Blue kitchen: color combination, photos of real and interiors

Blue color in the interior is one of the favorite design techniques, which allows you to get a beautiful, elegant and sophisticated style of the room. Blue cuisine is the choice of calm, balanced and business people who lead a leisurely and measured lifestyle. A kitchen interior in blue can create a feeling of seriousness and harmony, stability and peace of mind. It is easy to maintain order in such a kitchen.

An interesting feature of this color is its ability to reduce appetite, which is well suited for people trying to normalize their diet and watching their weight.

The main properties of blue color in the interior

Temperature and effect – cold, refreshing. Optical properties – visually narrows and makes the interior heavier. Suitable cardinal directions for the apartment are south, southeast, east. Optimal choice style: marine, Scandinavian, Provence, ethno, vintage.

Blue is one of the most beautiful and harmonious colors, which is loved by 90% of people. It is able to balance and harmonize the internal state, eliminate hidden anxiety and stress, and instill a good-natured and calm mood, constructive dialogue and the desire to make compromises.

In astrological terms, the blue color correlates with Saturn, the planet of time, which teaches people to appreciate what they have, disciplines them and forces them to follow moral standards. Therefore, a lot can be said in a similar vein about a person who chooses blue color in the kitchen interior.

Blue color is never chosen by eccentric, insecure and overly energetic people. But such a choice, nevertheless, is often useful for creative and somewhat detached from reality people who tend to have their head in the clouds. The blue color has a sobering effect on them, forcing them to sensibly assess their strengths and capabilities.

Benefits for the kitchen interior

A blue kitchen can be completely different, depending on the shade of the base color, as well as the companion color and other accessories and decorative items. General style The way the interior is decorated also plays a decisive role in creating a holistic impression.

Blue color is multifaceted, and in traditional colors you can find many beautiful names its shades: ultramarine, electric, dark blue, turquoise, azure, sky blue, sea wave, smoky blue. These are the shades cold temperature, which combine well with most other colors in the visible spectrum.

Blue performs well as a base color as well as a composite color. A blue kitchen set will look good in classic style, and in a modern design direction. Unlike other colors (red, green, black), which are traditionally used in the kitchen interior, blue, even with significant proportional superiority, does not create a feeling of overload and pressure. It is enough to choose one additional neutral shade to make the interior harmonious and complete.


The cold temperature of blue, if the accents are placed incorrectly, can create a feeling of excessive staticity and latently cause depressive states. In the northern part of the apartment, as well as in cool climates, this color should be used with caution, because... there is a risk of creating a feeling of coldness and alienation of the interior, which is uncomfortable to be in.

Companion colors


An ideal companion for of blue color considered a neutral and universal white. They have an overall cool, harmonizing and balancing nature. The combination of blue and white is a classic choice for marine-style interiors. Interior in a similar color scheme looks very fresh and complete. White color is able to neutralize the narrowing and weighting properties of blue, creating space for it. But even here you need to be careful when choosing tones and shades, so as not to create a feeling of a frosty, icy and uncomfortable interior.


Brown in combination with blue can make the kitchen interior more “warm” and cozy. Color and texture natural wood revitalizes and neutralizes the detached and overly serious tone of blue, making the kitchen design friendlier and more hospitable. A wooden tabletop made of solid wood against the background of blue facades, as well as parquet made of pine or oak boards, will look great. A more affordable alternative is laminate or wood-look linoleum.


This is perhaps the only warm color that goes well with blue. Yellow perfectly sets off cool shades and brings rays of sunshine into the interior, making it lighter and more open. In a house where there are children, the yellow-blue version of the kitchen is more preferable, because... hidden, this combination has a calming effect on the psyche, inspiring optimism and uplifting mood. In combination with blue and yellow interior no longer looks cold and alien, even if blue predominates 80% over yellow.


This is a shade close to blue, belonging to the same cold and calm range. In tandem they look harmonious, but sometimes they look a little boring. The gray-blue kitchen interior is suitable for older and elderly people, as well as business and serious people who are passionate about their careers. To dilute and brighten up the excessive seriousness and severity of this combination, you can reduce the percentage of blue and gray and make it the background White color.

But grey colour– it’s not necessarily smoky. In the interior of the kitchen, its role is played by metal chrome surfaces of faucets, metal utensils, household appliances and household utensils. Mirror shine metal surfaces makes a blue interior more expressive, in contrast to a matte, light-absorbing gray shade.


