Cosmetic baths for the body. Oat baths

Of course, baths do not cure a disease such as psoriasis, but they can make life easier and improve the condition of the skin, as proven by the experience of forum members using baths. At home, you can take a wide variety of baths; the article will discuss those that are indicated for psoriasis. You can also learn about the experience of using these baths by participants in the forum “Psoriasis? Let's heal together! "

The optimal water temperature is from 36 to 38 degrees. Water of 39 degrees and above is considered hot and puts a greater strain on the heart.
A therapeutic bath is not a bath, therefore, in order for the skin to better absorb beneficial substances, you need to wash in the shower with soap.
The duration of one session is no more than 20 minutes. From prolonged exposure to water, the skin loses a lot of the fat it needs for normal functioning.
You should not take baths every day. It is best to enjoy a bath once every 2-3 days.
You can take baths no earlier than an hour after meals.
After a bath, it is advisable to apply a moisturizer (you can use a baby cream) on your body.

Contraindications for use shared baths: malignant neoplasms, pulmonary tuberculosis, cardiovascular failure, atherosclerosis, hypertension, severe forms of angina, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, second half of pregnancy.

Salt (sodium chloride) baths

Salt baths are indicated not only for skin diseases, but also for diseases of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and nervous systems. A bath with salt tones and relaxes the body, relieves muscle pain, relieves fatigue, irritation, strengthens the nervous system, increases performance, and improves mood. In addition, this procedure activates metabolism, improves blood circulation, and promotes the healing of wounds and skin cracks.

For baths you can use regular rock salt or sea ​​salt without any additives (it is sold in pharmacies). The preparation of such baths is carried out according to the methods described on the packaging. Natural sea salt, dissolved in water, is harmless and contains components necessary for the whole body. So, potassium regulates the nutrition of skin cells, calcium ensures normal blood clotting, magnesium promotes muscle relaxation, bromine calms the nervous system, iodine acts as an antiseptic (a substance with antimicrobial activity). Sea salt settles on the skin and affects the nerve endings, due to which irritability disappears, sleep improves, and pain subsides.


Baths with sea salt help me a lot; I started taking them regularly six months ago. 2 kg per bath and you lie there enjoying yourself for 20-30 minutes, the result is good, the number of rashes has decreased, and there are no sharp exacerbations either.


I accidentally came up with this idea of ​​diluting ordinary table salt in the bath.
At first I added 1/4 of a pack, then 1/3...thus I reached 0.5 packs...I think it’s not worth saturating the solution above that. The water is salty, almost like the’s fresher)) I like to lie in the bath for a long time (an hour, an hour and a half)...I lie around regularly. Maybe it's having an effect. But the result is very pleasant. All plaques turn pale. Less peeling. And for some reason it goes away faster from the heals first in the center and this effect spreads to the edges.
I noticed another interesting point: when you take regular baths, a half-centimeter halo of redness forms around the spot, but if you use salt, there is no halo at all.
The first time I tried this “super method”), I first got into the bath and then began to dissolve the salt. As a result, I first turned red, and then began to turn pale, starting from the spot, i.e. forming a ring around the spot.
My skin simply dries out from the water (maybe it’s just the water in Tver), and from a salt bath it “gets oily”, i.e. become elastic, soft... in short, more saturated with moisture... and this effect lasts quite a long time.


I have been using salt baths for about 7 years now. I also take coarse rock salt in order to save money. I pour 2 kg onto the bath. I DO NOT rinse off. And I started swimming in salt baths after treatment in Odessa on the Kuyalnik estuary. I go there every year for 2-3 weeks.
I don’t know how much salt you need to pour into the bath to get water like in Kuyalnik, probably 10-15 kg, and possibly more, I haven’t tried it. Salt is very good medicine, I read that during the war of 41-45, when there was a shortage of medicines, salt dressings were used as a disinfectant, and as a reliever of inflammation, and as a wound-healing agent. Yes, don’t be surprised, it will take a while, and it will begin to heal!
After continuously salting myself, either at home or on the estuary, for 7 years, I reached a point where I can sunbathe on a public beach, AND NO ONE LEASES AT ME or runs away! There is a constant improvement, if we had known about the magical properties of salt earlier, the psor would not have spread so much! I can’t say that the 40-year-old psor has gone away completely, BUT the dots are small and pale on the body, they don’t catch the eye, the husks hardly fall off, and this winter (pah-pah) there was no exacerbation, wow!
Buy salt in hypermarkets, it’s cheaper there, 4 rubles per pack, and don’t take Extra, only grind No. 0 or No. 1.


I've been trying pickling for the second month. The effect is not pronounced, but is present.
Small spots lighten and (ugh three times) try to disappear. Large ones lighten inside, but remain red around the perimeter.
In my case, the “experiment” was unnecessarily extended - I started with 500 g (the maximum dose according to the text on the package), then switched to 1 kg, now I use 1.3-1.5 kg of salt (sea pharmacy) for a third of a bath of water. It seems to me that we should have immediately not spared Russia’s salt reserves and dissolved a decent amount.
The process itself consists of maintaining skin contact with the saline solution, which is problematic due to the small size of the bath and considerable growth. For 30-40 minutes I work with a ladle, pouring salt water on myself and at the same time, as if washing myself (damn, complex turns), that is, lightly rubbing the skin with my palms.


