Recipe for cleaning a frying pan using vinegar. How to clean a cast iron frying pan from years of carbon deposits? Ammonia and boric acid

Thousands of housewives around the world are wondering how to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits. In ordinary daily worries, we do not notice how the dishes lose their pristine shine. Of course, this can be avoided by thoroughly cleaning the pot or pan after each cooking. But in our time this is quite problematic.

Nagar is a complex of old deposits of fat and soot. Together this explosive mixture releases a large number of carcinogens when exposed to high heat. It is not always possible to wash the dishes after cooking, and then each layer of oil or fat accumulates on the previous one, which forms a thick deposit.

Scientists have proven that the dirty layer of accumulated oil can cause gastrointestinal cancer. So cleaning kitchen appliances should become a mandatory procedure in every home.

Cleaning cast iron cookware

Until the 21st century, women used mainly cast iron utensils. Some families still have such frying pans. They are considered durable, and the food turns out much tastier than in other saucepans. But often such pans are covered with a thick layer of soot, and it cannot be washed without special products.

Enameled coating

Enameled dishes are very popular among housewives. During cooking in it, food does not acquire any foreign odors. In addition, enamel pots and stewpans have a beautiful appearance.

A noticeable drawback of such utensils is the formation of burning on the outside of the product. If it is not washed in time, a carcinogenic coating is created that releases harmful substances when heated. So how can you clean the outside of a frying pan from carbon deposits without ruining the enamel coating?

How to clean carbon deposits from aluminum frying pans

There are some difficulties with such products. Due to the fact that aluminum is considered a soft metal, it should not be rubbed with iron brushes or used with abrasives. The surface will lose its shine and become covered with scratches.

Stainless steel is simply irreplaceable in everyday life because it does not oxidize and does not corrode. Over time, the metal begins to darken and takes on an unkempt appearance. To prevent this from happening, learn in advance how to clean a frying pan from soot and grease and give it new life.

Cleaning a ceramic frying pan

Dishes made from baked clay are suitable for cooking in the oven or microwave. Such dishes should be carefully looked after.

Teflon coated pans

They are considered the most affordable and convenient in cooking. When using it is not possible stir food with a fork, spoon and other metal utensils. Only a wooden spatula will do. Teflon is quickly damaged even by coarse salt. It is better to throw away pans with severe scratches immediately, as they release harmful substances during cooking. How to clean such dishes?

How to avoid stubborn stains on kitchen utensils?

Quick cleaning products

  • Bagi Schumanit.

It is sold in the form of a gel or liquid. Designed for washing gas stoves, tiles and grill. The product will help get rid of old deposits on the pan.

The alkaline substance (alkali) is volatile and extremely harmful to the human body. When using, you must wear gloves and a respirator. Ventilate the room. It is better to clean dishes outdoors. Don't neglect safety precautions!

Apply the product to the dirty surface of the utensil and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then wipe with a damp sponge or cloth. If the dishes are not completely clean, the procedure can be repeated. Afterwards, rinse the container with plenty of water and leave it in the open air for a day until the harmful substances completely evaporate. The effect of Schumanite is visible immediately after you clean the pan from heavy carbon deposits.

  • Sewer pipe cleaner.

An aggressive and very effective mixture will cope with all old deposits on dishes. Pour the liquid at the rate of 100 ml per 1 liter of water. To avoid a chemical reaction, the composition must be poured into water, and not vice versa. Immerse dirty dishes in the solution for half an hour.

After this treatment, the dishes look like new.

Safety precautions:

Attention, TODAY only!

Not every housewife succeeds in washing dishes immediately after cooking. But even with timely washing, an unpleasant black residue forms on the surface of the pans. It not only spoils the aesthetic appearance of dishes and the kitchen as a whole, but is also harmful to health.

How to remove it, what products to use, and what to remember?

5 effective ways to clean pans from carbon deposits

Soot is a “mix” of soot and old fat.

