Which juicer is best for home use? How to choose a juicer - useful tips

Freshly squeezed juice is not only tasty, but also healthy. Natural juice of vegetables and fruits provides the body with all the necessary vitamins that improve human health and general condition. Another pleasant thing is the juice diet, which strengthens the immune system and cleanses the body of harmful substances. To make all these benefits available at any time, you need to know how to choose a juicer and which model to choose.

What types of juicers are there?

The modern market offers the buyer small juicers designed for preparing juice for immediate consumption, as well as more serious models that allow you to prepare juice for future use. Juicers can be domestic or professional, for soft or hard fruits that need to be peeled and chopped or can be left uncut and unpeeled. It is necessary to decide which juicer to choose based on your goal.

For not big family A compact model that makes one serving of juice per cycle is suitable. For orange juice lovers, there is no point in spending money on universal models, because you can get by.

Citrus juicers

But for those who will use different vegetables and fruits to prepare a vitamin drink, you need to look among. Choosing a juicer of this type will allow you to prepare juice in any quantity and from any vegetables or fruits. Typically, such models are made multi-speed with the ability to adjust the speed of the electric motor, which allows the selection optimal mode juice extraction depending on the type of product.

There are also garden juicers designed to process large quantities of vegetables and fruits. Such models can work continuously long time, processing up to 50 kilograms of products, such as apples, per hour.

Garden juicers

With the simplest models of juicers, the work will be short-term, but with the help of professional and universal models, products can be processed for a longer period of time without turning off the machine. This feature is provided by a self-cleaning system during operation. More details about each model and its advantages and disadvantages can be found in the following articles.

Important Specifications

Speaking about the technical characteristics of juicers, first of all you need to remember the duration of operation. New models are able to operate indefinitely thanks to automatic self-cleaning of device parts and forced fan blowing of the electric motor. Small juicers require periodic cleaning with a complete stop.

The power of modern juicers ranges from 25-250 W for citrus juicers to 250-1250 W for universal models. Each buyer decides for himself which juicer is better, based on his requirements and preferences.

Many buyers do not like the large size of juicers, but this technique is not much larger food processor. In addition, if you use it regularly, there is no need to hide the juicer in a closet.

What else to look for when choosing a juicer

Many buyers are interested in the question of how to choose good juicer and be satisfied with the purchase. To solve this problem, you need to know exactly what you should pay attention to when purchasing. First of all, we are talking about the complete set of accessories. An example would be the ability to protect equipment from dust using a tray cover, as well as reduce the likelihood of fruits or vegetables falling during loading. If the model has a brush and a can filled with water, you don’t have to stop the juicer to clean the strainer from stuck juice. Knowledge of such features will make the choice of juicer correct and successful.

Each juicer is equipped with a housing and a mechanism for processing products. The body is most often made of plastic, and special stainless steel is used for contacting working parts. The operation of most juicers is characterized by a centrifugal principle, in which fruits or vegetables must be loaded into a hole on the body and pushed towards the grater using a special pusher. After grating the product, the separator separates the juice from the pulp, sending the juice into an easily removable container. After filtering through a strainer, the juice flows into a glass or into a special built-in container.

The size of the diameter of the hole in the body directly determines the size of the fruits that can be used with this juicer. The large hole saves effort and time, because vegetables and fruits do not need to be cut. To prevent the fruits from falling on the floor, most models have a special guide tray that must be placed over the neck in the body. In some juicers, such a tray also serves as protection for the device from dust.

A person who wants to know how to choose the right juicer needs to remember a few more important points. First of all, this concerns the distance from the lower end of the neck to the grater. The amount of juice squeezed out and the likelihood of fruit falling depend on this distance, so it is desirable to have these parts as close as possible to each other.

One more important detail The juicer has a separator - cylindrical or conical. The advantage of the first type of separator is the maximum amount of juice obtained (up to 95%), however, the cylindrical separator requires frequent manual cleaning of squeezed products. Using a conical separator allows you to get 60-70% juice, but you do not need to stop the juicer to clean it.

Most often, a juicer prepares juice with foam, the amount of which depends on the type of product. Some models are equipped with a foam skimmer built into the vessel, thanks to which the juice is clean and transparent. There are also juicers with special holes in the bottom of the squeeze container. This system allows you to get a small but pleasant bonus to the prepared juice. Such little things must be taken into account when studying the question of how to choose the right juicer.

To summarize: which juicer is better to choose?

It is impossible to give uniform advice on how to choose a juicer, because a lot depends on the purpose for which such a purchase is made. Do you want to drink a glass of orange juice every day? Then a citrus juicer is right for you. Do you have a large family that loves natural juices from various vegetables and fruits? In this case, your choice is a universal juicer.

