Hyacinth care. Fragrant bouquets all year round: features of growing and forcing hyacinths at home

Historical reference

The name of the genus is given by the name of the hero of the ancient Greek myth, the beautiful young man Hyacinth, beloved of the god Apollo. Tradition says that the jealous god of the west wind, Zephyr, saw Apollo and Hyacinth practicing throwing a heavy discus, and directed it at the head of a mortal. The sun god, saddened by the death of Hyacinth, created from his blood beautiful flower. Hyacinth culture began in 1543, when several bulbs were brought from Asia Minor to Northern Italy, to the Botanical Garden of Padua. Gradually, the center of selection moved to Holland, which supplies most of the new varieties and planting material to modern market. The first hyacinths appeared in Russia in 1730.

Biological features

Hyacinths are perennial herbaceous ephemeral plants. They vegetate in the spring, and during the hot summer and cool winter they “hibernate.” The hyacinth bulb is large (4–6 cm in height and about the same in diameter), round, covered with thin filmy scales, lives up to 10 years. After this, flowering weakens.

From 5–6 years of age, daughter bulbs begin to appear. With their help, vegetative (not seed) propagation of hyacinths occurs. The leaves are elongated, narrow, relatively short during flowering, then growing up to 20 cm. The racemose inflorescence on a thick fleshy peduncle can reach 30 cm in height.

The flowers are 12–35, bell-shaped, on short stalks, very fragrant. In the wild species, the corolla is usually blue or white.

Varietal hyacinths have pink, red, lilac, dark purple, blue, yellow, orange. Exist terry varieties. In central Russia, hyacinths bloom from late April to early May for two weeks.

Planting site, soil

Hyacinths are used for group plantings in flower beds and as borders along paths. They can be successfully grown in pots and used for winter forcing. The best place– warm, sunny, protected from the wind. Groundwater must lie at a depth of at least 50 cm from the soil surface. Otherwise, you will need to install drainage or a raised bed.

The soil is light, permeable, nutritious, rich in humus. Sand and leaf humus are added to the clay substrate. In light, sandy soils - nutritious compost. Hyacinths do not like acidic soils. Therefore, liming may be necessary when planting. Do not add fresh or poorly rotted manure before planting - it can burn the bulbs.

Planting, care, feeding

Hyacinths are planted at the end of September - beginning of October (dates for middle zone Russia). The area for them is prepared already in July - August, so that the soil settles and the weeds have time to germinate and be removed. The substrate is dug to a depth of 40 cm, organic matter, sand (if required) and phosphorus-potassium-magnesium are added mineral fertilizers. It should be noted that when growing hyacinths, it is preferable to replace synthetic mineral fertilizers with ash and bone meal, and manure with bird droppings. Nitrogen fertilizers They apply not before winter, but in spring and summer. The recommended feeding area for a medium-sized bulb is 15 x 20 cm. Planting depth is traditionally calculated according to the rule of three bulbs (two more of the same should be placed above the top of the planted one). Accordingly, children and small bulbs are planted more often and not too deep.

Experts suggest planting hyacinths in a “sand jacket”: pour a 3–5 cm layer of clean river sand at the bottom of the groove or hole, lightly press the bulb into it, then fill it to the top with sand, then with soil. This method prevents rotting of the bottom of the bulb, protects against infections and improves drainage on heavy soils.

Watering the bulbs only required if the ground is dry. Hyacinths are heat-loving, so with the onset of persistent cold weather they are covered with dry foliage, pressed with spruce paws. Remove in the spring, as soon as the snow melts. Hyacinths sprout early, but they are not afraid of short-term frosts and light snowfalls.

Care: weeding, loosening the soil and fertilizing.

  • When sprouts appear, apply nitrogen fertilizers.
  • After the buds appear, use complex (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) fertilizer.
  • After flowering ends, apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.

Fertilizers are applied to the furrows between the rows to a depth of 10 cm, covered with soil, and watered in dry weather. If the weather is dry during the period of budding, flowering and two weeks after flowering, water the hyacinths.

How to properly dig and store bulbs

In nature, in the summer, hyacinths enter a period of rest. Their aboveground part dies, and the bulb, being in a dried-out warm earth, lays flower bud next year.

In conditions Central Russia soil temperature is not sufficient for normal development future inflorescence, so hyacinths need to be dug up annually. Optimal time– end of June, when the leaves and peduncle turn yellow and easily break off just below the soil level. For this important procedure, choose a sunny, warm day.

The dug up bulbs are cleared of soil. Then they are washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, the babies are separated (the small ones remain with the mother’s bulb) and laid out for initial drying in a shaded, ventilated room at a temperature of 20°C for a week. Then they are completely cleared of roots and leaf residues, sorted by size and placed in boxes (no more than two layers), in small plastic mesh or bags made from old nylon stockings.

The bulbs should be kept for at least 2 months in a well-ventilated, shaded area at a temperature of about 25–26°C (the air humidity should not be too low, otherwise the bulbs may dry out) and another month at a temperature of 17°C. It is especially important to observe these conditions for medium and large bulbs that should bloom in the spring.

Propagation of hyacinth

There are several types of hyacinth propagation:

  • Cutting the bottom;
  • Propagation by leaf cuttings;
  • Reproduction by scales.

Did you know? A large and dense bulb can produce color every year, but at the same time remain completely “childless”.

Cutting the bottom

In order to apply this method, it is necessary to select only dense, large and healthy bulbs, approximately 7 cm in diameter. When the leaves of the plant turn yellow, they are dug up. It is necessary to wash the bulbs from the soil, treat them with a 2% solution of potassium permanganate and dry them in a well-ventilated room with shade. It should be dried for several weeks (1-2).

