Indoor flowers that smell. The stinkiest flower in the world. Flowers for foyers and living rooms

Perhaps, flowers are associated with femininity, a delicate sweet aroma and summer for everyone. But Mother Nature, along with evolution, created something directly opposite to our ideas about the world of flowers. And that rotten one stinking flower, which you haven’t watered for a month after going on vacation, will seem like a heavenly creature with a wonderful aroma, in comparison with the winners of our selection.

Firstly, the plants discussed below exude bad smell decomposition, putrefaction or excrement. The target "audience" of these flowers are flies, dung beetles and other insects with a perverted sense of beauty.

Secondly, this smell is only a bait, and not at all a weapon, which everyone who heard it thought of, because some of the plants are predators. Some of the “exhibits” below are also the largest on the planet.

A fleshy and succulent plant that resembles a cactus. It has no stems, but the flowers are covered with fibers, spots and look like an inhabitant of the deep sea. This is probably why its other names are star cactus, starfish, large toad flower, etc. In Stapelia gigantea, flowers reach about 40 cm in diameter, and the greater the stench they emit - the smell of decaying flesh is so popular with flies, larvae and beetles that they crawl right into the center of the plant, where the reproductive organs are located.

This plant is native to South Africa, but many people grow this stinking flower in their stone gardens or as a landscape decoration.

Gidnora with a fleshy crown grows from sandy soil in the deserts of South Africa.

While spreading the suffocating smell of death around itself, it attracts small pollinators. The beetle crawls into the very epicenter of the “aroma” through the cracks between the petals, pollinates the plant, looks for food or lays eggs.

Meanwhile, the plant itself feeds from the roots, which go deep into the soil, clinging to other people's roots. The ground part of this plant can be conditionally called a flower; in fact, it is a calyx with a rough, sand-colored outer surface. Inside, the surface of the gidnora is more delicate and changes color from white to blood-red, which also attracts various insects, but mainly carrion beetles. Also, this stinking flower is very similar to the worm from the movie Tremors.

The pale and tough integumentary tissues of the lily are covered with dark, dense hairs, which resembles peeling fur on a dead animal. The flower exudes the smell of rotting, which attracts corpse flies and blow flies.

On the first day of flowering, the stigmas of the pistils open, that is, the female stigmas, the flies bathe in nectar and lay offspring. The next day, the stigmas of the pistils close, the stamens open, the sticky bodies of the insects become dirty in male pollen, the smell of which encourages the insects to flee, that is, to another stinking flower. This is how cross-pollination occurs.

On cloudy days, when there are practically no insects, Helicodiceros is able to raise the temperature so that its smell spreads much further, attracting other flies. It grows in the northwestern part of the Mediterranean region.

The largest stinking flower in the world, also known as the Voodoo lily.

Grows in flat areas, preferring the tropics and subtropics of southern and western Africa, China, Madagascar, India, Nepal, etc.
It blooms once every 10 years, perhaps accumulating all its strength just for this flowering. At the age of five years, a bud begins to form; a cob-shaped inflorescence of dark burgundy color appears on the surface of the stem, which consists of male and female flowers, covered with a dense hood on top. The height of the cob is about 70 cm. Some sources claim that Amorphophallus titanum can grow up to 4 meters in height. Outside are located male flowers, and below, hidden, are female.

Polite Englishmen call the aroma emanating from plants “bad fish,” but in reality it is simply impossible to describe it in words. However, this is the smell that is needed in order to attract the insects necessary for pollination. At this time, the cob itself warms up to 40 C from the inside, this is also necessary to attract pollinators and more. Usually, the ceremonial flowering of the giant occurs in front of a crowd of tourists coming from all over the globe. The lifespan of Amorphophallus is about 40 years, but it blooms only 3-4 times in its life.

Pale yellow flowers that grow mainly around ponds and lakes. This stinking flower smells like a scared skunk. This quality is responsible for attracting pollinating insects. Another famous name for this flower is skunk cabbage.

Lysichiton is also able to raise the temperature in order to survive in frosts, so that the snow around the flower melts.
Habitat: swampy areas, banks of rivers and reservoirs in North America. North American Indians used this flower for food, boiling it several times, because... When eaten fresh, the plant causes acute pain in the stomach. They also used it to treat various ailments.

