Description of the basic technological diagram of a booster pumping station (BPS). Booster pumping stations BPS. Purpose. DNS equipment. Technological unit. Leak collection and pumping units. Options. Pumps. Exploitation

The operating principle of any pumping station is quite simple and consists in the fact that the pump pumps water into a storage tank, and the water is replenished as it is used up. A level sensor that monitors the water level in the tank turns the pump on and off.

A water supply pumping station is a monoblock in which the pump is connected to a hydraulic accumulator through a relay, which automatically turns on the pump when the incoming water pressure drops to a certain critical value to repeat the cycle. Pumping stations are necessary when supplying water from deep wells or some other autonomous sources. They can also be used to pump water from water supply network with insufficient pressure and for filling storage tanks in reserve. The system does not require immersion and is mounted on the surface, without requiring any special safety control, since all processes, including eliminating water hammer, are performed either automatically or semi-automatically. For sewer systems special sewage systems are produced pumping stations, the design of which is equipped with an additional container in order to trap solid inclusions. For the same purpose, using a pump with a cutting mechanism is no less effective. Before purchasing a pumping station, it is recommended to know exactly the volume of water consumed in order to select the hydraulic accumulator you need with maximum accuracy. Only then will you be guaranteed long-term and reliable operation of the entire system as a whole. Pumping stations supplying deep water are equipped with special injectors connected to a jet-centrifugal pump. Stations with remote ejectors are equipped with the same types of pumps, but the fact that their ejector is not built-in, but sinks to the bottom, allows water to be pumped from wells from fifty meters or more depth. The main pumping unit remains on the surface. Such stations are very convenient when the well is significantly removed from the consumer. They have low efficiency and are quite critical in relation to water heavily contaminated with various suspensions.

So, the apparent simple principle The operation of the pumping station includes a rather complex arrangement of the water supply system.

A pumping station, as a complex of hydraulic engineering means and equipment, is capable of performing work related to water intake from irrigation or drainage sources, lifting and transporting water to the point of consumption, or transporting water to a holding tank.

Pumping stations (PS) can be classified according to various criteria, such as:

  • scope and purpose,
  • supply level, which means location relative to the water source (these are coastal, riverbed, stationary and mobile stations),
  • construction features (buried, non-buried, with combined and non-combined water intakes and outlets). Pumping stations can be divided into:
  • irrigation stations that lift water to irrigation canals;
  • drainage and irrigation systems of pumping stations, drainage and humidification systems,
  • drainage stations that remove water from reclaimed areas;
  • pumping systems, used to supply water to closed irrigation systems.

Pumping stations may have different supply levels, regardless of the area of ​​application and pressure: low supply level - up to 1 m³/s; medium flow - 1 - 10 m³/s, high flow - 10 - 100 m³/s and unique stations with flow exceeding 100 m³/s.

Based on the source of energy, pumping stations are classified into electrified and thermal stations. The latter are powered by an internal combustion engine. Pumping stations can have a seasonal operating mode and operate year-round. There are pumping stations that take water from surface water sources and from underground. Stationary pumping stations are installed in premises or a building that serves to house the main and auxiliary hydromechanical, electrical and mechanical equipment, pipeline fittings etc. By design features They are classified into ground, chamber and block pumping stations. By the nature of control, stationary pumping stations can be controlled manually and automatically. The choice of a stationary pumping station is determined by a number of factors, as well as technical and economic calculations.

Mobile pumping stations, compared to stationary pumping stations, are more mobile, maneuverable, and their price is 20 - 25% cheaper. They are used to supply water to irrigation system open or closed type, in sprinklers and for water supply systems. Mobile pumping stations are quite mobile, which makes it possible to use them in different irrigation areas throughout the entire irrigation season. Their expedient use when irrigating floodplain areas, with significant fluctuations in the water level at the source, does not require the construction of expensive water intake devices, and the depth of the water source at the point of water intake should not be< 0,6 - 0,8 метров. Если глубина окажется меньше, то следует применять устройство самого простого подпорного сооружения или приямка. Выбирая место для установки передвижной насосной станции, следует смотреть на подход к воде и площадку для насосной станции, которая должна обеспечивать высоту всасывания макс. 1,5 - 3 метра. Насосные станции передвижного типа могут быть сухопутными и плавучими, они могут иметь собственный двигатель внутреннего сгорания и электрический двигатель с приводом от вала с отбором мощности от трактора, который транспортирует насосную станцию ко всем местам водозабора. Сухопутные насосные станции можно классифицировать, в свою очередь, на станции навесной и прицепной конструкции. Выпуск передвижных насосных станций серийно налажен при их широком применении в мелиорации, они быстро устанавливаются, перемещаются при изменении уровней в источнике с водой, обслуживают несколько объектов.

PNS driven by its own engine are classified by performance: 25 - 750 liters / second, by pressure: 5 - 100 meters, by chassis design: on skids or wheels.

