The most beautiful weaving and climbing plants for the garden. Bindweed: decorative flower in the garden and on the balcony

Climbing plants for the garden have been loved by the owners of estates and count estates at all times. Rich owners with extensive financial resources and a refined aesthetic taste organized greenhouses and blooming summer palaces on their properties. But, despite the fact that the times of the supremacy of the aristocracy have passed, the love of beauty and climbing flowers, of course, has not gone away among modern owners of gardens and vegetable gardens. We still buy annual and perennial flowering plants for the garden and try to build something unique, our own, the best and most beautiful from them on our plots.

Types of climbing plants, photos and names

It is almost impossible to imagine a modern garden no frizz plants.

Morning glory delights the eye with its flowers in the first half of the day, then the bud closes and falls asleep until the next morning. Flower growers warn that despite the ease of care and beauty of the plant, morning glory is poisonous. But we are not going to chew it, the only note is that you need to treat it with caution if you are going to take small children who like to put everything they see into their mouths. You will have to carefully keep an eye on the children near the morning glory.

Dolichos. This is the “muse” of Indian chefs; gardeners call it climbing lilac. It's exciting hyacinth beans, the flowering clusters of which hang down like a cluster of moths, and after flowering, glossy bean pods appear in their place, which also decorate the arbors in a unique way.

Dolichos is characterized by rapid growth and some of its varieties can reach sizes of up to 4 m. Designers love to use it to decorate gazebos or pergolas. Dolichos is easy to care for, but is extremely thermophilic and loves the sunniest sides; it should be planted only after all frosts have passed.

Decorative beans . A shade-loving, modest lady whose calling is to serve as a background and shade more bright plants on pergolas, arches and gazebos. Its long shoots serve as a canopy, giving coolness to a tired summer resident who has worked all day under the scorching sun. Its flowers resemble small sailboats; they delight everyone with their discreet beauty. summer months and 2 months of autumn, in October, decorative beans give their last breath to the approaching cold - the first heralds of winter. Summer residents love decorative beans for practical reasons - this is a “2 in 1” plant, both a flower and a fruit. The harvest can reach up to 2 kg per square meter. meters. Maintenance is simple - weed the weeds and water as the soil dries. It is worth planting only after waiting out all the threats of frost - this is a heat-loving plant that does not tolerate cold weather.

Kobeya. This is the “prima ballerina” of any waltz of flowers, it stands out for its delicate large flowers in the form of bells, the diameter of which can reach up to 8 cm. The shades of the petals vary from white to dark purple, and when opening, they can change color to another. Kobei shoots can reach up to 4 m and are so tenacious that they are able to crawl over everything that they encounter on the way and manage to cling to with their sensitive antennae. Its appearance in the landscape is simply impeccable, its beauty will take your breath away. It blooms from summer until the first frost, is easy to care for, but will require periodic feeding once every 10 days. If you dig up its roots in winter and preserve them, kobeya can turn into a perennial plant.


climbing roses . The most popular climbing and flowering plants in all gardens and summer cottages are unpretentious plants, with which you can braid whatever your heart desires, but these are the real “princesses” of the entire flower kingdom. Their aristocratic shoots are strong, reaching sizes up to 5 m, they are surprisingly harmonious, distinguished by their noble beauty on any type of support, and exude a subtle pleasant aroma. What can I say, all the signs of aristocrats are present. Climbing roses love the sun, have a wide variety of varieties, are easy to care for - just moderate watering, and rare feeding - once every 14 days. They bloom in periods, delighting with the beauty of fragrant flowers for a month, then they need to rest and gain strength, after a while they bloom again.

Clematis. Interesting plant with curved seeds, for which it received the name “clematis”, belongs to the Ranunculaceae family, has a huge number of varieties and one more interesting feature- all flowers different varieties have different shapes. Some resemble a drooping bell, others a bent jug, etc. The color of the petals is represented by the entire spectrum of the rainbow with equally beautiful transitions, sometimes they are iridescent, the flowering period is all summer months. Clematis also belongs to medicinal plants. In care, the flower has its own characteristics - it does not tolerate drafts, loves sunny sides, its roots should definitely be covered, as they tend to dry out quickly, the lashes must be tied up regularly, since they cannot climb a support on their own, it must be constantly fed, and In spring, water with lime liquid.

