Which bathtub is better to buy: acrylic or cast iron? Installation of an acrylic bathtub. What is acrylic

When a bath loses its aesthetic appearance, they either try to restore it or buy a new one. Modern market offers many options at different prices, shapes and other criteria. Which bathtub - acrylic, steel or cast iron - has more advantages?

Such a product of modern technology as an acrylic bathtub has long had many admirers. In comparison with the same cast-iron bathtub, an acrylic one has many advantages:

  • High strength and reliability, despite visual fragility.
  • Ease – a bathtub is much lighter than a cast iron one, and any owner can move it without the help of a specialist.
  • Availability of metal frame for stability and connecting legs.
  • Glossy , non-slip surface, pleasant to the touch.
  • Long enough color retention (+ lack of yellowness over time) and wide possibilities in its choice.
  • Antiseptic properties (for some models).
  • Slow cooling of water , rapid heating of the bath, high level heat capacity.
  • Sound absorption. There is no noise when filling the bath.
  • For such a bathroom more than just take care – a light wipe with a sponge and soap after use is enough.

Disadvantages of an acrylic bath:

  • The use of strong chemicals and abrasives is prohibited for cleaning.
  • On acrylic, if not used correctly, may leave scratches . They are removed with polish, and deep chips are removed by pouring liquid acrylic.
  • If you drop a heavy object into the bathtub, acrylic may crack . True, this bath will be easy to repair.
  • It is also not recommended to bathe your four-legged friends in such a bath.

Acrylic bathtub price - from 9 to 25 thousand, and higher.

Disadvantages and advantages of a cast iron bathtub - why is a cast iron bathtub better than steel bathtubs?

Both here and abroad, cast iron bathtubs are the most common. True, foreign baths have some differences. For example, adjustable legs, smaller thickness, different enamel composition, handles and an anti-slip layer. But our modern cast-iron bathtubs can also boast a number of advantages:

  • The main advantage of a cast iron bathtub, especially in comparison with a steel one, is high strength . Cast iron is a unique material of its kind, known to ancient metallurgists. In Russia, such baths first appeared under Peter the Great, and since those very days their popularity has not waned.
  • Caring for a cast iron bathtub is not particularly difficult. . There are no pores on the enamel surface, so timely rinsing of the bathtub with the same sponge will ensure its constant cleanliness.
  • One of the most significant advantages is ability to retain heat . A cast iron bathtub takes longer to cool than any of its competitors.
  • A cast iron bathtub cannot be broken or bent (like steel) or damage like acrylic. It will stand for decades until it occurs to you to update it or replace it with another one because you are “tired of it.”
  • In this bath you can safely bathe children with a bag of heavy toys and wash your favorite pets.

The disadvantages of a cast iron bath include:

  • Impressive weight (about 120 kg). When taking a bath, of course, you don’t think about this, but there are a lot of problems with its transportation and rearrangement.
  • Enamel coating over time wears out .
  • Cast iron bath takes longer to heat up steel or acrylic.
  • The shapes of the cast iron bathtub are not particularly original – that’s right, they are all similar to each other.

Of course, imported cast iron is more advanced. Because the value of this bathtub is not only in the material, but also in the enamel, which is of higher quality from foreign manufacturers. And the weight of an imported bathtub will be less. The price of a cast iron bathtub is from 8 to 20 thousand, and higher.

Steel bathtubs - all the pros and cons; How do steel bathtubs differ from cast iron and acrylic bathtubs?

If you ask a salesperson in a store about the pros/cons of a steel bathtub, you will naturally never hear anything bad. As a result, you may get the impression that she simply has no shortcomings. Although they are:

  • A bathtub whose walls are not thick enough, after some time deformed . As a result, cracks and chips appear in the enamel. By the way, the cost of a bathtub with thicker walls will be higher than usual. Strength indicator – wall thickness from 3 mm.
  • High thermal conductivity . That is, the bath heats up quickly, but the water also cools down quickly, compared to the two previous options.
  • Loud noise when filling a bathtub (as opposed to an acrylic one). This problem This problem can be partially solved with soundproofing pads.
  • Categorically the use of abrasives is prohibited for cleaning - otherwise the enamel will quickly become unusable.
  • Grounding a steel bath is a must.
  • Instability.