Pumping stations are usually built in a short period of time using high technology, perfect unified equipment and the latest methods construction execution. Pumping stations or installations include a machine room with pumps, water intake systems, water inlets, switching chambers, and water tanks. Any pumping installation cannot do without electrical facilities and a transformer substation, which may be located in the same room as the machine room. Some of the above equipment may be missing or combined from a functional point of view. For example, the machine room of a pumping station may be one building structure with a water inlet, which is typical for pumping stations of the first rise. At wastewater pumping stations, the machine room can be combined with a receiving tank. Pump equipment pump installation may vary depending on its purpose; there are installations with horizontally and vertically located pumps, with axial and centrifugal pumps, which can be installed with a positive suction lift or with a head, that is, under the fill.

The location of the turbine room relative to the ground surface characterizes pumping stations as stations:

  • ground type;
  • semi-buried stations;
  • buried and
  • underground type.

For above-ground pumping stations, the floor of the machine room is typically located at the level of the surrounding ground; entry of vehicles may be provided.

For semi-buried pumping stations, the floor is recessed compared to the ground level; they do not have an overlap between the machine room and the first floor, the presence of which is typical for buried-type pumping stations. If the station is deep enough, there may be additional underground floors for the location auxiliary equipment. These pumping stations are called mine-type pumping stations.

Underground pumping stations are characterized by their complete location underground, compact design and automatic control. They can be rectangular (easier to install standardized equipment components), round, elliptical (easier to absorb hydrostatic pressure) or complex in shape. Based on the type of control, pumping stations are divided into: - stations equipped with manual control, when service personnel represented by operators control the station’s operations; - With automatic system control, when all operations are performed automatically, regulation is carried out according to the water level in the tank or water pressure in the line, etc.; - with semi-automatic control, when turning the station on and off is carried out by the operator, and all other operations are performed automatically; - stations controlled remotely from a remote control station. When selecting a pumping station, all technical characteristics and economic indicators of several types of stations are usually compared, depending on the purpose and future purpose of the equipment, the wastewater is assessed (for the presence or absence of solid inclusions in it, the viscosity and density of the wastewater, the aggressiveness of its environment, temperature conditions). It is also important to determine the scope of use: whether it is a domestic pumping unit or an industrial one.

  • plumbing,
  • sewer.

Sewage pumping stations (SPS) include structures that ensure the removal of wastewater: storm, fecal, industrial. They have the following advantages:

  • quite long service life; This is often explained by the use of fiberglass on component parts, which does not rust or rot;
  • safe operating mode due to the presence of pressure and liquid level sensors that monitor the functioning of the system;
  • compact design;
  • the ability to provide fully automatic operation of the system;
  • environmentally friendly approach to operation: no unpleasant odor and uncontrolled release of wastewater.

The sewage pumping unit is located in a housing and includes pumps (main and auxiliary), sensors, pipeline, and connecting pipes. The main distinguishing feature of a sewage pumping station is the presence of a special container for getting into wastewater large particles. The container is periodically removed and emptied, then cleaned. Sewage pumping units can operate in almost any atmospheric conditions, which is also their plus point.

In a modern autonomous water supply system, the most important component today is the pumping unit, which is either purchased ready-made or assembled by the user himself, if we are talking about compact installation for a private home. In order not to have problems with the operation of the pumping unit, you should clearly understand the principle of its operation. For correct selection pumping station for your specific needs, you should keep in mind 2 factors: the technical parameters of the pumping station and the nuances of the existing well. Among technical parameters, as always, we are talking, first of all, about performance. This means that the station must raise a volume of water to a height that will provide all the needs for the house and court buildings. For the characteristics of a well, an important role is played by productivity, its depth, statistical water level (if the pump is not working), dynamic water level (if the pump is working), filter type and pipe Ø. Standard pumping stations lift water efficiently from a well depth of max. 9 m. They can be equipped with either a self-priming centrifugal pump or a self-priming vortex pump. Regarding the power of the station, we can draw the following conclusion, which practice tells us: for a house where a family of four lives, it will be enough to purchase a pumping station of low or medium power, 2-4 m³/hour, and with a pressure of 45-55 meters.

Pumping stations with storage tank are considered obsolete, but such stations still exist. The storage tank is very bulky, the water level and pressure in it is controlled by a float, the data is output to a sensor, which, when triggered, gives a signal to pump water. This has always been a popular water supply system, but this system had many disadvantages:

  • Always low pressure, since water enters the tank by gravity;
  • large tank sizes;
  • difficult installation of the tank, because it must be located above the level of the station itself;
  • When the overflow sensor fails, water begins to overflow into the room.

Modern pumping stations are equipped with a hydraulic accumulator. The bottom line is that a pressure switch is installed at the station. Stations equipped with a hydraulic accumulator are considered progressive stations and have much fewer disadvantages. The relay controls the upper limit of the ambient air pressure, which is compressed in the accumulator under water pressure. After setting the required pressure, the pump turns off and turns on again only when a signal from the relay about the lower pressure limit is received.

So, it doesn’t matter which pumping station, with a storage tank or a hydraulic accumulator, it is equipped with a pumping unit, a pressure membrane tank, a pressure switch, a pressure gauge, a cable and connectors for connection. Pumping stations are also distinguished by the type of working pump, which can be with or without an ejector. If the ejector is built-in, then the water rises due to the created vacuum. These pumping stations have a rather high cost, but it is quite justified; they can supply water from a depth of 20-45 meters. The equipment of these stations is highly productive, quite compact, but it is very noisy, and therefore it is better to place it in utility rooms.

