Bathroom trim with black and white tiles. Black and white bathroom: photos, ideas, tips

Each person has their own interior. Some people like pompous, classic and modern styles, others like serious contrasting black and white design. No matter what style, a tasteful design always looks interesting and well-made.

The contrasting interior has its own attractive magic. It so happens that a white and black background is more often found in the bathroom. In this combination, the rooms exude clarity and sophisticated elegance. The balance of two opposing colors creates a harmonious and calming environment.

Large black and white bathroom

The leader of contrasting design is the noir style - it is beautiful, sophisticated style interior Black and white predominates in it, but there is one most interesting feature. Noir necessarily includes a twist in the form of one or more accent color elements. For example, a similar style - decor on the walls or a bright spot in the form of a colored element in the decoration. Such an element could well be a stone sink made of onyx or other rock.

But such a solution is more relevant for a large bathroom, because the noir style implies elements of luxury.

Contrast in a small bathroom

If the apartment project involves a small bathroom, it is worth carefully analyzing the application black and white flowers. Dark color tends to narrow space. But, if the desire is irresistible to apply such a solution, it is quite possible without damaging the situation. Only the colors should be distributed in such a way that there is no effect of wall pressure, so White color should prevail in the bathroom.

The colors are placed as follows: since it is known that white, as opposed to black, expands space, it should be used for walls. White tiles in the bathroom on the walls will also create a feeling of cleanliness and freshness.

Black elements could well be: a vanity unit, a heated towel rail, a pencil case, or even the most ordinary door handles and bathroom accessories. In addition, tiles of two colors can be laid on the floor, for example, in the form of a checkerboard or in the form of a various ornament. Organizing similar decor and implementing any similar ideas in the bathroom are welcome.

Even if the room is small, even it can be turned into a pleasant and beautiful place with the right design. The most important thing is to choose the right combination of colors and buy pleasant bathroom accessories that are pleasing to the eye. Interesting photo black and white bathroom is shown below.

How to design a bathtub in black and white

Before you begin the actual work, you need to come up with an idea of ​​where and how to combine black and white colors. At the same time, the peculiarities of the room are also taken into account. For example, in a room with low ceilings, it is more advisable to decorate the walls in the form of vertical stripes. It is enough to do this design on only one wall. For this purpose, you can use waterproof wallpaper in the bathroom.

This will create the impression of a high ceiling in the interior of the room, as well as stripes on the walls in the bathroom, visually indicating the main wall. It is also possible to place striped decor on two or more walls.

In other cases, the wall where the mirror and sink are installed can also be completely dark. And if the mirror has built-in lighting, it will stand out clearly against the background of the wall. With this technique it is easy to create a stylish and accent environment in a white bathroom.

The black and white bathroom, the photo of which is presented below, has decor in the form of non-standard square tiles in the shape of a zebra. This solution in space creates not only contrast, but also expressiveness and activity.

No less interesting and even fun is the zebra decor on the floor, a photo of a similar design is below.

For originality, it is possible to use tiles with a pattern. The interior will become expressive, lively and acquire individuality.

It’s easy to create a black and white interior in the bathroom not only using tiles. It’s not uncommon to create accent spots on a completely white background. To do this, install a black sink and furniture. They use black elements of underwater plumbing communications, black wall-mounted dryers and other parts of this kind.

Along with the tiles, various ornaments and entire panels of black mosaic of one or several tones are laid to decorate the bathroom interior. Mosaics for walls in the bathroom are laid near the bathtub in the wall area, as well as near the sink in the area where the mirror hangs. In this way, a visual zoning of the bathroom combined with a toilet is created. Other functional areas are also identified, as shown in the photo.

A black and white bathtub with steel curly legs looks incredibly stylish in a white bathroom interior. Installed in the middle of one wall or the entire room, it will turn the washroom part of an apartment or house into a noble aesthetic space.