Advantages of a steel bath:

  • Low cost – the biggest plus.
  • Weight - four times less than a cast iron bath.
  • Hygiene enamel coating (lack of pores conducive to the development of bacteria).
  • Wide selection of shapes and sizes.

Steel bath price – from 4 to 15 thousand rubles.

Preparing for renovation or moving into new house When you can still choose the finish and equipment of the bathroom, the question arises: which is better, a steel, cast iron or acrylic bathtub? We will try to answer this question, compare the properties of bathtubs from various materials. To do this, consider acrylic, cast iron and steel bathtubs.

Cast iron bath

Cast iron bathtub – traditional element bathrooms in our country and abroad. Foreign versions differ from the products of domestic metallurgists, such as smaller thickness, the ability to adjust legs and handles, a coating with an anti-slip effect, and enamel with better performance properties. Modern domestic products also have a number of advantages:

Imported cast iron bathtubs have more high quality metal and coating, as well as lighter weight. Reviews will help you evaluate the quality of such products and choose the best one.

An alternative option, especially in the case of bathroom renovation, may be a bathtub, firstly, lighter, and secondly, a different shape or color. Then a dilemma arises - which bathtub, steel or acrylic, is more suitable for you, will fit better into the planned interior. Let's look at their main advantages and disadvantages and try to determine which bath acrylic is better new or steel?

Steel bath

Made from steel sheet, black or stainless. The shape is given by hot stamping, then a special polymer coating or enamel is applied to the finished product. The main characteristic that determines the strength of the bath is the thickness of the sheet, which varies from 1.5 to 3.5 mm. The optimal value is 3 mm. The properties of steel allow the sheet to be given a wide variety of shapes: in addition to oval, rectangular or corner options They make bowls for two swimmers, with handrails and headrests (photo.).

Products made from black steel sheet are coated with enamel of various colors, which allows them to fit into almost any interior. Bowls made from stainless steel do not require additional processing.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of steel bathtubs:

  • steel baths 3-4 times lighter than cast iron, which makes them more suitable for transportation and installation;
  • low cost compared to products made from other materials;
  • The presence of an enamel coating ensures ease of maintenance and eliminates the development of bacteria.

At the same time, steel baths have disadvantages that limit their use:

  1. Steel bathtubs may have small wall thickness, in which case deformations of the product are possible, and as a result, the appearance of cracks and chips in the enamel. To give greater rigidity, the bathtub is installed on a special frame made of metal or brick. This is also true for large dimensions of the product. With large wall thickness, the weight of the bathtub will be comparable to the weight of a cast iron one.
  2. High thermal conductivity of the product. The bathtub heats up quickly, but also cools down quickly, which reduces the level of comfort.
  3. High noise level when supplying water; to eliminate it, soundproofing materials can be used. They cover the outer surface or just the bottom. Can be used at home polyurethane foam, cork or polyethylene foam.
  4. When caring, it is necessary to avoid abrasive agents to prevent damage to the enamel layer.
  5. This bath must be grounded
  6. Some product designs are not stable enough.

In order to correctly evaluate and choose steel bath, it’s better to go to the forum and look at the reviews.

Acrylic bath

Progress has also affected traditional products like a bathtub. Most modern look materials for bathtubs is acrylic - which has almost ideal properties for the manufacture of sanitary products. Its use has made it possible to obtain many advantages over cast iron and steel.

There are two types of technical acrylic: extruded and cast. Extrusion consists of several layers of plastic, acrylate is applied to its surface, 0.1 - 0.2 mm thick. Such a product can easily be damaged by minor mechanical impact and quickly lose its shape and color. The material is not harmless to humans, but has a low cost.

