Name of persimmon. The best late varieties. Large persimmon type Korolka

Persimmon is a heat-loving representative of the Ebony family, growing mainly in the tropics and subtropics. Translated from Farsi, this name means “date plum”, since the dried fruits taste really very similar to dates. Low trees or shrubs are among the long-lived plants, as they can actively grow for 500 years.

The history of cultivated varieties of persimmon began in China, from where the plant quickly spread throughout the tropical and subtropical zone of the planet. Nowadays, date plum fruit forms are successfully cultivated throughout the south of Eurasia, in America and on the Australian continent.

Application of persimmon

Persimmon is called not only plants of the same genus, but also its edible bright orange fruits with a slightly astringent taste, containing a lot of carotene and flavonoids, vitamin C and useful microelements. Thanks to its unique composition, persimmon is not only tasty, but also very useful for many health problems.

  • Despite their honey sweetness, the fleshy berries do not increase blood sugar levels, so they are allowed for diabetics.
  • The consumption of juicy fruits is indicated for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • They are recommended for use for certain intestinal diseases, including infectious ones.
  • The fruits have bactericidal and choleretic properties, and an active diuretic effect.
  • Persimmon is good at restoring impaired metabolism and also gives strength during nervous and physical exhaustion.
  • IN folk medicine Not only fruits are used, but also leaves. A decoction of dried and then crushed sheet plates used as a tonic, and when steamed, used externally for better healing of abscesses and wounds.
  • Culinary experts have long appreciated persimmon as a wonderful dessert. It is equally tasty fresh or dried, in the form of jam or marmalade. In addition, ripe berries serve as an excellent base for preparing various alcoholic drinks.

What types of persimmon are there?

The persimmon genus includes more than 700 species. Of these, more than two hundred species are edible and are grown in almost all regions with a fairly warm climate. In order to navigate such diversity, there are several options for classifying date plums.

  • According to the method of pollination, all varieties are divided into three groups: self-pollinating or parthenocarpic, self-sterile (not capable of setting fruit without pollination) and partially self-fertile.
  • According to the taste of the fruit, tart varieties are distinguished, whose astringent taste disappears only after final ripening or freezing; fruits with dense pulp and a complete absence of tart aftertaste; king varieties, which significantly improve taste when pollinated.
  • According to the ripening period, all varieties are divided into early, mid-ripening and late-ripening. The first group ripens in September, the second by mid-October, and the third not earlier than November.
  • Based on the region of origin, there are three main types of fruit persimmon: oriental (or Japanese) originally from Asia, it forms compact trees with large (up to 500 g) fruits; Caucasian (or ordinary) comes from the mountainous regions of the Caucasus and Central Asia and is distinguished by small (up to 2 cm in diameter) and tart berries; Virginia (or American) forms medium-sized and winter-hardy trees with very nutritious medium-sized fruits (up to 6 cm).

Earliest varieties

For the most impatient gardeners and persimmon lovers in regions with relatively short summers, early-ripening varieties are the most suitable choice. They allow you to harvest as early as September or early October.

Sidlis– mid-early self-fertile variety Japanese selection, zoned in Azerbaijan, Georgia and the Krasnodar region. Tall trees with a loose, spherical crown produce slightly flattened, medium-sized fruits (up to 200 g). Tender and juicy orange pulp is hidden under a dark scarlet skin. Eastern persimmon Sidlis has excellent productivity, but does not tolerate transportation and storage well. Berries are great for drying.

Gosho-Gaki– a high-yielding self-fertile variety of oriental persimmon, forming low trees with a spreading crown. The dark orange, cone-shaped berries ripen very early and are medium in size (up to 200 g). The color of the juicy and very pleasant-tasting pulp can vary from chocolate (with seeds) to light orange (without seeds). Persimmon is recommended for cultivation in Tajikistan and the Krasnodar Territory.

Tsuru-Nokoearly ripening variety eastern persimmon, which requires mandatory pollination for full fruiting. The medium-sized (up to 100 g) oblong berries are covered with a bright orange skin covered with a bluish haze. The remarkably sweet and very juicy pulp can have a chocolate (for seeded berries) or light orange (for seedless berries) hue.