I tried different sea salts, iodized salts, and plain salts - the effect was the same. Now I use the following recipe: for a bath, a decoction of the string is about half a liter, 750g of regular table salt. Soak for no more than 1 hour, at the end of the procedure, after 10 minutes gradually cool the water to completely cold (at your discretion) after, without wiping, apply baby oil like Johnson's Baby (see advertisement) on the plaques or on the whole body - you won't ruin the porridge with oil . The effect is very positive and lasts a long time, unless, of course, anything is provoked.

Oatmeal baths

Oatmeal baths soothe and soften the skin, eliminate itching and irritation.


Cool baths with oat straw decoction. The plaques fade for a long time and flake less. It's a pity, all the straw is gone. I cook oats with husks, that is, unpeeled. The effect is weaker, but still there. And after the bath - with Karavaev’s balm.


I have already taken baths with rolled oats and olive oil several times.
According to the recipe, you need to brew rolled oats in a thermos until it looks disgustingly slimy, but since I don’t have a thermos, I just boil the rolled oats with a lot of water so that the resulting porridge looks as disgusting and slimy as possible. I dump all this porridge into the bath (the water should not be hot, just a comfortable temperature) and add a little olive oil. For no more than 20 minutes you need to lie in all this turbidity and gently rub it all into the skin. Then, without taking a shower, get wet with a towel and go to bed. It helps me a lot.
Another piece of advice for the time of remission. Contrast shower...from warm to cold, but without extreme temperatures, gradually lowering the temperature and so on throughout your life.


And I, for example, put 10 tbsp in a bag. ordinary oatmeal and I put it on the tap and immerse myself in hot oatmeal water for an hour. While I’m lying around, I’m solving Sudoku - time flies by. The water from the oatmeal becomes kind of thick. Then I carefully remove the steamed skin with my palms, wash myself with soap (because you sweat like an athlete while lying down), and after drying yourself off, I wipe the entire body with this same bag of wet, steamed oatmeal. All these actions greatly moisturize the skin, the remaining flakes become thin and fall off on their own, and within 2 days I feel comfortable, then, of course, everything dries out again and I need an oatmeal bath. It is clear that this cannot cure PSOR, but the quality of life improves greatly.


I take ordinary gauze, fold it in half, pour about half a glass of oatmeal into it, lift the edges up and twist and secure with an elastic band, it turns out something like a ball with a tail, put this thing in the bathtub, fill the bathtub, pouring two packs of salt into it.
As I wrote alexius: “...I took two such baths yesterday and today, it felt great!!!”
The flakes in the gauze get wet and the “washcloth” naturally becomes soft, you don’t need to rub, you just run it over the plaques. I smeared the plaques on my head, strangely enough the hair did not stick together.
I only started adding oatmeal to my bath yesterday, and I’ve been taking baths with salt since April 13 (though sporadically), I’d like to note that:
1. The scales have noticeably decreased.
2. There is a pronounced tendency towards “comparison”, that is, to the touch they (plaques) are at the same level as the skin.
3. They do not crack or stain clothes with blood, i.e. they have become elastic.
As an additional treatment, pentovit for two weeks and on Wednesdays is a fasting day, I would also like to add Saturday.


I took 10 oatmeal baths. I bought five 500 gr. packs of rolled oats. I did it using the above method. Daily 250 gr.
Pros: the plaques have turned pale, thinned, there is no crust, so the husks do not fly off, well, if just a little, there is no itching.
The only downside is that the plaques were still there.


Today I have taken 5 baths: the skin is soft, soft, even on sores, nothing breaks out, everything is smooth. Only they did not decrease at all, much less go away. I’m thinking, you can swim for a week, rest for a week, and then swim in Hercules again for a week. And it’s good for overall tone.



The concentration of the herbal decoction is made as indicated on the packaging (if indicated, of course). If you approach this matter on your own, you need to be careful so as not to cause harm, TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE PRESENCE OF ALLERGIES to some herbs.

Pouring into the bath herbal infusions liters in order to quickly achieve the result of their impact is a waste of money. The skin will still not absorb more than it needs. Recipe for success herbal baths- in their regularity. Phytovannas should be taken in courses of 10-15 procedures. 2 times per week


If little things or plaques are scattered all over your body, then do this: in a bucket of water, brew and infuse a pack of string and a pack of coltsfoot or chamomile. Then pour it into the bath, add enough water to cover your feet, wrap yourself in a sheet and water yourself from a ladle. The sheet sticks to the body, soaked in the broth, and there is constant contact of the broth with the body. And sit like that for about 20 minutes. You need to take 7-10 baths. It helps a lot, I tested it myself during a very severe exacerbation


Baths with St. John's wort helped me a lot. A friend from the dacha brought me armfuls of freshly picked St. John's wort, which I brewed in a large saucepan (as much as would fit), poured it into the bath and read books, sitting in the bathtub until I froze.

