One-story house with panoramic windows projects. Projects of one-story and two-story country houses with panoramic windows

Distribution of technological devices for artificial lighting housing still cannot replace full daylighting. For now, the problem of high-quality lighting is best solved by panoramic windows in a private house, made to order. The flow of daylight transmitted by them will be sufficient to create a comfortable environment even in cloudy weather.

Frameless glazing country house

Installing panoramic windows requires a thoughtful approach and taking into account all the features of such structures so that the installation result is durable, functional and aesthetic.

Design features of panoramic windows

Panoramic windows are a method of glazing several residential premises with floor-to-ceiling structures. This functional solution provides a high level of natural light and also visually expands the space. Before choosing this glazing method, you should familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of panoramic glazing

The obvious advantage of large windows is free penetration natural light In any weather. Residents middle zone Russia will appreciate the opportunity to do without artificial light even in cloudy weather.

Large sources of natural light give a unique design to the entire living space, panoramic glazing often performed using original shaped products, e.g. arched windows. Thus, the appearance of the house becomes unique.

Penetration of natural light into the interior of the room

Owners of houses of modest size will take into account visual extension space due to abundance window openings. Decorated with tulle or translucent curtains, panoramic windows change the perception of the room: even small room takes on the appearance of a spacious room.

In our catalog, you can get acquainted with the most popular companies providing suburban construction and site development

Homebuyers with beautiful views of natural or architectural beauty will be able to enjoy them to the fullest thanks to larger window openings.

Interior design when choosing a panoramic type of glazing can be bright and unusual. Curtains of the most original colors, furniture in rich shades trimmed with rhinestones - homes with large windows decorated with the most daring decorative elements.

Original design increases the cost of housing when it is sold. This is relevant for owners considering construction as an investment.

At the same time, despite many advantages, panoramic glazing is not suitable for every home.

Disadvantages of panoramic glazing

A significant disadvantage of installing panoramic windows is their high price. Installation of the structure, as well as subsequent maintenance and repairs (if required) will cost several times higher than caring for standard-sized products.

The process of cleaning glazing by an industrial climber

Large glass surface area required frequent care. At the same time, washing large windows will require the involvement of specialists and industrial equipment.

Effect " transparent walls“The glazing method created by this can attract scammers, so you should take care in advance of additional protection of your living space. Installing an alarm system, metal shutters and surveillance cameras will require additional financial investments.

Families with children should also take care to protect the windows from the inside to prevent unfortunate incidents.

Regardless of the chosen configuration, a large glass surface implies heat loss. This is especially true for owners of houses located in open areas, as well as residents of the upper floors ordinary apartments. Thus, it will be necessary to install a powerful heating system to ensure a comfortable temperature in the house.

Video description

Another noticeable drawback of panoramic windows in the video:

Types of panoramic windows

Various types of designs will allow each owner to choose the best option for themselves.

Authentic panoramic windows for a country house

Depending on appearance

All panoramic-type structures are divided into those equipped with frames or frameless. In the second case, the glass will look like a single sheet, but the insulation of the room from noise and cold will be lower. The first case is more practical, but at the same time visually resembles standard double-glazed windows.

The most common form of panoramic windows is standard designs made to larger sizes.

Garden - this design is suitable for owners of small spaces, as well as lovers of indoor gardening. The structure protrudes beyond the plane of the wall, which allows more sunlight to pass through.

On our website you can find a list of companies specializing in glazing of country houses, among the houses presented at the exhibition is Low-Rise Country.

Corner modifications allow you to decorate the interior in an original way, as well as provide a flow of natural light. For example, cottage With panoramic windows looks more spacious than a two-story one with standard double-glazed windows.

Modern one-story house with large windows: the glazed part of the wall adds originality to the building

False windows are a decorative element of the interior, consisting of a panel with a pattern or a mirror, built-in lighting and a decorative frame. As a rule, such solutions visually increase the size of the room and also mask an unsightly view of the surrounding area.

Depending on opening methods

The standard design for installation is tilt-and-turn. Such products are equipped with a micro-ventilation function; due to the convenient opening of the doors, they are easy to clean.

