The best juicer for hard vegetables and fruits. Which juicer is better - auger or centrifugal? Juicer rating

To choose best juicer for your home, you need to clearly understand what exactly you and your household need from it. After all, there is no ideal device for everyone, and each model has its own advantages and weaknesses. In this material you will find step by step guide on choosing a juicer for your home and a selection of video reviews.

Step 1. Decide on the type of juicer

Type 1. Centrifugal (universal)

This is the most common type of juicer. The fruits in it are first crushed using a grater, then they fall into a separator, where, under the influence of centrifugal force, the juice is separated from the pulp.

  • Squeezes juice from almost all fruits, vegetables and berries (with the exception of fruits with small seeds). Particularly good for soft fruits and vegetables (eg tomatoes or peaches).
  • You can insert whole small fruits (for example, apples, pears, etc.) into the cylindrical hatch, which saves a lot of time.

A universal centrifugal juicer is a workhorse that allows you to prepare juice quickly and not waste time chopping fruits. Just throw the apple into the neck, press it with the pusher and turn on the machine

  • The juice is squeezed out very quickly - 2-4 times faster compared to a screw juicer.
  • The juice from a centrifugal juicer is more liquid and homogeneous, without pulp (however, on the other hand, this can also be called a minus, because juice with pulp is healthier).
  • The machine is easy to clean even without using a special brush.
  • In this category the most big choice devices for any budget.
  • The cost of centrifugal juicers is lower than that of auger juicers. The price varies from 1000 to 12000 rubles.
  • Due to the heating of the fruit during the friction stage and the interaction of the pulp with air in the separator, the juice oxidizes and loses some of its beneficial properties. In addition, such juice cannot be stored for a long time; it must be drunk immediately.
  • Extracts juice less thoroughly than an auger juicer and produces 10-40% less juice (depending on the type of fruit/vegetable).
  • Produces more foam compared to the auger model.
  • Only expensive models of juicers can extract juice from herbs, and even those do not do it well, but they cannot extract juice from wheatgrass at all.
  • It is noisy. The noise is about the same as from a blender, food processor or coffee grinder.
  • Centrifugal models tend to be quite tall and require a lot of space.

If your priority is the speed of obtaining juice, say, you like to drink it for breakfast, you have a large family, or you are looking for a juicer for the whole team, then a centrifugal juicer is the best choice. optimal choice. It can also be recommended to lovers of juices made from juicy and soft fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes.

You can learn tips on choosing the best universal centrifugal juicer from this video.

Type 2. Screw (other names: “cone”, “cold-press juicer”)

Auger juicers are also universal, but they work on a different principle: they squeeze juice out of fruits using a press under high pressure, not abrasion. The main part of the device is a conical spiral auger operating at low speeds. Externally and according to the principle of operation, a screw juicer resembles a meat grinder.

  • Preserves the maximum beneficial properties of fruits, since they do not oxidize during the cooking process.
  • For the same reason, an auger juicer allows you to make preparations and keep the juice in the refrigerator for 48 hours without losing its nutritional value. The ability to store juice in a sense compensates for the slowness of the device, because you can prepare drinks in advance.
  • The extraction is more thorough, which means it produces more juice.

A screw juicer is more expensive than a universal one, but it squeezes 10-40% more juice (depending on the juiciness of fruits/vegetables)

  • Squeezes juice from almost everything, even cabbage, seeds, nuts and grass.
  • Works quietly.
  • The juice is obtained with less foam (1.5-2 times compared to juice from a centrifugal machine).

Only an auger juicer is capable of squeezing juice from cabbage and herbs

  • It costs more (from 12 thousand rubles).
  • The choice of devices in this category is small.
  • Auger juicers have a smaller mouth, so most fruits and vegetables need to be cut first, which makes the cooking process more difficult and slow.
  • The juice is thicker due to the presence of pulp. On the other hand, we can say that the benefits of the pulp compensate for the heterogeneity of the drink.
  • Although a screw machine squeezes juice out of soft vegetables and fruits, it turns out more like puree or baby food. However, if you have small children, then this is a big advantage.

In what cases is it recommended: An auger juicer is an ideal choice for gourmets, vegetarians, raw foodists, families with small children, patients who need dietary/liquid nutrition and simply people who care about their health. In addition, auger machines are recommended for those who love juices from hard vegetables and fruits (apples, carrots, beets, etc.).

If you are interested in an auger juicer, we suggest watching a video review and comparison of 4 models of auger machines in the mid-price category.

And in this video, a comparison of auger and centrifugal juicers is presented in detail and clearly.

Type 3. Citrus (citrus press)

The machine is specially designed for squeezing juice from citrus fruits. The design of electric citrus juicers is very simple and consists of: a motor, a reservoir for collecting juice and a cone-shaped nozzle, which, rotating at low speeds, squeezes juice out of the fruit.

  • It does not require peeling the fruits, just wash them and cut them into halves (across the slices). You can also squeeze juice from citrus fruits in other types of juicers, but to do this you will have to clean them first.
  • You can squeeze pomegranate juice in it. You can also extract juice from pomegranates in a screw juicer, but first you need to extract the grains, which is not very convenient.
  • Compact.
  • It is inexpensive (the price of electric citrus presses is 1200-3000 rubles, although there are also expensive models for 19-30 thousand rubles).
  • Easy to use.
  • Works quickly.
  • Very easy to care for.
  • It doesn’t make noise, so you can make juices even early in the morning, when everyone in the household is still asleep.
  • Many models of citrus machines allow you to adjust the amount of pulp in the finished juice.
  • Not suitable for squeezing any fruit except citruses and pomegranates.