Pine baths

Pine baths are prepared as follows. Dissolve 100 ml of natural liquid in 200 g of water. pine extract or one briquette (50 g), stirring thoroughly. When using briquetted pine extract, it is advisable to first dissolve it in a small amount of hot water, and then bring the water to the required volume in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations. The water temperature in the bath should be 35–37 degrees. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes.

Sometimes pine buds are used to prepare baths. They are taken at the rate of 50 g per 1 liter of water. The kidneys are boiled for 30–60 minutes in a water bath, filtered and poured into a basin at a water temperature of 36–38 degrees. Such baths are very useful for palmoplantar psoriasis.

Baths made from freshly cut pine branches have a therapeutic effect. The branches are poured with boiling water. After cooling the water to 37-38 degrees, immerse your hands or feet in the bath for 30 minutes. After the procedure, the arms or legs are wrapped and go to bed for 30 minutes. The procedure is carried out every 2 days. The course of treatment is 5–7 baths.

Valerian baths

Valerian officinalis is often used as a bath remedy. Its effect manifests itself slowly, but quite steadily. The feeling of tension and increased irritability disappears in patients. Dosage of valerian baths: 50–75 ml of valerian tincture or liquid extract per bath volume for an adult.

In the complex treatment of psoriasis, mixed pine-valerian baths containing pine extract and valerian tincture are widely used. When they are used, the patient’s general well-being and ECG indicators improve, and lipid metabolism, which occupies an important place in the mechanism of development of psoriasis, is normalized. Dosage of pine-valerian baths: 50 ml of pine extract and 50–75 ml of valerian tincture.

Sage baths

Sage baths have antimicrobial, astringent, and anti-inflammatory properties, which served as the basis for their use in slow-onset forms of psoriasis. The leaves of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials. To prepare a sage bath, pour 100 g of dry crushed plant material into 1 liter tap water, boil for 60 minutes. The resulting mixture is infused for 24 hours and filtered through gauze. The filtered broth is poured into the bath.

Linen baths

Flax seed baths have enveloping, anti-inflammatory properties, which alleviates the patient’s condition. They are especially useful for older people and those with itchy skin. To prepare such baths, take 250 g of flaxseed, add 5 liters of water, bring to a boil, filter through a cloth and add the resulting decoction to the bath. These baths are used for weeping, exudative forms of psoriasis, when the disease is localized in large folds of the skin.

When taking baths based on medicinal plants or drugs plant origin a full bath requires 200–250 liters, a seated bath requires 20–30 liters, and a foot bath requires up to 10 liters of water. A bathtub used for medicinal purposes must be enameled or tiled. The patient should lie quietly in the bath, relaxing his muscles. It is advisable to place a towel under your head. You need to lie in the bath so that the water covers the entire body, and the upper part of the chest remains open. After completing the procedure, you need to rest for 30–60 minutes, lying on the couch or sitting in a chair.

Walnut baths

For common forms of psoriasis, use nut baths(up to 400 g leaves walnut or 400 g of shell is poured with boiling water; the leaves are infused and the shells are boiled for 30-40 minutes; filter and pour into a bath at 37-38°C, bath duration 15-25 minutes).

Tar baths

100 ml of tar, 75 ml of soap alcohol and 75 ml of water are mixed, then poured into a lukewarm bath. You can apply tar to the affected areas of the skin. Duration 15-30 minutes, after which the tar is washed off with green soap. These baths are especially indicated for infiltrative forms of psoriasis.

Starch baths

Taken for itching of large areas of the body. 500-800 gr. potato starch dissolved in a saucepan with cold water, then it gets warm, not hot bath and the starch solution is poured there. Take baths every other day, more than once for 10-15 minutes.

Baths with iodine, salt, soda and others


For 10 days I did salt-soda-iodine baths (a pack of salt, a pack of soda and half a small bottle of iodine). The bath turned out just great. Apparently the soda, as mentioned, softened the rest of the ingredients. Nothing is painted, iodine is not visible or heard at all after 5 minutes. I even drained the rest of the bottle at the end. It just feels like a hot bath. When soaked, the stains become slippery and the peel comes off easily. When finished, I smeared myself with olive oil.

Three out of ten days were missed due to technical reasons. All the spots have faded and have almost fallen off. The skin on the spots is red and slightly swollen, the cracking has disappeared. I thought that such an amount of salt would burn, but I didn’t observe anything like that. The cracking went away after a couple of days, but if you miss a day it starts to come back. Overall, the baths had a positive effect on me. But after the termination everything returned in the best possible way.


I read the topic, read, laughed, laughed, and in the evening my mother-in-law showed me a newspaper with the article “How I cured my wife’s psor.” The recipe is this: for a bath you need a pack of salt, a pack of soda and half a bottle of iodine, and take it every day for the duration. 20 days. Psor left and never came again.


Silicon-boron baths(Velikovechnoe village, Krasnodar region) - .