Zenji Maru– self-sterile variety early date ripening, which forms medium-sized trees with a dense crown and small (up to 150 g) spherical fruits. The dark orange skin of the berries covers a very sweet and tender pulp, the color of which changes depending on the presence of seeds. The pulp with seeds is colored chocolate, and the seedless pulp is light orange. Zenji-Maru persimmon feels good in Tajikistan and Georgia, as well as in the Krasnodar Territory.

Mid-season persimmon: the most worthy options

Medium-ripening varieties produce mature fruits no earlier than mid-October. They tolerate frosts much worse than earlier varieties, since they do not have time to form full-fledged perennial wood by the beginning of winter.

Hyakume- a partially self-fertile and very productive variety of Japanese selection, successfully zoned in Tajikistan, Georgia and the Krasnodar Territory. Without pollination, the berries are able to set, but have an unpleasantly tart taste and are not able to stay on the branches for a long time. When pollinated, powerful trees form impressive (up to 400 g) fruits with various options Skin color: from amber to dark scarlet. The chocolate-colored seed pulp is very tasty and tender, while the seedless pulp has a light golden color and a somewhat astringent taste. The fruits are universal in their purpose and tolerate transportation and storage well.

Tanenashi– a self-fertile variety of medium ripening, forming low trees with impressive (up to 400 g) fruits, shaped like a wide cone at the base. Very elegant, with a matte shine, the berries of a bright red-orange hue have dense and very tasty pulp without seeds. They are delicious fresh and great for drying.

Giro– a very tasty and productive self-fertile variety of Japanese selection, forming tall trees with a dense crown. The flat-round, medium-sized fruits (up to 250 g) are distinguished by the dark red color of their dense skin and the very sweet taste of bright orange pulp. The peculiarity of the Jiro persimmon is almost complete absence seeds and astringent taste. The berries are well stored and transported, and are suitable for drying. The variety is zoned in Georgia and Krasnodar.

The best late varieties

Late-ripening persimmons ripen no earlier than the end of November. It can be harvested slightly unripe, as it is able to “reach” the storage.

Hachia (Bull's heart)– late-ripening self-fertile variety, in favorable conditions forming fruits of impressive size (up to 300 g). The bright orange, heart-shaped berries have a sweet flavor and high tannin content. After drying or freezing, the astringency disappears. Khachia persimmon has good shelf life. The trees have good disease resistance and can withstand cold temperatures down to -15° C.

Tamopan big– one of the most frost-resistant and stable productive varieties Japanese selection, ripens very late. Vigorous self-fertile trees are not afraid of diseases and tolerate frosts down to -23° C. They form medium-sized (up to 270 g) flattened fruits with tart flesh. IN southern regions the size of the berries can reach 500 g. The astringent taste disappears only after freezing or drying the crop, which can be stored without loss for up to three months.

Costata- one of the most frost-resistant varieties eastern persimmon, capable of withstanding cold temperatures down to -22° C. Tall, self-fertile trees form medium-sized (up to 125 g) oblong-shaped fruits with pronounced edges. The bright orange dense skin covers the sweet, but very tart and firm flesh. The harvest can be stored well (up to 1 month) if carefully harvested.

Preferences for Russian regions

No matter how sweet and large-fruited persimmons are, not all of their varieties are suitable for growing in the Russian climate. Even the most early-ripening and frost-resistant varieties hardly bear fruit north of the Kuban, and in the Moscow region or in the south of Siberia they survive only in shelter, and bear fruit exclusively in greenhouses.

In the southern regions of Russia, for example in the Krasnodar Territory, it is quite possible to get a vitamin-rich date plum crop if you choose unpretentious varieties local selection with high frost resistance.

Russian– one of the most popular and frost-resistant late ripening varieties Crimean selection, fully ripening by the last ten days of November. Medium-sized trees with good yield can withstand winter cold to -30° C. Modest in size (up to 70 g), orange-hued fruits with a whitish coating, tart in their immature state, after final ripening they are distinguished by very sweet, jam-like pulp with a delicate and pleasant aroma. Russian persimmon has good shelf life (up to 1 month) and transportability, and is not afraid of diseases and pests. The variety is recommended for cultivation in all regions of southern Russia.