Kampsis. A lover of rigid support and a real “steadfast soldier”, he wraps himself around any pergola or trellis in a matter of time, his length reaches up to 3 m, and in terms of speed of growth he is the champion among all perennial plants. In addition to his stamina and leadership qualities, he is also distinguished by his beauty, discreet and modest, but pleasing to the eye. Its flowers are the usual orange color and have virtually no odor. but it can boast of originality in the shape of a bud; it is tubular in shape and has unusually curved edges. It is unpretentious, grows on its own without unnecessary hassle, like a weed or grass, is easy to care for, it only needs periodic watering. But for the winter you will need to cover the roots.

In just one or two years, a Kampsis seedling turns into a gorgeous tree-like vine, dotted with orange flowers interesting shape

Home is a place where you should be able to relax your body and soul from the daily hustle and bustle. What, if not a climbing flower, can help make your home an oasis of comfort and beauty? This type of plant can decorate any room or structure. Owners of private houses prefer to plant them to decorate gazebos, verandas or walls of houses. But for people living in apartments, curly hair is ideal indoor flower. It will help create an atmosphere of freshness and bring you closer to nature.

Types of flowers

It is immediately worth noting that the climbing garden flower can be of two types: perennial or annual. The choice of plant depends entirely on the owner of the garden or vegetable garden. Some people like to see different flowers every year, others are more conservative and prefer stability and uniformity, so they plant perennial climbing flowers for the garden. Both types have their pros and cons. Annuals have rich flowering and delight the eye with novelty, but with the arrival of the first cold weather they quickly die. But perennials, on the contrary, are very unpretentious and tolerate frost well. When choosing which plant to plant in the garden, you need to immediately decide on its type.

Plants may also differ in their decorative qualities. For example, some flowers bloom magnificently and for a long time, others have a non-standard color or leaf shape, and still others have edible fruits, which also have useful elements.

Moreover, according to the method of mastering heights, climbing plants are divided into three types:

Creeping plants do not require support; they grow covering the ground like a carpet. Clinging plants include flowers with tendrils on their stems. With their help they cling to support and grow in height. Climbing flowers have sucker-shaped roots on their stems. Clinging to the surface, such plants grow beautifully on rough walls. We will present some of the most popular climbing flowers for the garden. First, let's look at annual plants.


The homeland of this flower is Latin America. The magnificent white or purple kobea flowers attract the eye of any passerby. The flower can be more than five meters long. It grows and develops all summer, but dies with the autumn cooling.


This climbing flower comes in a wide variety of colors. It can be pink, blue, white, purple or cherry. The flowers have a terry structure and a pleasant aroma. Clematis loves the sun, so you need to choose open places to plant it.

morning glory

The huge flowers of this plant can be more than 14 cm in diameter, and the color can be white, blue, or even variegated. Morning glory is absolutely not picky. Five-meter stems can beautifully decorate any gazebo.

Decorative beans

This is a climbing flower, the name of which does not make much of an impression. But the name does not reflect the beauty of the flower. Miniature red flowers look very nice on an arch or veranda. This plant can grow in the shade and is ideal for building a gazebo.

sweet pea

This climbing flower is attractive because, despite its short life, it can withstand the first frosts and has very prolific flowering. The variety of pea colors and pleasant aroma have made it a favorite of many gardeners.

Perennial flowers

And now we will look at climbing plants, whose flowers delight us every year. First on this list is honeysuckle honeysuckle. This plant is very popular and can be seen in many patios. The flower is completely unpretentious and can grow in the most unfavorable conditions. It can reach six meters in length. Honeysuckle flowers resemble small umbrellas and can be of different colors. When flowering stops, you can see where the flowers used to be. orange berries. They are not edible, but can also beautifully decorate a fence or arch.

Climbing rose

The name alone suggests that this plant is distinguished by its special beauty and smell, because any rose is a work of botanical art. This plant loves the sun's rays, so you need to carefully choose the planting site. After planting, you need to regularly guide the growth of branches to create the desired plant shape and direction. For this purpose, it is recommended to tie the branches until they are secured. During the winter period of frost, it is better to cover the rose so that it does not die and does not stop blooming the next year.


This plant can be seen in a wide variety of places, both in well-groomed and wild forms. Ivy is not at all picky and grows in any conditions, so it is often used to cover a hedge or gazebo.

