchy backgrounds of unusual “chemical” shades.

✓ Retro style is characterized by wallpapers with a cameo pattern or seasons. They are glued to the top of the wall. The lower wall is covered plain wallpaper or painted. Furniture is placed on carved legs. Required element- silk lampshades for lamps. Mirror in bronze or heavy wooden frame. Accessories made of porcelain and crystal.

✓ High-tech, minimalism: such popular dark or white furniture is set off by wallpaper in black and white with flowers and decorative items in the same colors.

Interior decoration is a creative process that involves bold experiments and a non-standard approach. But still, there are recommendations, adherence to which helps to make the results of creative search more harmonious. Therefore, if decorating a room causes some difficulties or leaves much to be desired, consult the advice of professionals. Surely there will be a lot of interesting and useful things in these recommendations.

  1. Fewer flowers - more pleasant atmosphere

Staying in a living space where the entire color palette is collected causes anxiety and anxiety. Therefore, if you want to create a pleasant and soothing interior, limit the amount used in it.

  1. A mass of trinkets destroys the dignity of the room

Many small decorative details make it impossible to focus on the features of the interior or architectural features premises. But if the task is to divert attention from old decoration or furniture, then an extensive collection of decor can help.

  1. “Yes” to seasonal change of parts

Finding those who have several sets of curtains and bedspreads in stock is extremely difficult task. Very in vain. After all, such a simple technique as a seasonal change of textiles can radically transform the interior.

  1. Small photos - on the table or shelves, but not on the wall

A lot of miniature photos or other images decorating a wall are perceived as visual noise. But on the table or shelves they look appropriate. It is advisable to arrange such decor in similar or identical frames.

  1. Attention to scale

A point that at first glance seems obvious, but is not always observed, is the proportionality of the details to the interior as a whole. Thus, a huge painting in a small bedroom will look like an alien element, just like a miniature sofa in a spacious living room.

  1. Decor by elimination - it works

In rooms where the decor is excessive, it is worth trying the elimination method - simply removing some of the little things. Leave only the most colorful, but at the same time simple things, the presence of which really benefits the interior. Free space looks much more comfortable than one filled to capacity with trinkets.

  1. Carpet on carpet

Huge bouquets standing in the central part of the table most often look disharmonious and also complicate communication between people eating. It is better to replace a massive vase with large flowers with a wicker basket or a decorative pot with several flowering plants. .

  1. More imagination when choosing a place for art objects

A painting hanging above the sofa is a standard option for decorating the interior with painting. But in this case, she ends up behind the backs of most people in the room. Give the painting a place where it will actually be looked at. For example, in the corridor.

  1. Harmony of close colors

The simplest, but really working method to create a harmonious color scheme in a room is to combine similar colors. For example, several shades of green. To prevent the interior from looking monotonous, add some prints to it.

  1. Learn color combinations from great artists

If you have problems choosing colors yourself or use seems too boring, then try using the color scheme of paintings by great artists as a sample. Choose the masters who are closer to you - Matisse, Monet, Klimt... The list goes on and on.

  1. Order required for collectors

The best advice for collectors of small items, be it cat figurines or oddly shaped stones, is to keep them grouped in one place, rather than randomly placed around the room. Chaos from little things can ruin even a very decent interior.

  1. Time management is also necessary in the creative process

After the choice finishing materials done, immediately proceed to purchase or order them. Avoid being overly optimistic about delivery times. It is much more reasonable to proceed from the fact that various delays and tardiness of suppliers are the norm, and not the exception to the rule. This principle will save a lot of time and energy. But do not forget to find a place in advance to store all the ordered materials and things.

  1. Accurate textile calculations

If high-quality textiles are chosen for interior decoration, then buying with a large supply can be a real test for your wallet. Therefore, it is better to calculate the exact amount of fabric in advance. A substantial supply is necessary in cases where textiles with large drawing(after all, you will need to combine the details), as well as in the absence of confidence in the professionalism of the tailor. Don’t forget to include borders and frills in your calculations, of course, if they are provided.

  1. Leave room for maneuver

As practice shows, fully planning upcoming decor purchases and strictly adhering to this plan is an almost impossible task. Therefore, it is better to leave some free space, which will be occupied by the fruits of impulsive purchases.

