Overhaul definition. What is included in a major overhaul - a list of major works. The difference between current repairs and major repairs

Repair work is a mandatory maintenance measure for any home. Maintaining the good condition of the basic structure, communications and finishing allows the house to be used for a long time in accordance with its operational purpose. At the same time, the formats repair work may be different. They determine the timing, lists of work actions, costs, safety standards, etc. The fundamental difference is current repairs from major repairs, which is expressed both in approaches to organizing processes and in the complexity of operations performed.

Definition of current repairs

In accordance with the regulatory definition, routine repairs are measures that are aimed at timely and systematic protection of the serviced object from damage and malfunctions. Under the object in in this case implied industrial buildings, communication networks, structures and residential buildings. In other words, current home repairs are a list preventive measures, focused on repairing certain structures in the form of elements that form construction projects.

Modern editions of the standards emphasize that technical measures are aimed specifically at eliminating existing faults. But when developing a project for an event, work may well be added that aims to strengthen the working elements. For example, preventive maintenance work may include strengthening rafter legs roofs, installation of patches, installation of protective frames on the foundation and walls. Such solutions in the future eliminate the formation of new damage and destructive processes.

Definition of a major overhaul

Overhaul means restoration or complete replacement building structures, as well as engineering equipment with communications. In practice, a major home renovation can be expressed in a complete or partial renovation of the appearance of the house, its internal arrangement and modernization. At the same time, there are restrictions that do not allow contractors to completely eliminate the main structures - at least in cases where such work is inconsistent with the service life of the house. That is, if a structure can be used for 20-30 years, then it cannot be renewed without obvious signs of destruction during repairs.

In essence, overhaul eliminates the consequences of functional or physical wear and tear of objects. Therefore, large-scale work is often carried out to update engineering equipment and load-bearing sections. In this context, we can note the following difference between routine repairs and major repairs: if in the first case we are talking about working with local damage and breakdowns, then in the second, complex operations are performed that affect several interrelated elements.

Differences by type of work

Technical operations during routine repairs may include repair, replacement, correction of structures, laying cladding, planning the local area, etc. The maintenance team can replace individual elements of plumbing, restore a partially destroyed wall, or update flooring. That is, these are works that do not involve radical intervention in the structure and most often manifest themselves in the elimination of obvious external problems. At the same time, the standards for current and major repairs may overlap in the lists of work. For example, water supply, sewerage and, in general, water supply as objects can relate to routine repair activities in the sense that, in order to restore functionality, the contractor can update their elements, right down to the risers and pumping units. But overhaul also takes on the same sphere, since it is assigned network engineering and communications - another thing is that in projects we can talk about the systemic restoration of the functionality of channels with a complete replacement of the infrastructure.

Financing difference

Differences in the organization and payment of repair activities are determined by the type of object. The house can be private or multi-apartment. In the first case, both capital and current events repairs are entirely the responsibility of the owner. He is responsible for both organizing and financing the repairs. However, this does not exclude the possibility of turning to a construction company, which, again, for a fee, will undertake Maintenance houses of any complexity. If it concerns common property, then the difference between current repairs and major repairs will be in the amount of payment. In each case, the amount of contributions is calculated individually - based on the condition of the house, region and other factors. The management company is responsible for directly organizing and carrying out repair activities.

Difference in timing

For obvious reasons, the need to perform routine repairs arises much more often than to organize major repairs. Therefore, the format of local technical operations is applied once every 3-6 months. But this is an approximate time frame, since the building may need to be repaired prematurely if, for example, an accident occurs. It is important to emphasize that adjustments to the work schedule, as well as their list, can be changed by the residents of the house at a general meeting.

As for overhauls, they are carried out every 3-5 years. In this case, the meeting of owners may also postpone the deadline if there are compelling reasons for this. The main difference between current repairs and major repairs in this part is that when carrying out large-scale operations to update or replace structures, the residents of the house must be notified in advance. This applies specifically to major repairs, and current local events may even take place without information.

Differences between overhaul and reconstruction

Often the term reconstruction is introduced into the concept of overhaul, and sometimes even current repair. From a technical point of view, such mixing may be fair - during reconstruction, work of the same complexity and in the same areas can be carried out. But the tasks of reconstruction are fundamentally different. For current repairs, the goal is to correct specific problems and damage, while major repairs aim to eliminate systemic violations in the structure of the building - this is its content. Both current and major repairs are carried out to ensure that the building at least returns to its previous condition with basic reliability and safety. In turn, reconstruction using the same technical tools is carried out with the aim of changing the parameters of the building, even if at that moment it is in optimal condition for operation.