The last question remains: which brand of juicer to choose, so that the purchase will only please you. It is best to give preference to a well-known foreign or domestic brand, but it is worth remembering that domestic companies There are practically no citrus juicers produced. But universal foreign models are not intended for storing juice for future use. Therefore, if this is the goal, it is better to give preference to domestic brands.

Have you already decided this question for yourself? Which juicer model did you choose and why?

Freshly squeezed juices are a storehouse of vitamins necessary for our health. Having a device in your household for producing an invaluable drink, you can provide it to your family throughout the year.

Unfortunately, most buyers do not have a very clear idea of ​​what points to pay attention to when purchasing. Let's find out together how to choose a juicer for your home so that it becomes your best assistant.

Why do we need this

A home juice maker does not fall into the category of essential items. You can do without it by getting a vitamin complex from pharmaceutical preparations or regularly eating fresh fruits and vegetables.

Unfortunately, most children are not very hungry healthy foods, preferring sweets and carbonated drinks to them. Therefore, all attempts to feed your beloved child in winter period grated carrots or coleslaw will most likely be in vain. But if you squeeze the juice out of these vegetables and serve it in a beautiful glass with a cocktail straw, then even the most capricious baby will not refuse such a treat.

Our review article contains basic information on technical specifications and operating principle various types devices for obtaining juice. We hope that, armed with new knowledge, it will be easier for you to understand how to choose a juicer for your family.

For whom do we press juices?

The household appliances that the retail chain offers us differ not only in the brand names of the manufacturers, but also in the features of the device. Therefore, to find out exactly how to choose a good juicer, you should answer several important questions:

  1. Which fruits and berries do you like juices most?
  2. What do you prefer: juice with or without pulp?
  3. What volume of drink is expected to be produced?

The first point can even be expanded by finding out the region of your residence and the seasonal availability of fruits and vegetables for your wallet. The answer to the last question is easier to answer if you know the number of family members and their preferences.

Divide into types

The wide variety of juicing devices available on store shelves may at first make you a little confused. Indeed, how to choose the right juicer from such a range of models?

According to the principle of operation, all juice production machines are divided into two groups:

  • screw;
  • centrifugal.

Juicers of the first group are most often used in living conditions. Representatives of the second group have a universal purpose.

Miscellaneous controls

In turn, screw-type juicers are divided into three types according to the control method:

  • manual;
  • mechanical;
  • electric.

The manual device works in a similar way to a meat grinder. The main difference is the cone-shaped shape of the auger. If you are at a loss about which auger juicer to choose and are limited in funds, then you can purchase a special attachment that is attached to the meat grinder. Thus, a traditional device for rolling minced meat will simultaneously serve as a home appliance for obtaining a fresh vitamin drink.

Mechanical devices operate on the principle of pressing. This design will have to be controlled using a simple lever. Electric juicers are equipped with a powerful motor that drives a disc grater.

Subtypes of electrical devices

How to choose a juicer for your home so as not to make a mistake? It is imperative to pay attention to its purpose. According to these parameters, electrical devices are divided into three categories:

  • household - used in the home kitchen;
  • professional – produce juice in large volumes and are used in catering establishments;
  • industrial – powerful devices for large processing enterprises.

Next, we propose to consider in more detail different variants models of household juice machines. First, let's find out how to choose a citrus juicer. This will be easy to do after we study the device and operating principle of the unit.

golden orange

Lemons, grapefruits and oranges are literally overflowing with delicious, refreshing juice that has absorbed the power and color of the southern sun. It is not difficult to extract liquid from the fruit, since the pulp of citrus fruits consists of thin-walled capsules that easily part with their contents. A specialized juicer has a simple design, low productivity and is intended only for one type of fruit.

The equipment package includes the following elements:

  • cone-shaped nozzle;
  • control lever;
  • engine;
  • container for collecting juice.

The operation of the juicer is very simple. Ripe fruits are cut in half and placed on a cone, flesh side down. By pressing the lever, the press mechanism is activated, which reliably squeezes out all the liquid from the orange half. There are also inexpensive hand-held devices on sale that do not have a lever, so you have to press them against the cone with hand force.

The juicer quickly fills with squeezed fibers, so after one or two glasses of juice you need to take a break and clean the cone. The device is quite suitable for a small family of two or three people. The approximate consumption of fruit to obtain one glass of drink is three medium oranges. Caring for the device is easy - it can be easily washed under a strong stream of water.