Chinese lemongrass

This perennial climbing flower combines the function of decoration and healing. Being essentially a climbing vine, lemongrass can grow anywhere. But besides the gorgeous foliage, this flower has very healthy berries, which can be brewed as tea, made into compote or juice. Schisandra berries contain a lot of useful elements.


There are both annual and perennial plants. In winter, all the leaves and stem dry out, and only root system. The plant is not fussy and can grow anywhere in the yard or garden.

Hydrangea climbing

This type of vine can grow to a size of 25 m in height. At first the flower develops very sluggishly, but then it begins to develop and turns into a real plant giant. Large white flowers adorn the branches of the plant. It is recommended to periodically trim branches to direct growth to the right place.


This flower should not be confused with clematis. The prince is very picky and willingly grows in the shade. Beautiful elongated flowers can have different colors: white, blue, and purple. The plant tolerates frost well and does not need to be constantly watered, which is very convenient in dachas.


The last of the plants of this type, which we will consider, has another name - wisteria. Wisteria flowers are similar to lilac flowers. Tolerates frosts well. It is worth noting that this plant begins to bloom only three years after planting. Those who have seen this plant in all its glory agree to wait, because the result exceeds all expectations.

Climbing flowers in the house

Many owners like to create a natural atmosphere not only in the yard, but also in the house itself. And apartment owners, who are completely deprived of communication with nature, strive to bring at least a little natural beauty and freshness into their homes by growing flowers. What flowers can you grow at home? Let's consider several of these options:

Climbing flowers: planting and care

There are some tips for planting climbing plants.

  • Choose the right place to plant a flower so that it has room to develop.
  • It is not recommended to plant the plant on the corner of a house or gazebo; the distance to the corner should be at least a meter.
  • There is no need to plant a climbing flower very close to the foundation; step back 20 cm from the wall.
  • Do not plant the flower near sewers or other drainage pipes.

As for care, climbing flowers, as already mentioned, are rather unpretentious plants. The main thing that needs to be done for them correct height and development are:

  • regular and moderate watering;
  • control of plant growth, constant pruning and adjustment of branches;
  • correct and reliable support for the plant, if necessary.

All annual vines can be conditionally divided into 2 large groups: vines grown by direct sowing in the ground, and grown by seedlings. These are mostly ours southern guests, which in natural conditions are perennials.

Annual vines that are grown by direct sowing into the ground

Most often, easy-to-care vines that do not require much labor are grown in gardens by simply sowing seeds in the ground in May. These are nasturtium, sweet pea, common bindweed and others.

Sweet pea or sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus)

Popular garden plant, which has been used for vertical gardening for many years Russian gardens. Popularity sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) ensured its unpretentiousness in cultivation, abundant flowering and the delicate beauty of its flowers. More than a thousand varieties of sweet peas have now been bred, grouped into 16 different groups, which differ in color, height and flowering time. You can choose a variety of sweet peas for any corner of the garden.
Sweet peas themselves are very unpretentious; they can withstand temperatures as low as -5°C, so they can be sown in the ground as early as early May. If desired, sweet peas can be grown through seedlings, which are sown in March.

Echinocystis, Echinocystis echinata

Prickly carp, or lobed echinocystis (Echinocystis echinata) perhaps almost the first vine that began to be used to decorate village hedges. Easily propagated by self-sowing, it independently spread throughout vegetable gardens and orchards. For its growth rate (lashes up to 6 m long) and prickly fruits, capable of “shooting” seeds and a little like cucumbers, it was popularly nicknamed “ squirting cucumber" The flowering of the thorny plant is also quite beautiful; at the moment of mass blooming of small white flowers, the plant is covered with a wonderful “white foam”.
Echinocystis is sown before winter; if desired, Echinocystis seedlings can be planted in the spring.

Bindweed, or “day beauty”. Convolvulus.

Most garden vines are quite large plants that take up a lot of space and require support, but bindweed, or convolvulus, is not like that. Tricolor bindweed or tricolor convolvulus (Convolvulus tricolor)- a relatively small groundcover annual vine, with stems up to half a meter long. But its flowers are large, bright, pink, blue or blue, open only in good weather. It is propagated by direct sowing into the ground in the spring, but if desired, it can also be grown through seedlings.

It is interesting that the well-known weed bindweed with white li pink flowers, weaving along a fence or along our favorite flowers is field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis)- a perennial plant that grows to a height of up to a meter. And in one place it can grow annually for 50 years!