Other nuances in differences

The difficulty in distinguishing between the two formats for performing repairs lies in the fact that there are still no clear boundaries between them. For example, there is the concept of selective overhaul, which is aimed at partially replacing building structures. But it is also possible to carry out similar activities as part of ongoing repair operations. In addition, a comprehensive renovation of a building in practice can include entire layers of operations, which are directly designated as a list of current repairs. Therefore, a strict distinction can only take place at the moment when the project has already received the appropriate designation.


For the average person, knowledge of the features of separation different types repairs can be important even if they are not related to the formal organizational processes of such events. This is important, for example, for private owners who are planning a major home renovation within a certain time frame, using their own finances. Understanding how major repairs differ from current ones will help to classify the types of technical operations - accordingly, determine the degree of their complexity, as well as the responsibility of the performers. This is also important for residents apartment buildings who are in legal and economic relations with management company carrying out repairs.

Repair is a set of measures aimed at restoring the good condition or performance of an object. New buildings and structures sooner or later deteriorate, cars, equipment and furniture break down. Repair of a particular object or product can be routine (cosmetic) or major. There is also such a thing as reconstruction.

Overhaul: definition

In any building, sooner or later, walls begin to crumble, electrical wiring begins to fail, and floors begin to sag and creak. If this happens, then it’s time to take a set of measures necessary to correct the situation.

First, let's figure out what definition of major and current repairs exists. These two concepts differ primarily in scale. The scope of work during a major overhaul is much greater than that during a cosmetic repair. In the latter case, only minor adjustments are made, without spending too much money. Major repairs usually require large financial investments. It is carried out using the latest materials, often using innovative technologies.

Any building must meet sanitary and technical requirements, defined by law. In the event that the required result cannot be achieved through the current one, a major overhaul is carried out. Its definition is as follows: “A set of works aimed at improving the quality of an object, in which its main, most significant components or structural elements are replaced.”

Buildings and constructions

The need to carry out major repairs of facilities is thus regulated by law. It should be performed if 30-70% of a stone building or 65% of a wooden building is worn out. There is a concept of complete and selective overhaul. In the latter case, work is carried out to update only part of the engineering equipment and individual structures of the house that really require it. Capital work is carried out by the residents themselves. The exception is for tenants of municipal apartments.

The deadline for a complete overhaul usually occurs after 30 years of operation of the building, selective - 20 years. The duration of operation of house structures until the need for replacement or reconstruction, depending on the materials used in construction, is:

  • for foundations, floors and walls - 30-80 years;
  • balconies, stairs, porches, verandas - 30-80 years;
  • roofing, doors, windows - 10-30 years;
  • rafter system, wall frames - 30-80 years;
  • interior decoration- 3-30 years.

How to accurately determine the need for major building repairs

A technical passport is issued for any apartment building already at the stage of its construction. This document fully displays the state of its structural elements, utilities, etc. It is used to judge the possibility of carrying out such a procedure as a major overhaul. Determining its necessity is the responsibility of a commission created with the involvement of specialists from various services and organizations. That is, a preliminary inspection of the building is carried out on site.

Particular attention should be paid to the basement of the house. It is mandatory to inspect the foundation and load-bearing floors, heating system and plumbing. The sanitary condition of the basement is also assessed. The presence of such inhabitants as rats, mice, cockroaches may become an additional reason for making a decision on major repairs. An inspection is also carried out for the presence of fungus and mold. The final decision is made by a general meeting of residents, the initiator of which should be the HOA. Apartment owners agree on the actual need for such an event, determine the objects and means of major repairs, the timing of its implementation, etc. After the residents’ decision is documented, the HOA can begin searching for and hiring the specialists necessary to carry out the work.

What activities can be carried out

So, what is the current definition of a major renovation of a building and what it is, we have found out. Now let's see how this event is actually carried out. During a major overhaul usually:

  • dilapidated walls and partitions are being replaced;
  • new doors are installed;
  • floors are leveled or changed;
  • new plumbing equipment is installed or old plumbing equipment is repaired;
  • if necessary, structural elements of the building are insulated and waterproofed;
  • In some cases, landscaping of the local area is carried out.

Thus, major repairs are aimed at completely or partially eliminating the wear and tear of utilities and house structures. All work is paid for by the residents of the house themselves (except for tenants of municipal apartments).

Major renovation of the apartment

A complex and expensive set of measures aimed at eliminating worn-out structural elements of a building can be partially carried out by the residents themselves. For example, apartment owners often replace worn-out floors, level walls and ceilings, replace gas, plumbing and heating equipment. In some cases, such major repairs of premises are carried out only after obtaining permission for certain changes from the relevant authorities. If we talk about moving doors, erecting new partitions, then such actions are equated to reconstruction.