There are also pumps for pumping stations with a remote ejector, which is immersed together with two pipes into a well or well. Water enters the ejector through one pipe, forming a suction jet. There should be no air or sand in the system; the efficiency of these pumps is much lower than that of standard pumping stations. Such a station can be installed at home; it operates silently.

In fact, there are a huge number of pumps that make up pumping stations.

In recent years, the production of fire trucks in our country has noticeably improved, the efficiency of which is determined, as a rule, by the quality indicator of the pumping unit, which is, as it were, not the most important element of the fire truck. Pumping units used in fire extinguishing technology are a set of engineering communication systems that can ensure the safety of people in a building at the time of a fire. The main purpose of such structures is to eliminate a spreading fire, high-quality fire extinguishing and quick removal smoke and carbon dioxide from the building.

Previously, fire trucks were equipped with a conventional fire pump. Fires are different, and, accordingly, extinguishing them also has a number of distinctive features, which is due to different requirements for the operation of pumping units. To extinguish a fire on the upper floors, a high-pressure pumping unit is needed. And to eliminate large forest fires, you need a fire engine with a high-performance pumping unit (70 - 100 l/s). And one machine will be enough, not two, each with 40 liters per second.

In the designs of the latest models of fire pumping units manufactured by world leaders in this field, it should be noted that they are equipped with new control systems and remote control, automatic pressure regulation, automatic water filling and dosage of foaming agent, data output on a liquid crystal screen. However, such equipment is difficult to operate in our conditions, when we are talking about global fires, for example, in the Siberian climate. Which liquid crystal screen of a pumping unit will survive a fire in such conditions?

One of important elements The pumping unit of a fire truck is considered to be a vacuum water filling system powered by an open reservoir. The vacuum method of filling water can be manual or automatic; piston, membrane, vane, liquid ring, gas jet pumps, etc. can work as a vacuum pump in the installation. Each of these systems when equipped with a pumping station for fire trucks is suitable for certain operating conditions.

The operation of a vacuum water filling system, in particular, the level and speed of evacuation, is directly related to the function of the engine drive, or the speed of rotation of a given engine. This is due to certain inconveniences in the maintenance of fire equipment; daily checks for “dry vacuum” are required. The pumps of the vacuum pumping station are an autonomous vacuum system and were recently developed by order of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. They are equipped with an autonomous electric drive, powered by a fire truck battery. Electrical signals, controlling pumps, automate almost all processes involved in fire extinguishing operations, and are today the most promising in the matter of water filling. This has already been noted by all well-known manufacturers of fire trucks in Russia.

    1. Main technological equipment and R&D facilities

      1. Main types of oil pumping stations

Oil pumping stations are designed to transport oil from fields to consumers. Oil pumping stations of main oil pipelines are divided into head and intermediate ones.

Head NPCs are intended for receiving oil from installations for its preparation, measuring and pumping it from tanks to the main pipeline.

The principal technological diagram of the main pumping station is shown in Fig. 13.1.1.

It includes a booster pumping station (1), a filter and meter platform (2), a main pumping station (3), a pressure regulator platform (4), a pig launching platform (5) and a tank farm (6). Oil from the field is sent to site (2), where it is first cleaned from foreign objects in mud filters, and then passes through turbine flow meters, which serve to operational control for its quantity. Next, it is sent to the tank farm (6), where it is settled from water and mechanical impurities, and commercial accounting is carried out. To pump oil into the pipeline, a booster pump (1) and a main pump (3) are used. Along the way, oil passes through a platform of filters and meters (2) for the purpose of operational metering, as well as a platform of pressure regulators (4) in order to establish the required flow rate in the main oil pipeline. The platform (5) is used for launching into the oil pipeline cleaning devices- scrapers.

Intermediate NPCs designed to increase the pressure of pumped oil in the main pipeline. Intermediate oil pumping stations are placed along the oil pipeline route in accordance with hydraulic calculations after 50-200 km. The technological diagram of the intermediate pumping station is shown in Fig. 13.1.2.

To ensure a sufficiently reliable level of synchronous operation of adjacent pump stations, main pipelines are divided into operational sections, average length which are accepted within 400-500 km. The distances between pumping stations are determined by hydraulic calculation depending on the operating pressure and bandwidth oil pipeline, subject to compliance with regulatory gaps from the boundaries of the pumping station to buildings and structures of settlements, shift camps and industrial enterprises.

A general view (panorama) of the pumping station is shown in Fig. 13.1.3 (see color insert).

      1. Main technological processes at the pumping station

The technological scheme of the oil pumping station provides for the following technological processes:

    pumping oil according to the “pump to pump” scheme;

    automatic transition to pumping oil through the main oil pipeline past the station in the event of its shutdown;

    reverse pumping of oil through the main oil pipeline;

    reception and launch of diagnostic tools without stopping the station;

    discharge of oil from the shock wave into an oil storage tank;

    collection of leaks from pumps, emptying by gravity of dirt filters and receiving pipelines of the wave smoothing system unit into an oil collection tank;

    pumping oil from the collection tank with a vertical pumping unit into the receiving pipeline of the main pumps;

    emptying of above-ground sections of pipelines oil pumping station from oil during repair work;

    when the emergency level of oil in oil storage tanks is reached, it is planned to turn off the pumping units and then disconnect them from the main pipeline;

    washing out paraffin in a collection tank with oil using a vertical pumping unit;

    operational accounting of oil entering the oil pumping station, as well as monitoring of large leaks using an ultrasonic meter.