  1. Experiment without fear

It often happens that things in reality do not look the same as in the picture. But such a discrepancy should not become a cause for grief. On the contrary, take it as a pleasant challenge that encourages improvisation.

  1. Maintaining the order of work

In order to avoid unnecessary problems, think in advance about the sequence of work on decorating and finishing the room and follow it. Otherwise, it may happen that a wall already covered with wallpaper will have to be tiled.

  1. Storage systems: more is better than less

Storage systems are not only wardrobes, chests of drawers and mezzanines. No less important in the interior are boxes, vases and bowls where small things are stored. This way the interior will give the impression of orderliness and neatness.

  1. Interior and decor - for the inhabitants of the house, not for the decorator

If professionals are engaged in home improvement, then it is important that upon completion of the work the owners do not have the feeling that they are in someone else’s home. Therefore, the desires of the owner of the home are a priority, and the decorator’s task is to find an acceptable and aesthetic form for them.

  1. Balance between breaking and following rules

To create a truly outstanding room in terms of decor, you will have to step over a number of rules. But there are also laws that are strictly not recommended to be violated. For example, among them are the rules for mixing prints, failure to comply with which will make any interior disharmonious.

  1. Furniture: finding commonality in different things

If the room contains furniture from different sets, then it is important that its design contains some common features. This could be the color of the upholstery, the material or the shape of the legs. Otherwise, the integrity of the interior will be compromised.

  1. The customer’s wishes do not interfere, but help

A professional decorator views working with a difficult client not as bad luck, but as an opportunity to improve his own efficiency. A demanding client who is difficult to please stimulates the search for non-standard solutions.

  1. The comfort of furniture is more important than its aesthetics

Furniture that is perfect in terms of design, but uncomfortable, is, in the opinion of a professional, of poor quality. No matter how beautiful a thing is, if it does not cope with its function, it is better to abandon it.

One of the ways that professionals use to choose a style and decorating concept is to pay attention to the everyday clothes of the owners of the house. This will tell you a lot about their personal preferences and help you decorate the space in a way that your clients will love.

  1. The owners of the house and the decorator are not opponents, but partners

The optimal scheme of interaction with customers that decorators adhere to is productive interaction, which is usually referred to as “we”.

  1. A beautiful environment can improve your life

Surrounded by aesthetic and functional objects, chosen with soul, your mood will be better than without them. As the proverb says, “houses and walls are warm.” In a beautiful and cozy home- doubly warm.

  1. The choice of photos and paintings is the business of the owners, not the decorator

In many ways, the appearance of a living space is determined by how balanced the light and shadow are. Therefore it is very important. For example, for the convenience of living in residential lighting, a multi-level layout is required lighting fixtures. Lighting also affects the perception of colors.

  1. The content of the decor is no less important than its form

In order to choose decor that will harmoniously fit into the interior, a good decorator must know how and what it is made of. After all, the content is invariably reflected in the form. For example, if you place it on a window made of material that is not resistant to fading, after a couple of months you may find it has lost its original color.

  1. Unfairly forgotten ceilings

A non-standard step that can radically transform the space is increased attention to the design of the ceiling. Most often this is forgotten. For example, a black ceiling instead of the usual white will make the room exclusive.

  1. The luxury of complex textures for furniture upholstery

The usual upholstery option for furniture is thick, lint-free fabric. But if you give it up in favor of fluffy upholstery, the interior will look new. It is not at all necessary to decorate all the furniture with artificial or natural fur. One or two items in the room will be enough.

  1. Beige is not as bad as people think

In recent years, in professional circles of decorators and designers, it has been generally accepted that beige interiors are a relic of the past. But such a categorical approach to choosing colors is not justified. Cream Ivory or cappuccino, ecru, powder... There are a lot of shades of beige, and by combining them you can create a truly impressive design.

  1. More life than jewelry

When decorating a room, it is better to remember that the end result you should strive for is not Nice picture for the magazine, and the space where it will be provided high quality life.

  1. Judging the color of the paint after it is applied to the wall

After examining the paint in a can, you should not make hasty conclusions about its shade. Apply a little in the room where the surfaces are to be painted and wait until it dries. If you are happy with the color, then you can paint the entire surface of the wall.