The information received is quite enough to know exactly how to choose a juicer. Reviews from lovers of citrus drinks note one slight inconvenience in use. This is a rapid heating of the press, which negatively affects beneficial properties fresh juice. As is known, under the influence elevated temperatures Vitamin C is rapidly destroyed. Therefore, the juice obtained from oranges should be drunk immediately after squeezing.


How to choose an apple juicer? In household appliance stores, pay attention to devices based on the press method. Their cost is quite high, but this is fully justified by the excellent quality of the resulting juice. To the question of how to choose a carrot juicer, you can answer the following with complete confidence: pay attention to hydraulic pressure screw devices.

They can perfectly squeeze juices not only from root vegetables, juicy fruits or vegetables. Press juicers are capable of squeezing liquid even from greens and leafy crops. Good result achieved through preliminary preparation of vegetables and fruits. The washed fruits are first cleared of seeds and seeds, and then finely chopped with a knife. As a result, we get juice of excellent quality and absolutely dry pulp.

Now it becomes clear how to choose a fruit juicer to get a quality drink. Pressing devices have only one drawback - the labor intensity of the preparatory process. In a situation where you are thirsty and want to get a glass of life-giving moisture right this second, such a juicer can hardly be considered as an ambulance.

To achieve quick results, it is better to pay attention to another type of device. Let's discuss in more detail how to choose a juicer for apples and other juicy fruits and vegetables.

Centrifugal force to the rescue

Among lovers of freshly squeezed juices, centrifuge machines are the most popular. With their help you can squeeze out juice with maximum efficiency. But this only applies to hard and juicy fruits, such as apples, pears, quince, carrots, pumpkin, celery root and the like. Unfortunately, good juice will not come from bananas, raspberries, blackberries, and other low-moisture fruits.

How to choose a vegetable juicer with a centrifuge? Pay attention to the power of the device. The high performance of such devices guarantees the production of a whole liter of juice in just half a minute. Agree, this is an excellent result, especially for those people who are constantly short of time.

The composition of the components is small:

  • engine;
  • knives;
  • sieve (there may be several of them in a set, with different sizes cells);
  • two containers - for juice and cake.

The fruits fall under the knife blade, are crushed, and then pressed through the sieve under the influence of centrifugal force. The size of the cells directly affects the amount of pulp in the resulting juice.

Pros and cons of centrifugal crushers

How to choose a juicer to quickly obtain juice? Need to pay Special attention to the diameter of the inlet hole. The larger it is, the easier it is to obtain juice. You can simply lower the whole fruit into the wide neck without any cleaning. To finish the fruit, it is convenient to use a pusher made of wood or plastic.

The speed of juice production is directly affected by engine power. How to choose a juicer for home needs? Buy a model that has a power of no more than 500 W. This unit is not too noisy and produces a large volume of juice in a short period of time.

If only two glasses are enough for your daily consumption, then you can buy a device designed to consume 250 W. Imagine throwing in whole apples and in a matter of seconds you get a whole glass of amber drink. Therefore, among the obvious advantages of centrifugal juicers we include high labor productivity and excellent quality of the resulting juice.

The disadvantage can be considered the same rapid heating property as that of devices designed to work with citrus fruits. Exposure to temperature inevitably leads to oxidation of the juice. As a result, it quickly darkens and changes its taste. Vitamins are also destroyed very quickly. To avoid this, you should try to drink the juice within five to eight minutes after receiving it.

Screw devices – bestsellers

How to choose a universal juicer? Pay attention to devices with a screw mechanism - this will provide you with high-quality juice from any berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs and grains. The operating principle of the device is similar to a meat grinder. The metal axis with a twisted spiral rotates intensively and grinds the fruit.

The resulting pulp is pressed through a fine-mesh grid and flows out in the form of juice into a placed container. The cake turns out soft and moist. This unit belongs to the category of manual auger machines. They extract juice well from soft and juicy fruits and vegetables (citrus fruits, tomatoes, cabbage, herbs, and so on).

When you are faced with the task of figuring out how to choose a universal juicer, you should know what other types of auger devices work effectively. Devices with a vertical screw screw – best option for obtaining large volumes of juice from almost any fruit.

Horizontal augers can also cope with various types fruits, vegetables and herbs. In addition, they have additional options. The ability to regulate the concentration of pulp in the juice allows you to prepare healthy purees for babies. And by squeezing cereal products or nuts, you will get excellent oil.