In what cases is it recommended: If you don’t need anything else other than orange/pomegranate juice, then a citrus juicer is your choice. Citrus presses will also be very useful for those who like to throw parties. With this device, guests will be able to squeeze the juice for their cocktails themselves without peeling the oranges. At the same time, the work of the press will not interrupt conversations or muffle the music.

If you want to buy a citrus juicer, we suggest watching a comparative video review of three different models.

Step 2. Size and volume of containers

Have you decided on the type of juicer? Now let's think about the volume of tanks you need to collect juice and pulp. Citrus and centrifugal machines most often have built-in containers for collecting pulp, while auger machines have separate ones (sold as a set).

  • For a couple of people, the volume of the container for collecting juice will be 300-600 ml (that’s 1-2 glasses), the volume of the container for collecting pulp is 1.5-1.6 liters.
  • For big family To prepare juice at one time, you need a tank with a volume of 1.5-2 liters, the volume of a container for collecting pulp is 2.6-3 liters.

Also, when choosing a suitable model, pay attention to the size of the loading neck. The wider it is, the larger fruits and vegetables you can immerse in it without cutting.

  • The average size of the loading neck is 75 mm. Such a hatch will accommodate an apple up to 73 mm in diameter; larger fruits will have to be cut. The widest mouth of a juicer can be 84–85 mm in diameter.

Step 3. Power and speed modes

The higher the power of the machine, the faster and better quality juice it produces.

  • For centrifugal machines, the optimal power is 250-300 W and the separator rotation speed is 10000-12000 rpm. There is no particular point in purchasing a device with high performance (up to 23,000 rpm), since this has practically no effect on the productivity and quality of the juice. By the way, some juicers have up to 9 speed modes, although in fact, for the average lover of freshly squeezed juices, 2-3 modes will be enough: the low speed mode is suitable for soft fruits, and the high speed mode for hard ones. Keep in mind that some centrifugal machines may only have 1 setting, but they are not suitable for juicing soft fruits/vegetables.

  • Auger juicers can have a power of 200-400 W.
  • Citrus machines have a very low power of 20-40 W. In fact, when choosing citrus presses, power is not that important, and a machine with only 25 watts of power will do the job just fine.

Step 4. Body and parts materials

The body of any juicer can be made of plastic and/or aluminum or of stainless steel. Metal cases are much more beautiful and reliable than plastic ones, but more expensive and heavier. Plastic significantly reduces the cost of the device, makes it lighter and simplifies its care, and with careful handling it can also last for many years.

  • Please be aware that polished stainless steel and glossy black plastic are susceptible to fingerprints.

The material of the centrifuge in a centrifugal juicer is always made of stainless steel. But citrus and auger juicers may also have plastic filter parts, because due to low rotation speeds the loads on them are insignificant.

Step 5: Advanced Options

It is advisable that your future juicer have the following additional options:

  • “Drip-stop” function (for machines with direct juice supply).
  • A glass or jug ​​for the finished juice and a foam trap. It’s good if the juice container is measured.
  • Suction cup legs or at least simple rubberized legs for stability of the device (especially important for centrifugal juicers).
  • Removable parts can be washed in the dishwasher.
  • Possibility to store the cord in a special compartment at the base of the device. Also make sure that the cord of the model you choose is long enough or not too short.
  • Brush for cleaning sieve cells.

The benefits of freshly squeezed juices are undeniable: they contain biologically active substances that are immediately absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and have a positive effect on metabolism. Extracting juice from fruits manually is quite difficult; for this task it is better to acquire a functional device. Today we will discuss how to choose the right juicer for home use.

A home juicer is a device for extracting juice from vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs. Traditionally it is a standard press for large, medium and small fruits. Most parts in professional instruments are made of aluminum or other stainless steel. This avoids the occurrence of corrosion and oxidation processes. The design of the juicer consists of several detachable parts that are easy to clean and dry. The system is equipped with a powerful motor and several sharp knives (up to 16 blades), allowing you to quickly and efficiently grind the pulp and squeeze the juice out of it.

The juicer may include an additional container for juice or puree, replaceable attachments for chopping fruits and vegetables, cones for squeezing citrus fruits, cleaning brushes and a pusher. The power cord may become disconnected.

Types of juicers

There are many types and types of juicers. Based on the principle of juice extraction, devices are divided into manual, mechanical and electronic, and according to the scope of use - household, professional, industrial. We are interested household models with average power and small capacity, but for restaurants or cafes it is better to pay attention to professional juicers. They can also be divided by purpose - for citrus fruits, hard fruits, stone fruits (there are also universal ones). It is worth paying attention to the design of the juicer. They come in centrifugal and screw types. Let's discuss the main types that are suitable for home use.

Manual, mechanical and electronic

For home use, both electronic and mechanical and manual models will be suitable. True, the efficiency of these devices is very different. Manual juicers are a small cone or press that requires extra effort to squeeze out the juice. Ultimately, you end up with little juice and uneven fruit pulp. Such devices are quite cheap and are not suitable for large volumes.