Bathroom in a combination of black and white colors

Do two colors in the same volume or give preference to one of them as a background? Answering this question: if it is necessary to make a background - a “blank sheet”, on which the entire picture of the interior will be sketched, then it must certainly be white.

But, if a fairly large bathroom is completely white, it is necessary, in addition to black elements, to add details that contribute to coziness. Such details are a wooden pencil case, Entrance door, towel holders, etc. Additional wall decor using black and other accent colors won't hurt. On the contrary, they will make the bathroom more beautiful, visually comfortable and cozy.

A bathroom interior with white walls and black decor will be even more transformed if the metal sanitary elements are gold in color: details under the sink, faucet, gold watering can, etc. White and gold create a very favorable picture. And black and gold allow you to emphasize the latter. This way the interior will shine with high cost. Carrying out washing procedures will be twice as pleasant. In such a bathroom it will be easy to relax your body and soul.

To add some spice to the wash room in an apartment or house, it is not forbidden to place red or purple objects. But this is possible if there are no other colors in the room other than black and white. Black and red get along well with each other, not to mention the contrast with white.

Bathroom design in this form is a game of contrasts and clearly defined edges. Therefore, he does not tolerate “turbidity” of any form. Therefore, strict, clearly defined objects are used to create the design. If it is furniture, it must have clear geometric dimensions and shapes. It must stand in a clearly defined place. This also applies to the rest of the items in this room. Each of them should have a clearly defined place.

It is worth remembering that black white design bathroom is a very bold decision. It will clearly indicate the difficult temperament of its owner, and it is also evidence of a sense of high aesthetics and demandingness towards others. If you have such qualities, then this bathroom interior project is for you.

Black and white bathroom interior photo


Black and white are two universal colors that can be combined with absolutely any other. But, using only black or white in the interior of any room is unlikely to create an original and stylish design. This also applies to the interior of the bathroom, the use of a black and white combination in the decoration of which will help create an interesting design.

Black and white bathroom design

If you decide to design your bathroom in black and white, no one will accuse you of bad taste. But you should use a few tips:

  1. Black color visually makes the room smaller. Therefore, when decorating a small bathroom, you should use white as the main, background color. If the bathroom is spacious, the walls and floor can be tiled diagonally with black tiles, and accent items will be a white bathtub and other plumbing fixtures, as well as furniture and accessories.
  2. Decorating a bathroom in black and white requires special lighting - it should be as bright as possible.
  3. If the bathroom is narrow, you can visually expand it by gluing tiles to a short wall. horizontal stripes. If the bathroom has a low ceiling, this problem can be corrected by using tiles with vertical stripes, and you can also put a rug with this pattern.
  4. Black color visually smooths out corners, so you can safely use black plumbing fixtures and furniture with clear geometric shapes.
  5. If you want to dilute the black and white design with bright details, you can use no more than two or three such elements, otherwise the harmony of the black and white bathroom design will be destroyed. For example, you can hang a red towel, put the same rug, or stick two strips of bright tiles on the wall.

Design options in black and white style

When creating the design of a black and white bathroom, the photo of which, as an example, is located below, it is important to optimally distribute accents in the interior. Otherwise, its design risks turning out to be too gloomy or official-cold.

Style selection

Design in black and white shades is typical for styles such as hi-tech, art deco, as well as classic or vintage.
The high-tech design style implies the presence of strict geometric shapes with right angles in furniture and plumbing fixtures, while there are few accessories in the bathroom, but there is a sufficient number of mirrors and metal parts.
Art Deco is characterized by monumentality and luxury. There are carved, curved furniture design details that pretend to be pompous.

Art Nouveau style implies the presence of geometric, floral patterns, lack of symmetry of objects, and the use of stained glass.

When finishing in vintage style, antique furniture is used with modern materials and accessories, or, conversely, combining aged interior items with modern plumbing and furniture. To emphasize such details, a black and white retro photograph can be used, which can be hung above the bathroom or near the mirror.

