We grow marigolds in the country for beauty and benefit. Caring for marigold seedlings. Gardeners often practice planting marigolds between beds or near a greenhouse

Well, who hasn’t heard about Chernobryvtsy, beloved by our mothers and grandmothers - marigold flowers? They decorate flower beds, delight the eye in squares and parks, and are frequent guests in vegetable gardens, palisades, and areas adjacent to shops. Marigolds are very famous for their varied bright colors and have a pleasant specific smell that many people don’t like. garden pest-insects.

The scope of application of this plant is very wide: they are used for decoration decorative panels on the walls of house facades, loggias, balconies, and also grow well in flower beds and flower beds. Look good when decorating a decorative landscape in architectural design registration of plots.

How to grow marigolds?

Marigolds are very unpretentious in care; it is not for nothing that they have gained the reputation of being one of the most unpretentious flowers that are grown artificially. They can grow on any soil. But they like bright places; waterlogging of the soil is undesirable. not frequent, which can be combined with fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, diluting fertilizers in water.

Gardeners often practice planting marigolds between beds or near a greenhouse

  • Having a specific smell, this plant repels harmful insects. Marigolds can grow in flower beds, special containers, flowerpots and even shallow pots, decorating walls or loggias.

All varieties of flowers can be sown in open ground seeds. To do this, it is best to purchase seeds at specialized retail outlets. With further breeding, those seeds that are produced after the seeds ripen will be sufficient. But you must take into account: if you use the seeds of the same plants for several years, they may lose the properties of the original variety and will not be similar to the variety that you purchased.

There are two ways to sow and grow:

  • pre-grown seedlings;
  • sowing seeds directly into the ground;

The choice of growing method may depend on growing factors: at what time flowers are needed, duration of flowering, quantity required, weather conditions and growing conditions.

When to plant marigolds in open ground? Remember: night temperatures should not fall below 5 degrees. This is usually the end of April in regions with mild climates. You can plant seedlings in open ground until the end of May-beginning of June.

How to plant marigolds with seeds in open ground

When to plant marigolds in the ground with seeds? It all depends on the climate, the main thing is that there is no frost at night and the soil is ripe. Keep in mind that the seeds of Chernobyvtsy are not afraid of frost, and can even survive the winter or survive sowing before winter. They just won’t sprout before the earth warms up. Many people are also often concerned about how long marigolds sprout. If the weather is warm, you have to wait two to three weeks before the first shoots appear.

We sow like this:

  1. The embedding depth is small; you can make grooves with a hoe or small holes up to 5 cm deep.
  2. They strive to make the distance no closer than 10-15 cm between plants. But you can also sow with a continuous ribbon, and then replant the excess plants.
  3. Cover the seeds with soil using a rake.
  4. We water it.

This is where all the wisdom ends. However, you can speed up flowering a little and improve living conditions, more on that below.

When growing marigolds in open ground, consider the conditions that are necessary for the growth of young plants. Namely: the area should be well lit, they certainly tolerate shade, but still do not like it, reacting by reducing the abundance of flowering and stretching the bushes, which is why their decorative effect suffers.

To get marigolds without seedlings...

  • In the garden they often strive to prepare a fertile one, well fertilized with minerals and organic fertilizers soil mixture, but this is not urgently necessary: ​​the flowers are so unpretentious that they can grow on the poorest soils; it is enough to simply provide them with the necessary amount of moisture.
  • They respond very well to watering, but drying out the soil is fraught with troubles: the lower leaves dry out, and the bushes themselves stop growing, the flowering is scanty and inconspicuous.
  • Flowers will bloom only one and a half to two months after sowing, this should be taken into account. Early sowing (mid-April) and germinating seeds before planting will help to slightly reduce the time before the buds begin to open and increase the flowering time. This is the method that experienced flower growers use.

To do this, just place the seeds in a shallow plate, cover with damp gauze, folded in several layers, place in a plastic bag or wrap in transparent film. After completing these procedures, place the plate in a warm, sunny place: one suitable place is a windowsill.

After two or three days, the seeds can be sown, having previously examined them for germination; healthy seeds should be swollen and with a slightly cracked skin. You can lightly dry the seeds in the sun for two to three hours until they flow, or you can not wait, but mix them with dry sand and sow them together.

Before planting, it is necessary to moisten the soil, make holes or grooves 4-5 cm deep. It is best to sow the seeds using the square-cluster method, that is, the distance between the seeds should be 15-20 cm square. After the seeds have sprouted, it is necessary to thin out, leaving the healthiest seedlings.

For those who don’t like unnecessary actions...

  • It is quite possible to limit yourself to simply sowing seeds in rows without any preparation or soaking. Chernobryvtsy will still sprout and develop beautifully. Just a week or two later. But don’t be lazy about watering, no flowers grow without moisture!

How to grow marigold seedlings from seeds at home

When to plant marigold seedlings? To obtain flowering plants already in June, it is necessary to prepare seedlings in advance, which will be planted immediately after the end of the night frosts. Sowing dates begin at the end of February and shift until the end of March-mid-April.

You can prepare a nutritious soil mixture in the fall. Peat, turf soil, humus and sand are mixed. River sand can be used, but before adding it to the soil mixture, it is advisable to calcine it in the oven or treat it with potassium permanganate.

However, you don’t have to bother yourself and just buy a ready-made flower substrate in which you can grow beautiful seedlings with strong trunks and spreading leaves.

How to grow Chernobyvtsy seedlings on a windowsill:

  • Needle seeds are easy to distribute evenly in the planting container; it is better to leave a distance of 3-4 cm to ensure powerful plants. Planting depth is 1 cm, two are possible.
  • You can immediately plant the seeds in separate cups, which will simplify the task of replanting in the future. permanent place. Marigolds get sick longer if their roots are damaged than asters, so it’s better not to disturb them again. However, even withered bushes are accepted over time and take root perfectly.
  • For quick germination, you can cover it with film or glass, creating a greenhouse effect. Marigolds take a long time to sprout, so you should be patient.
  • When we see the first shoots, we open the greenhouse.
  • You need to water regularly, but not overdo it, so that rot does not develop and the seedlings do not die. Simply keeping the soil moist is enough.
  • Do not overheat the air in the room where the seedlings are growing. The temperature should be less than 25 °C.
  • If you notice that the seedlings have stretched out and have pale color, which means she doesn’t have enough light. You need to choose the sunny side of the apartment or organize additional lighting.
  • If you really want to try, water the seedlings 1-2 times with a solution of complex fertilizer for flowers, with an interval of 10 days.
  • Before planting, a couple of weeks before planting, we begin to harden the seedlings, accustoming them to the sun, wind and coolness. Take it out onto the balcony, loggia, or threshold of the house. We gradually increase the time spent outside so that by the time of planting the plants are completely accustomed to the street.

At a height of 10-15 cm, marigold seedlings are ready for transplanting into open ground.

How to sow marigolds for seedlings video:

As you can see, everything is simple: the seeds are large enough, which allows you to plant them one at a time in cups without any hassle and simply water them until the time comes to transplant the seedlings to a permanent place.

Here’s another interesting way: sowing marigolds into a snail on paper, a video will tell you about this:

Well, probably even the laziest gardener will find an acceptable way and grow blackbrews for his flowerbed!

Planting marigold seedlings in open ground

It's very simple:

  • We prepare shallow holes so that the lump of earth fits completely into them.
  • You can pre-water it and put a handful of humus on the bottom.
  • Carefully release the seedlings from the cups and place them vertically, covering them with soil.
  • We water so that the soil subsides, but the water does not stagnate.
  • You can immediately mulch the surface with what you have on hand. These could be last year's leaves, fresh grass, hay or pine needles from the forest.
  • The distance between the holes depends on the selected variety. For low-growing varieties 10-15 cm is enough; for medium- and tall-growing varieties, leave more space, about 30-40 cm.

Chaotic ones look original, creating a simple naturalness. We have all long been accustomed to rows; they look boring and familiar. Create a composition, for example, by planting petunias in the foreground and blackbirds in the background.

Another video on how to grow marigold seedlings, plant them in the ground and care for flowers:

A luxurious flowerbed that does not require special care? Now you see that with marigolds it is easy!