Advantages and disadvantages of auger juicers

The main advantage is the presence of cold pressing. During the extraction process, the juice does not heat up; accordingly, it does not oxidize and retains its freshness and usefulness for a long time. High content of vitamins and minerals is also due to the principle of grinding fruit pulp at low engine speeds (70–120 rpm). For comparison: in centrifuge devices, the rotation speed is in the range of 1000 – 20,000 rpm.

Another positive quality of auger machines is the low noise level of the engine. Caring for juicers does not require much effort, because the number of working parts in them is minimal.

Only one circumstance can be added to the list of disadvantages of auger models - the relatively high cost. But this fact certainly pays off with the versatility of the devices. One auger juicer can easily act as a food processor.

Now the question “which auger juicer to choose” should not be before you. It is clear that both vertical and horizontal devices work with the same performance and excellent quality. And the ability to produce juice using the cold-press method allows you to regularly maintain your health at the proper level.

Making the final choice

Whatever type of juicer you choose for your family, we recommend that you remember to pay attention to some important details when purchasing. For example, it is better to give preference to those models that come with a large set of accessories.

This facilitates operation and increases the safety of using devices. It is convenient to use a special lid made in the form of a tray. It protects the device from external contamination and prevents food from falling out. It’s good when the package includes a special brush for cleaning internal surfaces.

Pay special attention to the power and performance of the juicer. Analyze your needs and decide what is most important to you: small portions of fresh drink daily or large volumes of juice for canning.

The service life of any juicer model depends not only on the brand, quality and capabilities of the device. The duration of operation is directly influenced by the frequency and intensity of use, as well as the quality of care for the device.

On store shelves you can see a large number of There are juicers of various levels, so it’s quite difficult to figure out which juicer is better. There are devices that allow you to prepare only freshly squeezed morning juice, and there are units that easily process large volumes of vegetables and fruits. All of these devices allow you to squeeze juice and differ in the number of centrifuge revolutions, number of speeds, additional options and, of course, brand and price. The rating of the best juicers 2018 – 2019 includes a number of models produced by well-known companies, with different characteristics, design and price-quality ratio.


BORK household appliances are always among the leaders in their reliability. This is a universal juicer, perfect for hard vegetables and fruits, as it is equipped with some useful options. This model has 2 speeds, providing a centrifuge rotation speed of up to 13,000 rpm. The electronic system ensures a smooth start of the electric motor, shuts down the engine when overheated and limits the speed under heavy loads. The loading neck has a diameter of 7.5 cm, which allows you to load whole fruits. The pulp is discarded into a removable container with a capacity of 3.5 liters, and the resulting juice immediately falls into a glass with a capacity of 1.0 liter. The models of this company cannot be called budgetary, since the price for this unit starts from 15,500 rubles, but for owners of gardens and vegetable gardens, it is better suited than others, since it has high productivity and does not heat up when processing large volumes of vegetables and fruits.

Kitfort KT-1101

This juicer is a screw extraction system, which is structurally different from centrifugal models and operates at low speeds. The power of the unit is only 150 W with a screw speed of 80 rpm, so it cannot be used for hard fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, but the model is perfect for berries, tomatoes or other soft vegetables. Loaded fruits and soft vegetables should be cut into slices no larger than 1 cm so as not to overload the engine. A screw juicer ensures the production of juice with pulp, and, according to experts, it is the low speed of this household appliance that allows you to retain all the beneficial substances in the squeezed juice in full; the price of this model is only 4,000 rubles.

Kenwood JE880

This model tops the rating of juicers in terms of power, which is 2000 W. The device ensures rotation of the centrifuge for extracting juice at 2 speeds at speeds up to 12,000 rpm. This device is perfect for large volumes of apples and any fruits and vegetables. The pulp is discarded into a three-liter container, and the juice goes directly into a glass with a capacity of 1.5 liters. The foam formed during operation is cut off by a cutter. This household appliance is well suited for home and garden, as it allows you to process a large number of fruits and vegetables, including root vegetables. The cost of this model starts at 21,000 rubles, but it’s worth it.


The REDMOND company produces good-quality models in the mid-price category. This juicer has a power of 1000 W and 5 speeds with a maximum of 12000 rpm, which allows it to be used for all types of fruits. The body and internal elements are made of alloy steel, eliminating oxidation processes. The reservoir for waste generated during food processing has a capacity of 2 liters. Thanks to the neck with a diameter of 84 mm, whole fruits can be loaded into the device. With such excellent parameters, this model costs only 6,000 rubles.