Classic style design is the use of expensive finishing materials, as well as expensive plumbing with minimalist textures, luxurious, but not “flashy” accessories.

Black and white finish

The most common option for decorating a room in these shades is one in which the ceiling with the upper part of the walls is white, and the floor and lower part of the walls are black. In addition, the walls can be completely white or black with mirrors, cabinets, and plumbing fixtures contrasting in color.

The white outline of furniture or accessories looks beautiful against the background of black walls, for example, white lamps on black tiles look stylish.

Wall and floor tiles can be not only plain, but laid out in the form of any black and white ornament, masonry is often found floor tiles in the form of alternating black and white slabs in a checkerboard pattern.

Black and white shade will help differentiate functional areas, this is especially true for a combined bathroom. Thus, the area of ​​the bathtub, shower stall or sink can be highlighted with a contrasting shade compared to the rest of the background. In the same way, using tiles or ornaments, the frame for the mirror is highlighted. Zoning using mosaics will create original interior.

It is better to limit the use of tiles with variegated or small patterns to one wall or strip on a plain background.

When decorating the ceiling, it is better not to use a black tint; it will absorb all the light coming from the lamps.

When creating a specific pattern using tiles, you should strictly adhere to the sequence of the pattern so as not to create chaos.

Furniture and plumbing

When choosing plumbing fixtures and furniture for such a bathroom, you should adhere to contrasts, i.e., for example, placing a white cabinet against a black wall, and vice versa. White plumbing fixtures are not difficult to find on sale, unlike black plumbing fixtures. As a rule, such things are very expensive. Therefore, in order to maintain a single style of furniture and plumbing fixtures, you can alternate their colors.

The use of glass shelves, lamps, shower cabins, consisting of one tray with glass doors, will bring lightness to the interior, spreading illumination. Hanging white cabinets or a sink will stand out against a black wall without weighing down the space. In a small bathroom, plumbing fixtures should be white, and decorative items should use glass and thin metal parts.

When using large mirrors, you should try to avoid reflecting black walls, as this can narrow the space and make it appear darker.

Advantages and disadvantages of design

The advantage of decorating a black and white bathroom, first of all, is the unlimited possibilities of combinations and variations of two colors in finishing materials, plumbing, furniture, and accessories. In addition, such an interior always remains relevant, and if desired, it can be diluted with bright details without making it tasteless. For a calm and comfortable stay indoors, the black and white combination is the most suitable.
Among the shortcomings, one can note too noticeable stains on both white and black backgrounds. In addition, the interior in black and white for a small bathroom should be thought out with special care so as not to highlight its shortcomings. Black and white design is not suitable for everyone; some people may find it too dark or depressing.

Elite plumbing fixtures look most luxurious on a black background, which is perceived as a background. And black itself in the form of wall cladding and on the floor is always perceived very impressively.

This color, especially in combination with white and gold, has been a symbol of wealth and elegance since Gothic times. In those days, the floors in palaces were laid out in a checkerboard pattern with marble.

This design technique is widely used in modern interiors. But black color has its own characteristics that cannot be ignored.

How to create an elite bathroom interior using black tiles?

It is not necessary to follow the canons of Gothic style in order to take all the best of that era and modernize it, applying it to our bathroom decoration.

In most city apartments with a standard layout, architects allocated too little space for hygiene procedures square meters. And if you decorate the entire wall with black tiles in the bathroom, the small room will seem even smaller, and the walls will visually “crush”, like in a basement.

What to do so as not to deny yourself the love of your loved ones elegant color, but so that the black ones don’t add gloominess? Let's look at a few successful design techniques:

Choosing a companion shade for black tiles. There is no need to invent anything here, since all the combinations have been selected long ago:

  • black and white;
  • black white and gold;
  • black and lilac;
  • black and sky-;
  • black and turquoise;
  • black and red;
  • black and orange;
  • white and light;
  • black and pearl gray;
  • black and (light).