Care when growing in open ground

Plants are low maintenance and do not require special costs and effort. However, perhaps, like everyone else cultivated plants, requires watering and weeding from weeds and soil cultivation in the form of loosening.

How to water

Watering is necessary in moderation, but you cannot do without it, otherwise your flowerbed will be covered with dried brooms, only the tops of which will be preserved. Especially if it's a hot summer. Don’t just rely on rain, water at least once every three days, remembering to loosen the soil after watering to conserve moisture. Simultaneously with watering, you can fertilize by diluting mineral and organic fertilizers in the water.

In summer, when the weather is hot, to prevent crust formation on the ground, watering is best done in the morning or evening after sunset. If watering is carried out during the day, then it is necessary to loosen the top layer of soil.

Foliar and root feeding

If the soil is prepared correctly before planting, then marigolds do not need additional feeding. If it is clear from the plant that development is rather weak, you can fertilize the leaves with complex fertilizers.

It must be remembered that an overdose of fertilizers has a harmful effect on plant growth. Mineral fertilizers are applied for the first time during the period intensive growth plants, the second time when the first buds appear, the third time before flowering begins.

Formation of bushes

Very rarely does anyone bother with this. However, if you have time, you can give marigolds beautiful shape. Prune some additional branches from the main stem. This procedure will significantly improve the nutrition of the remaining buds. Optimal time pruning - summer, when you can already see how the buds are blooming. Buds with signs of any diseases, small or wilted, are also cut off. After the bush is formed, the appearance of new additional branches of the stem stops.

Collecting seeds

For planting next year, it is enough to use seeds that can be collected from flowers grown on the site. To do this, just choose a bright and healthy bush, let it ripen completely, then cut off the buds and dry them. After which the seeds will easily separate and can be stored in a paper bag. When using this method, it is necessary to take into account that this will not affect the health of the plant itself, but you can get a different color of the baskets, different from the mother one.

Pests and their control

Thanks to natural properties, the plant not only protects itself from various infectious diseases, but also covers the surrounding area with special essential oils (expressed by a specific smell), which has antiseptic properties. Using this property, gardeners and gardeners plant marigolds next to vegetable beds and greenhouses, or in combination with other flowers.

Slugs and snails

To combat them, you can use special preparations that are purchased in stores, or use an old recipe: sprinkle the edges of the bed, if possible, the entire bed, with dry ash. Having previously collected all the snails and slugs from the beds.

Spider mite

When spider mite It is best to immediately eliminate the plants to prevent the spread of the disease to other bushes; to prevent the disease, in addition to special drugs, you can use folk recipes, for example, a mixture of yarrow with onion infusion.

Gray rot

This disease most often appears in humid weather, when morning fogs set in and the earth does not have time to dry out. If this disease is detected, plants must be removed and burned. the area must be treated with potassium permanganate, or spilled with boiling water, otherwise there will be a risk of infecting all plants and not only marigolds.

Marigolds in landscape design photo

Marigolds look very beautiful in compositions with ageratum

To decorate a personal plot or flower bed, these flowers can be used in a wide variety of combinations.

This is all the more pleasant, because: ease of care, various bright colors, differences in growth height, abundance of color, long flowering period can be used almost unlimitedly.

Marigolds are great in single landings and combined, they are planted in parks, on the borders of walkways, and in flowerpots for various recreation areas. They decorate balconies and loggias or even billboards, façade walls houses.

Some amateur gardeners recommend different times for planting seeds for seedlings. In their opinion, for the earliest time of disembarkation (approximately March) tall varieties, in April it is necessary to sow seeds of low-growing crops. Another option worthy of attention is purchasing seedling material from specialized stores, which you can find out about in online sources.

When purchasing seedlings in specialized stores or special nurseries, the seedlings are sold already germinated in special peat cups. Before planting, you need to look at each leaf for damage or any extraneous brown spots. Be sure to ask the seller about the conditions for planting and growing these seedlings, as they may differ from those described above.

Varieties of marigolds with names, photos and descriptions

Erect marigold or African Tagetes erecta

Representatives of this species are annual plants that reach a height of up to 120 cm, some species grow up to only 30 cm. Gardeners use this seemingly drawback to create the illusion of an endless field of flowers.

Flowers of various heights in compositions are good in flower beds, flower beds or specially created areas with a sufficient amount of soil. Large baskets of flowers look good in bouquets. The stem on which the buds are held is hard and strong.

The pinnate leaves are arranged alternately and are light green or green color. The flower buds are mostly double, spherical in shape, in solid shades from bright yellow to deep orange with dark edging. The species does not require care, has good resistance to low temperatures and various diseases.

Varieties of erect marigolds:

Antigua- baskets with a diameter of 8 to 10 cm, bright yellow or orange. Belongs to low-growing varieties: the average flower height is from 20 to 30 cm.

Kilimanjaro- a distinctive feature of this species is the light petals of the flowers, sometimes white with cream shades. They grow up to 70 cm.

White marigolds erect variety Eskimo photo

Eskimo- this type of “Marigold” has white buds. It differs from Kilimanjaro in its short stature. Grows up to 30 cm.

Aztec Lime Green— Marigolds with a shade of bud petals between white and brown. The variety is medium-sized.

Marigold rejected

Terry rejected marigolds Carmen planting and care photo

One of the distinctive features of this species is the presence on the stem of numerous shoots with small spherical baskets. It is this structure of the stem that makes it spreading.
The height of the bush of this variety reaches 20 or 40 cm, that is, flower baskets can vary in height and volume.
The color palette of the buds can be two-color, usually in the middle towards the edges there is a color change to yellow or red.

Varieties of rejected marigolds, popular in Russia:

Lemon jam- low, well-branched bushes with bright yellow, lemon flowers.

Carmen, low-growing variety up to 20 cm, bushes well. The flower buds are small, up to three to four centimeters, with a yellow core that smoothly transitions to a dark red color along the outer petals.

Queen Sofia. Distinctive feature- these are dark red petals, the edges shimmer with a bronze color, the shape of the extract is slightly double, they are distinguished by red petals, which have a faint shade of bronze at the edges. The shape is one row of petals, the inflorescences are slightly double.

Tagetes tenuifolia

This is a less common variety of marigold, but its difference from the others is so great that it seems that this flower is a completely different species. The difference is that the trunk branches very strongly, and the baskets can be different colors. Additional attractiveness is created by the leaves, which are carved, long, narrow leaves in rosettes of which small multi-colored flowers are beautifully attached. The height of the trunk reaches 30 - 40 cm. The flower itself is small and shaped like a chamomile; there are many of them on the bushy trunk, which creates a bouquet of unique beauty. Petal colors can range from bright yellow to red or purple.

Varieties of thin-leaved marigolds:

Red Devil- a profusely flowering variety with large blood-red flowers and rich green leaves. The stunning contrast is truly mesmerizing both in single plantings and in combination with flowers of white, yellow, and blue shades.

Red gem— Medium-sized (up to 30 cm) plant with reddish petals framing a bright yellow center. They bloom until autumn frosts. Bushes well, is not demanding in Care.

Dwarf. The name itself indicates the low growth of the plant (up to 20 cm), the main trunk has many branches, resulting in a highly branched bush with numerous bright yellow flowers and red core.

In order for marigolds to grow well, it is necessary to follow certain agricultural practices when planting and caring for flowers.

Small-flowered marigold Tagetes patula

Small-flowered marigold Tagetes patula ‘Bonanza Harmony’ photo

The name speaks for itself; these are low plants up to 30 cm tall with a scattering of small basket-shaped flowers on long peduncles. They make me happy beautiful flowers from July to the end of August.

Description of marigold flowers, their distinctive features

The plant belongs to the Asteraceae or Compositae family. These flowers are mainly grown in gardens, but due to their amazing unpretentiousness, the flowers have also become very popular when decorating loggias; they are also grown on balconies.

Another name for the flower is Tagetes. This name dates back to distant legendary times. Once upon a time in ancient Roman mythology there were many gods. One day one of them, whose name was Jupiter, had a grandson, and they named him Tagetes.

The grandson had a divine gift of foresight, a romantic character and was very handsome. When it was time to show the world what had been rediscovered in South America beautiful plant, the Swedish scientist, famous naturalist and physician Carl Linnaeus, named him with this name of the young god. Indeed, flowers called Tagetes still continue to amaze people with their romantic, unique beauty.