Experienced gardener should show you how to cut the bottom of a hyacinth. For this procedure, you need to disinfect the instruments in an alcohol solution (70%). Use a sharp knife or a teaspoon with a sharp edge.

First you need to completely remove the bottom and the kidney, which is located in the center. You should end up with a funnel-shaped indentation. The cut of the bulb should be treated with activated charcoal or charcoal. After this, the bulb is placed in a box with a tight cut, which will separate the plant varieties. The box must be placed in a ventilated room where the temperature reaches 25°C.

When the bulb is ripe, the temperature should be increased to 35°C and the total humidity to 95%. It should take approximately three months after the bulbs reach a size of 10 mm. Now they can be planted in the ground (mid-October).

If the bulbs ripen later, then they need to be placed in a box with soil and sent to the refrigerator (6°C) until spring. When August comes, the hyacinth leaves begin to turn yellow, and the bulbs are dug up again, the children sit at a depth of 12 cm, and are covered with peat. Such grown hyacinth flowers, when properly planted and cared for, bloom in the third year.

Important! The planting must be covered with peat.

Propagation by leaf cuttings

This method is applied to a flower that already has buds. Two leaves are cut, the cut is made at the base. The leaves are treated in a heteroauxin solution (0.5 tablets per 1 liter of water). Then they need to be planted at an angle in a box with sand. Depth - 3 cm.

The box should be in a cool (cool) place in a plastic bag. Light - diffused. Humidity - 90%. In just a month and a half, you will be able to see the fruits of your labor in the form of the appearance of the rudiments of bulbs, roots and leaves. Young shoots are ready for planting in the ground.

Did you know? In order to get more children, the sheets are divided into several equal parts. One cutting produces approximately 11 babies.

Reproduction by scales

If you want to use this method, then you need to divide the onion into 6 parts. Moreover, it should reach 6 cm in diameter. You should break off the scales from the bottom and place them in a plastic bag, after going through a good layer of coal.

Perlite or river sand is poured into the bag. The bulbs are formed over 3 months. The bags should be kept tied at 25°C, then lowered to 17°C. It is during this period that the bulbs begin to form. When using this method of reproduction, if desired, you can get 50 children at once.

If an adult bulb has already begun to divide and form three or four children, then you can transplant the hyacinth by separating the children from the mother bulb. This should be done in the summer, and it is better to plant it at the end of summer. In a few years, these bulbs will grow and will delight the eye with their flowering.

Hyacinth - diseases and pests

At Not proper care behind the hyacinth there may be some problems. So, with excessive watering, insufficient lighting or drafts, its leaves turn yellow. If water gets on the buds when watering, they may not open. Lack of lighting during the flowering period can lead to elongated and lethargic leaves. If you do not provide the plant with a sufficient period of rest, its growth may slow down.

There may be several reasons for the lack of flowers. This happens due to the planting of insufficiently large bulbs for forcing; keeping them too high temperature; hastily transferring the bulbs to the bright sun. If during the dormant period the flowers are kept at too high a temperature, which exceeds 4-5°C, the flowers will be deformed.

Of the diseases, hyacinths are most often affected by yellow bacterial rot, which turns the bulbs into mucus, which has a sharp bad smell. In this case, diseased plants and bulbs must be destroyed, and the hole where they were located must be etched with a 5% solution of formaldehyde or bleach. After this, plants can be planted in this place only after a few years.

Hyacinth is a bulbous plant that can be successfully grown both in the garden and at home. Therefore, many amateur gardeners want to grow this flower on their windowsill so that they can admire it even in winter, during the cold season. Such a desire is quite feasible. However for successful cultivation The hyacinth needs to create appropriate conditions that are as reminiscent of garden conditions as possible, and provide it with proper care.

Preparing to grow hyacinth at home

To date, breeders have developed several dozen varieties of hyacinth. And most of them are suitable for growing at home. But in order to grow strong and beautiful flower you need to prepare properly:

  1. Bulb selection. First you need to select suitable material for planting. It is recommended to use bulbs with a diameter of at least 5 cm. Because it is easier to grow a full-fledged plant from a large bulb. A small bulb may throw out leaves, but not produce flowers. In addition, you need to make sure that it is dense, without rot or damage. And immediately before planting, it is advisable to treat it with a disinfectant solution.
  2. Choosing a pot. Then you need to select the appropriate pot. It should be wide and shallow. The pot must have drainage holes.
  3. Soil preparation. You can buy soil or prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to mix turf, compost, leaf soil, humus in equal proportions and add a small amount of sand and.

When growing hyacinth at home, there is one caveat - this flower cannot bloom for several years in a row. Flowering is stimulated by artificial forcing, which weakens the bulbs. Therefore, after 1–2 years they need to be planted in the garden so that they go through a recovery period.

Planting and caring for hyacinths indoors

After preparation necessary materials, you can start planting the bulbs. Correct fit and care for hyacinths room conditions include the following steps:

  • A drainage layer is laid on the bottom of the pot; expanded clay is well suited for these purposes.
  • Cover with a small layer of soil.
  • Then a thin layer of fine sand is placed.
  • Bulbs are placed on top of the sand. You can plant one bulb in a pot, or several, so that during flowering a whole bouquet is formed. In the latter case, the bulbs are laid out so that they do not come into contact with each other or with the pot (the optimal distance is 2–3 cm).
  • The bulbs are carefully pressed into the ground and covered with the remaining soil. The top of the soil can be sprinkled with a thin layer of sand to protect planting material from decay.