Town Planning Code

So, we found out, repair (definition). its implementation for multi-storey buildings regulates quite clearly. The implementation of reconstruction and major repairs is regulated by Article 52. The norms provided by this document are as follows:

  • Major repairs are carried out by the developer himself or by individuals or legal entities attracted by him. In the last two cases, an agreement must be drawn up. Only persons who have a certificate of admission can be involved in major repairs of structural elements that affect the safety of the building. Any individuals and legal entities can be hired to perform routine work.
  • During the repair process, the requirements of design documentation and safety precautions must be observed.
  • In the event that a cultural heritage site is discovered during major repairs or reconstruction, all work must be stopped immediately. Responsible persons are obliged to report the find to the relevant authorities, etc.

Equipment at enterprises

As in all other cases, repairs of machines and mechanisms at industrial enterprises are classified into current and overhaul. The differences between these two concepts also lie primarily in scale. Each major overhaul project is completely disassembled beforehand. Further work is carried out in the following order:

  • worn components and parts are replaced;
  • repairs of frames, frames, main shafts and foundations are carried out;
  • the unit is adjusted and aligned;
  • If necessary, parts are replaced with more modern ones.

That is, the definition of equipment overhaul is approximately the following: “Bringing the condition of this particular used unit to the requirements for new machines.” Overhaul of mechanisms is carried out by persons who have permission to carry out this type of work.

Regulatory procedure

Next, we will consider how major repairs are carried out at enterprises. Determining its order, or rather approving the plan, is usually entrusted to the chief engineer of a plant or plant. He also appoints a person responsible for carrying out major repairs.

A set of measures to update equipment can be carried out according to two schemes:

  • One-time use. In this case, the work of the workshop completely stops until the repair work is completed.
  • On a scattered schedule. In this case, the total volume of all necessary measures is divided into several smaller ones. That is, the workshop continues to operate, and major repairs are carried out during the periods allocated for the current one, on the days of planned shutdowns.

The first method is used more often in most enterprises, since major repairs of equipment usually do not take too much time. The average time it takes is 5-25 days. In rolling shops in metallurgical production, for example, such repairs are usually carried out once a year, in blast furnaces - once every 2-3 years. However, recently, enterprises are increasingly using the second method of performing such work. The fact is that organizing a major overhaul on a dispersed schedule is much more responsible modern requirements conducting production. The main advantage of this option is, of course, that it allows you not to reduce the rate of production of finished products.

Cars and other equipment

Now let's look at what a major car repair is. The definition of this procedure is similar to the previous ones. That is, the overhaul of a car is a complex of rather expensive, labor-intensive and time-consuming measures aimed at bringing it to a new condition (if possible). During its course, a complete replacement of most worn parts and assemblies is usually performed.

The decision on the need for major repairs in this case is usually made by professionals after a complete diagnosis of all machine systems. Of course, the car owner himself can initiate its implementation. Most often, major car repairs are carried out after an accident.

Execution order

Car overhauls are usually carried out according to the following scheme:

  • A preliminary diagnosis of components and parts is carried out. In this case, the actual systems that need to be replaced or restored are determined.
  • The machine is disassembled, the components are dismantled.
  • Whenever possible, parts are restored. Those that are completely unusable are replaced.
  • In some cases, the basic elements of the car change - the body, engine, etc.
  • Next, the machine is tested in conditions close to real ones.

If no problems are identified at the final stage, the car is returned to the owner.


In conclusion, one more very important definition should be given. Reconstruction and major repairs are actually different concepts. In the latter case, as we have already found out, a large-scale update of the main elements and nodes of the object is carried out. Reconstruction is an even broader concept. When it is carried out, the very technical purpose object. Examples include remodeling an apartment, adding an additional floor to a house, adding new components to an old car that improve it performance characteristics, etc.

Thus, we have given a precise definition of the concept of “overhaul”. This is the name given to a large-scale set of measures, as a result of which an object again becomes fully suitable for use.

Readers often ask to tell what types of work, according to the Housing Code Russian Federation, refer to major renovation apartment building, and which to the current one.

To avoid confusion about which events in the life of a house relate to current repairs, you need to remember: current repairs are planned, i.e. These are exclusively those works that are included in the previously adopted estimate, work plan, etc.

Current repairs do not apply emergency work and work related to the maintenance of the house.

Maintenance- this is a replacement of some part, not the whole. For example, if in the entrance window you need to insert broken glass- this is a routine repair, and if a worn-out window is completely replaced, this is a major repair. It follows: both current and major repairs can be carried out regarding any part of the house.