It would seem, so what’s wrong with not cleaning the pans until they shine after each cooking? Many people even consider carbon deposits to be the secret to preparing especially tasty food.

But cleaning carbon deposits is still important and necessary. And the main reason is the release of carcinogens that occurs when exposed to high temperature.

According to numerous studies, soot often becomes a “springboard” to the development of oncology due to slow intoxication of the body.

Therefore, you should clean your pans as often as possible. The main thing is to choose the right method.

The following are recognized as the most effective methods for cleaning cast iron frying pans from heavy carbon deposits:

  1. Apply oven and roasting pan cleaner to the pan, wrap tightly in plastic, and leave for 12 hours. Remaining carbon deposits are removed using a melamine sponge or a regular metal sponge. Next, all that remains is to wash the dishes with a sponge using regular dishwashing detergent.
  2. Carefully heat the frying pan on the stove, in the oven or over a fire, after pouring salt or sand inside. Next, remove from the heat (with an oven mitt!) and tap the dishes so that the carbon deposits fall off. Remove the residue with a metal sponge. You can also use a blowtorch for these purposes.
  3. Grinding. Using a drill and a metal brush attachment, we remove carbon deposits, as if “grinding” the pan. The result is 100%, but this work is not for women. It is also important to protect your eyes and face from flying metal shavings.
  4. Ammonia and borax. An excellent method that is even suitable for cleaning the grate from the stove. Mix in a glass with warm water a couple of drops of ammonia and 10 g of borax, apply the solution to the frying pan, pack it in a sealed bag, shake and leave overnight. In the morning, all that remains is to thoroughly rinse off the used product.
  5. Soviet method. Heat water in a large container (enough to fit the frying pan), add a bar of grated ordinary laundry soap, 2 packs of silicate glue and half a kilo of soda. Dissolve the ingredients and mix, lower the frying pan into the solution and bring to a boil. Cook for 15 minutes, then turn off the gas, close the container with a lid and leave the frying pan in it for 3 hours. Then all you have to do is wash the dish with a regular sponge. Important: the smell from the glue is very unpleasant, you can’t do without a hood and open windows.

Scratches that appear after radical cleaning are removed using fine sandpaper.

These methods are not suitable for ceramics, Teflon and even aluminum.

Removing carbon deposits from a frying pan using folk remedies - the best ways

  • Vinegar (for cast iron frying pan). Dissolve vinegar in water (1:3), pour the product into a frying pan and heat it over low heat, sometimes adding a little water. Afterwards, you will have to boil the frying pan in a soda solution to remove the smell of vinegar.
  • Laundry soap (for almost any frying pan). We grate it, dissolve it in boiling water and lower the frying pan into the solution - let it cook for 30-40 minutes.
  • Oil with powder (for any frying pan). Pour 3 spoons into the container sunflower oil, add a few spoons washing powder, add water and after boiling, lower the frying pan into the solution to soak.
  • Citric acid (for cast iron frying pan). Dilute 1 tsp of acid in 1 liter of water, then soak the pan in it for 1 hour. If the deposit is old, the procedure may have to be done twice.

Video: How to clean a frying pan, burners, saucepans and other utensils from years of carbon deposits and old fat?

5 Safe Home Remedies for Cleaning Pans at Home

Unlike cast iron skillets, which can be cleaned by simply lowering them over the fire, cookware with non-stick coating extremely delicate care is required.

  1. Digestion. Dissolve a glass in 3 liters of water detergent and 50 g of soda (preferably soda ash), lower the dishes into a container with this solution and boil for 30-35 minutes over low heat.
  2. Coca Cola. Pour a glass of soda into the vessel and boil for 30 minutes. To remove carbon deposits from the outside, you should boil the entire frying pan in the drink.
  3. Dishwasher. This option is suitable for dishes with light carbon deposits. Important: carefully select the temperature and detergent. The use of abrasives is prohibited. And one more thing: pay attention to whether the manufacturer allows you to wash a particular frying pan in the dishwasher.
  4. Food baking powder. Mix a glass of water and a couple of spoons of the product, pour the solution into a bowl and boil. After the liquid has cooled, remove carbon deposits using regular sponge. For external soot, make more solution and lower the entire pan into it.
  5. Melamine sponge. An option that is suitable for any frying pan. Naturally, thick and old carbon deposits will not yield to the sponge, but if you have not yet managed to bring the frying pan to this state, then a melamine sponge is in your hands! More precisely, wear gloves, because this product is not safe for health. The melamine sponge itself is ideal for cleaning deposits, rust and other contaminants, but the dishes should be washed thoroughly after using it (it’s better to do it twice and pour boiling water over it to be safe).