The bulbs are not completely immersed in the soil; their tops must remain in the air.

Now the plants are given a period of rest so that the bulbs take root well. The pot is placed for 1.5–2.5 months in a dark and cool place, such as a basement. The air temperature in this room should be from +5 to +10 degrees. If there is no basement or cellar, flowers can be placed in the refrigerator. However, be sure to ensure that the temperature in it is at least 5 degrees Celsius. During this period, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil to prevent it from drying out.

A dormant period is necessary for the successful cultivation of hyacinths indoors. If the plant is brought out into the light earlier, it may still be weak, develop poorly and, as a result, not bloom. It is also not recommended to keep it in the dark. The plant will throw out its leaves, all its strength will go into them, and as a result the formation of buds will be delayed.

After the bulbs have rooted, an artificial spring is arranged for the hyacinths; for this, the flowers are moved into the house. Here hyacinths should be kept in a bright room, with a recommended air temperature of +10–15 degrees.

As soon as the plant begins to bloom, it is transferred to desired room, and place it away from radiators. In order for hyacinth to delight its owners with lush, luxurious flowers for a long time, the air temperature should not be higher than +20 degrees. In addition, it is necessary to exclude the existence of drafts and provide the plant with good lighting.

How to care for hyacinth at home?

To grow lush, beautiful flowers, you need to take care of them. How to care for hyacinth at home so that it blooms as quickly as possible and pleases its owners with beautiful flowers for a long time?

Caring for hyacinth is relatively simple and includes three mandatory components:

  • watering;
  • good lighting;
  • fertilizer.

Watering. The basis for caring for hyacinth indoors is proper care. The soil must be moist, so you must carefully ensure that it does not dry out and water the plant in a timely manner. This requirement is important during growth, flowering and wintering. However, stagnation of water is also destructive for this plant and can provoke fungal infection. Therefore, you need to make sure that excess water goes into the pan, and be sure to drain it from there.

During watering, you only need to moisten the soil and make sure that water does not get on the buds, bulbs or in the axils of the leaves. To do this, it is recommended to pour water into the edge of the pot or tray.

Good lighting. From time to time it is necessary to turn the flower to the lighting from different sides. This promotes uniform plant growth. In the evening and on cloudy days, you can additionally highlight the plant using fluorescent lamps. If there is insufficient lighting, the plant may wither, shed leaves and young buds.

Forcing hyacinths at home

A nice feature of hyacinth is the ability to combine its flowering with a certain period or holiday. For this purpose, hyacinths are forced out at home. It comes in three types:

  • early - the bulbs are planted in October, and the hyacinth blooms by the New Year;
  • medium - planting is carried out in November, and flowering occurs at the end of January - beginning of February;
  • late - the bulbs are planted in December - January and the flowers are admired in March - April.

The period from planting to flowering averages 2.5–3 months.

For successful forcing of hyacinths at home, the bulbs must go through several stages of preparation with a gradual decrease in air temperature. After digging, they should be stored for 2 weeks in a warm and humid place with an air temperature of +28–30 degrees. Then for 2 weeks they are placed in a cool room with a temperature of +22–25 degrees. Further, for 2 weeks even colder conditions are created - +15–17 degrees. And after this, the bulbs are ready to be planted in a pot.

What to do after hyacinth blooms?

Like all flowering plants, hyacinth fades over time. What to do with hyacinth after flowering at home? To save its life, it is necessary to cut off the flower stalks and not stop watering and fertilizing the plant until the leaves completely wither. At this time, the mother bulb is restored and can form daughter bulbs.

Then you need to remove the hyacinth from the ground, clean off the withered leaves and put the bulb to dry for 2-3 days. If after digging up the bulb the children are already well developed, you can separate them. If they are difficult to disconnect, it is better not to touch them until next year. Since it is advisable not to use faded bulbs for re-forcing, they are transplanted to garden plot. Planting is carried out in the fall, and next year they will already delight the owners with flowers in the flowerbed.

To obtain bulbs that can be used for indoor growing, the plant is not allowed to bloom normally. The buds are cut off so that the bulb can recover. In the fall, it is taken out of the ground, dried and the forcing procedure is carried out again.

Propagation of hyacinths at home

Hyacinth reproduces by children (daughter bulbs), which are carefully detached from the adult bulb. Natural division occurs slowly; in one year, the mother bulb can form a maximum of 4 children. Therefore, in floriculture, an artificial method of propagating hyacinths at home is used. To quickly get a large number of children, they practice special techniques - cutting and notching the bottom.

Before artificial propagation begins, the bulbs are treated with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and dried at an air temperature of +20–23 degrees for 2–3 days.

Cutting the bottom. This technique is carried out after a period of rest. Using a teaspoon, carefully cut out the bottom of the bulbs, then store them in boxes with the cut side up at an air temperature of at least +21 degrees. After 2–3 months, small babies in the amount of 20–40 pieces begin to form on the sections.

After the babies appear, the bulb is planted in a cool greenhouse. Young bulbs begin to grow and throw out their first leaves. After the growing season, they are taken out of the ground, separated and planted for growing. After 3-4 years, the ripened bulbs throw out their first flower stalks.

Notching the bottom. This method is similar to the previous one, with the difference that the bottom is not cut out, but 2–4 cuts 0.5–0.6 cm deep are made in it. Processing and storage conditions are the same as in the first method. The number of children with this method decreases (8–15 pieces), but they will be larger and stronger. The growing period in this case is reduced to 2–3 years.

The process of growing hyacinths at home is not at all difficult, but very fruitful. To successfully complete it you need to have a great desire and a little patience. And, of course, follow all the rules and recommendations that relate to planting and caring for hyacinths indoors.

