Recipes for dishes made from oat root. Garden Review

oat root- oysters from the garden

In Europe, oat root is known as vegetable plant known since ancient times, it is widely grown in the USA and Canada. In the territory of the former USSR, it is widely distributed in the wild in Siberia and Ukraine, and is cultivated only in the Baltic countries.

And in Russian gardens it is still very rare, since it has been replaced by other root vegetables, the Russian consumer does not know about its excellent nutritional and medicinal properties, and the gardener does not know about the availability of its cultivation. What is the reason? But just almost complete absence information and our traditional conservatism.

Nature itself “sentenced” it to be grown in middle lane Russia. It is extremely unpretentious, cold-resistant, drought-resistant, not picky about soils, cultivation techniques are simple, the taste and nutritional properties are excellent, and it stores well.

In fact, why is this root called oat root? It seems that it has nothing to do with oats. It turns out that it’s all about its seeds and leaves. Its seeds, in their shape, strongly resemble this cereal, beloved by people and horses. Having matured, they fly off on fluffy parachutes in different directions. And its leaves covered with a bluish coating resemble oat leaves.

Oat root, white root, salsify, vegetable oyster - these are all names of the same plant. Why also salsify? Because the long cone-shaped roots are overgrown with thin, sparse roots and resemble a goat’s beard.

Oat root is a biennial vegetable plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. The entire plant, especially its root crop, is saturated with white milky juice.

In the first year of life, the plant forms a rosette of numerous linear-oblong, grayish-green leaves. These leaves are quite narrow and widened at the base, reaching a length of 30-50 cm. Peduncles that grow in the second year reach a height of 100-120 cm. The flowers are purple-blue, collected in baskets, the plant blooms for a very long time.

The root crop is cylindrical, fleshy, smooth, tapering at the bottom, white-yellow in color, its length reaches up to 25 cm, and its diameter up to 3-4 cm. The root crop is covered with a suberized peel. The pulp of the root vegetable is white; when it is broken, a milky juice is released, which quickly darkens.

Growing conditions

Oat root, unlike scorzonera (black root), is not picky about climatic and soil conditions. The best for it will be light loams with a thick arable layer, sufficiently fertile and provided with moisture. On a heavy clay soil it forms ugly roots. Best soils for him with a neutral and slightly alkaline reaction, and he does not like acidic soils.

Oat root is drought-resistant, but responds well to watering. It is photophilous, prefers sunlight all day long, grows strongly in partial shade, but forms thin root crops.

Oat root - cold-resistant plant and can overwinter well in the soil when covered with dry leaves or good snow cover. Its seeds germinate already at a temperature of 3-5 degrees, and the optimal summer temperature for plant development is 18-20 degrees.

Desirable oat root precursors can be any crop that has been treated with high doses of organic fertilizers.

Remember! Like many common root vegetables, oat root does not tolerate fresh manure. When it is introduced into the soil, the oat root grows long, but very tough.

Since oat root, like any root vegetable, requires deeply cultivated soil, it must be prepared in the fall. It is dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet, after adding 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate and potash fertilizers and half a glass wood ash per 1 sq. meter.

If the soil is heavy, then it is necessary to add 1 bucket of coarse sand and 1 bucket of low-lying, aerated peat. On very poor soil it is necessary to add 0.5 buckets of rotted compost (no more), and on acidic soils- lime fertilizers.

And when digging the soil in spring, you need to add 1 tbsp. spoon ammonium nitrate or 1 teaspoon of urea per 1 sq. meter of bed.

If the fertile arable layer on your site is very thin, then you will have to make a high bed to grow oat root, since the length of the plant’s root is 25-30 cm, i.e. This is the depth of one and a half bayonets of a shovel. Perhaps, most likely due to the traditional reluctance of gardeners to engage high beds, we completely forgot about it beautiful plant, which our ancestors knew well in the 17-18 centuries.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

It is advisable to soak oat root seeds before sowing them, because... they have low germination energy, since the seed shell is very dense. It will be even better if you soak them in a solution of growth stimulants “Epine”, “Silke”, etc. Even just soaking the seeds white root in a solution of stove ash (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) for 12 hours will significantly speed up seed germination.

