How to get rid of flies in the house. How to get rid of small fruit flies in the kitchen

Forgot to take out the trash on time or didn’t notice how Kitchen Cabinet the apple rolled and began to rot there, and now small and annoying fruit flies appeared in the house. They multiply quickly, some bite, spoil food and damage vegetation in the apartment. In short, they don’t give me peace. The question arises, how to get rid of midges at home. Fortunately, there are many effective methods; you can fight insects yourself without involving exterminators.

Causes of midges

Midges don't just appear in the house.

  • Insects are attracted to dirty vegetables and fruits. Larvae are always present on the fruits, and when the product rots, they become active, since such a fruit is easy to eat. The life of fruit flies is short, but reproduction in favorable conditions is off scale.
  • In the same way, midge larvae “wake up” in an apartment if there is garbage in the house. They will feed on rotting food scraps in the trash can. Larvae can also be found on the surface of the bucket, so it is worth cleaning it regularly.
  • The condition of pet trays and feeders is also a source of midges in the apartment. Just like stagnant water in an aquarium.
  • Midges live in indoor plants. They especially love flower pots whose soil has been fertilized with tea leaves. With high soil moisture, the appearance of insects is inevitable.
  • If the housewife keeps the kitchen clean, but insects still haunt her, check the sewer system. There may be household waste that has begun to decompose and attract uninvited guests.

Thus, food decomposition is a potential cause of midge infestation in your home. Once you get rid of the original source, you will say goodbye to annoying flies.

Drosophila species

The most common food types of insects are found. Habitat: food and waste. The color of this variety ranges from burgundy to black. Fortunately, getting rid of them is simple: do regular deep cleaning and remove power sources.

Clothing varieties also appear. They live in stale things. Getting rid of them is much more difficult. Preventive measures- the use of fragrances that repel insects (the most effective is the smell of lavender). They also use dried hazel leaves.

In places with high humidity - in the kitchen, in the bathhouse, in the bathroom - water midges appear. Regular ventilation of the premises will help get rid of it.

Means and methods of struggle

So, how to get rid of midges at home. Most effective method- usage chemicals aimed at pest control.

  1. All items in the house that come into contact with food and water are treated. Sinks and washbasins are cleaned using anti-clog agents. They will prevent pollution from stagnating and decomposing. To clean the neck of the sink, use soda, slaked with vinegar, and then rinse with water.
  2. Special gels are applied to the surfaces of the trash can and sinks to prevent new larvae from appearing.
  3. The balcony is treated with aerosols and solutions. Popular ones include Raptor, Raid, Neo-dichlorvos. Chemicals repel flying “guests”.
  4. A mosquito fumigator is installed in the apartment. It will also cope with fruit flies. In the summer you can use a simple way to remove uninvited guests. To do this, anti-mosquito plates are installed close to the glass. As a result thermal effects sunlight will release toxic substances that poison insects.
  5. Flower pots are treated with Flycatcher or Grom-2.

Remember that chemicals are used only in ventilated areas. Otherwise, their use threatens to poison the entire family.

Traditional methods of insect control

In order to get rid of annoying neighbors at home, use effective “grandmother’s” methods.

Prevention of midges

Rather than getting rid of midges in the house, it is better to carry out regular prevention. What to do for this purpose:

  • Do not allow garbage to lie in the apartment. Keep the trash can clean.
  • Clean siphons.
  • Get rid of stale products that are close to spoilage in a timely manner.
  • Start the amulet - strong smell repels midges. They cannot stand the smell of garlic either.
  • Clean pet feeders, litter boxes and resting areas regularly.
  • In summer, install mosquito nets on windows.

Preventive measures will have to be taken constantly. If the house is clean and tidy, any pests will not stay in it for long.

In the summer, housewives often complain about tiny midges that periodically appear in the kitchen. Insects penetrate packages of cookies, settle on grapes, and actively collect on pieces of fruit. Often dozens of fruit flies fly around the trash can.

What to do if annoying midges appear in the kitchen? How to get rid of insects that interfere with enjoying your meal? Adviсe experienced housewives and pest control specialists will be useful to everyone.

