Zalmanov's turpentine baths are a remedy for diseases. Turpentine baths - beneficial properties and instructions for use

Since the famous naturopathic doctor Abram Solomonovich Zalmanov discovered the method of dissolving oleoresin in an aquatic environment, healing procedures using turpentine have become widespread. In addition to the emulsification method, the scientist proved that the vast majority of diseases are based on impaired microcirculation, and the expansion of capillaries in a natural way with the help of turpentine can trigger self-healing processes. Today, turpentine baths according to Zalmanov are popular, affordable and effective method prevention and treatment of various pathologies, recommended by doctors. To get more benefit from it, you should familiarize yourself with it.

The essence and mechanism of action of the method

Main component turpentine baths, as the name suggests, is turpentine. This is a liquid oily substance without a specific color, but with a specific odor. It is obtained by processing pine resin - resin. Because of their physical properties turpentine cannot normally be mixed with water, but thanks to Zalmanov, a method for dissolving it was found.

When immersed in a turpentine bath, biological compounds irritate numerous nerve endings located throughout the surface of the body. In response to irritation, various biochemical reactions begin to occur in the body, stimulating tissue self-healing. Thus, an aqueous solution of turpentine in itself does not have a therapeutic effect, but only serves as an impetus (stress factor) for healing.

Useful properties and effects

The high efficiency of turpentine baths is explained by their numerous effects on the body. The reflex action of turpentine manifests itself in such effects as:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • regenerative;
  • vasodilator;
  • detoxification;
  • metabolic;
  • immunostimulating.

During the procedures, positive changes occur in the epidermis: skin renewal processes are activated, the formation and growth of new cells starts, pores open, and nutrition of all skin layers is normalized. The cosmetic effect of turpentine baths according to Zalmanov becomes obvious after just a few sessions. The skin looks renewed and rejuvenated, tightened. Turpentine helps with scars and stretch marks, helps eliminate itching and hyperemia, and has a healing and disinfecting effect.

At the moment when a person is in a bath with turpentine emulsion (as well as for some time after the procedure), blood and lymphatic vessels expand, down to the smallest ones. Blood flow enriches cells with oxygen and nutrients, which dramatically enhances metabolic processes. Increasing vascular permeability contributes to the rapid entry of toxic metabolic products into the lymphatic channel for disposal. Positive changes begin to occur in cells freed from toxins - the body launches processes of independent healing and cleansing.

Turpentine baths according to Zalmanov, they are always popular with people who want to lose weight. Biologically active compounds in the emulsion promote the release of fatty acids from fat depots and their subsequent transportation to the site of breakdown. In combination with the general cleansing of tissues from toxic substances and the normalization of all metabolic processes, this leads to a noticeable decrease in body weight.

What types of baths are there?

There are three types of turpentine baths:

  • white;
  • yellow;
  • mixed.

The first two are basic, and the third is obtained by mixing them. Each of them has its own characteristics. This is explained by the difference in composition, where turpentine from oleoresin is the same for all types of emulsions. In addition, the composition ready-made solutions regardless of type, extracts or extracts may be included medicinal plants.

The composition of emulsions for turpentine baths according to Zalmanov often includes extracts of such common medicinal plants: pine and birch buds, mint, eucalyptus, chamomile, sage, celandine, motherwort, sweet clover, nettle, calendula and others.

White baths

Like others, white baths based on a oleoresin product are used for many diseases of human organ systems. These are, for example, the following pathologies:

  • low pressure;
  • Cerebral palsy and its complications;
  • deforming joint pathologies;
  • angina pectoris;
  • neuritis and other conditions.

Half of the components of such an emulsion are turpentine. In addition to it, you can find baby soap and camphor alcohol in the composition.

If you have high blood pressure, then sessions with a white turpentine solution are contraindicated for you. This can lead to a hypertensive crisis.

Yellow baths

Among the ingredients of the yellow version, turpentine also accounts for half the volume. But unlike the previous type, instead of camphor alcohol, castor oil and oleic acid are found in the composition. Such baths perfectly dissolve various deposits, therefore they are used to eliminate joint pathologies and cleanse blood vessels.

In addition, the specific composition of yellow baths leads to increased activity of the sweat glands: active release of toxic metabolic products through the skin occurs. Such procedures reduce blood pressure, increase body temperature, and enhance the functioning of the respiratory system.

Mixed baths

Mixed turpentine baths using the Zalmanov method are in greatest demand. They are a mixture of the two types mentioned above, therefore they allow you to adjust blood pressure. By adjusting the ratio of components, a person can achieve one or another effect.