7 best store-bought products for cleaning frying pans from soot and old grease

The chemical industry never ceases to delight customers, and today there are a huge number of different kitchen products that help the housewife keep her nerves - and hands - safe.

Among the most effective remedies for soot, grease and soot, buyers highlight the following:

  • Domestos. average price: 200 rub. An effective remedy with a powerful smell. Work with gloves and with the window open.
  • Unicum Gold. Average price: 250 rub. High-quality grease remover from an Israeli company. Ideal for cleaning dishes from carbon deposits and old dirt. Not suitable for aluminum or scratched surfaces.
  • Mr. Muscle (approx. – Kitchen Expert). Average price: about 250 rubles. This product has already proven itself from the best side. It can easily clean grease from frying pans, stove grates, ovens, and baking sheets. Action time is about 30 minutes.
  • Schumann. Average price: about 500 rubles. The product is expensive, has a “thermonuclear” smell, but is fantastically effective. Immaculately clean can be achieved in a matter of minutes: no grease or soot! The downside is that you need to wear gloves.
  • Cillit. Average price: about 200 rubles. This remedy also does not smell of roses and requires open windows and a respirator, but it removes even the oldest and most powerful contaminants that have not succumbed to any folk remedy. The product is not suitable for enameled and other delicate surfaces.
  • Miracle-Antinagar from Himitek. Average price: 300 rub. A domestic, effective product for quickly and easily removing food deposits.
  • Any pipe cleaner. Average price: 100-200 rub. Although such products are aggressive in their effects, they still remain the most effective for cleaning the most difficult stains. Naturally, such a product is not suitable for Teflon, but a cast iron frying pan can easily be subjected to this cleaning method. By using similar means the carbon deposits will come off from the frying pan, even with its thickest layer. For 5 liters of water, use ½ liter of product. Important: we do not add water to the product, but the reagent itself - to the water!

Video: How to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits without chemicals?

Top tips for cleaning and caring for different types of pans

The most important tips cleaning pans concern, first of all, the health of housewives. Why do you need clean pans if you can, at a minimum, get poisoned by inhaling fumes from toxic household chemicals?

Therefore the most important thing...

  1. Use rubber gloves. Remember that household chemicals can also act through the skin.
  2. Wear a respirator, if you use “vigorous” household products. As a last resort, you can use a cotton-gauze bandage.
  3. Clean dishes thoroughly after using household chemicals. The ideal option is to boil it so that not even a hint of the use of “chemistry” remains.
  4. Open windows while cleaning, and if possible, do it on the street.
  5. Remove children and animals from the premises when using household chemicals. Unless this is the kind of eco-chemical that can even be used to wash apples. But you can’t wash away the carbon deposits with such chemicals.

What should you remember about cleaning pans?

  • Wash the pan thoroughly immediately after cooking . This will make your work much easier.
  • If the outside of the frying pan is covered with a layer of fat and soot after cooking, put it in a bowl of boiling water - let it soak. You can boil it for 15 minutes, and then easily clean it with a simple sponge. It is easier to clean light carbon deposits than thick and old ones.
  • Avoid using metal scourers and abrasive cleaners for washing pans. The more scratches, the more unsafe it is to wash the pan with chemicals, the stronger the carbon deposits stick, the more dangerous it is to cook in such a frying pan.
  • Cast iron pans should be heated as hot as possible before cooking with them. How better frying pan warms up, the less soot there will be.
  • Wash aluminum pans without abrasives – warm water, sponge and soda. Aluminum oxidizes after hard cleaning, and this oxide, if ingested, is severely harmful to health. Therefore, such pans should be washed only with gentle products and tools.
  • Use normal when washing laundry soap – it is more effective than even the most modern means for dish washing.
  • Wipe pans after washing hard waffle towels.
  • Teflon cookware should be changed every six months.