  1. Increased attention to the bedroom

It is the bedroom that reflects the personality of the owners of the house to the maximum extent. After all, here they are left alone with themselves or with the people closest to them. Therefore, increased attention to its decoration is necessary.

  1. Pretentious canteens are a thing of the past

If the house has a separate dining room, then for unknown reasons they try to make it as pompous as possible. Probably, guided by associations with ancient castles, where the whole family decorously ate meals several times a day. But times have changed, and a modern person will feel uncomfortable in a heavy and pretentious atmosphere. Therefore, it is better to strive to create a pleasant and relaxing environment in the dining room.

  1. Remember about mirrors

A mirror is not only a reflective surface that will help ensure that appearance Everything is fine. It is also a decor that has almost magical properties. Mirrors visually enlarge the space, making it lighter, airier and more sophisticated. Decorators never forget about this while working.

  1. Don't be afraid of mistakes

Not a single outstanding interior has been created without bold experiments. It is better to make a mistake and correct it than to miss the opportunity to achieve impressive results in decorating.

  1. Dark colors are not just for large rooms

A small room dominated by space looks no worse than a bright one. On the contrary, rich colors dominate the boundaries of the space, distracting attention from its modest dimensions.

  1. The ceiling matches the color of the walls - maximum comfort

The ceiling and walls are the same color - an excellent decorator technique that allows you to visually increase the height of the room. In addition, another positive effect is achieved - the atmosphere in the room becomes as comfortable and relaxing as possible.

  1. Complete rejection of artificial textiles

Most professional decorators strictly adhere to the principle of completely abandoning artificial textiles in favor of natural ones. Cotton, wool, silk, linen become the only possible options materials. The costs increase, but the results are worth it.

  1. Style is conditional

It is not our plan to deny existing boundaries. But in the process of decorating a living space, you should not strictly adhere to them. Much more important is how the owners of the house feel themselves in it, and not the complete compliance of the design with a certain style.

  1. Accent wall instead of complete repainting

If you are tired of the existing color scheme of the room, then completely repainting the walls is not necessary. Try creating accent wall, painting it in a contrasting shade. It will take a couple of hours, but the effect of the update will be noticeable.

  1. Find decorating inspiration

When choosing the direction in which to move, choosing decor, we recommend forgetting the concept of “style”. A more reasonable step would be to search for sources of inspiration, images that you would like to see in the interior. Ideas can be gleaned from paintings, films, music. For example, a room decorated in the spirit of the famous film “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” will look interesting.

  1. Choose one of three principles for arranging furniture

Everyone knows that it is better to avoid placing furniture along the walls. But what alternatives are there? The first option is a symmetrical arrangement, that is, around a certain point in the room (for example, the center of a room or window). The second is asymmetrical, that is, not amenable to logic. The third is a circular arrangement, which differs from a symmetrical one in that the starting point can be an insignificant interior detail. For example, a chandelier or a pattern on the carpet.

  1. Classic "rule of three"

Items collected in a composition of three must differ in three ways - shape, color and size. For example, you shouldn’t put three identical photos on the mantelpiece. It is preferable to choose a photo, a vase and a book as decoration - objects that differ from each other in all of the above characteristics.

  1. The ubiquitous "golden ratio"

Decoration is one of the many areas where the principle of the “golden ratio” can and should be applied. What is its essence? Let us assume that the whole is divided into two unequal parts. The larger part is equal to 0.618 of the whole, and the smaller part is 0.382 of the larger. In this case, the smaller part relates to the larger part as the larger part relates to the whole. This size ratio is perceived by the human eye as close to ideal.

  1. Ideal symmetry is not ideal

A completely symmetrical room, equal parts of which look like mirror images of each other, is perceived as uncomfortable to be in. Therefore, such a room must have at least one asymmetrical element. For example, a picture on the wall or a sconce.

  1. “Correct” curtains - with weights and braid

In order for the curtains to form beautiful folds, braid must be sewn in their upper part, and weights must be placed in the lower part. A lining for curtains will not be superfluous: it provides excellent sound insulation and prevents them from fading under the sun's rays.

  1. Good taste is conditional

At first glance, the concept of “good taste” is fundamental in interior design and decoration. But in reality it is conditional. It is better to focus not on observing the boundaries of good taste, but on whether a certain decorative solution is suitable for a particular room.

