Ready-made attic houses. Lighting of the attic floor. How the overall layout of the house affects the organization of the attic

Modern projects one-story houses with attic often created with a complex roof shape to make attic spaces as functional as possible. The ceilings of these rooms in any case have a slope, which in most cases is used to create original design interior If the walls of the attic part of the building are high enough, then the slope of the ceilings can be covered with plasterboard.

The popularity of one-story buildings with an attic has increased with the advent of improved materials, with which the roof can be reliably insulated and protected from leaks. With the right approach, rooms under the roof can be even more comfortable and cozy than the rooms on the first floor. Mansard type The building, in addition to being cheaper than a standard two-story building, also looks more advantageous due to the high roof slopes. In addition, the low weight makes it possible to build two-level houses on simple, inexpensive foundations and in areas with problematic soil.

There are certain building standards that must be taken into account by designers when developing projects for single-story attic cottages. These standards are aimed at ensuring that the living area under the roof meets the standards of high-quality and comfortable housing. So, for example, the wall of the floor must be at least 80 cm, and the highest point must be at a height of at least 230 cm. The floor of the under-roof floor must be laid out at the level of the support beams, and in no case lower.

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To allow sunlight into the attic part of the house, front and attic windows are used. Frontal lighting is possible with a gable roof shape. Dormer windows are mounted in slopes. In any case, the glazing of a high roof makes the building even more solid, stylish and attractive. How more windows, the lighter and more elegant the house design looks. In popular turnkey house projects, the rooms on the roof floor, especially with inclined lighting, receive more light than the rooms on the lower level, so it is easier to create a cozy, warm interior in them.

An attic means significant savings on building materials and construction work full second floors, additional living space, office, children's or guest room. The attic space is used rationally and does not require special investments for the construction of walls, ceilings and interior decoration.

A private house with an attic is a unique design internal layout and original appearance. Favorable construction solution relative to material costs. After all, residential square meters increase, and the construction of additional capital walls is not required. Savings are also obvious if the land plot is small. The main thing is a correctly created project.

Advantages of the attic

The attic adds living space to the house by using an additional level. The room can be an excellent place for a workshop or smoking room, which are not always appropriate in the main part of the house. Subject to compliance with all necessary technical rules, the attic reduces heat loss from the building through the roof. The room can be decorated in an interesting, individual style, distinctive from the main composition of the house.

But there are also difficulties. Dormer windows are not cheap, and the angle of inclination and floor beams require experienced designer's view, otherwise it won’t be a very comfortable room. In addition, when snow drifts accumulate, it will not be so easy to clean windows if they are built into a pitched roof. However, there are still more advantages, and technological issues can always be resolved.

Features of building a one-story house with an attic

Simple cottage with an attic can be built either from foam blocks or using brick or timber. Considering that the roof will be exposed negative impact climatic factors from the outside and a certain influence from the inside, it is necessary to take care of high-quality hydro, heat, sound and vapor insulation. Ventilation must be sufficiently functional, for which free space must be left between the thermal insulation and the roof.

A strong rafter system is required. The supporting structure is made of wood or metal profiles (stone and concrete should not be used, this will create a high load on the floor). The rafters are placed at an angle of 30-60 degrees.

All elements of the attic must be strong, but light. It is best to cover the roof with soft or metal tiles or slate sheets. Since metal conducts heat too well, in cold weather the room will not be protected from serious heat loss. It is recommended to use as insulation mineral wool. Finish fences with plasterboard. For internal partitions Plywood or plasterboard sheets are suitable.

Even in small houses, the attic can always be arranged in a very original and stylish way: make windows in the roof, add decorative beams. Projects where the roof has a different angle of inclination (but not less than 38 degrees) look especially advantageous; this allows you to zone the room.

Which attics are best for a private home?

How exactly to position the attic, what size it should be and what materials will be needed depends on several factors:

  • how many people will live in the room;
  • purpose of the attic: office, playroom, bedroom;
  • period of operation: year-round or only in the warm season;
  • how the roof is designed (gable, dome, half-hip or hip);
  • what the building itself is made of (brick house, foam block, cinder block, etc.);
  • material used for floors.