Oat root seeds are sown in early spring, almost together with carrots. They are laid flat in wet furrows, 2-3 pieces per nest to a depth of 2-2.5 cm at a distance of 4-5 cm with a row spacing of at least 30-35 cm. The bed must be immediately mulched with peat or covered with film to reduce drying out of the soil . You can sow oat root seeds before winter before the onset of stable low temperatures.

Shoots at favorable conditions appear after 10 days, and when unfavorable conditions- 15-16 days after sowing. This is why weeds very often choke out oat root seedlings.

In order to facilitate weeding of rows under these conditions, when sowing oat root seeds, it is necessary to add seeds of lighthouse crops, it is best salad mustard. The seeds of these plants germinate in 3-4 days, much earlier than the weeds, and clearly mark the rows, which allows you to loosen the rows without waiting for the main crop to sprout, and get an additional great-tasting green leafy crop.

When the second leaf appears, the plants are thinned out, leaving 4-5 cm between them. And after 2-3 weeks, the final thinning of the plants is carried out, leaving 10-12 cm between plants.

Caring for the oat root consists of weeding, watering, fertilizing if necessary, removing bolted plants in the year of sowing, since the root crops of such plants are not suitable for food...

V. G. Shafransky

Photo from the Yandex collection

Once on a TV show they showed a plant with flowers like an aster and leaves like a gladiolus. They said that the boiled roots of this plant were edible, moreover, the taste was similar to oysters. I would like to know the name of this miracle, is it possible to grow it in central Russia? Whether there is a planting material on sale?

The plant in question is called oat root. It is popularly known as salsify or sweet (white) root. Europeans call it a vegetable oyster. The boiled root vegetable is indeed associated in taste with oysters, for which it is valued in many countries. In Russia this plant is little known, which is a pity. Oat root is unpretentious and winter-hardy. Its seeds are occasionally sold in specialized stores.

Oat root in the second year of life

Benefits and ways to use oat root

The taste of root vegetables is spicy and sweetish. When fresh, it is used as an ingredient in various salads. Boiled and fried, they are used as a side dish or an independent dish. Combined with mushrooms - an excellent filling for pies. Dried and crushed root vegetables can be brewed to produce a coffee-type drink. In addition to root vegetables, you can also use bleached leaves as food.

Salsify roots contain proteins, mineral salts, inulin and trace elements. Their calorie content is low and their nutritional value is high. That is why the vegetable is valued by weight watchers and diabetics. Regular consumption of these roots normalizes metabolism and improves digestion.


Oat root is a biennial plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. In the year of sowing, a basal rosette of elongated lanceolate leaves and a root crop are formed. The following year, the plant forms an erect, branched stem up to 1.5 m high. The shoots end in flowers (more precisely, inflorescences-baskets) of blue or dark lilac color. The seeds are light brown and remain viable for up to 4 years, although fresh ones germinate better.

Oat root seeds

The root vegetable is grayish-white, fleshy, smooth. Its length is about 30 cm, diameter up to 4, average weight about 100 g. The core is white; if its integrity is broken, transparent white juice is released. At the bottom of the root crop, branches are formed, thanks to which the plant received the not very sonorous name - salsify.

Growing and care

Oat root can grow in any soil, except acidic. On fertile ones, the quality of root crops and yield are much higher. You must choose a sunny place for planting. If you plan to grow the plant in a two-year cycle, then it will look good in the background of the flower garden, creating a backdrop for low-growing specimens.

In the first year, the oat root forms a rosette of leaves and a root crop.

Seeds can be sown in spring (from late April) or late autumn. The soil must be prepared in advance: dig up to a depth of 30 cm, adding in the fall phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, and in the spring - complex. Acidic soils will require additional liming.

When sowing in spring, the distance between the rows is about 25 cm. Seeds must be planted to a depth of 2.5 cm. After sowing, it is advisable to mulch the bed, for example, with humus or sawdust with a layer of 3 cm, so that a soil crust does not form. Shoots appear after 14-20 days. As they grow, they need to be thinned out. At first, 3 cm are left between plants, and after thinning again, about 7 cm should remain.