By design, mechanical juicers resemble a manual meat grinder. They also require additional effort, but work much more efficiently. The main feature of a mechanical model is the presence of a convenient lever. The body can be metal or plastic, which also determines productivity.

Electronic models do not require any effort to extract juice from fruits or vegetables. You just need to put the fruit inside, press the button and wait. The most powerful models are capable of squeezing up to 95 percent of the juice, leaving only the pulp behind. Electronic juicers have high productivity and are significantly more expensive than other models.

For hard fruits, citrus and stone fruits

The purpose of the device is indicated in the technical specifications. Extracting juice from citrus fruits does not require high power, since the pulp of such fruits contains a high percentage of liquid and is not hard. You can squeeze juice from oranges, grapefruits and tangerines using both simple manual and mechanical models and more complex electrical devices.

Plastic mechanical models are not suitable for hard fruits, not to mention manual devices. They require a lot of effort, so it is better to use electric devices. The greater the power, the more efficient the juice extraction will be.

Seed juicer models are suitable for berries, vegetables and fruits with a large number of seeds. Such devices have a special filtration system and do not allow even the smallest seeds to pass through. They often have a separate compartment for collecting cake.

There are also universal models that are suitable for all types of fruits. They usually have an electronic system, a large number of attachments and functional controls. Of course, the cost of such devices is much higher, but they are full-fledged food processors with additional capabilities. Using universal models, you can not only squeeze juice, but also chop vegetables, make purees and various cocktails.

Centrifugal and screw

Centrifugal, or as they are also called, centrifugal or rotary models of juicers are equipped with a sharp knife that crushes the fruit pulp using a rapid rotation of 350 revolutions per second. The fruits are crushed in a centrifuge and deposited on the filter. In this case, the pulp is retained, and the juice flows into a separate container. The nozzles must be cleaned periodically and the resulting pulp must be thrown away. Centrifugal models come in two types: with a round or cone-shaped separator. In the first case, the pulp remains inside, so the device needs constant cleaning. And in cone-shaped models, the cake comes out independently through a special cone.

Advantages of centrifugal models:

  • the entrance hole is large enough to fit whole fruits of large vegetables and fruits;
  • high performance compared to other models;
  • more affordable cost and service;
  • the juice is obtained with virtually no pulp;
  • no need to cut the fruit before squeezing;
  • the speed of juice production is much higher than that of auger-type devices.


  • squeezes less thoroughly than other juicers;
  • it works quite noisily (like a blender or electric meat grinder);
  • requires a lot of space on the table;
  • the juice oxidizes quickly.

Screw models have more simple system juice extraction. The fruits are literally ground between the screws under the influence of physical force, due to which the juice is squeezed out. Such models are more universal and suitable for most fruits.

Advantages of screw models:

  • the juice does not oxidize and preserves everything useful microelements and vitamins;
  • silent operation, unlike centrifugal models;
  • longer service life;
  • you can get juice from almost any fruit and herb (even nuts);
  • some models are capable of self-cleaning;
  • the juice is obtained with less foam;
  • great for kids.


  • work slower;
  • are more expensive than other models;
  • the juice turns out thicker, but healthy;
  • require additional effort to obtain juice.

Both electronic and mechanical models are well suited for home use. When choosing the type of device, you should focus on the scope of application and the hardness of the fruits used. If even manual models are sufficient for citrus fruits, then for apples it is more effective to purchase an electric juicer.

How to choose a juicer

Having decided on the type of juicer, you also need to study specifications devices. These include maximum speed, power consumption, housing materials, general functionality and the ability to switch spin modes. It is also worth paying attention to the configuration and number of replacement attachments. For different types Fruits and vegetables may require different graters and blades, which are best taken care of in advance. An important criterion is the performance of the device, namely the percentage of juice obtained. And now in more detail:

  1. Maximum acceleration speed. For efficient operation, it is enough to purchase a centrifuge device with a rotation speed of 8 to 10 thousand revolutions per minute. Of course, you can save money and choose a juicer with a low speed, but it will take much longer to extract the juice and, accordingly, consume more electricity. For the same reason, you should not buy too powerful devices. They will reduce the cooking speed, but the energy consumption will be much higher. Citrus juicers have low speeds, but it takes less time to prepare the juice, so this does not affect energy costs.
  2. Device power consumption. For citrus fruits, the simplest presses with a power of 40 W will be sufficient (they are considered the most economical), but universal models for hard fruits require high energy consumption. Optimal performance 700-1000 watts are considered. This is enough for fast and efficient work.
  3. Case materials used. The juicer must be durable and stable. The comparison showed that good material is stainless steel because it avoids corrosion and rapid oxidation. Of course, this applies not only to the internal parts, but also to the outer casing. Manufacturers are increasingly using plastic in both electrical and mechanical models. It must be strong enough and suitable for contact with food.
  4. Possibility of speed adjustment. When choosing electrical device Consider the number of spin speeds. This will allow you to use the device for various fruits and vegetables and regulate not only the juice preparation time, but also the power. It's good when there are three or four operating modes.
  5. Contents of delivery. Make sure that the juicer comes with several attachments for different fruits. A special cleaning brush and pusher will also help. Universal models often have shredder and blender functions. Sometimes replacement blades are sold separately. Be sure to check this with the seller. Here are the important little things that can be included in the kit: a separate container for collecting pulp or cake, a pusher, graters, a storage case, a citrus cone, etc.
  6. Additional features that will also come in handy. Pay attention to the size of the inlet hole. The optimal size is about 8-9 centimeters in diameter. The device must also have a safe mode that prevents the use of an incorrectly assembled device. Function against excess drops. A high-quality separator for separating foam and stable rubberized legs will also be useful so that the juicer does not slip on the table.