Each of these colors can be a great addition to a black tile bathtub.

When choosing a second color for black tiles in the bathroom, you should decide what effect you want to achieve purely psychologically:

If you have problems with a depressed mood, then it is better to add positive shades. These are the colors of the warm part of the spectrum that are perceived positively.

If you want something neutral - choose pastel shades, light and blurry shades. For a sexy interior, black and black bathroom tiles are traditionally chosen.

For an extravagant design, lilac and purple finishes are suitable. And for the classic range, shades of water are traditionally selected, and the floor is made black or dark, as a symbol of the “deep blue sea”.

Tip: If possible, use a dark blue self-leveling floor with a 3D pattern - dolphins, sharks or other fish. An extravagant addition distracts attention from the black tiles and plumbing fixtures.

The overall impression largely depends on the proportions of the color. " Golden Rule": black in a bathroom or toilet should be no more than 1/3 of the total surface area. The rest will be complemented by light colors - beige, gray, milky, lemon, greenish, and golden.

Some shades make the black color more aggressive, as in the “warning” stripe coloring of reptiles and insects. It is a bright yellow and red color. Black with blue, turquoise and green apple tints are perceived very positively.

The beige palette with the addition of caramel and chocolate colors in the form of small additions in the decoration is calming.

What color of plumbing fixtures should I choose?

Traditionally, tiles and sanitaryware for the bathroom are white, but this has long seemed “boring” in a modern interior. Colored plumbing fixtures have long been common, and you can choose their shades to suit your taste.

An interesting technique - black tiles only a third of the floor, then a different color scheme. Against this background, plumbing fixtures of the same color seem to be lost visually - a black toilet or toilet is almost invisible against the background of the wall. But the bathtub, jacuzzi and tulip washbasin can be the same color as the rest of the cladding.

It is not necessary to buy all the plumbing fixtures in the same color, but they should be in harmony with the tile trim in. If such an effect is difficult to achieve or there is no desire to renovate, you can remove 2-3 tiles and make a beautiful patterned insert or lay out the tiles in a checkerboard pattern of the required shades.

Wall decor in the bathroom against the background of black walls

An elegant color can cover the entire wall if the design of black tiles in the bathroom is diluted with a white or blue ceiling. This will give an “open sky” effect. The floors should be patterned, for example, laid with expensive Spanish tiles.

You can use Italian marble or other tiles with its imitation. But the main decoration is the decorative insert.

Use decorative panel on a tile covering the entire wall (a large fragment of the surface). Painting on tiles looks good directly above a bathtub or jacuzzi, or as a shower backdrop behind glass.

You can make a picturesque addition against the background of black tiles in the bathroom yourself if you have the appropriate skills. Will fit acrylic paints(or an alternative) that does not wash off from walls in rooms with high humidity.

A great way to decorate walls is with a canvas made of broken tiles. It’s easy to do it yourself, even without basic skills. To do this, just watch the master class.

And broken tiles, pieces of mirrors and colored glass will always be found. Broken tiles in a construction supermarket are readily given away at a big discount or for free. Finding sketches for mosaic paintings is also not difficult in the age of the Internet.

Additions and bright color accents to a black and white bathroom interior

The combination of black and white tiles in the bathroom is the standard modern interior. But sometimes it looks a little trivial if there is no interesting design idea. What kind of plumbing is in the room for hygiene procedures is of great importance.

Extravagant sanitary ware looks good against the background of simple wall decoration, and the spectacular decoration should not be set off by ordinary-shaped plumbing fixtures.

Black and white decor can be “revitalized” with color accents:

  • towels in bright colors;
  • plastic set of corners and shelves;
  • an interesting frame on the mirror above the washbasin;
  • patterned rugs near the bathtub and sink.