Reasons for appearance

Midges are attracted to rotting plant matter. The fermentation process and the accompanying odors are the main reason for the appearance of uninvited guests. Fruits, vegetables that are not fresh, rotten melons, fermented juice, beer, compote are a welcome treat for tiny insects. Leftover food is a convenient place for laying eggs.

Another reason for the accumulation of midges in the kitchen is wet rags, a clogged sink, from which there is not much sound. pleasant aroma. Rotting food particles plus high humidity are an ideal environment for the development of tiny insects.

Often midges start in flower pots, if the housewife often fertilizes the ground with stale tea leaves and does not replace the tea leaves with new ones in a timely manner. Abundant watering accelerates the decay process. When overmoistening, part of the water fills the flowerpot and the stand under the pot, plaque accumulates, and bad smell and mold. High humidity plus old, rotting tea leaves are an ideal breeding ground for insects (not only midges, but also other pests that attack indoor flowers).

Types of insects

In the kitchen, in the bathroom, near flowerpots with flowers appear small pests two types:

  • Drosophila (fruit flies);
  • soil midges.

Regardless of the variety, insects actively reproduce where there are rotting pieces of food and an abundance of moisture. Fruit midges, which are often called “wine flies,” often appear in apartments.

Tiny larvae are found in the pulp of fruits; under favorable conditions, pests begin to grow and reproduce. The more often midges fly into the kitchen, the more larvae there are: the circle closes.

How dangerous are midges for humans?

Annoying insects swarm over grapes and pieces of watermelon, climb into the trash can, fly into the bathroom, and sit on the sink. But this is not the end of the “journey”: small pests crawl on indoor flowers, soil, and again fly to the kitchen to feast on the remains of melons and fruits.

With this route, it is easy to understand that microscopic particles of earth, dirty water from the sink they easily fall on food. The result is the introduction of harmful bacteria and fungi, the risk of various infections. The larvae deposited by midges also do not add any benefit to food products.

Conclusion: You can’t calmly watch the wine flies fly around the apartment. Lack of control leads to active reproduction of pests; there is no benefit from such “neighbors”. Nasty insects not only interfere with eating, constantly crawl into your eyes and mouth, swim in compote or juice, but also worsen sanitary conditions.

How to get rid of it: general rules

How to get rid of midges in the kitchen? Insect control is carried out in several ways. Before starting treatment, you need to find out the reason for the proliferation of tiny insects and understand where the source of food and water is. If the midge does not find something to profit from, then the problem will disappear by itself.

If there is an abundance of insects, you should not rely on a natural process: you need to get rid of tiny pests as quickly as possible. Suitable various ways: from primitive but effective traps to modern synthetic aerosols and solutions.

How to remove midges from the kitchen: 10 important rules:

  • clean up the kitchen, explain to household members why they need to keep bread in the bread bin and fruit in the refrigerator or closed containers;
  • contain work surface and keep the dining table clean, do not leave unfinished beer, juice, compote, wine in open containers;
  • do some general cleaning. Special attention– kitchen and bathroom. It is important to sort through cereals, vegetables, thoroughly wash the refrigerator, cabinet doors, areas under kitchen furniture, and the stove;
  • be sure to take out the trash, wash the bucket thoroughly with soap and soda, and wipe dry;
  • rags in the bathroom and kitchen should always be clean and dry: this rule should be remembered by all household members. If there are leaks in the pipes, you will have to call a plumber or entrust sewer repairs to a home handyman;
  • If the pipes are clogged, the composition “Mole” will help. After removing food debris and destroying the layer of fat, it is important to keep these areas clean;
  • Cleaning cracks, floors, areas near the refrigerator, stove from plaque, accumulation of grease and dirt is a prerequisite for removing midges. A tiny piece of rotten apple or spilled juice is fertile ground for annoying insects;
  • If there are a lot of flowers at home, you need to reconsider plant care. Moderate watering, monitoring the condition of the soil, and regularly replacing the top layer in the flowerpot will reduce the risk of breeding midges, which prefer moist soil with rotting leaves and remnants of tea leaves;
  • it is important to wash all flowerpots with indoor flowers and their trays with soap, wipe them dry, and then maintain the cleanliness of these elements;
  • It is important to monitor all areas where midges can appear. The more the housewife and household members keep order, the lower the risk of annoying pests.