Oat root flowering

Until the leaves close together, you should regularly weed the plantings and loosen the rows. It is necessary to water only during the period active growth leaves and in drought. The rest of the time, plants can easily do without water. It is better to remove stemmed plants, because their root vegetables turn out lignified and unsuitable for food.

Oat root is responsive to fertilizing. They are especially needed on poor soils. The first feeding, for example, with nitrophoska (15 g/sq.m.) should be done after thinning. The second feeding should be carried out during the formation of the root crop, preferably with ash (1 cup/linear meter). On poor soils, it would not be a bad idea to add magnesium sulfate (5 g/sq.m.). 1.5 months before harvesting, a third feeding is needed - superphosphate (20 g/bucket) and potassium sulfate (15 g/bucket). With this care, the accumulation of nitrates in root crops will be minimal.

Harvest and storage

Roots that taste like oysters when boiled

The roots should be harvested late in the fall, in central Russia - in October. If desired, they can be left until spring, hilling them up for the winter. Digging is complicated by the fact that there is a branching in the lower part, due to which the plants are firmly held in the soil. It is convenient to dig a groove near the first row, pull out the root crops by the tops, digging from below with a pitchfork. Do the same with the next rows. Leaves should be cut at a height of 7 cm. Root vegetables should be dried and stored.

It is advisable to store the harvest in plastic bags with holes for air exchange, half filled and tied at the top with a rope. Optimal temperature about 0 °C, changes are extremely undesirable.

Some of the root vegetables can be washed using a brush, side branches and roots can be removed. Dry, cut into rings and finish drying in the oven over low heat. Preferably stored in glass jars, tightly closing the lids.

We hope that after our publication you have a desire to grow oat root on your site. The plant has no disadvantages, but has a lot of advantages: tasty and healthy roots, decorative leaves, interesting flowers, and requires almost no maintenance.

Regular consumption of root and leaf products oat root promotes normal functioning human body, because they are rich nutrients, vitamins, mineral salts, especially sugars - 2.5-3.0% in leaves and 13-15% in root vegetables, pectin substances, carotene (leaves).

Of particular value for diabetic patients is the polysaccharide inulin - about 1% in leaves and up to 6% in root vegetables.

The root is used in the form of decoctions to improve digestion and appetite, as a choleretic agent. Considering the high nutritional and medicinal value of the leaves and roots of oat root, in developed countries it is widely used as food in raw and processed form.

For preparations, peeled and chopped root vegetables are stored dried or frozen if there is no cellar and nowhere to store fresh root vegetables.

Oat root recipes

Oat root adds piquancy to canned food and is used as a seasoning for soups. Salads are prepared from young or bleached leaves in spring, adding vegetable oil, lemon juice, and garlic.

Oat root leaf sandwich

Spread bread (preferably black or with bran) with butter, put leaves (preferably bleached), and top with half a hard-boiled egg. Salt, spices - to taste.

Root vegetable salads

1. Peeled root vegetables are grated on a coarse grater, add the same amount of grated carrots, about 1/5 of this amount of grated parsley or celery. Mix everything, season vegetable oil, sour cream, mayonnaise to taste. Season the salad with lemon juice, garnish with dill, parsley, celery, basil, cilantro, etc.

2. Boil the washed root vegetables in water acidified with vinegar, cut into slices, season with mayonnaise, sprinkle with parsley and coriander.

3. Peel the raw root vegetable, cut into strips or chop on a coarse grater, add cucumbers or borage cut into strips (1:1), which can be replaced with carrots or apples. Season the salad with vegetable oil, lemon juice, salt, sour cream, mayonnaise, kefir or yogurt.

Vegetable "oysters"

Peeled root vegetables are placed in acidified water for 10-15 minutes, and then transferred to an enamel pan, pour boiling water, add a pinch of sugar, salt to taste and cook until tender in a sealed container. The cooked root vegetables are cut, placed in a salad bowl, poured with vegetable oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Serve with fish or meat.