Cast, completely, without any inclusions, fills a special form. The material is safe for human health and is recommended for use in plumbing fixtures. Its distinctive quality is its high cost.

The manufacturing process involves heating the sheet and stamping it in a mold. After cooling, the finished bowl is reinforced to provide greater strength.

Advantages and disadvantages

Main advantages:

  • significant strength with visual elegance and fragility;
  • light weight - lighter than cast iron, thereby solving issues of transportation and installation;
  • the presence of a frame and supports made of metal;
  • the material is pleasant to the touch, the surface is glossy, non-slip;
  • a wide range of colors allows the product to harmoniously fit into a variety of interiors, retains color for a long time and does not turn yellow;
  • high thermal conductivity – heats up quickly when filled with water and cools slowly;
  • good sound insulation – does not make sound when filled;
  • Easy care - just wash with soap or liquid detergent;
  • some versions have antiseptic properties.

Acrylic bathtubs have a number of disadvantages:

  • when servicing them, the use of chemicals and abrasives is not allowed;
  • if handled carelessly, grooves may form on the surface, which can be removed with polish or liquid acrylic;
  • due to mechanical shocks, the bowl may crack; repairing a crack is labor-intensive, but feasible;
  • It is not recommended to bathe animals in the bath.

When preparing to renovate or move into a new home, when you can still choose the finishing and equipment of the bathroom, the question arises: which is better, a steel, cast iron or acrylic bathtub?

It is quite difficult to decide which bathtub is better: cast iron, acrylic or steel. Or the choice would not be for the bathroom if it was decided to install a shower stall in your bathroom. Of course, each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, but you really want to avoid making mistakes when choosing plumbing fixtures. To make the right decision, you need to carefully study the features of the product and take into account all the nuances.

Design Features

It is extremely important to properly arrange the bathroom in the apartment so that all household members are as comfortable as possible. The centerpiece, of course, is the design of the bathtub, so its selection should be approached with special attention.

The form can also be varied:

  • rectangular;
  • oval or simply round;
  • trapezoidal;
  • angular;
  • triangular.

When choosing plumbing fixtures, its size and the dimensions of the room itself are also extremely important. Before installation, you need to prepare well: measure all surfaces, draw a drawing and markings at the installation site.

Designer cast iron bathtub

According to the type of installation, all structures can be divided into:

Modern models can also be equipped with internal lighting, aero, turbo or hydromassage functions, as well as aroma or chromotherapy. To prevent splashes and water from accumulating on the floor, you can protect the sides with special bath curtains. They can be made of almost any waterproof material and have a round, rectangular or asymmetrical shape. The curtains can be hinged, sliding or folding, like roller blinds.

Modern curtains for the bathroom

So what should an ideal bath be like:

  • reduced heat capacity – it is important that the water cools as slowly as possible;
  • non-slip enamel - this is due to the comfort of using the bowl during water procedures;
  • durable enamel - it is desirable that there are no scratches, abrasions or chips. Also, the surface should not react sensitively to cleaning agents and other chemicals;
  • ease of care - the inside of the bowl should be easy to wash, and dirt should not be absorbed into the texture of the enamel;
  • strength - the walls of the bath should be stable and not too thin;
  • weight - the container should not be too heavy so as not to damage the base of the floor;
  • design - the design must be in harmony with the interior and fit into the overall space in style, color scheme and sizes;
  • the presence of a drain - it is very important to pay attention to the bathtub drain-overflow, which is a special pipe connected to a hole in the structure and protecting the bathroom from flooding;
  • suitable mixer - not every mixer model will be compatible with absolutely all types of bowls. Products must be compatible technical specifications and design. In addition, you can install the faucet on the side of the bathtub or build it into the wall, but it is better to buy ready-made kits.

So which bathtub is better: acrylic or steel, cast iron or stone? To choose wisely and understand the features of this plumbing fixture, you need to study the characteristics of each type separately. If you clearly understand what the pros and cons are, it won’t be difficult to quickly choose a bowl for your bathroom.