Habitats: China, Japan, North America and Russia - on Far East. Prefers damp and damp places, flooded meadows, river banks and swamps.

The appearance of simplocarpus is very exotic, especially against the backdrop of barely melted snow. It is a burgundy, dense and leathery hood with a pointed end that hangs over a round cob yellow color. It is characterized by a pungent odor that can be described as carrion with garlic, so attractive to pollinating insects.

A climbing plant with dense greenery, oval leaves and a stinking flower. Large-flowered Aristolochia has flowers about 20 cm in diameter and 50-60 cm long, exuding a strong carrion smell, which insects really like. The flowers themselves “have a secret”: when a fly decides to get out of a flower, having eaten nectar, the fibers covering the surface of the calyx prevent them from getting out. The insect flounders for a long time until it pollinates the aristocholia. The villi wither under the influence of pollen, and the fly moves on. The flowers themselves look very impressive against the background of dark green foliage - regular heart-shaped and dark burgundy color with white veins, so the plant often serves as a landscape decoration.

Blooming tree plant. During flowering, it emits the smell of organic decomposition. Pollinated by flies attracted by the smell.
The radius of the scent varies depending on the species. The flowers of Sarpanthus Palanga smell like long-dead animals, have a dark purple color and a harmless appearance.

stinking flower of this plant emits such an unpleasant odor that among the ancient Romans he was the god of manure, and the name of a whole species of plants with a very unpleasant odor is dedicated to him. Stinking Sterculia (Sterculia foetida) blooms only in its natural environment, spreading the smell of excrement. Flowers appear first, attracting pollinators with their scent, and only then leaves appear.

This is a mushroom that would be suitable as a setting for an alien movie.
Before the blades open, it looks like a large egg with a heterogeneous bumpy surface, dirty white with brown and pink spots at the base. Later, when its blades open (3-8 pieces), it takes the form of a red star-shaped flower, the petals of which look like slippery tentacles. The inside of the plant is spongy, lumpy, and covered with brown mucus. It emits a corpse-like odor that attracts insects that spread its spores.

Another mushroom whose smell can be confused with rotten meat. Popularly called a mushroom starfish. Literally translated "disgusting redness." The rotten smell attracts insects that carry its spores. Widely distributed in Australia.

Gardeners in Russia and neighboring countries grow cabbage with pleasure and quite successfully. But the “set”, as a rule, is limited to varieties white cabbage different periods ripening, broccoli and cauliflower. Meanwhile, we already have popular types of cabbage that ripen earlier and bring less hassle when growing. In this article, we bring to your attention 5 types of cabbage that you may not have heard of yet, but which are definitely worth growing.

April is a long-awaited and very important month. After all, work in the garden to clean the area and put it in order after winter must be combined with preparing the beds and with the first sowings. Active work continues in the greenhouse. And growing seedlings this month takes up almost all the time of summer gardeners. Moon calendar in April is divided into several periods and allows you to plan work so that responsibilities in ornamental garden and the garden alternated.

The famous morning glory purple, blooming with purple “gramophones”, has proven itself as an annual vine. It is successfully used for landscaping fences, gazebos and balconies. This morning glory is so unpretentious that it sometimes becomes a weed, since its seeds can be stored under the snow and sprout in the spring. Popularly, this plant, often simply called “convolvulus,” is so well known that it needs no introduction at all.

Delicate white chocolate truffles with cognac and coconut - creamy and aromatic. This sophisticated dessert is easy to prepare; the ingredients for preparation are simple and affordable. First, mix the ganache - cream with white chocolate and cognac, then wait until the ganache hardens. Make round candies from the cooled ganache and cover them with coconut flakes. You can use ready-made coconut flakes, but if you are not lazy and tinker a little with fresh nuts, it will turn out even tastier!

The long-awaited April does not always bring pleasant surprises with the weather. But sooner or later, all work in the ornamental garden will start in April. From simple household chores and clearing plant debris, cutting dry clumps and mulching the soil to planting new flower beds, you will have to take care of a lot. Planting comes to the fore in April. It is better to plant bushes, trees, and vines this month. But don’t forget about caring for seedlings.

