How to grow green onions on a windowsill in winter

Green onions are a product that is extremely popular in cooking. Delicate feathers with a pleasant bitterness are used to prepare all kinds of salads and as a spicy seasoning for soups, side dishes, meat and fish dishes. Unfortunately, the presence of high-quality green onions in the diet is limited by the season of their cultivation in garden beds, and by the end of summer, housewives have only shapeless bunches of greens from the supermarket shelves at their disposal. Therefore, fans of the savory product are left with two options - wait for a new harvest or equip an onion bed for home windowsill and receive a fresh vitamin pen to the table, regardless of the season.

Selection and preparation of planting material

As seed material healthy, undamaged onion heads with a diameter of at least 2 cm are selected for forcing. Family multi-bud onions of such varieties as “Spassky”, “Strigunovsky”, “Danilovsky”, “Timiryazevsky”, “Arzamassky”, “Soyuz” are well suited for this purpose " This material takes a long time to produce a large, high-quality nib.

If you don’t have too many of your onions and don’t want to spend on forcing them, an alternative can be onion sets of a large fraction - samples. The feathers from it grow tender with a mild taste, and when planted, the sets take up much less space. However, there is also a drawback - such bulbs are quickly depleted and you will have to update your home garden more often.

Onion bulbs purchased in the vegetable department “for food” are also suitable for planting. However, before being sold, store-bought onions are often treated with drugs that slow down germination, so it is recommended to soak purchased onions in hot (but not boiling) water for 20–30 minutes before forcing them.

Also suitable for growing on a windowsill are chives, batun onions, slime onions and multi-tiered onions.

The heads selected for planting are freed from dry scales and the tops are cut off, leaving a stump about 1 cm high. Bulbs without signs of germination are placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for several hours, after which they are left overnight in a cool place. During this time, the cut site will have time to dry out, and small tubercles will appear on the bottom - the rudiments of the future root system.

Growing green onions in the ground

  • The nutrient substrate is poured into a container, leveled, and then poured generously with warm water.
  • Bulbs without deep penetration are planted in the ground close to each other.
  • The container is placed on a warm, bright windowsill.

For rapid growth feather plantings must be provided with regular watering (even short-term drying out of the soil should not be allowed) and optimal temperature regime(from +22° to +26°). It is not advisable to use fertilizers! Subject to necessary conditions homemade onions do well without additional nutrition, and the application of fertilizers can provoke the accumulation of nitrates in the leaf mass. To speed up feather growth, you can use an ash solution (1 tsp / 5 l of water) for watering.

Forcing in water

Compared to other methods, growing onions in water is considered the most economical. You don’t need to purchase a nutrient substrate or worry about special dishes. Glass jars or plastic cups from under food products. The nutrient medium for germination in this case is the usual tap water, which is recommended to be pre-settled before planting to reduce the concentration of chlorine. The landing procedure itself will take just a few minutes:

  • A little settled water is poured into the planting cup. If desired, you can add a little mineral fertilizer to the water.
  • The bulb is placed in such a way that only the bottom is in the water. This is easy to do by selecting the dishes suitable size, in which the bulb will get stuck and “hang” above the water without falling to the bottom.
  • Until the roots grow, the plantings are kept in a dark, cool place, after which they are placed on the windowsill. For ease of movement, it is recommended to place individual containers in a common pallet.

In the first 2–3 days, the water in the cups should be changed daily, then once every 7–10 days, regularly adding water as it evaporates to the previous level. It is also necessary to systematically check the condition of the bulbs themselves and promptly remove rotten or diseased specimens. The simplicity of the method makes it possible to attract such exciting process younger family members to gain first crop growing skills.

The disadvantages of this method include less intense coloring and excessive fragility of the growing feather. In addition, bulbs in water quite often rot, emitting a characteristic, not the most pleasant “aroma.”

Hydroponic onion bed

For admirers modern technologies You will certainly like the hydroponic installation for growing greens, equipped with an aerator and special phytolamps. The principle of growing onions for greens in such a device is quite simple:

  • The bulbs are planted in special perforated glasses filled with expanded clay.
  • The glasses are inserted into the holes intended for them in the lid, which covers a common container of water. The lower part of the glasses is immersed in water.
  • When the unit is turned on, the compressor pumps air into the water, enriching it with oxygen.
  • Due to the active consumption of oxygen supplied to the roots through technological holes in the bottom of the glasses, the onion grows much faster, and the feather turns out to be healthy and of high quality.