How to fight midges in the kitchen using chemicals? Pest control specialists do not recommend spraying aggressive chemicals in the kitchen. chemical compositions. If midges have settled in the bathroom, Dichlorvos will do. It is important not only to spray the composition in the area where midges accumulate, but also to eliminate the factors that attract annoying insects.

The use of chemicals is a last resort when there is an abundance of harmful flying insects. The main emphasis when dealing with tiny pests is on means homemade, which do not cause negative reactions in humans and animals.

Traditional methods

Safe, natural ingredients are as effective as traps and synthetic drugs. Why use a toxic aerosol against midges if you can get by with formulations based on natural ingredients?

Proven remedies for midges in the kitchen:

  • heat camphor oil in a frying pan, wait until smoke with a pungent odor appears, walk around all the rooms with an aroma lamp;
  • midges, like other types of insects, do not like strong odors. Bouquets of tansy, lavender, and wormwood placed throughout the rooms will help get rid of annoying “neighbors.” Tansy should not be placed in the bedroom: the plant should not fall into the hands of children or animals;
  • candle with pine or spicy scent – good remedy to repel midges. You need to light a candle, slowly walk around the apartment, linger longer in the kitchen, in the bathroom;
  • essential oils also help in the fight against midges. The esters of lemon, lavender, ylang-ylang, patchouli, and the aroma of incense are good at repelling tiny insects. Add a few drops of a composition with a bright aroma to the container of a special lamp, turn on the device, wait until the midge smells it;
  • Peel a few cloves of garlic, cut into medium pieces, place in small lids, and place in areas where midges accumulate. Tiny insects cannot tolerate the garlic aroma.

Homemade traps

Homemade catch containers are easy to make in 15 minutes from available materials. Minimum cost + maximum efficiency - this expression accurately characterizes home mosquito traps.

Examples of fixtures:

  • Pour beer, sweet water or fermented juice into a wine bottle. The midges will quickly flock to the pleasant aroma. When enough insects have collected in the bottle, all that remains is to close the container with a stopper and throw it away;
  • Place some rotten fruit in a regular plastic bag and lightly cover the trap. Midges fly most quickly to fermented peaches, apricots, grapes, pieces of melon and watermelon. Soon tiny insects will appear inside the bag. The owners must quickly tie up the plastic, throw it in the trash, and take it out of the apartment;
  • super trap of plastic bottle. You will need a container with a volume of 1.5 or 2 liters. Cut off a piece from the top (approximately 2/3 of the height of the bottle), turn the cone over, and insert it into the lower part. You will get a funnel inside a plastic container. To be sure, seal the junction of the two parts (on the sides) with tape. To attract midges, pour jam, beer, sweet syrup or put rotten fruit on the bottom. The midges will climb inside through the hole, but will not crawl out;
  • trap from a jar. You will need a glass container with a volume of 0.5 or 1 liter. Cover the jar with cling film or tie it with a plastic bag, and pull the top layer tight. Make small holes in the film or polyethylene through which the midges can get inside. The same edible ingredients as for other trapping containers will help attract insects;
  • sticky tape placed in areas where midges accumulate is another simple device for collecting uninvited guests.

How to deal with it on indoor plants and in a greenhouse? We have the answer!

Read the page about how to fight bedbugs in an apartment using chemicals and folk remedies.

Pest prevention

How to reduce the risk of midges in your apartment? Recommendations from experienced housewives will help.