The plant received the popular name Marigold because of the inflorescences that bloom with bright buds, very delicate to the touch, somewhat similar to velvet scraps of fabric. The birthplace of the flower is considered to be the central part and south of America, where the largest number is distributed. various types. In the mid-16th century, the Tagetes came first to Europe and then to Russia. The scientific approach to the selection and cultivation of these flowers makes them popular all over the world. Already, seemingly their own, “Marigolds” can be found in all countries of the world.

Marigold itself is a herbaceous plant with flowering buds, a bit like small bushes with a large stem and branch-like shoots extending from it. The height of the stem and the size of the bud vary depending on the variety. There are very small specimens; in contrast, there are varieties that grow more than a meter. This plant looks very good in individual plantings in flower beds and flower beds.

The breeder also managed to develop low-growing varieties with small flower buds; such plants are best suited for decorating external walls, balconies and loggias in hanging flowerpots.

The stem is erect or branched, which allows you to form a bush of buds standing on one stem; the stems are rigid and very strong. The leaves of the plant are pinnate or porous - divided. The color of the leaves depends on the composition of the soil and can be bright green or ordinary. The root system is widely branched and fibrous. The inflorescences consist of baskets of various colors and shades. The traditional color for marigolds is yellow and burgundy-brown along the edges of the petals, with shades of orange; white and red varieties are less common.

The flower basket consists of two parts: the middle ones are tubular, and towards the edge the flower is represented by a petal inflorescence. In appearance, the baskets can be simple or terry. Several baskets of different sizes and colors can bloom simultaneously on one stem. Duration of flowering, from early summer until autumn frosts. After the basket fades, they produce a fruit in the form of an achene, reminiscent of hedgehog needles. The seeds retain high germination rate, so if they fall into the ground, they can germinate in any place where there is fertile soil.

Marigolds have a specific smell that insects do not like; gardeners use this property by planting them along the edges of flower beds or other plantings. Some types of marigolds are used in folk medicine.

Marigold flowers are unpretentious plants; they can be perennial or annual. Growing from seeds in open ground is easy; replanting can be done even during flowering. Flowering of marigolds begins in the first month of summer and continues until the first frost.

Marigolds have medicinal and beneficial features. The individuality of marigold is a rare individual scent. In natural conditions, marigolds have about 35 varieties and a large number of species.

Marigold varieties and types

Erect marigolds They are a straight bush with large double inflorescences of a single color, the diameter of the flower is 12 cm. Dense and stable shoots sometimes reach one meter in height. This species is popular among gardeners.

They present blooms of a rich yellow or orange hue, the inflorescence is about 10 cm in diameter, and the height of the bush is only 20 cm.

They are not a tall bush with a height of 35 to 50 cm. The inflorescences are about 5 cm in diameter, flowering occurs from July until the first frost. The inflorescences sometimes have a two-color tint. This variety is used for planting on borders.

They are a lush compact bush, reaching a height of up to 40 cm. The leaves of this species are greenish, the shape is slightly dissected. And the inflorescences resemble baskets with a diameter of about 3 cm. This species loves good lighting, quite thermophilic. Used in cooking as a seasoning.

They represent a good lush bush with numerous blooms, about a hundred inflorescences on one plant, each inflorescence 4 cm in diameter. The height of the bush is from 20 to 40 cm. Among them there are dwarf plants up to 20 cm in height. The inflorescences vary in color, single-colored and combined in two colors.

Probably the most popular type, because they have neat bushes, and they serve as an excellent decoration for flower beds, borders, and flower beds.

This is one of the rejected, low-growing varieties. It is distinguished by a thick cover of leaves, height 30 cm. The inflorescence is about 5 cm in diameter, double with corrugated petals. The color is fiery brown, with a yellow-orange tint at the base.

This annual plant about 25 cm in height. Inflorescences are about 6 cm in diameter. The name is associated with the rich orange, double inflorescences, showy. Marigolds are unpretentious to either moisture or the soil in which they grow. Blooms abundantly until the very first frost.

Also, there are varieties of white marigolds from upright varieties: Kilimanjaro , quite a rare variety. Plant height up to 70 cm, inflorescences double, spherical in diameter up to 12 cm, white and beige.

They have a neat bush that looks like feathery leaves. Height is about 35 cm. Inflorescences are about 6 cm in diameter. The shade of the inflorescence is similar to vanilla.

Height is about 70 cm, the inflorescences are cream and whitish in color and have a diameter of about 13 cm.

Marigolds planting and care in open ground

There are few ways to plant marigolds in open ground: seeds, seedlings and mature bushes.

Any of these methods gives successful results when done correctly.

Planting marigolds in open ground with seeds

Planting marigolds with seeds can be done directly in open ground. They are sown in the second half of May, when the soil has already warmed up a little. Sowing is done to a depth of approximately 5 cm.

To do this, a groove is dug about 5 cm deep, watered with water, seeds are sown there and sprinkled with earth. Seedlings are thinned out if they are densely planted.

Before planting marigold seeds, they can be moistened and placed in a piece of damp cloth, wrapped in cellophane, after a few days the seeds will sprout. Such seedlings germinate faster in open ground.

Marigold seedlings

If you want to achieve more early flowering, then it is better to plant marigolds as seedlings. To do this, it is better to sow the seeds in a container early in the spring. For marigolds, growing seedlings is not a complicated process. When sowing, it is necessary to take into account different sowing dates.

In the first half of March, upright ones are planted, and in April, low-growing ones. Planting seeds is not difficult, you just need to provide the marigolds with care after sowing.

The composition of the soil should include peat, sand, humus and turf, all in a one to one proportion. Before sowing, the soil is disinfected with a manganese solution. Don't forget to place drainage at the bottom of the container.

When sowing seeds in a container, try to maintain a distance of about 2 cm, moderate constant watering and a temperature of about 23 degrees.

Watering is done from a sprayer. After the first shoots, and this is approximately the fourth day, if the seeds are fresh, and if the seeds are stale, then the shoots will appear somewhere on the seventh day. We move the container to a cool but bright place.

  • Marigolds do not tolerate temperature drops below 10 degrees , they slow down growth and may stop flowering.
  • If marigold seedlings have stretched out, what to do? - in this case it is necessary to plant a little deeper into the ground.
  • Do I need to pinch the plant? - under no circumstances should this be done, since the plant will be late in flowering for a considerable time.

When to pick marigolds after germination

After the first three leaves appear on the seedlings, they can be planted. You can pick up young plants by slightly securing the rhizome, planting the shoots in separate boxes, deepening them into the ground up to the cotyledon.

It should be noted that after diving, marigolds will begin to grow rapidly due to an increase in the amount of soil.

Marigold seedlings are planted in open ground two to three weeks after picking. After the seedlings take root well, and for this they need abundant watering and sufficient lighting.

The best period for planting seedlings in open ground is when the air temperature at night is not lower than 6 degrees. Marigolds are not picky about soil, but prefer loamy soil. Taking into account all the varieties and varieties, marigolds must be planted at a distance of about 15 cm from each other. If you are planting adult bushes, then the distance is at least 40 cm.

Watering marigolds

After planting the seedlings, moderate watering is required for their rooting. In hot weather, it is better to water in the evening.

Also, abundant watering is required during active growth, stagnation of water is not allowed, this can lead to rotting of the root system.

How to fertilize marigolds for abundant flowering

Marigolds tolerate all fertilizing well, except humus, but it is better to choose a complex fertilizer. It should be fed 3 times per season, during the active growth of seedlings, during the appearance of buds, and during flowering.

But don't over-fertilize, or your plants will stop blooming. Flowering begins in June and continues until frost.

Marigold diseases and pests

Diseases of marigold seedlings - can occur due to excessive watering or prolonged rains; seedlings can also be threatened by snails and slugs. You can destroy or drive them away using chlorine liquid, which must be placed around the area with marigolds.

In dry times, flowers can be affected by spider mites; they are fought with an infusion of yarrow or onion, sprayed with a sprayer. And to avoid their appearance, it is necessary to spray the flower bed more often.