The fastest and easiest way will be single-level attic under gable roof. Minimum required additional elements designs. Pediments in in this case used as a place to install vertical windows.

However, most of the area remains unused, so it is more profitable to equip the attic under a sloping roof. This will complicate the design and construction work, but all the space will be used as efficiently as possible.

The most preferable is an attic under a hip (hipped) roof. The design is quite strong and does not deform under the influence of external factors, resistant to wind and snow. But if the building has absolutely small sizes, it will not be possible to arrange a comfortable attic.

Projects of houses with an attic

An attic can decorate the entire private home or be its functional addition. How the floor will be equipped and located depends on the wishes of the owners and the design of the building itself.

House with a gable roof. The first floor is represented by one big room, all the space above it is reserved for the attic. This is the simplest and most cost-effective solution if enough light comes through the windows and no additional sources of daylighting are required in the roof. In this case, the staircase is moved outside the house, which saves space. This option is suitable for country house no garage.

House with attic and terrace. Can also be considered as an option countryside holiday, and as a full-fledged residential building. In this case, the terrace does not have to be located on the attic floor. The drawing is in the photo below.

But the terrace will also look good as an element attic floor

A fairly simple project for combining an attic above a garage. Ergonomic, convenient, and does not take up unnecessary square meters land plot. The staircase can be installed both in the garage and in the main part of the house. In the first case, the car owner receives complete autonomy, which is important if you rent out the house. But designing such a building requires consultation with a professional architect in order to correctly distribute the weight across all structural elements.

Attics in cottages made of timber. Such houses are indispensable for big family. Or even several married couples.

If desired, you can combine everything: an attic above the first floor and a terrace above the garage.

The project might look like this.

You can find a huge selection of projects of any type of complexity in the online store “Cottage Projects”

Technical requirements for attics

The roof covering should be durable, but light, so it is better to choose ondulin or metal tiles.

The attic tier is more susceptible to heat loss and condensation, which means you should not skimp on heat, waterproofing and good ventilation.

It is preferable to make internal attic partitions from plasterboard, wood and metal profile to reduce the load on the interfloor ceiling.

No matter what material the roof is made of, sound insulation will require a lot of money. Go cheap, and the sounds of rain, wind and falling snow will be heard quite loudly.

The line of intersection of sloping or sloping roofs and the facade should be located at a level of about 150 cm relative to the attic floor. With the recommended floor-to-ceiling distance of at least 2.5 m for residential premises, in the attic floor the space with such parameters should be 50% or more of the entire room.

In general, an attic can be built in any one-story house, but it is better to design its location in advance, even at the stage of creating a plan for the future structure.

Project for a house with an attic and a garage

A beautiful house project with an attic and a garage will not be too expensive if you first decide on the construction plan and the required square footage of all the premises.

If you build a house with a total area of ​​111.9 m2 and a residential area of ​​70.60 m2, plus a garage of 17.80 m2, you will need to spend 10-25 thousand rubles on the development of an individual project.

Depending on the purpose, the attic can be built only above the garage or use the entire area of ​​the house box. What are the designs of one-story houses with an attic, the photo is given below. Ready plan with an attic, excluding the area allocated for the garage and in the absence of a basement:

First floor projection

Projection of the attic floor

In this case, the entire load falls only on load-bearing walls boxes at home.

The angle of inclination of the roof with this layout is 42-43 degrees, the height of the ridge is 8.0 m. The size of the attic is 32 m2, which can be divided into three rooms, a staircase, a bathroom, a storage room and a hallway.

Project for a simple one-story house

For a house made of foam blocks with an area of ​​139-140 m2, without a garage and basement, basements and basements, the design of the attic floor can look modest and unassuming, maximally saving free space for any purpose.

IN small houses To have more additional living space, you can arrange an attic space for comfortable living above the frame of the house or in the garage. The only exception is extensive basements. Then it is better to limit yourself to only that part of the structure where they are not.