The NPS provides the following main functional systems:


    electricity supply;

    water supply;



    heat supply;

    fire extinguishing;

    technological communication, automation;

    repair support;

    life support for watch personnel.

Automation and telemechanization of pumping stations should ensure uninterrupted operation of the station in the absence of permanent maintenance personnel. During the initial period of operation (1 - 2 years), pumping stations are usually under constant supervision of operating personnel, which must be taken into account when designing premises.

The pumping station building includes: a machine room in which the pumping units are located; switchgear room; panel room; transformer chambers; workshop for minor repairs; premises for operating personnel; sanitary unit. When laying out the building, the possibility of expanding the machine room should be taken into account. Room distribution devices, switchboard room, transformer chambers are located at one end of the machine room.

Distances from the pumping station to residential and public buildings are taken taking into account the standards for permissible noise levels in residential buildings.

It is necessary to provide an entrance with a solid surface to the pumping station building. road surface for road transport.

Pipeline collectors and shut-off valves in pumping stations of heating networks, unlike, for example, pumping stations of water supply systems, they are not reserved.

Individual pumps with fittings and measuring instruments installed on their pressure and suction pipes must be disconnected from the manifolds by valves. In booster pumping stations, depending on the operating mode of the network on the supply and return pipelines network water A pressure regulator, cut-off regulator, check valve and relief valve can be installed. Check valves, as well as control valves and other devices in which pressure losses occur, are installed on the pressure pipelines of pumps. They are not recommended to be placed on pump suction lines to avoid cavitation.

When regulating pump pressure by throttling, the regulator is installed on the pressure manifold of the supply or return pipeline. If the pumps are located on the return line, then the pressure regulator installed on the pressure manifold maintains the set pressure in the return line suction manifold. When regulating pump pressure by bypass, the pressure regulator is installed on the pump bypass.

It is also recommended to provide a bypass line around the pumps to maintain circulation in the heating networks when the pumps are stopped. In this case, a check valve is installed on the bypass line. During operation of the pumping station, the check valve remains closed due to excess pressure in the pressure line. When the pumps stop, the check valve opens and allows circulation in the heating networks behind the pumping station. In this case, it is necessary to check the pressure of consumers in operating modes of the heating network with the booster pumps turned off.

The mud trap is located in front of the equipment and instruments protected from contamination (counting along the flow of the coolant).

Shut-off valves (valves) must be installed on the supply and return network water pipelines at the inlet and outlet of the pumping station.

In the event that the heating network is cut into hydraulically independent zones to replenish network water losses due to leaks, a make-up line is provided in the pumping station circuit. On the make-up line, make-up pumps with check valves on their pressure pipes, a pressure (make-up) regulator, a water meter for measuring the flow of network water with leaks and shut-off valves (gates, valves) are installed.

Shut-off valves allow you to repair or replace equipment and fittings installed on the make-up line without shutting down the entire pumping station.

When the pressure in the return line of the heating network ensures the maintenance of a given static pressure in the cut-off zone, make-up pumps and check valves are not installed on the make-up line.

Power supply to the pumping station

graduate work

1 Technology and master plan of the pumping station

Pumps are energy machines in which the mechanical energy of the drive is converted into the energy of fluid flow. According to the principle of operation, all existing pumps are divided into three main classes: vane or blade (flow pumps), vortex pumps (entrainment pumps) and positive displacement pumps (displacement pumps).

The most common type of energy machines are vane pumps, used in most modern branches of technology.

In vane (blade) pumps, the conversion of engine energy occurs in the process of flow around the blades (blades) of the impeller and their forceful effect on the flow. In vortex pumps, the conversion of engine energy occurs in the process of intensive formation and destruction of vortices when entrained by fast-moving fluid particles in the impeller cells. And slowly moving liquid particles in the side channels or channels covering the top of the wheel (vortex effect). When fluid moves in the wheel of a vortex pump between the suction and discharge sections, a centrifugal effect also occurs. In positive-displacement pumps, the conversion of engine energy occurs in the process of displacing a volume of liquid from the closed space of the pump into the pressure pipeline by a piston (plunger, rolling pin), membrane having a reciprocating motion, or gear teeth, screws, cams, retractable sliding plates during the rotational movement of these elements pump (rotary pumps).

Vane pumps are divided into centrifugal (radial), diagonal and axial (propeller). In centrifugal pumps, the movement of liquid in the impeller occurs from the central part to the periphery in radial directions, that is, there are no axial components of absolute speed in the flow of liquid particles. In diagonal pumps, fluid particles move along surfaces of rotation with generatrices inclined to the axis, that is, the axial and radial components of absolute speed are of the same order of magnitude. In axial pumps, fluid particles move in an axial direction. Vane pumps have low self-priming ability. Therefore, when starting up, their suction pipe and wheel are filled with liquid using various ways. Vane pumps are convenient for direct connection to modern types electric motors. Vane pumps are compact and lightweight.