  1. More contrasts

An abundance of monotonous shapes and colors can ruin almost any interior. Therefore, do not be afraid to use decor that contrasts with the decor and stands out against its background.

  1. Cheap and expensive go well together

Be more adventurous when combining items from radically different price points. From such a mixture, both an expensive item will benefit, which will look even more luxurious in a democratic environment, and a cheap item, which will acquire the nobility it lacks.

  1. The individuality of the room is in the lighting

Even the most ordinary room can be transformed, becoming unique due to. On the contrary, an inappropriate lighting scheme can ruin the exclusivity of the setting.

  1. The same color of plumbing fixtures is a must

In pursuit of original solutions you may have an idea to install plumbing different colors. For example, the sink is white and the bathtub is black. It is better to abandon such a thought initial stage, because the result of its implementation will be a disharmonious interior.

  1. Corridor or hallway as a business card of the house

The rules of scale, according to which the size of objects must correspond to the area of ​​the room, have not been canceled. But in order for the situation to acquire character and expressiveness, it is worth moving a little away from its strict adherence. One or two large objects in a small room will help visual increase space.

  1. Refusal of aggressive shapes and colors

Most professionals believe that the main and necessary characteristics of a living space are comfort and a relaxing atmosphere. It is better to create a corner of calm in your home than to choose aggressive shapes and colors.

  1. “Yes” to laconic shelves

Shelves of intricate shapes can decorate the interior. But if you put books, figurines and other little things on them, then in general such a composition will look overloaded. Therefore, if you plan to use the shelves for their intended purpose, it is better to stick to simple models. For example, on hanging shelves without a stand.

  1. Niches – for exclusive items

The presence of niches in a home is often perceived as a disadvantage. This opinion may be justified if you fill the niche with many shelves with different sizes of decor. It is recommended to place in a niche a collection of similar things, approximately the same in shape and size, or one or two exclusive items.

  1. The right decor - the right place

A decorative item that is ideal for a particular interior looks different in different places. We recommend trying several decor placement options before choosing the final one.

  1. Universal, but so different pillows

Pillows are suitable for decorating any interior, the main thing is to decide on the appropriate color and size. But it is equally important to choose the place and method of their placement. Large pillows randomly scattered on the floor will create a bohemian and democratic atmosphere, while square pillows lying in a row on the sofa will create an orderly and neat atmosphere.

  1. Textiles set the mood

If the design of the room does not produce the expected emotional effect, then change the textiles in it. This is the most affordable way change the atmosphere of your living space.

  1. A combination of black and white that should be treated with caution

White is considered one of the most versatile in interior design. color palette. In many ways, this opinion exists due to the wide range of its compatibility with other colors. But professional decorators are wary of black and white color duets. This maximum contrast combination looks too harsh for a living space. The exception is paintings in a black frame on a white wall, which unobtrusively add a graphic touch to the interior.

66. Ideal neutral - taupe color

As a color that can become a neutral background for the interior, the most often chosen is between white, gray and beige. Professional decorators recommend paying attention to taupe. This color is harmonious in terms of the simultaneous warmth and coldness of its shade, and also does not get boring for a long time.

  1. Color nuances that matter

The generally accepted opinion is that all colors are divided into two groups - warm and cold. But in reality, every color, even white, can belong to one or another group. It all depends on its shade. The same white can have a cold bluish tone (for example, the color of snow) or a warm brownish tone (ivory).

  1. Texture is inseparable from color

In most books on design and decor, there is a tendency to separate color from texture. So, they think about the color scheme for the interior, but no one thinks about the texture map. Professional decorators recommend initially considering color and texture in relation to each other. After all, texture affects the balance of light and shadow, and therefore the perception of color.

  1. The importance of the visual center of the room

One of the key tasks that a professional decorator faces is determining the visual center of the room. This is the point on which the gaze concentrates first. For example, a large mirror, an unusual piece of furniture, or a lamp can act as a visual center. A room with a visual center looks more harmonious and orderly than one without it.

  1. Items on the wall are a worthy alternative to the usual wall decor

Volumetric objects on the wall, be it a collection of plates brought from travel or animal figurines, will become an excellent alternative paintings or posters. This decor, decorated in panels, looks more than original.