In addition to the above criteria, you should also pay attention to the warranty period and certification. According to experts, the device should be made from environmentally friendly materials and last at least a year. If the juicer has a plastic body, it should not creak or bend when pressed. Still, it is better to focus on devices made of aluminum, because... they are more durable. Also pay attention to the cord. It should be long enough to reach the outlet. Optimal size– 1.5-2 meters.

Rating of the best juicers

There are many different juicers, among which it is difficult to choose the right option. Especially without technical knowledge. We have compiled a rating of juicers for 2018, taking into account user ratings and reviews. The list includes both simple mechanical models and functional electronic devices. Here are our top 10 devices:

  • Power consumption: 20 W
  • Juice collection container: volume 0.35 l
  • Direct juice supply system: no
  • Additional information: Dishwasher safe
  • Operating modes: 1
  • Construction: disassembled
  • Additional attachments and accessories: citrus cone
  • Reverse: yes
  • Pulse mode: yes
  • Thanks to its disassembled design, the juicer is easy to clean and dries quickly
  • Quickly squeezes juice from all types of citrus fruits
  • Affordable cost of the device

  • The case is quite flimsy
  • Plastic clips break off quickly
  • Splashes when working

  • Device type: auger professional juicer
  • Number of augers: 1
  • Power consumption: 150 W
  • Automatic pulp ejection: yes, 1.6 l
  • Case material: environmentally friendly plastic
  • Additional information: 2 pulp strainers
  • Operating modes: 1
  • Construction: disassembled
  • Additional attachments and accessories: there is a cleaning brush and a loading tray
  • Reverse: yes
  • Weight: 7.2 kg
  • Squeezes out the maximum amount of juice, leaving only dry pulp
  • There is a convenient anti-drip system
  • Works with large volumes of fruit
  • You can adjust the thickness of the juice
  • Overcharge

  • Device type: electric for citrus
  • Power consumption: 160 W
  • Juice collecting container: no
  • Direct juice supply system: yes
  • Operating modes: 1
  • Construction: disassembled
  • Additional attachments and accessories: 2 citrus cones
  • Additionally: dishwasher safe
  • Weight: 2.7 kg
  • Quickly squeezes juice (literally in 2 minutes)
  • Works quietly and without vibrations
  • Good performance
  • Suitable for citrus fruits of any size
  • Convenient to disassemble and assemble
  • Durable stainless steel housing
  • Quite easily soiled case

  • Device type: horizontal auger juicer
  • Number of augers: 1
  • Power consumption: 150 W
  • Juice collection container: yes
  • Direct juice supply system: yes
  • Construction: disassembled
  • Additional attachments and accessories: spaghetti attachment, homogenizer sieve, cleaning brushes, loading tray
  • Rotation speed: 70 rpm
  • Functions: adjusting the amount of pulp
  • Weight: 5.7 kg
  • Perfectly squeezes both hard fruits (like potatoes, carrots) and herbs (sprouted wheat, greens)
  • Suitable for stone fruits and vegetables
  • It washes very quickly, because... small mesh
  • Very powerful and convenient
  • Many colors
  • Marky building

  • Device type: vertical auger juicer
  • Number of augers: 1
  • Power consumption: 200 W
  • Juice collection container: volume 1 l
  • Direct juice supply system: yes
  • Anti-drip system: yes
  • Additional information: dishwasher safe, automatic pulp ejection, protection against accidental activation
  • Case material: environmentally friendly plastic
  • Operating modes: 1
  • Construction: disassembled
  • Additional attachments and accessories: loading tray, cleaning brush
  • Chopper: yes
  • Rotation speed: 47 rpm
  • Easy to wash and clean
  • Suitable for vegetables and fruits of any hardness
  • Silent operation
  • There is not always enough capacity to collect juice

  • Device type: electric auger juicer
  • Power consumption: 150 W
  • Juice collection container: volume 0.5 l
  • Direct juice supply system: yes
  • Case material: stainless steel
  • Additional information: dishwasher safe, automatic pulp ejection
  • Construction: disassembled
  • Anti-drip system: yes
  • Additional attachments and accessories: citrus cone, cleaning brush
  • Silent operation of the spin system
  • Suitable for both citrus fruits and hard fruits and vegetables
  • Convenient cleaning brush
  • Fingerprints quickly appear on the case

Kitfort KT-1102

In order to be healthy and energetic, it is very useful to drink natural juice every day. A juicer will be an excellent helper for its preparation. Freshly squeezed drinks are much tastier than those purchased in supermarkets, and they have much more benefits. Fresh juices made from fresh and juicy fruits and vegetables help improve health: the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system is normalized, appetite is improved, and the immune system is strengthened. Do you know how to choose the right juicer for vegetables and fruits?

When choosing a juicer, you need to decide what juice you want to drink most often.