Mount Roman-Kosh– a self-sterile hybrid variety of Crimean selection based on Virginia persimmon, capable of withstanding frosts down to -25° C. With good pollination, the trees form medium-sized amber fruits (up to 250 g), ripening in the first ten days of November. An additional advantage of the variety is good harvest shelf life (more than two months), as well as high resistance to pests and diseases. Persimmon is zoned for the North Caucasus region.

Mount Hoverla- one of the best hybrid varieties, capable of withstanding a short drop in temperature down to -24° C. Remarkable delicious fruits impressive size (up to 300 g) ripen in the last ten days of October. They have a beautiful dark orange skin that hides delicate burgundy flesh.

Nikitskaya burgundy– a self-sterile variety of Crimean selection, not inferior in taste and other characteristics to the best varieties of oriental persimmon. Medium-sized trees form a pyramidal crown. The small (up to 150 g) size of the elegant dark red fruits is compensated by their excellent sweet taste and juiciness. The harmony is only slightly disturbed by astringent notes, which disappear after freezing the berries. Persimmon tolerates dry and hot periods well. Zoned not only for the North Caucasus and Crimea, but also for the Volga and central regions.

Mount Rogers– self-sterile variety late dates ripening, which forms a low and spreading tree, resistant to most diseases and withstands frosts down to -24 ° C. Pot-bellied, slightly flattened fruits of medium size (up to 180 g) are covered with golden-orange skin. Delicate bright yellow pulp has a honey taste. The harvest is universal in use. The variety is zoned for the North Caucasus region.

Ukrainian– early ripening, consistently productive variety, resistant to elevated temperatures and lack of moisture in the soil. small trees with a spherical crown of medium density, they form elegant, shiny fruits of golden-orange color, covered with a thin waxy coating. The dark orange pulp is distinguished by increased juiciness, a wonderful delicate aroma and honey taste. Additional advantages of persimmon include excellent preservation of the crop during transportation and the versatility of its use. The variety is suitable for cultivation not only in the southern, but also in the central regions of Russia.

Persimmon is a plant of the ebony family. There are a large number of species of this representative. However, for our country the following varieties are most interesting: “Eastern”, “Caucasian”, “Virginskaya”. Let's take a closer look at each of them and find out what features of growing this plant exist.

Caucasian persimmon

Persimmon, the varieties of which we have listed, grows on trees. Some reach a height of more than 25 meters. The fruits of the plant weigh on average 20 g. The taste is tart. Contains 4 seeds inside; before ripening, persimmon of the "Caucasian" variety is black in color.

Features of cultivation

"Caucasian" persimmons are grown by planting seedlings. They tolerate various weather conditions, climate changes and soil conditions well. The seedlings are drought-resistant and do not sprout in the garden.

Virginia persimmon. How to grow?

Persimmon variety "Virginskaya" is a medium-sized tree from North America, which can withstand temperature changes down to -20 degrees Celsius. The plant reaches a height of 20 meters.

Seedlings are used as rootstock for promotion cultural species plants. Persimmon loves clayey, waterlogged soil.

Eastern persimmon

This type of plant was brought to us from China. Available various varieties, most often they are able to withstand severe frosts. In our country, this plant has taken root since the times of the USSR. Persimmon variety "Russian" is an interspecific hybrid of "Eastern" and "Virginian" persimmons.

Constant varieties

All types of persimmon are divided into certain groups. Those that do not change the color of the pulp upon ripening, and regardless of the method of pollination, are called constant. Constant persimmon is divided into two types:

  • sweet;
  • tart.

The first one does not become soft even after lying for a long time. The varietal color does not change after being removed from the tree. The tart type of persimmon loses its taste after a long period of storage and gradually softens.

Some gardeners distinguish another plant variety - variable. These persimmons change flesh color and taste depending on pollination/propagation method.