Among the variety of tomato varieties, as a rule, only two groups are distinguished: indeterminate and determinate. But the tomato world is divided into more diverse “clans”, knowing about which is not only interesting, but also useful. Tomatoes are divided according to the method of cultivation, according to ripening time, according to leaf shape, according to fruit shape, according to size, according to color... Today I would like to talk about varieties that form the most colorful group under beautiful name"Bi-Colour".

Enchanting April with its delicate blossoms and the first dazzling greenery is a very capricious and changeable month. Sometimes it unpleasantly surprises with its winter atmosphere, and sometimes it pleases with unexpected warmth. In April, work begins on the beds, and a full season begins in the greenhouse. Sowing and planting in open ground should not interfere with caring for seedlings, because the quality of the harvest depends on its quality. Moon calendar useful plants especially favorable at the beginning of the month.

Those who love to cook probably often add rosemary to various first and second courses as a spice. Its tart and slightly bitter taste and aroma go best with fatty meats and fish. In my opinion, baked lamb without rosemary is “typical not that.” They sell it both dried and as greens in large supermarkets. In addition to adding flavor to dishes, the rosemary plant has some medicinal properties.

Frozen vegetable soup - Mexican corn and bean soup for every day, made from simple and affordable ingredients. This soup can be prepared with meat or chicken broth, and on days of fasting, cooked in spring water - you will get a tasty and nutritious soup without animal products, rich in vegetable protein. Frozen vegetable mixtures are a lifesaver for housewives who don’t have time to cook a complex first course; it’s not every day that they manage to cook borscht.

Spring sanitary pruning allows you to form a beautiful crown, stimulates the formation of a high yield. Trees easily tolerate it, recovery occurs very quickly, wounds heal well. The main goal is to form the crown and remove branches that are broken and dried out during the winter. Winter pruning is especially necessary in the first four years after planting, when skeletal branches are formed. Optimal time spring pruning- from the beginning of winter to the beginning of spring.

Extreme sensitivity to low temperatures makes zinnias annual plants, which are usually grown through seedlings. But there is nothing complicated about sowing and growing young zinnias. It is hardy and does not require special care plants that are easy to grow from seeds. And if you also collect own seeds, then you will get one of the most “economical” flyers in your collection. Bright baskets of inflorescences color the garden with a special cheerful canvas.

The domestic market offers a wide range of cucumber hybrid seeds. Which varieties to choose to get maximum yield? We defined best hybrids, according to buyers of Agrosuccess seeds. They were “Merengue”, “Zozulya”, “Masha” and “Director”. In this article we will tell you about their advantages. Since absolutely all cucumber hybrids have no disadvantages: they do not turn yellow, have many ovaries, the fruits are not large, and are resistant to diseases.

Eggplants are tall, erect plants with wide, dark green leaves and large fruits- create a special mood in the garden beds. And in the kitchen they are a popular product for a wide variety of dishes: eggplants are fried, stewed and canned. Of course, grow decent harvest V middle lane and further north is not an easy task. But subject to agrotechnical cultivation rules, it is quite accessible even to beginners. Especially if you grow eggplants in a greenhouse.

Lenten charlotte with apples and cinnamon on vegetable cream is a simple pie that is suitable for fasting people; this pastry can also be included in a vegetarian menu. There are situations when dairy products need to be replaced with vegetable ones, then vegetable cream prepared on the basis of vegetable fats comes to the aid of housewives. The taste of cream goes well with apples and cinnamon, baking powder makes the dough fluffy and airy, the pie turns out simply delicious.

Buying a blooming orchid, lovers exotic plants They are wondering whether it will bloom just as well at home and should we expect it to bloom again? Everything will be - and grow, and bloom, and delight for many years, but under one condition. As with any indoor plants, for an orchid you must initially try to create conditions acceptable for growth and development. Sufficient lighting, humidity and air temperature, special substrate - the main points.

“They say that to exude a fragrance means to waste oneself,” wrote poetess Irina Feshchenko-Skvortsova. Green friends grow in our flowerpots, giving us part of their soul - a noble and exquisite fragrance. So who are they, the most fragrant houseplants?