Nasturtium (Tropaeolum cultorum)

Another vine that is not distinguished by its powerful growth, but is very decorative, is nasturtium (Tropaeolum cultorum). There are many ampelous varieties suitable for growing both in containers and on a support. Less known foreign nasturtium, or as it is often called Canarian (Tropaeolum peregrinum), meanwhile, this is a stunningly beautiful annual vine, with stems up to 3 m long. It is quite popular in Europe, but is still rare here. The unusual flowers with a ruffled edge look like small yellow canaries. Unlike large nasturtium, which is sown immediately in open ground, this heat-loving “Canary” needs seedlings. They are sown in February, and in May, when the threat of frost has passed, they are planted in the ground.

Foreign nasturtium, or Canary nasturtium, Tropaeolum peregrinum

Moonflower - "Moon Wonder" (Calonyction, Ipomoea)

So far, moonflower is also not very popular among gardeners. Most decorative look - spiny moonflower or moonflowering morning glory (Calonyction aculeatum, Ipomoea bona-noх) - herbaceous vine up to 3 m in height, suitable for decorating well-lit areas of the garden. It blooms from July until frost with large fragrant white flowers that bloom at night and fade in the morning, which is why the plant got its name.
Sow in May permanent place, seeds are scarified or soaked in warm water for about a day.

Moonflower (Colonyction album)

Annual vines that need to be sown for seedlings

There is a fairly large group of vines of southern origin, which in their homeland are usually perennials, but in the middle zone they are grown as annual crops. Due to the shorter season, they must be grown as seedlings, sown in late February - early March. They are planted in the ground only after the danger of frost has passed.

Decorative fiery red beans - “Turkish beans” (Phaseolus coccineus)

In Russia, decorative beans are better known as "Turkish beans" (Phaseolus coccineus), although it comes from Central America, it came to us from Turkey, hence the name. Decorative bean is a fairly large annual vine that can reach a height of 3 meters or more. However, there are a large number of varieties, including bush forms that do not require garter or support. Unlike most decorative vines which are famous beautiful flowering or decorative leaves, beans have very pretty fruits that decorate them before the onset of cold weather.
Beans are propagated by seeds, which are sown for seedlings at the end of April - early May, and planted in the ground at the end of May.

Kobeya - “Monastery Bells” (Cobaea scandens)

"Mexican ivy" or "monastery bells"- known by these names climbing kobaea (Cobaea scandens). IN middle lane Russia is a fairly tall annual liana, 2 or more meters high, with large lilac or white. The plant is unpretentious, suitable for growing both in the shade and in the sun, in areas with any garden soil. Kobeya is sown for seedlings in February and planted in open ground no earlier than mid-to-late May.

Morning glory, or farbitis (Ipomea)

In the middle zone culture it is most often grown (Pharbitis purpurea, Ipomea purpurea). This large plant, by the end of the season reaching a height of 2 m, with large heart-shaped leaves and wonderful large flowers up to 7 cm in diameter, purple, blue or pink.
Ipomoea purpurea, which is sown in February. For planting, choose a sunny place with loose, fertile soil.

An interesting type of morning glory - sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) is a tuberous perennial that does not overwinter in open ground. The sweet potato received the status of an ornamental crop only recently, but at the same time it has a long history of cultivation as an agricultural crop. Most of all, sweet potato tubers look and taste like potatoes, which is why they are called “sweet potatoes.” In ornamental gardening, varieties of sweet potatoes are popular, valuable for their beautiful large leaves: red, purple, green, as well as two- and three-colored. They are often grown in hanging baskets and high floor containers. On winter period The tubers are dug up and stored in a cool, dry room until spring.

Quamoclit - Spanish flag (Quamoclit)

, or Myna feathery (Quamoclit pinnata)- another interesting climbing herbaceous vine with red, less often pink or white flowers, up to 2.5 m high. Thanks to its decorative openwork leaves, it received the name “cypress liana”. Blooms from July-August to September. Three forms of quamoclite are known in culture, but the most decorative is the form with red flowers.
Propagated by seeds, which are sown for seedlings in March.