Root vegetable side dish with egg

Boiled and chopped root vegetables are placed in a frying pan, poured with beaten eggs, sprinkled with chopped onions and baked in the oven. Salt, spices to taste. Garnish the side dish with finely chopped herbs.

Oat root soup

Wash the root vegetables, boil them, rub more than half through a sieve. Cut the peeled potatoes into strips, place in a boiling broth, and cook for 10 minutes. Then add the sauteed chopped carrots, and after another 10 minutes. - oat root mass, chopped celery. Add salt. At the end of cooking, add parsley and the remaining root vegetables cut into slices. 1.5 liters of water or broth, 300 g of oat root, 2 medium potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 stalk of celery, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, chopped parsley and salt - to taste.

Oat root soup

Boiled root vegetables are rubbed through a sieve, the mass is diluted with broth, seasoned with finely chopped dill, parsley, celery, basil, and coriander. Salt, spices to taste.

Coffee surrogate

Peeled root vegetables are cut into slices, dried and fried until light brown, and ground in a coffee grinder. Brewed like coffee. Sugar and cream - to taste.

Bon appetit!

V. Alekseev, General Director of Poisk-Petersburg LLC,
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences

General information:

Oat root comes from meadow plant- salsify, widespread in the wild flora of the central European part of Russia, the Volga region and Siberia;
. cultivated in the USA, Canada, Western European countries, and the Baltic states. It has been known in culture for a long time, first as a medicinal plant and then as a vegetable plant. However, it has not received wide distribution and recognition in Russia; it still remains a rarely cultivated crop, mainly in personal plots;
. The edible oat root contains up to 15% sugar, proteins, vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements. The flavor range of oat root is richer than that of scorzonera. When fresh, root vegetables have a pleasant sweetish-spicy taste; when boiled, they resemble fish or oysters (it’s not for nothing that this crop is called a vegetable oyster);
. root vegetables are consumed as an independent dish or as a side dish in fresh, boiled, fried, stewed, baked form, added to first and second courses, sauces, seasonings, pilafs, etc. Bleached young leaves are used in salads, and a coffee surrogate is prepared from dried root vegetables

The soil:

pH: 6.5-7.2 (neutral or slightly alkaline reaction)

mechanical composition of the soil: light soils

predecessor: all early harvested vegetable crops, with the exception of crops of the same family (lettuce, Jerusalem artichoke, scorzonera)

specific cultural requirements:
. prefers loose, organic-rich, light soils. On heavy clay, compacted soils and when fresh manure is added, root crops branch strongly, their quality decreases and a full harvest cannot be obtained;
. It is advisable to add humus or compost in the fall in small doses. The soil is dug up to a depth of 25-40 cm, per 1 m2 the following is added: 3-4 kg of humus or compost or 70-100 g of complex mineral fertilizer such as nitroammophoska, and during spring digging, 10-20 g are added to a depth of 15-20 cm per 1 m2 urea or ammonium nitrate


planting method: without seedlings

seed sowing time open ground:
. at the end of April - beginning of May with swollen seeds;
. at the end of October - beginning of November with dry seeds

sowing depth: 2-3 cm

sowing/planting scheme:
. sowing in rows with row spacing of 40-50 cm and 10-15 cm between plants in a row;
. double-line ribbons with row spacing of 50-60 cm, distance between lines of 20-25 cm and 10-15 cm between plants in a row

Care and problems with growing:

. per season, 2-3 feedings are carried out with complex mineral fertilizers at the rate of 25-30 g per 1 m2;
. in fertilizing, it is not nitrogen that should predominate, but potassium, phosphorus and microelements, which improves the quality of root crops

. moisture-loving crop, watering rate 5-6 liters per 1 m2, watering frequency - 2 times a week (depending on weather conditions);
. during atmospheric and soil drought, root crops become coarser, plants begin to flower faster - root crops become inedible

temperature: The culture is cold-resistant, overwinters well in the soil under light cover (hilling). Optimal temperature for growth and development +15-20°C

Hybrids and varieties:

most common mid-season variety Mammoth (Mamut)

oat root - valuable dietary product, since it has low calorie content and high nutritional value, it increases appetite. Inulin predominates in the composition of sugars, so oat root is recommended for diabetes mellitus and obesity, used in the treatment of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

In Europe, oat root has been known as a vegetable plant since ancient times; it is still widely grown in the USA and Canada. In the territory of the former USSR, it is widely distributed in the wild in Siberia and Ukraine, and is cultivated only in the Baltic countries.