Current repairs by item


Sealing and filling of seams, cracks, restoration of cladding of wall foundations, etc.
Elimination of local deformations by repositioning, strengthening, etc.

Strengthening (arrangement) of foundations for equipment (ventilation, pumping, etc.).
Changing individual sections of strip, pillar foundations or chairs under wooden buildings.
Installation and repair of ventilation ducts.
Replacement or repair of blind areas.
Restoration of pits, entrances to basements.
Restoration of damaged areas of the foundation.

Walls and facades:

Sealing cracks, filling joints, relaying individual sections of brick walls.
Sealing joints between elements of prefabricated buildings, sealing potholes and cracks on the surface of blocks and panels.
Punching (sealing) holes, sockets, grooves.
Restoration of individual walls, lintels, cornices, ebbs.
Changing individual crowns, frame elements, strengthening, insulation, caulking of grooves, changing sections of wooden wall cladding.
Insulation of freezing areas of walls in separate rooms.
Replacement of coatings and protruding parts on the facade. Replacing drains on window openings.
Restoration of areas of plaster and cladding, moldings.
Repair and painting of facades.
Repair and painting of plinths.


Temporary fastening of floors.
Partial replacement or strengthening of individual elements of wooden floors.
Sealing potholes and cracks in reinforced concrete structures.
Insulation top shelves and steel beams in the attic. Painting beams.
Sealing seams and cracks.


Strengthening the elements of a wooden rafter system, including changing individual rafter legs, racks, struts, sections of ridge purlins, beds, mauerlats, fillies and sheathing.
Antiseptic and fire protection wooden structures.
All types of work to eliminate malfunctions of steel, asbestos-cement and other roofs made of piece materials (except for complete replacement of the covering), including all elements adjacent to structures, parapet coverings, caps and umbrellas over pipes, etc.
Replacement of drainpipes and their elements.
Partial repair of roll roofing with replacement of individual sections.
Complete replacement of the top layer of rolled carpet with partial replacement of the underlying layers.
Replacement (restoration) of individual sections of non-roll roofing (from piece material and metal).
Installation or restoration of the protective and finishing layer of rolled and non-rolled roofs.
Replacement of sections of parapet gratings, fire escapes, stepladders, sleeves, fences, anchors or radio stands, building grounding devices with restoration of the waterproofness of the attachment point.
Restoration and installation of new passages to the attic through heating pipes and ventilation ducts.
Restoration and repair of valleys, ridges and eaves ventilation ducts.
Repair of waterproofing, vapor barrier and restoration of the insulating layer of the attic covering.
Repair dormer windows and exits to the roofs.
Equipment for stationary devices for fastening safety ropes.

Window and door fillings:

Replacement, restoration of individual elements, partial replacement of window and door fillings related to common property.
Installation of spring closers, stops, etc.
Partitions related to common property.
Strengthening and replacing individual sections of wooden partitions.
Repairing cracks in slab partitions, re-lining individual sections of them.
Improving the soundproofing properties of partitions (sealing connections with adjacent structures, etc.).

Stairs, balconies, porches (umbrellas-visors) above the entrances to the entrances, basements, above the balconies of the upper floors:

Filling potholes, cracks in steps and platforms.
Replacement of individual steps, treads, risers.
Partial replacement and strengthening of metal railings and staircase elements.
Sealing potholes and cracks in concrete and reinforced concrete balcony slabs, porches, umbrellas; replacement of plank flooring with steel roofing, replacement of balcony grilles.
Restoration or replacement of individual porch elements; restoration or installation of umbrellas over the entrances to the entrances, basements and over the balconies of the upper floors.
Device metal gratings, window guards over basement entrances.


Replacement of individual sections of flooring in places common use.
Replacement (installation) of waterproofing of floors in individual sanitary units with a complete change of covering.

Interior finishing:

Restoration of plaster walls and ceilings in separate places. Restoration of wall and floor cladding with ceramic and other tiles in separate places in auxiliary premises- stairwells, basements, attics.
All types of painting and glass work in auxiliary rooms - staircases, basements, attics.
Restorative repair of damage caused in connection with the elimination of emergency situations.

Central heating:

Change of individual sections of pipelines, sections, heating devices, shut-off and control valves related to common property.
Installation (if necessary) of air valves.
Insulation of newly laid pipelines, devices, expansion tanks, ramps.
Relaying, lining of hogs, chimneys.


Changing individual sections and eliminating leaks in ventilation ducts, shafts and chambers.
Replacement of fans, air valves, and other equipment in common areas.