Parallel-sliding structures consist of two sashes, the sliding of which provides a high level of insulation.

Lift-and-slide modifications provide easy ventilation, as well as high-quality insulation during the cold season.

A budget option of the previous type are structures that fold like an accordion. Externally, the original design provides low thermal insulation, therefore it is used for warm regions.

Accordion design – perfect option for homes in warm climates

Each of the types of windows considered has a different cost depending on the selected materials.

What are panoramic windows made of?

Most owners prefer to install glazing with frames due to the durability and practicality of this design.

Materials for making frames

Frames made of reinforced fireproof metal are the most stable option for panoramic windows. Steel or aluminum structures, coated with anti-corrosion compounds and supplemented with reinforcement (metal tubes that give the frame strength), will serve the owners for many years. The disadvantage of such profiles is their high cost.

A budget option metal profiles - aluminum frames treated with a protective compound. The structures are lighter in weight, and the addition of impact-resistant components extends their service life.

Wooden frames made of hardwood for panoramic glazing look more aesthetically pleasing than metal ones. It is worth noting that the environmental friendliness of wood is often offset by intensive fire-resistant and water-repellent impregnation, while frames are much heavier than metal ones. It is worth noting that projects of houses with panoramic glazing, built from laminated veneer lumber, are usually supplemented with wooden profiles.

Typical house from laminated veneer lumber with panoramic windows

PVC profiles are the most affordable glazing option. Plastic profiles resistant to moisture, and also more pleasant to the touch than metal frames.

Glazing materials

The choice of glass configuration determines the functional characteristics of the product.

Tempered glass, resistant to temperature changes and mechanical stress, is the most expensive and durable option.

A heavier and more affordable material is triplex, consisting of two glass plates glued together with a polymer film. This glass is impact resistant and has a high thermal insulation rate.

Reinforced glass is equipped with a film that protects the house from ultraviolet radiation. The material is suitable for home owners in the southern regions.

Reinforced structure protects the entrance to the house

Residents of northern latitudes will appreciate energy-saving glass, the inner layer of which is treated with tin or silver oxide, which allows it to retain heat.

Owners of houses facing the sunny side are advised to pay attention to reflective and tinted glass. Such materials will protect interior items and interior decoration from burnout.

Features of installing panoramic windows

Before ordering a certain type of design, it is necessary to calculate additional costs.

Total installation cost

Before ordering installation, you must take care of the heating system to prevent the room from cooling down in winter period. A convenient, but very expensive option is a heating system for openings. It is more common to install radiators or convectors next to window openings.

Video description

It’s clear what kind of heating is required for a house with panoramic windows in the video:

Structures installed across the entire wall of a room often deprive the owners of a sense of privacy, so care should be taken to install the required modification of the cornice.

A panoramic window in a city apartment requires thick curtains

Depending on your financial capabilities, you should choose the most durable materials that do not require careful maintenance. For example, small house with panoramic windows on steel frames - a small financial investment for a long time. Constructions with PVC profiles and triplex glass are a more affordable option, slightly inferior in quality to the previous one.

Choosing the design of panoramic windows

The market leader is the conventional tilt-and-turn design in large sizes. The functionality of such windows makes it easy to clean them without the involvement of specialists.

Frameless glazing is suitable for owners of houses in warm climates, as well as residents of houses with powerful heating.

Lift-and-slide structures are the most durable and expensive option design of panoramic windows.

Selection of materials

The most practical and durable are metal profiles with anti-corrosion coating. Aluminum structures are lightweight, while steel structures are more durable.

Frames from natural wood dense breeds are environmentally friendly and durable, but require maintenance. In addition, the weight of the structure is quite large, so additional fastenings may be required.

Wooden panoramic windows with lift and slide design

The building materials market also offers metal frames trimmed with wood. Such designs combine pleasant appearance and functionality.

An important aspect is the choice of high-quality metal fittings, which will extend the service life of the windows.

    Washing such windows (especially with frameless glazing) requires the services of industrial climbers, so you should first familiarize yourself with the price list. Usually, modern houses with panoramic glazing, they require calling such specialists no more than twice a year.