A completely normal bath, if you take a tiny bottle of iodine, bath salts with iodine are often recommended if you don’t have sea salt, and baking soda is a classic for baths, softens the skin. By the way, soda may “protect” from iodine.


I took baths with copper sulfate. Dissolve a full 3-4 heaped tablespoons of vitriol in warm water. Time - 15-20 minutes. There are approximately 6-8 baths per course, with a frequency of 2-3 per week. The only negative is an unnoticeable bluish coating on the skin, which stains the laundry a little and is more noticeable under the nails, but this all goes away quickly. Psoriasis has gone away almost completely (a few remaining plaques remain on the body). The remission lasted almost 5 years, even the birth of a child did not lead to an exacerbation. However, the second time such baths did not work; psoriasis did not react to them in any way.

Take 1 kg of whole oat grains into a canvas bag, add 10 liters of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. After removing from the heat, leave the broth for another 1 hour, then strain and add to the water for a general bath.

Bath with oat straw decoction

1. Neuralgia.
Pour 1 kg of dry oat straw into 3 liters of water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat, covered, for 20-30 minutes. Allow the broth to cool slightly, strain and pour into a filled bath. Water temperature - 40-42 °C.
The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. After the bath, dry yourself well with a towel, put on warm underwear and go to bed under a thick blanket.
It is believed that local baths with a warm decoction of oat straw (100-200 g per 5 liters of water) help restore the mobility of paralyzed limbs after a stroke and injury.

2. Cold.
Take 1-1.5 kg of oat straw into a canvas bag, pour in 5-6 liters of cold water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat in a sealed container for 30 minutes. Allow the broth to cool slightly, remove and squeeze out the bag and pour the liquid into the filled bath.
Water temperature - 39-40 °C. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. Take a bath in the first hours of illness. After the procedure, dry yourself with a towel, put on warm underwear and immediately go to bed under a thick blanket.

3. Cystitis and urolithiasis.
Place 1 kg of chopped oat straw in a canvas bag, add 5 liters of water and cook at low boil for 30 minutes. Allow the broth to cool slightly, then remove the bag and squeeze well, and pour the liquid into a half-filled bath.
Water temperature - 38-40 °C. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes.

Bath with oatmeal and pine extract

Softens “tired”, rough skin.
Pour 1 cup of oatmeal into 1 liter of boiling water, cook a thick porridge and add 1-2 tablespoons of dry pine extract to it, stir well and let it brew for 10 minutes, then pour the mixture into a filled bath.
Water temperature - 36-37 °C. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Take such baths 1-2 times a week.

Bath with a decoction of oat straw and wormwood

Urolithiasis disease.
Take 500-700 g of oat straw and 200-300 g of wormwood herb into a canvas bag, add 5 liters of water and cook over low heat, covered, for 30 minutes. Remove, squeeze out the bag with the remaining raw materials and pour the broth into the prepared bath. Take a bath while sitting. The water level after diving is slightly above the waist.
Water temperature - 38-40 °C. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes.

Bath with oat straw decoction

1. Sweaty feet.
Pour 150 g of chopped oat straw into 3.5 liters of water and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Cool the broth, strain and use for a foot bath.

2. Pain in the joints of the limbs.
Pour 1 cup of chopped oat straw into 5 liters of boiling water and cook over moderate heat, covered, for 30 minutes. Cool the finished broth to a temperature of 36-37 °C and use for a local bath without filtering. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 minutes. Do oatmeal baths every other day for 10-15 days (5-7 procedures in total).

Oat straw infusion bath

Brew 50 g of oat straw with 5 liters of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Strain the finished infusion and use it for a cool sitz bath.
Water temperature - 25-26 °C. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Children's bath made from oat straw decoction

Diathesis and rickets.
A bath decoction is prepared at the rate of 400 g of oat straw per 10 liters of water. Cook in an enamel bucket for 20 minutes over low heat, then cool to 37 °C, strain through several layers of gauze and bathe the child without diluting the broth with water.

If you think oatmeal is just a standard breakfast food, think again. The soothing properties of oatmeal can be used to treat itchy, inflamed and sensitive skin while replenishing moisture and essential minerals. Oatmeal is also great natural remedy for skin problems caused by plants such as poison ivy. To make an oatmeal bath, you can either add a glass of powdered oatmeal directly into warm water, or place a special bag of whole oats in there. In any case, it will only take a couple of minutes to prepare an oatmeal bath, and the discomfort it will relieve will not last for several hours. In addition, it will leave your skin feeling fresh and protected.


Add oatmeal directly to your bath

    Grind the oatmeal into a fine powder. Place in a blender food processor or a coffee grinder about one cup of raw unflavored oatmeal. There's no need to complicate things: a regular package of oatmeal that you find in the supermarket will work just fine. Grind the oats until they have a very fine, powdery texture. This will make it easier for them to dissolve in the bath.