Scarlett SC-JE50S31

This juicer copes well with all types of fruits and hard vegetables, since its power is 1500 W. Any of 5 speeds can be selected on the electronic panel. The unit is suitable for carrots, tomatoes, celery and other vegetables. After squeezing, the juice goes directly into a 1.0 liter glass, and the pulp is automatically discarded into a container. Often in the descriptions of various models you can find the concept “for cold pressing,” but this is a marketing ploy, since hot pressing simply does not exist. The wide neck allows you to place whole fruits without cutting them into slices.


This model is suitable for those who have small children as it makes almost no noise. The power of 700 W is enough to squeeze juice from most fruits and soft vegetables. The juicer body is made of of stainless steel, and the design complies with the standard adopted for these household appliances. Recycling waste is discarded into a 2-liter container. Two speeds and centrifuge rotation reaching 12,500 rpm allow you to get a decent volume of juice in a short time, which fills a 1-liter glass. Among the additional options, the unit has protection against accidental activation. The cost of the product starts from 4,000 rubles, which is not bad for such characteristics.

Polaris PEA 0829

The model from Polaris made it to the top for the most high speed rotation of the spin system. It is 21,000 rpm and is adjustable at two speeds. The body and working elements are made of stainless alloy alloy. The power of the device is 800 W, which allows you to squeeze juice out of berries, fruits and vegetables extremely quickly. The model is equipped with electronic overload protection and accidental switching blocking. With all its advantages, this juicer, according to customer reviews, has one drawback. These are very small containers for pulp and squeezed juice. They are equal to 1 liter and 0.35 liters, respectively. You can purchase this model for 3,000 rubles.

Zelmer JE 1200.5

An inexpensive, but good and multifunctional juicer is equipped with a blender-chopper, which makes it a universal kitchen unit. Since the power of the device is only 500 W, it is not intended for processing large volumes of fruit, but it is perfect for daily use. The model has a plastic body, and the entire system is easy to disassemble and clean. The juice is served directly into the glass, and no foam gets in thanks to the cut-off valve. Waste from fruits and berries falls into the container automatically.

Bosch MES 25A0

The products of this company do not need advertising and are always leaders in the market, so in the most best models 2016 included the Bosch MES 25A0 juicer. This model has a power of 700 W and two speeds. When replacing the juice glass, the anti-drip system is activated and there will be no drips on the table. The squeezed juice goes directly into a 1.25 liter glass, and the pulp is thrown into a container. Many buyers, not without reason, believe that this model is the best in terms of price and quality ratio. The juicer has an accidental switch and a foam separator that prevents it from getting into the glass of juice.


At the time of buying kitchen equipment What is important is not which company to choose a juicer, but what it can do, whether it is convenient to use and what reviews users write about a particular company. Of course, it is best to purchase a juicer manufactured by a company that has a high rating, but recently even little-known manufacturers have begun to produce high-quality products.

If you think that health cannot be bought, you are only partly right. Yes, health itself cannot be valued with any money, but you can buy things that will help preserve and increase it. For example, a juicer. If you're not lazy, you can drink fresh juices every day and treat your household to them. But before choosing a juicer, it’s worth knowing a few secrets that we will be happy to reveal to you right now.

Variety of species

Choosing a good juicer for your home is not a difficult task. Especially if you clearly understand what goal you are pursuing. Do you want to give your child fresh apricot, apple and peach juice from the garden every day? Or do you need an assistant device for seasonal “harvest control”? Or maybe you are one of those lucky people who all year round Are fresh oranges, tangerines and other citrus fruits available?

Depending on how you plan to use the juicer at home, you should choose suitable model. Based on their purpose and method of operation, they are divided into 4 types.

For citrus fruits

As a rule, these are small, low-power devices that can only cope with oranges, grapefruits, lemons and other citrus fruits. They are very easy to use, convenient and inexpensive. They can be mechanical (in the form of a press) and electric (in the form of a small jug with a motor). Ideal for small portions of fresh juice.


This is perhaps the largest “army” of such devices. Suitable for both hard vegetables and juicy fruits, which is why they are also called universal. They work according to the simplest algorithm: they crush a fruit or vegetable into small pieces, and then pass it through a fine sieve. However, before choosing a juicer for your home, keep in mind that such models do not cope well with large volumes, as they periodically require stopping and resting. Suitable for use by the whole family. They are divided into two main types:

  • With a round separator - in these devices all the used cake remains inside, so after 2-3 glasses such an electrical device must be disassembled and washed. But their efficiency is usually higher, i.e. you can get a little more juice. Perfect option for making juice for a child.
  • With a separator in the form of a cone - such an assistant independently removes the pulp into a special container (some housewives replace it with a bag that can simply be thrown away after use). It produces a little less juice, but using such models is much more convenient. If your family consists of 4 or more people, it is better to choose just such a device for your home.