If desired, it is easy to make such a device yourself - equip a suitable container with an aquarium compressor, cut holes for glasses on the lid, and perforate the glasses themselves along the bottom using a hot nail or a stationery knife. It is recommended to equip the location of the hydroponic bed with lamps to illuminate the plantings. More expensive industrial installations are additionally equipped with water draining/topping systems, which allows the process to be fully automated.

Many vegetables and vegetables can be grown hydroponically ornamental crops(except for root crops), but the highest productivity was observed in onion crops.


The harvest from a ground bed is usually ready for harvesting in 16–20 days, from a “water” bed – 3–4 earlier. Feathers are plucked out one by one as they grow or the entire bunch is cut off at once, but you should not delay cleaning too much - the tops of leaves that are too long (more than 25–30 cm) begin to dry out. To ensure an uninterrupted supply of fresh onion feather to the table, it is recommended to equip several home beds and plant at intervals of 10–15 days. After the bulbs are completely exhausted, as evidenced by their complete softening and low yield, the old plantings are disposed of, making way for new ones.

IN open ground green onions can be obtained in three ways: sowing seeds directly into the ground, planting seedlings and planting with bulbs - sowing and sampling.

Growing green onions from seeds. The soil for onions on greens must be carefully prepared. Select areas that are not flooded by melt water. Various rotted fertilizers are applied during digging. It is better to sow on beds that are prepared in the fall. In spring, the ridges are carefully loosened. Seeds are sown as soon as soil conditions allow, at the end of April and no later than the first five days of May. Four to five rows are placed on the ridge. The seeds are soaked before sowing. Sow in moist soil, cover the rows with soil to a depth of 1-2 cm.
With the emergence of seedlings, the first fertilizing is carried out with urea (carbamide) -25-30 g per 10 liters of water, or mullein, or chicken droppings. Mullein is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:8-10, litter - 1:10-12. The solution is added at the rate of 10 l/m2. After fertilizing, the crops are watered. After 15-20 days, fertilizing is repeated. The soil is kept loose and sufficiently moist, but not waterlogged. During the growing period, four to five waterings are carried out.

Pesticides are not used when growing green onions. Green onions are ready for harvesting if the leaves have reached a height of 25-30 cm. When sowing seeds in spring, this occurs in July. Growing green onions from seedlings. In this case, the yield of green onions is higher than when sown with seeds. Used for planting various varieties, including the southern ones.
Sowing seeds for seedlings and all agricultural technology are the same as for seedling method growing onions for turnips. Seeds are sown 50-60 days before transplanting plants into the ground. The seedlings are planted in well-dressed and loose soil at the stage of three to four leaves. Rows are marked on the ridges, which are watered before planting at the rate of 10-15 l/m2. The rows on the ridge are placed at intervals of 20-25 cm, in a row the interval between plants is 4 cm. Seedlings should not be deeply buried and the center of the plant, from where a new leaf appears, should not be filled with soil, otherwise it will die.

After planting, the plants are well watered at the rate of 10-15 l/m2 and mulched with humus or peat. The rows are immediately pollinated with a mixture of tobacco dust and lime, as when growing green onions from seeds. When the plants reach a height of 25-30 cm, they are thinned out one at a time; the remaining plants quickly increase the mass of leaves, which can be harvested at a height of 30-40 cm.

Forcing green onions from sets and sampling. This method makes it possible to obtain green onions in early spring, when there are no other open-ground vegetables yet. For forcing, the multi-germ varieties Bessonovsky, Pogarsky local improved, Spassky local improved, Rostov onion, Arzamas local, as well as vegetatively propagated local onions are better. If such planting material is not available, you can use other zoned varieties, but the yield of green onions in this case will be less. This method allows you to grow green onions during autumn and spring plantings.

To force onions, select the areas richest in humus or apply liberally before cultivating the soil. organic fertilizers- 4-5 kg/m2. In addition, nitrogen is used - 15-20 g, superphosphate - 30-35 g and potassium salt - 20-25 g/m2. They can be replaced with nitrophoska - 30-35 g/m2.