Although the mixed version of the procedures involves medicinal effects, inherent in both white and yellow bathtubs, in in this case get additional results. For example, such sessions have a strong disinfecting effect on the skin, which makes it possible to actively use them to prevent the spread of bacterial infection. Also, mixed baths have a pronounced analgesic effect and significantly increase protective forces body (immunostimulating and immunomodulating effects).


Turpentine baths based on Zalmanov’s technique are indicated for the prevention and treatment of many diseases of almost all human organ systems. With the right approach, they not only do not harm the body, but also contribute to the complete restoration of metabolic balance. However, not everyone can take procedures with turpentine. Contraindications to pine resin baths are:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • some liver diseases;
  • a number of mental disorders and deviations;
  • tuberculosis;
  • acute course of infectious processes;
  • nephrosis;
  • chronic diseases in the relapse stage;
  • general serious condition;
  • allergy to the components of the mixture.

The influence of turpentine baths on the course of pregnancy, the development of the fetus or baby during breastfeeding is in question. Therefore, during these periods it is better to refrain from this treatment method.

How to carry out procedures at home?

If treatment sessions take place in a clinic, then the entire process is controlled by a medical professional: he fills the bath, prepares a mixture of the required concentration of active ingredients (in accordance with the doctor’s prescription), monitors the patient’s condition, maintains the temperature, and so on.

To ensure the effectiveness of the method at home, you need to know the basic rules.

  • Before you sit in the bath, you need to prepare some things necessary for further actions: a water thermometer, a timer, a tonometer, a jar for mixing emulsion and hot water, as well as a measuring cup, Vaseline, slippers, a warm robe (a large terry towel is possible) and emulsion.
  • You should prepare your bed in advance. To do this, you will need to put an oilcloth on it, and then a sheet. Prepare the blanket so that it is immediately at hand. If the room is cool, it is better to warm up the bed in advance using a heating pad.
  • The average duration of a turpentine bath is a quarter of an hour. While in the water, you need to carefully listen to your feelings. If signs of illness or discomfort appear, the session should be stopped immediately.
  • To take a yellow bath, the water should be from 40 to 42-43 °C. The white solution is taken at a temperature of 36-37 to 40 °C. If the water cools down, you should add hot water, maintaining its temperature level (there should be a thermometer in the bathroom at all times).
  • For any type of bath, the working solution is diluted separately. To do this, a liter of hot (about 70 °C) water is mixed with the required volume of emulsion and poured into a common container when it is filled to 150 liters.
  • At the beginning of treatment, regardless of the type of solution, you should take no more than 5 ml of turpentine emulsion.
  • After the bath, do not wipe off the remaining solution. The usual wrapping in a robe, sheet, or large towel will help dry the body.
  • Immediately after the procedure, turn around, you need to go to bed and cover yourself with a blanket. The rest time is at least one and a half hours, so it is best to carry out treatment at night.

How does the procedure itself work?

How to take a turpentine bath? The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Having prepared everything you need, you need to take off all your clothes and lubricate exposed mucous areas of the body with Vaseline (for example, the anus, the outer vaginal area).
  2. Turn on the water until the bath begins to fill by placing a thermometer in it.
  3. At this time, prepare 1 liter of working solution in accordance with the instructions for use.
  4. When the bath is filled to the required volume (about 160 liters), pour the prepared mixture into it.
  5. Set a timer and dive into the water.
  6. Keep your health and thermometer reading under control.
  7. At the timer signal, get out of the water, turn around and lie down to rest. A slight tingling sensation may persist for some time.

The procedures are carried out every other day, and one course requires 30-40 sessions. Repetition is possible after 3 months, but another scheme is also allowed: first 40 sessions every other day, and then 4-6 times a month to maintain the result.

Can it be used in childhood?

Experts assure that Zalmanov’s baths are beneficial for both adults and children. However, some pediatricians, on the contrary, do not recommend performing procedures on children under 3 years of age. This is due to the fact that in order to obtain a therapeutic or prophylactic effect, it is necessary to select the optimal dose of the emulsion. And it is possible to select it only by focusing on subjective sensations. Of course, a one-year-old child will not be able to explain what he feels - burning, tingling or pinching.

Nevertheless turpentine procedures successfully used in childhood, especially in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous disorders, and cerebral palsy. In this case, the dosage is calculated as follows:

  • from one year to 5 – the dose is a third of that of an adult;
  • from 5 to 12 – half;
  • from 12 and older - you can take an adult amount of the product.