Also, marigold seedlings are affected gray rot and fungus. The cause of the fungus could be high humidity and lack of sufficient lighting. In this case, the plant should be transplanted into light. If gray rot appears on the leaves in the form of brown spots, then the plant will have to be removed.

Marigolds medicinal properties and contraindications

  • Marigold oil is used in the treatment of burns and skin diseases. To do this, you need to infuse marigold flowers with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:10.
  • Only picked marigold flowers should be eaten in salads; they help restore vision and prevent eye diseases, this applies to programmers and those who spend a lot of time near the monitor.
  • A decoction of marigolds is used to treat diseases of arthrosis of the joints. For one glass boiled water about 25 gr. dried flowers, infused and taken orally. You can take up to two liters per day.
  • In cosmetology it is used as a lip balm. To prepare it you need to take about 15g of almond oil. 25 dry marigold inflorescences and about 45 gr. almond oil, mix and leave for about two weeks, and everything is ready for use.
  • In cooking, marigolds are used as a seasoning, an additive to soups, added to salads, where they add some spice and individual taste, and when preserving cucumbers, they add it to brine.

Contraindications - essential oils are not recommended for use by pregnant women and people with individual intolerances, as they can cause allergic reactions. And so in general, there are no contraindications for use.

Marigolds are one of gardeners' favorite annual flowers. In almost every area you can find lush bushes with carved foliage and bright flowers, emitting a spicy aroma familiar from childhood. Marigolds bloom almost all summer, delighting with an abundance of inflorescences.

Description of the plant

Marigolds or Tagetes belong to the genus of annual and perennial plants of the Asteraceae family. Erect branched stems form a bush with a height of 20 to 120 cm. The leaves are pinnate, openwork, the root system is fibrous. Inflorescences - baskets, simple or double, yellow, orange or brown colors. Blooms profusely from mid-summer until frost. The fruit is an achene, 1 g contains up to 700 seeds. The whole plant emits a spicy aroma. It grows best in sunny places, although it can tolerate some shade. The soil should be nutritious and moderately moist.

Marigolds are widely used to create flower groups and flower beds. Low-growing varieties are beautiful both in borders and in massifs on the lawn. Planted in a pot, they can bloom for a long time indoors. The culture is suitable for growing in balcony boxes and containers. Cut inflorescences stand in water for a long time.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

Tagetes is unpretentious, grows and blooms in almost any conditions, but with good care the bushes look much more decorative. It is grown in two ways - seedlings and sowing seeds in the ground.

A seedless method of growing marigolds

Marigolds are grown by sowing seeds in the ground at different times:

  1. Before winter, after the onset of stable minus. They form ridges in advance, make grooves and store some soil in a warm place. Seeds are sown in dry soil and sprinkled with stored soil. The top is mulched with rotted sawdust, compost, and leaf litter. In the spring, when the last frosts have passed, the mulch is raked so that the soil warms up faster.
  2. In the spring, in mid-April - early May, marigolds are sown on insulated beds or greenhouses. After sowing, the furrows are watered warm water.

In early - mid-May, tagetes are sown directly into the ground in a permanent place. The emerging seedlings are thinned out, leaving at least 10 cm between plants. When several true leaves appear on the seedlings, they are planted at a distance of 30–40 cm.

How to grow marigold seedlings in a greenhouse

Marigolds from seeds are successfully grown in a greenhouse. The planting time comes when weather forecasters no longer promise a drop in night temperatures below –1–3°C. The soil in the greenhouse quickly thaws already in the first warm days of April.

To prevent hatching seedlings from being caught by night frost, use covering material. You can also place containers of water in the greenhouse. It heats up during the day and gradually releases heat at night, maintaining the temperature several degrees higher than outside.

Shoots appear in a week. Caring for marigold seedlings involves regular watering with warm water, loosening and weeding. If the soil has been prepared in advance, young plants do not need separate fertilizing. If necessary (weak growth, yellowing of leaves), foliar spraying with a 1–3% solution is carried out. By mid-May, the seedlings are ready to be transplanted into open ground.

How to grow marigold seedlings at home

The most reliable way to get flowering plants in early dates- plant marigolds for seedlings. Like the main seedling crops - peppers and eggplants, they are sown at the end of February - in March. More exact dates depend on the climate and region of residence.

The soil for sowing marigolds is prepared in the following proportions:

  • 1 part compost;
  • 1 part
  • 1 part of garden land;
  • 0.5 parts sand.

A layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom of the container - broken brick, expanded clay, coarse sand. Then - the prepared soil mixture. It is lightly compacted and watered. You can add a drug against fungal diseases to the water for irrigation, since Tagetes seedlings often suffer from blackleg. After a few days, when the soil settles and is evenly saturated with moisture, make grooves and place marigold seeds in them.

Sprinkle soil on top and moisten a little more. The pots are covered with glass or film and placed in a warm, bright place. The covering is regularly removed for ventilation. After the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the containers are moved to a sunny place. Until the seedlings have their first true leaves, water very sparingly to prevent blackleg disease.

Caring for seedlings at home is no different from the agricultural technology of growing seedlings in open ground: timely watering, fertilizing and good lighting will allow you to get the first marigold flowers in June.

Planting seedlings in open ground

The optimal distance between plants when planting marigold seedlings in open ground is 0.4–0.5 m for upright varieties. Low-growing ones can be planted a little more often. The place should be sunny, without stagnant air.

Plants are transplanted together with a lump of earth. Before planting, marigolds should be watered so that the roots do not dry out during replanting. It is advisable to prepare the place for the future flower bed in the fall - add ash and dig it up. When planting seedlings in the ground, add compost, urea or saltpeter under each root. But you shouldn’t be overzealous with nitrogen so that the plants don’t get fat, that is, they don’t build up green mass to the detriment of flowering. Marigolds will greatly benefit from spraying with a solution of microfertilizers for flowers. This is done after the plants have taken root, started to grow and begin to form buds.

Caring for tagetes in open ground

Marigolds are moisture-loving, but do not like prolonged stagnation of water. Therefore, watering should be moderate. After watering, the soil must be loosened. For abundant flowering Several times a season the flowers are fed with infusion of mullein or liquid and other weeds.

For supporting highly decorative wilted inflorescences are torn off. Crowded areas can be easily thinned out by pruning, using cut flowers for bouquets.

Diseases, treatment and prevention

Due to the content of phytoncides, marigolds are less susceptible to diseases than other crops. However, unsuitable conditions for them can cause gray mold and spider mite infestation. Specimens infected with rot are destroyed, healthy ones are reduced in watering, and sprayed with anti-fungal preparations.
For spider mites, Tagetes are treated with an infusion of garlic, wormwood, red pepper or tobacco dust. In case of severe damage, plants are sprayed with solutions of the preparations “Aktellik”, “Fufanon”, “Antiklesch”, “Fitoverm”.

Plant marigolds in sunny, airy places without thickening them, and the plants will bloom more abundantly and suffer less.

How to collect and save marigold seeds

With good care in open ground, marigolds planted in May-June will form faded and dried achenes filled with seeds by mid-August. They are quite large and resemble an arrow with a black tip and light plumage. The largest specimens are collected for seeds. The collected achenes are dried in a dry place and cleaned, freeing them from the husk.

Seeds are collected only from varietal marigolds; hybrids are not suitable for this, since they inherit the characteristics of only one of the parents.

Well-dried seeds are poured into fabric bags and stored at a temperature of 1–5 ° C and a humidity of 50–60%. In such conditions planting material does not lose its viability for several years.

Application in medicine

A bouquet of cut marigolds improves the air in the room and repels flies. Dried petals are used as a seasoning in some countries. In the Caucasus it is known as Imeretian saffron. The leaves treat constipation, fever, and are used as a diuretic and diaphoretic. In large doses, marigold leaves act as an emetic. Lutein contained in flowers reduces the likelihood of developing cataracts and improves visual acuity. Baths with tagetes infusion relax and relieve anxiety. They are recommended to be taken before bedtime for depression and neuroses. The tincture of the plant copes well with stomatitis and skin diseases.

On an industrial scale, marigolds are grown to produce essential oil.

The raw material for it is all aboveground part plants. The oil has a sweet fruity aroma with a light citrus note. It has a sedative, antifungal, hypotensive, antiseptic effect. It softens the skin well, while at the same time repelling flying flies and mosquitoes. Helps heal cuts, scratches, softens calluses.