    • The oatmeal particles should be very small - then they will dissolve in the water and not just settle to the bottom of the bath.
    • If you're not sure if your oatmeal is chopped enough, try testing it by adding about a tablespoon to a bowl of warm water. If the water becomes a uniform, milky color, the oatmeal will dissolve in the bath.
  1. Add oatmeal to your bath. Run a warm bath. Once the oatmeal is of a fine enough consistency (and thus successfully mixed with water), pour the powder into the bath as it fills. If desired, you can add other additions at this stage, such as whole milk to soften the skin, sea salt to exfoliate, and essential oils to hydrate the body and leave it smelling nice.

    Stir until the oatmeal is completely dissolved in the water. Move your hand over the bath water until the oatmeal powder and other additives are completely dissolved. The water will begin to take on a milky hue. This is a good sign that the oatmeal is evenly distributed.

    • Released oatmeal can create a thin film in the bathtub once it dries.
  2. Soak in the bath for 15–30 minutes. Lie down in the bath. Oatmeal powder will make the bath even more slippery, so be careful. Relax and lie down until the water cools down to room temperature. If after this you feel that your body has become a little sticky, rinse under clean warm water after leaving the bath. Lightly pat the towel dry and ensure that the oatmeal is absorbed into the top layer of skin to provide a protective barrier.

    • If you have a condition in which the symptoms do not subside (for example, chickenpox), you can take an oatmeal bath several times a day, as it will provide you with much-needed comfort.

    Make a Bath Oatmeal Bag

    Place the oatmeal in a pair of tights or a muslin bag. Instead of grinding the oatmeal, leave it whole. Take a muslin bag, a thin pair of nylon tights, or a large coffee filter and add ½ to ¾ cup of oatmeal. When you put it in water, the oatmeal bag will act like a tea bag, infusing the water with nutritious, natural ingredients.

    • Make a big batch of oatmeal bags ahead of time so you'll have them on hand when you want to throw one in the tub.
  3. Add any other components of your choice. Depending on the purpose of the oatmeal bath, you can add other ingredients to the bag. A little milk powder will help soften the skin. A few drops of olive oil will retain moisture while you soak in the bath. Tablespoon baking soda will help restore your skin's natural acidity level. What you add to the pouch is entirely up to you, and the choices are almost endless!

    • If you are using an oatmeal bath to treat an infection, itching, inflammation or sores on the skin, it is recommended that you either skip this step or use extreme caution as adding additional ingredients may worsen the condition.
  4. Make sure the pouch is securely fastened. Tie a muslin bag tightly or tie a pair of tights to keep oatmeal and other additives out of the water - you won't enjoy your bath if there are tough oatmeal flakes floating in the water. If you are using a coffee filter (or other empty container), secure it with a rubber band or a piece of tape or thread. The bag should be fastened well enough so as not to come undone if it gets under pouring water while it floats around the bathtub.

    • Handle a soaked coffee filter or other paper bag carefully—if it sits in water for too long, it may tear and fall apart.
    • More durable materials, such as nylon tights, work well for repeated use, as long as you wash and dry them after each session.
  5. Add the pouch to hot bath as it fills up. Start running a hot bath. Once it is half full, throw the bag into it. Heat and the movement of pouring water will reveal the properties of oatmeal and other natural ingredients. Wait until it cools to room temperature before getting into the water. Do not remove the bag the entire time you are in the bath.

    • Bath bags are easy to make and don't leave a mess because the contents are infused in the water rather than added directly to it.

    Find different uses for your oatmeal bath

    1. Relieve rashes, itching and irritation. Oatmeal baths are ideal for reducing the unpleasant symptoms of skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis, and they can also help with skin irritation after exposure to poison ivy, oak and sumac. The power of oatmeal eliminates itching, reduces redness and swelling, and forms a protective layer on the surface of the skin. Take an oatmeal bath one to three times a day until the condition improves.

      • An oatmeal bath does not cure chronic skin diseases, but only temporarily relieves symptoms.
    2. Treat diaper rash in babies. A soft bath of oatmeal (one or two times) will relieve redness and irritation during diaper rash in a baby. Simply add a small amount of finely ground oatmeal (about half the amount for an adult) to a warm bath while bathing your baby. Dry your skin with a towel and lightly pat. Oatmeal infused water works much better than regular soap or diaper rash powder. Plus, it can be safely used multiple times.

      • Before putting on a fresh diaper, allow the irritated skin to dry completely and rub a small amount of rash ointment into it.
    3. Soothe sunburn. For mild sunburns, a specially formulated oatmeal bath can work wonders. Simply add some milk powder, mint and aloe vera to your oatmeal as you fill your bath. Together, these ingredients can reduce pain while speeding up the healing process of burns.

    4. Colloidal oatmeal can be purchased from many online stores (for example, iHerb). If you are purchasing pre-milled oatmeal for... medical use Be sure to follow the included instructions.
    5. If you have an exacerbation of a skin condition, gently dry your skin after a bath by gently patting with a soft towel.
    6. Sprinkle oatmeal or packaged oatmeal under the running water to get as much bubbles as possible.
    7. Warnings

    • An oatmeal bath is a simple and... affordable way treatments for skin irritations, but are not a substitute for medical treatment.
    • Do not place the bath bag directly under running water, as the pressure may rupture it and make everything dirty.
    • If you suffer from a skin condition that causes pain, you should use warm rather than hot water to prevent further discomfort.