Installation of a rafter system for a house made of timber with a gable roof

First of all, the slope of the roof must correspond to the climatic conditions of the region. Where there is frequent heavy precipitation, the roof should have a sharp slope of 50-80 degrees.

In areas with high intensity winds, on the contrary, flat roofs are suitable, which will help reduce the pressure on the roof structure.

For rafter systems under attics, the installation of mauerlats is required. These are 10x10 cm beams that ensure distribution of the roof load over the entire surface it covers. Mauerlats are placed under the rafter leg or installed along the length of the entire building. Usually wooden structures are used, but if the roof is supposed to be made of metal roofing, you need to use metal profile Mauerlats.

The cross section of the beam is shown in the photo below.

Everything that is required to build an attic, decide on the size of the room and its purpose, develop a project, study necessary materials, their quantity and you can begin construction.

The 17th century French architect François Mansart was the first to popularize the idea of ​​using attic space for housing. Since that time, private one-story houses with a mansard roof have become widely used in construction.

The fact that residential one-story houses with an attic do not go out of fashion even now testifies to the rationality of their use.

It should be noted that when choosing between a two-story, attic and one-story house, a one-story house with a small attic represents the best option.

Project plans for one-story houses with an attic: advantages

First of all, a one-story cottage project with an attic is warmer, since you do not waste time heating the attic in winter. The price of building such a house is lower than one- and two-story ones (all other conditions being equal). The reduction in estimates is explained by the fact that one-story houses with an attic video, sketches, diagrams and drawings of which can be attached to projects, being located under the same roof and on the same foundation as a one-story house will have a larger area. Also standard projects one-story houses with an attic (photos, videos can be viewed on the website) require less materials than for construction two-story house. Plans for one-story houses with an attic require less communications than in a one-story house and occupy a smaller portion of the site. These points reduce the cost of turnkey sales of attic cottages.

Layout of one-story houses with an attic: features

To new house be beautiful, comfortable and functional, it is necessary that the author's original or finished projects one-story houses with an attic were developed taking into account all the features of such a house. So, from an angular room that has one-story houses with an attic (projects are regularly added to our catalog), it is quite possible to make a good comfortable nest by changing the height of the attic wall, the angle of the roof, choosing the right furniture and design of one-story houses with an attic. To make the planning of one-story house projects with an attic convenient, you need to contact professional planners and designers. They will select either ready-made one-story projects attic houses or they will develop individual drawings of one-story houses with an attic, in accordance with all the client’s wishes and structural features. Our experts have developed the best one-story attic houses, with well designed ventilation systems, allowing you to make the house “not stuffy”.

It is important to understand that not all one-story houses can be converted into attics. Project one-story house with an attic must initially take into account many parameters of roofing structures and ceilings.

We hope that from those presented in the collection updated in 2017 architectural projects you can choose and buy the one that suits you. A one-story house with an attic floor, built according to our designs, is characterized high quality. Pictures of one-story houses with an attic posted on the site will help you in your choice. Enjoy watching!

Country real estate surrounded by greenery and fresh air are the dream of many city residents. To make it a reality, they acquire a plot of land and begin to build. After studying photos of houses with an attic, it’s easy to choose great option for your project. A private building provides land owners with the opportunity to turn their plans into reality by building their dream home.

Features of a building with an attic

The construction must provide high-quality thermal insulation, since the upper part of the building is subject to temperature changes. It is also important to perform waterproofing. For these purposes, lightweight materials are purchased that do not place a significant load on the structure.

Particular attention is paid to the windows of the upper room, which are installed on an inclined surface. Projects of houses with an attic usually involve placement in the space under the roof of the bedroom.

The outer part of the room under the roof consists of the following parts:

  • the vertical component is made from the base material from which the structure is erected;
  • the inclined plane consists of rafters and internal cladding.

A well-thought-out project will greatly increase the usable area of ​​the cottage.

Advantages and disadvantages

Reducing costs when arranging living space under the roof is associated with the use frame structure. The task is complicated by the need to construct a complex roof configuration and insert special windows. The larger the surface frame walls attic floor, the more profitable it is from an economic point of view.