Water supply, sewerage, hot water supply:

Replacement of individual pipeline sections in-house systems, sealing connections, eliminating leaks, strengthening and insulating newly laid pipelines, hydraulic test systems.
Replacement of individual water taps, mixers, showers, sinks, sinks, washbasins, toilets, bathtubs, shut-off valves in common areas, including the first disconnect device located on the branch from the risers.
Insulation and replacement of fittings for water tanks in the attic.
Replacement of internal fire hydrants.
Repair of pumps and electric motors, replacement of individual pumps and low-power electric motors.
Installation, replacement and restoration of functionality of individual elements and parts of elements related to common property.

Electrical devices:

Replacement of faulty areas electrical network buildings, excluding electrical networks of residential apartments.
Replacement of lamps in common areas of buildings.
Replacing fuses, circuit breakers, batch switches, input distribution devices, switchboards.
3replacement and installation of photo switches, time relays and other automatic or remote control lighting of common areas.
Replacement of electric motors and individual components of electrical installations of engineering equipment of the building.
Repair of stationary electric stoves included in common property.

Special common house technical devices:

Replacement and restoration of elements and parts of special elements technical devices according to regulations established by manufacturers or authorized federal executive authorities.

Garbage chutes:

Restoring the functionality of ventilation and flushing devices, waste collection valve covers and gate devices and other waste chute elements.

External landscaping:

Repair and restoration of destroyed sections of sidewalks, driveways, paths, fences and equipment for sports, utility and recreation areas, platforms and sheds for waste containers. Replacement of sports ground equipment.

Internal gas supply system:

Installation, replacement and restoration of in-house functionality gas equipment, which is part of the common property of the house.

Major renovations in an apartment building

Article 174 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Use of capital repair fund funds

1. Funds from the capital repair fund may be used to pay for services and (or) work on major repairs of common property in apartment building, development of project documentation (if the preparation of project documentation is necessary in accordance with the legislation on urban planning activities), payment for construction control services, repayment of loans received and used to pay for these services, works, as well as for paying interest on use of such credits, loans, payment of expenses for obtaining guarantees and guarantees for such credits, loans.

At the same time, at the expense of the capital repair fund within the amount formed on the basis of minimum size contribution for major repairs established by a regulatory legal act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, financing can be carried out ONLY for the work provided for in Part 1 of Article 166 of this Code, and for the work provided for by the law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, repayment of loans received and used to pay for these works, and payment of interest for the use of these credits and loans.”

The specified part 1 of Article 166 is a list of services and work for major repairs of common property in an apartment building.

It “includes:

repair of in-house engineering systems of electrical, heat, gas, water supply, and sanitation;

repair or replacement of elevator equipment deemed unsuitable for operation, repair of elevator shafts;

roof repair, including conversion of an unventilated roof to a ventilated roof, installation of exits to the roof;

repair of basements belonging to common property in an apartment building;

insulation and repair of the facade;

installation of collective (household) meters for metering the consumption of resources necessary to provide utilities, and nodes for controlling and regulating the consumption of these resources (thermal energy, hot and cold water, electrical energy, gas);

repair of the foundation of an apartment building."

Many inexperienced people who want to start renovating their home are interested in the question of why. This is not surprising, since those who have not encountered a similar problem know absolutely nothing about this issue. Some people do not suspect that renovation of apartments, for example, can be carried out not only by the owner himself, but also partly by the utility service. depend on what needs to be done and how critical the situation is. If the apartment is in disrepair, then there is always the opportunity to request help from the city council. The same applies to situations where building renovations are planned.

What is repair?

In order to correctly answer the question of how repairs differ from major repairs, you need to understand the process itself. What is repair? The concept of “repair” originally meant “replacement”. And if you rely on this, you will understand the essence of the process. Any actions aimed at improving the appearance and functionality of the room are repairs. You must understand that the purpose of some processes is to update something, while others are to replace it. The difference between these works entails different types designated process. Here concepts such as major and current repairs appear. To understand the difference, you need to study each of them separately.

What is the difference between renovation and major renovation?

Now we abstractly imagine that the process can be planned not only in an apartment, but also in a private house, and is also carried out much more often than a capital one. It is done as needed, and this includes all work that is periodically carried out in the room to replace some part or eliminate deficiencies. The work may concern part of the room, or it may cover the entire building, but not affect the main structures. If we are talking about a major overhaul, then a complete replacement of the structure or part of the structure is already being carried out. To correctly imagine the difference in practice, we can give an example: for example, re-roofing a house is a major overhaul, while installing patches on the roof is a current one, or an important difference is that the latter option does not require large financial costs, unlike the first. Now let's look at each type separately.