Marigold oil is a popular ingredient in many French perfumes.

Benefits for the garden

In order for marigolds to fully demonstrate their phytoncidal properties, they are planted along the perimeter of the site, along paths, and the beginning and end of the beds are marked with separate bushes. Tagetes planted next to cabbage beds, repels the cruciferous flea beetle. One or two flowering bushes in a greenhouse can significantly reduce the likelihood of late blight and various rots. In autumn, the whole plant is used as green manure - it is crushed and the soil is dug up along with the resulting green mass. This will repel nematodes and wireworms and enrich the soil with organic matter.

Marigold bushes can be left throughout the winter. Planted in rows, they will serve as a windbreak and retain snow on the site.

In the spring, after the snow melts, dried bushes are pulled out and burned, or sent to compost.

Types of tagetes

Marigolds grow in summer cottages different heights, differing in flowering time, size and color of flowers. Seeds of the variety and type you like can be purchased at almost any specialized store.

Tagetes erecta

Based on the shape of the inflorescences, they are divided into two groups:

  • Carnation-flowered - this group has many ligulate flowers in the inflorescences, with few tubular flowers in the center;
  • chrysanthemum-flowered - the entire inflorescence consists of tubular flowers, along the edge there is one row of reed flowers.

Upright varieties Tagetes are among the highest. Among them are many beautiful ones, with large spherical inflorescences of yellow and orange flowers.

Antigua– low bushes strewn with many yellow-orange flowers up to 10 cm in diameter.

Yellow stone– a plant up to 70 cm high looks like a chrysanthemum with large light yellow spherical flowers.

Gold dollar– tall bushes with large dark green leaves beautifully set off the red-orange odorless terry balls.

golden light– compact plants of medium height are topped with bright orange lights. The variety is late, blooms from late June until frost.

Lemon Prince– from the beginning of summer until cold weather, it will delight with the combination of lemon-yellow inflorescences with dark emerald carved foliage. Variety 80 cm high.

Shaggy Robin– the soft yellow heads really look shaggy due to the tubular flowers of different lengths. They look beautiful and unusual when cut.

Rejected marigolds (Tagetes patula)

This species has an average height of 20–40 cm. The flowers may not be double, but no less beautiful, often two-colored.

golden head– low, heavily leafy bushes covered with many yellow inflorescences with red edges. The outer petals are wavy and bent down. The variety is recommended for growing in containers, pots, flower beds and garden beds.

Golden ball– spreading branchy bushes will delight you with an exquisite combination of a golden center in a red-brown border. Blooms from early summer. The variety is good for cutting.

Queen Sofia– red-brown shades of terracotta, cinnamon and bronze fade slightly in the sun, acquiring almost chocolate tones. The inflorescences are not double, but large.

Lemon Jewel– the name of the variety speaks for itself. Compact, heavily leafy bushes firmly hold a scattering of double bright yellow flowers.

orange flame– the variety will not leave anyone indifferent thanks to its two-color spherical inflorescences with a bright orange center in a red-brown design.

Tagetes tenuifolia,

Thin-leaved varieties have thin, heavily cut foliage and small single flowers of yellow, orange or red. Flowering bushes resemble openwork balls dotted with many bright lights.

Golden ring- a plant of medium height with fragile shoots and small light green leaves. Blooms bright yellow from early June small flowers with dark orange border.

Dwarf- similar to the previous variety, but differs from it in its small height. Therefore, it is recommended for decorating the edges of flower beds and ridges. Beautiful and convenient for growing in pots and boxes.

Lulu– the variety is distinguished by abundant flowering. The spreading bush forms a green ball strewn with bright yellow stars.

Paprika– many fiery red flowers with a yellow center will not go unnoticed in any flower bed. The variety repels pests with a strong aroma.

With such a variety of varieties, you can create an elegant one using only marigolds alone, alternating different colors. Tall, large-flowered varieties are placed in the center of the flowerbed, framed by low-growing varieties of contrasting shades. Marigolds planted in balcony boxes will fill the apartment with a subtle spicy aroma all summer long.

The most important thing about marigolds - video

Annual and perennial herbaceous plants of the Astrov family came to Europe from South America. Marigolds or Tagetes (lat. Tagetes) are common plants; in nature there are more than 30 species. Sturdy stems form compact or branched bushes. Flowering is long lasting and ends with the first frost. In September, the fruit ripens - a flattened achene. There are 250-750 seeds in 1 g, which will sprout in 3-4 years. Rejected marigolds are the most common type. It ranks first in popularity among gardeners.

Tagetes rejected: description of the species

Rejected marigolds (Tagetes Patula) or French marigolds are cultivated throughout the world. The annual plant, growing up to 15-60 cm, is used in ornamental gardening, cooking, cosmetics industry, and medicine. The plant has erect branched stems. Marigolds are rejected, what does this mean? The flower owes its name to the rejected side shoots. The leaves are green, pinnately dissected. The edges of the plate are serrated. There is a regular and opposite arrangement.

Marigolds rejected

On Tagetes bushes, basket inflorescences with a diameter of 4-6 cm appear in large numbers. Flowers are formed from tubular and reed petals. Depending on their number, inflorescences are divided into three types:

  • simple - consist only of reed petals;
  • semi-double – both types of petals are present in equal quantities;
  • terry - tubular petals predominate.

Reed flowers are orange, red, lemon, white, red-brown or bicolor. The range of tubular ones is limited to yellow and orange. Marigolds are distinguished by a long flowering period, which captures everything summer months and the beginning of autumn until the first frosts. The photo shows that as they grow, the rejected marigold bushes form a colorful border along the path.

Marigolds along the paths

Popular varieties of rejected marigolds

Many varieties of French marigolds have been developed. All diversity can be divided into three main groups:

  • tall - 50-60 cm;
  • medium height up to 50 cm;
  • short - 25-30 cm;
  • dwarf – 15-20 cm.

The most common varieties include:

  • "Eye of the Tiger" - compact decorative variety with a tart aroma. Densely double inflorescences consist of orange tubular flowers and burgundy reed petals of the lower row. Used for all types of flower beds and garden boxes.

    Tiger's Eye

  • “Queen Sofia” is an annual up to 30-40 cm high, the inflorescences are semi-double, two-colored. The main color of the petals is red, with a golden-orange border along the edge. In the sun, the color fades and changes to bronze. The flowers are large, 6-7 cm in diameter. The stem is thick, highly branched, the leaves are bright green.

    Queen Sofia

  • “Golden Head” or “Gold Kopchen” is a low-growing crop 20-25 cm, with a reddish coating visible on strong green shoots. The inflorescences are chrysanthemum-shaped, tubular flowers of golden yellow color. Dark red reed petals are located below in one row. They are slightly wavy, bent down. The variety is early, blooms in early June.

    golden head

  • “Carmen” - rejected double marigolds, bush height up to 30 cm. The shoots are spreading, green, ribbed. The leaves are pinnately dissected, green, with a jagged edge. The diameter of the inflorescences is up to 6 cm. The reed flowers are reddish-brown, arranged in two rows. The center is made up of tubular yellow petals. Grown in containers, flowerpots, and flower beds.


  • "Bonanza Bolero" is an annual plant with a height of 30 cm and a flower diameter of up to 7 cm. Unpretentious plant forms a compact bush. It has a peculiar spicy odor containing phytoncides. The inflorescences are large, double, with spectacular coloring - red strokes on a gold base. A universal variety suitable for flower beds, garden beds, and growing on a terrace or balcony.

    Bonanza Bolero

  • “Playful Marietta” - thanks to its unusual bright color, the variety has won the love of gardeners. The height of the plant is 40 cm, the flowers are flat, not double, consisting only of reed petals. The color is two-tone - a yellow base and a red spot in the middle of the petal. Blooms profusely from July to September.

    Naughty Marietta

Comparison of erect and deviated marigolds

Each type of tagetes has its own characteristic features, what is the difference between erect and deviated marigolds? Both species are popular among gardeners due to their beauty and unpretentiousness. One of the main differences is the structure of the stem. In upright plants it does not divide and becomes lignified at the base. One large flower grows on the stem. Representatives of the species are giants among their family. Their height reaches 120 cm, and the diameter of the flowers is 15 cm. Rejected tagetes cannot boast of such parameters, but is ahead in terms of variety of colors. Upright varieties are mostly single-colored; two-colored specimens are extremely rare.