    Interior decoration of a country house professional designer will help to highlight the advantages of the original glazing.

    The peculiarity of panoramic windows is the feeling of “transparent walls”, which people perceive differently. For those who like a secluded environment, it is better to think in advance about a system of curtain rods for tightly shading the windows.

Translucent curtains on a panoramic window

    Homeowners in cold weather northern latitudes it is recommended to pay Special attention on thermal insulation properties windows, and also prepare to install an additional heating system around the window openings.

    Families with small children should include installation in the price of windows protective fences to avoid danger.

    Metal shutters or roller shutters, as well as the installation of alarms and surveillance cameras, will protect your home from intruders.

Combinations of panoramic windows and room design: photos and videos

Video description

Interesting solutions for room design using panoramic windows in the video:

And beautiful interiors houses with panoramic windows in the photo:

Modern design in a house with panoramic windows

Minimalist interior is an excellent addition to the panoramic glazing of a country house

A modest home with gable roof and panoramic window

Floor-to-ceiling windows in a country house that form a glass wall in a classic interior

Semicircular modification - an option for a city apartment with a view

Lounge area in the apartment, located at the exit to the balcony

The best option for placing such windows is private property with a patio

Spacious kitchen in a minimalist style: windows add elegant lightness to the interior

Large windows are a way to diversify the neutral interior of the kitchen-dining room

Frame glazing in a small kitchen

Sliding modifications are a good solution for a home in a warm climate

Classic wooden frames with panoramic glazing


A consistent approach to choosing the configuration, material and cost of panoramic windows will allow you to decorate a country house or city ​​apartment. Before ordering installation, it is recommended to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of this design in order to select windows based on individual preferences.

Firstly, it is very important what climatic conditions the house is in. After all, heat loss through glass is much higher than through ordinary walls. Of course, modern double-glazed windows can reduce heat loss, but the absolute values ​​still remain quite high. In addition, such windows are expensive.

There are special glass heating systems, but they require high operating costs, so only residents of “warm” regions, where the temperature drops below zero for a couple of months a year, can afford panoramic windows in several rooms.

Secondly, it is necessary to take into account the orientation of the house with panoramic windows to the cardinal points. If the windows face south and southwest, heat loss will be less and maintenance costs will be reduced.

Location of houses with panoramic windows

In what cases should we consider replacing part of the walls with floor-to-ceiling windows? First of all, such a solution is required when the window offers a beautiful view of the surrounding expanses, or of some natural object. Another option is that the house is located in such a place that the inclusion of the surrounding space in the interior will make the latter not only exclusive, but also more pleasant to live in.

Sites on the seashore, in a forest thicket, next to a river or waterfall, on a hill overlooking a beautiful landscape or city, are intended for the construction of private houses with panoramic windows.

However, no matter how much you like the idea of ​​​​letting into the house environment, you should not plan to place such a house in cottage village or on an ordinary city street, as you will get the “aquarium” effect: your life will be on display for everyone to see, which will not add comfort.

When choosing a place for a house, keep in mind that today, for example, a forest area is visible from your windows, and tomorrow high-rise buildings may rise in this place, so you should familiarize yourself with the long-term development plan for the area. Beautiful houses with panoramic windows will decorate any area, but how much will the look of a standard residential complex decorate your interior?

In which rooms in the house should panoramic windows be placed?

  • Living room. The most suitable room for the equipment " glass walls" - living room. Beautiful views outside the window will contribute to a pleasant pastime and relaxation, and it will also be interesting for guests to be in such a room.
  • Kitchen. The room where the hostess spends quite a lot of time, and a good view from the window would not hurt here. In addition, panoramic windows increase the illumination of the room, which is especially important for the kitchen.
  • Bedroom. Least appropriate place for panoramic glazing. This is an intimate part of the house, intended for privacy. In addition, even the most beautiful view from the window will do more harm than good, since it will attract attention and interfere with relaxation and sleep.
  • Passage areas (entrance hall and hall). It can also be considered a bad place to place panoramic windows, unless you plan to create a recreation area in the hall.