If we are tired of a boring interior or there is a need to update something in appearance premises, then we are talking about planning a cosmetic update. Repair of apartments or houses for a similar purpose may include the following types of work:

  • covering the walls with new wallpaper;
  • whitewashing or painting ceiling slabs;
  • replacement of door and window structures;
  • installation of a different type, etc.);
  • laying tiles;
  • dismantling and changing floor coverings;
  • all kinds.

The main difference from the capital option is that all work does not affect the main structures of the apartment or house. No permits are needed to carry out such repairs, and both the owner himself and the crews hired by him can carry out it.

Major renovation

When talking about this type of work, experts mean global changes in the design of a house or apartment, including affecting load-bearing walls. One of the most important nuances The difference between repair and major overhaul is that in order to carry out a global process it is necessary to obtain permission from the relevant services. The type of service depends on what kind of work you are going to carry out. For example, if you want to demolish a wall, then you need to get permission from the building's architect, if you are changing a heating pipe, you will need the consent of the heating network, etc. What can be classified as work of this type?

  • changing the layout of an apartment or building;
  • global work with walls, floors and ceilings;
  • complete replacement of the pipeline;
  • replacement of all elements of the electrical circuit;
  • laying tiles on walls and floors;
  • updating all plumbing elements in the house;
  • installation of additional windows or doors;
  • design of ventilation holes.

If such repairs are planned in the apartment, then, having received all the permits, you can start work yourself or hire workers. If it concerns a public space or building, then a pre-prepared project and estimate for the work are required. The plan should detail the following points:

  • a list of all elements that need repair or replacement;
  • a list of work that needs to be carried out;
  • price assessment of each work;
  • a list of materials needed for repairs and their cost;
  • indication of additional services (transport, workers);
  • schedule and timing of repairs in stages.

Types of repairs

Renovation of buildings or apartments can be carried out in different ways, depending on the amount of work and the capabilities of the owner. Lately we have been hearing the word “European-quality renovation” more and more often. This is not a type of renovation. This word simply means the fact that the work is carried out in accordance with the requirements adopted in European countries. If we talk about types, then we distinguish:

  1. "Economy option." Only necessary work to make the room look fresh.
  2. "Option Standard". Here we add work to replace wiring and some communication elements.
  3. "Repair Lux". People call this type “turnkey repair.” The work of the designer is added to the work of contractors. This type of repair is rarely carried out by the owner himself, as it requires a lot of effort and knowledge.


An estimate for current repairs is required if the work is planned in public building or if it will be carried out by a contractor. Based on the estimate, a full project repair. The estimate itself is made after all types of work that need to be done have been identified. Estimate documentation includes many acts:

  • local estimates;
  • local estimate calculation;
  • object estimate;
  • object estimate calculation;
  • summary estimate;
  • summary list of costs.

Based on these documents, an act is drawn up and the cost of the planned repair is determined.

Selecting a contractor

Whether you are planning to renovate an apartment building or a private household, choosing a team of workers is a very responsible procedure. You can trust advertising on the Internet or the advice of friends, but remember that it is best to choose people whose work you have seen with your own eyes. What are the possible options? All repair work can be performed by:

  1. Construction company.
  2. Private construction work crew.
  3. Single master.

Each option has its pros and cons. For example, construction company has enough experience and guarantees quality with its name. But by turning to private workers, you can save money. The choice of contractor belongs entirely to the owner of the home, who, after weighing all the pros and cons, must decide correct solution. We will limit ourselves to one piece of advice: if you have the financial opportunity, do not take risks, contact experienced specialists so that you do not have to redo everything all over again.

The article will help you find out the differences between major and current repairs and what is included in the common property of the house

Do you know the difference between current repairs and major repairs? And who should pay their cost? How often should major home repairs be carried out and who is responsible for such actions? We will give detailed answers to these and other questions within the framework of the topic “Current and major repairs of apartment buildings” in this article.

Common property of an apartment building

Since the current and major repairs of apartment buildings relate specifically to common property, it would be advisable to list what is included in it.

Simply put, common property includes everything that does not belong to specific owners, namely:

  • Foundation.
  • Facade.
  • Roof.
  • Water supply risers (hot and cold).
  • The basement and the equipment located in it.
  • Heat supply for the entrance.
  • Power supply for the entrance.
  • Room and elevator shaft.
  • Mailboxes.
  • Home security system (entrance door, intercom, video surveillance, security equipment, etc.)

to menu

Major renovation

Major renovation of an apartment building- this is carrying out work to eliminate malfunctions of worn-out house structures, including their restoration or replacement.