Erect marigolds
Rejected marigolds

The inflorescences of rejected varieties can be of any type, among them it is easy to choose a plant for lovers of simple flowers reminiscent of chamomile. There are hybrids that are not inferior in splendor to chrysanthemums. In erect marigolds, all the inflorescences are double. Ball-shaped flowers on tall stems look great as a cut flower. From two types of tagetes you can create a stunning multi-tiered flower bed.

Caring for French Marigolds

Rejected marigolds are hardy plants that require minimal care. In order for the bushes to have dense foliage and lush, long-lasting flowering, they will need watering, fertilizing and weeding.

Landing place

Plants need loose, fertile soil with a neutral pH level. The addition of peat and sand can improve its structure. Adding mineral fertilizers enriches the soil essential microelements. The planting location depends on the height of the bush. French Tagetes includes medium and low-growing varieties. It is planted in the center of flower beds, along borders, in garden boxes, and large pots.

Marigolds come from warm, sunny countries, so they do not tolerate cold and love good light. The best place for them - a sunny area, although in a little shade they develop well. When there is insufficient light, flowering is delayed and the inflorescences become smaller in diameter.

Advice. If you feed Tagetes before flowering mineral fertilizer, then the inflorescences will be larger and brightly colored.


Young seedlings need regular watering; a sufficient amount of moisture is needed to gain green mass and lay large buds. From July, watering is reduced; plants tolerate drought better than excessive moisture.

Attention. Without drainage, heavy rainfall and stagnant water can cause fungal diseases root system.

Growing rejected tagetes

Planting rejected marigolds is done in two ways:

  • sowing in open ground;
  • growing seedlings with subsequent transplantation.

Both methods allow you to decorate your area bright colors, but in the first case you will have to wait until mid-summer for their appearance.

Attention. The optimal temperature for young seedlings is 20-22°. At 10° the development of flowers stops, negative temperatures they are destroying tagetes.

Planting in open ground

Marigolds rejected terry varieties They can be planted in open ground no earlier than May. By this time, frosts dangerous for the sprouts have passed. The seeds are evenly laid out in grooves up to 5 cm deep and watered abundantly. Shoots will appear in 7-10 days.

Information. For the first planting, material is purchased in a specialized store. Then you can collect seeds from your flowers.

Propagation of flowers by seeds

They start growing Tagetes seedlings in March or April. French marigolds bloom early, 40 days after sprouting. The substrate for seedlings consists of several components:

  • peat;
  • humus;
  • sand;
  • turf.

The result is loose and light soil in which seeds quickly germinate. The container must have holes to drain excess water. A drainage layer of fine crushed stone or expanded clay must be poured onto the bottom of the container. To disinfect the soil, it is spilled with a solution of fungicide or potassium permanganate. Several grooves up to 1.5 cm deep are made at a distance of 2 cm from each other. The seed material is distributed along the groove and covered with soil. Watering is done carefully so as not to wash away the crops. The top of the container is covered with film.

The seedlings are ready for planting in a month

Advice. It is not necessary to make furrows under the Tegetes seeds; it is enough to spread them on the surface and sprinkle them with soil.

The optimal temperature for germination is 22-25°. In such conditions, seedlings appear in 3-4 days. After 14 days, the seedlings dive. At the beginning of June they are planted in a permanent place. Depending on the height of the plants, a distance of 15-25 cm is left between seedlings. Watering is required. Periodically loosen the soil and weed out weeds. Prolong flowering and support decorative look Timely removal of wilted inflorescences will help.


Due to the beauty and long-lasting bloom of rejected marigolds, they are often chosen for decorative design parks, gardens, terraces and balconies. The unusual smell of flowers helps protect vegetables in the garden from a large number of pests. The roots of the plant secrete Chemical substance, repels nematodes. Leaves and inflorescences contain essential oil, which has antiseptic and antimicrobial effects.

To grow marigolds, you don't need to be experienced florist. Even if you have never done landscaping before, have not planted a single seed in the ground, but you have a desire to decorate your balcony or garden, then marigold flowers are perfect solution for this.

They are unpretentious, drought-resistant, and not picky about the soil. Surprisingly, such a non-capricious character is combined with the highest decorative qualities. And this, you see, is rather rare! There are several types of marigolds, and there are simply countless varieties that have been bred.

Marigolds can be either low or tall, with small and large inflorescences, the most different shades: white, yellow, orange, red. With the help of this variety, almost any decorative composition can be brought to life. Many beginners do not even know theoretical information about how to grow marigolds. They simply throw seeds into the ground and soon everything is growing and heading. But we won’t rely on chance; some knowledge about the intricacies of growing marigolds will definitely come in handy. Marigolds are flowers that will make your balcony bright

Marigolds: growing seedlings or sowing in open ground?

Marigolds quickly vegetate and bloom within 1.5-2 months after sowing. Relatively cold-resistant and unpretentious, they germinate well when planted immediately in a permanent place: in open ground or balcony boxes.

In shelters, films and special protection marigold sprouts are not needed. At the same time, sowing marigolds for permanent residence can be done only after the risk of return frosts has passed and stable night temperatures have established above +5°C. Therefore, when deciding when to plant marigolds, you need to focus on weather conditions.

In warm regions, sowing work can be carried out as early as mid-April, in conditions middle zone- in the beginning of May. Flowering when sown in the ground occurs in late June - early July. To speed up flowering and thus prolong growing season life of marigolds, you can go the other way: grow seedlings of these flowers at home, so that when the weather warms up, you can plant not seeds in the ground, but already fully grown (often flowering!) plants.

When to sow marigolds for seedlings?

Sowing marigolds for seedlings is carried out in early March - April. Then flowering can be expected at the end of May - beginning of June. This is the most optimal time. Some gardeners are in a hurry and sow marigolds in February.

However, firstly, at this time the days are still quite dark, and there will not be enough natural light. Lighting will be required. Secondly, with such early sowing flowering will begin in late March - early April. It is too early to plant in open ground.

Consider whether you can support growing bushes at home. However, if you are growing seedlings for a glazed southern balcony, where temperatures reach +5...+10°C already in March, then sow marigolds even in January, of course, with additional lighting, otherwise the seedlings will stretch out.

Marigolds: planting, picking, caring for seedlings

Planting marigold seedlings is carried out in plastic boxes, cups or cassettes. The soil can be almost anything, but it must be neutral. Garden soil mixed with sand and a small amount of peat is suitable.

If you don’t want to make the mixture yourself, you can purchase a universal soil for garden or indoor plants with neutral acidity. planting soil make grooves 1 cm deep, where marigold seeds are placed at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. Sprinkle the furrows with earth, water the plantings well and place the container with the crops on the windowsill at a temperature of 22-25°C.

Now all we have to do is wait. Sprouts appear, on average, after 2-4 days. In some cases (if the seeds are old or the varieties are slow to germinate), these periods can extend to 7-8 days. Sowing marigold seeds for seedlings After the emergence of seedlings, their temperature can be reduced to 18-20°C to avoid stretching the sprouts and obtain stronger , dense seedlings. Emerged sprouts of marigolds need to be watered on time; they don’t need anything else. Unlike growing seedlings of petunia or other delicate garden flowers, young sprouts of marigolds do not need to be covered with film to maintain a stable, humid microclimate.

These flowers are quite hardy from the very infancy; they will not dry out and begin to fall, even if you forget to water them on time. You can fertilize marigolds, like any other plants, only 2 weeks after planting, picking or replanting.

That is, when the beneficial substances in the soil are used up. When 2-3 true (carved) leaves appear, marigold sprouts dive into separate cups, deepening the stems to the cotyledons. This allows you to visually reduce the elongated stem and make it more powerful. root system(additional roots will appear on the buried stem). Picking marigolds into separate cassettes Picking marigolds causes a sharp jump in their growth due to an increase in the allocated volume of soil. Very soon, literally in 2-3 weeks, the roots of the sprouts will completely entwine the soil plastic cup and will be ready for planting in a flower bed, flower garden or balcony containers. Marigold seedlings are ready for planting in a permanent place! Marigolds are planted in the ground for permanent residence at a distance:

  • low-growing varieties - 10-15 cm from each other; medium-growing - 20 cm; tall - 30-40 cm.