Convenient bathtub built into a mini-podium

Comparative analysis of 5 important characteristics

The modern market offers the consumer a great variety of options and configurations of bathtubs for every taste and color: here you can find both standard acrylic and cast iron containers, as well as designer models made of stone, glass, ceramics and even wood. But we will look at the most common designs that are the most popular and accessible.

Bath Durability Design Installation Practicality
Cast iron the highest levels of resistance to environmental influences, however, complete instability to mechanical damage requires careful handling and special care for the product. Cracks, scratches and chips quickly appear on the enamel surface;are not distinguished by a variety of architectural sophistications and beauty. Most often these are standard geometric bowls correct form, symmetrical and simple, with thick, durable walls;Since the product weighs a lot, installation work will be labor-intensive and complex. Installation is only possible on concrete foundation floors, since any other material is simply not able to withstand such weight loads;a durable coating that does not fade; the enamel can remain snow-white for a long time and not deteriorate. The cast iron coating does not create additional noise when pouring water and can retain heat well. The enamel is resistant to soapy and aggressive cleaning agents. chemicals, you need to purchase non-abrasive products. Also, even the hottest water is not capable of deforming the bowl;
Acrylic is a specially processed plastic; There are two types: cast (protected from rust, resistant to sudden temperature changes, lightweight) and combined (in addition to plastic, it contains various additional synthetic components, less durable compared to cast). Any plastic, despite all its positive qualities, can wear out quickly (the service life can reach from 5 to 10 years), then the product should be dismantled and replaced;The range of bowls of various shapes and configurations is amazing. Acrylic is plastic, so you have plenty to choose from: interesting curves, a rich palette of colors;Easy installation, the structural support is attached to the body itself. The material is flexible and pliable, so it is easy to drill and cut into separate parts. To ensure that the product is firmly installed in the bathroom, the frame can be strengthened by making the bottom more rigid;preserves perfectly warm temperature water, not allowing it to cool for a long time. The material itself is warm and pleasant to the touch, and can heat up quickly. However, care for such a bathtub must be careful, since the coating is extremely sensitive to chemical solutions. It is better to purchase products specifically designed for acrylic to clean products. However, you should not pour too hot water inside, otherwise the product may become deformed and deteriorate;
Steel it is flexible, but is easily susceptible to corrosion under the influence of an aggressive environment; after 7 years it may become rusty.these are exclusive models from of stainless steel that look elegant and stylish in any interior;for safer and reliable installation It may be necessary to install an auxiliary frame (several supports made of wood or metal under the bowl) so that the bath does not “walk” when a person moves during water procedures. Also, products are most often installed on construction foam for greater stability. Sometimes the materials for the reinforcing frame can be brick or foam blocks;ecologically safe material, products require special care, since water stains and lime deposits may remain on the surface. Enamel cannot fit tightly and stay on the surface for a long time, so you will have to periodically update the appearance of such a bathtub. There is also a high risk of chips, microcracks and roughness; steel products can become deformed over time;

The cost varies depending on the complexity of shapes and shades. The most budget-friendly are the standard white models of the usual geometrically correct oval or rectangular shape. The main thing is to always remember the price-quality ratio. These principles are relevant when choosing a bathtub from any material, so comparing prices is pointless.

Products made from these materials are ideal for installation in the bathroom of city apartments, country house, cottage and even a small studio apartment. When choosing models from a particular manufacturer, it is recommended to pay attention to its reputation, as well as the equipment of the bath itself, for example, the presence of a hydromassage or air massage function. The video below describes in detail how to determine for yourself which bathtub is better: acrylic, steel or cast iron.

How to choose: pros and cons

Of course I want to choose nice bath so that you don’t have to return it to the store or fix defects yourself while using the plumbing fixtures. A high-quality product can serve its owner for a long time, you just need to decide on the material. So which is better: acrylic, steel or cast iron? Let's try to figure it out by looking at each one separately.