And in our Russian gardens it is still very rare, since it has been replaced by other root vegetables, the Russian consumer does not know about its excellent nutritional and medicinal properties, and the gardener does not know about the availability of its cultivation. What is the reason? It’s just an almost complete lack of information and our traditional conservatism.

Nature itself “sentenced” it to be grown in central Russia. It is extremely unpretentious, cold-resistant, drought-resistant, not picky about soils, cultivation techniques are simple, the taste and nutritional properties are excellent, and it stores well. And according to their own beneficial properties this root vegetable is in no way inferior to daikon, radish or rutabaga.

In fact, why is this root called oat root? It seems that it has nothing to do with oats. It turns out that the whole point is in its seeds and leaves. Its seeds, in their shape, strongly resemble this cereal, beloved by people and horses. Having matured, they fly off on fluffy parachutes in different directions. And its leaves covered with a bluish coating resemble oat leaves.

Oat root, white root, salsify, vegetable oyster - these are all names for the same plant. Why also salsify? Because the long cone-shaped roots are overgrown with thin, sparse roots and resemble a goatee.

(Tragopogon porrifolius) is a biennial vegetable plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. The whole plant, especially its root crop, is saturated with white milky juice.

In the first year of life, the plant forms a rosette of numerous linear-oblong, grayish-green leaves. These leaves are quite narrow and widened at the base, reaching a length of 30-50 cm. Peduncles that grow in the second year reach a height of 100-120 cm. The flowers are purple-blue, collected in baskets, the plant blooms for a very long time.

The root crop is cylindrical, fleshy, smooth, tapered at the bottom, white-yellow in color, its length reaches up to 25 cm, and its diameter up to 3-4 cm. The root crop is covered with a suberized peel. The pulp of the root vegetable is white; when it is broken, a milky juice is released, which quickly darkens.

At the end of summer, the seeds ripen: gray-brown, rough, large (up to 15 mm long and 3 mm wide), with a thin pointed beak and a flying crest. The ripening of seeds is very extended, so they are collected in several stages as they ripen. Seeds remain viable for 2-3 years. Weight of 1000 seeds - 10 g.

Growing conditions

Oat root, unlike scorzonera (black root), is not picky about climatic and soil conditions. The best for it will be light loams with a thick arable layer, sufficiently fertile and provided with moisture. In heavy clay soil it forms ugly root crops. The best soils for it are those with a neutral and slightly alkaline reaction, but it does not like acidic soils.

Oat root is drought-resistant, but responds well to watering. It is photophilous, prefers sunlight all day long, grows strongly in partial shade, but forms thin root crops.

Oat root is a cold-resistant plant and can overwinter well in the soil when covered with dry leaves or good snow cover. Its seeds germinate already at a temperature of 3-5 degrees, and the optimal summer temperature for plant development is 18-20 degrees.

Desirable oat root precursors can be any crop that has been treated with high doses of organic fertilizers.

Remember! Like many common root vegetables, oat root does not tolerate fresh manure. When it is introduced into the soil, the oat root grows long, but very tough.

Since oat root, like any root vegetable, requires deeply cultivated soil, it must be prepared in the fall. It is dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet, after adding 1 tbsp. a spoonful of superphosphate and potash fertilizers and half a glass of wood ash per 1 square meter. meter.

If the soil is heavy, then it is necessary to add 1 bucket of coarse sand and 1 bucket of low-lying, aerated peat. On very poor soil it is necessary to add 0.5 buckets of rotted compost (no more), and on acidic soils - lime fertilizers.