If you are interested in the question: how to choose a juicer for your home, then first you should decide what to process into juice most often. It is important that this or that model must be of high quality, serve faithfully for a long time, and correspond to the preferences and wishes of the owner. Reliability and durability must be present here - these components are very important.

It’s worth listening to yourself, to your desires, what do you want more: drinking classic orange juice for breakfast or, maybe, a multifruit made from juicy fruits. Or maybe you'll like vegetable juice the most? Quality, durability, and reliability are very important in a device. In addition, versatility is also welcome.

Juicers for fruit and vegetable juice

Surely everyone will be interested in learning how to choose the right juicer for fruits, berries and vegetables. By the way, there are units for specific products, as well as combined options, in which you can also make juice from berries, that is, three in one. Universal models are suitable for absolutely all types of vegetables and fruits. They are more powerful and durable. With their help, it is possible to extract juice not only from hard products, but also from soft ones.

Types of juicers for vegetables and fruits


These devices are quite popular and in demand. There is a centrifuge here. At its base is a chopper blade that rotates quickly, at a speed of up to 3600 revolutions in sixty seconds. To prepare the drink, you must first cut the vegetables into pieces. small size. After this, they are placed in a trench. Next, the pusher pushes it all towards the centrifuge -

Single screw juicers allow you to extract juice from almost any vegetable.

This is where the products are crushed. When the centrifuge rotates, the pressed mass remains on the filter. As for the resulting juice, it is poured into a stainless steel bowl. Also, the material for making such a bowl can be plastic. In order to clean the filter from pulp, the device should be stopped.

Single screw

This juicer allows you to get juice from cabbage, or maybe bell pepper. To get started you need the ingredients

can be crushed, after which the mass is processed. Next, the juice is extracted from it. It takes some effort to push the vegetables into the chute.

Twin screw

In order to work with such a model, certain physical efforts must be expended. But the resulting juice is simply excellent.

What types of juicers are there?

The structure of the device is as follows:

By pressing a citrus slice, or rather half, on the nozzle, it becomes possible to obtain delicious juice. Through the holes in the nozzle, the liquid flows into a special container.

When choosing such a device, you should pay attention to power. The higher the indicator, the faster the drink for energy and vigor will be ready. The volume of the container for collecting juice is also important. The best option There will be a container with a volume of one to three glasses, because you should not store freshly squeezed juice - it should be drunk immediately.

When choosing a device, you should pay attention to the presence of additional functions. This could be reverse mode. In this case, the nozzle is rotated by the motor in one direction or another. The result is more juice. It is also appropriate to use a device with a lever - with its help you can hold the citrus on the nozzle.

Power ratings for juicers

If you have not yet decided how best to choose a juicer, then pay attention to the power. The higher it is, the faster the juice will be ready. Models for citrus fruits have power from twenty to eighty watts. As for universal models, the indicators are different - from two hundred and fifty to one and a half thousand watts. The power of auger devices varies between one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty W.

Juicers for berries with seeds

If you are deciding which juicer to choose, then pay attention to the device for berries. Such models also process seeds, and not just the berries themselves.

If you choose a centrifugal model, you will not be able to obtain juice from berries with small seeds. In this case, it is better to choose a screw model or a model with a press mechanism.

The result is a wonderful drink that retains all the beneficial substances from the processed fruit.

There is a manual model used for squeezing berries. In this case, the juice is squeezed out under pressure. As a result, the liquid enters a special container, flowing down a gutter, and the pit with peel goes into another. Universal models are possible, as well as specialized ones. In the first case, it is possible to process any fruit. As for the second, here it is possible to process a certain berry.

High capacity models for apple juice

Fresh apple juice is a storehouse of vitamins

Fresh apple juice is not only delicious, but also healthy. When you have a juicer in the kitchen, it is very simple and easy to prepare this wonderful miracle drink every day. Apple models are a great choice. The screw device is expensive, so it is not so popular. But there are a lot of advantages here. Therefore, there is no need to save money, because this is a worthy choice for your kitchen. One of the main advantages of this model is mechanical method spin The juice yield is much greater than that of centrifugal models.

The container in which the cake is collected in the screw model does not require constant cleaning. There is also no need to disassemble the housing. After all, the cake goes to the exit on its own. Due to the fact that the rotation speed is quite slow, the juice does not heat up and is not blown through. There is no oxidation of the product. As a result, it is possible to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins beneficial to the human body. The same goes for essential oils.

If there are a lot of apples, then it is best to choose a juicer whose performance is quite impressive. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in the selected model the product is completely immersed, without cleaning or dividing it. In addition, the ability to work for long periods of time without interruption is important. Engine power too important point. The same applies to the waste cake being discarded automatically.

Which model is better: screw or centrifugal?

There are very high-quality and functional juicers, how to choose the right one? Many people are looking for an answer to this question. When you have collected a lot of fruit and have nowhere to put it, it’s time to prepare freshly squeezed natural juices. A juicer will come in handy for this. How to choose for your home best model? There are so many types of these devices. How to choose good juicer? Screw or centrifugal? There are many questions. It's time to give answers. The screw and centrifugal models are different. Depending on the purpose, you can conclude which is better.

If you decide to choose a good juicer for your home, then pay attention to an excellent option at an affordable price - a centrifugal model.