Even at the stage of planning a house with an attic, it is necessary to take into account that the space under the roof will require the creation of a ventilation channel with forced exhaust. This will ensure normal air exchange. Buildings with complex roof have an attractive appearance.

Main advantages:

  • savings on materials and construction services;
  • competent planning provides a significant increase in living space;
  • possibility to equip utility rooms under the roof.

There are also some disadvantages:

  • high cost of attic double-glazed windows;
  • the project must be drawn up by a specialist;
  • vulnerability and difficulty of conducting repair work mansard roof;
  • the need for good sound insulation and thermal insulation.

An 8 by 8 house with an attic will become great solution for people who dream of a cozy and comfortable home. This space will allow you to arrange a spacious living room, several bedrooms, and a comfortable kitchen.

Design Features

To get a durable and beautiful structure, you need to take into account some rules. If a one-story house with an attic is being built, then the load on the walls must be calculated so that the lower part of the building can withstand the structure under the roof.

A person should feel comfortable in the living space, so the roof height is at least 2.5 m.

When creating a project, heating and all necessary communications to the upper floor are thought through. The partitions that will be erected are indicated on the drawings. Compliance with fire safety requirements is mandatory.

Projects of one-story houses with an attic require a strong rafter system. Load-bearing elements are made of wood and metal. Concrete and stone are not used in this case, as they lead to the creation of excessive load on the floor.

The roof is usually covered with metal or soft tiles, slate. To insulate the structure, mineral wool is purchased.

A small space should not be divided into parts using partitions. But if such a need arises, then they give preference to drywall. It does not put additional load on the base.

IN one-story buildings the space under the roof is often equipped with an office, workshop, cozy bedroom. From the room's windows opens great view to the starry sky.

Construction from timber

A country cottage for a summer holiday is usually completed with minimal consumption of materials. Houses made of timber with an attic fit perfectly into the terrain of any area. The wooden structure stands out for its excellent technological indicators:

  • good thermal insulation;
  • reliability;
  • strength;
  • environmental friendliness.

Buildings are erected in various sizes. The choice of dimensions depends on the wishes of the customer and his financial capabilities. A 6 by 6 house with an attic is a full-fledged dwelling; it is made with a minimum number of architectural elements.

This option is chosen if the development area is limited. The owner of the site can cope with its construction independently, which will provide significant savings in money. For small buildings, a gable or hip roof is selected.

Foam block building

Modern materials open up new opportunities for developers. The construction of a house with an attic made of foam blocks is becoming increasingly popular. Owner suburban area the result is an attractive and functional building.

The use of foam blocks allows you to obtain high-quality masonry due to the smooth surface of the elements. Their large size ensures quick construction of the building. The material has high energy-saving characteristics.

The cottage will keep you cool in the summer heat and will reliably protect residents from the winter cold. During operation, the material does not emit harmful substances, it is not afraid of temperature changes or fungus. The structure will be made of foam blocks long time serve the owners.


To get beautiful and inexpensive country real estate, they order buildings with an attic. They look beautiful and allow you to create a cozy room under the roof. To build an attic, you will need less financial investment than to build a full floor.

The customer needs to decide on the size of the building, location on the site, and select the material. Depending on the available budget, choose standard version or order individual planning.

Professionals will help you create a project for your future home, taking into account all the nuances. The result will also depend on correct selection materials and quality of installation of all elements.

Photos of houses with an attic

You can use the attic space more rationally if you arrange living rooms there, which are called an attic.

The attic floor can occupy the entire area of ​​the house or only part of it (or garage). Sometimes the attic floor serves as a replacement for the second floor.

What is an attic floor?

To put it simply - living room(s) in the attic (i.e. an attic-type room)

According to construction terminology, an attic (or attic floor) is a living space located on the top floor of a house with an attic roof (i.e., the attic facade is partially or completely limited by the roof surfaces).

The difference between the attic and the second floor - comparative characteristics

If you try to compare which is better, the attic or the second floor, you will get something like the following picture.