Quamoclit lobata (Mina lobata, Quamoclit lobata, Ipomea versicolor)- a perennial plant, grown in the middle zone as an annual crop, also known under the names “Spanish flag” or “ star bindweed" A liana with stems 1.5-3 m long. The flowers are collected in one-sided racemes up to 40 cm long. Quamoclite lobed is light- and heat-loving, propagated by seeds, which are sown in February - March. Typically used for landscaping balconies and terraces. The most popular variety is the one with light orange-yellow flowers.
Another quamoclite with red flowers is fiery red quamoclite or “beauty star” (Quamoclit coccinea. Ipomoea coccinea)- plant up to 3 m high. Blooms from late June - July. Unfortunately, after flowering, in August, it quickly loses its decorative effect.

Thunbergia, or Black-eyed Susan (Thunbergia alata)

Another pretty, but so far little-known annual vine - (Thunbergia alata), thanks to the black eye inside the flower, it is also called “Black-Eyed Suzanne”. The flowers themselves can be any shade of yellow, pink or white. However, thunbergia varieties can be monochromatic, without an eye. The plant itself grows no more than 2 m long.
Thunbergia comes from the tropics, so it does not tolerate frost, but feels good in indoor conditions, and therefore is better known to most gardeners as an indoor plant. hanging plant, which can be put out in the garden for the summer and brought back into the house in the fall.
In spring, pots with already blooming thunbergia are sold in almost all garden centers. However, if there is a desire to grow seedlings yourself, then Thunbergia is sown at the end of February - at the beginning of March.

Thunbergia alata, or "Black-eyed Susan"

Azarina, or Maurandia (Asarina, Maurandia)

Another beautiful annual vine that can decorate any garden. Most often grown climbing azarina (Asarina (Maurandia) scandens). It has wonderful tubular flowers of white, pink or lilac color, stems up to 3 m long. From sowing to the beginning of flowering it takes 4 to 5 months.
Azarina is wonderful for container gardening and balcony decoration.

Rhodochiton - Purple Bell (Rhodochiton atrosanguineus)

Rhodochiton atrosanguineus It is also still a rather little-known plant, which does not detract from its merits. It has fragrant tubular flowers of dark red- purple. It can be found on sale under the names Purple Bell Vine or Purple Rain. In its homeland it is a perennial; in the middle zone it can be grown as an annual plant.

Dolichos - climbing lilac (Dolichos)

Common dolichos (Dolichos lablab, or Dolichos soudanensis) popularly known by different names: “hyacinth beans” or “curly lilac”. Both of these names quite accurately describe dolichos - it is a vine from the legume family, blooming with purple, pink or crimson flowers, leaves and fruits are also decorative. Like many southern guests, in its homeland it is a perennial, but in the middle zone it is an annual plant. However, in our country this vine is quite large, the length of the stems can reach 3-4 m. Dolichos blooms from July until frost.
In the middle zone, it is better to sow seedlings in March; they are planted in the ground in the second half of May. IN southern regions In Russia, seeds can be planted directly into the ground. Before sowing, the seeds are kept in warm water until they swell.

Decorative pumpkins (Cucurbita)

Unlike most ornamental vines, which are grown for their beautiful flowers or leaves, decorative pumpkins are grown for their fruits. All pumpkins are classic yellow flowers, but the colors and shapes of the fruits are very diverse. Pumpkin shoots reach a length of 4 m and grow very quickly. Each plant can develop from 20 to 40 small pumpkins.
Decorative pumpkins are grown by seedlings, which are sown in late April - May, and planted in the ground in late May - early June. This is very heat-loving crop and temperatures below +14 degrees inhibit its development.


A new plant for us - Basella It is not only decorative, but also edible. In many countries this is an important component national dishes, is still little known in Russia. The leaves are used as food, giving the plant the name “Malabar Nightshade” or “Red Grape Spinach.” In Russia, Basella can be found on sale under interesting names: “Overseas Guest”, “Climbing or Creeping Spinach”.
The red form is interesting for decorative landscaping white basella (Basella alba r. rubra) with red foliage and purple stems. During the season, this annual vine can rise to a height of up to 2 m.
Basella is propagated by sowing seeds for seedlings in April, and planted in open ground at the end of May.

Basella alba r. rubra

Eccremocarpus or Eccremocarpus

Another new and promising plant - Eccremocarpus scaber (Eccremocarpus scaber). This is a herbaceous, vigorous annual liana (up to 3 m tall) with small neat yellow, orange or red flowers collected in racemose inflorescences. The most interesting are the hybrid viper fruits Tresco Hybrids (Tresco Mixed, Tresco-hybrid) And Anglian Hybrids.
Sowing seedlings in January-March. Seeds are germinated under glass without being buried in the soil.