Oats, oat treatment

Northeast China and Mongolia are considered the birthplace of oats.
It has been known in Europe since the Bronze Age, however, in those days this cereal was found only as a weed in wheat and barley crops.
Sowing oats is a valuable food and feed crop.
Oat grains contain up to 55% starch, up to 24% fiber, up to 11% fat, 20% protein. Among the amino acids there is a lot of tryptophan and lysine. Also contains sterols, saponins, organic acids, carotenoids, vitamins, sugars and essential oils.

Oat products are used in dietary nutrition.
When boiled in water, they form a mucous mass that does not irritate the lining of the stomach and does not cause contractions of its walls with minimal secretion of gastric juice and enzymes.

A mucous decoction of oats is beneficial for the stomach and does not cause contractions of its walls with minimal secretion of gastric juice and enzymes.
Mucous decoctions protect the stomach and are well absorbed.
Mucus regulates intestinal activity during both diarrhea and constipation.
Therefore, decoctions of oatmeal are very useful for stomach diseases, pancreatitis, and colitis.
It should be noted that a decoction of oatmeal helps remove lead from the body through the intestines.

Oatmeal is an excellent anti-tuberculosis remedy. Its healing properties are explained by its high silicon content.
According to this indicator, oatmeal is the champion of the earth's flora. Silicon forms the basis of lung tissue, and for Koch's bacillus it is harmful, since it loses its harmful properties.
So eat regularly oatmeal- a good help in the fight against tuberculosis infection.

No drugs are recommended for children under two years of age. medicinal herbs, and a slimy decoction of oats can treat gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea, bloating and rumbling in the stomach.
If whole cow's milk is poorly tolerated, it is diluted with oatmeal broth by half or a third.

Patients with diabetes mellitus, especially when complicated by acidosis and high cholesterol levels in the blood, benefit from a fasting diet of oatmeal and rolled oats.

A traditional folk remedy is oatmeal jelly.

It can be prepared from either cereal or rolled oats. The cereal needs to be poured cold boiled water in a 1:1 ratio, add a little yeast, wrap the container in a thick cloth and leave to ferment for a day. After this, carefully drain the liquid and bring it to a boil. Hot jelly can be eaten with vegetable oil. The cooled jelly becomes so dense that it can be cut with a knife.

Decoctions of whole oat grains have a diuretic effect.
To prepare the decoction, boil 1 cup of grains in 4 cups of water in a water bath until the volume is halved, add 4 tablespoons of honey, place in a water bath for another 5 minutes, then filter. For kidney disease, drink 1/2 glass 2-3 times a day.

Oat preparations are also used for colds accompanied by a prolonged cough: oats are poured into 2/3 of the volume of the dishes, topped up with milk and placed in a low-heat oven. As it boils, add milk until the oats are boiled, then squeeze and strain. The resulting liquid is drunk 2-3 tablespoons 3 times a day.

A decoction of oats is useful after a myocardial infarction and in the early stages of hypertension: boil 1 cup of oats in 1 liter of water until half the volume of liquid evaporates, filter and drink 1/2 cup per day with tablespoons.

Oat infusion has an antispasmodic effect, reduces pain from contractions of the ureter and bladder during urolithiasis and cystitis, helps with allergies, bronchial asthma and urticaria.

For chronic liver diseases, and especially hepatitis, oats have proven themselves:
2 cups of oats in husks are poured into 3 liters of water and boiled for 3 hours over low heat. After such evaporation, usually a little more than 1 cup of decoction remains. It is drunk warm once a day for a month. A fresh decoction is prepared for each use.

Oat decoction
To cleanse the body (especially the liver) and lose weight, nutritionists recommend drinking oatmeal broth.

A decoction of oat grains is used for various gastrointestinal diseases, especially in children, and edema of renal origin.

To improve the dissolution of calcium and phosphorus salts, oatmeal should be soaked in cold water a few hours before preparing the decoction.

A decoction of oats with honey is used for loss of appetite, exhaustion, tereotoxicosis (intoxication depending on dysfunction of the thyroid gland), after long-term infectious diseases.

For exhaustion, tuberculosis, gastrointestinal diseases, 1 glass of oats is washed several times, then boiled in 2 glasses of water until half boils away. Add 2 tablespoons of honey and cook for a few more minutes.

Preparing oatmeal broth
Rinse a glass of oats thoroughly and add a liter of water. Boil over low heat for 20 minutes, then remove from heat and wrap for 24 hours or leave in a thermos. Then strain the broth through cheesecloth, add one tbsp. spoon of honey, close the lid tightly and let it boil again. Cool the prepared oat broth, add freshly squeezed lemon juice and place in the refrigerator. Drink 100 ml of decoction per day, half an hour before meals.

Oat infusion
Oatmeal infusion is used as a choleretic and diuretic, as well as a means of regulating metabolic processes in the heart muscle and nervous tissue.

The easiest way to prepare oat infusion: pour oat grains with water in a ratio of 1:10 and let it brew for 24 hours, then filter.