Many people resort to color therapy to relieve tension after stress or just a day at work. To do this, you can install a bath in any pleasant shade, for example, red, mint or blue. Such a product will become a real art object in the room and will lift your spirits with its appearance.

Compact built-in corner bath olive acrylic


In the production of acrylic bowls, various polymers are used, with the help of which individual sheets of material are obtained, which are then bent under the influence of vacuum and take almost any shape.

  • the plasticity of the material - therefore, the richness of shapes and design solutions;
  • ease of installation that even a beginner can handle;
  • lightness;
  • high degree of noise absorption;
  • hygiene of use;
  • anti-slip and antibacterial surface;
  • long service life - can reach 20 years;
  • maintainability - you can renew the surface of the bowl and remove defects.

Each bathtub has a reinforcing frame, which is produced individually for a specific model. It is a steel frame coated with a protective layer and resistant to corrosion. The height of the legs can be adjusted to any amount.

Acrylic frame construction

  • the product deteriorates when exposed to aggressive chemicals;
  • For acrylic, boiling water, various paints and varnishes (if drops suddenly get in), hot air from a hair dryer, etc. are destructive;
  • instability to mechanical forces. Also, if a heavy object falls into the bowl, the material may crack or bend, causing dents to appear.

If you have chosen a product with an intricate shape, deformation during use cannot be avoided.

White asymmetrical bathtub

Cast iron

Models of cast iron bowls cannot boast of an abundance of design solutions. Most often in construction stores they are ready to offer the buyer only white bathtubs ( little choice flowers) rectangular in shape.


  • cast iron retains heat well, the water inside does not have time to cool;
  • the material is almost not susceptible to scratches and cracks;
  • not sensitive to cleaning chemicals;
  • ease of care;
  • good sound-absorbing properties.

The cast iron construction is solid - the bowl will not “walk” or move away from the walls of the bathroom. Also, you do not need an additional frame for reinforcement.

Cast iron stability is guaranteed


  • heaviness – 60-80 kg;
  • collects dirt well on the surface;
  • rust may appear;
  • fragility, the bowl may be damaged if accidentally hit.

It is unlikely that one craftsman can install such a heavy structure, so it is better to hire a team or call in assistants.

Snow-white cast iron container on beautiful carved legs


Before purchasing, you must inspect the selected product as carefully as possible for defects: cracks, chips, and simply manufacturing defects. The walls must have sufficient thickness - from 3 mm, and the weight must be from 18 kg. The evenness of the intended geometry in the shape and design of the model is also important. The enamel (if any) must be applied evenly and accurately, and the casting must be done with high quality.

  • low weight - on average up to 20 kg;
  • easy transportability and installation;
  • the enamel layer has no pores and does not accumulate dirt on its surface;
  • instant and uniform heating;
  • steel is quite ductile, so you can find models interesting shape and any dimensions;
  • does not lose its industrial shine and whiteness for a long time.

Can't help but appreciate the durability steel structure– service life can reach 15 years with proper care and respect.

Durable stainless steel bathtub

  • enamel can easily peel off due to mechanical and force damage (impacts);
  • low sound insulation, lack of sound absorption ability, water makes a lot of noise when filling a steel bathtub;
  • increased heat capacity, due to which the walls of the product quickly absorb the heat of the water, cooling it.

Installation of insulating plates

When it comes to sanitary ware in the form of bath bowls, it is better to choose models made of higher quality, durable material than to periodically dismantle or redecorate. It is difficult to determine unambiguously which bathtub is better: acrylic, cast iron or steel, but reviews from experienced specialists in the video below will definitely help.

When choosing a bathtub, you are faced with a growing offer of acrylic bathtubs. And for sure, if you have not yet encountered acrylic bathtubs in operation You ask yourself the question: which bathtub is better? Acrylic or cast iron. Let's try to answer your question by telling you all the pros and cons of cast iron and acrylic bathtubs.