Parameter Attic Second floor
Price Below. The amount of savings depends on the type of attic Higher
Duration of work Lower compared to building a floor High
Height of vertical walls Up to 1.5 m.p. Over 1.5 m.p.
Below Higher
Air volume Lower due to sloping walls Higher
Square The usable area is smaller due to the “dead” zones where the roof meets the wall Higher
Room layout The layout of the attic floor is carried out taking into account the presence of blind areas Free
Land area Doesn't change Doesn't change
Illumination Better, more light penetrates due to sloping windows Depends on the number and location of windows. In addition, the deep slope of the window blocks 2/3 of sunlight
Glazing area 25% less than when using vertical windows Minimum 1:8 to the wall surface area (depending on location)
Window Sloping attic Vertical
Temperature At correct execution all stages of work are almost the same
Heat loss Higher Below
The need for thermal insulation material Below Higher. The ceiling above the floor needs to be insulated
Aesthetics of the structure A house with an attic floor looks more elegant and unusual Typical design

However, it is worth noting that there are cases when it is impossible to build an attic floor. For example:

  • load-bearing walls and foundation may not withstand additional load;
  • the walls are made of porous materials that can collapse.
  • small house dimensions. With a mandatory height of 2.3 m (according to sanitary standards, SNiP is limited to 1.5 m), it is difficult to equip a full-fledged living space with a small surface area. If the width of the house is less than 5 m.p. There is no point in building an attic. The resulting area will be insignificant, but the costs for it will be high.

Is the attic considered the second floor?

According to urban planning standards, the addition of an attic does not affect the number of storeys of the building. Those., a private house, in which the second attic floor is arranged, is considered (is) a one-story house.

Documentation regulating the calculation and construction of the second floor of the attic type.

The superstructure of the attic floor is regulated by the provisions of the following regulatory documents:

  1. SNiP 2.08.01-89 “Residential buildings”;
  2. SNiP II-3-79 “Construction Heat Engineering” (standardizes the arrangement of enclosing structures, including roofs);
  3. SNiP 23-05-95 “Natural and artificial lighting”;
  4. SNiP 21-01-97 " Fire safety buildings and structures";
  5. SNiP 2.01.07-85 “Loads and impacts”;
  6. sanitary and hygienic standards.

Types and types of attic floors - dimensions and dimensions of the attic

The height of the attic floor determines its type (type):

  • full floor. Vertical wall above 1.5 m;
  • attic. The height of the smaller wall ranges from 0.8 to 1.5 m;
  • semi-attic. The height of the wall is less than 0.8 m.

Depending on the needs of the residents, it is possible to arrange rooms on the attic floors for various functional purposes.

But, most often there are bedrooms and lounges.

If the building height requirement of 2.3 m is met, then according to the standards prescribed in SNiP, the area of ​​the attic floor cannot be less than 16 square meters. In this case, the bedroom must be at least 7 square meters.

If the height of the walls of the attic floor exceeds 2.3 m, then the construction of a bedroom of a smaller area is allowed. The justification for reducing the area is the large total cubic capacity (volume) of the room.

Armed with this theory, you can begin to build an attic floor with your own hands. Construction is not a troublesome task if you have detailed step-by-step instructions.

Construction of the attic floor (attic)

Before starting construction, you need to create a project for the attic floor. You can do the project yourself or turn to professionals.

Note that building an attic with your own hands is within the capabilities of anyone. But taking into account all the determining factors and calculating loads is quite difficult without special knowledge.

First, let's find out what affects the attic project.