Efficiency vane pumps reaches 0.9 - 0.92 and in the region of moderate pressures is not inferior to the efficiency. piston pumps. Therefore, for low and medium pressures and high flows, exclusively vane pumps are used. Vane pumps are widely used for supplying oil and petroleum products through pipelines, for supplying water into an oil reservoir during oil production, and for supplying highly aggressive and toxic liquids in the petrochemical industry. The factor limiting the speed and suction height of a vane pump is cavitation. When the pump sucks liquid from the reservoir, the pressure in the supply pipeline, as the liquid moves into the pump, drops and, at the entrance to the wheel, may become less than the elastic pressure of the saturated vapor of the liquid. Cold boiling of the liquid occurs. The steam bubbles formed at the inlet in the area of ​​high pressure at the outlet of the impeller instantly condense, which is accompanied by characteristic crackling and noise. This phenomenon is called pump cavitation. If cavitation develops strongly, the pump may completely fail.

Cavitation is accompanied by a number of undesirable phenomena in pump operation:

Erosion of wall material. The resulting vapor bubbles, entering the area of ​​​​high pressure, instantly condense; when they close, the liquid particles surrounding the bubble move accelerated towards the center of the bubble, and when the bubble completely disappears, these particles collide, creating an instantaneous local increase in pressure, which can reach large values. Such pressures on the working surfaces of the wheel channels lead to strong impacts, chipping, and corrosion of the wall material;

Increased vibration, which leads to rapid wear of bearings;

Rapid chemical erosion of the working parts of the pump due to the release of vapors of a chemically active liquid. Chemical erosion also increases with an increase in the vapor phase content of oxygen dissolved in the pumped liquid and transferred to the vapor phase during cavitation;

Narrowing of the flow area of ​​the supply channels and complete failure of the pumps during active cold boiling, which is associated with the release of dissolved gases, including air, from the liquid when it passes through a vacuum region.

Vortex pumps are most widely used in stationary and mobile installations with a power not exceeding several tens of kilowatts for pumping low-viscosity liquids that do not contain abrasive impurities. The pressure of vortex pumps is 2 - 5 times greater than the pressure of centrifugal pumps at the same values ​​of wheel diameter and rotation speed, but they are characterized by low efficiency. (0.25 - 0.5).

Displacement pumps are characterized by the fact that their working parts periodically form closed volumes of liquid and displace these selected portions of liquid, increasing the pressure in the discharge pipeline. Features of positive displacement pumps are the constant, almost hermetically sealed separation of the suction and discharge chambers, as well as the ability to self-prime. The flow of a volumetric pump is determined by the geometric dimensions of its working parts and the number of cycles per unit of time. Delivery volume of volumetric pumps from 0.8 to 800 m 3 /h. In positive displacement pumps, the pressure value is fundamentally unlimited.

Areas of use various types pumps depending on their flow and pressure are shown in Fig. 1.1.

Centrifugal pumps, used in a wide range of pressures and flows, are distinguished by a variety of designs. They are made vertical and horizontal, both single-stage and multi-stage, one-way and two-way entry.

Such a variety of parameters and purposes of centrifugal pumps has caused many different constructive solutions. Designers of centrifugal pumps have to compare the advantages of different design solutions and, by analyzing them, find the most optimal one for each specific case.

Determination of the number and unit flow (pressure) of the pumping station is carried out based on the full flow (pressure) of the pumping station, according to the conditions optimal number centrifugal pumps, based on the need to maneuver the flow of pumped liquid and reliability of power supply.

The technological diagram of the pumping unit is shown in Fig. 1.2.

A pumping station is an enclosed space in which it is necessary to create conditions for the work of maintenance personnel. Pumps and their drives are strong sources of heat in the room. For example, some parts of the pumping unit (electric motor) are constantly heated above 100 °C. These heat sources have a rather serious effect on the microclimate inside the pumping station. IN summer months During operation of the pumping station, the air temperature in the room can reach a level at which comfortable and productive human work is impossible. In addition, periodic replacement of air is necessary in any room. Room ventilation serves these purposes. In the diploma it is necessary to implement ventilation based on experience already arranged systems ventilation at existing pumping stations.

Two supply fans in a block with heaters, they are installed on the sides of the main gate intended for supplying transport. Heaters are necessary to create a thermal curtain in winter time, which increases heating efficiency and reduces drafts from doors. Another supply ventilation unit with a heater is installed at the central entrance to the workshop from the street. Three exhaust fans installed from the rear wall of the pumping station.

The designs of pumping units contain many metal parts that are subject to thermal and mechanical stress during operation, and as a result of this process they wear out. To manufacture simple new parts and maintain old ones in good condition, as well as for scheduled and emergency repairs of machine components and assemblies, a group of metalworking machines and automatic welding machines is installed in the workshop. List of typical installed equipment:

One drilling machine;

Two screw-cutting lathes;

One milling machine;

One cylindrical grinding machine;

One roughing and grinding machine;

Two welding transformers.