Where is the emulsion sold and how much does it cost?

Already ready-made mixtures components for preparing a turpentine bath according to Zalmanov are sold without a prescription in pharmacies and stores healthy image life or on numerous sites - online stores selling similar products. When purchasing, you need to be very careful (especially in the latter case), since often, instead of real gum turpentine, unscrupulous sellers offer the product technical purpose. It goes without saying that such “treatment” will, at best, be of no benefit.

You can focus on the cost of the emulsion - high-quality turpentine cannot be cheap. So, for a white emulsion with a volume of 250 ml, you will need to pay approximately 500-700 rubles. You should also check the availability of the certificate very carefully. Only by purchasing real pine resin turpentine can you get a guaranteed result.


Dear readers, today I want to talk about unique baths for healing our body. Have you heard of turpentine baths? If not, then I highly recommend paying attention to them. They were first used by the famous doctor Alexander Solomonovich Zalmanov. It is in his honor that such baths are named. Perhaps you have heard information about Zalmanov’s baths.

I myself first learned about such baths quite a long time ago, when I often visited sanatoriums with my daughter. And almost every time the doctor recommended that I take a course of such baths. Today I will share with you information about the benefits of Zalmanov’s turpentine baths, indications and contraindications, and how to use them correctly.

It's no secret that the body modern man heavily slagged due to Not proper nutrition, poor environment, poor quality products and water, and as a result various health problems arise. And just turpentine baths are one of the methods of cleansing our body. It is no coincidence that they are so widely used in sanatoriums.

Gum turpentine and other biologically active substances included in the baths, in combination with heat, break down complex harmful substances and, through enlarged skin pores, remove them from the body through increased blood flow and lymph flow. The benefits of turpentine baths are not limited to cleansing the body; the mechanism of their action is quite complex and today, dear readers, we will talk about what benefits they provide, what problems they solve and for whom they are contraindicated.

Gum turpentine

To have an idea about the composition of the baths, I’ll tell you a little about its main component - gum turpentine. This is absolutely natural remedy, by using special technologies obtained from resin coniferous trees, in particular from Siberian fir. It has analgesic, disinfectant and irritant properties. It can be used both independently and as part of an emulsion for therapeutic baths.

Turpentine baths. Health and beauty benefits

Before we talk in more detail about the benefits of turpentine baths, I want to warn you that they are not suitable for everyone, and before taking them, you need to consult a specialist. This is very important, because any, even the most natural remedy, can cause harm.

Turpentine baths dilate the smallest blood vessels, thereby providing the organs of the human body with nutrition, delivering, along with the blood flow, the necessary oxygen and substances necessary for life. As a result, the functioning of tissues, organs and the entire body as a whole improves.

The benefits of turpentine baths do not appear immediately, but each time the person taking them begins to feel their beneficial effects. Gradually, under the influence of turpentine baths, the body self-cleanses, but in addition to this, the body is saturated with micro and macroelements, protective forces increase, performance and physical endurance noticeably increase, the functions of the endocrine and nervous system are restored, the body literally becomes younger.

Let's summarize. So, the benefits of turpentine baths:

  • Strengthening metabolic processes,
  • Increased vitality,
  • Stress relief,
  • Improving capillary blood flow,
  • They have a bactericidal effect,
  • Analgesic effect.
  • The body heals itself.
  • The skin is toned.
  • Effective for weight loss and combating cellulite.

Turpentine baths according to Zalmanov

Dr. Zalmanov proved on his numerous patients that under the influence of turpentine baths the body begins the process of self-regulation and self-purification, producing its own hormones, enzymes, biologically active substances, forcing the immune system to cope with the body’s problems on our own. Under the influence of hot water, turpentine and other ingredients used for baths, every cell of our body receives a powerful charge of energy, thereby healing all organs and systems.

Zalmanov created unique emulsions based on gum turpentine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. There are two types of emulsion for preparing a bath, yellow and white; in addition to turpentine, they also contain other components. Once upon a time they were difficult to buy, you had to prepare them yourself according to Dr. Zalmanov’s recipes, but now they are sold in pharmacies and are affordable. Let's look at what is their difference.

White turpentine baths

White turpentine baths are suitable for those who have low blood pressure; they significantly expand the capillaries, thereby increasing blood pressure, improving blood circulation in all organs, and enhancing metabolism. In addition to gum turpentine, the white emulsion contains salicylic acid, camphor alcohol and baby soap. Salicylic acid It has a bactericidal and irritating effect and when taking such a bath, you can feel a slight burning sensation on the skin.