Helpful Tips:

  • keep the kitchen clean, wring out rags well;
  • do not leave grapes, cut watermelons, melons, peaches, or apples on the table;
  • After a meal, put fruits in the refrigerator, especially in hot weather;
  • throw away rotten vegetables and fruits without regret, take out the bucket of food waste on time;
  • control the condition of the sink and bathtub, prevent the accumulation of fat and food debris. Arsenal modern compositions, dissolving fat deposits, is so rich that every housewife will select a product at an affordable price;
  • Water indoor flowers as needed, do not over-moisten the soil. When using tea leaves as fertilizer, replace the tea leaves with fresh ones more often if there is a heavy accumulation of natural fertilizer replace the top layer of soil 2–3 cm thick;
  • When swarms of midges appear in the kitchen, bathroom or room, do not put off the fight against insects “on the back burner”. The longer you wait, the more larvae the tiny pests will lay.

After reading the material, every housewife can easily get rid of the annoying midges that often penetrate apartments in the summer. Insect traps are easy to make with your own hands, folk recipes contain available ingredients. Order, cleanliness in the kitchen and bathroom, absence of rotting food debris, prevention of excess moisture in flowerpots - simple, effective measures, reducing the likelihood of encountering tiny fruit flies.

Midges are not uncommon in apartments and in private homes in the kitchen. Learn more about how to get rid of pests in the following video:

“Oh, summer is red! I would love you if it weren’t for the heat, the dust, the mosquitoes, and the flies...” - these are the lines of the great Russian poet, in which there is a mention of annoying insects that so interfere with our lives. In other words, the question of how to get rid of flies in the kitchen (that’s where they like to settle) has been worrying people for a long time. And, judging by the fact that the unwanted neighborhood has not been eradicated to this day, no panacea has yet been created against them.

At its core, fruit flies, as these little midges are called, are quite harmless (see also the article about midges in the kitchen). Moreover, thanks to this insect, genetic scientists have made a lot of discoveries. But from the point of view of everyday life, she remained “ annoying fly", the presence of which is not only undesirable in the kitchen, but also dangerous.

Did you know!! That one fly can carry up to one million microbes. At the same time, the diseases that these insect representatives can spread are very insidious and dangerous: salmonellosis, cholera, typhoid fever. AND whole line other enteric viral infections.

Due to its nature, the midge's habitat is not limited to the perimeter of our kitchen, so it is one of the most harmful distributors of various intestinal diseases.


Today, in addition to primitive traps that are easy to make with your own hands, there are a lot of ingenious inventions and gadgets for fighting flying insects. So modern technologies We also touched upon the following question - how to get rid of small flies in the kitchen (also find out how to get rid of midges in the kitchen). But let's not get ahead of ourselves and tell everything in order.

Simple traps are easily and simply made from available material. There are a great many variations on the theme of how to deal with flies in the kitchen, but the principle of operation is the same - to lure the insect and not release it. To do this, take a small container, for example, a mug, a disposable cup or a plastic container, as in the photo.

Some delicacies for fruit flies, fermented juice, rotten fruit, and soggy potatoes are placed inside. We stretch a plastic film on top, the edges of which are secured with adhesive tape or an elastic band. Next, we make small holes in the improvised lid, with such a diameter that a small fly can crawl inside the container and not get out back. Another option for removing flies from the kitchen. We take a small container and pour an aqueous solution of vinegar into the bottom; it is better to take apple vinegar, its smell is most attractive to insects. From paper, roll it up into a ball and cut off the top of the cone. Experts advise using yellow, because it is very popular with fruit flies. We insert the package into a jar filled with liquid and place it somewhere in a secluded place, next to the fruit. The smell of vinegar will attract insects, and they will easily fall into the trap.


If small flies have managed to settle in the kitchen, then it is necessary to audit your food supplies. First we check the vegetables, onions, potatoes. They need to be sorted for the presence of spoiled and rotten tubers. We empty the trash can, it is also a breeding ground for uninvited neighbors. We check open bags of cereals, dried fruits, and sweets. If there is a massive accumulation of midges, they can be neutralized by spraying a solution of water and dishwashing liquid from a spray bottle. Enough effective remedy. Another very important rule is to make any food inaccessible to them. Under no circumstances should food be left uncovered. To protect food from insects, special nets are used, plastic bags, plastic containers. A few more ideas on how to defeat an insect infestation are offered by video instructions

However, these insects can appear not only near food. Their favorite place may also be houseplants. The main factor for attracting midges to them is high humidity due to abundant watering. How to get rid of fruit flies in the kitchen in this case? Very simple. For a while, you need to reduce watering and sprinkle the ground around the plant with black pepper (learn how to get rid of moths in the kitchen).