Cast iron cookware can serve the housewife for many years. Unfortunately, during its use, a thick layer of burnt plaque appears on the coating of the frying pan, the cleaning of which is a very labor-intensive process. In this case, many people prefer to throw it away. kitchen utensils. There is no need to rush to get rid of your old saucepan, because today housewives have access to numerous cleaning products for metal utensils. You can deal with even severe stubborn dirt, and the frying device will be useful for many years to come. Let's figure out how to clean a cast-iron frying pan from persistent, long-term soot, using improvised means and household chemicals.

7 ways to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits using improvised means

Cast iron fixtures were made to last. Nowadays you can find excellent cooking utensils made from high-quality materials. You just have to pay a lot of money for them. Therefore, if you have an old dish lying around your house, put it in order. She can become an indispensable assistant in preparing delicious dishes.

Moreover, there is no need to run to the hardware store for an expensive product, since you can get rid of carbon deposits at home. List of the most effective methods:

  1. Activated carbon, crushed into powder using a mortar. This method will help to wash the frying pan, both outside and inside. Sprinkle the utensils with charcoal, rub it thoroughly over the entire contaminated surface, then rinse the utensils. Finally, wash it with your usual household liquid.
  2. Sand. Take regular sand and sprinkle it generously on the inside surface of the saucepan, which you place on the stove. Turn on the minimum heat and finish the procedure only after 2 hours. Get rid of sand and rinse dishes. This way, you will remove a thick layer of burning without additional measures. You should know that burnt sand has bad smell, so do everything with the windows open or outside. Another disadvantage of this method is that it will be difficult to clean the cast iron surface from the outside.
  3. Lemon acid. The crystals, dissolving in water, form an artificial lemon juice, which, under the influence of high temperature, perfectly cleans contaminated surfaces at home. It can also handle cleaning an old cast iron frying pan. To do this, pour water into a container and add citric acid. Ratio of water and powder: 1 liter to 1 tablespoon. Place the saucepan on the stove, turning on medium heat. Boil the solution for 15 minutes. The deposits will go away. In this case, there may be residues that can be easily removed with a regular sponge.
  4. Blowtorch. This procedure should be carried out outdoors for safety reasons. Turn on the lamp and direct its flame to areas with heavy carbon deposits. Under the influence of fire, the dirt will begin to fall off on its own.
  5. Vinegar. Dissolve vinegar in water at the rate of 1 part essence to 3 parts liquid. Pour the product into a contaminated container and cook it for 3 hours. During this time, a lot of harmful fumes will evaporate, so thoroughly ventilate the room in which you are performing the procedure. This method may take a long time, but it will help clean a cast-iron frying pan from heavy carbon deposits.
  6. Soda and salt. Sprinkle the bottom of the dish with baking soda and salt. We take it by eye, you will need approximately one handful of each bulk product. Then fill everything with water so that it covers the soda-salt mixture. Place the frying pan over high heat and boil its contents for no more than half an hour. Next, rinse the saucepan thoroughly with running water.
  7. Laundry soap. Let's take the most common piece of 72% and grate it on a coarse grater. Place soap shavings on the bottom of the utensil, fill with water and cook the mixture for 30 minutes. Finally, rinse the dishes with cold water.

