Varieties of low-growing tomatoes for open ground without pinching. Low-growing tomatoes without pinching: description of varieties, care rules

Grow wonderful harvest vegetables in a short period of time is not easy. Low-growing tomatoes will help you fulfill this desire. open ground without pinching and with a minimum of care measures. They are able to please not only an experienced summer resident, but also a beginner in gardening.

Removing unnecessary shoots on any garden culture experts called it the stepson method. It is necessary to carry out this technique so that the plant develops more actively and has correct forms. In addition, bushes should be pruned in order to increase the yield of the vegetable.

On nightshade crops, this process begins with the lower shoots. They are removed at a time when young bushes grow 7-8 leaves. For beginners, it is important to know that it is not adult leaves that need to be plucked from tomatoes, but small shoots (see photo). They appear in the axils in the area between the trunk and the leaf. Uncircumcised stepsons repeat as they grow mature plant, that is, they form a separate trunk.

Tomatoes that have undergone the pinching procedure have only 1 or 2 main stems; these parts of the plant body take all the nutrients necessary for the harvest and do not spend them on the growth of individual stems.

Low-growing tomatoes for open ground (video)

Tomato varieties that do not require pinching

Currently, through the efforts of breeders around the world, many tomato varieties have been developed that do not need to be planted. For example, the Nepasynkusya Pink tomato is endowed with various positive qualities, including ultra ripeness and good yield. The height of an adult plant reaches no more than 75 cm; the bushes do not need to be rid of excess shoots. Cultivated vegetables grow up to 100 g, they are fleshy, round and when ripe they have pink color.

Agricultural technology of this variety tomato is simple, in March the seeds are sown for seedlings, by the end of May or early June the young plants are transplanted into open ground. On 1 m² you can grow up to 3-4 bushes of low-growing nightshade crop.

The Nevsky variety is early ripening, the first ripe tomatoes appear 60-65 days after the seeds germinate. The vegetables are small, their weight does not exceed 55 g, and very often they ripen on the bushes. This variety is sown directly into the soil, under the film. Tomato bushes are not prone to late blight and are resistant to rot. This plant is not planted; the trunks do not require support or reinforcement.

It is worth remembering the Gnome tomato variety. An unpretentious and low-growing plant. Its bushes can reach only 45-50 cm in height. The crop is endowed with small fruits, they have a sour taste and are suitable for culinary preparations. The plant is a hybrid variety, tomatoes do not crack when exposed to excess moisture, foliage and vegetables are excellent at resisting rot and other diseases typical of tomatoes.

The low-growing variety Dubok has excellent reviews; it does not require pinching. The culture is intended for amateurs who grow tomatoes in open ground. Among the low-growing nightshade plants, it is distinguished by its excellent taste qualities. Tomatoes have an excellent sweet taste and juicy pulp. Such tomatoes are called universal: they are suitable not only for fresh consumption - Dubok tomatoes make excellent juices, ketchups, lecho and other culinary masterpieces.

The Snowdrop Tomato can be offered to gardeners who grow tomatoes in the northern regions of our country, for example, to residents of the Urals or Karelia. Many summer residents consider it a godsend, because in warm areas plantings can be sown in open beds. The fruits grow medium and large, they have a semicircular shape and are located on thick branches. The variety is distinguished by its cold resistance and excellent yield. The bushes of the plant are quite tall, but if desired, their growth can be completed by pinching.

Among the low-growing and non-sprouting tomatoes there are interesting variety Little Red Riding Hood. This miracle can decorate any garden. The tomato is endowed with powerful branches and large leaves; the fruits grow small, but very tasty. Remarkable productivity is the most striking indicator of this variety. Growing low-growing tomatoes is similar; the plant is responsive to timely watering and light, fertile soil.

From tomato plants, which do not require pinching and grow no more than 70 cm in height, we can distinguish the Moskvich variety. Its height is only 35-40 cm, but this does not prevent the crop from bearing fruit with dignity. The tomato is not afraid of certain changes in temperature and adequately tolerates frost under film cover. Small fruits seem to cling to a small plant.

Tomatoes in our country are often grown in gardens. This is a very tasty vegetable that will be welcome on any table. To get a harvest without any problems, professional gardeners often choose low-growing varieties. After all, stepchild low growing tomatoes no need, which simplifies their care. This article will tell you about tomatoes without pinching for greenhouses.