In autumn, planting is carried out on ridges no later than 2-3 weeks before the onset of stable cold weather using the half-bridge method, with a distance between the bulbs in the row of 1 cm. The distance between the rows is left at 10 cm or planted completely using the bridge or half-bridge method. For forcing, selections weighing 20-40 g are used. Depending on the planting method, 1 m2 requires from 3 to 12 kg of selection onions.

When planting, do not press the bulbs into the soil, as the soil beneath them becomes compacted and makes it difficult for roots to grow. The bulbs are placed in loose soil and sprinkled with a 3-4 cm layer of soil on top, and with the onset of cold weather, additional soil, humus or peat is added in a 6-10 cm layer. The shelter promotes better overwintering of the bulbs. In early spring When the snow begins to melt, the shelter is removed. In May, onions are ready for harvest.

To speed up the regrowth of onions, film covers are used on a frame 35-60 cm high. Snow is first cleared from the ridges. Plants are fed under shelters nitrogen fertilizers normally 15-20 g/m2 and watered warm water- this accelerates the regrowth of leaves, and the onion is ready for harvesting 8-12 days earlier.

For spring planting The beds are also prepared in the fall, at which time the soil is filled with fertilizers. Select an area that is not flooded by melt water. Planting is carried out as early as possible: spring frosts are not dangerous. Onions are planted in a bridge or half-bridge method or in rows with a distance between them and the bulbs of 5-10 cm. The harvest will arrive in stages over 30-40 days. Small fractions produce fewer leaves, larger fractions produce more. Consumption planting material when planting with sevka - 1.5-2 kg/m2. Full commercial ripeness of onions occurs in 50-60 days, then the leaves become coarser and lose their commercial qualities.

Plant care consists of watering, nitrogen fertilizing and loosening when planting in rows.

Water the onions on the greens infrequently, but generously. The first feeding is given at the beginning of regrowth (25-30 g of urea per bucket of water), the second - when the leaves are 10-12 cm high (30-40 g of urea per bucket of water), while 10 l/m 2 of solution is consumed.

Green onions in protected soil. The most common structures used by amateur vegetable growers for growing green onions are structures with film cover. Selected onions and sets are planted under such shelters starting from the first ten days of October.

To do this, in fertile areas not flooded by melt water, well-dried healthy bulbs are planted on ridges in a bridge or half-bridge method. After planting, they are covered with soil in a layer of 1-2 cm, then with humus or dry peat in a layer of 4-6 cm.

In the spring, snow is removed from the plantings and covered with film stretched over the frames. The installation time of the shelter depends on the availability of heating. If there is additional heating, the shelter can be installed in March; if it is not available, the film is stretched in April. Shelters are made on wooden frame or use wire arches. Frame height -35-60 cm.
With the beginning of leaf regrowth, one or two waterings are carried out with warm water while simultaneously applying nitrogen fertilizers.

Green onions can also be obtained under film covers in late autumn. To do this, it is better to use onion samples taken from the bulbs southern varieties; bulbs of multi-germinate varieties of the northern and central zones of Russia after harvesting fall into long time into a dormant state and do not grow back.

For cultivation in October - November, the most suitable varieties of onions are from Azerbaijan (Massalinsky local, etc.) and from the republics of Central Asia - Farab local, Samarkand red, and Karatal.

If bulbs of varieties are used for forcing at this time middle zone, special preparation of planting material is required. The bulbs are soaked in warm water temperature 30-35°C for 12-24 hours, then cut to the hangers; Shallow vertical cuts are also made in the neck of the bulb or pricking two or three times from the side of the neck. Before planting, the cut bulbs are slightly dried for 1-2 days so that the cut does not rot after filling it with soil. Caring for plants is the same as when growing without shelter; if the temperature exceeds 25°C, the film is raised to ventilate the structure. Otherwise, the growth of leaves is greatly accelerated, they turn pale, become thin, easily lie down, and lose their presentation.

For all growing methods, watering of plants is stopped 2-3 days before harvesting. In this case, the roots are more easily freed from the soil, and the leaves are not contaminated by the soil.