Today, there are a variety of technical devices on sale that can be used to get rid of annoying guests. Their price depends on the originality of the idea and the efficiency of operation. This is an electric fly swatter. Its action is based on the impact electric current for flies. Various kinds aerosols containing certain chemically active ingredients. Be careful, these drugs should not contain fluorine, chlorine and phosphorus. The latest achievement of science is fumigators, the working element of which is replaceable plates.


And finally, I would like to say that when using all of the above methods, remember that when protecting yourself from small flies, the main thing is not to harm your health and the health of your loved ones.

In the warm season, in an apartment or private house may appear small midges, whose scientific name is Drosophila. They do not carry various infections and do not pose a danger to humans, since, unlike blood-sucking insects, they do not bite warm-blooded creatures. Miniature flies hatch from eggs laid on the surface of fruits and vegetables and reproduce very quickly. The main source of nutrition for fruit flies is decomposing organic matter: ripe and overripe fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, old tea leaves and other plant debris. To get rid of small flies in the kitchen, you can use chemicals, purchased and homemade traps. But first of all, it’s worth cleaning up the kitchen and utility rooms where food supplies are usually stored.

Cleaning the kitchen

The Drosophila genus includes up to 70 species, each of which has certain food preferences. But they are all attracted by the smell of acid released by fermented or souring products. Small midges fluttering around the kitchen are called differently in everyday life: wine flies, vinegar flies, fruit flies or fruit flies. But the methods of getting rid of all fruit flies are the same.

Before you start exterminating flying individuals, you need to clean up the kitchen and hide food in places where midges cannot reach them:

  • Throw away rotten fruits and vegetables.
  • Wash the trash can laundry soap, even if a garbage bag is inserted inside it (dried drops and drips of fruit juice can become a source of food for midges).
  • Carry out a general cleaning in the kitchen, thoroughly washing all hard-to-reach places (under the refrigerator, behind tables and cabinets), because any stains from spilled liquids can attract midges.
  • Clean the sink and the drain under it from accumulated organic debris (rinse with any product, scald with boiling soapy water, clean the walls of the drain with a brush).
  • Throw away dirty, worn out dishcloths and sponges.
  • Any dishes or products left on the kitchen or dining table, cover with an inverted plate, a clean towel, and a lid.
  • Food supplies that are stored at room temperature, place in cans, plastic containers or tightly sealed plastic bags.
  • Store foods that can withstand low temperatures in the refrigerator or freezer.
  • After each preparation or meal, thoroughly wipe tables, cabinets and sinks, as drops of water also attract fruit flies.

If you restore order and leave fruit flies without a food source, their population will gradually disappear without any additional measures. But this will not happen immediately - for another 10-70 days you will be able to observe insects flying around the kitchen. You can quickly destroy fruit flies only with the help of bait traps, which can be easily purchased at a hardware store or made yourself.

Drosophila traps

The range of ready-made baits designed to combat fruit flies is quite modest. If desired, in departments household chemicals You can find traps with a special attractant that affects fruit flies:

The traps listed are easy to use. They effectively catch small insects.There are also cheaper glue-based baits:

  • Aeroxon Fruchtfliegen-Falle;
  • Raptor.

Their principle of operation is simple: inside the structure there is a jar of liquid, which attracts fruit flies with its smell, and an adhesive layer is applied to the inside of the trap. Flies flying towards the scent of the bait become tightly glued to the cardboard and die.

You can make a primitive glue trap yourself: buy cheap adhesive fly tape, apply a little citrus juice or red wine to its surface. If you hang it near kitchen sink or in places where fruit is stored, midges will fly to the smell and stick to the sticky layer.