How to grow hyacinths at home - video

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Hyacinth - home care

It is also worth noting that high acidity of the soil is detrimental to hyacinth. It is preferable to choose mixtures with a low, almost neutral level. After planting in the ground, the bulbs need to be given time to take root, which usually takes a couple of months. They are placed in a cool, dark place and the soil is constantly moistened. From time to time the plant is ventilated. After two-centimeter sprouts appear, you can transfer the hyacinth to light, the temperature should not exceed 15 degrees. When buds appear, the plant can be moved to a room at room temperature.​

​Constantly moisten the soil and rotate the pot from time to time. This will help form beautiful lush buds.​

Propagation of hyacinths at home

Plant the hyacinth bulbs so that their tops rise 2-3 cm above the soil surface.

​If you want to study​

  • ​Take a medium-sized pot, based on two tubers 5 cm each.​
  • Hyacinth in pots looks very beautiful and neat, so it is often given as a gift instead of bouquets. But how to care for home hyacinth so that it delights with its continuous flowering?​
  • ​Water​

Planting hyacinth at home

​Pour neutral soil into the bottom of the pot (a mixture of turf, leaf soil, compost and peat 1:2:1:1), and sand on top.​


  1. ​The indoor hyacinth flower should be placed in the brightest window and artificial lighting should be provided in the evenings (the light should hit the plant for 12-15 hours). It is important to feed the plant on time: at the beginning of growth - with a mixture of nitrate and phosphate, when flower buds have formed - with a mixture of superphosphate and potassium, and towards the end of flowering - with the same mixture, only in equal proportions. After fertilizing, it is necessary to loosen the soil, but carefully so as not to damage the roots of the flower. Required condition The best way to grow hyacinth at home is to replant it every year. Regular watering is necessary for hyacinth. Pour water only along the edge of the bowl. It is better to avoid using watering cans with small holes, since splashing water that gets on the leaf axils can lead to the death of the hyacinth. Rain, melt water, heated to room temperature Perfect for watering. Hyacinth at home can bloom and smell fragrant for up to 2 weeks. If you can place pots of flowers in a cool place overnight, then their flowering can be extended for another week.​ ​Important!​ ​Hyacinths: growing and care at home​​Hyacinth - very suitable plant for forcing, that is, growing flowers by a certain date (season). Like others houseplants, grow hyacinths in pots. How to care for them during the forcing process?​

Hyacinth. Growing at home

​As is the case with others​ ​hyacinth bulbs​​important for preventing​ ​, you will need to create conditions for it that are close to natural. This means cool content​When planting bulbs, just sprinkle them with earth, pressing them around, and leave the tops on the surface. The bulbs should not touch each other. Most often, hyacinth does not get sick, but if signs of flower rot appear, it is better to get rid of the infected flower and soil. During budding, the moisture content of the substrate should be monitored especially carefully. Careful watering will allow you to achieve stunning flowering. But remember that if drops of water get on the bud, there is a chance that it will not open.​

Hyacinth: planting and care

​After the end of the flowering period, you can cut off the peduncle, but under no circumstances should you cut off the leaves.​ The hyacinth bulbs should sit quite closely, but should not touch each other or the walls of the pot.

To force hyacinths at home, you need to take large, healthy, strong bulbs. They should not be diseased, lethargic or have damaged scales. The bottom of the bulb should be wide, without damage.​ ​Forcing (the period from planting to flowering) of hyacinths takes about two and a half months. And if you decide to grow these flowers, for example, by March 8, then you need to plant the bulbs in mid-January. If you want to have blooming hyacinths by New Year's holidays, then forcing should begin in the fall. ​spring bulbous​​can be left in the ground for the summer, but you should dig them up every few years for dividing and replanting.​ ​hyacinth diseases​home hyacinth​ After planting, place the pot in Hyacinth reproduces by bulbs, and this process consists of the following actions: ​Feeding​​The bulb needs to be watered and fed for another month, and then you can reduce watering and gradually reduce it to nothing. Wait until the leaves completely wither and dry out. Only now can you delete them.​

Propagation of hyacinth

​Press the soil well along the edges of the bulbs, water them and pour a layer of sand 0.5-1 cm thick on top. It will prevent the plants from rotting during forcing.​ ​Hyacinths in a pot​​For planting, you need to purchase strong and large bulbs, the diameter of which will be at least 5 centimeters, and pots or boxes about 10 centimeters high, with drainage holes at the bottom. Fill the containers with regular flower soil mixture or soil intended for bulbous plants. A drainage layer is poured onto the bottom of the pot, a small layer of sand is placed on top, and then soil is poured in.​ ​, do not forget that at the beginning of summer there will be greenery ​Hyacinth​​.​

Storing hyacinth bulbs

​in the ground in winter with moderate moisture (on a loggia?), warmth and peace in summer and a natural transition between seasons. In a dark place at a temperature of 5°C or wrapped in dark plastic wrap and placed in a shed for 6-10 weeks. Remove the bulbs from the pot; Hyacinth should be fed at the beginning of growth, when the plant is exposed to light with a mixture of phosphate and saltpeter. And when the flower buds have already formed - with a mixture of potassium and super phosphate. After fertilizing, carefully loosen the soil so as not to injure the roots of the flower. The hyacinth bulb must be removed from the pot, dried and planted in open ground(if it’s spring and you have a garden plot), or store it in the refrigerator until autumn and then you can plant it in a pot. Place the pot with hyacinths in a plastic bag, but be sure to make several holes in it for ventilation. Diameter the bulb intended for forcing must be at least 5 cm. You can take a bulb of smaller diameter, but then the size of the flower and its flowering time may differ slightly from the standards. Choose bulbs of blue color, they will bloom earlier than the yellow and orange ones.​