And when digging the soil in spring, you need to add 1 tbsp. spoon of ammonium nitrate or 1 teaspoon of urea per 1 sq. meter of bed.

If the fertile arable layer on your site is very thin, then you will have to make a high bed to grow oat root, since the length of the plant’s root is 25-30 cm, i.e. This is the depth of one and a half bayonets of a shovel. Perhaps, most likely, it is precisely because of the traditional reluctance of gardeners to deal with high beds that we have completely forgotten about this beautiful plant, which our ancestors knew well in the 17-18 centuries.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

It is advisable to soak oat root seeds before sowing them, because... they have low germination energy, since the seed shell is very dense. It will be even better if you soak them in a solution of growth stimulants “Epine”, “Silke”, etc. Even simply soaking white root seeds in a solution of stove ash (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water) for 12 hours will significantly speed up seed germination.

Oat root seeds are sown in early spring, almost together with carrots. They are laid flat in wet furrows, 2-3 pieces per nest to a depth of 2-2.5 cm at a distance of 4-5 cm with a row spacing of at least 30-35 cm. The bed must be immediately mulched with peat or covered with film to reduce drying out of the soil . You can sow oat root seeds before winter before the onset of stable low temperatures.

Under favorable conditions, seedlings appear within 10 days, and under unfavorable conditions, within 15-16 days after sowing. This is why weeds very often choke out oat root seedlings.

In order to facilitate weeding of rows under these conditions, when sowing oat root seeds, it is necessary to add seeds of lighthouse crops, preferably salad mustard. The seeds of these plants germinate in 3-4 days, much earlier than the weeds, and clearly mark the rows, which allows you to loosen the rows without waiting for the main crop to sprout, and get an additional great-tasting green leafy crop.

When the second leaf appears, the plants are thinned out, leaving 4-5 cm between them. And after 2-3 weeks, the final thinning of the plants is carried out, leaving 10-12 cm between plants.

Caring for the oat root consists of weeding, watering, fertilizing if necessary, and removing bolted plants in the year of sowing, since the root crops of such plants are not suitable for food.

During the period of root crop formation (early August), it is advisable to water regularly. And after watering and rain, it is necessary to loosen the soil, since in heavy soil the root crops do not gain weight and become watery.

The harvest is harvested at the end of September. Root vegetables must be carefully dug up with a pitchfork so as not to injure them, otherwise they bleed milky juice and are poorly stored. Then the tops are cut, leaving a “tail” of about 3 cm, and stored in the cellar, like carrots. With this storage, oat root vegetables perfectly retain their properties until spring. appearance and taste.

Part of the bed can be left undug. The roots overwinter well in the soil without any shelter. In spring they can be used as food until the flower stem appears.

Use in cooking

Two forms of oat root are known in cultivation. The oat root with smooth roots and a light gray color of the root vegetable is of greatest interest in cooking. But this form is not yet widespread. The most famous forms are those with root crops covered with numerous small roots.

Salsify combines high nutritional value with low calorie content. Oat root vegetables are rich in proteins and carbohydrates. They are useful and healing, as they contain minerals, organic compounds, and a lot (up to 8%) of inulin - a valuable medicinal substance needed by patients with diabetes.

Oat root vegetables have a pleasant sweetish taste. It is fried, stewed, boiled, baked, added to soups, salads, served both as an independent dish and as a side dish.

Before cooking, peel off the top red layer of the root and immediately place it in water with vinegar to prevent the root from darkening.

When boiled, they have a very pleasant, delicate oyster taste. That is why they are called “plant oyster”, and the plant itself is called an oyster plant.

Young salsify root is eaten raw in many European countries (especially Italy, Spain and Greece) and is also used as a filling for pies.

In addition to root vegetables, young greens are also eaten - they are added to vegetable salads.

A coffee surrogate is prepared from dried root vegetables.

We suggest you try:

  • Oat root, fried in butter,

    It has been known since ancient times that regular consumption of teas made from oat root promotes overall strengthening of the body and longevity, and washing the face with its warm decoction eliminates wrinkles.

    "Ural Gardener" No. 34 - 2015

16-04-15. Views:3056.