Main advantages traditional methods at home:

Thus, you have received a list of accessible, simple, and most importantly effective methods. However, there are several more labor-intensive methods:

  1. Bonfire. If you live in your own home or like to get out into nature, then this method will not cause you any trouble. Light a fire and heat a frying pan over it thoroughly. The carbon deposits will begin to fly off, and the remaining dirt can be easily removed with sandpaper.
  2. Digestion. To clean the pan, use a large container that will fit your cast iron utensils. Prepare the mixture and bring it to a boil. Then dip the pan in it and boil it for at least 30 minutes.
    Liquid composition:
  • Silicate glue – 1 bottle;
  • Laundry soap (brown) – 1 piece;
  • Soda ash – 1 cup.

The soap is grated on a coarse grater and dissolved in hot water, then the remaining ingredients are added. This method allows you to clean the frying pan from carbon deposits on the outside. You can also boil it in Coca-Cola, citric acid and vinegar.

Drill plus wire brush. It is better to clean carbon deposits mechanically in non-residential premises. The tool scrapes off the contaminated layer. Finally, the surface is rubbed with a sponge.

How to clean a frying pan from burnt fat immediately after cooking? The following methods work best:

  1. Soda-salt mixture. Fill the bottom with soda and salt in a small amount, then take half a lemon and wipe the surface. Afterwards, wash the dishes as usual.
  2. Detergent. Fill the bottom with water, drop a few drops of dishwashing liquid there and boil the mixture for 10 minutes. Then let the pan cool and rinse it with running water.
    You can resort to the standard option. Namely, fill the frying pan with water, pour in a little washing gel and leave it like that for several hours. Video can’t be loaded: HOW TO CLEAN A FRYING PAN, burners, saucepan and other utensils FROM YEARS OF COOKING and old grease? (

The best household chemicals to combat carbon deposits

If you do not accept methods of dealing with pollution using improvised means or you have little time, then use special cleaning agents for carbon deposits. They will help you clean your pan quickly and effortlessly.

A selection of the best products:

  • Schumann. An expensive drug that contains an acidic solution. Easily destroys grease, carbon deposits and long-term stains.
  • Frosch. An effective product with a convenient spray. Contains natural ingredients.
  • Amway. It costs more than noise. But it is able to remove carbon deposits from the surface of the frying pan without a pungent odor.
  • Pemolux. Will cope with mild to moderate contamination.
  • Mr. Cleaner. A product similar to Pemolux.

The advantages of using household chemicals are clear: speed and simplicity. However, this method also has disadvantages:

  • The preparations contain dangerous acids and other chemicals, which requires precautions (gloves, ventilation, etc.);
  • It will require spending funds.

Whether to resort to chemistry or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. It all depends on availability, budget and preferences.

Preventive actions

Once you've gotten your old cast iron skillet looking clean and shiny, you'll probably want to keep the results as long as possible. To do this, it is advisable to observe the following measures:

  • Don't overuse dishwasher. It is better to wash such products by hand. Firstly, this way you can always detect newly formed soot that an automatic car wash cannot handle.
  • Cleaning a cast iron frying pan from fresh burnt marks is much easier. Secondly, prevent rust from forming.
  • Keep abrasive cleaning products to a minimum. Use them only in case of stubborn dirt.
  • The renewed surface should be protected.
  • Wash the frying pan every time not only inside, but also outside.
  • Don't leave washing dishes until later. Clean off grease and fresh deposits immediately after it cools down.
  • Hot cast iron utensils fresh from the stove should not be exposed to water, especially cold water. This may deform it.
  • Do not eat from a frying pan; use wooden and plastic utensils to work with it. All this will protect the surface.
  • After each wash, you can wipe the inside of the saucepan with a soft cloth soaked in vegetable oil. This treatment is necessary to form a protective non-stick layer.

Regular care of your cookware will prevent you from taking measures to clean a thick layer of grease, carbon deposits and other contaminants.

A cast iron frying pan produces juicy dishes whose taste will not leave anyone indifferent. Therefore, if you have such a saucepan, take care of it. You shouldn’t throw it away, even if it’s already old, because, as you already know, any long-term dirt will go away. There are quite a lot of ways. All you have to do is choose the right one, find the time, and the updated, clean frying pan will delight you for a long time.