Just like gray, black in combination with blue makes the interior heavier, making it strict and aloof, more intimate and less homely. The black-blue combination can be used in combination with blue or ultramarine in a small proportion. For example, an apron laid out with black and white tiles in a checkerboard pattern will look great, and the same flooring V work area. Against their background, the blue set will look very beautiful.


Shades of gold, copper, and patina look great against the background of sky blue tones. The shine and reflections of gold harmonize the interior, giving it zest and a bit of luxury. It is not necessary to specifically add golden decorative items to your kitchen decoration. Faucets, furniture facade handles, Appliances, tulle curtains, lamps, chairs - this will be quite enough to create a beautiful and attractive contrast.

Kitchen styling in blue

The blue color looks great in almost any interior style. Classic shapes and lines look harmonious and fresh. Based on the classics, blue color can be very successfully used in Provence and vintage styles, as well as rustic (country) style.

To create a very cozy and homely kitchen interior in blue in Provence style, you can use the following techniques:

  • furniture (wall and floor cabinets) white or blue color with glass showcases, with platbands and moldings decorated with carvings;
  • an apron in the work area, tiled with floral patterns or in the ethnic Gzhel style, which will successfully match the dishes behind glass facades in a similar design;
  • white or blue curtains made of light translucent fabric with frills or ruffles, tulle for the kitchen, similar curtains on furniture niches, tablecloths, napkins and towels;
  • furniture in the dining area - vintage, rare or artificially aged (sofa corner, wooden chairs);
    lamps – classic pendant lamps with glass transparent or milky white shades;
  • decor of horizontal and vertical surfaces - wallpaper, wall and floor tiles, you can choose in an ethno style; French checks, stripes, and the aforementioned Gzhel look great, as do floral and plant patterns.

Fabrics used to decorate windows, furniture, doors and other elements are of great importance for an interior in the Provence style. High-quality cotton and linen are suitable, as well as textiles and other natural fabrics. Transparent gauze tulle for the kitchen in blue is more suitable for modern design trends.

Features for modern style

The functional high-tech style or minimalism looks no less successful in blue tones. Unlike Provence, fewer decorative elements and accessories are required here, because all attention shifts to shape and color. Successfully decorate the interior with blue furniture in the loft style.

Massive wooden beams on the ceiling and also Brick wall warm terracotta shade, solid wood floors, thick carpets and mats, a massive wooden tabletop, a heavy table with thick legs - all this will look incredibly cozy and, at the same time, seasoned.

A similar impression of lived-in and home interior in white and blue can be created using elements of the Scandinavian style. It is also characterized by simple and unpretentious shapes and lines, massiveness and solidity, as well as an abundance of space, air and light.

Video: review, functionality, pros and cons.

Photo examples

In the interior it can make the room brighter. This shade also adds a touch of newness and modernity to the room. We invite you to familiarize yourself with such a design option as a blue kitchen (photos of ideas are attached).

The role of color in the interior

It’s no longer a secret that a lot depends on the choice of color of walls and furniture. By choosing the wrong shades, you can make an already small room smaller, make the interior overloaded, and so on. And vice versa. If you think through all the details and choose the right one color scheme, then the living room may pleasantly surprise you. In addition, it has long been known that color affects well-being, mood and psyche.

Pros of blue kitchen

  1. This design is very unusual and beautiful.
  2. The blue color gives room for imagination in design, because it is associated with the sea, sky, and so on. Therefore, you can easily choose themed accessories.
  3. A blue kitchen in a large room looks very fashionable and modern.
  4. There is a claim that the color blue reduces appetite and helps you lose weight.
  5. On a subconscious level, the color blue is associated with sterility. A fitting definition for a kitchen.
  6. Blue color has a large number of shades and subtones, which allows you to add variety to the interior without overloading it.

Cons of blue kitchen

  1. If the kitchen windows face north, then the blue color looks depressing. After all, then there will be a constant feeling of cold and year-round winter.
  2. Blue is not a color for everyone. Therefore, before you start repairing, think again. After all, the kitchen is one of the most important places in the apartment.
  3. To think through all the details of the future interior, you need to decide which color will be your main, dominant one. Blue can be a very oppressive color, so it is important to choose the right shade.

What can you make blue?

Today, there are many options and possibilities for decorating a kitchen space in blue. If you decide to do major renovation and purchase new furniture, then in stores you can choose the finish of the desired shade.