If you have opened this article, it means that you are faced with a specific task - to grow good harvest green onions in my basement. Therefore, we will immediately get down to business, reserving for interesting facts and general points the final part of the material.

So, we have to build the right racks for growing onions, prepare planting material, plant and ensure compliance optimal conditions to get excellent results. Read about everything in order below. Let's get started!

Construction of shelving

Perhaps the racks can be considered the most suitable device for organizing the cultivation of green onions in basement. Let's start with the fact that the ability to arrange shelving in several tiers is a great advantage that will help you make the most efficient use of the available space.

By placing shelves in several tiers you can significantly save space.

It is also very convenient to work with racks, since it is easy to attach various additional equipment to them (for example, lighting systems), and if you correctly plan their location and size, you can significantly simplify further processes of care and harvesting.

Use of reflective surfaces.

  1. Distance between racks. If you are building several racks side by side, plan the distance between them. The minimum gap that does not impede passage and work with the crop is considered to be a distance of about 1 meter.
  2. Rack length. It can be any, depending on your tasks and how much space is allocated in your basement for growing.
  3. Width. It is important not to overdo it with width. This setting may vary. If the rack can only be approached from one side (for example, it fits close to the wall), then its width can be from 0.5 to 1 meter. If there is access from both sides, the width can accordingly be doubled. It is important to choose a design width that will not complicate further work.
  4. Height. Here, too, it is important to choose the most convenient option for work. Most often, it is recommended to make racks in two tiers, so that you do not have to care for the crop and harvest it while standing on some high and unstable structure. Make the height of the first tier about 1 meter, the second tier can be placed after about 0.5 meters.

Conclusions. The length of the rack can be any, but other parameters should be selected taking into account how comfortable it will be for you during the work process. The distance between adjacent racks should not restrict movement; the width and height should not make it difficult to work with the crop. Growing onions should not turn into “hard labor”; try to ensure proper comfort.

What are the racks made of?

In order for our racks to be stable, reliable and strong, in addition to dimensions and convenience, we also need to choose the right materials used for their construction.

Wooden shelving is an easy option to implement.

Wooden shelving is the simplest option, which is perfect for beginners. If you want to try your hand at this for the first time and growing greens is new to you, you can choose this material for the first time.

  • cheapness;
  • Wood is relatively easy to work with (process and fasten with self-tapping screws).
  • less reliable design (compared to metal);
  • predisposition to the appearance of mold and mildew, rotting.

Each tier of the rack must be equipped with side skirts. The permissible height of the side is no more than 10 cm. A plastic film is laid on the tier (can be wrapped over the edges of the sides). We will subsequently pour the growing substrate onto the film.

Please pay Special attention on the floors of the tiers. They bear the pressure of the substrate, onion and moisture, so ensuring maximum strength is critical. The thickness of the floor boards should be at least 30–50 millimeters. You can lay the boards at small intervals (about 2 centimeters), then less material will be required. It is important to strike a balance between economy and reliability.

Metal shelving is a much more “solid” option. Suitable if growing greens brings you additional income or you know for sure that you will do this constantly for own needs.

  • more durable and reliable design;
  • durability.
  • high cost;
  • susceptibility to corrosion (although the problem of rust, as you probably know, is completely solvable);
  • more difficult to work with than wood.

Let us outline the principles of constructing a metal rack, which differ from those described above.

To fasten the structure, you can use welding or a metal drill and fasteners. It is important to understand that in the first case you will end up with a non-demountable rack.

The construction of metal racks requires compliance with safety and precautionary measures (as well as wooden ones, however). Treat sharp edges to avoid cuts, use angles of at least 50x50x5 to increase reliability, use a level to load all posts evenly.

Be sure to paint the metal rack to protect it from the moisture that inevitably accompanies growing green onions.

And a couple more useful tips. First, you can use scrap metal for extra savings. Secondly, remember the possibility of combining various materials to achieve the same result - it depends on your imagination and skill.

Preparation of planting material and planting

Green onions can be planted either on the ground or using hydroponic installations, which have already been mentioned several times on our website. However, due to the unpretentiousness of onions (from this point of view), it is easier to plant them in the ground.

Plain garden soil is usually used. You can add sand and peat. You can also use a special substrate.