  1. Neutral dark tones - “chameleons”

At first glance, neutral, rich tones, such as dark gray, look boring. But in fact, under different lighting they change shade. So, dark gray will appear bluish in the morning, and at sunset it will have a purple tint.

72. Rough textures are universal comforters

If the room does not seem cozy enough, then it probably lacks decor with a complex, rough texture. These could be wicker baskets, a knitted blanket, a fur rug, or a lamp with many facets.

  1. Calm draperies for the bedroom

Decorating the entire living space with multi-layer textile structures is redundant. But they will be appropriate in draperies. They not only create a relaxing atmosphere, but also have good noise and light absorption properties.

  1. Podium for decoration

In order to enliven a decorative composition, try raising several of its components above others. For example, on dressing table Some bottles can be placed in a tall fruit vase. This simple technique, which is often used by professional decorators, will add depth and volume to the interior.

  1. Hobbies in plain sight

Items that are used in the process of practicing your favorite hobby can also become decor. For example, even a canvas by the window, skeins of thread with knitting needles, or sewing machine unusual shape.

  1. Power of lines

Different types of lines can create a certain atmosphere in the interior. Vertical (for example, columns) give the atmosphere majesty and severity; horizontal (lockers, sofas) – calm and confidence; diagonal (stair railings) – dynamism; curves (round table or smooth arms of a chair) – sensuality and softness. In order for the interior to look expressive, it must combine.

  1. The importance of rhythm in the interior

Rhythm is one of the key concepts in interior design and decoration. Rhythm is achieved through the use of elements with a repeating shape, color or texture. An interior where the rule of rhythm is observed is perceived as holistic and harmonious.

  1. Wood of different shades in one room is most often a failed experiment

If the room contains wood of different colors, for example, dark and light, then the interior will not look like a single whole. Therefore, it is better to leave the experiment with combining wood shades unrealized. After all, a common color unites interior items, for example, furniture that differs in shape, into a harmonious rhythmic composition.

  1. Convey emotions through color tone

To create an interior that gives a minor impression, professional decorators choose cold shades, and major ones - warm ones. The combination of warm and cold shades in one room conveys a complex and deep emotional range.

  1. Dark window frames for dramatic contrast

Dark window frames– an interior solution that is perceived as bold and non-standard. This simple technique can transform a living space, creating an unobtrusive contrast with the rest of the interior. Note the frames in purple, dark gray and black.

  1. Fresh flowers are always appropriate

The abundance of old things in the house is a characteristic that speaks negatively about the interior. But you shouldn’t give them up completely. Use your imagination, and among the things that seem to have served their purpose long ago, you will definitely find something interesting. Some can be used in the interior in their original form, while others will have to be painted, upholstered or decorated with decoupage. The main thing is to strive to see hidden possibilities in old things.

  1. A successful duet of modernity and vintage

A combination of things with history and those recently purchased in a store will benefit the interior. But in order to similar combinations looked harmonious, choose which items will be more in the room - old or new. Combining them in equal quantities is not the best idea.

  1. A drop of luxury, always appropriate

Even if a minimalist style is chosen for decoration, there is room for a couple of luxurious details. It is not necessary that their role should be played by large objects - for example, a sofa or carpet. To save money, you can order sewing covers from high-quality textiles for pillows or furniture.

  1. Empty walls are not as bad as people think

It is generally accepted that neutral-colored walls without any decor are a sign that the interior was decorated independently, without the involvement of specialists. But empty spaces are necessary. Including, in order to emphasize the expressiveness of the decor, to give the eye a rest. Therefore, if the interior is replete with details, then empty walls may be a suitable solution.

  1. The number of ornaments is odd

The rule followed by most professional decorators is that the number of ornaments in a room should be odd, and their designs should be different. Floral patterns are in harmony with geometric prints, and rich patterns are best combined with neutral ones.

  1. Paintings or posters – at eye level

The optimal height for placing paintings or posters is at viewing height, that is, approximately 1.6 m from the floor. If a group of images is placed on the wall, then at eye level it is worth hanging the central element of such a decorative composition.

  1. Stone, metal and wood as a guarantee of comfort

Natural finishes, for example, stone wall or wooden beam, V small apartment may look ridiculous. In order to make your home more comfortable, it is better to use decor from natural materials. Wooden photo frames, marble busts, and metal vases are suitable.