For gourmets who want to pamper themselves with celery or parsley juices, the best choice- screw model. Despite the fact that its cost is higher, the performance is high.

Advantages of the screw model

Both the screw and centrifugal models will help you get real freshly prepared juice equally quickly

The juice will not oxidize, all substances beneficial to the body are preserved - vitamins, for example:

  • All beneficial features drinks are stored for two days;
  • silent operation, minimum waste;
  • There is a useful function thanks to which the device cleans itself;
  • You can always squeeze herbal and oat juice, as well as wheat juice.

The undeniable advantages of centrifugal juicers

  • The spin speed is quite impressive;
  • the cost is reasonable;
  • The model is quite simple to use;
  • there is a wide neck.

Additional features and functions

Before choosing a particular juicer for vegetables and juicy fruits, you need to decide whether you need additional functions. Multifunctional models They are more expensive, but they allow you to make natural juice from different products faster and with better quality.

Of the main additional features that are available in high-quality models, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • smooth engine start;
  • drop-stop;
  • automatic pulp ejection.

All these features help make the juicing process more comfortable, faster, and more enjoyable.

The range of juicers is quite impressive. Therefore, if you need such a device, then you must first decide on the purpose of the device. It is also necessary to consider how much space is in the kitchen so that the device fits perfectly into everything around the room. Now you know how to choose the best model. There are plenty of nuances when choosing. The main thing is that you need to choose high-quality, multifunctional models. This is the only way to prepare the most delicious juices from vegetables and fruits. When choosing, you can always consult a specialist in the store. After all, he will definitely tell you about all the juicers, tell you how to choose the right model, taking into account the preferences and wishes of the client. For those who want to be healthy, cheerful and energetic, natural freshly squeezed juices are simply irreplaceable. A juicer will always help you prepare them.

Fashion for useful and proper nutrition continues to gain momentum. And what could be healthier than freshly squeezed natural juices? They can be obtained from fruits, berries or vegetables. The most convenient and fastest way to squeeze juice is with a special juicer. There is now a wide selection of these home devices on store shelves. Understand all this variety of models and choose the most best option Our rating of the best juicers for hard vegetables and fruits will help.

All devices for obtaining juice for home use are divided according to the type of energy used. They are mechanical and electrical. As can be determined by the name, mechanical juicers operate with the application of a certain amount of effort on the part of a person. Electric ones are driven by electric current.

At first glance, electric juicers hold the palm here. But under certain conditions it is more convenient to use a mechanical model. For example, in a country house where there is no electricity, in camping conditions. But such models also have an obvious drawback: it is impossible to obtain a large volume of juice, and your hands will quickly get tired.

Electric models allow you to get as much healthy and tasty drink as you want by processing a lot of raw materials. But they can be used in places where it is possible to connect the device to the electrical network.

In this regard, before choosing a model, we recommend that you decide exactly where and under what conditions you will use the device.

Another classification of juicers is by purpose. Citrus juicers and universal devices are distinguished here:

  • Inexpensive citrus juicers will extract juice only from all varieties of citrus fruits. These budget models are used for oranges, tangerines, lemons and other citrus fruits. In such a device, you can select a container for collecting juice, an electric motor and a special nozzle in the form of a cone.

  • A universal juicer has a higher price and a more complex device. The scope of application of universal devices is also wide - you can extract nectar from any fruit, berries or vegetables.

Types of universal juicers

If everything is clear with citrus juicers, then with universal ones it’s not so simple. In turn, such home helpers are divided into:

  • Centrifugal. In such a machine, raw materials are loaded into the upper compartment. Then the raw materials are crushed using special disc-shaped knives, the juice is separated and placed in a special container, and the remaining cake falls into the appropriate compartment. This operating principle causes the device to heat up, which affects the quality of the juice; it becomes slightly oxidized. Another disadvantage of the centrifugal device is the inability to extract juice from herbal raw materials to obtain a green detox cocktail. But at the same time, this juicer is suitable for everyday use. You can load solid raw materials into it in any quantity. It is suitable for large quantities of apples or for making tomato juice.

  • A horizontal or vertical screw juicer treats raw materials more carefully. In them, the products are ground with a special spiral screw and passed through a special sieve, where the cake is separated from the juice. This processing method does not allow an increase in temperature and does not affect the taste qualities drink This juicer can process all products without exception; it is also suitable for berries and grapes with seeds. There are, of course, disadvantages to such models, for example, it takes a lot of time to obtain juice, juice from very soft fruits contains a lot of pulp, and besides, such options are quite expensive.

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of whether a centrifugal or auger model is better. Here you need to take into account all the factors together. If the family has connoisseurs of citrus juice, then a centrifugal combined model with a removable nozzle for citrus fruits is ideal.

Device speed

The cutting elements of the juicer can operate at different speeds. The choice of speed can be influenced by the following circumstances:

  • Desired density of juice at the outlet. If you like juice with pulp, then set high speed. If you need a clear drink, it is better to use a low rotation speed.
  • To process hard vegetables, such as beets, carrots, apples or zucchini, the knives must rotate very quickly. And to obtain juice from soft products, a low speed is also suitable.