If you want to use the usual shades or keep the old one, then there is the option of wallpapering in blue. Fortunately, today you can find moisture-resistant wall coverings that match the shade and texture. A more expensive way is to lay tiles. There's more more possibilities not only among shades, but also texture, size and style. You can do the backsplash one color and the rest of the wall another. You can combine not only shades, but also patterns on the tiles. A budget option- painting the walls.

The original design of the kitchen is to finish the floor and/or ceiling in blue. Only then is it better to choose furniture and walls in calm shades.

Blue kitchen - color combination

Naturally, you will not complete all the details in one shade. Therefore, the future interior needs to be thought out in advance. It’s much easier with white and beige colors. Almost all existing shades are combined with them. The blue kitchen is a little more complicated.

Best possible color combinations:

  • black (ideal for floors and cabinet elements);
  • white (you can make the floor, walls, furniture, accessories);
  • milky (a win-win option that is suitable for finishing walls and furniture);
  • gray (suitable for everything);
  • yellow (you can use rich and muted shades);
  • turquoise (suitable for walls and furniture, but will look most advantageous when combined with blue on one element);
  • green (rich shades of fresh greens are suitable);
  • olive (walls in this shade look most advantageous);
  • blue (suitable for everything);
  • orange (can be used for decorating walls and furniture);
  • coral (suitable for finishing everything);
  • cream (floor, walls, furniture and accessories);
  • shades of pastel;
  • shades of natural wood (cherry, oak, etc.).

To understand whether all the colors are compatible with each other, you can also use Also if you have already selected the shades of furniture, accessories, walls and floors, then take pieces with color samples from the store and put them together. Better yet, place the palette in your kitchen. Then you will be able to evaluate not only the compatibility of shades in the interior, but also how it will all look in the conditions of your apartment (natural lighting plays a big role here).

Design options

If you have a small blue kitchen, then it is better not to overload it with a large number of shades. Limit yourself to painting the walls dark blue and keep the rest neutral.

The floor, made of black and white tiles, which is arranged in a checkerboard pattern. If you make the walls in this shade, then it is better to make cabinets and shelves from wood in natural shades or paint them white.

By the way, the color blue can be very insidious. And even in a well-lit kitchen, there may be times when you feel uncomfortable there. To prevent this from happening, try to choose furniture finishes in warm colors. For example: beige, pastel yellow, delicate orange and so on. This rule also applies to the choice of color palette for accessories and kitchen textiles.

Perhaps the most acceptable solution that allows you to create a modern and cozy interior kitchens - a combination of blue and wood. But this option will look bad in small room. A small kitchen with blue walls and furniture in a natural wood shade will seem even smaller than it actually is. In this case, it is better to choose cabinets in blue shades, and decorate the room itself in beige or pastel colors.

For a large kitchen, a combination of both rich and muted tones is suitable. Also in wide rooms you can combine many different, but suitable friend to a friend of shades.

Choosing tiles, paint and wallpaper for a blue kitchen

If you choose blue fronts for your kitchen cabinets, the color of the walls should not only harmonize well with the furniture, but also help create a feeling of comfort and style. The white color of the wallpaper for a blue kitchen looks very nice. Such a room immediately looks clean, spacious, and filled with light.

Another possible variant design of a room with blue furniture is to choose tiles for the backsplash in the same shade as the cabinets. Then the rest of the walls need to be done in more neutral tones.

When choosing paint or wallpaper for kitchen walls with blue furniture, proceed from personal preferences. If you need to do this, the shade of the finish should be the same (for example, green, orange, red, etc.). If you want to combine the rich color of blue furniture and the tranquility of the room, then cover the walls with wallpaper in pastel colors.

Selection of accessories

The blue kitchen (photo below) is ideal for people who do not like to overload the space with things. This is due to the fact that this shade is self-sufficient and does not require additions. Therefore, you should not display various cute things, figurines, decorative vases and dishes, hang a lot of paintings, photographs, and so on on the walls.

If you want to decorate the kitchen interior with some trinkets, then limit yourself to two or three units. Don't overcrowd the room. Or decorate the entire room and furniture in neutral colors (for example, beige, gray, brown, etc.), and select all accompanying items and decor in blue tones (dishes, textiles, pots, kettle, appliances, jars, vases, etc.) . This way, your kitchen will still be done in shades of blue.

Cooking room in modern style

As mentioned above, the blue tint helps make the interior modern and stylish. After all, for all rooms except the bathroom, it is unusual for our eyes. Much more common are shades of beige, brown and white.