  1. DIY art object

If you have an artistic flair, it is quite possible to claim the title of an object of art. It could be a collage of your own photos, a painting, a poster or a papier-mâché sculpture. Make your artwork the visual focal point of the room by placing it on a pedestal. If the necessary creative skills are missing, then purchase a ready-made art object. True, this pleasure is not cheap. An art object will make the interior unique and free you from the need to purchase numerous small decor.

  1. Decorative plaster is prohibited

In pictures in glossy magazines you can see decent interiors, where it is used as wall decoration decorative plaster. But in practice, there are very few masters who are able to repeat a given effect. The result may be unpredictable or very far from expected. Therefore, professional decorators prefer wallpaper or painting instead of decorative plaster.

  1. The principle of a swing for arranging furniture

Tall furniture in the interior should be adjacent to lower furniture, so that the eye slides up and down, as if along the trajectory of a swing. By the way, this principle is also relevant for small interior details, for example, decor. If things of the same size are placed side by side, the interior will seem overloaded in some areas and empty in others.

  1. An element of surprise to spice things up

To prevent the interior from being monotonous, it is worth introducing an element of surprise into it. These may be some details that are invisible during a quick inspection of the living space. For example, the back side of cabinet doors is covered with bright paint while the color of the rest of the visible surface is subdued. An original print, the details of which can only be seen at close range, the upholstery of a sofa with an unusual texture... There can be many options.

  1. Window decor according to the rules

Proper window decoration can cope not only with aesthetic, but also practical problems. So, if you hang the cornice 5-10 cm above the window opening, then visually the height of the window will increase. In a similar way, you can increase the width of the opening. To do this, choose a cornice whose length on each side of the window is 10-25 cm longer than necessary. Such techniques will not only enlarge the window, but also visually make the room more spacious and brighter.

  1. The right choice of lamp for the kitchen or living room

The kitchen or living room are not only ordinary parts of the living space, but also rooms where friendly or family gatherings take place. Therefore here proper lighting especially important. Do not hang the lamps too low, otherwise they will make a depressing impression. The optimal distance from the chandelier to the tabletop is approximately 80-90 cm with standard height ceilings. It is also better to opt for lamps whose width is from a third to half the width of the tabletop.

  1. The right size rug - what is it?

A carpet that is too small or large can disrupt the proportionality of the interior. Therefore, professional decorators are guided by a number of guidelines. carpet under dining table should be wide enough for the back legs of pushed-back chairs to rest on it. It is necessary to place a rug under the bed, protruding from under it by 40-60 cm. Otherwise, when getting out of bed, you will have to step on the cold floor with your feet. Another important point: Regardless of the size of the room, the carpet should not fit close to its walls. If the room is large, then 30-45 cm of the floor remains free from carpet; in a small room - up to 20 cm.

  1. Laws for wall decor collection

If the wall is decorated with several photos, plates or large posters, then there should be 8-10 cm of free space between them. Place small decor closer to each other. It is better to leave 15-25 cm of empty wall between the wall decor and large pieces of furniture underneath.

  1. The main criterion when choosing decor is positive emotions

Often the external environment is not the most friendly for modern man. Therefore, professional decorators for living spaces prefer to use decor that evokes only positive emotions. After all, there is enough negativity outside the home.

  1. Creativity is more important than principles and rules

Knowledge of various rules helps professional decorators navigate the world of design and acquire a basis for further development. But only part of the existing principles and rules are applicable to each specific case. Therefore, the creative component of the decorating process is a priority.

It is always easy to distinguish a showroom in a furniture store from a living room. What distinguishes them is the presence of “highlights” that will demonstrate the individual preferences of the residents. These are vases, lamps, sofa cushions, photographs and paintings, draperies, embroideries and many other little things.

But it’s not enough to buy original items. They must first be selected correctly, and then arranged. Museum valuables accumulated in cabinets and shelves are good only in a museum; in an apartment they are often inappropriate and will not work leading role decor - pay attention to your taste and lifestyle. But how often do we collect a lot of scattered things, donated souvenirs, heritage from grandmothers and litter our apartments with them? Yes, sometimes it’s nice to look at them, but such things can spoil the overall impression of the interior.

To really decorate your home and make it cozy, you need a systematic creativity. And you should start decorating the interior by studying your rooms.