How to choose the right juicer

To ensure that the device fits optimally in all respects, consider the following points when purchasing:

  • The housing material can be plastic or metal. Naturally, metal helpers are much more durable than those made of food-grade plastic.
  • The filter material, which bears one of the main loads during operation of the device. This part holds back the pressure of the processed mass and must cope with heavy loads. Therefore, give preference to metal filters made of stainless steel.
  • The inlet for raw materials can have different diameters. With a large diameter of over 7 cm, you can load the whole vegetable or fruit. To load raw materials into a hole of a smaller diameter, vegetables or fruits will need to be pre-cut. The depth of this compartment is also important. To avoid damaging your fingers, this indicator should be greater than their length. This way they will not reach the cutting parts of the structure.
  • The compartment for the finished juice can have a different volume - from 300 ml, which will be enough to prepare juice for two people, to one and a half liters, which will allow you to prepare juice for a large group at once.
  • Availability of Automatic cleaning function. This convenient option is not available on every device. For example, it is not provided in citrus juicers. Screw models are equipped with it. But in centrifugal models it is available, but not always. Moreover, even if such a model is equipped with auto-cleaning, it still needs to be cleaned manually using special brushes.
  • Other additional features. This list includes pleasant, but not mandatory, operating modes, for example, holding the last drop of juice so as not to stain the table surface. Some models are equipped with rubberized feet that prevent the juicer from moving during operation. This also includes the presence of a fuse that prevents the juicer from being turned on if it is assembled incorrectly.
  • The manufacturer's rating is also one of the important parameters. Give preference to proven and reliable brands. These juicers are different high quality assembly ensuring long service life. At the same time, high-quality models have a higher price tag.

Popular juicer models of 2019

1st place Philips HR1922

The leader of our rating is one of the best-selling models Philips HR1922. It is of high quality, reliable and has high performance. Juice can be obtained very quickly using this device, due to the fact that the motor has high power. In this case, even solid products can be used as raw materials.

This device has a wide neck for loading raw materials, which allows you to load vegetables and fruits whole. Separately, it is worth noting the special FiberBoost function, which allows you to adjust the thickness of the final product.

This juicer can be easily washed using a pre-cleaner. And the polished sieve can be easily washed with a regular sponge.


  • Easy to assemble and disassemble;
  • There is an anti-drop system;
  • Works quietly and does not vibrate;
  • Metal body;
  • Additionally, there is a booklet with recipes.


  • Expensive.

The average price is 15,509 rubles.

2nd place Tribest Solostar 4

This representative of Korean production is also recognized as one of the best and belongs to the premium class category. The model belongs to auger juicers horizontal type. It is able to effectively cope with any type of raw material, even very specific ones, such as pine needles or sprouted wheat. There are special attachments that allow you to use the device for preparing a variety of dishes.

Such wide possibilities are provided unique device sieve and auger made of special material with increased strength. The model is very powerful. In addition, the manufacturer provides a long warranty on this device.

Tribest Solostar 4


  • Reliability;
  • The engine has additional protection against extreme heat;
  • Quiet;
  • Made from environmentally friendly material.


  • The cord is not long enough;
  • High price.

The average price is 25,900 rubles.

3rd place Hurom HU-700

This screw model belongs to the professional category. It is distinguished by a special slow spin and a special mesh that separates the cake. This allows you to reduce the noise of the device, and the process of obtaining juice is more efficient. In addition, there is virtually no chance that the cake will get stuck on the auger.


  • Excellent quality of juice and cake;
  • Can be used for any products;
  • Drop protection;
  • Automatic cleaning, making the device easy to clean.


  • High price;
  • Small hole for loading raw materials.

The average price is 32,300 rubles.

4th place Kitfort KT-1104

This model belongs to the screw type with vertical feed. This device copes with most types of products. At the same time, all useful properties are preserved. As an added bonus, there are a variety of attachments that are useful for preparing foods other than juicing. The powerful motor of this juicer allows you to work continuously for up to half an hour.


  • Wide neck for loading raw materials;
  • Reverse function;
  • Metal mesh;
  • Good quality juice and cake;
  • Excellent power;


  • High price;
  • Short warranty period.

The average price is 11,290 rubles.

5th place Braun MPZ9

This citrus juicer belongs to the budget price category. Nevertheless, it copes with its task well; you can squeeze the juice with or without pulp.


  • Silent;
  • Good quality juice;
  • There is a possibility of customization;
  • Easy to clean and disassemble.


  • Short-lived at high work intensity.

Average price 2764 rubles

6th place Bosch MES25A0

Inexpensive centrifugal juicer suitable for family. It copes well with raw materials of any hardness. The wide neck allows you to place whole vegetables and fruits. It quickly squeezes out the juice, but the cake remains not dry enough.


  • High-quality assembly;
  • High speed;
  • Wide neck of the receiving compartment;
  • Works without noise;
  • There is an additional protection function;
  • Legs with suction cups;
  • Easy to clean with special brushes included in the kit.


  • High moisture content of the cake.

The average price is 5498 rubles.

7th place Moulinex JU 385 Elea Duo 2

This combined centrifugal juicer has a special attachment for squeezing juice from citrus fruits. A fairly powerful engine allows you to quickly obtain juice from products of different hardness.

The loading compartment has a medium-sized neck. This doesn't allow much large fruits omit without pre-chopping. The mesh is made of stainless steel, and the volume of the receiving container for the cake is quite impressive in size.