Ripening time

Depending on the period of fruit harvest, persimmons are divided into three subgroups:

  1. Early. These include persimmon growing in Crimea. Varieties grown in the south ripen much earlier - in mid-September.
  2. Mid-season. These plants bear fruit a little later - from mid-October.
  3. Late. Persimmons of this subgroup ripen by early December.

The most popular varieties of persimmon in Russia

On the shelves of domestic stores you can see different varieties persimmons The most popular in Russia are:

  • persimmon of the “Korolek” variety, otherwise it is called “chocolate”;
  • "tangerine"/"honey";
  • "large kinglet";
  • "ox heart"/"tomato";
  • "Chinese";
  • "chamomile";
  • "Egyptian".

"Korolek" is a persimmon that is considered the most delicious. It has a round shape. The chocolate pulp is visible through the orange skin, hence its second name. The darker the flesh, the sweeter the fruit. Persimmon has up to 10 seeds. The taste characteristics of this fruit do not change even after a long period of storage; the persimmon is not astringent and is always sweet and juicy.

"Tangerine" is shaped like this variety of citrus fruit. Some people call it honey because it tastes very sweet. It is the sweetest of all varieties; it never has any seeds. When the fruit is fully ripe, the orange pulp turns into liquid jelly. During this period it cannot be transported. To bring ripe khura home from the store safe and sound, you need to be extremely careful.

"Large Kinglet" is the same as the regular one, but the size of the fruit is much larger. Persimmon pulp of this variety less dark, tastes a little astringent.

Some people really like “ox heart” or “tomato”. Persimmon, the description of the variety of which determines its name. Externally, the fruits resemble an oxheart tomato. This variety of persimmon is very large and has no seeds. The orange pulp is always juicy and does not darken. Delicate ripe fruits are also very difficult to transport, like honey. However, in contrast to it, persimmon of the “tomato” variety has a less cloying taste.

"Chinese" persimmon has an unusual shape; all the fruits of the plant grow with a stripe. Compared to the above varieties, the “Chinese” one lacks sweetness. The fruits have a thick skin.

"Chamomile" or "fig" persimmon - the most early variety of all. Its flesh becomes dark when ripe. Inside the fruit there are several long seeds.

"Egyptian" is different from all others in its elongated shape. The taste of the fruit is average, the persimmon is not cloying and slightly astringent.

How does reproduction/pollination occur?

Experienced gardeners often use the budding method for propagation. IN in this case this process is difficult to carry out due to the high content of tannins in persimmon tissues. Tanids prevent the rootstock from growing together with the scion. Trees are propagated in the spring, during plant sap flow.

At the end of winter, cuttings or budding wood are cut. Raw materials are stored in the refrigerator at temperatures from -2 to 0 degrees Celsius. When using this method of propagation, the survival rate of the eyes is 95%. Persimmons are formed using a sparsely layered system. Some use modified leader and tiered. Trees are usually pruned in the spring; many also prune during harvest.

Features of cultivation

Persimmon trees bear fruit for many years, most often this period reaches 60 years. You can get the first harvest two years after planting the seedlings. Trees begin to bear full fruit after ten years. Persimmons are usually grown in large plantings. When planting, you should keep in mind that for 100 seedlings of one variety you need 10 seedlings that will pollinate the plants.

Persimmon does not require high humidity air and large quantity precipitation. The minimum quantity is 900 mm per year. It is better to grow trees in fertile loamy soil. Plants may not do well in sandy or gravelly soils.

Despite their rather demanding attitude towards soils, trees are absolutely unpretentious in care. They almost never require pruning. Persimmon copes well with severe frosts and long sub-zero temperatures. Trees are less susceptible to rotting than others; they resist diseases and pests well.

Young shoots are fertilized with organic and minerals. This is usually done in early spring or midsummer. Mature trees need to be watered at least
7-8 times a year.

The fruits begin to be harvested in mid-October. The ripening period of persimmon lasts about two months. From some varieties, fruits can be harvested until the second half of December. But usually persimmons ripen after the last leaf fall.

How to store persimmons?