Cast iron bathtubs are common. We have used them for many years and know everything about these baths:

- cast iron bathtubs are durable - they serve in our apartments for decades. Let the enamel become rough, but we can still use it as a bath.

— cast iron bathtubs retain heat well, since when filled hot water the material heats up and then gives off heat to the water.

— cast iron bathtubs are durable and can withstand the weight of a “large” person.

- time-tested

But they have certain disadvantages:

— the enamel wears off over time and becomes rough. Pores form in the enamel, in which water accumulates, then dries out and turns yellow, since water remains behind. limescale. Bacteria multiply.

— if a chip has formed on the bathtub, you cannot fix it yourself, you have to call a restorer.

— choice of forms cast iron bathtubs very scarce, and beautiful cast-iron bathtubs made in Europe are very expensive.

— the weight of a cast iron bathtub is more than 100 kg, this is a large load on the floors. Difficulties during installation and dismantling during repairs.

Acrylic bathtubs also have their advantages:

- retain heat well. It is believed that water in an acrylic bath cools by 1 degree in 10 minutes

- pleasant to the skin. Since the acrylic surface does not give off cold when in contact with the skin and has a smooth surface

- easy to polish. If you damage the surface, you can remove the scratch yourself using an abrasive paste (for example, Goya paste) or polish.

- easy to install. The weight of an acrylic bathtub is only 30-40 kg. Easy to install and easy to dismantle. The load on the floors is significantly reduced.

- variety of forms. Offer of acrylic bathtubs by shape, size and type of corner and rectangular shapes huge.

— the surface of an acrylic bathtub is without pores and limescale deposits form on the surface in the form of a film, which is easily washed off with any detergent and you do not need to thoroughly wash the bathtub.

But there are disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs:

— acrylic bathtubs scratch easily, especially important if you have large animals. You need to use some kind of rug to prevent animals from scratching the bathtub. There is a high probability of scratches during transportation and installation of the bathtub. Unscrupulous builders can easily ruin your bath

- acrylic bathtubs, when first compared with cast iron ones, seem more “flimsy”. This is normal, since acrylic is easier to deform than cast iron, but it does not break. The acrylic bathtub can withstand weight up to 600 kg. But you quickly get used to it.

Decide which bathtub to buy for you. But, if you asked yourself the question, which bathtub is better, then you are considering the option of an acrylic bathtub. Try it! According to MIC Gortis, 90% of people who have tried using acrylic bathtubs plan to purchase an acrylic bathtub in the future.

BACH baths are currently Best offer On the market.

Firstly, in the production of Bach bathtubs, environmentally friendly polyurethane reinforcement technology is used,

secondly, multilayer acrylic (ABS/PMMA) from a leading manufacturer from Austria (Senoplast) is used.

So, which acrylic bathtub is best? Let's look at the product properties in more detail: Most manufacturers still use an outdated method of strengthening bathtubs with fiberglass. This is a previous generation technology, it causes significant harm environment, workers. The use of these products can be harmful to health; glass fiber contains styrene, which is used, for example, in the production of napalm.

You may hear the opinion of some sellers or read on the Internet that bathtubs made of cast acrylic are better than bathtubs made of multi-layer acrylic using acrylic and ABS. These articles are promoted by manufacturers of pure acrylic bathtubs. Any material has its advantages and disadvantages.

Just a few facts:


Thanks to the ABS component, co-extruded ABS/PMMA is much more impact resistant than cast acrylic, so it is also insensitive to shock. The drop weight test proves and emphasizes this:

This comparison convincingly proves that the material is more resistant to stress from impacts, which often occurs during use. Such characteristics significantly increase the service life of the products.

The high sensitivity of cast acrylic to impacts easily leads to cracks and splitting of finished products, working parts leak or become unusable and must be replaced.