Hyacinth in landscape design

The bulbs are buried in the soil so that their tops rise above the ground by about 3 centimeters. If several bulbs are planted in a box, they are placed at a distance of 2.5 centimeters from each other. The soil around the bulbs is compacted, watered, and then a layer of clean sand no more than 1 centimeter high is poured. Hyacinths are a traditional favorite of formal gardens, where the plant is planted in raised, symmetrical beds in an intricate pattern. Less pompous, but more elegant, to my taste, they look​ ​Hyacinth propagation​ ​growing hyacinth in the garden​When the height of the shoots reaches 2.5-5 cm, move the pot to a room with a temperature of 10-12°C, first place it in the shade, and then move it closer to the window.​ ​clean the soil well (do not wash);​​Creating comfortable conditions​ ​Note!​​Important!​ ​Hyacinths: planting, home care, photo of the plant​​Pots with bulbs are covered with transparent containers or plastic bags with holes for air and put them in a dark, cool (5-7°C) place for 8 weeks.​

​will disappear, leaving ugly bare places in the flower garden. Therefore, you should think about a joint ​hyacinths​​small bulbs (babies), of which an average of 3-4 are formed per year on an adult plant bulb. ​read below.​​Then the pot with the bulbs needs to be moved to a well-lit, draft-free place, away from radiators, with a temperature of 15-20°C. Keep the soil constantly moist and rotate the pot so that the plants grow evenly.​ ​put them in one row in wooden boxes and place them in the warmest place (not in the sun);​​Optimal temperature regime for hyacinth - 20-22 degrees. Drafts and direct bright sunlight can significantly damage the plant and shorten the flowering period. Unfortunately, hyacinths intended for forcing are not suitable for the same purpose the next season. Therefore, you will have to wait until the bulb gains strength again, and only after a year or two can it be used for forcing again. But this does not mean that hyacinth will not bloom at this time. Bloom on personal plot a weakened bulb will still be the same, but its flower will not be as beautiful and lush.​ ​If your hyacinths are germinating in a damp room, there is no need to wrap the pot in plastic, because they may become moldy and rot. Polyethylene is only necessary if the air in the room is too dry.​ ​Important!​​When the shoots extend to about 3-5 centimeters, the pots are moved to a warmer (about 12°C) shaded place for several days. After this, the transparent cover is removed and the flowers are moved to the window. With the appearance of the first buds, hyacinths are moved to permanent place.​

​planting hyacinths​​in natural gardens, scattered in picturesque mono- or multi-colored groups next to trees and shrubs or along the garden path.​ ​Baby​


​Plant hyacinth bulbs​


​Hyacinth unpretentious flower, and growing it at home will not cause you any trouble if you follow the recommendations for its care.​

​after such storage, hyacinth bulbs lay good flower stalks and produce more children;​

​Hyacinth is a light-loving plant, so try to provide it with 12-15 hours of sun per day, and it doesn’t matter whether it is natural light or using a fluorescent lamp.​

​As you can see, it is not at all difficult to grow hyacinth at home, and its aroma and beautiful flowers will delight you and your loved ones in the cold winter.​

​For 6-10 weeks after planting for forcing, plants should be kept in a cool, dark place at a temperature of 5-7°C. It is best if the flower pot is in the cellar, but a regular refrigerator will also work well.​

To ensure that the planted flower pleases you, buy bulbs only in specialized stores.

Care during flowering

​Hyacinth growing in a pot - home flower. How to care for it, what conditions to create so that the plant feels comfortable?

​(for example, with annuals, if​


Carefully separate from the mother bulb during the summer dormancy period (if it is easily separated) and plant in the ground earlier than adult bulbs, at the end of summer. Such bulbs grow and bloom in 2-3 years.​

Care after flowering

​should be used simultaneously with daffodils, in August - September, to a depth of 15-20 cm. The distance between plants is 15 cm. For better flowering and larger inflorescences, you can add a little fertilizer to each hole. Read about how and when to plant bulbs.​

​Midnight Mystique​


​before boarding you can carry out preventative treatment with the drug Zaslon.​

Diseases dangerous for hyacinth

Forcing hyacinths for the New Year

​Fragrant bright flowers collected in thick brushes of various colors: from white, light yellow, blue, pink to lilac, crimson, dark red and violet. These beautiful flowers are called hyacinths. Our article will tell you how to care for them so that they inspire admiration and please the eye for a long time.​

​During this entire period, check whether the soil has dried out too much and how well the first shoots appear.​

Which hyacinth bulbs are suitable for forcing?

​Before planting hyacinths for forcing, you should select suitable containers for them. These can be boxes, pots or bowls; they must have drainage holes.​

​Blooming hyacinths need good lighting, but are afraid of direct sun. Therefore, they need bright but diffused light. The most optimal temperature for these plants - no less than 15 and no more than 20 degrees. So, the light and temperature have been selected, the home hyacinth has taken its permanent place, how to care for it further?

​hyacinth bulbs​

​great for​ Seed propagation of hyacinth​Hyacinths​

How can you grow hyacinths at home?