Yellow turpentine baths

The yellow emulsion contains turpentine, castor oil, caustic soda and oleic acid. Yellow baths lower blood pressure, they warm up the whole body, increase sweating, improve the functioning of the venous and arterial circulatory system, and stimulate the removal of toxins from the body. Due to the expansion of pores and increased sweating, blood vessels, joints, and tendons are cleansed, excess uric acid is removed, and people with sore joints feel significant relief.

Mixed turpentine baths

There are also mixed turpentine baths, when white and yellow emulsions are mixed, complementing each other. Such baths have all the beneficial properties of both white and yellow emulsions; they do not significantly affect blood pressure and are indicated for a larger number of people.

What type of turpentine bath to choose?

Everything is very individual, only the doctor will ask you all the questions and recommend which type of bath is right for you. It will also help you choose the right solution or emulsion.

Zalmanov turpentine baths. Indications

Turpentine baths, in the absence of contraindications, are recommended for many diseases, this

  • diseases of the stomach and intestines, such as gastritis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, hepatitis, pancreatitis, colitis;
  • bronchitis, tracheitis, pleurisy, bronchial asthma;
  • endocrine diseases are diabetes, obesity, hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, autoimmune thyroiditis;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, obliterating endarteritis;
  • inflammation of the sweat glands, trophic ulcers, mastitis, osteomyelitis, bedsores and other inflammatory diseases;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • diseases of the joints and spine;
  • urinary tract diseases;
  • laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis media, auditory neuritis;
  • women's diseases of an inflammatory nature;
  • neurodermatitis, psoriasis and other serious skin problems.

Here is a very interesting and very detailed video about Zalmanov’s turpentine baths. Here you can hear all the recommendations of doctors, patient reviews about taking such baths..

Turpentine baths for weight loss

Separately, I would like to say about the benefits of turpentine baths for people who want to get rid of excess weight, because this problem worries many and people are ready to starve or go on strict diets just to get rid of a few kilograms. With the help of baths, excess fats are gradually broken down and removed from the body, as metabolism is restored, hormonal levels return to normal, blood circulation and lymph outflow improve. Thus, they are very effective in combating cellulite.

You cannot rely only on baths if you want to lose weight; without physical activity and proper nutrition, the desired effect will not be achieved.

What do you need to know before taking turpentine baths?

  • As I already said, before taking turpentine baths, you need to talk to a doctor who knows your illnesses and can help correct selection emulsions for baths.
  • It is important to go on a diet for a week or two, eliminating fatty, spicy, salty, smoked, fried foods, reducing meat consumption and adding more vegetables and fruits to your diet. It is also recommended to drink more clean water and monitor bowel function, and, of course, eliminate alcohol. After such cleaning, you can begin healing with turpentine baths.
  • It is best if you conduct a course of such baths for the first time in a sanatorium, and then you already know the reaction of your body, ask the doctor exactly the dosage and then continue the course of such baths at home.

How to take turpentine baths at home?

  • It is recommended to take turpentine baths no earlier than two hours after eating any food.
  • The bath is filled with water to about half the volume at a temperature of 36 - 37 degrees, 20 grams of white or yellow emulsion are diluted in about a liter of water and poured into the bath. If you are preparing a mixed bath, it is recommended to take 10 grams of white and yellow emulsion for one bath, which are pre-mixed with a liter of water. It is better to start with a small dosage, 15 grams per shared bath. This is one tablespoon.
  • Before immersing yourself in water, you need to lubricate particularly sensitive places on the body with greasy cream or Vaseline; usually they react by tingling the armpits and groin areas.
  • On the first day, it is recommended to take a bath for no more than five minutes, then add one minute every day and bring it up to 15 minutes. The water temperature must be maintained by adding hot water, so you will need a water thermometer. If you take a yellow bath, then the water temperature, if tolerated, can be increased to 39 degrees.
  • Be sure to monitor your well-being; if you experience discomfort or pain in the heart area, shortness of breath or an increase in heart rate, you should stop the procedure and consult a doctor. You may just need to reduce the amount of emulsion or lower the water temperature.
  • After a turpentine bath, it is not recommended to dry your body; you need to wrap yourself in a sheet and lie down in bed, well covered. It is best to do this procedure in the evening, but in any case you need to spend at least three hours in bed after a bath. It is considered correct if after a bath you feel a slight perspiration.