DIY baits

To fight fruit flies, you don’t have to spend money on store-bought traps. You can make them yourself, especially since they don’t require Additional materials, because everything you need can be found in every home.

How traps work

The principle of homemade baits is the same - a “tasty” liquid is poured into the container or pieces of overripe fruit are placed, and small holes are made in the walls of the trap through which fruit flies can crawl:

Any of the proposed options “works” no worse than store-bought traps and is capable of exterminating a large population of fruit flies in a couple of days. As bait, you can take almost anything that is at hand:

  • slices of pears, apples, peaches, nectarines, bananas, oranges;
  • banana peel;
  • apple cores;
  • old jam;
  • fruit compote;
  • wine or apple cider vinegar;
  • beer;
  • used tea bags.

Traps need to be set until the last midges disappear from the kitchen. To avoid reappearance fruit flies, it is advisable to leave 1-2 traps for another 10-14 days. If young individuals suddenly hatch from the laid eggs, they will inevitably fly to the smell of fruit acid.

Sciarids or fungus gnats

Small midges flying around the kitchen are not always fruit flies. These could also be sciarids, popularly called fungus gnats. They can only appear where indoor plants are grown. The soil in pots is often contaminated with sciarid eggs, and under favorable conditions they hatch into larvae and then adults.

Flying sciarids are not dangerous to humans, and they are not capable of causing harm to house plants. But the larvae in the soil can gnaw thin roots and lead to flower disease. The main reason for the proliferation of fungus gnats is frequent waterlogging of the soil, so first of all you should dry the flooded plants and then water them more carefully.

There are several ways to destroy sciarids:

  • Purchase an insecticidal preparation (Aktellik, Decis, Karbofos, etc.), dilute according to the instructions, spray with the resulting solution aboveground part and spill the soil in the pot.
  • Use special means from fungus gnats (Bazudin, Zemlin, Grom-2, Pochin). Scatter any of them into shallow grooves made on the surface of the soil in the pot.
  • Spray the soil of the infected flower with any aerosol against flies and mosquitoes, and include attractants in the room in the form of plates or liquids.

If these measures do not help and fungus gnats continue to flutter over the flowerpots, you will have to replant the plants in fresh, pre-steamed soil.

To eliminate the risk of sciarids appearing in the kitchen, you need to adjust the watering regime for indoor flowers and not fertilize them with various food products. If you water flowers with water after boiling vegetables or eggs, drinking tea leaves or meat broth, the benefits will be very doubtful, but the appearance of fungus gnats or fruit flies is quite likely.

It is believed that small flies in the kitchen are annoying, but at the same time harmless. In fact, the question of how to get rid of flies in the kitchen is very important, because these insects can be carriers of dangerous diseases and pathogenic bacteria, whose presence is undesirable in our homes.

What kind of flies live in the kitchen?

Typically, two types of small flies interfere with living in the kitchen:

  • fruit (drosophila);
  • soil (sciarids).

It happens that an infestation of flies occurs from damp basement in the house. If this is your case, then it will be impossible to cope with such flies on your own, even if all the residents of the entrance declare war on insects. It will be possible to remove flies only with the help of a special organization engaged in disinfestation using professional means extermination of insects.

Small flies in the kitchen love to live on onions that are beginning to rot, on damp potatoes, and on leftover cut fruits. Often clogs in the sewer pipes. They can also settle in flower pots if you decide to fertilize them with sleeping tea. By the way, another type of fly lives in flower pots - soil flies. They actively reproduce in moist soil, and their main food product is plant roots.

Why are flies dangerous? One fly can carry hundreds of germs, spreading dangerous diseases, including intestinal infections. By flying from food to house plants, as well as leaving their marks on any kitchen surfaces, flies contribute to the contamination of the food we eat.