Carefully cut off the top of each onion.

It is advisable to choose relatively small bulbs themselves (about 3–5 centimeters in diameter). Carefully sort through and remove spoiled and moldy specimens. The tops of the selected bulbs are cut off (about 1 centimeter), after which the planting material is placed in warm water for several hours.

Then you can start planting. The bulbs can be placed quite close to each other, leaving gaps of a few centimeters. Do not bury them completely in the ground, leaving the top of the bulb above the surface.

Optimal conditions

Let's start with the temperature regime. This is one of the most important factors that directly affects the speed of obtaining green onion “feathers”. Optimal temperature, which contributes to the speedy achievement of results, is +20 - +25 °C. In this case, you will get green sprouting after about three weeks.

A little trick recommended by some experts. On initial stage keep the temperature in the basement around +15 °C. At this temperature they actively develop root systems. When the green onions begin to sprout, raise this indicator to the optimal value indicated above.

It should be noted that the basement is great option to maintain a good temperature. In summer it may well be in the region of the required indicators, and in winter it will be enough to only additionally heat the room.

Onions will grow well if you create optimal conditions for them in the basement.

Make sure that the temperature of the top and bottom racks (which are closest to the ground) is approximately the same. Otherwise, consider the difference in ripening speed.

Another factor that is of utmost importance in the process of growing green onions relates to the lighting system. This point is often considered a disadvantage, since it implies increased costs, including electricity. But we cannot do without additional lighting, since our greenery requires sufficient light to grow. Onions are plants whose development accelerates significantly with increasing length. daylight hours(photoperiod).

The minimum length of daylight hours for onions is about 10–15 hours. It is advisable to get closer to the second value, since with a lack of light we will not only slow down the cultivation, but also get an almost tasteless yellowish harvest.

Another trick. Cover surfaces that absorb light with reflective material. For example, foil. This simple trick will significantly improve your lighting efficiency.

Hydration also plays a significant role. Water the onions intensively, but avoid the formation of “stagnant” water. If the onion is over-watered, an unwanted process of rotting may begin. It is quite problematic to implement a drainage system on multi-tiered racks. But we covered the tiers with oilcloth, so it will be quite easy to ensure that the water has time to evaporate and does not stagnate, adjusting the intensity of watering.

Finally, let us mention the importance of good ventilation in the basement. Among other things, it will help cope with unpleasant smell, which very often accompanies the process of growing green onions.

Interesting facts and useful properties

Finally, let's mention a few interesting facts and talk about beneficial properties green onions.

The harvested crop can be sold or used for cooking.

Many people consider growing this plant as a source of additional income. It turns out something like a family home business. In this case, the crop is planted taking into account the main holidays, when the demand for products is high. In some cases, entrepreneurs manage to achieve very decent profitability.

But it also makes sense to do this exclusively for your own needs. Green onion “feathers” are very beneficial for health, we believe this is no secret to anyone. It fights microbes, contains a lot of useful substances and is also an excellent antioxidant, and in winter it serves as an additional remedy to help overcome vitamin deficiency.

No wonder people say that onions and sauna rule. We wish you a good harvest and good health!

The business of growing green onions has high profitability and return on initial costs (~1 year) and year-round demand. Green onions contain more than 7 beneficial vitamins that maintain health and immunity. The production itself does not require complex technological equipment, and the use of hydroponics and aeroponics systems significantly increases productivity. In this article we will look at a business plan for growing onions from scratch with calculations.

Advantages and disadvantages of onion growing business

Advantages Flaws
Small capital and investment investments. High profitability ~40% Perishable product, it is necessary to create a sales network
High speed of opening and registration A large number of competitors, due to the simplicity of business processes
Simple production process for growing onions

Green onion feathers are a source of various vitamins and nutrients: phytoncides and enzymes. Green onions contain in 100 g: daily norm vitamin C to maintain immunity, phosphorus to strengthen tooth enamel, vitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamin B1 (thiamine) - regulates protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B9 ( folic acid), E (tekeforol) - has a positive effect on hair, nails and skin. Green onions are used to treat vitamin deficiency and reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood - this makes it a healthy and attractive product.