What course of turpentine baths is most optimal for health?

Usually 10 or 12 procedures are prescribed per course, which are carried out either daily or at intervals of one or two days, this usually depends on the severity of the disease.

Let's watch another video on how to take turpentine baths at home.

Turpentine baths. Contraindications

Of course, there are contraindications to taking turpentine baths, and ideally they should be taken under supervision in sanatoriums or special balneological centers, but not everyone has this opportunity, and after consulting a doctor, such baths can be taken at home, but taking into account that they are contraindicated in the following cases:

  • exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pregnancy;
  • oncological diseases;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heart failure;
  • arrhythmia;
  • intracranial pressure;
  • skin diseases in the acute phase.

Hypertensive patients and people with low blood pressure can take turpentine baths only after blood pressure has stabilized. If a person has suffered a heart attack, he cannot take baths for six months, and then only with the permission of the attending physician.

My review of the use of turpentine baths

I took several courses of such baths at a sanatorium. I took white baths. The first two courses went great. But in the third year I had such a burning sensation on my skin, I couldn’t continue to take such baths. The doctor and I decided to take a break, and then switched to yellow baths. They suited me better. The overall tone was excellent, my overall health improved, the skin was beautiful, especially to the touch, there was such lightness. I always lost 1-2 kg for sure, or even more. And this is under sanatorium conditions... I smile. You understand, it’s such a relaxation, the food is always excellent. But it’s true, I always went to workouts - at least exercise therapy, often exercise machines, at least a little walking. And then there were pains in the legs due to varicose veins. They left too. I really liked the effect. But again, I always say that it is best, in order to avoid troubles, to carry out the first course of baths under the supervision of a doctor.

My sincere gift for today will be Ginzburg - Fantasia on the theme of Figaro's cavatina from Rossini's opera The Barber of Seville performed by Denis Matsuev. I think you'll enjoy it.

I wish everyone health, preservation of beauty and youth, joy of life and spiritual fulfillment.

see also




    13 Mar 2018 at 18:14








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    Olga Smirnova
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    Irina Gavrilik's blog
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    Ekaterina Chesnakova
    17 Feb 2016 at 19:03

    Turpentine began to be used in medicine in 1904. It was used to treat various diseases. One of the first to make this discovery was Alexander Zalmanov. It was he who proposed turpentine baths, which cured many diseases that were considered incurable. Still in use today. The procedure has many positive reviews.

    In contact with


    Beneficial features

    As you know, the entire human body penetrate the capillaries. They expand and contract. Their work may fail due to slagging. This contributes to disruption of metabolic processes. A bath has the following effect on the body:

    Turpentine baths are also used in the treatment of varicose veins, spondyloarthrosis, joints, cold allergies, asterisks on the legs, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, spinal hernia, colds, sinusitis, arthrosis. The procedure removes stretch marks.


    Almost all procedures have contraindications, turpentine baths are no exception. You should not take a bath if you have:

    Baths provide medicinal properties Regardless of a person’s age, it can be taken by both elderly people and children. Before the procedure, it is recommended to visit a doctor to be sure that you do not have any contraindications. Do not plunge your head into the bath and do not let water get on your mucous membranes. This may have consequences.

    Doctor Zalmanov A.S. known throughout the world as a successful doctor who treated those chronic diseases that he could not cure official medicine traditional methods, and he did this with the help of his discovery -

    Baths work best in three directions:

    1. Cardiovascular chronic diseases 81% of chronic patients who were not treatable for 10-15 years were almost completely cured by using turpentine baths within 2-3 months of use.

    2. Chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system- by 73%.

    3. Chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system- by 83%.

    This, please note, applies to those patients who have been treated for 10-15 years without positive results.

    Application practice turpentine baths Zalmanova suggests that almost all psychosomatic diseases are treatable. And in first place in terms of effectiveness of use is the treatment of problems associated with blood pressure: hypertension And hypotension. It must be said that Dr. Zalmanov’s method is based on capillary therapy, i.e. on restoring the bed of small vessels and capillaries, through which oxygen and nutrients, and the lymphatic drainage system removes waste products and toxins.

    For those who do not immediately dare to take full baths for the whole body, who have problems with the hands, feet and blood vessels of the lower extremities, a method of foot and elbow baths has been developed.

    Video material on Zalmanov’s foot and elbow baths.

    Today, turpentine baths are also used for weight loss and getting rid of cellulite, as well as for the purpose of rejuvenation.