Garden climbing plants are very popular in landscape design. With their help you can green a certain area of ​​the garden. They are used to decorate the wall of a building or the facade of a building. Thus, you can give a second life to dried trees. Interesting ideas for the garden you can look at the photo on the Internet.

All beautiful garden representatives are usually divided into two types - annuals and perennials. The first ones delight the eye for one season, while the others decorate them year after year. country cottage area.

Perennial flowers for the garden

Climbing plants for the garden are also accepted distinguish by their decorative qualities. Some will captivate the hearts of gardeners with their lush blooms. Others attract admiring glances to their unusually shaped leaves.

As for the third, they are able to please with sweet fruits after flowering. It is also customary to distinguish the following groups of plants:

  • Those that grow like a carpet on the ground without additional support or creeping.
  • Clinging. These are vines that have certain tendrils. With their help, they are fixed on supports and continue to grow upward.
  • Climbing. Plants with “aerial” roots. They have special suction cups at their ends, so they grow well on rough surfaces.

Perennials also include:

Of course, this is not the entire list of perennial climbing flowers. Collected here most popular plants. They demand good fixed supports. Often this role is played by an ordinary fence in a country house. After some time, the vines turn it into a real hedge.

Types of climbing plants for the garden

climbing rose . Not only professionals, but also amateurs give first place to a prickly but beautiful plant called the climbing rose. No words are enough to describe her beauty. climbing roses rich in color palette, characterized by abundant long-lasting flowering and completely undemanding during care.

During a drought, you don’t have to worry about it affecting them in any way. You can admire their flowers in the garden from late spring to late autumn. This flower can transform even a hut beyond recognition.

In numerous photos on the Internet you can see a lot of ideas for where to plant the plant. Every beginner can grow such a flower on their own. To do this, you just need to buy a bush, plant it and water it well. Fertilize the plant several times during one season.

In autumn, prune the resulting shoots. If roses are on metal supports, it is better to remove them for the winter. This is necessary in order not to damage the shoots. In a fairly severe winter, prepare for perennial rose shelter in the garden.


Another perennial plant is clematis. It is simply impossible to take your eyes off these vines while they are blooming in the country. If you learn how to prune the shoots correctly, the flowering of the plant can last until frost.

A large number of flowers cover the shoots, creating a thick blue, purple or white carpet. This great idea for decorating gazebos, trellises or fences. All they need is an open sunny place. A climbing vine can easily be fixed to a support, forming the desired shape.

For this plant need a lot of space so that it has room to grow. Can be planted in the ground near the house. Clematis will climb over your home, creating a flower wall. Climatis flowers can vary in size from small to large.


A shaded place in the garden at the dacha is suitable for honeysuckle. The small, two-colored flowers emit a sweet scent. It attracts a lot of butterflies. So if you want your yard to be filled with a magical scent, don't forget honeysuckle.

The flower grows at a very fast pace. Perennial honeysuckle does not require ongoing care and is not susceptible to many diseases. In order to get a fragrant flower wall, you just need to point the shoots in the right direction.


This plant, which can weave, has been forgotten, and completely undeservedly. Thanks to its resilience and unpretentiousness, it will give even the most violent a head start flowering plant. Of course, ivy does not have fragrant flowers, however, it is loved for its other advantages.

Ivy – evergreen perennial plant. It doesn't matter what place you choose for him, in any case he will feel good. Its sucker roots attach the stems to any surface. He is able to climb very high, entwining everything in his path.

Ivy has nothing to do with climatic conditions. From year to year he decorates the walls of buildings and hedges. One need only mention the famous Ivy Tower in Belgium. This is a confirmation of his popularity in Europe. With its help, loggias, terraces, and balconies are landscaped.

Its only drawback is the constant moisture of the soil and slow growth. Walls covered with ivy are an excellent basis for early flowering plants. And how mysterious the gazebo in the center of the garden looks, completely covered with ivy. Why not a secluded place for a romantic date?

Maiden grapes

Maiden grapes - universal vine. The plant is a reminder of summer in cold weather autumn time. An unusual vine called maiden grapes is distinguished by its palette of rich, bright colors.

The beauty of the plant is mesmerizing and at the same time enchanting. He doesn't need special conditions and there is no need to monitor its fixation. Its foliage grows quickly, covering everything and creating beautiful thick carpet.