Let's consider several agricultural points to increase productivity:

  1. The quantity and quality of onion feathers are not related to the size of the bulb itself. It makes no sense to use a root crop weighing 50 grams and a diameter of 5-6 cm for forcing. Such planting material can only be planted if the bulb has already begun to germinate.
  2. The optimal size of root vegetables for organizing a business project is from 25 to 40 g and with a diameter of no more than 4 cm. The root vegetable itself should not be damaged!
  3. Determine in what conditions green onions will be grown - in the field or in greenhouses. Polycarbonate greenhouses are recommended because they have good illumination and transparency. The best varieties for the greenhouse are: Troitsky, Bessonovsky and Spassky onion varieties. You can increase productivity by using multi-bud onions(feather yield can be up to 10 kg per 1 sq.m.)!
  4. To harvest a quick harvest, the temperature in the greenhouse should not fall below 10-15 degrees; lamps can be used to maintain it.
  5. It is better to plant onions in greenhouses next to tomatoes, eggplants or beets - this will saturate the soil with the necessary elements.
  6. To reduce the cost of purchasing planting material, the cost of which is from 5 to 10 rubles per kilogram, it is more advisable to grow root crops from seeds (“chernushki”).

One of the fastest planting methods is the strip method, when onions are planted in furrows made at a distance of 1-4 cm and after the gap is covered with earth.

How to grow onions in open ground or a greenhouse?

Let's consider the technology of growing onions on an industrial scale. There are two approaches to onion production: growing in open ground and in a greenhouse.

Outdoor harvest

Not only seeds – “nigella”, but also small bulbs – wild oatmeal – are used as planting material. Fine root vegetables are obtained as a result of dense sowing of onion seeds. Oatmeal is planted in open ground several weeks before the first frost; with the onset of spring warmth, the first shoots appear. On average, onions take 21 days to grow. In March, it is necessary to remove snow from the area, water the onions with warm water and apply fertilizers that stimulate growth. As a result of such actions, the harvest will be obtained two weeks ahead of schedule.

Onion seeds are planted for the purpose of growing planting material and feathers for sale. If you plan to get wild oatmeal, carry out sowing work from the second half of spring until the beginning of summer. Best time to start a business - autumn. Planting for onion feathers is carried out from August to September, the seeds are left to overwinter in the ground and the first harvest is harvested in the spring.

Forcing onions in a greenhouse

According to experts, the use of greenhouse space significantly increases the profitability of the project (Read:). To obtain a large harvest, planting material is soaked for twelve hours in water at a temperature of +35-38 degrees and then kept at a temperature of +29-30 degrees for 24 hours. The planting method is chosen depending on the time of year and the degree of illumination. The bridge scheme is used for forcing until the second half of February. The rest of the time, it is recommended to plant onions using the half-bridge method, which increases the harvest volume.

Throughout the entire period of feather growth, it is important to maintain the optimal temperature: +20-25 degrees, which will allow you to get a good harvest several weeks earlier. Reducing the temperature to +15 degrees will slow down the growth of onion feathers, and excessively high heating of planting material negatively affects the quality of the harvest - the feather becomes thin.

Methods for increasing green onion yield

To increase the yield of onion feathers, you can use the following approaches:

  • Loosening the soil allows you to deliver oxygen to the onion horse system. Do not allow the formation of a hard crust on the soil surface! 2-3 days after watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil.
  • Watering onions - water is one of the main nutrient media for feather growth, so you should water it 2 times a week! If the climate is extremely hot and dry, the frequency of watering can reach 3 times a week. Also, the younger the onion, the more moisture it requires.
  • Fertilizing onions - when watering, nitroammophoska solutions are added to the water to enhance feather growth. It is recommended to use fertilizer after the first cut to stimulate further feather growth.
  • Weed removal – Keep the soil clear of weeds and other crops. If dill is planted between the beds when growing onions, this is not done when growing onions.
  • Covering the bed for the winter - in winter, the onions are covered with 3-3.5 cm of humus or straw and peat.

Harvest marketing: product consumers

Growing a crop is only half the success, the other half is the sale and sale of onion feathers. The product is perishable, so it is important to create a sales network even before planting.