    Practice of using the Zalmanov bath.

    Practice has convincingly shown the full validity of this theory.

    Hypertension is treated almost completely, since the causes of the disease are eliminated, not the symptoms.

    First, use a yellow (amber) turpentine bath (at a pressure greater than 140), then a mixture with a white (pearl) bath. For hypotension, treatment begins with a white bath. In both cases, it is necessary to start with 7-10 ml, and then gradually increase to 20 ml of white and 30 ml of yellow baths. In any case, the amount is selected according to individual sensations, integrity of the skin and contraindications.

    Turpentine baths have proven themselves to be excellent for renal failure and inflammation of the genitourinary system (cystitis, prostatitis). Prostatitis primarily occurs due to disturbances in the blood supply. Therefore, when stagnation occurs, it is necessary to use baths while taking other measures.

    One of the few remedies for the treatment of muscle atrophy is Zalmanov’s turpentine baths.

    Ankylosing spondylitis, in which ossification of the spine occurs, can occur to a very slight extent and allow the patient to move with regular use of baths. Today, this is practically the only remedy that can slow down the process for many years and prevent the progression of ossification.

    In case of serious injuries, bone fractures, especially when femoral neck fracture, baths bring invaluable benefits and speed up the healing process by up to two times. It is necessary to wait until the integrity of the skin caused by the injury is restored.

    Baths do not cure diabetes, since this is a deep-seated disease, more of the mind than the body, but it removes the symptoms, as well as eliminates such manifestations as diabetic foot and problems with blood vessels of the extremities.

    Method of using the bath.

    As for the method of application, it is in the instructions for the balm, but you can add a few details. It is necessary to apply medical Vaseline or baby cream to the mucous membranes that will come into contact with turpentine, i.e. genitals, groin, anus, elbows and popliteal cavities. A slight burning sensation is a good sign, but a very strong one is a sign of a violation of the integrity of the skin or a contraindication.

    Baths should only be taken in the evening, do not dry yourself and do nothing after the bath, only light exercises for the spine, then go to bed.

    When taking a bath, the temperature should initially be 36-37 degrees, the time of the first bath is felt, but no more than 2-3 minutes, then gradually increase the time, bringing it to 10-15 minutes and the temperature to 39-41 degrees. In total, the course requires taking from 20 to 60 baths for advanced chronic diseases, with breaks.

    Zalmanov's turpentine baths have a significant impact on the rejuvenation process. Firstly, the capillaries are restored and cleansed. Condition improves and appearance skin, secondly. Thirdly, cellulite disappears. To combat cellulite, you need to take at least 40 baths, i.e. this is about three months, taking into account the breaks, which means summer season women need to start preparing no later than March.

    It is recommended not to be distracted while taking a bath, but to read Sytin’s sentiments or think about those diseased organs that need to be cured, directing your attention to them and creating an image of youth and health. In addition, to improve the effect, you can An hour before your bath, drink healing infusions of herbs needed for your specific disease.

    You can make local turpentine baths for the feet or hands for joint pain in a small container (in the pelvis).


    1. Hypertension (without severe cardiovascular insufficiency).
    2. Chronic joint diseases: arthritis, polyarthritis, arthrosis;
    3. osteocondritis of the spine,
    4. lumbosacral radiculitis,
    5. rheumatism;
    6. Bekhterev's disease;
    7. Rhine disease, general or local arteritis, neuritis, polyneuritis;
    8. consequences of cerebral stroke, polymyelitis, myocardial infarction;
    9. multiple sclerosis;
    10. angina pectoris
    11. obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities;
    12. sciatica;
    13. systemic connective tissue diseases;
    14. muscle atrophy;
    15. postoperative adhesions;
    16. glaucoma, cataract;
    17. premature aging;
    18. overweight,
    19. cellulite, obesity,
    20. gout.


    Along with other hydro procedures, they have contraindications. In these cases, their use is recommended only under the supervision of a competent physician.