Plectranthus (indoor mint). This plant with curly light green leaves can fill your home with the amazing scent of mint - just touch it. Loves bright rooms and good watering. With careful handling it grows quickly. Belongs to the same family as peppermint. I have not seen any official records regarding its consumption, but at my own risk I sometimes add it to tea and ice cream. But what is true is true: the aroma of plectranthus has calming properties and ensures good sleep.

Indoor rose
Muraya (Murraya) paniculata. One flower of this rare tree of Japanese origin can perfume a standard room of 18 square meters. Since the smell of such a plant has large radius actions. The aroma of muraya is complex, similar to the smell of jasmine and lemon flowers at the same time. They say it has a beneficial effect on the heart. If you provide the plant with Japanese emperors proper care And good lighting, it is capable of blooming all year round. However, the flowers, like all representatives of the Rutaceae family, last only a day, maximum two.

Sansevieria. All varieties of this popular indoor plant produce unusually long peduncles that bloom in the evening and emit a pleasant and mellow aroma, reminiscent of the smell of a lily. Sansevieria (sansevieria) blooms in spring and/or autumn. Each flower fades by morning. However, there are a lot of them on the peduncle, so you can enjoy the fragrance for a long time.

Indoor rose essential oil. It has a bright and delicate aroma. It is believed to have a good effect on well-being and is a powerful aphrodisiac. The smell of this flower can be heard wonderfully in a small room.

Indoor jasmine (sambac). Another aphrodisiac is a fragrant houseplant. It blooms with small white flowers, but how richly fragrant they are! When caring for homemade jasmine, you need to consider that it is climbing plant, so he needs support.

Lemon geranium. As a matter of fact, all geranium and pelargonium leaves emit odors. But in the same zonal pelargonium it is specific (although the essential oil of this particular plant is used in perfumery). But the leader of the list of living fragrances can be called lemon geranium, the leaves of which exude the goodness of lemon. (If you pass by the market, it is often sold by older women from their home collections). There are varieties that have a natural aroma composition of lemon-rose, lemon-melissa, lemon-wormwood and even Coca-Cola.

Pelargonium zonal. And yet this beauty cannot be ignored. It is necessary in a living home aromatic collection because its leaves serve as an indicator of well-being. If it smells unpleasant to you, then this is an indicator of your psychological well-being. If, on the contrary, the smell seems attractive, then not everything is okay in the emotional sphere. Most likely, you are overtired - and you need peace.

Eucalyptus. All varieties of this plant emit a fragrance. But the most striking of these indoor trees has lemon eucalyptus. With a small touch of even one leaf, it can saturate a standard medium-sized room with aroma.

Myrtle: "fragrant carpet"
Common myrtle. One touch of the small, dark green leaves of this indoor tree or shrub fills the room with a pine-like aroma.

Gardenia. She is an English rose. The heavy, languid fragrance of this green miracle cannot be forgotten. It is often included in perfume compositions and is used as a solo scent. Caring for this houseplant is not easy, but it is worth the effort. Carefully! Messages have appeared on the Internet that this flower needs to be fed... with meat. If you want to send this exotic to another world, use this advice. If you want it to linger longer on the windowsill, under no circumstances do this: even small particles of meat clog the soil. It is more correct to use meat water: rinse the container that held fresh meat or fish and pour it into a bottle. And, before watering the plant, carefully filter this water through cheesecloth (to remove meat or fish pieces).

Spicy plants. Namely, noble laurel and rosemary, which can be eaten, are excellent for keeping at home and fill the room with a pleasant aroma.

Citrus trees. Everything in them is full of pleasant notes: both leaves and flowers. Grown at home indoor lemon, tangerine, calamondin, orange and even grapefruit.

cacti. Oddly enough, these thorns can also become sources of homemade incense. Fragrant flowers Some species of astrophytums (they emit the smell of pineapple), Echinopsis, and Gymnocalycium have them.

Conifers. Houseplants that smell can easily be classified as members of the conifer family. However, it is extremely difficult to keep them at home - you need to spray them a lot and protect them from dry air. Cypress, cypress, and araucaria are considered the most “survivable” at home. But they also need to be looked after very carefully.