Harmony is at the forefront of the interior

The most important thing in interior design is to remember that all decorative elements should be harmoniously combined with the walls, furniture, each other and even the lighting. Therefore, you need to study the conditions that already exist: the size of the room, the color of the walls, floor and ceiling, the saturation of the room with furniture and its color. It is worth determining whether there are bright spots of color in the room. Often they can be curtains.

The ideal “substrate” for decor will be walls and furniture made in neutral tones. Then you should only make sure that the decorative elements are harmoniously combined with each other and are made in the same style.

Moreover, if you have “classic” furniture, it is not at all necessary that the decor be in the same style. Japanese prints on the walls can also look beneficial, slightly tilting the style towards the colonial, and bright abstract elements will make the interior more modern and unusual.

It is necessary to pay attention to the natural light in the rooms. If there is not enough light, it can be enhanced with the help of an aquarium, special garlands, additional lamps and sconces.

The functional purpose of the room is also important, on which the choice of decorations also depends. For example, in the kitchen, in an atmosphere of steam and heat, some items can quickly deteriorate, for example, photos. Therefore, in such a room it is better to choose decor made of glass, clay, and some metals.

Basic principles of interior decoration

When planning to refresh the interior with the help of decorative elements, and fearing “overload” with unnecessary objects, you can use the one-look rule. When entering a room and looking in one direction, only one piece of decor should catch your eye. The gaze should not move from one object to another, but it should not freeze in weightlessness, not finding anything to cling to.

In addition, every surface should be decorated with something. But not littered with souvenirs, but to have the only decoration that suits her. For example, most often the ceiling is decorated with a chandelier, the walls with paintings or photos, the floor with a carpet, and the window with flowers in pots.

But this is a classic and no one bothers you to use your imagination and decorate the floor, for example, in a room alpine slide, the ceiling is painted with clouds, and the walls are with draperies, graffiti, etc. The main thing is to never forget about a sense of proportion and this rule: the amount of decor must strictly correspond to the size of the room. That is, the more space, the more elements you can afford.

You should be very careful with different colors. And the brighter the decor item, the calmer its background should be. For example, if your wardrobe is a large beige plane, then the bed can be covered with a cheerful bright bedspread. But if the closet is decorated with paintings, you can throw only a couple of pillows on a light bedspread that match the color of the painting.

Classic decorative elements

Sofa cushions are one of the most simple ways decorate the room. They can repeat the pattern of the curtains, or they can contrast with the sofa. This element can easily create the mood of a room: emphasize calm and reliability or add a playful joke.

Fresh flowers add a special coziness to the room and fit perfectly into almost any interior. The main thing is that there is enough light in the room.

An element of decor is light, as well as its sources. Modern decorators advise using a lot of light in the interior. This could be several beautiful sconces, lamps, candelabra, luminous stands. Spot lighting can be placed around the perimeter of the ceiling.

Perhaps the easiest way to choose decor for a room is in the form of a painting or photograph. In the living room big family Photos from shared vacations and other happy moments in life look great. And certainly everyone loves romantic landscapes, flowers, etc. The only important thing here is that the photos are located at eye level, and not too high for easy viewing.

Mirrors have always served as an interesting decoration for a room. Especially if they are arranged so that from certain points of view they reflect other decorative elements: paintings, photos or fresh flowers.

Unfortunately, many people mistakenly believe that interior decoration is not a very significant element of room design. Of course, changing the decor is easier than buying new furniture and replacing finishing materials. But decoration makes it possible to create a special atmosphere; it is the final chord of the design, making the room more comfortable and cozy or luxurious and stylish.

In the meantime, don't overdo it. Don't use too much a large number of decorative elements, overloading the interior, unless this is the goal of your design intent, or unless the style you choose to decorate your home requires. In particular, do not place twenty porcelain figurines on a shelf at once. It’s better to display them one by one, slightly changing the decor from time to time. Keep it in moderation, otherwise your apartment will look like a museum, and believe me, this is not always a compliment.

Try to choose decor that you like. After all, the purpose of decorative elements is to create comfort, coziness and a great mood just for you. Feel free to use decorations, even if some of your guests don't like them. After all, you are decorating your home, in which everything should suit you personally and every member of your household.