It is necessary to maintain a distance between marigolds of at least 10-15 cm, otherwise, as the bushes grow, they will suppress each other

Marigolds: caring for adult plants

Growing marigolds at home or in an outdoor flower bed will yield excellent results if you follow several rules: 1. The place where marigolds are planted should be sunny.

Southern, eastern or western balconies, flower beds in open areas or near the bright sides of buildings are suitable. If you have a northern balcony or a shady area in the OG, then it is also possible to try growing marigolds.

But be prepared for the fact that flowering will be weak and, perhaps, will stop completely by August.2. You should try to water marigolds, especially those planted in containers and pots, every day. On hot days - morning and evening.

Marigolds are drought-resistant, but insufficient watering suffers them appearance: lower leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out.3. Marigold roots love to “breathe.”

Therefore, at least once a week, loosen the top layer of soil with plantings using a stick, spatula, or hand cultivator. Often this technique improves the appearance of the plant and even stimulates flowering!4.

For abundant flowering, faded buds must be removed, otherwise the ripening seeds will begin to draw on the vital forces of the plant.5. Take care of regular feeding, especially if you grow marigolds indoors.

The soil in containers and pots is quickly depleted and without outside fertilization, marigolds will almost certainly stop flowering.6. If marigolds begin to show signs of poor bloom by mid-summer, trim them back.

Summer pruning will renew the bushes and cause a new wave of flowering. Growing marigolds at home is something that even a novice gardener can do. If these conditions are met, there will be no problems with marigolds. Abundant flowering, compact branched bushes, lush openwork foliage - all this, combined with absolute hassle-free operation, will make marigolds the sunny “stars” in your summer flower arrangements.

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Growing marigolds

These belong to the Asteraceae family. Their height reaches 80 cm. The flowers are orange, dark brown and yellow.

These flowers are very popular because they are drought-resistant and rapid growth, and there is nothing complicated in growing them.

Growing from seeds

Marigolds can be grown either from seeds or seedlings. Seed ripening occurs in the second half of summer. Their germination persists for two to three years. Of course, many people have a question - when to sow marigold seeds?

Seeds are sown in open ground at the end of April or even a little later. The main thing is that the threat of frost has passed, and the soil has warmed up to 15-20 ° C to a depth of 5 cm. The seeds are sown shallowly - 2-2.5 cm.

The plants hatch within 5-10 days. Flowers bloom after sowing 1.5-2 months later. To speed up flowering, they are sown a week and a half earlier than usual. But at the same time, the soil is covered with non-woven material.

The plants in question, regardless of age, tolerate transplantation painlessly.

Growing seedlings

For seeds, they are sown in a prepared container with loose soil in January. The optimal temperature for seed germination is 15-25°C. Shoots also appear after 5-10 days.

After the second true leaf appears, the plant is planted in boxes or pots. The distance between them should be about 8 cm, the growing temperature should be 12–18°C. Plant seedlings in open ground after the last spring frosts have passed.

When planting, you need to monitor the distance between them - 15-20 cm. If this medium-growing varieties, then 20-30 cm, tall ones more than 40 cm.

How to care for marigolds

Plants perform best in sunny areas, although they can also grow without direct sunlight. Spring and autumn frosts are treated very poorly.

Like many other plants, marigolds need well-moistened soil in the first half of summer. In order for the plants to be healthy it is necessary to perform. Excess moisture should be avoided.

Otherwise, the plants are susceptible to fungal diseases of the root system and simply die. While growing, you need to constantly loosen and weed the soil. This allows the plants to breathe and avoid dense soil.

Plants are pruned in summer, resulting in lush bushes. It is also worth taking care to remove faded inflorescences. After the plant fades and withers, it must be removed from the site.

Varieties of marigolds

Currently, there is a wide variety, or rather their hybrids. Next, we list their main types. These plants reach a height of 20-40 cm, are annual, compact in shape, densely branched.

The shoots are light green, straight, bare. The leaves are doubly pinnate, small, with sharply jagged narrow lobes, with punctate glands.

The inflorescences are small with a diameter of 1.5 to 3 cm and are yellow and yellow-orange in color. . The plants are also annuals with a height of 20-70 cm, the shoots are thin, the inflorescences are relatively small. The color of the inflorescences is one-color or two-color, they can also be double or simple..

Annual plants reaching a height of 1 m. The stem is erect, slightly branched. The leaves are dark green, pinnately dissected. The inflorescences are densely double and large.

As for the color of the inflorescences, it is monochromatic - yellow, white, orange, light yellow, cream, orange. The flowering period is from June to September. The best option for growing is fertile soil. Greetings to the creators of beautiful gardens!

This time I’ll tell you about growing marigolds. Although Tagetes (another name for these beautiful and useful flowers) are quite unpretentious, but they, like any other crop, have certain requirements for growing conditions.

You will find out exactly what you need to consider when growing marigolds by reading this article. First, some specific requirements. Marigolds prefer soils that are light in mechanical composition, moderately fertile loams with a slightly acidic and neutral environment. Tagetes - heat-loving crop, which does not tolerate frost at all.

Plants are very resistant to drought. However, on initial stage growth and development require sufficient moisture. To plant marigolds, choose open areas or light partial shade.

In heavily shaded areas, plants stretch out and, most importantly, bloom poorly. Tall varieties and hybrids are the most demanding of temperature and soil. In a previous article, I already talked about the types and varieties of marigolds, as well as how they are useful for the garden.

How to grow marigolds

The main method of propagation of Tagetes is with the help of seeds. Hybrids can be propagated by stem cuttings, which take root well in water. When growing marigolds from seeds, it is advisable to take fresh seeds.

The period during which marigold seeds retain good germination is 2 years. For sowing, you can use both dry and pre-soaked in water. room temperature and sprouted seeds.

Sowing sprouted seeds allows you to obtain optimal sowing density. Growing marigolds is possible both through direct sowing in the ground and with the help of seedlings. Seeds are sown in the ground from late May to early June. Using non-woven covering material, sowing is possible in mid-May (or even earlier in warmer regions). But when should marigolds be planted? There are several factors to consider:

  1. How long has the weather been cool in your region and is return frost possible? Remember that young Tagetes plants do not like frost and may die if they are exposed to bad weather. You need to consider when you want to get flowering plants. Both when growing marigolds through direct sowing in open ground, and when seedling method Please note that from the beginning of sowing to the onset of flowering, plants require an average of about 2 months (from 1.5 to 2.5 months, which depends on the growing conditions and on the type or variety of the plant).

So, sowing seeds to obtain seedlings is carried out on March 15-April 10. With later sowing, plants bloom only in July. When organizing additional lighting and creating the necessary temperature regime Marigolds are sown in January-February.

Then the flowering period begins in April-May. Seedling boxes with soil are prepared for sowing seeds. The seeds are sown in furrows 1 cm deep in increments of 3-4 cm. The furrows are sprinkled with a mixture of garden soil and sand (1:1) on top. At +22...+25°C, the first sprouts appear on days 4-6.

For normal development seedlings require a lower temperature of +18...+20°C. When 1-2 true leaves appear, the seedlings dive into boxes according to the 7-7 cm pattern. This avoids shading and stretching of seedlings. Marigolds easily tolerate not only picking, but also replanting ( even at the flowering stage).

In this regard, they are not at all capricious, unlike nasturtiums. Growing marigold seedlings using greenhouses and film greenhouses allows you to obtain the strongest seedlings. Planting marigold seedlings in a permanent place is carried out depending on the weather conditions of the region. In warmer regions, this may even be the end of April, but more often - early-mid May.

But in cold regions this is possible only in early June. How to plant marigolds To plant marigolds in a permanent place, small holes are prepared and planted in the ground according to the following scheme:

  • 20-20 cm – for short varieties and hybrids; 30-30 cm – for medium-sized ones; 40-40 cm – for tall ones.

Remember also that marigolds are also desirable in many garden beds. The planted plants are watered with warm water. If you did not have time to grow your seedlings this year, you can purchase them at garden centers, markets or from friends and acquaintances.