Characteristic features of varieties without pinching

In addition to the fact that plants do not require pinching, they are characterized by the following properties:

  • low bush height;
  • increased yield;
  • moderate foliage;
  • simultaneity of fruit ripening;
  • same size.

Tomatoes that do not require pinching are usually quite cold-resistant. Some of them can be planted with seeds directly into the ground, without requiring prior cultivation of seedlings in separate containers. The beds with seeds sown in the soil are covered with film. Such sowing is carried out at the end of April, and the first harvest can be expected by mid-July.

Tomato varieties without pinching for greenhouses

Such varieties are suitable for beginning gardeners, and will also be a help to those who have been growing them for several years.

Tomatoes Ob domes

The list of the best low-growing tomatoes for the greenhouse opens with the Obskie Domes variety. We have before us an early ripening hybrid with high yield. Planting in open ground is possible, but this option must assume a warm climate. Aboveground part grows up to half a meter in open ground and up to 0.7 m in closed ground. As for early ripeness, you can receive the products already 3 months after planting.

Berry. Very large fruits, which are colored red with a pinkish tint (similar in color to the “Bull’s Heart” variety). The average weight of a tomato is 200 g, but it can set berries that weigh about 250 g. The skin on the fruit is dense and fleshy. Distinctive feature variety is precisely the shape of the fruit, which resembles a persimmon. When the fruit is cut open, the seed chambers resemble a five-leaf clover in shape. Average yield - 6 kg per square meter indoors and 5 kg outdoors.

Tomatoes Sanka

Before us is the best salad super early variety of tomatoes, which can also be grown in open ground. “Sanka” belongs to the standard tomatoes that do not need garter. It should also be classified as a low-growing tomato for greenhouses that does not require pinching. The aboveground part of the plant grows up to 60 cm, the leaf density is average. The fruits ripen on clusters of 6 pieces; their average weight is 100 g. They are distinguished by excellent taste and good uniform color. This variety has become popular due to the fact that the first berries can be picked already on the 90th day. This is an ideal variety that will give you the opportunity to try your first tomatoes at a time when only imported varieties can be found in stores. Also, the advantages include resistance to cold and undemandingness to light, which makes it possible to significantly save on lighting.

The yield from one square, provided that the tomatoes have received appropriate care, is 13-15 kg. In conclusion, it is worth talking about one more quality that allows you to obtain environmentally friendly products. The fact is that “Sanka” has resistance to all common tomato diseases, and the variety is extremely rarely affected by pests.

Danko tomatoes

The bush of the plant is of a determinant type; in open ridges it grows up to 45-55 centimeters. When planted in a greenhouse, it can reach 1.2-1.5 meters in height. A variety with mid-early ripening. Fresh fruits after emergence can be harvested in 106-112 days. Bush of medium degree of branching, best results yield is shown when formed with 3-4 stems. The number of leaves is small, medium in size, green in color, slightly corrugated. Lower leaves As the bush grows, it is recommended to remove it to increase soil ventilation. The plant does not require pinching; when planting in a greenhouse, the stems must be tied to a support. Gardeners like it not only for its good taste, but also for the variety’s resistance to drought conditions. Although during drought the number of formed tomatoes decreases somewhat. The first fruits that grow in the cluster are the largest, and those on the edge of the cluster are much smaller.

Tomatoes Alaska

The Alaska tomato is ideal for growing without seedlings in risky farming areas. The variety is early ripening (85-100 days) and high-yielding. The fruits begin to ripen at the end of June. "Alaska" is considered determinate, that is, it has limited stem growth. A bush about 0.5 meters high needs to be tied to a support. The first inflorescence is formed above the 8-9 leaf, the subsequent ones - every 1-2 leaves. Number of nests – 3-4. No molding is required when growing. The yield of the variety is 2 kg per bush (with proper agricultural technology).

Tomatoes Honey cream

Tomatoes are truly like honey cream, characterized by a neat appearance, smoothness and strength. When tomatoes are ripe, they are a rich red color. The tomatoes weigh a little over half a kilo. The fruits have a good balanced taste and are not prone to cracking. “Honey Cream” has another undeniable advantage - the absence of a reaction to almost all known diseases, including verticillium and fusarium. Thanks to such quality as early ripening, the crop does not suffer from late blight. The plant has an average ripening period and is characterized by high yield (over 10 kg per 1 m2). Bushes are compact in size, up to 1.2 m high.