A modern blue kitchen turns out that way if you create contrasts. For example, the cabinet fronts are painted bright blue, and the walls are decorated with bright yellow wallpaper. The combination of blue is also quite unusual kitchen set and pink splashback tiles. But this design will suit only a few.

Laconic modern interior obtained by combining white and bright blue colors. For example, make everything snow-white, and several drawer fronts in an electric shade.

Remember that there are many options for interior design so that it is modern, practical and cozy at the same time. Just don't be afraid to take the time to find the design that's right for you.

Blue kitchen - from simple to sensational. Today we've put together a collection of colorful kitchens that will inspire you to mix styles and match your favorite shades when choosing color scheme for your personal space. The color blue in the kitchen will definitely evoke a feeling of relaxation, quiet, sensuality and expansiveness.

When you welcome the color blue into your home, it gives you a similar feeling of calm, luxury and space as a sunny day under a clear blue sky. A blue kitchen creates all the conditions to feel pleasant and calm.

Do you want to feel comfortable while preparing breakfast, lunch or dinner? Of course, the question sounds rhetorical, but nowadays it is not so easy to create the perfect kitchen. A well-planned color combination can make any room more attractive and atmospheric.

Not every shade of color looks as modern as a blue kitchen color palette, which is why our editors want to present the best 30 suggestions for your stylish blue kitchen.

Blue kitchen and color combinations

In the modern design world we know a lot color combinations, we are familiar with fresh and nuanced things. This also applies to one of the most popular colors - blue. Well-planned primary color in kitchen furniture provides whole line advantages, such as optical illusion of the real size of the kitchen, this is especially true when the kitchen is not as large as we would like.

Why not create a blue kitchen? Fully and partially painted kitchens or kitchens with blue kitchen cabinets may appear spatially larger. On a hot day they look cool and much more relaxing compared to, say, . Nutritionists highlight another advantage - blue cuisine suppresses appetite.

You can order a kitchen in a traditional design , and in modern style, the facades can be chosen matte, with shagreen, or use a glossy finish for them.

The color works well in the kitchen space. Lighter shades of blue create a crisp, clean look. Subtle tones are recommended for walls, cabinet fronts or even the ceiling. A rich, bright blue—an invigorating color—works best when used sparingly—otherwise it can become too dominant in the room.

Dark blues also work well in kitchens, but it's important to highlight the rest of the room with shades of white, gray or another neutral tone so that the deep blue doesn't feel too dark and intense.

The base color sometimes seems too neutral, let's look at several possible color combinations with a blue palette. You can see that the combination of white and blue colors creates a flawless and elegant look.

Modern blue kitchen concept

First of all, we want to focus on the combination of blue and white because this design is the most popular. These two colors form modern look, at the same time, the kitchen seems rich and contrasting. More and more homeowners are paying attention to blue furniture and pairing it with a neutral wall design, such as white.

Like any color, blue is a general term and includes many similar shades such as navy, blue, turquoise and light blue. All the colors mentioned above can be easily combined with white and final result always the same: excellent appearance.

Natural lighting plays a decisive role when choosing colors in the kitchen, so you need to determine the shades of the dining room in advance with the designer. You may have to give up deep blue if there is little light in the room, in kitchens where there are no low-power window openings this is not an optimal solution.

A suitable alternative would most likely be light blue or turquoise. The light color palette provides best design.

Pieces of furniture in blue kitchen interior

Basic ideas of blue kitchen interiors are based on the choice of furniture in this color palette. For example, blue upper or just lower cabinets make the entire room very attractive. In addition, you can design the bar counter in blue color scheme.

Pay attention to the wall design. Obviously, blue pieces of furniture and painting the walls in the same color are a combination that does not match the style.

For this reason, it is better to keep the floor and wall designs in neutral colors such as white, gray and even light yellow. However, the dark floor polymer materials it will come in handy.

Kitchen tiles

Perhaps plain blue wall paint looks too promotional - ceramic blue kitchen tiles are an elegant alternative. The elegant and shiny wall surface will become a real eye-catcher in your kitchen. The advantages of kitchen tiles are obvious: better appearance and simpler design.

Ice blue + white + blue gray

The bright and spacious kitchen is full of natural light. The white plank ceiling and mahogany flooring are factors that make the space feel so open. The white marble slab countertop creates a strong contrast with the icy blue paint color.

Metal built into cabinets and drawers adds sparkle to the room. Additional shine comes from the blue-gray backsplash tiles. Reddish brown floors visually stabilize the room and add warmth to the space. A blue kitchen does not have to be bright; an elegantly restrained style and a noble, muted sky-blue color of the island look no worse than rich interiors.