Compared to ABS/PMMA, cast acrylic has superior shape memory; for example, thermoformed cast acrylic sheets tend to return to the shape of the original sheet when exposed to temperature. The speed of such reforming is highly dependent on temperature. In practice, the effect of this excellent “shape memory” of cast acrylic is the cause of frequent delamination of fiberglass reinforcement from deep-drawn sheets, particularly at fractures along which hot water flows. Because deformation often accompanies the brittleness of cast acrylic, the bathtub or shower stall becomes unusable and must be discarded.


Senoplast is a leader in the production of sheet plastics. The formula of acrylic in sheet is constantly improving. The sheet contains a special ANTIBAC layer, which is resistant to mechanical and chemical influences. With the same mechanical and chemical impact on the ABS/Acrylic material produced by Senoplast and ordinary acrylic, the result of damage to the bathtub is less on the material manufactured by Senoplast, which is used in the production of acrylic bathtubs of the BACH brand.

4. Recognition by independent examination

In 2006, Senoplast applied to the expert committee of the European Competition Commission to confirm the quality of the sanitary ware ABS/Acrylic multi-layer acrylic sheet. The commission made a decision in which it prohibited manufacturers of bathtubs made of cast acrylic from using in their advertising information about the advantages of bathtubs made of cast acrylic over bathtubs made of multilayer plastic, since this does not correspond to reality. As a result of this decision, many European manufacturers boldly switched to the production of bathtubs using multilayer ABS/Acrylic plastics. Unfortunately, on the Russian Internet you will find conflicting information about the merits of the materials used in the production of acrylic bathtubs.

We have already talked about this and, as you can see, fiberglass has worse adhesion to acrylic sheets; during the operation of the bathtub, peeling may begin, that is, multilayer acrylic is several times more resistant to mechanical damage and does not require polishing during operation. The bathtub is not afraid of impacts and scratches.
Well, do you still have doubts?

BACH bathtubs offer a reliable solution at a reasonable price, don't let them fool you.

Which bathtub is better, acrylic or cast iron?

Few people now can imagine their life without a cozy, comfortable bath. This is not only a place of solitude and relaxation, but also an abode of purity. The service life that an acrylic bathtub can serve you is at least 15 years. IN modern world we can afford to choose the best acrylic bathtub for us; the variety of choices, colors, properties and qualities is simply amazing. Let's figure out which bathroom is better, acrylic or cast iron?
A cast iron bathtub has been known to us since ancient times, but recently it has not been as relevant as an acrylic bathtub. There are a number of both advantages and disadvantages. A cast iron bathtub has a lot of weight, more than 100 kg, because of this it will not peel off from the wall and the tiles can be glued close to the joint of the bathtub. The enamel of a cast iron bathtub shines better, but requires careful maintenance. With careful and proper care enamel will last you longer. Cast iron is a complex material, so the variety of shapes is kept to a minimum.
Acrylic bathtub, which has gained popularity in the modern world, is catching up in sales and production. Let's consider best sides acrylic bathtubs. It’s nice after a busy day to relax and unwind in an acrylic bathtub with hydromassage, gain new ideas, and restore vitality. Variety of beauty and convenience of form, function, color range. These positive qualities allow you to choose a bathroom to suit your taste: with hydromassage, aromatherapy, aeromassage. Paying attention the best materials and production technologies - an environmentally friendly and impact-resistant bath is produced, which is important. Water in an acrylic bath is slower, having a significant heat capacity of the material. It should be noted that the impact resistance of acrylic bathtubs is also high, since the base is laid on a steel grid. It is necessary to wash or rinse the acrylic bath after use to prevent the appearance of yellowness.

Acrylic hydromassage bath: Home pleasure center or chemical plant branch?