On average, the monthly production volume will be from 300 to 500 kg, the cost varies from 10 to 60 rubles per kilogram, depending on the season of the year. IN winter periods the cost does not fall below 100 rubles, since below this threshold it is no longer profitable. Let's consider possible points of sale of the crop:

Wholesale buyers are ready to purchase green, vitamin product at a price of 30 to 50 rubles per kilogram in spring and summer, and in winter the cost of onions increases to 100 rubles per kilogram.

Which form of business should you choose?

Let's analyze the different forms of doing business in the table below.

Form of business organization Benefits of use
Private household plots ( personal plot of land) This form is used only individuals to sell products to large distributors. Possibility of organization if there is a plot of up to 2 hectares, simple requirements, you only need to obtain a certificate from the local administration that this area belongs to you and is used for growing onions.
IP ( individual entrepreneur) This form is used for self-selling products. Individual entrepreneur status gives the manufacturer legal force and allows him to organize the implementation himself. Possibility to create a sales network. The process of product certification is becoming more complicated.
OOO ( limited liability company) This form is used for additional business financing through agricultural loans and when hiring employees. Suitable for working with shops and wholesale centers.
peasant farm ( peasant farming) This form is used to attract partners to your business. Peasant farms simplified by the form of LLP (limited liability partnership), as well as individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, are endowed with legal force. It is possible to work with stores and wholesale suppliers.

Initially, you can register as a private household plot and start selling in small quantities to set up all production processes and sales channels. Private household plots do not pay taxes on any volume of production. To scale production and increase sales, you must register as an individual entrepreneur.

For an individual entrepreneur optimal choice tax systems for producers of agricultural products, a single agricultural tax (USAT).

Tax rate — 6%

The Unified Agricultural Tax abolishes the share of agricultural production less than 70% and applies OSNO to the manufacturer ( general system taxation).

Video lesson “Unified Agricultural Tax”

Total investment costs, profitability of the business project

Investment costs for the implementation of the project: costs for registering private household plots, individual entrepreneurs, LLCs or peasant farms (~10,000 rubles), rent of a land plot, technical equipment, planting material

Area for planting onions

The minimum production area that can ensure profit is one hundred square meters for growing feathers and 30 m2 for storing the crop. If you follow all recommendations and technological process on one hundred square meters you can grow from 300 to 600 kg. onion feather.

Practical lesson on creating a greenhouse

Watch a practical video tutorial on how to make a greenhouse with your own hands for growing green onions.

Technical equipment

In this expense item, you need to take into account the lighting system, watering, heating, and equipment for processing seedlings. If you plan to sell the crop to supermarkets, you will need Consumables for product packaging.

Planting material

This is the main expense item, because the quality of the planting material determines the volume of the harvest and the demand for it, and therefore the profitability of the entire project. The half-bridge planting method requires 3 to 6 kg. for every square meter, the yield ranges from 12 to 15 kg. With square meter. With the bridge planting method, the volume of planting material increases to 8-12 kg. per square meter.

It must be taken into account that financial investments when growing crops in open ground and in greenhouse conditions vary. The profitability of a business in the field under favorable circumstances can reach 50%, while the economic efficiency of a project in a greenhouse does not exceed 30%. There are objective justifications for this:

On the eve of the holidays, the price of green onions always increases - this should be taken into account when planning planting work and searching for points of sale for products.

To organize a green onion business, you need a starting capital of at least 100-150 thousand rubles, the payback period is from 6 to 12 months. Also, if you do not have your own land plot, then the cost of the project will increase by the amount of rental payments. One of the highly profitable types of business is, the profitability of such a project reaches 300%.

Assessment of the attractiveness of a business by the magazine website

Business profitability
(4.0 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Project payback
(4.0 out of 5)
Ease of starting a business
(4.5 out of 5)
The business of growing onions in a greenhouse is highly profitable (~40%), quickly pays for itself (6-12 months) and does not require large initial costs (~150,000 rubles). Despite the high attractive financial indicators, it requires specific agricultural knowledge and the creation of a sales network. The key success factor is not the process of growing onions itself, but its sale to wholesalers, supermarkets, and market sellers.

Fresh greens are rich in vitamins. In order not to have a shortage of it even in winter, you can grow green onions at home. It contains a large number of substances beneficial to health - iron, vitamins B and C, iodine. His essential oils are natural phytoncides that protect against bacteria and viruses. Green onions are used as a spice - it is a natural flavor enhancer.