But if you are not bothered by later flowering, then sow the seeds in a garden bed or flowerbed and watch the whole process of growth of these beautiful flowers. Caring for marigolds Caring for plants includes watering, weeding and loosening the soil. Thickened plantings are thinned out.

Thinning plants and removing weeds helps prevent rot that appears on plant leaves in rainy weather. Well, if you mulch the plants, you will make your work easier, since you won’t have to fight weeds.

And you will have to water less. Removing faded flowers gives marigolds a neat appearance and prolongs the flowering of the plants. In this way they are similar to many other flowers, for example, petunia also looks more beautiful and blooms better, if you constantly remove fading flowers. Although marigolds have practically no pests, during prolonged hot weather spider mites may appear on the plants. The first seeds appear after 35-40 days (from the beginning of flowering) and ripen gradually.

Seeds are collected as they ripen. However, plants obtained from their own seeds often differ from the original maternal ones in the color of the inflorescences, the height of the shoots and other characteristics. Therefore, you should not collect seeds from hybrids.

But there is also no guarantee that from seeds collected from varietal plants The same plants will grow as this year. The fact is that marigolds cross-pollinate and, accordingly, you can get something completely different from what you expect from your seeds. Problems with growing marigolds When growing tagetes, you should consider the following points:

  • Lack of moisture in the soil limits plant growth and affects the size of inflorescences. Prolonged waterlogging of the soil causes the death of plants as a result of damage to the root system by fungal diseases. With the onset of prolonged rains, rotting of inflorescences, especially large ones, is observed. Remove them so as not to cause rotting of the entire plant. When the temperature drops to +10°C and below, the leaves become reddish-purple, growth and development processes are suspended. High temperatures and large amounts of moisture, as well as the addition of organic matter in the spring, contribute to the growth of the vegetative mass of plants to the detriment of flowering.

As you can see, the agricultural technology for growing marigolds is standard. In terms of ease of cultivation and unpretentiousness, it is no coincidence that they take first place among all flower crops. This is what explains their popularity.

Growing marigolds should not cause complications, so good luck to you in decorating and improving your garden! And also take a look interesting video on how to prepare marigold seeds: I advise, dear readers, not to miss the publication of new materials on this blog. Best wishes, Gardensha marigolds, landing, care, growing, kinds, varieties, flowers and flower beds Marigolds are permanent inhabitants of most garden plots in Ukraine and Russia, although their homeland is America.

In some places they are better known as “blackbrows”, they are unpretentious, charmingly decorative, and very easy to grow. Even a beginner can handle them.

Planting marigolds

Seeds in open ground are sown in wide, deep holes 1.5 cm apart so that it is not crowded and the seedlings do not stretch out and rot. Sprinkle a thin layer of 0.5-1 cm of soil on top and water gently.

Let the watering regime be moderate until the sprouts appear, and they will appear very quickly. When 2-3 pairs of leaves appear, transplant the seedlings to a permanent place at a sufficient distance (not densely) and deepen it 2 cm more.

Seeds can be purchased only for the first planting, and then collected at the end of flowering. Leave a few flowers on the drying bush and let them completely wither. The main thing is that it doesn’t rain at this time.

Then you can easily extract ripened seeds from the calyx of the flower, which you can dry and store until spring. The rule “the sooner you plant, the sooner they will bloom” is quite suitable for marigolds. If desired, you can sow seeds for seedlings in early spring.

Keep the seedlings in a warm and bright room until May. Then you can take the containers out into the open air for a week so that the seedlings get used to the new conditions, and then plant them in a permanent place. The soil should be loose: turf - humus - peat - sand (1: 1: 1: 0.5).

To prevent “blackleg”, provide the flowers with good drainage from 3 cm of crushed stone, expanded clay and sand. You can add prepared fertilizers to the soil before planting, but not fresh manure. If there is a threat of frost, cover the seedlings with film - your seedlings will become strong.

Caring for marigolds

Marigolds can grow in shade or partial shade, but will bloom more luxuriantly in the sunniest locations. The main thing is that it is not too humid and dark for them. Before germination, the desired temperature is 22-25 °C. In cold winds, flowers need protection.

The soil should be well moistened during the growth period. Take care of the flowers evenly, without overdoing it. Of all the marigolds, the most unpretentious are the rejected ones; they will take root in any soil and will bloom profusely even without fertilizers.

If you want to feed, do it no more than once a month, otherwise the bush will grow intensively and will not bloom for a long time. During growth, watering should be moderate, and later it will need to be reduced so that there is no stagnation of moisture, which causes the plants to get sick, rot and not bloom.

In the summer heat it is better to water in the evenings. Marigolds can easily live without feeding, but they will respond very gratefully to them. Fertilizers are applied three times: when the seedlings grow to 10 cm, when the first buds appear and at the beginning of flowering.

Can be used complex fertilizers. Regularly weed and loosen the soil, as marigolds love loose soil and need to breathe. In the summer, prune - it will help to form lush, beautiful bushes.

They will bloom more strongly if the faded inflorescences are removed. In the fall, after withering and drying out, they are removed from the garden beds. Marigolds can grow well in a pot.

For this purpose, plant them in the fall, and then the bush will definitely bloom before spring.

Diseases and pests

The specific fragrant smell of marigolds and the same aroma of secretions from the roots into the soil are a kind of protection against fusarium and other fungal diseases not only for the flowers themselves, but also for everything that grows nearby.

It’s not for nothing that professionals advise framing almost the entire garden plot! Thyme is also planted for the same purpose. The healthy appearance of marigolds depends on care. If it is too dry, spider mites may appear.

With dampness - fungus and rot. In the first case, we correct the situation by watering and spraying, in the second - by drying and heat. When snails and slugs appear, it is better not to use poisonous sprays, as flowers really don’t like this.

Due to low temperature, dampness, humidity and dense plantings, dark brown wet spots - gray rot - may appear on the stems and leaves. Destroy affected plants immediately before they infect healthy ones.

It is noteworthy that if you bury frozen marigolds in a compost heap, then no midges or other harmful creatures will grow in it.

Marigolds and landscape design

You can plant marigolds almost anywhere, except near water bodies and in dense shade.

Depending on the shape of the bush (spherical, compact, inverted pyramid) and the height of the stems (20-120 cm), try to plant the shortest ones at the edges of the borders, and the taller ones closer to the center of the flowerbed, so that all the flowers are clearly visible in the flower garden. By color palette the flower bed can be almost monochromatic (for example, all shades are yellow-golden) or contrasting (red-white, brown-yellow).

From summer to autumn, flowers will not lose their decorative value, because the dried inflorescences will be hidden under the blooming ones. A common problem for all lovers is to plant as much of the plot as possible with their favorite vegetables and fruits, and to have enough space for flowers.

So, you can even plant marigolds around the perimeter of beds with potatoes or any other vegetables. It will be cute and fun!

Types of marigolds

Professional gardeners know almost 60 species of marigolds.

Of these, only three are considered the most popular in our area: erect, rejected And thin-leaved. In America, they not only decorate garden beds, but are also used in medicine.

In some countries, they are used to make a popular seasoning - Imeretian saffron (the leaves have a specific spicy fragrant aroma). Flowers, by analogy with chamomile, can be simple, semi-double or double, similar to carnations.

The dark green leaves are no less beautiful than the flowers, which can stand in water for a long time when cut. African marigolds erecta(Tagetes erecta) Annual plant. The bush has a clearly defined main shoot and can be compact or spreading.

The stems are strongly branched, up to 1.2 m high, branched, finely ribbed with large inflorescences-baskets up to 13 cm in diameter on long peduncles. The inflorescences are single-color yellow or two-color. Blooms in late June - early July.

French marigolds rejected, small-flowered (Taget es patula) Annual with a straight branched stem, linear-lanceolate, pointed-serrate leaves. The heads of the inflorescences are of medium size and sit on thickened stalks.

The leaves grow together. Blooms in the second half of July. Mexican marigolds thin-leaved (Tagetes tenuifolia)

Annual, low compact bush 20-40 cm high, densely branched with small leaves. Small baskets of inflorescences are simple, sit on short peduncles, collected in corymbose inflorescences of yellow or yellow-orange shades. Aniseed marigolds