Kitchen cabinet combinations

Mix and match different combinations carefully. The final overall appearance is determined by how well the blue complements the colors of other surfaces and accessories. One popular tip: use blue and gray. This combination is reminiscent of nature, with blue skies and gray clouds. Whatever combination you choose, you need to make sure the colors complement each other and suit your kitchen.

Blue kitchen island is one of the trends this year:

Serenity with muted blues

Blue is a bright and cheerful color that brings a sense of calm to any kitchen. However, some people find rich colors too overwhelming. This homeowner opted for a modest kitchen, creating ambiance with a muted blue hue on the walls and cabinets.

An interesting design option: a mirror above the sink. While most of us associate mirrors with bathroom decor, a mirror over a kitchen sink does wonders for opening up a space. Clear doors on the upper level cabinets also add some extra space to this small but cozy and inviting space.

Rich blue kitchen and snow-white surroundings

Parquet floors give this kitchen strength and stability. A quality that is completely opposite to the modern aerial appliances and accessories that make up the rest of the room. White ceramic and countertops cut into deep navy cabinets.

The steel rod is sleek and adds high quality confidence to the room. Navy cabinets almost blend together with their simple fronts. An abstract chandelier makes a subtle statement, getting lost in a simple white space and twisting with complex lines.

As with many things in life, moderation is important when playing with color. Of course, blue has many advantages, but if you overdo it, you can see certain disadvantages. The endless blue of the kitchen can evoke a feeling that comes close to a depressing mood.

Can you imagine a kitchen with wall and floor cabinets and accents in the same shade of blue? Agree, this is no longer relaxation, this is melancholy. Light blue paints in combination with white will definitely protect against such an effect.

Blue saves the day

As a rule, kitchens come in white or black. However, there is no limit to your imagination; what color should be in the kitchen is determined only by the homeowner. It all comes down to how the home owner perceives his kitchen. Take note of the kitchen option, which is covered in dark blue. Dark blue throughout except for the handles and the stunning hardwood floors in the kitchen. The approach gives a wonderful contrast between the colors used.

Final Thoughts on Blue Kitchen Design

When you want to experiment with blue kitchen options, there are plenty of choices and you can go in any direction you like. Below you'll find plenty of options and plenty of deals to choose from, so don't be afraid to take bold steps! Get inspired by our design ideas kitchens in blue.

In nature, blue is found very often, so on a subconscious level, every person likes them, blue kitchens and their wonderful photos of interior implementations - the best for that confirmation. Blue color is valued not only by ordinary people, but also by designers, because it is able to make boring, monochromatic interiors lighter and brighter. But there are several, and before moving on to its proper design, you need to pay attention to these points.

Features of blue in the kitchen

It is difficult to note all the features that it has kitchen in blue or light blue tones, the photos perfectly reflect this fact. Key color features require the use of several basic rules designed to turn a gray, boring room into a real fairy tale.

  • The effect on a person’s psyche and state of mind is favorable, because the blue tone gives peace and tranquility. If you work and solve important matters in the kitchen, then decorating it in blue will help improve the quality of intellectual work.
  • The physiological effect is also undeniable, since the blue tone helps lower blood pressure and appetite. Interiors in this color are noble and strict, but excessive use of the tone can darken the atmosphere, so the main thing is not to overdo it.
  • There are certain descriptions of the temperaments of people for whom such interiors are most suitable. They are typical for people of reserved character who lead a measured lifestyle or, conversely, are engaged in business or hold leadership positions.
  • The optical characteristics of color make it possible to visually distance some objects, while some of the surfaces become heavier.

Color is applied in wide range decisions and style directions. IN large quantities the color is ideal for rooms whose windows face the warm side, creating a feeling of coolness, which is very useful for a hot room.

Varieties of blue

Shades of tone are presented in a wide range and suggest the existence of more frequently occurring colors. For example, some of them are considered cooler tones, while others are considered warmer. It all depends on your decision.

  • .
  • .
  • Azure.
  • .
  • Blue.
  • .
  • Jeans.

Each shade has a special effect on the physiological and psychological level. If you combine several in one room different shades, you can get a result designed to delight you with its originality and irresistibility.

Kitchens blue flowers, photos of which are presented in great abundance on the Internet - this is a guarantee exquisite style And wellness owners.