This fruit must be stored correctly. Fruits will not spoil in cooling chambers. Favorable storage temperature is 0 degrees. If the air humidity does not exceed 90%, then the persimmon can lie in storage for about 3 months. At lower humidity (up to 85%), the fruits wither and lose their shape. If the humidity level is more than 90%, then the fruits rot and the persimmon becomes moldy. Subject to temperature conditions You can speed up or slow down the maturation process. Many people use artificial fruit ripening technology. The use of ethylene gas allows persimmons to ripen faster than their natural time. After chemical treatment, the fruits ripen already on the 4th day, whereas naturally the fruits would take 25-30 days.

The sweet persimmon Korolek with soft dark orange flesh is known, perhaps, to everyone. This is what is most often found on store shelves in the fall. Other varieties are not so popular in our area, and yet in the world there are more than 450 species of this crop alone, and several times more varieties! True, not all are suitable for food: some have exclusively decorative or technical value.

Do you want to learn how to identify the most delicious orange fruits from the varieties presented in the store? Or maybe they intend to? In this case, it will be useful to first understand the most known species of this culture.

  • Virginian or American persimmon grows mainly in the western United States, but is sometimes found on the Mediterranean coast and in Ukraine. The fruits of this species are medium in size - from 2 to 6 cm in diameter, but they have a high nutritional value, and their sugar content is about 45%.

Video about persimmon

Mature tree can reach a height of 25 meters, the flowers on it are unisexual, appear in June, the fruits begin to ripen in September. Virginia species grows well on different types soil, is not afraid of close groundwater, and is not too demanding on air and soil humidity. The only requirement is that the landing site must be well lit by the sun. In domestic gardens, this species can be grown without shelter for the winter due to its high frost resistance (but only subject to short-term frosts of at least -35 degrees).

  • From Spain to Japan, Caucasian persimmon grows in subtropical regions (it is sold in the market and in stores as “ordinary”). Its fruits are very small - up to 2.5 cm, have a tart taste, and are rich in sugars and vitamins. On mature trees up to 30 m high, female white-green and male red-yellow flowers bloom at the end of May. Fruit ripening occurs in October-November. Caucasian view cannot boast of high frost resistance: the most resistant varieties are able to withstand short frosts down to -25 degrees, so plantings need good shelter for the winter.
  • Japanese persimmon (another name is oriental) is found not only in Japan, but also in the USA, Spain, Israel, Korea, and China. Domestic amateur gardeners also grow it, although this species is afraid of frosts below -18 degrees and requires mandatory shelter before the onset of winter. An adult tree is compact in size - up to 10 meters in height. The flowers on it are female, male and mixed; flowering begins in May-June.

Some varieties of the Japanese variety have a tart taste even when ripe, and there are seedless fruits

Depending on the variety, fruit ripening occurs from October to early December. Some varieties of the Japanese variety have a tart taste even when ripe, and there are seedless fruits. Eastern persimmon has the largest size (the weight of one fruit can reach 0.5 kg). An additional plus is high yield, up to 500 kg per tree.

The very first to appear on sale is the fig persimmon, which is also called Chamomile because when cut it resembles a flower. The sweet taste is similar to King, but the pulp of Chamomile remains orange and does not darken at all.

Chocolate persimmon, which is often confused with “Korolok”, is actually oriental variety Zenji Maru. The trees are medium-sized with a large number of male flowers, so Zenji-Maru can act as a good pollinator. The seed fruits are brown-orange in color, weighing up to 150 g, with dark, very sweet and juicy pulp. There are fruits without seeds, they can be distinguished by their bright orange color peels. The harvest begins in October. In winter, the Chocolate Girl needs shelter in temperatures below -18 degrees.

The well-known Kinglet also belongs to the eastern species, its true name is Hiakume. This is a self-fertile variety with round fruits weighing up to 250 g. The skin color varies from light orange (in seedless specimens) to dark red.

This is a self-fertile variety with round fruits weighing up to 250 g

The advantages include not only a sweet, delicate taste, without cloying, but also excellent transportability. The smooth skin retains its integrity for a long time, and the flesh does not bind even in an unripe state, since there are very few tannins in the Korolka. Hiakume is considered one of the most productive varieties growing in domestic gardens. On average, it is possible to collect 100-200 kg from one tree. However, in winter, when frosts are below -18 degrees, the plantings must be carefully covered.