    The following contraindications to this procedure are identified:

    • State of alcohol poisoning.
    • Acute myocardial infarction and conditions after an acute infarction for 6 months.
    • Acute cerebral stroke - up to 6 months after cerebrovascular accident.
    • Hypertensive crisis, acute increase blood pressure more than 140 mmHg.
    • Heart rhythm disturbances: atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal tachycardia, extrasystole of organic origin.
    • Heart failure of 2-3 degrees.
    • Acute surgical pathology (acute abdomen), requiring immediate surgical intervention.
    • Acute blockage of blood vessels in the extremities.
    • Trophic ulcers of the extremities due to impaired blood flow in them.
    • Acute phlebitis, exacerbation of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis of the extremities.
    • Acute infectious diseases.
    • Acute pulmonary tuberculosis.
    • Neurodermatitis and other skin diseases accompanied by scratching, ulceration and disruption of the integrity of the skin.
    • Lactation period - at least the first 6 months of breastfeeding.
    • Individual intolerance to turpentine, allergic reactions to turpentine.

    Many people have heard about what turpentine baths are. The first who began to use them was the famous doctor Alexander Solomonovich Zalmanov - turpentine baths were named in his honor. They are often recommended in sanatoriums because they help cleanse the body and treat a variety of diseases. In addition, it is known that turpentine baths according to Zalmanov help effectively lose weight and fight cellulite.

    Turpentine baths, the benefits and harms of which have been known for a long time, involve diluting turpentine in plain water and taking a bath in this solution. What is the secret, and how does this procedure differ from the most ordinary bath, because the mechanism seems to be the same. The point is in the chemical composition of turpentine, which is the main active component of such procedures.

    Turpentine is a liquid mixture of essential oils obtained from resins coniferous plants . Hence the characteristic aroma that you will feel when taking a bath. Chemical composition turpentine is a combination of hydrocarbons with certain properties. It is thanks to this that baths can be used both for treatment and for combating excess weight. A.S. Zalmanov conducted research on the effect of turpentine on the body, and recommended it for use for a wide range of indications.

    Types of turpentine baths

    Turpentine baths are divided into several types.

    White turpentine baths

    They do not require any additives and are considered the purest in terms of both composition and action. This is the most common solution of turpentine in water. Such baths improve metabolism, break down excess fats in the body. While taking a bath, you may feel a slight tingling sensation in your body or even a burning sensation in certain areas of your body. These feelings are quite normal. They say that turpentine acts on muscles in this way, dilating blood vessels.

    White turpentine can only be taken by those whose blood pressure is normal or low, no more than 150/90. They are usually sold in pharmacies under the name “Turpentine Bath No. 1”.

    Yellow turpentine baths

    The effect of turpentine on the body can be enhanced by other products, which is why there is a yellow turpentine bath. In this case, in addition to turpentine, it dissolves in water castor oil and oleic acid. Such baths help lose weight, and also reduce blood pressure, remove harmful salt deposits from the body. When taking them, tingling sensations, as with the previous option, should not be felt.

    Yellow turpentine baths are indicated for hypertensive patients with blood pressure over 150/90. They can be found in pharmacies under the name “Turpentine bath No. 2”.

    Mixed turpentine baths

    They appeared not so long ago. Combines the effectiveness of a white and yellow bath. Help relieve fatigue and restore muscle tone. Please note that you should not mix two baths yourself. The proportions and schedule for their administration should be drawn up by a specialist.

    The benefits and harms of turpentine baths

    Turpentine baths are very beneficial for the body as a whole, and for those who want to lose excess weight, their benefits are also obvious. So, turpentine baths for cellulite and for weight loss have the following effect:

    • They remarkably dissolve fats and, together with toxins, remove them from the body.
    • Eliminate toxins that clog capillaries and interfere with blood flow. Thanks to this, metabolism improves and effective disposal from excess weight.
    • They are gentle on the skin, cleanse pores, and have an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. This makes it possible to lose weight without stretch marks.
    • Restore blood circulation and lymph flow. Problems with the latter also often become the cause of uncontrolled weight gain.
    • Turpentine, like everyone else essential oils, has a beneficial effect on a person’s emotional state. A bath can improve your mood, overcome sleep problems, irritation and nervousness.

    As for the harm of turpentine baths, it is possible if you prepare and take them incorrectly, or ignore contraindications. Therefore it is necessary be sure to consult a doctor and take into account all the points when taking such baths. Also keep in mind that there are many types of them, and it is important to choose the most correct one for yourself.

    Turpentine baths: indications and contraindications

    Zalmanov's turpentine baths are different wide range actions and allow you to deal with many problems. A method such as turpentine baths, has the following indications:

    • Joint diseases, varicose veins, spider veins on the legs.
    • Cold allergy;
    • Stretch marks;
    • Excess weight;
    • Arthrosis;
    • Spinal hernia;
    • Osteochondrosis;
    • Rheumatoid arthritis;
    • Diabetes;
    • Sinusitis;
    • Cold;

    But in some cases, a bath with turpentine is prohibited. The contraindications are as follows::

    • Heart diseases;
    • tuberculosis;
    • haemorrhoids;
    • hypertension;
    • eczema;
    • scabies;
    • psoriasis;
    • chronic liver diseases;
    • malignant tumors;
    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • allergic reactions to turpentine;
    • It is not recommended to take turpentine baths during menstruation.