For good flowering, the following conditions must be observed:

If the leaves of the hyacinth are covered with black dots or even stripes, and there is mucus around the bulb, then most likely the plant is affected by rot. You will have to destroy the flower, and either spray the soil with a formaldehyde solution or throw it away. The pot should be thoroughly disinfected. Fortunately for hyacinth lovers, pests do not favor this plant.​

The origin of hyacinth is associated with the legend of Ancient Rome. They say that the flower is named after one young man, gifted with both external characteristics and many talents. He was so flawless that he earned the attention and love of two deities: Zephyr and Apollo. Having become jealous, Zephyr killed the young man, and on the ground, on which drops of his blood fell, flowers of extraordinary beauty began to grow. Long time hyacinths served as an integral component of rituals; this is recorded in the first written sources. From the Mediterranean, the flower successfully migrated to Europe back in the 8th century.​

How to grow hyacinths so that they grow well at home?

​When shoots 2.5-5 cm high appear, the flowers can be transferred to a cool, shaded room with a temperature of 10-12°C.​

How to plant hyacinth for forcing

  1. ​Hyacinths: growing and care at home​
  2. ​Like all bulbous plants, hyacinths do not like waterlogged soil. If there is excess moisture, the bulbs may begin to rot. Therefore, you need to water hyacinths as the soil dries, only after its top layer has completely dried (before the roots begin). For better flowering, flower pots should be turned to the light source in different directions every 2-3 days.​
  3. ​will be dug up for the summer) or​ ​growing​​is practiced in selection, but is not effective in amateur gardening: the offspring will differ from the parent and will bloom only after 5-6 years.​
  4. ​prefer an open, sunny or partial shade place with protection from the wind and light structural soils consisting of a mixture of sand and humus with good water permeability. After​
  5. ​black hyacinth​ ​The bulbs, after the hyacinths have faded, should not be removed from the pot until July;​​Using hyacinth in folk medicine impossible because it is poisonous. Although there is evidence that in limited doses it can kill infections, and also has wound healing and analgesic properties. But this information has not been confirmed by medicine, so it’s still not worth the risk...​
  1. ​Hyacinth can be translated from Greek as “flower of rain.” This is due to the fact that in its homeland hyacinth blooms during the warm rainy season. The birthplace of the flower is Asia Minor and Central Asia. Wild hyacinths grow in the Eastern Mediterranean and Central Asia today.​
  2. ​Important!​
  3. To grow hyacinth at home, you don’t need special soil; any nutritious soil mixture will do, but this flower will definitely need sand and drainage. Once every one and a half to two weeks, flowering hyacinths are fed complex fertilizers(liquid solution) or fertilizers for flowering plants. After fertilizing, the soil is slightly loosened. To extend the flowering period, pots with hyacinths are taken out to a cool place at night. With proper care, hyacinths will bloom for 2-3 weeks.​ ​plant hyacinths​
  4. ​in pots and containers that can be temporarily​

What conditions must be created for hyacinths to bloom for a long time at home?

  1. ​In regions with cold, damp summers it is recommended
  2. ​hyacinth blooming​
  3. ​, first presented at the Chelsea Garden Show 2005 by​
  4. ​When you remove faded hyacinth flowers from the peduncle, do not remove the leaves and peduncle (then their nutrients will eventually pass back into the bulb, and it will become more powerful).​

What to do with hyacinths when they finish blooming?

  1. But hyacinth is used in cosmetology. The petals are poured with vodka and infused. Then dilute the resulting tincture with water. Use as a wrinkle-smoothing lotion.​
  2. ​Transplant​
  3. ​You should not immediately place the flowers in a sunny place; only after a few days they can be placed on the window.​
​Geocines: how to care for them at home​ A faded hyacinth is still a living hyacinth. How to care for this plant after flowering? When the flowers wither, the bulb continues to be watered and fed for another month. After this, feeding is stopped completely, and watering is gradually reduced, reducing it to nothing. When the leaves on the plant are dry, they are removed, and the bulb is removed from the soil, cleaned of soil, dried and put in the refrigerator until the next season. These bulbs are used for re-forcing only after 1-2 years.​

​next to beautiful perennials, lush greenery which in the summer will mask the resulting voids.​


Hyacinth. Planting and care at home | "Country of Soviets"


A little about hyacinth

​dig up hyacinth bulbs

​Cut the flower stalk as high as possible and allow the leaves to yellow and die naturally so that the nutrients can be released back into the plant bulb. I mulch the soil directly on top of the wilted spring bulb leaves with fresh compost. This performs three tasks at once: protection and feeding

How to care for hyacinth

​Thompson & Morgan​

Before planting, baby hyacinths must be on the mother bulb, or they will quickly dry out and die.

The aroma of dried hyacinth is not tolerated by moths and dust mites. Since ancient times, hyacinth petals have been sewn into a fabric bag and placed in the closet with linen.​

Hyacinth is ornamental plant, as if it came down to us from a vintage picture. After all, it attracts not only its amazing beauty, but also an extraordinary aroma! About what is planting and caring for fabulous hyacinths planted in open ground, as well as what varieties and methods of propagation exist, and, finally, how these flowers are used in landscape design and which plants are best combined with, you will find out in the article!

Description: varieties and varieties of hyacinths

The amazing hyacinth flower with the most delicate colors and captivating aroma is one of the first to begin to bloom in spring garden, driving gardeners crazy with its colorful and fragrant inflorescences. Rich color palette ranging from snow-white and yellowish to burgundy and resin-colored, complemented by the amazing shape of the inflorescences, it amazes the imagination. No wonder they call it hyacinth universal plant: This rain flower is great for planting in the ground and early forcing in greenhouses. You will learn further about how to plant and care for the plant, what propagation methods exist and how picturesque hyacinths are used in landscape design!