Will bring some variety different ways laying, as seen in the photo of black bathroom tiles. The combination with white or other light tiles is laid out in a checkerboard or diamond pattern.

You can use tiles different sizes and textures - smooth mirror and matte with a pattern or marbled stains. Best examples We offer thoughtful designs in our photo gallery.

Photo of black tile design in the bathroom

Monochrome design is once again experiencing another surge in popularity not only among designers, but also among the end consumer. A black and white bathroom design can highlight your taste, thereby embodying style and sophistication.

Psychology of black and white tones

Many people think that “chess” performance is quite boring, monotonous and boring. We don’t argue that incorrectly placed accents and the dominance of dark colors can put a damper on the interior, but if you maintain the right balance, the room will sparkle with completely new colors, captivating you for a long time. increased attention not only the owners, but also the guests.

Why black and white? Firstly, these gamuts are on opposite ends of the color spectrum, and as we know, opposites attract. You can never go wrong when choosing a tandem like this, as this combination has been used for centuries by designers from all over the globe.

Important. Achieve optimal combination colors - extremely difficult task even for experienced ones.

Secondly, this is a struggle of opposites, where cold and graceful black “conflicts” and at the same time complements the gentle, immaculate white, creating a stunning effect. Remember the famous “yin-yang” sign, where one color contrasts sharply with another, but at the same time the overall picture looks holistic and complete. What other associations does this combination evoke?

For example:

  • Man and woman;
  • Chess board;
  • zebra;
  • cinema of the 20th century;
  • light and darkness;
  • business style clothing, etc.

There are many similar examples, but the main essence is immediately clear: a constant battle of opposites. Perhaps it is this combination that pushes people to such design tricks.

Features of finishing a black and white room

To begin with, it is worth remembering that white can visually expand almost any space, creating a feeling of spaciousness and freedom. With black, the situation is exactly the opposite: he presses, oppresses and introduces a certain isolation and detachment. The main task of the designer is to find that golden mean where both shades would be combined optimally and without excesses.

Important. In all cases he was and remains the main one. The room should not resemble a dark and uninhabited expensive cave.

  • frames on mirrors;
  • rugs;
  • heated towel rails;
  • grout between tile joints;
  • tile molding;
  • toilet seat;
  • wall cabinets;
  • laundry basket;
  • taps and mixers.

If the room is narrow and long, then you can use the following trick: the longitudinal walls should be decorated with dark tiles, stone or wallpaper, and the transverse (short) walls should be decorated with light materials. In this way, you can achieve a visual “squareness” of the bathroom. And the room itself will not feel cramped.

Design tricks in a monochrome interior

All the designer’s work comes down to playing with contrasts and colors in various combinations that are pleasing to the eye. There are two main design options:

  • abrupt transition;
  • soft play of tones;

The first option represents several aspects. You can cover the floor with black, additionally making the ceiling the same color, and use white tiles/tiles/wallpaper for the walls. Plumbing fixtures can be either dark or light, but mixing tones is strictly not recommended, as the final picture will look ridiculous and cheap.

Make one color dominant, and the second color additional, diluting.

Important. In small spaces, black should be used as a corrective shade.

As for the second option, which is softer and easier to perceive visually. Firstly, there is no play of shades here, as such. White can be intertwined with black in any form, from floors and ceilings to accessories. Select the desired wallpaper or tile pattern that would combine a monochrome ensemble of tones and halftones.

Plumbing, as in the first case, can only be of one color, but furniture can be ordered in two colors or mirrored so that it does not attract undue attention to itself.

What to choose as the basis for the pattern on the walls? Ideal for these purposes:

  • sakura branches;
  • geometric motif;
  • leaves;
  • chessboard arrangement of tiles;
  • images of people and buildings;
  • two-color photo wallpaper on the end wall and more.

To breathe life into the interior, use shades of white and black. In the first case, use a scale such as:

  • creamy;
  • beige;
  • dairy;
  • pearl;
  • Ivory;
  • marble, etc.