Do you know that Russian manufacturers Are bathtubs reinforced with fiberglass? This technology involves the release of styrene, a toxic substance found in napalm.
The worst thing is that fiberglass plastics, even 3 months after manufacture at 40°C, release an amount of styrene that is 40-160 times higher than permissible norm.
With acrylic bathtubs "BACH" you are completely safe! — They are reinforced with environmentally friendly material
Polyurethane according to modern technology PU Forte, which has been used in Europe for a long time. It has a high density: 400-600 kg/m³ (pine density is 500 kg/m³) and is characterized by high noise and heat insulation. The thickness of the wall coating is 1 cm, the bottom of the bath is 2 cm!

— Acrylic is created by an environmentally friendly manufacturer
BACH bathtubs are made from multi-layer acrylic from the Austrian manufacturer Senosan, awarded the AERA award for best environmental reporting.
The products are marked by independent experts: the French Center for Science and Technology of Construction (CSTB), the Institute for Plastic Testing in Vienna, the Research Association of the Rubber and Plastics Industry (RAPRA), and the Japanese Center for High Molecular Polymers.
In 2006, Senosan won a lawsuit against a competitor who claimed in advertising flyers that cast acrylic was better than multilayer acrylic. The court officially recognized that the quality of Senosan acrylic is in no way inferior. On the contrary, it has a number of advantages.

Every house or apartment has a bathroom that everyone goes into in the morning and evening. In the morning, taking a shower invigorates and puts you in a working mood, and in the evening, taking a bath relaxes you after a hard day of work.

Convenience and comfort during morning and evening toilets depends on the choice of bath.

Today there are a huge number of bathtubs, which are made of various materials and come in all kinds of shapes. So which bath should you choose: steel, acrylic or cast iron? Let's figure it out.

These baths have gained popularity a long time ago, and today they are also used in everyday life. The advantages of cast iron bathtubs include their high strength and long service life. Such bathtubs are not subject to vibration, so the sound of water pouring from the tap does not sound so loud.

However, well-resistant cast iron bathtubs have quite a considerable weight, which cannot be attributed to positive aspects. Also, cast iron bathtubs have a very fragile coating – enamel. It is subject to destruction under mechanical stress, so it needs careful operation. Another disadvantage is the uniformity of bathtub shapes, since cast iron is a very complex and labor-intensive process.

Acrylic baths. Advantages and disadvantages.

Acrylic bathtubs appeared among sanitary ware manufacturers about 30 years ago and already occupy their own specific niche. Acrylic bathtubs come in many shapes and sizes. Water is drawn into the bathtub as silently as in a cast-iron one, and it also remains warm longer.

However, acrylic is very vulnerable to aggressive cleaning agents and, if you choose such a bathtub, then you need to avoid such products. But many small scratches can be easily removed by sanding, which acrylic lends itself easily to. From poor quality water from a tap or hot water After washing colored items, the acrylic bathtub may become stained.

The cost of acrylic bathtubs varies depending on the manufacturer and production technology, but in general they fall into an affordable price category. You can verify this by visiting the store SanTechShara following the link - click.

Steel baths. Advantages and disadvantages.

Bathtubs made from steel are the cheapest available on the market. They weigh less than cast iron bathtubs and come in a variety of shapes. Also, steel bathtubs are highly durable when compared to acrylic ones.

The disadvantages of steel baths include high heat transfer, so the water in such a bath will not remain warm for long. Also, such bathtubs are the noisiest when filling with water, so it is worth using rubber gaskets in them.

Marble baths. Advantages and disadvantages.

Bathtubs made from this material belong to the luxury class and cost a lot of money.

These baths can be presented in different colors and shapes. Baths retain heat well and the water stays hot long time. They have the property of absorbing noise and vibration. They perfectly imitate any type of stone.

The downside, in addition to the high cost, of marble bathtubs is their heavy weight, which complicates the installation process. During operation of such a bathtub, chips may appear.

Which of the proposed bath options to choose is still up to everyone to decide for themselves. However, before purchasing, you should once again weigh all the pros and cons, because a bathtub is not something that can be easily replaced.

Which bath should you choose? Cast iron, acrylic or steel? Bathtubs made of composite materials. Video review and test.