Hyacinths have many colors and shades

The homeland of hyacinths is Asia Minor and Greece. Here you can find wild flowering plants at every step. The flowers owe their popularity largely to Holland, where famous breeders were actively involved in their cultivation. This is where many come from hybrid varieties who came to our country. By the way, about varieties. Information from sources varies, but, as breeders assure, there are at least three types of hyacinths in nature:

  • Transcaspian (Hyacinthus transcaspicus);
  • Litvinova (Hyacinthus litwinowii);
  • eastern (Hyacinthus orientalis), which became the ancestor decorative varieties this plant.

Oriental hyacinth

Blooming only once per season, hyacinths are usually distinguished according to the timing of flowering: a garden crop can be early, mid and late flowering.

In the middle zone of our vast country, delicate hyacinths bloom early, making worthy company with the first tulips. Weather conditions inherent in a particular region can shift the flowering time by 2-3 weeks, so these plants are considered very sensitive to climate and air temperature. The duration of the flowering process is from 7 to 15 days, again taking into account whether the weather is favorable or not.

Planting a plant

Plant hyacinths in the ground in the fall

Important! When choosing the moment for planting, first make sure that the plant's bulbs can take root before frost. This will increase your chances of wintering, and next spring your garden will be filled with colorful and fragrant hyacinths. If you plant flowers too early, you may not see shoots: the bulbs will simply die. But too late planting threatens that the bulbs will not have time to form their root system, and the soil will already freeze.

When choosing a place for planting, remember that the homeland of capricious hyacinth is warm countries, therefore they should be planted on sunny and windless hills, having prepared the soil in advance. The flower makes special demands on it: the soil must be permeable with a considerable content of humus. However, it is better not to resort to using fresh and slightly decomposed humus. If the soil is dense and clayey, then it is mixed with peat and sand. On soil with high acidity, a gardener will not be able to grow a luxurious flower bed, so such soil will have to be diluted with limestone or chalk.

Soil liming

Attention! The soil for planting is dug up to a depth of 40 cm, mixed with mineral and organic fertilizers, if necessary, add lime. Then the soil is leveled and covered with film in anticipation of planting. This will prevent weeds from appearing.

Before planting, the material is carefully examined. It is better to get rid of soft and diseased bulbs immediately. For planting, use medium-sized bulbs, since the plants grown from them will be easier to withstand bad weather, but larger bulbs are more suitable for forcing.

Hyacinth bulbs

Hyacinth bulbs are planted to a depth of 15-17 cm at a distance of 15 cm from each other. If the baby is small, then the depth and distance will have to be slightly reduced. Having completed the planting work, the soil is sprinkled with a mulch layer (sawdust, peat, fallen leaves), and after the temperature drops to 0ºC and stable cold weather appears, it is covered with a film or other covering material, which is removed in early spring, when the soil has thawed a little.

Hyacinth care

Delicate and quivering hyacinths used in landscape design are very demanding to care for, therefore Special attention Care should be taken to keep the soil around the seedlings clean. Periodically it loosens. This will help create the plant favorable conditions growth. If your hyacinths are not happy abundant flowering, then the soil is probably not moistened enough.

Be sure to loosen the soil around hyacinths

Hyacinths love water very much, they especially need moisture during the dry season. In your growing season the plant requires feeding, and culling is considered a mandatory preventive measure, which is carried out 2-3 times per season. The peduncle is not torn off by hand, but carefully cut off with a knife; if you do not plan to cut the hyacinths at all, then the wilted flowers are torn off and the peduncle is left.

Fertilizer and feeding of hyacinths

The key condition for growing flowering plants is regular feeding. First time mineral supplement occurs in early spring, when sprouts are just beginning to appear. Superphosphate, ammonium nitrate or potassium chloride can be used as fertilizers. With the formation of the first buds, the plant is fed a second time using the same fertilizers. The crop is fed the third time after flowering, when the hyacinth must store nutrients for the formation of renewal buds and the formation of axillary buds. Potash is used for feeding, phosphate fertilizers, as well as potassium chloride and superphosphate, previously dissolved in water.

Advice! After making necessary fertilizers, the soil is thoroughly loosened!

To make the plant feel comfortable, it is better to mulch the soil.

Plant propagation

Typically, breeders use the seed method to breed varieties. Crops grown in this way will delight you with their colorful inflorescences only after 5-7 years. The seeds are sown closer to October in a container with soil mixed with humus and fine sand, and grown in closed greenhouses for 2 years.

The process of natural reproduction of flowers proceeds extremely slowly. An adult bulb can form only one to three children. If the baby is easy to separate from the mother bulb, then it is grown separately, otherwise it is not broken off, but planted in the ground together with the mother bulb.

Sprouting hyacinth bulb

The bulbs selected for propagation are pre-treated with a solution of potassium permanganate (1%) and dried over the next two days.

Diseases and pests

Grown hyacinths extremely rarely suffer from pests and are almost not susceptible to disease. However, if signs of pest damage were noticed (cessation of growth, bending of peduncles, wilting or yellowing), then the reasons may be the following:

  • contaminated material was used for planting;
  • unsuitable soil (waterlogged or acidic);
  • excess mineral supplements;
  • improper culling of bulbs for planting;
  • incorrectly carried out prevention;
  • violation of disembarkation rules.

Hyacinth disease bacterial rot

Of the diseases that hyacinth may encounter, the most common is bacterial yellow rot, which turns the bulbs into a slimy formation with a pungent odor. As a result of infection, the crop stops growing, and spots and stripes may form on the leaves. The diseased plant must be removed from the flower bed, and the vacated hole is carefully etched with bleach.

Hyacinths: combination with other plants

In landscape design, fabulous hyacinths go well with many spring bulbous plants that bloom around the same period as hyacinths. The most organic and picturesque tandem is formed by:

  • bright blue hyacinths and sunny daffodils;
  • blue hyacinths and snow-white tulips;
  • orange hyacinths and scarlet tulips.