How to deal with flies in the kitchen

Before you remove flies from your kitchen, you need to find out where they came from. Examine the kitchen, as well as other rooms, for spoiled food. It is necessary to throw out the garbage and rinse the trash can thoroughly. It is advisable to wash kitchen furniture inside and outside. If you find a cluster of flies in your closet, it is very convenient to spray them with a spray bottle of water and any detergent - soapy water will prevent them from flying away in different directions. It is better to put all products in dry sealed bags. If there are animals in the house, it is necessary to wash their bowls and not leave food in them freely available. Also desirable remove all water sources- flies cannot do without it. If the cleaning is done, and the flies still bother you, you should do the following.

Cleaning the sewer

Flies can live well in sewer pipes or fly through them from neighbors. This problem is especially relevant for old houses where there are blockages in the pipes or growths on the inner surface - these are what attract flies. To get rid of insects, you need to periodically use a clog cleaner. If you don’t have such a product on hand, you can pour a little soda into the pipe and then pour vinegar into the drain - you will hear a characteristic hissing sound, after which you need to rinse the drain with water and use a plunger.

Attention to plants

If you find that the soil in the pots is wet, you should stop watering for a while or spill the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. You can also spray the plants with the same barely pink solution of potassium permanganate from a spray bottle. You can sprinkle the soil in the pot with black pepper - flies are afraid of it. Another folk remedy– stick matches into the soil with the sulfur heads facing down. Remember that small flies love organic fertilizers , so don't use them for house flowers. If you cannot get rid of insects in flowers using improvised means, use special products sold in stores.

Flies do not like the smell of geranium, so it is worth keeping a pot of geranium on the kitchen windowsill. It will not only delight you with large and beautiful inflorescences, but will also be an excellent preventative against the appearance of small flies in the kitchen.

Fly traps

If the question of how to get rid of flies in the kitchen continues to bother you even after... spring cleaning and combating soil flies, use special traps. You can hang regular sticky fly strips. You can also buy or make specially made traps. For example, you can put bait (a piece of fruit, juice or even beer) in a glass, cover the glass with film, make several holes in it - the flies will come to feast on it and will not be able to get out. Instead of film, you can make a regular funnel out of paper and insert it with its “nose” down, securing the top edge to the edge of the glass with tape. In this option, the flies will also be able to fly through the funnel into the glass and will not be able to get out.

Another trap option is to pour water into a cup with 2-3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, and add a few drops of dishwashing detergent on top. Flies are attracted to the smell of vinegar, and soapy water prevents them from flying away.

You can also use a regular open beer bottle with beer at the bottom - flies won’t get out of it either. All listed traps must be promptly replaced with new ones if the fight against flies continues.


Good old "Dichlorvos"

If none of the methods listed above helped, and the question of how to get rid of small flies in the kitchen is still relevant, you will have to use poisonous substances. This can be any repellent - they are sprayed in the kitchen, removing all open food and drinks from there. You can use the usual Dichlorvos or more modern preparations. Electric fumigators used against mosquitoes are also effective in controlling flies.

More details about methods of controlling flies will be discussed in the article.

Precautionary measures

When using any means of controlling flies in the kitchen, remember your own safety. Wear gloves when cleaning, try not to breathe fumes from household chemicals.

When using chemicals, be sure to remove all products that may be exposed to spray droplets, open containers of water or juice, and pet food and water bowls. There should be no pets or people in the kitchen while spraying chemicals. After treating the room, you must thoroughly wash all kitchen surfaces - cabinets, countertops, household appliances, floor. Be sure to ventilate the room after treatment and after the flies disappear.


To prevent the appearance and reproduction of fruit flies, you can do the following:

  • always take out the trash on time and keep the trash can tightly closed;
  • lubricate the inside surfaces of the cabinets with apple cider vinegar;
  • wash fruits thoroughly;
  • do not leave fruits and vegetables that are starting to spoil;
  • do not use organic fertilizers for indoor plants;
  • regularly clean drain pipes;
  • do not allow soil to overflow in pots with plants;
  • Tighten the ventilation holes with fine mesh.

The main thing that will help prevent the appearance and reproduction of flies in the kitchen is: this is hygiene. If there are no spoiled foods in the house, then there will be no flies in it.