The considered methods of how to clean frying pans from a thick layer of carbon deposits will help you put your dishes in order. A thick crust of soot not only spoils the appearance of cooked dishes, but also contributes to their burning. There are many recipes on how to clean a cast-iron frying pan from years of carbon deposits that are very easy to apply.

Cleaning a cast iron frying pan

Many gourmets and lovers of preparing all kinds of dishes prefer cast iron products for frying. They believe that a Teflon-coated frying pan is not able to convey the taste of food that can be achieved by cooking in a massive cast-iron frying pan.

Important! Under no circumstances should you clean the frying pan using a knife, wire brush or other similar utensils. Rough cleaning will damage the coating and anything you fry will burn.

There is no arguing about tastes; everyone is free to decide for themselves which utensils to use for cooking. However, cast iron frying pans also tend to become dirty. outside carbon deposits For example, if you fry pancakes or cutlets, potatoes or mushrooms, in any case, splashes of oil will leave their mark on the walls of the cookware, both internal and external. There are several ways to clean a cast iron frying pan:

1. Firing. For better heating, place the frying pan on a hot stove, after pouring coarse table salt or simple sand into its container. You need to let the pan get hot, and then scrape off the soot layer with a spatula. The method is quite effective, but there is an unpleasant moment of getting it in the kitchen unpleasant odor, after which the room should be thoroughly ventilated.

2. Mechanical method cleaning. Here you will have to use a drill with an attachment in the form of a soft wire sponge. When using this cleaning method, do not forget about safety measures. You can wear glasses to prevent thin metal shavings from getting into your eyes. Gloves must be worn on hands.

You can remove a layer of soot that has recently formed using a cleaning agent. IN in this case you will not need to spend a lot of time, since the dishes will be cleaned very quickly and ready for further use.

No matter how much you want to update your cookware intended for preparing fried or stewed food, you should carefully look at the instructions for its use. If you don’t have one, you’ve already thrown it away a long time ago, just listen to our advice.

There is no need to resort to methods rough cleaning. If you start scraping carbon deposits from a cold frying pan with a sharp object, you run the risk of getting the pan unsuitable for further use. Use gentle cleaning methods, and they will bring you joy in future kitchen work.

Advice! Do not use cleaning products as they do not always help. It's best to trust folk remedies, baking soda and other methods.

Cleaning a Teflon frying pan

Everyone understands that modern cookware has a protective Teflon layer on both sides that prevents burning, but it also tends to wear out. This means you need to remove it. For a better cooking process, it is recommended to clean the frying pan from carbon deposits. Disadvantages of soot:

The taste of prepared dishes deteriorates;
the aesthetic beauty of the frying pan is lost;
pieces of soot constantly fall off and fall on the stove, or into the dish you are preparing;
carbon deposits absorb oil and fat, which also has a very negative effect on cooking efficiency.

To delicately clean a Teflon frying pan from carbon deposits, pour into it hot water, add a certain amount of washing layer and 3 - 4 spoons baking soda. The mass obtained on the surface of the frying pan softens after a while and can only be removed with a soft dish sponge. You rarely need to think about how to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits; it is best to keep it clean at all times.

Advice! Under no circumstances should you resort to quick cleaning actions using hard sponges, as they can damage the Teflon layer, leaving scratches on the surface. After this, the cooking process will become more problematic.

Cleaning a Teflon pan with baking soda

Now that you know how to clean frying pans from a thick layer of carbon deposits at home, you can easily tidy up your dishes. Of course, the factors presented are incredibly important, since the quality of your dishes will depend on it. These are the most common techniques that you can use.

To remove thicker layers of fat and oil accumulations on the outer and inner surfaces of the frying pan, there is another method. To do this you need to prepare a special solution:

1. Pour water into a three-liter vessel to the bottom
2. Add a cleanser that has grease-fighting properties.
3. Add 3 tablespoons of baking soda.
4. After this, you need to boil the frying pan with the prepared composition for half an hour.
5. Then wash the surface using a soft sponge.