Hyacinths look great with other spring flowers.

Hyacinths in landscape design

Hyacinth is a universal flower, because it is successfully grown in flower beds in open ground, in flowerpots and pots on windowsills. These flowering plants of one color scheme in the company of plump and short perennial crops. A garden path framed by well-groomed hyacinths, as well as trees and shrubs decorated with them, will look wonderful. Gardeners claim that it is better to plant hyacinths together with other plants so that after they bloom, the soil does not become empty.

Growing hyacinth at home: video

Hyacinths in the garden: photo

Hyacinth is a perennial bulbous plant popularly known as rain flower.

Place and soil for growing hyacinths

Choose a site for growing hyacinths that is well-lit and windless. You can plant it near shrubs or trees, but keep in mind that in the spring hyacinths will have enough sunlight, but if the proximity is too close nutrients- a question, since trees and bushes will pull them towards themselves. The area for hyacinths may have a slight slope so that the water does not stagnate on it, otherwise this may contribute to the occurrence of fungal diseases and rotting of the bulbs. The depth of groundwater should not be less than 50-60 cm to the soil surface. Otherwise, or expanded clay drainage.

The soil for hyacinths needs light, permeable soil, with a good supply of nutrients. Fresh or slightly rotted manure is not suitable for fertilizing. For acidic soil required up to pH 6.5. Into tight clay soil add river sand and peat.

2 months before planting hyacinths in open ground (for the middle zone this is the end of September - beginning of November), prepare the soil; this is required in order to prevent the roots from breaking off during possible subsidence of the soil. Under digging (40 cm), add humus per 1 square meter. m 10-15 kg, peat, sand, 60-80 g superphosphate, 30 g potassium sulfate (replacing 200 g wood ash), 15 g magnesium sulfate (replacing 250 g dolomite flour). If the soil is sandy, then increase the amount of potassium-magnesium fertilizers by 1.5 times. Apply nitrogen fertilizers in the spring. If humus or peat was not added when digging, then add it directly into the hole when planting.

More early boarding hyacinths will provoke growth, due to which they will not survive the winter. With more late boarding hyacinths in open ground, the area must first be covered with leaves and protected from rain, and after planting the shelter must be returned. For planting, select medium-sized bulbs; flower stalks will be more resistant to weather changes.

Large hyacinth bulbs (diameter about 5 cm) are planted to a depth of 15-18 cm from the bottom to the soil surface, at a distance of 15-20 cm in a row. Smaller bulbs are planted smaller and denser. Make holes or grooves, cover the bottom with a layer of about 5 cm of river sand. Press the bulbs into it, cover it with sand, then cover it with soil until the end. This planting is ideal for hyacinth, since in this case the sand acts as drainage, which will prevent the bulbs from rotting due to waterlogging and protect against infection. Plant in moist soil or water the plantings if the soil is dry.

If you plan to grow hyacinths in open ground in large quantities, then we recommend landing on raised beds(15-20 cm) for easy care of hyacinths (easy to install shelter, quick warming of the soil in spring, protection from waterlogging and support for soil aeration). Make rows at a distance of 20-25 cm, plant the bulbs at a distance of at least three times the diameter of the bulb.

You can cover hyacinths in the garden before frost with dry peat, sawdust, spruce branches, and humus. In early spring, remove the cover, as flower sprouts appear very early.

For hyacinths, fertilizing is one of the main components when growing. In the spring, when most of the hyacinth sprouts appear in the open ground, apply mineral fertilizers (20 g per 1 sq. m. ammonium nitrate, 15 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium chloride). When the buds begin to appear, add 1 sq. m 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 40 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium chloride. Apply the third fertilizing at the end of flowering (40 g of superphosphate and potassium chloride per 1 sq. m, without ammonium nitrate). After each fertilizing, loosen the soil.

When fertilizers are applied in dry form, they are embedded in the soil, and when in liquid form, the hyacinths are first watered and the dose of fertilizers is reduced.

Hyacinth care

Hyacinths prefer clean, weed-free soil around them. Regularly loosen the soil, starting from the appearance of sprouts, to maintain the air regime of the plant.

Hyacinths need to be watered abundantly to a depth of 15-20 cm, but not often. Monitor soil moisture, especially during budding.

You can grow hyacinths in pots in a trench, extending the flowering period.

The aroma of hyacinths can be heard already in mid-April, it is at this time that the flowers begin to bloom their inflorescences. If hyacinths are planted in a sunny area, they will bloom very quickly in a warm spring. If you plant hyacinths in a slightly shaded place, the flowering will last a little longer. You can grow hyacinths in pots and regulate the flowering period yourself.

Usually containers are used for planting flowers: pots, tubs, bowls, boxes, etc. All these containers with flowering plants can be displayed on the windowsill, and in the spring, flower beds can be installed in the foreground of the garden, decorating “artificially” your country landscape. will perfectly decorate any container, even a basket.

The period for planting hyacinths in pots in a trench is the same as for planting in open ground, i.e. approximately the month of October. Dig a trench on open area so that in winter the sun's rays fall on it as much as possible. Length and

the width of the trench depends on the size and number of containers, but the depth should be such that there is another 15 cm from the top edge of the containers to the surface of the ground. After planting hyacinth bulbs in a pot, wrap it with something to protect the pot from dirt and hypothermia (even newspapers).
Place the hyacinth pots in the trench, lay down a layer of fallen leaves, cover with soil and lay down a layer of leaves again. This way you will protect the bulbs from the cold.