For all its advantages, Hiakume has a serious drawback: weak resistance to disease.

The eastern group also includes the Ox Heart (or Khachia) persimmon, which is indeed similar in shape and size to tomatoes of the same name. Large orange fruits weighing up to 250 g are seedless. When fully ripe, the pulp is tender, sweet, the consistency resembles jelly, the color remains bright and does not darken. Unripe Khachia knits a little. Fruiting occurs without pollination.

The so-called “apple” persimmon Sharon deserves special attention, since it is a separate hybrid obtained by crossing an apple tree and Japanese look persimmons In its amazing sweet taste you can catch notes of quince and apricot, there is practically no astringent astringency, there are no seeds. The bright orange flesh remains firm, like an apple, even when ripe. The advantages of Sharon include good transportation and unpretentiousness of the plant during cultivation.

No matter how tasty Sharon, Shokoladnitsa and Korolek are, it is not so easy to grow them in Russian climatic conditions. It is still safer to choose more unpretentious, frost-resistant hybrids bred by domestic breeders.

In its unripe state, the pulp of the Russian woman is astringent, but after ripening the pulp turns into “jam” and becomes very sweet

Pay attention to the Russian woman, obtained in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. It is this that is currently used to obtain new varieties of persimmon suitable for our climate. The tree grows up to 4.5 m in height, the fruits turn yellow by November, and reach full softening by the end of November. Every year, up to 80 kg of harvest can be obtained from one tree. True, the fruits are not large in size - their weight is about 50-70 g.

In its unripe state, the pulp of the Russian woman is astringent, but after ripening the pulp turns into “jam” and becomes very sweet, with a subtle pleasant aroma. Persimmon remains transportable and has good shelf life until December.

The Russian woman is able to withstand frosts down to -27-30 degrees. In addition, it is not damaged by pests and diseases, which means there is no need to treat the plantings with chemicals.

Video about delicious persimmons

Interspecific hybrids such as:

  • Nikitskaya burgundy - fruits of a burgundy hue, weighing up to 150 g, taste qualities are not inferior to the oriental look, but have tart notes. A pollinator is required for fruiting.
  • Mount Goverla is a burgundy persimmon with excellent taste, weighing up to 270 g. Ripens towards the end of October and can withstand short frosts down to -24 degrees. Considered one of the best hybrids.
  • Mountain Roman-Kosh – fruits up to 250 g, yellow color, ripen at the very beginning of November and are well stored until January. Frost resistance is average (up to -24 degrees), a pollinator is needed.

Now that you know the most popular varieties of persimmons<, вам будет проще подобрать саженцы для выращивания. Так, если лето в вашем регионе непродолжительное, присмотритесь к сортам с наиболее коротким вегетационным периодом. При суровых морозах отдайте предпочтение Россиянке. Ну а если с климатом повезло, попросту ориентируйтесь на свои вкусовые предпочтения. Можно даже попробовать , которую вы купили в магазине и съели на десерт.

Among the huge number of tropical fruits, persimmon occupies not the last place. This tart, incredibly sweet and aromatic fruit is a favorite of all gourmets. It is included in many delicious dishes, although it can be eaten without additives and seasonings, this will not make the taste worse. There are different varieties of persimmon, which differ from each other in taste, origin and other parameters. Let's consider which of them are the most popular and sweetest.

Some persimmon varieties get their names due to their external or taste characteristics. Among these there is also a variety of kinglets, or chocolate persimmon. It is believed that the fruits of such a tree are the most delicious and sweetest. It grows mainly in subtropical and tropical regions and bears fruit several times a year. Dark brown flesh emerges through the dark orange skin of ripe persimmons. It has a very sweet taste, which is not cloying. They say that such juicy varieties of persimmon are created in order to get drunk with them. These fruits contain the maximum amount of water.

This variety is followed by tangerine, or, as it is also called, Such fruits are small in size, their skin has When the fruit is fully ripe, it becomes very soft, to the point that it spreads in the hands. Honey persimmon has this name because it has an incredibly sweet taste, even cloying.