From early spring until late autumn, the plant continues decorate fences and gazebos. The plant looks great. The only thing you need to watch is the density of the vine. But even this issue can be easily resolved with the help of pruning shears.

Annual flowers for the garden

Designers prefer to use annual flowers to decorate the garden. This allows you to come up with every year new landscape design.

As you know, the life of such vines is short, but lasts from spring until the first frost. Such a loach can easily grow three meters in height.

Such plants include:

  • morning glory;
  • kobeya;
  • sweet pea.

Some housewives prefer decorative beans. Unlike perennials, these flowers need support and a lot of light. They need regular feeding and serve beautiful decoration garden

morning glory

Photos of planted areas with morning glory are striking. As soon as the spring weather has stabilized, you can safely plant flowers in open ground. With the help of such a vine they create beautiful screens on balconies and terraces. climbing morning glory decorates gazebos and fences.

These plants are suitable for planting in containers. Thanks to rapid growth, by mid-summer creates a continuous carpet. The shape of the flower resembles a small gramophone.

They are blue, crimson or purple colors. There is no need to care for morning glory. The only thing is hydration in a very dry summer.


Kobeya is an annual vine, perfect for vertical gardening. The photo shows that numerous flowers resemble real ones. waterfall of colorful bells.

After the flowering period, there is no need to remove the inflorescences, since the petals fly off on their own. This helps keep the plant looking neat and tidy. As for the seed pods, they resemble small cucumbers in appearance.

Kobeya can curl well, but it is very demanding. It is fastidious to the soil and requires regular feeding. If you plant it in the country, accordingly requires constant supervision.

sweet pea

Sweet peas can be grown not only in the garden, but also on the balcony. This does not present any difficulties and even a novice gardener can do it. The aroma of this plant pleases summer time of the year.

Polka dots are my favorite liana for decoration balconies and terraces of many housewives. Flowering continues for 4 months. Polka dots are rich in color palette. Resistance to frost allows it to be planted in open ground even in early spring.

In the photo you can see that peas like to curl on some kind of support and this is true. This protects the plant from tangling its shoots.

A sufficient amount of light and timely removal of shoots and wilted flowers guarantee the duration of the decorative function of peas. Don't forget him too water constantly, especially at the dacha.

Support for climbing plants

If you have decided which plant to choose, annual or perennial, it’s time to prepare for it good support. Even depends on her appearance future green “rug”.

The only thing you need to consider when creating a support is its strength. It must withstand the strongest gusts of wind and even heavy rains. Basic rules for constructing supports for climbing flowers and plants:

  1. Some climbing vines do not require the construction of additional support. They adapt to any conditions. In such cases, it is customary to use masonry made of bricks and stones. These are harmless plants: ivy, virgin grapes, campsis.
  2. The climbing flowers just feel the surface beneath them and immediately begin to gain height. For them, you can choose a thin lattice, mesh, or even ordinary stretched wire. These vines are sweet pea and wild cucumber.
  3. Lianas, which tend to lean, need additional structure. If you don't give them horizontal or vertical support, they will spread all over the ground. This can be avoided by creating arches. Vines look great in hanging baskets. These climbing plants include: clematis, honeysuckle and hops.
  4. Climbing roses need to be provided with “decent” living conditions. They cannot curl on their own. To do this, you will also need to create additional fasteners.

Both perennial and annual flowers deserve special attention. Climbing flowers in the country can make the garden more beautiful.

But they need to be constantly monitored and looked after accordingly. Do not forget about fertilizers, watering and pruning. Plants will be grateful to you for your care and will delight you abundant flowering and delicate aroma.

Nowadays, finding your own plant that you like and will meet your preferences is not very difficult. Since among all the variety you can choose the most common climbing flowers, and something new. We bring to your attention only a small part of the known climbing plants that can be freely used to decorate your garden.

List of flowers that are suitable for decorating a summer cottage.

In this article today we have collected all the climbing flowers for the garden. We will provide their names and photos here. Let's start talking in detail about these beautiful plants.

Photo: representative of climbing perennials - Morning Glory

Morning glory. This one is growing country flower up to five meters long. And everyone knows it because it contains more than five hundred varieties and species, and therefore morning glory blooms in a wide variety of colors. In addition, this plant also has huge variations in the shapes and sizes of inflorescences.