Like this fragrant bouquet can be collected on one windowsill. Of course, scented indoor flowers are natural air fresheners. Unlike synthetic products - “loads” unpleasant odors, based on a combination of artificial substances, homemade green friends do not destroy, but improve health. There is also an important difference with household chemicals: the aroma of indoor plants does not irritate the sense of smell (smelling synthetics can ruin it). And the main thing about such “perfume in flowerpots” is that they are a gift from Nature itself.

You can enjoy the aromas of exotic flowers throughout almost the entire year at home. There are many known fragrant indoor plants. Each of them has its own unique smell and can be easily selected home flower to your taste.

Among the many plants that people grow in their homes, there are types of Plants that are completely odorless or with a faint, almost imperceptible aroma of fresh foliage or cut wood. The average person cannot distinguish such faint odors.

All fragrant indoor plants can be divided into two large groups:

1. Only flowers have fragrance.
2. All parts of the plant smell, the smell intensifies when damaged.

The first group of plants.

Houseplants from the first group delight with their aroma only during flowering. This group includes some orchids, stephanotis (Madagascar jasmine), roses, gardenias, and some cacti. It should be noted that almost always among representatives of one genus of fragrant flowering plants There are some that don't smell. The breeders made sure to please all customers: among the many hybrids, you can always choose an orchid that is completely odorless or with a pleasant exotic aroma.

or Madagascar jasmine
is a semi-shrub vine that prefers well-lit windows. The white star flowers have an exquisite aroma. The plant requires support and careful regular care.

Gardenia quite a capricious plant. She loves light, warmth and moisture, but does not tolerate being in direct sunlight. This flower needs high humidity, so it is not always possible to successfully grow this tropical beauty in an ordinary apartment.

Eucharis or Amazon lily has a very pleasant, delicate aroma. These are perennial bulbous plants with large dark green leaves. From time to time, an umbrella with 5-6 flowers similar to a daffodil appears on the plant. The flowers have a refined and delicate aroma.

Inflorescences Hoyas (wax ivy) have a strong sweetish odor that intensifies in the evening. This unpretentious, drought-resistant vine with leathery leaves and long shoots blooms annually. Does not require any complex care, but young plant does not bloom.

Muraya While rarely found in homes, it is a small shrub that can be shaped into a small tree. Its flowers are very fragrant, they are white and seem to be covered with wax. Flowering can last all year round.

Abelia It blooms with a small cutting and has a pleasant subtle aroma, reminiscent of the smell of a lemon flower. This is an ornamental flowering shrub that blooms for a long time and very abundantly. Mature plant It is better to keep it in a large room.

U oleander Very fragrant flowers, long-term inhalation of their aroma can cause headaches. The pink or white flowers of this evergreen shrub are very beautiful; the plant is quite unpretentious.

Jasmine sambac - a vine with a large number of flowers, blooms continuously from May until approximately September. Requires pruning and support, flowers do not last long.

The second group of plants.

The second group includes domestic plants, all parts of which have a pronounced aroma. An example is the well-known pelargonium (geranium). If you rub a leaf of pelargonium zonalis, you will feel a strong, pungent odor. Some people like him, some don't. If the plant is not touched, there is no smell. Fragrant pelargonium will fill the entire room with its aroma, even if its shoots are slightly disturbed.

Such plants include citrus fruits, myrtle, and araucaria. Aromatic properties Possess all plants used as seasonings: mint, rosemary, lemon balm, Oregon, and bay laurel.

Citrus trees (lemon, orange, calamondin, tangerine) are often grown at home. Pleasant aroma possess all parts of plants: leaves, shoots, and flowers.

Araucaria - one of the few coniferous plants that can be grown indoors. It has a pleasant pine aroma and saturates the air with phytoncides.

Plectranthus or indoor mint valued for its ease of care and decorative attractiveness of leaves with a pleasant mint aroma. Its flowers are small, lilac or white. Some species have a pungent odor and are used to repel moths.

Myrtle - evergreen with leathery leaves and single or numerous white flowers in short racemes. Myrtle leaves and shoots are a source essential oil, widely used in perfumery and medicine.

It would not be amiss to remind you that when placing aromatic plants in the house, you should definitely think about which flower to put where. It is better not to keep fragrant flowers in the bedroom; for other rooms it is important to choose the right fragrant plants. Smells affect your well-being and create your mood. Some calm, others, on the contrary, give vigor and strength. Only your own feelings will tell you which room to use plants for!