It is necessary to decide on the scale of operation of the juicer - starting from the aspect, choosing the appropriate one. Consider everyday goals - spinning jars, drinking a glass of juice for fun, making medicinal drugs. You need to choose a juicer based on your needs.

Best juicer for twists

The best juicer for spinning is a rotary one. Doesn't have much efficiency. But you will provide banks for yourself and your neighbors with the speed of processing. A semi-professional juicer, like the Neptune, will produce 60 liters of juice per hour. The disadvantage is that the cake is collected inside. Some devices dump excess into a substitute container. Not all rotary juicers do this. Choose one with a container so you don't have to interrupt your work.

Closely related to the continuity of the process is the possibility of continuous operation. It’s easy to burn a low-power blender if you don’t turn it off in time. Not all models have automatic control. Regarding juicers, the same aspect is important. The low-power Vitek VT 1602 G 150 W juicer requires a 15-minute break every half hour of operation - inconvenient. The mentioned auger type juicer is not suitable for processing bountiful harvest due to low productivity.

Best apple juicer:

  1. Belongs to the rotary category.
  2. Highly productive.
  3. Provides long-term operation.

In a good year, another juicer simply won’t cope with the task. Type in a search engine “domestic juicer store” - you will find something useful. At the head is “Neptune”, below are the less widely known “Rossoshanka”, “Salyut”.

A rotary juicer can handle carrots. Regarding obtaining a large volume of juice: first pass the crop through a rotary juicer (“Neptune”). Process the resulting cake on a VT 1602 auger. In total, the devices cost 11,000 rubles. They will squeeze out 85% of the juice by weight. It’s easier to throw the pulp into the Vitek juicer - you can’t put whole carrots in there. A rotary juicer with an efficiency of 50% performs initial processing, produces a large amount of juice, and reduces the volume of pulp by half. The auger finishes the job, squeezing out the remains from the cake.

The method is effective and inexpensive. You will have to wash the crop, then have time to substitute the jars. Additional advantage: two devices operate in parallel. The first pulp from a rotary juicer has appeared - load it into the VT 1602. The productivity of the auger is low - the work for it is half that of a centrifuge. The process can be organized effectively. Turn off the auger every half hour.

A Neptune rotary juicer in tandem with a Vitekov auger is suitable for carrots. Applies to any products: apples, beets, other vegetables, fruits. Before loading apricots, peaches, plums, do not forget to remove the pits. You can throw whole apples.

The best juicer for home

When we are not in a hurry, auger models are suitable. The peculiarity of the centrifuge is that it makes noise. When you turn on the rotary juicer, the neighbors will know. This aspect does not apply to Santos models - their price is very high (about 80,000 rubles). Special productive engines are the know-how of the French company - do not compare the products with other equipment.

An auger juicer buzzes much quieter when operating than a centrifuge juicer. Revolutions are measured in tens per minute, versus thousands for rotary models. Less vibration is created. Auger juicers are safe. Two types:

  • with vertical auger;
  • with horizontal auger.

The former are manufactured, with the exception of metal mesh, made of plastic - relatively safe. The latter are made of steel, reminiscent of a meat grinder with the ensuing consequences. Horizontal auger models are sold as separate equipment at a price of 10,000 rubles or as an attachment for a food processor (from 4,000 rubles). Cheap equipment is made of plastic. They do not indicate safety - they are less durable. If steel gets inside an apricot kernel, it will stand in place; for plastic models, the body will crack. Both process solid objects up to some time.

A screw juicer is better for home use: quiet, safe. There is also an advantage in processing food with an auger. The process is reminiscent of cold pressing. In a centrifuge, the fruit is torn into pieces: the pulp is heated, destroying some of the nutrients. If you don’t expect any twists, it’s better to drink the juice from an auger: it will contain up to 6 times more vitamin C than a drink produced by a rotary juicer.

The screw rotation speed is constant - the performance of most models is similar. The difference is in power, materials, working life. Auger juicers can easily handle carrots, last a long time, and will not break. Low-power models require special preparation of vegetables and fruits. The carrots will have to be cut into strips - it will not cause the engine to stop. Whole apples are thrown into VT 1602. The seeds will grind and iodine will appear in the juice. But adding more bitter acids will spoil the taste.

The best juicer for a raw foodist

Veganism appeared a long time ago; the founder lived to be a hundred years old. We began to think about the composition of food and the need to consume it raw. The qualities of twin-screw juicers come into play:

  1. The models are made of special steel, the screws are magnetized.
  2. Great service life of products.
  3. Quiet juicers, barely buzzing.
  4. The maximum of useful substances will migrate from the product to food.
  5. The twin-screw juicer is powerful: the extraction process takes place between two steel spiral augers.

The qualities make it possible to obtain juice from grass, leaves, and roots. If you had to brew linden tea, today you should drink linden juice. Applies to any drugs. The founder of veganism proved by existence that the invented method is quite practical in terms of longevity.

The twin-screw juicer is versatile and durable. If something gets stuck inside, turn it in reverse. Regarding durability, we didn’t come across any plastic models. Only steel can withstand the heavy loads that occur during squeezing between the screws. The price of the juicer is from 35,000 rubles. But you can get juice from any raw material. Other models are incapable.

Regarding the company, we trust Belarusian inexpensive centrifuges. Tough policy within the state will not allow a scandal due to quality.