A crane is required to install the pumps. An overhead crane is needed to replace large parts of pumps and electric motors. The purpose of the crane is to lift and deliver pumps to their destination.

If a fire occurs, it must be extinguished. For this purpose, two fire pumps are installed on either side of the main gate.

Thus, the main electrical receivers of the pumping station are the motors of pump drives, fans, workshop equipment drives, crane drive, as well as general lighting production area.

General plan pumping station is shown in Fig. 1.3.

2 Determination of rated electrical

pumping station loads

Automation of reclamation pumping station

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According to the assignment data, a system with a counter-reservoir at the end of the network is adopted (Figure 1)...

Second lift pumping station

Station design flows are calculated in Table 1 Table 1 - Station design flows Delivery Calculation, l/s Note Maximum Qst.max = 0.9Рmax Qday/100 = =0.9*5.6*60000/(100*3.6) = 840 l/s Pmax=5.6, Pmin=2.5; Minimum Qst.min = 1.1 РminQday/100 = =1...

Second lift pumping station

The pressure losses in the network sections in the machine room are summarized in Table 10. Table 10 - Pressure losses in the sections Network section Pos. In Fig. 5 Q, l/s dу, mm V, m/s hуch, m AB 1 840 1000 1.31 0.13 172 - - - 1.2 7 - - - 0.2 10 - - 1...

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Contact network design

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where Nst is the static pressure. Z1 -- water level mark in the treatment plant mixer (tank) Z2 -- mark lowest level water in the water well. hsun...

Design of a first lift pumping station

Two options for the station plan were considered: A, B. Option A. Arrangement of type D pumps in one row and installation of a pressure flute above the pump axis. It has no major shortcomings. The length of the machine room is greater than in option B. Option B...

Calculation automatic installation water fire extinguishing

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1.1 Purpose of the pumping station, classification of premises according to the reliability of power supply The pumping station is intended for land reclamation. It contains a machine room, a repair area, a unit room, a welding station, service and utility rooms...

Technical operation electrical equipment and networks of the pumping station

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Maintenance and repairs electrical equipment air cooling gas

To start, regulate and stop the drive electric motors of pumps, as well as to control electrified auxiliary mechanisms, pumping stations have electrical equipment...

Power supply and electrical equipment of the pumping station

Booster pumping stations (BPS) are used in cases where in fields (a group of fields) the reservoir energy is not enough to transport the oil and gas mixture to the water treatment unit or central processing station. Typically, booster pumping stations are used in remote fields.

Booster pumping stations are designed for separation of oil from gas, purification of gas from droplet liquid, further separate transportation of oil by centrifugal pumps, and gas under separation pressure. Depending on the liquid throughput, there are several types of DNS.

The booster pumping station consists of the following blocks:

· buffer capacity;

· collection and pumping of oil leaks;

· pumping unit;

· spark plugs for emergency gas release.

All DNS blocks are unified. Horizontal oil and gas separators (OGS) with a volume of 50 m 3 and more. DNS has a backup buffer capacity and pumping unit. According to the technological scheme of the DNS, buffer tanks are intended for:

· receiving oil in order to ensure a uniform flow of oil to the receiving pumps;

· separation of oil from gas;

maintaining a constant head of about 0.3 - 0.6 MPa at the pump reception.

To create a calm liquid mirror, the internal plane of the buffer tank is equipped with lattice transverse partitions. Gas from the buffer tanks is discharged into the gas collection manifold.

The pump unit includes several pumps, a ventilation system, a liquid leakage collection system, and a control system technological parameters and heating system. Each pump has an electric motor. The process parameters monitoring system is equipped with secondary sensors, with the output of instrument readings to the control panel in the control room of the booster station. The pump unit is equipped with several protection systems when the pump operating parameters deviate from the operating parameters:

1. Automatic shutdown of pumps in the event of an emergency decrease or increase in pressure in the discharge line. Control is carried out using electrical contact pressure gauges.

2. Automatic shutdown of pumps in the event of an emergency increase in the temperature of pump bearings or electric motors. Control is carried out using temperature sensors.

3. Automatic closing of pump discharge valves in case of their shutdown.

4. Automatic switching on exhaust ventilation when the maximum permissible gas concentration in the pump room is exceeded, and the pumps must be automatically turned off.

The leak collection and pumping unit consists of a drainage tank with a volume of 4 - 12 m 3, equipped with an HB 50/50 pump with an electric motor. This block is used to collect leaks from pump seals and from safety valves buffer tanks. Liquid is pumped out from the drainage tank to receive the main process pumps. The level in the tank is controlled using float sensors, depending on the specified upper and lower levels.

How DNS works

Oil from group metering units enters buffer tanks and is separated. Then the oil is supplied to the receiving pumps and further into the oil pipeline. Separated gas under pressure up to 0.6 MPa through the pressure control unit it enters the field gas collection manifold. Through the gas collection manifold, gas is supplied to a gas compressor station or to a gas processing plant (GPP). Gas flow is measured by a chamber diaphragm installed on the common gas line. The oil level in the buffer tanks is maintained using a float level gauge and an electric valve located on the pressure oil pipeline. When the maximum permissible liquid level in the oil and gas separator (OGS) is exceeded, the level sensor transmits a signal to the control device of the electric drive valve, it opens, and the level in the OGS decreases. When the level drops below the minimum permissible level, the electrically driven valve closes, thereby ensuring an increase in the liquid level in the oil pumping system. To ensure uniform distribution of oil and pressure, the buffer tanks are connected to each other by a bypass line.