A comprehensive overhaul is the renovation of the entire building as a whole.

Selective overhaul is the repair of individual building structures or individual engineering equipment.

Many citizens of our country are dissatisfied, and often extremely outraged, by the need to pay for the costs of major repairs in 2019. This can be explained by the fact that sums of money have to be paid regardless of whether this repair is required at the moment or whether it can be completely done without it. In other words, people have to pay money for repairs that can be carried out in just a few years.

Well, what can you do?! According to federal and regional laws, Russians are required to pay contributions for major repairs. The amount of payment is determined at the regional level, and the requirement itself has a legislative form in the form of amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Owners have the right to choose the method of accumulating funds that will be used for major repairs. They can be placed in a regional operator account or in a special bank account.

According to the regional program, funds for major repairs come from several sources:

  • Payment to homeowners.
  • Funds from the regional budget.
  • Funds from the housing and communal services fund.

The minimum amount of contributions is determined by the regional authorities, but at the request of the owners at the general meeting it can be increased.

In most cases, it is impossible to refuse to pay for major repairs. Otherwise, this may lead to problems in the form of debt accumulation and penalties in the amount of 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for each overdue day. Procedures that can be applied to citizens who do not make contributions to the capital repair fund are regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

As for the total debt of the owners of a separate apartment building, if the amount of payments is less than 50% of the amount of bills submitted for payment, the state housing supervision authority gives 5 months for this situation to be corrected.

If after a certain time the debt is not repaid, then the local government body, whose competence includes making decisions on transferring funds from the special account to the account of the regional operator, is notified. If the account owner refuses to take such actions, then, in accordance with parts 8-10 of Article 173 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the funds can be recovered in court.

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How to make repairs using capital repair funds?

It will depend on who will do the overhaul (technical specifications, design documentation, construction supervision, customer, developer, etc.) or the owners themselves or they agree to take it upon themselves. Therefore, solutions may be different. Residents themselves choose a contractor and construction control, or authorize all problems from the management authority, management company (with its consent).
And do not forget that they have the right to offset the funds spent on major repairs against future contributions, if the next similar major repair does not occur earlier than in the regional program

Who is exempt from contributions for major repairs?

Only residents of buildings that are in disrepair and are subject to reconstruction or demolition have the right not to contribute funds to the fund for capital repairs of apartment buildings. If the house was declared unsafe after it was included in the capital repair program, then funds from the fund will have to be used for the purpose of its reconstruction and demolition (in accordance with Part 2 of Article 174 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

According to Part 1 of Article 168 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, houses with less than three apartments should not be included in the capital repair program.

Rules for major repairs

The rules for major repairs are that they must begin no earlier than 9:00 am and end no later than 7:00 pm. Workers have the right to perform noisy work for the entire specified period of time. On holidays and weekends, such work should not be carried out, since residents have the right to rest during the specified period. In turn, apartment owners need to be prepared for the fact that a major renovation of their home may take from 6 to 12 months. In this case, the speed depends on the complexity of the work performed and on the efficiency of the workers performing it.

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Current repairs of an apartment building

Current repairs of an apartment building are pre-planned work that is carried out within a certain time period (once a quarter, once a year).

Current repairs in an apartment building are carried out exclusively in relation to the common property of the residents. In other words, such repairs will be carried out to the door of the apartment.

List of works that are included in the payment for current repairs:

  • Sealing cracks and seams in walls and foundations.
  • Sealing wall cracks and seams.
  • Relaying some sections of brick walls.
  • Sealing cracks and potholes in block and panel walls.
  • Sealing seams and joints.
  • Sealing holes in facades and walls.
  • Restoration of individual sections of walls and cornices.
  • Restoring damaged plaster.
  • Restoration of cladding.
  • Repair of individual architectural parts that may fall.
  • Restoration of stucco.
  • Restoration of waterproofing areas of the foundation.
  • Strengthening the foundation.
  • Replacement of individual sections of the foundation.
  • Repair and ventilation installation.
  • Repair or change of blind area.
  • Restoration of basement entrances.
  • Sandblasting and washing of facades, balconies and loggias up to the 2nd floor.
  • Insulation of windows in certain rooms that tend to freeze.
  • Replacing drains on window openings.
  • Repair and painting of building facades (one-story and two-story).
  • Partial replacement or strengthening of wooden floor elements.
  • Restoration of screed and backfill.
  • Antiseptic treatment of wooden structures and their protection from fire.
  • Sealing of seams in joints of prefabricated reinforced concrete floors.
  • Sealing cracks in reinforced concrete concrete.
  • Insulation of attic steel beams.
  • Painting attic beams.
  • Strengthening the elements of the rafter system.
  • Changing individual rafters.
  • Replacement of drainpipes.
  • Partial roof replacement.
  • Repair of individual sections of the roof...
  • Replacement of individual sections of parapet gratings.
  • Replacement of fire escapes and fences.
  • Replacing home grounding devices.
  • Restoration of cornice and ridge ventilation ducts.
  • Repair of the attic covering (restoration of the insulating and waterproofing layer).
  • Repair of dormer windows.
  • Repair of roof exits.
  • Equipment of devices for fastening safety ropes.
  • Replacement of door and window fillings.
  • Replacement of door and window fixtures.
  • Installation of springs, stops and closers.
  • Replacement and strengthening of certain sections of wooden partitions.
  • Sealing cracks in slab partitions.
  • Repair of potholes and cracks in stairs and landings.
  • Partial replacement of steps and railings.
  • Strengthening metal and wooden railings.
  • Replacement of balcony grilles.
  • Installation and restoration of umbrellas over the entrances to the entrance.
  • Installation of canopies over the entrances to the basement.
  • Replacement of some sections of floors.
  • Replacing floor waterproofing.
  • All types of work on troubleshooting furnaces and their relocation.
  • Relocation of some sections of chimneys and pipes.
  • Restoration of interior finishing (plaster, cladding, stucco, sockets, etc.).
  • Replacement of individual pipeline sections.
  • Installation of air valves, if necessary.
  • Insulation of pipes and expansion tanks.
  • Relocation of boilers and pipes in the boiler room.
  • Restoration of destroyed thermal insulation.
  • Replacement of some electric motors and low-power pumps.
  • Cleaning storm drains and drainage.
  • Water supply and sewerage repair work (replacement of internal fire hydrants, change of mixers, siphons, individual sections of pipeline, replacement of individual units of water heating columns, replacement of pumps and electric motors, insulation of water tanks, etc.).
  • Replacement of individual ventilation sections.
  • Repair work on electrical supplies and electrical devices (replacement of faulty sections of the building's electrical network with the exception of residential apartments, replacement of sockets and switches, lamps, fuses, panels, etc.).
  • Repair of special general house technical devices (built-in and roof boiler houses for heating and hot water supply, pumping units, cleaning and receiving units Wastewater, general building installations for forced ventilation in buildings with nine or more floors, fire extinguishing and smoke removal systems, intercoms and locks, elevators, automated heating units, metering units for heat energy and water consumption, dispatch systems, etc.).
  • Repair of individual sections of destroyed sidewalks, paths and blind areas.
  • Restoration of flower beds, lawns, sowing of lawns, planting of shrubs and trees.
  • Equipment of playgrounds (children's, sports, utility, etc.).
  • Equipment for waste bins and containers.

IMPORTANT! The list of works must be reflected in the contract with the management company.

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The Prosecutor General's Office declared fees for major repairs unconstitutional

The Prosecutor General's Office agreed with the arguments of deputies of the A Just Russia party regarding the illegality of fees for major repairs of apartment buildings.

The party reports that the Prosecutor General's Office considers the applicants' arguments about the inequality of the position of the owners who form the capital repair fund on the account of the regional operator, and the citizens who collect these funds in a special bank account, to be justified.

The contested norm does not specify the volumes and terms of disposal of financial resources and does not determine the procedure for their return, which may create conditions under which the owners of the premises will not be able to manage the money transferred to the operator’s account. This leads to a violation of the Constitution, says the review from the Prosecutor General’s Office.
In turn, the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, Ella Pamfilova, emphasizes that operators, by transferring money collected in one house for repairs in another, are essentially using, without permission, the funds of some owners to fulfill obligations to others.

Previously, bill No. 986339-6 was introduced to the State Duma, aimed at creating alternative options financing major repairs of common property in apartment buildings.

It is proposed to provide the owner with the right to voluntarily choose the following methods of financing: formation of a capital repair fund; general property insurance and one-time cash charges.

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The State Duma proposed to suspend the payment of contributions for major repairs

A bill has been submitted to the State Duma to suspend for five years the validity of Articles 169 and 170 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation regarding the obligation to pay contributions for major repairs of common property in an apartment building.

The authors of the project note that there is growing distrust in society in the capital repair mechanism itself, in regional operators, and, as a result, in the authorities as a whole, since people see this reform as just another extortion.

In this regard, it is proposed to suspend for 5 years the obligation to pay contributions for major repairs of common property in an apartment building and the formation of a capital repair fund. Presumably, this will make it possible to develop a fundamentally new, working model of the capital repair system in the Russian Federation.

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