Choosing the appearance of the attic roof is quite difficult, because... This is influenced by a number of factors:

  • visual effect. First of all, subjective sensations are taken into account. The final choice may fall on another model, but the starting point is here;
  • living space. Rafter system gable roof“steals” area and creates “dead” zones, but hip roof allows you to use almost the entire space of the attic superstructure;
  • financial opportunities. Shed roof- the cheapest option;
  • roofing material. Some types roofing material can be used if a certain roof slope is maintained. For example, for tiles the angle should be at least 25°, and for PK-100 corrugated sheeting (wave height 100 mm) 3-4° is sufficient;
  • general architecture of the building;
  • wind and snow load. The snow should slide off the roof;
  • condition of load-bearing walls and foundation. The condition of load-bearing walls can be judged after visual inspection. The presence of cracks indicates a problem. The use of porous material in the construction of a house reduces the ability of the wall to withstand the load created by the attic. It is difficult to judge the foundation. But knowing its type and what materials and technology were used in its construction, you can calculate what load it can withstand;
  • arrangement of internal communications and ease of connection to them;
  • choice of windows. Installation of special roof windows (sloping windows - sliding, turning, sliding) is carried out directly into the rafter part. They are more expensive, but provide better ventilation. To install vertical windows you need to build walls or gables. The surface area of ​​light-transmitting structures must be at least 12.5%;
  • selection of materials for construction. The cheapest and most popular option for performing the work is to use wood. Technology frame construction quite simple. It is a mistake to think that erecting a wooden attic floor is unacceptable. According to SNiP 01/21/97 use wooden structures during the construction of an attic floor, it is allowed with proper wood processing and a building height of up to 75 m.
  • complexity of calculations. During construction pitched roof loads on load-bearing walls are distributed unevenly. Ignoring this fact will lead to subsidence of the walls and destruction of the foundation.

The main shapes of roofs are shown in the figure.

Nuance. The smaller the angle where the roof meets the wall, the more usable area you will get.

Some projects of houses with an attic floor are presented in the photo.

Before starting work, you must have a drawing, sketch, diagram or drawing with all dimensions.

The drawings of houses with an attic presented below will give you an idea of ​​what needs to be put on the diagrams.

Calculation of the area of ​​the attic floor

The ability to use the attic for living space is calculated using the formula

АхВ + 0.7хС

A- total area of ​​premises whose height exceeds 2.5 m;

IN- total area of ​​premises, the height of which ranges from 1.1 to 2.5 m;

WITH- the total area of ​​premises, the height of which ranges from 0.8 m to 1.1 m.

0,7 - correction factor. It says that theoretically this area can be used, but with significant restrictions.

You can reduce the amount of unused square meters by raising the walls to a height of more than a meter. This is achieved through the construction of attic walls. The attic walls of the attic floor are a superstructure over the load-bearing walls.

Material prepared for the website

Construction of the attic floor (attic)

Next we go directly to construction work or for reconstruction (conversion of the attic into an attic floor). For those who want to convert the attic into an attic, they need to dismantle the old covering.

Then the rafter system is installed, for which you will need:

  1. log (diameter at least 180 mm) or timber (preferably laminated veneer lumber, dimensions 80x80 or 100x100);
  2. board (40x1500) for sheathing;
  3. hardware, burnt wire, anchors or fittings. In order to fulfill reliable fastening all elements;
  4. floor beams. The finishing floor will be laid over them;
  5. finished staircase to the attic floor. It can be located outside the attic or inside. Outdoor placement creates inconvenience when using it in the cold season and in the rain. The interior steals the usable space of the lower floor. A spiral staircase can be a compromise. Even at the most small room a compact folding or retractable ladder is installed.
  6. roofing material;
  7. protective films;
  8. thermal insulation material;
  9. material for finishing walls and ceilings.

Attic floor rafter system - device technology

The construction of the rafter system begins with the installation of the Mauerlat, then it is assembled and installed rafter legs. It is easier to collect them on the ground. Installation begins with two opposite legs. Then a rope is stretched between them. It regulates the accuracy of installation.

After installing the frame of the rafter system, the legs are fastened together. That is, the sheathing is filled. The sheathing pitch depends on the type of roofing material.

The process of building an attic floor - video

The frame is ready. A correctly executed roofing cake has the appearance shown in the figure.

Windows on the attic floor

Dormer windows are installed between the rafters. To make the fastening more reliable, in the place where the window is installed (at the top and bottom on rafter system) horizontal lintels made of timber are installed.

Insulation of the attic floor

It is necessary to take care of energy saving. The lack of air space created by the attic increases heat loss through the attic roof.