When we think of a floral scent, we imagine a delicate, maybe a little tart, but always very pleasant smell. The stench is not about flowers. Although…

1. Amorphophallus titanum, Titan Arum

Titan arum is called " Corpse flower", the Voodoo lily, its smell has been compared to the smell of rotting flesh. He is also considered the most big flower in the world (about 2-3 meters high). Titan arum blooms very rarely, the bud opens for about three weeks, and flowering lasts only 1-2 days. You can look at it in only a few botanical gardens in the world, where flower lovers from all over the world come especially for the flowering of arum.

2. Rafflesia arnoldii

3. Stapelia

A characteristic feature of most species of these plants is the disgusting smell of the flowers. Polite English gentlemen call the smell of these flowers “bad-fish”, i.e. bad fish. Stapelias are known around the world under various names: starfish flower, star cactus, giant flower toads, Zulu giant, etc.

4. African Hydnora (Hydnora africana)

5. Dead Horse Lily (Helicodiceros muscivorus)

Helicodiceros flycatcher is also called “hairy pea”, “flycatcher”, “dragon’s mouth”. The plant received such names because of its appearance. The light outer side of the huge flower is covered with dark purple spots, and the inside of the pale purple flower is dotted with long bristly hairs. From a distance, Helicodiceros flycatcher resembles the croup of a dead horse in the bushes. The disgusting smell of rotting meat attracts flies necessary for pollination. In addition, the plant is able to increase the temperature inside the inflorescence, so that the smell spreads over even greater distances and attracts more flies.

6. Lysichiton americanus

Lysichiton americana is called the western cabbage skunk or swamp skunk because of its foul aroma. Lysichiton americana grows in swamps, wet forests, and along rivers on the western Pacific coast of North America. To survive cold winters, the plant produces heat that melts the snow around it.

7. Symplocarpus foetidus

The name speaks for itself. The plant does have an unpleasant garlicky odor mixed with the smell of rotten meat. The smell attracts a variety of flies, which, crawling along the inflorescence, pollinate it. Simplocarpus flowers are modest and inconspicuous. The plant is distributed in Japan, Northeast China, North America, in Russia - only in the Far East. In nature, this plant can only be found in very wet places: swamps, water meadows, damp forests.

8. Arum (Arum, Dracunculus)

Arum - a genus of perennials herbaceous plants family Araceae (Araceae). Many arum species emit a rather unpleasant odor to attract pollinating insects. The flower of Arum maculatum is a dirty lilac-red color, reminiscent of the color of stale meat, and the smell matches the color. Arum conophalloides (Arum conophalloides) attracts blood-sucking insects (mosquitoes) for pollination by imitating the smell of mammalian skin. Long arum (Arum elongatum) emits a strong unpleasant odor. Tarragon = Common arum (Dracunculus vulgaris) when the flower opens, it emits the smell of excrement and carrion.

9. Aristolochia or Kirkazon (Aristolochia)

Many types of aristolochia have trap flowers that, when blooming, emit a stench. Aristolochia grandiflora is one of the largest and most bizarre flowers on earth. It has white-green flowers with brown veins in the shape of a heart, measuring 10-20 cm wide and up to 60 cm long. Giant Aristolochia (Aristolochia gigantea) blooms with flowers of dark red color with cream veins; they have the shape of a tube measuring up to 30 cm in length and 15 cm in width. The flowers emit a dead smell, but not as strong as Aristolochia grandiflora.

10. Sarpanthus (Sapranthus)

Sarpanthus is a genus of flowering woody plants. Sarpanthus flowers are pollinated by flies and smell like decaying organic matter. For example, Sarpanthus Palange blooms with purplish-black flowers that have a distinctly foul odor, reminiscent of a rotting carcass.

11. Sterculia

Sterculius is the ancient Roman god of dung, and an entire genus of plants is named after him, many species of which have unpleasantly smelling flowers and leaves. And in stinking sterculia (Sterculia foetida), the fetid character of the tree is emphasized in the name of the species. Flowers on Sterculia stinky appear before the leaves and emit an unpleasant odor to attract insects, and the fruits ripen only after 11 months.