These are the same centrifugal devices, only with special attachments for citrus fruits. They are rare and usually cost so much that sometimes it is easier to get two different models and use them at home as needed.


Many people have been familiar with these models since childhood. Such a device works like a meat grinder: fruits or berries are fed into a special compartment and ground. In this case, the juice flows into one container, and the unnecessary pulp is sent to another. Can be manual or automatic.

They have the highest percentage of juice obtained, but working with them is much longer and more difficult.

But they cope well with large volumes, so it is better to choose them for the annual “fight against the harvest.” An auger juicer will help you make excellent winter preparations at home that will delight all household members.

Secrets of selection: criteria that are important

If you have already decided which juicer is right for your home, it’s time to think about purchasing one. In order for it to last a long time and bring maximum benefit, you need to consider just a few important points. Let's determine how to choose the right juicer.

Possibility of switching speeds

When buying a universal juicer, look at the number of speeds it has. It is advisable that she has at least two of them, as this will allow her to get more juice from different vegetables and fruits. Usually on fast speed It is better to press hard foods, and on slow – soft ones. However, more than three or four speeds are already unnecessary.

Maximum acceleration speed

To quickly obtain juice, it is enough to choose a centrifugal juicer with a speed of 8-10 thousand revolutions per minute. Lower speeds make it work longer (and consume more electricity), while too high speeds only slightly increase efficiency and, at the same time, again draw “extra” electricity. Auger or citrus machines have low speeds.

Power consumption

For automatic citrus squeezers, it is small (on average 30 W), but it is enough to cope with a juicy orange or lemon. But you should choose a universal juicer only when it has a power of 700-1000 W.

Materials from which the electrical appliance is made

All parts must be of high quality and sufficiently durable. For example, a strainer in good models centrifugal devices are made of stainless steel. Screws made of the same stainless steel should have a sieve separator. All plastic must be durable and food grade.

All these are important things that determine the longevity of the device. But there are other features that are worth taking a closer look at.

Even the most powerful and durable electrical appliance will gather dust on the mezzanine if it is inconvenient to use.

We will show you how to choose the right juicer so that it is not only reliable, but also convenient.

Which juicer is right for you?

Answer a few questions and you will find out which type of juicer is best for you.

Important little things

Any juicer is pleasant to use if it has such important little things:

  • Removable container for collecting pulp. If you choose a juicer that does not need to be disassembled and cleaned during operation, it will be very convenient to use at home.
  • Wide diameter loading opening. Ideally, about 9 cm. Then you can put whole vegetables and fruits here.
  • Safe mode - the juicer does not turn on if it is not assembled correctly.
  • “Drop stop” system - after turning off the device, you need to lift or turn the spout, and then the last drops of juice will not fall on the table.
  • Product pusher that fits perfectly into the loading opening. Sometimes it is also used as a measuring cup.
  • Separator for separating foam. It is very convenient, since the finished product does not need to be further filtered.
  • Rubberized feet for stability.

Comparison of some types

If you are still not clear which home juicer you should choose, check out our comparison table for different types:

OptionsFor citrus fruitsCentrifugalAuger
With round cageWith conical cage
Operation speedManual ones work slowly. Automatic ones work quite quickly.It works very quickly, but after 2-3 glasses of juice you need to disassemble and clean the pulp.It works very quickly, no need to interrupt work. From time to time you need to empty the pulp from the removable container.Doesn't work as fast as centrifugal.
What products is it suitable for?Only for citrus fruitsFor a wide variety of vegetables, fruits and berries. Sometimes you have trouble with foods that are too soft (such as bananas or peaches) and may turn into a puree.Best suited for soft fruits and berries. It also copes with hard ones, but a little worse than the centrifugal one.
Ability to process large volumesBetter suited for small volumes.Needs rest every 5-6 minutes.Can work for a very long time without a break, making preparations for the winter.
Ease of useAll parts can be washed in a couple of minutes.For large volumes, you need to interrupt work to disassemble and wash the device. After finishing, you need to take it apart again and wash everything.During operation, you can simply pour the pulp out of the removable container. After use, you need to disassemble and wash.There are a lot of different parts, each of which needs to be washed and dried after use.
Performance2-3 glasses2-3 glasses (need to be turned off and cleaned)4-6 glasses (you need to turn it off and let it rest)A lot of. Suitable for workpieces.
Who is it suitable for?For connoisseurs of fresh citrus juice.For a family of two or three people.For a family of four or more people.For those who like to seal their juices for the winter.

Now you have learned everything about the “juiciest gadgets” and you will probably be able to find the right model for yourself. With its help you can take care of own health and about the health of your loved ones.