An analogue of tangerine persimmon is tomato, which is sometimes called ox's heart. Its fruits are large and juicy, retaining their bright orange color when fully ripe. The pulp becomes soft, sweet and literally spreads in your hands. That is why these fruits are not transported, but are eaten directly in the places where they grow.

Now let's talk about hard varieties of persimmon, among which there is the Egyptian, elongated one. Such fruits are considered one of the most beautiful; they are often used to serve luxurious tables. However, lovers of sweet fruits do not like the Egyptian variety due to its hardness and astringency. Elongated persimmons are often cut into salads and baked with meat.

Hard, tart and Chinese persimmon, which also has a specific shape. Unfortunately, in our regions such fruits are not so common. In the original, these are light orange fruits with hard pulp inside. Also, “Chinese” has notes of astringency in its taste, like all hard varieties of persimmon. Photographs of these oriental berries clearly demonstrate the originality of their shape.

Among the hard varieties it is also worth mentioning “Russian”, which grows both in the tropics and in the southern part of temperate latitudes. The berries have a tart taste with hints of sweetness; the flesh is soft if the fruit is fully ripe. The Russian persimmon variety is late, the berries will ripen by November, and after that they can be transported to any corner of the planet. This variety is considered one of the most common, since the tree itself is unpretentious, and the fruits are tasty and beautiful.



The main varieties presented on the Crimean markets: kinglet, sharon, virginia.

The benefits of persimmon

Persimmon contains many vitamins B, A, C and P, iron, iodine, manganese, potassium and copper, and β-carotene, so it is recommended for dietary and baby food. The astringent taste of persimmon is due to the high content of pectin and tannin. Persimmon is contraindicated for patients with diabetes and obesity, since it contains a high glucose content.

Doctors recommend consuming persimmons for those whose lifestyle is associated with tension and stress: it increases appetite, performance, relieves fatigue and lifts mood. This berry is also indicated for the prevention of atherosclerosis and maintaining the tone of the cardiovascular system. Due to its high iodine content, it is useful for patients suffering from thyroid diseases. A large number of antioxidants contained in the tasty fruit successfully fight free radicals, which is an excellent prevention of cancer.


Due to the high tannin content, persimmons should not be consumed during the postoperative period (abdominal organs), as well as by people who have developed adhesive intestinal disease due to abdominal surgery. Eating persimmons, especially unripe fruits, which have the highest tannin content, can lead to acute intestinal obstruction and emergency surgery.

You can eat it like this, or you can make sweets.

Persimmon dishes

Persimmon is not just a tasty and healthy fruit, an independent product that is good in its raw form. A lot of salads, drinks, desserts and baked goods are prepared from this cheerful berry. Persimmons are used to make jam, jams, soufflés, jelly, they are dried, dried and canned.

Egyptian persimmon salad is prepared with tomatoes and onions, seasoned with walnuts, sprinkled with fresh ginger root and basil, and sprinkled with lemon juice. All ingredients are cut extremely thin and carefully mixed, placed in a heap in a salad bowl, sprinkled with ground nuts.

Persimmon pies are a real mystery for guests. Fresh persimmons are passed through a meat grinder, just a little flour and water are added to make a thick filling. The rich yeast dough is rolled into flat cakes, filled with filling and fried in butter on both sides in a hot frying pan.

You can cook meat and chicken with persimmons. To do this, overripe fruits are ground into a puree and mixed with finely chopped onions. This mixture is coated with a bird carcass or a piece of pork, rubbed with salt and pepper, and baked in the oven until cooked. This puree gives the finished dish an unusual ruddy color and a touch of sophistication and piquancy.

How to choose ripe persimmons?

Persimmons are often sold unripe, which is why they are tart and astringent. Ripe persimmons range in color from bright orange to dark brown (depending on the variety) with brownish leaves. In this case, the fruit should be translucent.

The skin should be thin, smooth, easy to press, but at the same time dense. The leaves and stalk should be dry and brown in color. The pulp of a ripe fruit is semi-liquid, jelly-like or mealy-paste.