Each booster station must contain a technological diagram and operating regulations approved by the technical manager of the enterprise. According to these regulatory documents, control is exercised over the operating mode of the DNS.

The installation diagram is shown in Fig. 4.1.

4.2.2. Description of the principle technological scheme booster pumping station with a preliminary water discharge installation (BPS with UPSV)

The technological complex of CPS structures with water treatment plant includes:

3) heating of well products;

4) transportation of gas-saturated oil to the central processing station;

7) injection of chemical reagents (inhibitors, reagents - demulsifiers) according to the recommendations of research organizations.

Fig.4.1. Booster pumping station (BSS)

N-1 – centrifugal pump. Flows: GVD at the gas treatment plant – gas high pressure for a complex gas treatment plant, GND – low pressure gas.

Oil separation and preliminary water discharge are carried out at the booster station with water treatment plant. Associated petroleum gas from the field is used for the needs of boiler houses and supplied to the gas treatment plant.

The liquid produced at the field undergoes preliminary dehydration at a water treatment unit with a booster pump station. After the separators, it enters parallel settling tanks, where the emulsion is separated. Then the partially dehydrated oil is supplied to the oil treatment plant and central processing plant for final oil preparation. The prepared water is sent to a cluster pumping station, where it is pumped into the reservoir to maintain reservoir pressure.

b) separation of gas from liquid with preliminary gas selection;

The process of preliminary oil dehydration should be provided for when the water cut of the incoming well production is at least 15-20% and carried out, as a rule, without additional heating of the well products using demulsifiers that are highly effective at moderate and low temperatures in the process of preliminary oil dehydration. Preliminary dehydration of oil should mainly be carried out in devices for the joint preparation of oil and water. In this case, the discharged reservoir rocks must be of a quality that, as a rule, ensures their injection into productive horizons without additional purification (only water degassing is provided).

The installation diagram is shown in Fig. 4.2.

4.3. Description of the basic technological diagram of the preliminary water discharge installation (UPWW)

The preliminary water discharge installation resembles a simplified diagram of an oil treatment installation. The fundamental difference is the lack of equipment for the final dehydration of oil to comply with GOST 51858-2002.

Oil separation and preliminary water discharge are carried out at the water treatment plant. Associated petroleum gas from the field is used for the needs of boiler houses and supplied to the gas treatment plant.

The liquid produced at the field undergoes preliminary dehydration at the water treatment unit. After the separators, it enters parallel settling tanks, where the emulsion is separated. The partially dehydrated oil then enters the final separation unit (FSU), where gas is sampled at a lower pressure and then sent to an oil treatment unit (OPF) or a central collection point (CPF) for final oil treatment. The prepared water is sent to a cluster pumping station, where it is pumped into the reservoir to maintain reservoir pressure.

The process flow diagram must provide:

a) preparing the oil emulsion for separation before entering the “settling” apparatus;

b) separation of gas from liquid with preliminary gas selection and final degassing;

c) preliminary dehydration of oil to a water content of no more than 5 - 10% (mass.).

To prepare the oil emulsion for separation, provision must be made for the supply of a reagent - a demulsifier at the end sections of oil and gas collection (before the first stage of oil separation), and, if there are appropriate recommendations from scientific research organizations, for the supply of water returned from the oil treatment units.

The process of preliminary oil dehydration should be provided for when the water cut of the incoming well production is at least 15-20% and carried out, as a rule, without additional heating of the well products using demulsifiers that are highly effective at moderate and low temperatures in the process of preliminary oil dehydration.

Preliminary dehydration of oil should mainly be carried out in devices for the joint preparation of oil and water. In this case, the discharged formation water must have a quality, usually an oil product content of up to 30 mg/l, the EHF content ensures their injection into productive horizons without additional purification (only water degassing is provided).

The discharge of formation water from oil preliminary dehydration devices must be provided under residual pressure, ensuring its supply to the receiving pumping stations of the flooding system or, if necessary, to wastewater treatment plants without installing additional pumping stations.

The installation diagram is shown in Fig. 4.3.

4.4. Description of the basic technological diagram of the oil treatment unit (OPU)

The oil treatment unit is designed for dehydration and degassing of oil to parameters that meet the requirements of GOST R 51858-2002.

In the oil and gas separator S-1, oil is degassed at a pressure of 0.6 MPa which is maintained by the pressure regulator. To facilitate the destruction of the water-oil emulsion, a demulsifier from the chemical reagent dosing unit is introduced before the S-1 separator.

From separator S-1, partially degassed oil and formation water enter the inlet of the settling unit, the pressure in which is maintained at 0.3 MPa pressure regulator. Produced water from the sludge block is sent to plumbing facilities for subsequent disposal. Partially dehydrated and degassed oil from exhaust gas is sent to electric dehydrators (EDG) for final dehydration of oil, then the dehydrated oil is supplied to the final separation unit - KSU, the pressure in which is maintained at 0.102 MPa.