You can buy this vegetable in the store, or you can grow it on your windowsill yourself. You don’t need to make any effort for this, it doesn’t require special care and constant attention, and the result will exceed expectations.

How to grow green onions and get high yields? To achieve the maximum amount of harvest, carefully select the planting material and prepare the place for planting it. Windows facing south and southeast are suitable for growing, and it is better to grow greens from rhizomes and root crops in wooden containers or boxes.

Planting material

For planting and subsequent forcing, large sets, selections, seeds and seedlings are used. How larger material for planting, the higher the yield. Local varieties are chosen for distillation at home. Most often, ordinary planting material is used. onion medium size (more than 6-7 cm in diameter). Bulbs should be chosen that are healthy, with a bottom without damage and a thin neck. Try to use onion heads grown on your own plot, and when choosing in a store, choose medium-sized ones that have already begun to sprout. For 1 sq.m. The land area needs about 10-11 kg.

If the bulbs have not yet sprouted, their necks must be cut off and soaked in water a little higher for a day room temperature. This speeds up germination. A day later, we plant them in wooden boxes with pre-prepared soil, the distance between the planted plants should be 1.5-2 cm so that they do not interfere with each other as they grow, and the planting depth should be such that half the bulb is above the surface of the soil.

Forcing green onions from seeds is also possible. How to grow green onions from them? Before planting, the seeds must be soaked for 10 hours in warm water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then plant it in a container to a depth of 3cm. You need to sow sparsely so that you don’t have to thin out later. Then water, cover with film or glass and place in a bright place. Remove the covering only when the green onions sprout. With proper sowing, it takes up to 10 days before the first shoots hatch from the ground.

When using small bulbs as planting material, be sure to add fertilizer to the soil for greater germination.

Preparing the landing site

Any container is suitable for forcing green onions at home: from plastic cups and plates to wooden boxes. It all depends on the amount of onions you decide to grow.

The selected containers must be filled with soil mixture. You can buy such soil at any flower shop or prepare it yourself in the fall. When buying in a store, give preference to a soil mixture for cacti - it contains the largest amount of sand. If you decide to prepare it yourself, take soil from the garden with humus and mix it in equal parts with regular sand. When growing green onions from seeds, sow them in well-moistened soil. Place boxes and containers with planted bulbs in sunny but not hot places.


Selected bulbs without damage are cut in half and dipped in ash, manganese solution or hot, but not boiling, water for 20-30 minutes. They are then placed in cold water, completely remove the husks and plant them in any container with water: jars, glasses, special containers for germination.

  • Until the roots grow back, keep the dishes in a cool place;
  • the water in the container needs to be changed 2 times a day until the roots grow, then once a day;
  • if you add mineral fertilizers, water change is acceptable once a week;
  • to avoid rotting of the bulbs, leave them without water for 3-4 hours or dry them with a towel;
  • Periodically, the roots need to be washed with running water.

The main problem when forcing onions in water is rotting of the lower part. To avoid this, take an old, clean sock or cloth bag and place the onion in it. Water, soaking the fabric, will rise to the roots as needed, this will help avoid excess moisture.

Video “Home hydroponic setup for growing green onions”

This video reviews a home container for growing onions hydroponically.

It is best to grow in special germination containers. They are sold in any gardening stores. How to grow green onions in such containers is not a great science: the bulbs are placed in the holes intended for them, water is poured into a closed tray and, using a compressor, it is sprayed all the time. The roots practically do not come into contact with water, but they grow quickly and produce a good harvest.


In boxes with soil, onions begin to sprout first shoots after 2-3 days, and after about 16-18 days, depending on the variety, their feathers can reach 30 cm. Bulbs grown in water yield a harvest on days 15-17. In winter, these periods may increase slightly due to short daylight hours.

Carefully cut the stems with sharp scissors, do not break them. If the bulb is rotten or wrinkled, the root crop should be removed and another one planted in its place. This will allow you to have fresh herbs on the table continuously - in autumn, winter and spring.

Video “Growing green onions at home”

This video contains tips on growing greens at home. Growing in water (hydroponics) and sawdust.