    Turpentine baths, the indications and contraindications for which are discussed above, have no age restrictions. They can be used for both children and the elderly.

    How to properly make and take turpentine baths?

    Many beauty salons offer turpentine baths for weight loss. However, if you do not have the time and opportunity to visit such institutions, you can try making turpentine baths according to Zalmanov at home. To do this, it is enough to purchase the necessary turpentine emulsion, and also familiarize yourself with how to take turpentine baths at home, because only by doing everything correctly, you will receive benefits and not harm. Follow these guidelines:

    It is advisable to test the purchased product. To do this, you need to dilute a small amount of turpentine in a container, dip your hand in the resulting solution and hold it for about 15 minutes. Within half an hour, watch the reaction. If there is no burning sensation, itching, redness, or pain, then you can use baths.

    • Before making turpentine baths at home, It is advisable to consult a specialist. Turpentine is an active and even aggressive substance, so in some cases it can cause harm. The specialist must confirm that you have no contraindications for such procedures.
    • The important point is water temperature. At the beginning of the procedure it should be about 37 degrees– this is the most comfortable indicator for turpentine. After immersing yourself in the bath, after three minutes, begin to gradually increase the temperature. Add hot water. For a white turpentine bath best temperature is an indicator 38-39 degrees, for yellow – 40-42 . For proper maintenance temperature regime Keep a special water thermometer in the bath. When you see that the temperature drops, add hot water.
    • For preparing turpentine directly You will also need certain skills. While the bath is running, pour the turpentine into an enamel container and dilute it hot water, mix well. Then the solution can be poured into the bathroom.
    • Before taking a turpentine bath correctly, pay attention to the dosage specified in the instructions. As a rule, it needs to be gradually increased. It all starts with two spoons per bath, and by the end of the course their number increases to 8. This applies to any type of turpentine baths.
    • Duration of baths: 5-20 minutes. Start with five minutes, and each time stay in the bath for 3-4 minutes more.
    • If you felt severe unbearable burning sensation, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, complete the procedure. These signs indicate that baths are not right for you. It is important to control your pulse. Its normal rate is about 150 beats per minute. If you notice deviations from this norm, you should also stop taking turpentine baths.
    • Having finished the procedure, do not wash yourself with clean water.
    • Exit the bath carefully, since turpentine can make its bottom and walls slippery.
    • Taking Zalmanov's turpentine baths, don't wipe yourself after them so that the active substances are better absorbed into the skin and continue to be active. Just throw on a robe and wrap yourself in a warm sheet. It is important to actively sweat. You can drink hot tea. It is also recommended to simply lie down and relax for an hour after the procedure.

    To obtain best result, don’t rely only on baths for weight loss. Combine them with physical activity and proper nutrition.

    When taking Dr. Zalmanov’s turpentine baths, do not overuse them. The course of treatment includes 15-25 procedures with an interval of one day. If you want to repeat the course, this can be done no earlier than in 2-3 months, and after the permission of a specialist.

    The bath mixture must be stored correctly so as not to lose its beneficial properties. To prevent beneficial essential oils from evaporating, cover the neck of the container with cellophane or a rubber stopper. Do not place the mixture in the refrigerator. It should be stored at a compact temperature in a dark place out of reach of sunlight.

    Where to buy and how much do they cost?

    Since Zalmanov baths are a popular procedure, it will not be difficult to buy turpentine for their preparation. You can buy turpentine baths in pharmacies or online stores. The cost will be determined by the type of turpentine, the volume of packaging, the place of purchase and the manufacturer. You should be careful not to buy a fake instead of a quality product. The average price for turpentine baths in pharmacies and other places of purchase is 250-300 rubles.

    Experts recommend purchasing material for turpentine baths in pharmacies. This way you will be sure that you have not purchased a low-quality fake. Please also note that the emulsion has an expiration date, so pay attention to the manufacturing date on the packaging.

    Zalmanov’s turpentine baths, the price and where to buy which you already know, can be very useful both for losing weight and for improving the health of the body. The main thing is to take into account contraindications and adhere to all the rules.