Tekoma (campsis). The maximum height of this climbing flower fifteen meters. The flowers have the shape of a funnel-shaped tube, and the size of these flowers is three to five centimeters wide and ten centimeters long. The colors of the inflorescences are yellow, red, pink and orange.

Photo: climbing flowers - Passionflower

Passionflower. In nature there are both perennial and annual species. And due to this division, they grow in height from two to ten meters. Passion flowers resemble stars. And the color of these stars ranges from white to blue, and there are also pink ones.

Canarian ivy. If you comply with all the conditions for its cultivation, then it will delight you in your summer cottage for more than fifteen years. And it will grow up to thirty meters in height. And the first flowers will appear only ten years later.

Maiden grapes. The plant grows in length from twenty meters. As soon as the cold period of the year arrives, its leaves will turn purple. The berries of the girl's grape are small in size and dark blue in color.

Climbing perennial - hop

Hop. The growth period of this plant is very fast, and its height will be from four to eight meters. It blooms with light green flowers that resemble the shape of cones. But the leaves, on the contrary, are bright Green colour and carved. In nature there is different kinds hops, for example, Japanese hops - annual plant, but ordinary hops are considered perennial.

Climbing rose for a summer cottage

Climbing rose. There are three varieties of this perennial plant:

  • large-flowered climbers,
  • cardesia hybrids,
  • ramblers.

Each type has its own specific height, and a specific size of the flowers themselves. Based on average indicators, the size of the plant is from three to six meters in height.

Wisteria. The height of the plant is fifteen meters, and it is surrounded by 30-centimeter brushes, and this continues throughout the summer. The colors of the flowers are different: pink, purple and white.

Sweet pea- curly, photo

Sweet pea. This bush has a pleasant smell, and its height is two meters. Almost the entire summer period beautiful plants grow on it. elegant flowers, which are collected in brushes.

We have already listed several types of perennial plants. These and many others will look great on a summer cottage, and will withstand our temperate climate zone. They take root well and do not require special care conditions. Some of the plants form a green carpet, but most cannot do without support. Such a support can serve as:

  • Arch;
  • Pergola;
  • Ordinary fence;
  • Summer gazebos;
  • Various architectural buildings;
  • Monuments;
  • Building's facade;
  • Tree trunk.

You can come up with different compositions yourself and decorate them with plants. This way you will make your site exclusive.

Perennial climbing plants for a summer cottage

Above you were able to learn about what kind of climbing flowers exist in the country today. But in this part of the article we will talk about what perennials exist. In addition, we will show their photos and tell you their name.

So, the process of growing perennial plants is very exciting, since from them, at your discretion, you can create the most different shapes and create unique compositions. They also have an advantage - they bloom for a very long time and delight their owners.

Below we provide a list of these perennial plants that will always help decorate any garden plot.

Tecoma. Likes a mild climate, abundant watering, autumn period needs to cut off old stems in summer and spring period the thecoma should be fed. The propagation process occurs through seeds, but if you want the tekoma to produce flowers in the near future. It is better to propagate it by cuttings or layering. Before the cold weather arrives, the cuttings are planted at an angle, in a permanent place.

Photo of Canarian ivy, climbing perennials

Canarian ivy. It will add beauty to any garden plot. It depends on the variety whether the plant loves light or can be in the shade. If the leaves are variegated, plant it in a bright place. Abundant watering is important here. Ivy is fed once a week mineral fertilizers. To give the bush shape and splendor, it should be pruned.

Wisteria. One of the most beautiful climbing plants. Almost all types of wisteria reach a height of fifteen meters, and one of the species grows 8 meters in length. The plant is frost-resistant.

Be sure to water it regularly, the soil should be loose, loves the sun's rays, and needs to be fertilized once per day, allowing the water to stagnate. But carry out the fertilization process in the spring, when the leaves appear. In addition to the fact that these plants perfectly decorate a summer cottage, they are also used. They decorate utility blocks and use them as shade in gazebos or benches. Also, with the help of climbing plants, you can divide a summer cottage, for example, into a recreation area and work area. But thanks to climbing plants such as grapes, hops and others, which are not afraid of drafts, you can create a barrier from the wind or from the hot sun. Of course, with such plants, your dacha will immediately become cozier and more comfortable, and, therefore, relaxing at the dacha will become more enjoyable.