Rice. 4.2. Booster pumping station with a preliminary water discharge installation (BPS with UPSV)

Equipment: S-1; S-2 – oil and gas separators (OGS), GS – gas separators;

EG – horizontal settling tank; N-1, N-2 – centrifugal pumps.

Flows: GVD at the gas treatment plant - high-pressure gas to the integrated gas treatment plant, GND - low-pressure gas.

The prepared oil from the CSU is supplied by gravity to the tank farm for storage and subsequent truck removal or supply of oil to the transport pipeline.

Degassing gas from S-1 and S-2 enters the gas separators GS and is sent to the complex gas treatment installation of the gas treatment facility.

The remaining gas from the gas pipeline is used for own needs as fuel gas for power plants.

The separated droplet liquid from the HS is directed into the general oil flow line through a buffer tank, which is not indicated in the diagram.

The technological complex of UPF facilities includes:

1) the first stage of oil separation;

2) preliminary water discharge;

3) heating of well products;

4) dehydration in the electric dehydrator unit;

4) transportation of oil to the tank farm;

5) non-compressor transport of oil gas to the gas treatment plant;

6) transportation of prepared formation water to the reservoir pressure maintenance system;

7) injection of chemical reagents (inhibitors, demulsifiers)

This type collection and treatment system installations are the final stage in the path of produced products from the well to prepared and purified oil intended for further processing.

The installation diagram is shown in Fig. 4.4.

Rice. 4.3. Preliminary water discharge unit (UPWW)

Equipment: S-1; S-2 – oil and gas separators (OGS), GS – gas separators;

EG – Horizontal settling tank; N-1, N-2 – centrifugal pumps.

Flows: CGTU – high-pressure gas to a complex gas treatment plant.

Rice. 4.4. Oil treatment unit (OPU)

Equipment: S-1; S-2 – oil and gas separators (OGS), GS – gas separators; EDH – electric dehydrator;

EG – horizontal settling tank; N-1, N-2 – centrifugal pumps; RVS – stationary tank.

Flows: CGTU – high-pressure gas to a complex gas treatment unit; WUV – water metering unit; UUN – oil metering unit.

4.4.1.Production of oil and gas wells– mixture,

  • oil,
  • gas,
  • mineralized water,
  • mechanical mixtures (rocks, hardened cement)

It must be collected from wells dispersed over a large area and processed as raw material to produce commercial oil and gas.

Oil collection and preparation(Fig. 4.5) constitute a single system of processes and represent a complex complex:

Fig.4.5. Schematic diagram oil collection and treatment technologies.

It must provide:

  • preventing losses of petroleum gas and light fractions of oil from evaporation along the entire route and from the very beginning of development;
  • no pollution environment caused by oil and water spills;
  • reliability of each link and the system as a whole;
  • high technical and economic performance indicators.

Oil and gas collection in the fields - this is the process of transporting oil, water and gas through pipelines to central point collection They are transported under the influence of pressure caused by: pressure at the wellhead; pressure generated by pumps (if necessary).

Oil pipelines, along which oil is collected from wells, are called prefabricated sewers, the pressure in the manifold is called line pressure.

The choice of in-field collection scheme for well production is determined depending on: natural and climatic conditions; field development systems; physical and chemical properties of formation fluids; methods and volumes of oil, gas and water production.

These conditions make it possible to: measure the flow rates of each well;
transporting well products under the pressure available at the wellhead to the maximum possible distance; maximum sealing of the system in order to eliminate losses of gas and light oil fractions;
possibility of mixing oils of different horizons;
the need to heat well production in the case of production of high-viscosity and highly paraffinic oils.

After the BPS, oil is pumped out to the central pumping station, and gas is pumped through a separate gas pipeline due to the pressure in the BPS separator (usually 0.3-0.4 MPa) is also sent to the central processing station, where it is prepared for further transport. Two-pipe systems for collecting well production are used in large-area oil fields, when the well pressure is insufficient to transport well production to the central processing station.

On most oil fields In Western Siberia, two-pipe collection systems are mainly used, in which well production through flow lines is supplied to group metering unit (GZU), where is the measurement taken? flow rates(productivity) of individual wells. Then, after gas treatment, the oil is supplied to booster pump station (BPS), where the first stage of oil separation is carried out (separation
the main amount of gas from oil).

Fig. 4.6. Schematic diagram of flow rate change at a group installation

1-prefabricated manifold; 2 – working comb; 3 – collection gas separator; 4 – discharge manifold; 5 - booster pump; 6 – gas pipeline; 7 - three-way valve; 8 – measuring manifold; 9 – measuring separator; 10 – debitometer.

At some fields, separate collection of products from water-free and water-flooded wells is carried out. In this case, the production of waterless wells, without mixing with the production of watered wells, is supplied to the central processing station. Well production is also collected separately if mixing of oils from different horizons, for example, those without and those containing hydrogen sulfide, is undesirable. Products from watered wells and products that are undesirable to be mixed are transported through separate flow lines and oil and gas collection manifolds to the central processing plant. Based on the nature of the movement of well products through pipelines, collection systems are divided into unsealed two-pipe gravity systems and on high pressure sealed systems.