Important! It is best to use cast iron pans when cooking at home. They are optimal for frying, stewing and other functions. They are also very easy to clean.

Dishes are of great importance to humans. We deal with it almost every day and the frying pan must be in appropriate condition. Therefore, having figured out how to properly care for the presented accessories, you should put everything into practice.

Tips from the professionals

Cleaning a frying pan from carbon deposits at home will not be a problem, but here are some rules and recommendations that will make the whole job easier for you. Many chefs practice the techniques that were common above and are also advised to adhere to the following aspects:

When cleaning carbon deposits, use rubber gloves;
Under no circumstances should you rub the surface of the frying pan with various sharp objects;
use chemical cleaning products in extremely rare cases;
spend more time cleaning the frying pan, that is, as often as possible;
Store dishes in suitable conditions.

By following the presented rules, you can protect the frying pan from soot and soot. It is very important to carry out cleaning on time, as this affects taste qualities cooked food.

Advice! Before cleaning your pan, find out what material it is made of.

Today, there are an incredibly large number of varieties of frying pans, which differ in material of manufacture, functional features and other capabilities. Therefore, you need to find an appropriate care approach for each type. Many manufacturers indicate carbon removal technology in the technical data sheet. This is very important to know, since the above method may not work.

Probably every self-respecting housewife has a couple of frying pans in her arsenal. One for thin pancakes, another for meat, the third cast iron for potatoes. Sooner or later, everyone has to face a “black” problem - soot. This problem not only spoils the appearance of the kitchen helper, but also puts the health of our loved ones at risk, because soot can get into the food. So how to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits?

Preparing for cleaning

Before performing the procedure itself, you should figure out what material your frying pan is made of, because the cleaning method depends on this. If you neglect this point, you can damage the coating of your assistant. If the surface is damaged, everything will burn to it, from scrambled eggs to fish. If the wrong chemicals are used, substances and additives may remain on the frying pan itself, thereby harming your family and ending up in your food.

And so there are frying pans:

  • Cast iron;
  • Aluminum;
  • Stainless steel;
  • Teflon coated;
  • With marble coating;
  • With ceramic coating;
  • With enamel coating.

Now that you know the substance that makes up your assistant, we can proceed directly to cleaning.

Features of cleaning different types of frying pans

Cast iron

How to clean a cast iron frying pan? Cast iron frying pan has low thermal conductivity, so it heats up slowly. It is mainly used in cooking, with for a long time cooking. If it happens that smoke appears, you should immediately solve the problem, since you should not delay in this matter.

To clean this saucepan, you will need to pour about 30 grams table salt and fill the entire bottom with vinegar. Next, you should wait until the contents boil, then pour in 60 grams of soda and turn down the heat. Wait until everything boils away and wash the pan under water. Finally, wipe it dry and enjoy the result.

To prevent carbon deposits from appearing too often, your kitchen appliance needs care. When you have finished cooking, you must remove old grease with a brush or washcloth and never soak a cast iron frying pan in water.


An aluminum frying pan has a very delicate coating that can be easily damaged by an abrasive sponge, aggressive detergent or acid. Why the cleaning aluminum frying pan removing carbon deposits at home is more difficult work. It is allowed to use the most ordinary soda, which is an indispensable cleaner for kitchen equipment. If a simple washing with baking soda does not help, you can try leaving it for about half an hour, and only then washing the pan.

Stainless steel frying pan

Looking at the name of this saucepan, it may seem that the enamel is quite strong, but this is not at all the case. Just like aluminum, stainless steel should be carefully cleaned.

Before directly removing the carbon deposits, it is advisable to soak the kitchen aid. One of the most effective methods has been and will be Activated carbon. To begin with, the tablets are crushed to a powder structure. Next, add charcoal to the damp surface of the saucepan and wait for about 15-20 minutes. At the end, the frying pan is washed with warm water and detergent.

Activated carbon is an excellent cleaner as it is completely harmless to the human body.