Comments: 0. – 30.

Glycemic index (GI)

Calorie content – ​​82 kcal. vegetable crop, decorative and medicinal plant. Popular in Russia, Europe, the Mediterranean, and the USA. The plant is widespread as a wild plant in temperate climate, in Western Siberia.

Oat root has high taste qualities, has recently been in demand among gourmets and devotees proper nutrition, included in the everyday gastronomic set. In restaurants in the USA and Western Europe it is served as a delicacy.

Beneficial features

The leaves and rhizome of salsify are saturated with nitrogenous extractives, vitamins, and pectins. Fiber takes up 3.3 g, proteins - 3.4 g. The chemical composition of salsify root contains up to 15.4 g of carbohydrates, ash impurities - about 0.9 g. The raw root consists of 77% water. Vitamin group: PP, C, B2, B1, B3, B6, B9, E. Mineral elements: phosphorus, selenium, potassium, manganese, calcium, sodium, iron, zinc.

The beneficial properties of oat root include the presence of the substance inulin (8 g), which makes this product especially in demand in the diet of patients with diabetes.

How it affects the body

Salsify has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, immunomodulatory, tonic, antiseptic, choleretic, and diuretic effects. Restores heart rate, stabilizes blood pressure, prevents diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems. Regular consumption of oat root normalizes metabolism and activates the digestive tract. Improves blood composition, kidney, pancreas, liver, bladder function, and removes harmful substances.

Salsify root helps relieve symptoms of diabetes, urolithiasis, gastritis. Eliminates swelling, inflammatory and infectious processes in the liver, lungs, blocks the progression of a malignant tumor. The root is effective for skin diseases and ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract.

How to choose correctly

The salsify harvest takes place in October-November. The root must be elastic, at least 30 cm long. The surface of a high-quality rhizome has a uniform color. Salsify is similar in appearance to a light-colored carrot with tubercles. The taste of the raw product is sweetish-bitter.

Storage methods

Oat root can be stored in a cool room for a month. Doesn't change the week chemical composition in a refrigerator. Ideal conditions- this is storage in boxes with sand and aging in the cellar.

What does it go with in cooking?

The peculiar delicate taste of salsify root nobly figures in vegetable purees, sauces, creamy soups. Ideal with milk, sour cream, cheese, cream, mushrooms. Oat root is baked, added to salads, fried, stewed, boiled, and used as a side dish. A “coffee drink” is brewed from the dried root. In Italy, Greece, and Spain, young fruits are eaten like raw carrots; the rhizome is used to make a filling for pies, cooked in batter, and deep-fried.

Some varieties of salsify are distinguished by their bitterness, which disappears when cooked with salt. The boiled root has a taste similar to oysters, for which quality it is often called “oyster plant.”

Healthy combination of products

Salsify root as a low-calorie product is included in the diet for weight loss and is used for diabetes. Used for preparing vegetable stews, side dishes, gravy, seasonings for boiled meat and fish.

Oat root is included in radish salads, bell pepper, cucumbers, burdock root. The product is ideal in combination with lentils, rice, and bean sprouts. The root is cooked in lemon sauce and combined in soups with sorrel, spinach, nettle, and sauerkraut.


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Application in medicine and cosmetology

Salsify root is useful for normalizing digestion, removing toxins, and stimulating the intestines. Popular as prophylactic from cardiovascular, oncological problems. IN folk medicine salsify is used as a diuretic. Oat root tincture is prescribed for increased bile formation, to enhance the outflow of bile. Included in the diet for weak immunity, diabetes, anemia.

Salsify decoction treats bronchitis and is recommended for diathesis and urolithiasis. In the form of a puree, the root is included in the menu for gastritis, jaundice, inflammation of the intestines, stomach ulcers, and dystrophy. The extract is included in the complex therapy of cancer patients. Salsifi juice is applied to inflamed skin, suppuration, and used to heal infected wounds.

In cosmetology, crushed raw root and juice relieve irritation and allergic manifestations. Boiled salsify is included in nourishing masks for sensitive skin. Rinsing with infusion helps eliminate dandruff.