Installation of panoramic windows in a private house

Panoramic windows are quite heavy, so their installation requires careful preparation of the surface. It must withstand a lot of weight, be strong and stable. In addition, special attention should be paid to the fastenings and opening mechanisms of such windows. All this must be of high quality and reliable, so that there are no problems with operation later.

It is also necessary to consider additional equipment, for example, to provide for the possibility of darkening windows, since light from the street in the evening can interfere. There are special darkening glasses for this, but their price is quite high. It’s easier to install blinds that make it possible to visually isolate the room from the street. In addition, you need to understand that even the most beautiful view can get boring at times.

Since the view outside the window becomes part of the interior, and its main accent, it is necessary to take this into account when decorating the room. Here are some tips to help you incorporate window views into your home design most effectively:

  • Minimalism - best style decorating a room with large windows. Nothing should distract attention from the main thing decorative element- view from the window.
  • Use soft tones and colors that harmonize with the surrounding landscape. They should not conflict with each other.
  • If furniture is placed along a wall with panoramic windows, it should be low so as not to block the view, and of the simplest shape.
  • Do not use anything too bright or pretentious in the decoration of the room; the simpler the better.
  • It’s good if the style is combined with the view, for example, the view of the forest thicket is in harmony with the eco-style, and the view of the sea - with the sea.

Photos of private houses with panoramic windows

Look at these photos of houses with panoramic windows to determine which option is best for you.

Photo 1. Two-storey house with panoramic windows, it has practically no walls, allowing you to admire the surrounding forest without interference from any room.

Photo 2. The inclusion of a mountain landscape in the interior imposes certain restrictions on its style.

Photo 3. Vacation home with panoramic windows is located in a secluded place, which makes it possible not to limit yourself in choosing a place for their installation.

Photo 4. The location of the house on a hill offers a magnificent panoramic view to the mountains and sea.

Photo 5. An example of incorporating the forest surrounding the house into the interior. The interior in the minimalist style does not distract attention and does not interfere with unity with nature.

Photo 6. A simple interior in white colors emphasizes the beauty of the opening sea space.

Photo 7. The distance from the city made it possible to include it in the outside view, along with the mountain peaks. This gives the interior modern style with classic elements a special charm.

Glass conducts heat well, so the direction of light facing a wall with large glazing will play an important role in maintaining a comfortable temperature inside the building. It’s better if it’s south or southwest, so it will get into the premises more heat and light. Projects of houses with large windows have their own specifics in the organization of internal space. It is unlikely that you will be comfortable if your every step is visible from the street. For example, it is obvious that there is no need for panoramic window openings in the bedroom, but it will look very impressive in the dining room or living room, on the terrace or in winter garden.

Window structures are of significant size and have a corresponding weight, so special attention should be paid to the strength of fasteners and mechanisms and, in particular, to the company that will deal with glazing. Many people mistakenly believe that house designs with large windows always involve the construction of cottages with an impressive area. However, this is not true. Panoramic glazing is available even for very compact cottages.

What is better - to buy project documentation or order a project for yourself?

Most large companies will offer you dozens of excellent options that include finished projects houses with large windows. They are distinguished by courage and relevance design solutions and adaptability to our climate. If such a building is designed by competent specialists and built by professionals, even in winter you will not feel a lack of comfort. Obviously, in this case, the choice of design and construction company is very important.

Individual designs of houses with large windows are good because they will be made with your direct participation, just for you and taking into account all your wishes. But such work should only be performed by a top-class professional. Especially if we are talking about a building with such unusual design. It is best to get acquainted with other works of the company you choose, and do it live. After all, you are building a home that will last for decades and should get maximum coziness and comfort.

Most people dream of living in apartments or private houses, the rooms of which will be flooded with sunlight, in which they can enjoy good view from the window to the flower garden or the city at night. All this is possible with panoramic glazing. Popular among developers in 2018, modern houses with large panoramic windows are characterized by rooms with indescribable charm and high level comfort.