Oat decoction is an excellent remedy:

For diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract,

To cleanse the liver,

For dietary food, including baby food,

When overworked,

For inflammation of nerve endings, insomnia,

For those who want to quit smoking.

Oat grain can successfully replace at least half of medications, and this “medicine” has no side effects, a-priory.
It has a completely different operating principle. Oats help the body normalize all vital functions.
Hippocrates also spoke about oats as a healing remedy for exhaustion and weakness of the body.
The great scientist advised drinking an infusion or decoction of oats without any fancy recipes - like tea.

Oats have been used since time immemorial in folk medicine. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from oatmeal. From oatmeal prepare oatmeal jelly and make oatmeal dough for poultices.

Oatmeal bath
Dissolve 500 g of potato starch or a thick decoction of oatmeal in the bath.
Salt bath
Pour 250-300 g of sea salt into the bath; salt baths not only improve skin tone, but are also useful for those who are struggling with excess weight.

And another recipe for an oatmeal rejuvenating bath...

“...I take a pack of regular oatmeal like “Hercules”, pour it into a gauze bag and tie it tightly, you can just tie it in a knot in a large piece of gauze.
I put this bag of oatmeal in the bathroom and run the water. It is better to pour the water into the bath a little hotter so that the oatmeal swells well; periodically I stir the water and knead the bag so that more oatmeal jelly comes out of it. The water in the bathroom turns creamy.
Wait until the water cools down to a comfortable temperature; it should not be hot. You should take a bath as usual, no more than 20 minutes.
I also wipe my skin with this bag of oatmeal when I’m in the bath. After taking a bath, do not wash the skin with soap and water, but simply pat dry with a towel.
The skin becomes smooth and velvety. This bath is especially good for heating season when dry air dries out the skin.

I highly recommend giving this bath to allergic children suffering from skin diathesis. An allergist once recommended this bath to me for a child.
When I bathed my son, the dryness and flaking on the skin noticeably decreased, even better than after herbal decoctions.

A little later, to save time, I came up with another way to take an oatmeal bath for the body. I made a small gauze bag into which I put a handful of cereal and use it as a washcloth in the shower. The effect is not the same as after a bath, but quite satisfactory.

Tested for myself! "

Oat baths
Oat straw decoction baths - medical procedure for many ailments and an excellent cosmetic product.

Baths for neurological diseases and excessive sweating
5 handfuls of oat straw per 15 liters of water, boil for 10 minutes. Take baths at a temperature of 37-38 degrees for 10-15 minutes 2 times a week before going to bed or wipe with warm broth. After a bath or drying, do not dry yourself, put on pajamas and go to bed.

Baths for the treatment of rheumatism, joint inflammation, lumbago (lumbago)
Brew 1 kg of straw with boiling water, pour into the bath, cool until pleasantly warm. Take 15-20 minutes.

Baths for the treatment of cystitis
Pour chopped oat straw (0.75 volume) into a 10-liter container, add cold water, simmer over low heat for half an hour, leave for an hour. Strain and add to the bath. Such baths are also useful for diseases of the bladder and kidneys.

Baths for bronchial asthma
Pour a decoction of 1 kg of oat straw into the bath. take procedures for 15-20 minutes for 7-9 days in a row. After a 10-day break, the course can be repeated.

For lichen, eczema and diathesis in children
For local washing, prepare a solution in a ratio of 1:10.

Foot bath for joint rheumatism
Cook 3-5 handfuls of oat straw over low heat for 30 minutes, cool to 38 degrees. Keep your feet in this broth for 30 minutes (do not throw away the straw from the broth).

Foot baths for calluses
Boil 3-5 handfuls of chopped straw over low heat for 30 minutes, cool to a temperature of 38 degrees, do not remove the straw from the broth.

Baths for excessive sweating of feet
Boil 3-5 handfuls of oat straw and 2 handfuls of oak bark over low heat for 30 minutes, cool to 38 degrees. Do foot baths every day for 15-20 minutes for 10-15 days.

Oat straw decoction
30-40 g of chopped straw are boiled in 1 liter of water for 10-15 minutes. For the treatment of urolithiasis, a decoction is prepared according to the following scheme: 2 tbsp. chopped straw, pour 1 liter of water, boil over low heat for 30 minutes, leave in a warm place for 2 hours, strain.

SO...basic medicinal properties oats
Oats are a general strengthening and rejuvenating agent for the body.

Oats quickly restore and increase muscle strength, energy deficiency due to physical fatigue and fatigue.

Oats renew the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Oats normalize metabolism, the activity of the cardiovascular system, and are effective in diabetes mellitus and high cholesterol levels in the blood.

Oats are a diaphoretic and diuretic.

Oats have a calming property - they are used for exhaustion, mental fatigue, neurasthenia, and insomnia.

Oats have an anti-sclerotic effect.

Oats improve the body's immunity.

Oats improve the activity of the thyroid gland and are used in the treatment of goiter (a decoction of the grain with honey).

Oats are used for gallstones and liver diseases, jaundice (oatmeal broth or jelly), suppresses mucus and bile in the body.