In contrast to the light version, choose one of these colors:

  • carbonic;
  • graphite;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • blue-black;
  • brown;
  • emerald;
  • olive.

Texture and texture

Not worth purchasing full set finishing materials. Experiment with the texture of tiles and tiles. Minor discrepancies in the surface will allow you to create a completely new design concept.

Textured relief tiles

Advice. Choose one of the walls that you want to decorate in a special way. Such a concept will look very advantageous.

Moreover, no one forbids the use of gloss and matte texture to obtain the desired result. Dilute the overall picture with mirror or glass inserts and get a completely new result, significantly different from the original idea.

For renovation and decoration of rooms there is a huge amount of all kinds of materials and even more colors. Designers are not afraid to experiment and are constantly creating more and more new interiors that combine seemingly incompatible colors. In turn, the classic combination of black and white is used less and less.

A black and white bathroom is considered too pretentious and cold. Therefore, this color scheme is often used only by connoisseurs of the classics. The rest prefer either bright colors or soft pastels.

There is another opinion why a bathroom in black and white is not particularly popular. It is believed that the combination of these colors is suitable only for strong personalities. Such people do not prefer to be led by fashion, but follow their own tastes.

At first, it may seem that a black and white bath palette is boring and lacks any zest. In fact, many people stop thinking so after they see examples of rooms in person or in photos. After all, this color combination is charismatic, challenging all modern stereotypes.

The benefits of a black and white room

Many people refuse the opportunity to decorate their bathroom in black and white for various reasons. Some doubt their choice and, in the end, decide not to deviate from generally accepted standards. Some people find this color combination boring or tedious. However, in reality everything turns out to be exactly the opposite.

Important ! Similar combination colors in the bathroom may really not suit a person on a psychological level.

It's quite easy to check. It is enough to put two sheets of paper in front of you (one white and the other black) and look at them intently, constantly blinking or rotating your head. If dizziness occurs after this, it is better to abandon the selected palette.

If the problem described above does not happen, you can purchase the material, because the design of a black and white bathroom has the following advantages:

  • This palette will never lose its relevance, unlike many other bright and colorful options.
  • The black and white combination is suitable for both classic and modern styles(high-tech, modern and others).
  • Despite the fact that only two primary colors are used, you can endlessly experiment with the graphics and geometry of the room.

Disadvantages of a black and white bathroom

Despite the significant advantages, a black and white bathroom also has a number of disadvantages that are also important to know.

  • Not many manufacturers decide to release their product in black and white. Therefore, you have to select the material yourself. This will take quite a lot of time and effort.
  • Any, even the most insignificant mistake in installation can disrupt the entire harmony of the room.
  • Black and white are the colors on which all dirt will be visible. Even a dried drop of water will immediately catch your eye against such a background. Therefore, to avoid this, you will need to constantly clean and wipe everything thoroughly;
  • As already described above, for some people who are prone to depression, the contrast of these colors will suppress their mental state.
  • Black and white bathroom interior is suitable for small room only if everything is arranged harmoniously. Otherwise, an already tiny room will seem even smaller and more cramped.

Despite all the difficulties that you will encounter when decorating a bathroom with black and white paints, the result will fully justify all the efforts. You can see the options for a black and white bathroom in the following photos

Bathroom decoration

Before you start arranging your bathroom, you need to think through everything carefully. It is important not only to decide on the colors, but also to know how they will be arranged. For example, a classic option is to decorate the bathroom with white and black tiles in a checkerboard pattern. This combination looks harmonious, but is not strict. By the way, if you want to achieve rigor, the room can be decorated with tiles with a pattern in the form of stripes.

Decorating a small room

If you want to make a small room in white and black, you should be especially careful and adhere to certain rules. The main thing is that it is imperative that white color predominates, as it visually expands the room. It is known that black, on the contrary, compresses the room. Therefore, it should be used as additional inserts or patterns in the form of an ornament or various thin stripes. Narrow, contrasting horizontal lines of dark color will complement the effect of expanding the room. The same lines, only horizontal, are best used when low ceilings, since they are able to visually enlarge them.