House project plans with large panoramic windows: nuances

When deciding to buy house projects with large panoramic windows (photos, videos, diagrams, drawings, sketches can be viewed in this section) for their turnkey implementation, you must take into account the following nuances:

  • Glass has a very high thermal conductivity due to its small thickness and thermal properties material, therefore, choosing copyrighted or standard projects houses with large panoramic windows, you need to take into account such a factor as the location of the panoramic glazing relative to the cardinal directions. To achieve the best comfortable conditions It is recommended to install panoramic windows on the south or southwest side. This arrangement of windows in the cottage will increase the flow of sunlight into the room.
  • Also, during design and construction, the layout of house projects with large panoramic windows should be taken into account. To avoid the feeling of a storefront in the future, you need to choose the right height and width of the panoramic glazing, as well as its location in the room.
  • Realizing ready plans houses with large panoramic windows, special attention should be paid to the quality of the materials used when installing panoramic glazing, especially the fittings of such windows. Low-quality fittings at a low price may not withstand the heavy weight of the window structure and provoke the destruction of the entire structure.
  • Panoramic glazing will look original in the winter garden, living room, dining room, hall, bedroom. In this case, it is worth considering in advance the installation of blinds or curtains. Often, a house design with large panoramic windows allows you to additionally install panoramic glazing on a veranda or terrace and organize a winter garden there.
  • People are often mistaken and believe that panoramic glazing is only suitable for rooms with large area, but that's not true. Panoramic glazing can fit into almost any interior, if window designs selected in proportion to the area of ​​the room. Then even small rooms will visually appear much larger.

A house with large panoramic windows: the need to take into account the climate zone

The main thing to remember is that residential building projects with large windows, designed for one climate zone, are not suitable for using this project in another climatic region. Only a competent thermal engineering calculation of the room when installing panoramic glazing will make it possible to determine a number of measures, the implementation of which even the coldest winter will not cause a violation of the comfortable conditions in the room.

It is also important to pay attention to the materials from which such window structures are made. This section of the catalog contains not only two-story, but also one-story houses with panoramic glazing. Such house designs with large windows break the stereotypes that panoramic glazing is only applicable to multi-storey buildings.

Projects of houses with large windows: additions

If among the proposed options there is no project that fully meets the developer’s requirements, then for a separate cost, the company’s specialists will develop a design for houses with large panoramic windows. There may also be houses with large panoramic windows. The addition “” allows you to get the basis for drawing up an estimate.

We hope that our architectural designs for houses with panoramic windows will allow you to make the right decision!

Various layouts - residential and intended for summer recreation - occupy more than half of our catalog. Among 1700 ready architectural solutions All building materials are presented: timber, brick, gas blocks, frame and monolithic concrete.

Features of a modern terrace

It is hard to imagine country cottage without an open or partially closed area for fresh recreation. This is a favorite place to relax and receive guests. Initially it was a structure in the form wooden flooring on a low support, rising 15-45 cm above the ground. Sometimes it was fenced with railings, and a removable awning served as protection from the sun and rain. It was usually located in a shady part of the garden, or on the beach near the water.

Projects modern houses with a terrace are very diverse - it is built into the overall architectural ensemble along with a balcony, bay window and other elements (No. 40-09L). Its main difference from the veranda is that the site is built on an additional foundation and does not have a strong connection with the main foundation.

  1. Projects of houses made of foam blocks (aerated concrete) with a terrace and a plinth. Inexpensive material is gaining popularity every day, and we offer more than 700 ready-made options for economical construction.
  • No. 57-75 (218 m2) - the building has a relatively small area attached garage and attic;
  • No. 58-43 - a classic version of combining with closed veranda and two entrances.
  1. Modern 2-level frame cottage with a terrace on the ground floor - No. 70-26 (175 m2). A very popular solution has been implemented here: in order not to cover the site with a temporary awning, it is located under a balcony or loggia.
  2. Project of a terrace with barbecue, built separately from the cottage (garden, country house) - No. 70-37. The structure is placed near a reservoir as a barbecue area, and is practically a gazebo - part of the structure is covered with glass walls.

Our bureau offers not just a sketch version, but a fully developed set of documentation for construction. You can make changes to any of them at the request of the client, adapt it to another construction material, add the necessary elements. At the same time, the architect takes into account the terrain features of the site, the quality of the soil, and the prevailing wind direction.