Teflon coated

A non-stick sauté pan is a very valuable item in the kitchen. Firstly, nothing sticks to it, and cooking in such a frying pan is a pleasure. Secondly, these huge savings vegetable oil. But nothing lasts forever, and such enamel wears out over time and soot forms. How to clean old frying pans from it?

To remove it, it is recommended to use laundry soap. For this method, grate a piece of soap and then pour it into a saucepan, pour in water and then heat the mixture over the fire, but do not bring it to boiling water. Finally, leave the pan for an hour, then rinse the product with water, detergent and a soft sponge.

With marble coating

A kitchen helper with a marble coating is not much different from a regular non-stick one. The only difference is that marble better retains all the beneficial substances of food during cooking.

However, there is a universal way to clean a frying pan from carbon deposits. To do this, you need to boil 1 liter of water, add 50 grams of any detergent, a little silicate glue and 70 grams of soda. Pour the resulting contents into our frying pan for a couple of hours. When the time is up, the deposits can be washed off with an ordinary sponge and water.

Ceramic coated

Ceramics are harmful! Easy and pleasant to use, but difficult to maintain. Very easy to damage thin enamel even with a metal spatula, so you need to choose the most gentle cleaning methods against carbon deposits. Cleaning a frying pan from carbon deposits is as follows.

Some sources talk about soda, but for high-quality cleaning of carbon deposits, such a product is not recommended if you do not want everything to stick to the surface when cooking.

There are so-called melamine sponges that are excellent at removing stains on ceramics. Although it will be difficult to clean the carbon deposits with them, with some effort you can achieve the desired result.


Folk remedies for cleaning

Lemon acid

Fill the bottom of the frying pan completely with water, pour 15 grams there citric acid. Stir the product and bring to a boil, then leave the saucepan for 15 minutes. After time has passed, rinse it with water.

Soap with soda

Grate laundry soap and pour a little bit into it warm water. Add 50 ml of vinegar to 15 grams of soda. Mix slaked soda with soap slurry and spread this on the kitchen aid for a quarter of an hour. After all, clean the pan with plain water and a sponge.

Vegetable oil with washing powder

50 ml of vegetable oil should be mixed with 30-45 grams of powder. Add a little water and bring to a boil, then leave the saucepan to soak in this solution.

Mechanical means

Sometimes it is very difficult to remove the fumes, so people use old-fashioned ones that are not gentle, but nevertheless, in effective ways. It is worth noting that such methods are only suitable for cast iron and aluminum frying pans.

One method is a metal scraper, but to speed up and facilitate the process, you should heat the saucepan over an open fire. Another option is a blowtorch. The principle is the same as the previous one: heat the surface and wipe off the fumes. A method with a grinding machine is also possible, but a fragile woman cannot cope with this and it is better to leave the “menial” work to the representatives of the stronger sex.

Household chemicals

If you don’t want to fool yourself with preparing cleaning products, then ideal option there will be chemistry for you. This is a fast and affordable option, but, unfortunately, not economical. If you still decide to stop at special means, choose only high-quality household chemicals. To do this, ask the consultant in the store what better remedy suitable specifically for your kitchen assistant with a certain enamel.

Please note that the chemical partially remains on the surface, so you should only apply it to the outside of the pan.


The best solution to the problem of carbon deposits is regular prevention, because it will take much less time, effort and money. To maintain the good condition of the stewpan, you just need to follow simple rules in the kitchen:

  • After cooking, you must immediately wash the pan to remove excess food and fat;
  • It is recommended to wash the stewpan manually and not using a dishwasher, since not all types allow soaking with water;
  • Use only wooden spatulas. It would seem such a trifle, but even this detail greatly spoils the condition of the enamel over time;
  • Avoid sudden changes in fire temperature;
  • At the first sign of burning, you must immediately remove it with a brush.

Thus, kitchen equipment also requires proper care and attention, and following all the rules and precautions, your equipment will thank you for a long service in the kitchen.