Oats are good for lungs, tuberculosis oat dishes used as a source of silicon, calcium and phosphorus for treatment and recovery after illness, recommended for bronchitis, pneumonia and shortness of breath.

Oats have a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, it is recommended for intestinal atony, flatulence, gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis; decoction of oatmeal - for disorders of the digestive tract, diarrhea.

Oats are good for the large intestine, enhance peristalsis, act as a weak laxative (porridge with butter), and are used as a tonic (decoction) for children with diarrhea.

Oats remove toxic substances from the body.

Oats normalize fat metabolism and promote weight loss.

Oats have an anti-inflammatory effect and are effective for rheumatic inflammation of the joints (decoction of green stems and unripe grains).

Oats improve the condition of the skin and hair (when taken orally in decoctions or when applying oatmeal masks to aging skin), and helps with scab.

A bath is probably one of every woman’s favorite pleasures. How wonderful it is to relax and take a nap, immersed in warm aromatic water.

But even such an everyday procedure as taking a bath, has its own characteristics:

It is better to take a bath on an empty stomach or at least two hours before and after meals.

The water in the bath should not be too hot, otherwise you may feel dizzy and even nauseous. A bath that is too hot is tiring and also weakens the heart. So a bath that is too hot has a negative effect.

Heart area at taking a bath It is advisable not to immerse in water.

It is advisable to take a bath not every day, but 2-3 times a week.

The duration of bathing should not exceed 20 minutes.

Do not overuse: take a bath no more than 2-3 times a week.

Depending on the expected effect, baths are divided into cosmetic and medicinal. The purpose of taking cosmetic baths is to relieve tension, fatigue of the whole body, rejuvenate the skin and the whole body. Target medicinal baths- in achieving some therapeutic effect, in curing or improving (in combination with other means) the patient’s condition.

Taking beauty baths

Cleopatra's Magic Bath

In terms of its cosmetic properties, the so-called bath of Cleopatra, who took a bath of donkey milk and honey, can be said to be “magical.” Nowadays, of course, it is unthinkable to take such baths, but the use healing properties dairy products are quite possible.

To take such a bath, you need to warm up a liter of fresh milk, add a cup of honey and a few tablespoons of oil (olive, jojoba, almond, grape seed - in general, any vegetable oil). Everything is thoroughly mixed and added to the bath.

bubble bath

Pearl baths are usually held in special institutions - sanatoriums, spas. bubble bath so named because, due to the bubbling water that accompanies such baths, many small droplets resembling pearls form on the surface. Such baths improve overall well-being, reduce pain, and relieve fatigue.

Oatmeal bath

This procedure is known folk remedy improving the condition of skin and hair. Oatmeal, like wheat bran, dries out acne, relieves inflammation, and perfectly softens the skin. An oatmeal bath is prepared like this. Several spoons (handfuls) of oatmeal are placed in a gauze bag and tied to a tap so that water flows through it.

Seaweed bath

Such baths can be taken at home. To do this, you need to purchase a bath product with algae extract from pharmacies. Such baths normalize metabolism, remove toxins, and improve blood circulation. Due to the high iodine content seaweed disinfect and cleanse the skin, promote weight loss.

Salt baths

Salt baths can be taken with sea salt, which is sold in pharmacies. To take such a bath, 1 kg of salt is dissolved in water.

Can be used in salt baths not only pure sea salt, but also natural gray salt, you can use flavored sea salt, with various additives. In this case, you must carefully study the instructions for use. After taking a salt bath, be sure to rinse with warm water in the shower.

Salt baths tighten and smooth the skin, help fight cellulite, relieve joint problems, and improve the functioning of the thyroid gland.

You can enhance the effect of any cosmetic bath using a few drops. essential oils. So, for cellulite, grapefruit and orange oil are indicated. Rose oil has a healing effect, tea tree oil will help get rid of fatigue.

Taking medicinal baths

Taking a bath– a treatment method that can be called one of the most proven and pleasant. Even the ancient Romans said: “Seek healing in baths” - and they did water procedures several times a day.

The Chinese were not far behind them. In Russia water procedures accompanied by any holiday. Of course, it is unlikely that a disease can be cured by just taking a bath. However, in complex therapy, such a procedure will have a very beneficial effect on the entire body and, naturally, on the treatment of the disease. As a rule, bath treatment uses various herbs. There are a huge number of herbal bath recipes.

Therapeutic baths relieve fatigue, calm the nerves and rejuvenate the body. Efficiency is achieved through biologically active substances: essential oils, phytoncides, tannins, vitamins and microelements.

Penetrating through the skin and respiratory tract, they enter the blood and spread to diseased organs, exerting an active analgesic, antiseptic and vasodilating effect on the body. The skin is cleansed of toxins released through the sweat glands.

So, for example, sage baths relieve pain and calm; mustard - dilate blood vessels, reduce arterial pressure; valerian - treat neuroses and sleep disorders; baths with cereal extract help with rheumatism, inflammatory processes in the joints, and chronic diseases of the respiratory system.