Along with the growing popularity healthy image Life, which can be observed in recent decades, juicers have become firmly established in our lives. Urs Pfluger was the first to mechanize the process of separating juice from the solid part of vegetables and fruits back in 1948. But the most interesting thing is that it is precisely those companies with which he personally worked and consulted that are today recognized as industry leaders. The designer's inventions predetermined the success and well-founded leadership of such giants as Philips, Bosch, Siemens and Moulinex. Read the rating of the top 10 best juicers - centrifugal, auger, for citrus fruits in our review.

How to choose the best juicer? Main criteria

Question 1. Which brand of juicer is better?

The manufacturing company is the factor that, according to statistics, buyers most often pay attention to first. Among the most popular in Russia, it is worth noting the following manufacturers of juicers:

  • Philips as a recognized leader in the production of small household appliances with a huge selection of products and excellent technical characteristics,
  • Panasonic is a brand that has long become a symbol of reliability,
  • Moulinex, which attracts many people with its original design and engineering solutions, while always high quality technology,
  • Bosch is a brand that has long spoken about itself in all areas of its work without exception,

Question 2. What type of juicer is better to buy?

  • Centrifugal juicers are highly productive, but when working with soft fruits they discard too wet pulp;
  • screw ones have been in increasing demand over the past few years because they
    they work slower in comparison with centrifugal ones, due to which 95% of the juice from any fruit (including soft fruits) is successfully squeezed out; sprouted grains and leafy greens can be used as components for preparing juice, which centrifugal units do not allow;
  • citrus is the most “highly specialized” machine for those who drink citrus juices very often, while others do not particularly like it, because otherwise you should think about purchasing a centrifugal combined model with a special citrus press attachment.

Question 3. What power juicer should I choose?

Power is a fundamentally important indicator, primarily for centrifugal juicers, since the rotation speed of the centrifuge, and therefore the quality of juice extraction, directly depends on it. All equipment of this type can be divided into models up to 500 W, 500-1000 W and more than 1 kW. Moreover, the higher the power indicator, the greater the productivity of the equipment and the dryness of the discarded cake. For auger equipment thanks to their technological features 100-200 W is sufficient power for operation, and up to 40 W for citrus fruits, since they “give off” juice very easily.

Question 4. Which juicer is the most convenient?

For any equipment, it is very important that it is quite convenient to use and maintain, that it becomes an assistant in the home and does not cause unnecessary trouble. Of these convenient options for juicers, I would like to highlight:

  • a reservoir for pulp (the more juice you plan to squeeze out at a time, the larger the volume is desirable);
  • the presence of several speeds for the operation of centrifugal machines;
  • wide chute for serving fruit;
  • removable foam separator - an attachment that regulates the amount of pulp in the juice by changing the size of the slots;
  • a foam separator that will allow you to get clear juice immediately after squeezing.

Based on the answers to these questions, we compiled our rating.

Rating of the TOP 10 best juicers of 2015-2016

In order to select the best juicers from a variety of models and brands of equipment to form our rating, we analyzed statistical data, customer reviews, objective characteristics of the equipment and their prices. As a result, the results were obtained, brief information on which is summarized in a table.

Panasonic MJ-DJ01

Suitable for large families who love juices from different fruits - it will grind everything! And the volume of the glass is large, you can make it for several people at once. And the juice comes out good quality, homogeneous.

Main advantages:

  • You can load whole fruits
  • Large volume (reservoir 2 l, glass included - 1.5 l)
  • Does not vibrate during operation
  • Good spin quality
  • There is protection against accidental activation, drop-stop
  • Due to the shape of the parts, it is inconvenient to wash, you need to get the hang of it (in dishwasher doesn't wash)
  • The noise is small, but there is
  • Waste sticks to the lid more than it collects in the compartment

Philips HR 1869

The Philips HR 1869 juicer provides the user with maximum comfort. The list of characteristics includes: power 700W, reservoirs for juice/press – 1.5/1.6 l, two operating speeds, “drop-stop” system.

Main advantages:

  • Direct juice supply
  • Wide feed chute (80 mm)
  • Machine washable
  • There is a juice level indicator
  • Foam separator
  • Ability to squeeze up to 2.5 liters of juice in one go
  • Innovative filter that makes the mesh easy to clean with a sponge
  • Has an extra spout to prevent juice from spilling
  • Not detected.

Bosch MES20G0

The Bosch juicer is fast and smart. Suitable for vegetables and fruits of any hardness. Thanks to its wide throat, it swallows fruit whole. The juice is ready very quickly, but there is also a fair amount of it left in the pulp, which is why the rating has been reduced.