Combining tone with styles

It is intuitively assumed that color is optimal for some style directions and at the same time completely contradicts other directions. For example, for country, the blue tone is like an alien element, while for i it is quite appropriate. But in the latter situation, using blue should not be used as a separate solution, but as a small accent that emphasizes the charm of the setting.

  • Blue color has no equal models in. Its natural coldness allows you to create real masterpieces and soften other colors present in the interior.
  • Color has won special attention as an element Mediterranean style. It is on this shade in this direction that the entire design rests. Blue walls, blue and other elements are used.

A blue kitchen design, photos of which are offered in a wide variety, suggests the use of such elements in several other styles.

  1. Empire style;
  2. Scandinavian style;
  3. Art Deco.

    By selecting optimal combination style and color, you will achieve good result V .

    Color compatibility

    The use of blue alone in any style is unacceptable, so it is necessary to combine it with other materials. This approach will create sophistication, expressiveness and completeness of the design.

    Blue and white colors

    Advice! White walls visually expand the space, so if you want to make the kitchen larger, you can use them together with blue an apron or .

    Typically, white helps to dilute the blue tone. Blue details on a perfect white background always look good and elegant. This combination is relevant when using nautical style kitchens, in this case several elements come into it in the form of the sea, ships, will do.

    Advice! If the combination of colors is cold, you can dilute them or, say, use not a cold white color, but its warmer shades - milky, pearl, etc.

    Thus, blue kitchens, photos of which you can look at and choose the appropriate style, are presented in a wide variety.

    Combination of blue and wood color

    Using a wood shade with a cool blue tone will make the room warmer and more comfortable. In the interior, such walls can be complemented by, as well as beautiful. In such interiors, dark and light wood species look appropriate; it is important to choose the right combination of species with a shade of blue.

    Blue and : playing with colors

    Both colors are contrasts, so combining them is like an experiment. However, if carried out correctly, you can achieve very bold and good combination. Often such shades are used in the advertising business, since they are considered advantageous in terms of attracting the attention and sympathy of customers. Kitchen design can become extraordinary and individual.

    Advice! If the kitchen faces the bright side, then, of course, warm yellow It is better to replace it with cool white.

    IN in this case owners have many opportunities for experimentation.

    • The yellow apron and blue set look harmonious;
    • The combination of sand furniture, including a table, and blue walls personifies an atmosphere of calm and incredible beauty;
    • You can make a kitchen in white and blue tones and dilute it with yellow decorations - tablecloth, textiles, , , for hours, souvenirs.

    Blue kitchens, photos of which are presented in a wide variety, also have a lot of right solutions. Choosing for yourself best option, you can create a special harmonious mood in this room.

    Blue background with orange color: the benefits of the solutions are obvious

    Despite the controversy of this combination, right choice paints and other solutions will help you achieve the desired result in a short time. This requires impeccable taste and a little time to select solutions. You can dilute the cold blue tone with a sunny orange shade in the form of a set, a large painted table or other solutions. can also turn into a “lifeline” for general direction.

    Combination of blue with a black tint: look at the options

    Previously, this harmony of colors was considered barbaric, although today it is readily used in practice. In the interior, this option looks casual and stylish. Moreover, not a pure green tone, but an olive or blue tone can be used. You should not stick to one color scheme; on the contrary, a variety of solutions will come to the rescue, which will give you an exquisite atmosphere.

    A blue kitchen in the interior will become unique and special for you. Choose bold colors, try to experiment and get the best results from your decisions.

    Blue kitchens: photos of the advantages of blue tone in the interior

    The positive aspects of using tone in decorating a room are obvious.

    • Calm and peace of hosts and guests;
    • Widely used in Scandinavian style, it is very popular when decorating interiors in this direction. For small spaces it is better to use blue to decorate interior details, and not as a base color
      • Assigning color to a cold palette contributes to the fact that winter time such a kitchen will not look cozy, and staying in it may not be the most comfortable;
      • If in a room facing north there is little natural light, this color can be a death sentence, as it makes the furniture heavier and cools the kitchen even more;
      • If the kitchen is too spacious, then in this color scheme it will seem much larger and create a feeling of emptiness, depriving the owners and their guests of true coziness and comfort.

      If the white and blue kitchen or its blue and yellow version, as well as their other combinations, are chosen correctly, you will not have problems with it, and your stay in the room will become as comfortable as possible. There is no clear opinion on whether this color should be used in the kitchen, so it is important to focus on your own feeling, as well as evaluate the photos presented.