Advice ! A room with a small area can be demarcated with bright inserts, for example, red tiles.

Gender should also not be ignored. You can lay down a rug with black and white stripes or replace it with a bright red covering. This color can also be used on walls. A bathroom with black, white and red tiles will look completely different, but no worse. In addition, this option can be used by those who are not satisfied with the classic two-color combination.

Non-classical room furnishings with classic colors

The options in which ordinary tiles were used were described above. But you can show your imagination, add creativity and make a completely unique bathroom with unique ornaments and designs. For this, special tiles, panels or even wallpaper are used. It is worth considering that it is not necessary to decorate the entire room with a pattern. This may well be a pattern that emphasizes and highlights a certain area.

Also, a bathroom design with black and white tiles is great for highlighting areas. For example, if the main color is white, you can play on the contrast and highlight the bathtub or washbasin with black. A black bathtub against a light background or, conversely, a white washbasin attached to a black wall will look great. Additional furniture (bedside tables, dryers, etc.) also plays an important role. Selecting them according color scheme, we can consider the bathroom furnishings complete.

Ordinary tiles can be supplemented or even replaced with an equally beautiful mosaic. Her patterns will always fascinate and attract attention.

Also, if desired, you can add a touch of luxury to the interior of the bathroom. To do this, you can combine wall coverings not only by color. For example, you can use glossy black tiles and matte white ones.

Light and details

Decorating the room, although the most important, is far from the last stage. There is still a lot of work ahead with lighting, selection and installation of plumbing fixtures, furniture and other details.

Light is no less important than properly installed wall and flooring. There should not be enough of it, otherwise the entire interior loses its richness and looks somewhat gloomy. To avoid this, it is advisable to use several light sources in different parts of the room. The best option there will be elegant glass sconces that illuminate every corner of the room from all sides.

The contrast of the room can be diluted with an abundance of mirrors. For some, one small mirror may be enough to wash and brush their teeth. But for the room to look like top level, it is recommended to install this accessory in a large size and complement it with smaller ones. This will not only decorate the room, but also expand it.

Important ! Incorrectly placed mirrors can do the opposite, making the room look bulky and cramped.

To prevent this, you should not place various bedside tables and shelves opposite this item.

Since we're talking about furniture, it's worth devoting a separate paragraph for it. In order not to lose the entire created effect, you should not move away from general style and install it in a different color. Everything should complement each other. But simply choosing one of two colors is also not enough. Black and white design is a game of contrasts. Don’t forget this when choosing furniture. If the bedside table will be in front of a white wall, it must be black, and vice versa. This rule applies to all plumbing fixtures.

Various decorative elements should also correspond to the overall picture. However, in this case you can roam a little. To brighten up the bathroom, you can use bright details. For example, a painting, flowers, candles. Even towels can become a decent element of decor. But such bright spots in the bathroom should be rare. And even jars for shampoo and other bath accessories should fit harmoniously. After all, the overall composition can be disrupted by the most insignificant details, which, at first glance, cannot in any way affect the interior of the bathroom.

A bathroom in these colors is usually used in a minimalist style. One of its main rules is the use of strict lines and practically complete absence decor. You can furnish the room in a different style, but you should keep in mind that white and black tiles hide almost all the relief details. Therefore, furniture and plumbing fixtures with laconic, strict lines will be more appropriate in the bathroom.

Having properly thought through the entire interior, from the choice of tiles to the arrangement of various accessories, the finished bathroom will turn out to be elegant and stylish. All efforts will be worth it with a striking appearance.

In conclusion, a few more photos of bathrooms with black and white tiles are provided, which can serve as an example for your own arrangement.

It will also be useful to watch this video