Main advantages:

  • Reliable build
  • Wrings out very quickly
  • Whole fruits can be placed
  • Silent
  • There is protection against accidental activation and against the appearance of drops
  • Stable (legs with suction cups)
  • Easy to disassemble and wash, mesh brush included
  • Does not wring dry (speed at the expense of quality)

Bosch MES3000

Not a bad juicer for home use. Power 700 W. There is an automatic pulp ejection function. Cord 1.2 m. 2 speeds.

Main advantages:

  • Easy to assemble/disassemble.
  • Stylish design.
  • The kit includes a special brush for easy cleaning.
  • Wet pulp due to lack of power
  • The top cover often breaks
  • Cake sticks to the lid

Hurom HU-700

This model implements the principle of slow spinning, and also has a powerful motor and an improved mesh for the cake. Thanks to this, spinning has become more efficient, operation is quieter, and the likelihood of pulp getting stuck on the auger has decreased. The juice has become more rich and tasty!

Main advantages:

  • Good quality of extraction (juice without foam, dry pulp)
  • Suitable for pressing hard and soft fruits
  • Anti-drip system
  • Easy to clean (cleans automatically, has a reverse function)
  • High price
  • The fruit hole is small

Oursson JM8002

In this juicer you can prepare not only the juice itself, but also purees, ice cream, and a base for jam - there is a separate attachment and a second bowl.

Main advantages:

  • Good spin quality
  • Runs silently
  • There is a tray for berries
  • 2 nozzles and 2 bowls included (for juice and for thick products - puree, ice cream, jam)
  • 5-level protection
  • Brush included
  • There is a recipe book
  • Reverse function
  • Self-cleaning function
  • Small throat diameter, fruits need to be cut
  • Only one speed

Kitfort KT-1101

Kitfort KT-1101 is one of the best inexpensive auger juicers. Universal model: you can make juice with or without pulp, from fruits and vegetables, herbs, and sprouted seeds. IN in capable hands practically waste-free: the cake turns out to be well pressed, cutlets can be made from vegetable pulp, marshmallows can be made from apple pulp, seasonings can be made from tomato pulp, etc. It is difficult to disassemble at first, but washing is easy.

Main advantages:

  • Wrings dry
  • Processes fruits of any hardness
  • Light weight
  • Compact
  • Easy to wash
  • The upper tray against vibration can be turned away and the protection will work (the work stops), you need to hold it
  • It's clogged with greenery

Philips HR 1870

The best solution for mothers with children or for those who simply do not want to bother a lot with cutting fruits, and then disassembling and washing the juicer. The wide neck (8 cm!) allows you to load the whole fruit. Easy to disassemble, easy to clean. Rarely clogs. And at the same time it is capable of processing fruits, vegetables of varying hardness, berries and citrus fruits (there is an attachment).

Main advantages:

  • Powerful
  • High spin quality
  • Wrings out quickly
  • The mesh rarely gets clogged
  • Wide neck (8 cm)
  • There is a nozzle for citrus fruits
  • Easy to wash
  • Brush included
  • Not detected


Wrings out easily and effortlessly! It looks great on any table, suitable for both country style and ultra-modern kitchen.

Main advantages:

  • Runs silently
  • Wrings out well
  • The juice does not splash to the sides and does not stain your hands.
  • Rugged housing
  • There is drop-stop protection and overload protection
  • Very easy to clean
  • There is a dust cover
  • If you try to press round fruits that are not the right size for the cone press, you will end up with a lot of waste, so you need to cut them
  • High price

Braun MPZ9

The juice extracts well. Moreover, you can adjust the degree of extraction yourself, depending on whether you like the juice with or without pulp.

Main advantages:

  • Quiet operation
  • High spin quality
  • Setting the spin level
  • Easy to disassemble and wash
  • With intensive use, the resource lasts for about a year (according to user experience)

Which juicer is better to buy?

Today, manufacturers offer equipment for any needs and preferences: you can choose a very high-quality juicer from a well-known brand with a huge number of different functions, or you can choose a simple inexpensive model that will delight the owners and will not burden the family budget.

The main thing in in this case determine your goals and wishes:

  • If you want fresh orange juice every morning, a citrus juicer will not allow you to be late for work, because it is very easy to use and maintain.
  • You have your own vegetable garden - you won’t find better than powerful auger equipment. Tomatoes, berries, hard and soft fruits will be squeezed with maximum efficiency.
  • Do your family love natural fresh juices on weekends? An inexpensive centrifugal machine is your option.