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Tomatoes Velvet season

By planting this variety of tomatoes in open ground, you are guaranteed to get good harvest early and sugary fruits for salads and canning, weighing up to 300 g. Fruiting in this case depends little on the weather. Velvet season tomato tops usually do not exceed a height of 70 cm.

Tomatoes Nevsky

Small fruits (weighing about 50 grams) ripen early, often right on the bush. They have a pleasant sweetish taste. Nevsky is sown directly into the ground, covering the ridge with film. The variety is good for growing in a greenhouse. Suitable for most Russian climate zones. Resistant to rot and late blight because it ripens very early.

Caring for tomatoes that do not require pinching

It would seem that low-growing tomatoes, whose shoots do not need to be plucked, do not require particularly careful care and attention. However, there are some subtleties and peculiarities of growing:

  • Make seedlings yourself from proven seeds. This way you can be sure that you are growing the right variety. Homemade seedlings are usually robust and disease resistant.
  • Even low-growing tomatoes require a garter. Be sure to secure the bushes when they set and begin to bear fruit. Usually a lot of them are formed, and the plant has only one branch, which leads to its breaking or the tomatoes falling to the floor, hence their contamination and rotting.
  • Follow the regime of fertilizing and watering. This is especially important for varieties of this type.

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for growing in greenhouses that do not need to be pinched - great option for beginner gardeners and gardeners. They are easy to grow, and with proper care, these tomatoes are amazingly fruitful.

Low-growing tomatoes that do not require pinching for greenhouses

Today we will select for you the best low-growing varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses, which can produce a truly impressive harvest. We will describe the main features of each variety, and also give brief description so that you can choose the most suitable option.

Features of growing low-growing tomatoes for greenhouses

The main feature of low-growing varieties is that they do not need to be pinched. They are characterized by the following qualities:

  • short stature;
  • bountiful harvest;
  • moderate foliage formation;
  • simultaneous ripening of the crop;
  • fruit same sizes;
  • no need for tying (often).

Whether or not to tie up low-growing tomatoes that do not require pinching depends on their yield.

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As you can see, these types of tomatoes are perfect for those who are just trying their hand at gardening. They will serve as an excellent backup option in a situation where tall varieties planted early do not take root well.

Tomatoes without pinching can also be quite cold-resistant. Moreover, some of them can even be grown without seedlings. Suitable for this warm beds or film shelters. Seeding planting material in this case it is carried out in April. But the first harvest can be harvested in mid-summer. As a result, the seedless method allows you to avoid replanting young plants, and also makes it possible to greatly simplify the care of plantings. Plants grown in this way are more hardened and stress-resistant, which allows them not to react to all the vicissitudes of weather conditions.

How to choose the right variety of low-growing tomatoes for greenhouses

Retail shelves are literally filled with packages different varieties tomatoes and often people buy those packets of seeds that have delicious fruits on them. Such purchases do not always live up to expectations, because in reality the tomatoes may turn out to be completely different or the seed may be of poor quality. Also, novice gardeners may simply make the wrong choice of variety.

In most cases, the choice of tomatoes for a greenhouse is based on the buyer’s personal liking, but when purchasing, you need to take into account the taste of the fruit, resistance to various diseases and weather conditions, productivity and so on. In addition, you must decide on the purpose of growing tomatoes. If you do this for salads, then you will need some varieties, but for sale or canning - completely different ones. Therefore, first you need to determine for yourself the purpose of the future tomato harvest.

We are already accustomed to the fact that greenhouse conditions tomatoes grow on a long trellis. But this concerns tall varieties. If you don’t have time to distribute the brushes and form a bush, then low-growing tomatoes, the care of which is distinguished by its simplicity, are suitable for you.

Low-growing tomatoes for greenhouses Sanka

Here we have the best super-early salad tomato variety, which can also be grown in open soil. “Sanka” belongs to the standard tomatoes that do not need garter. It should also be classified as a low-growing tomato for greenhouses that does not require pinching. The above-ground part of the plant grows up to 60 cm, the density of the leaves is average. The fruits ripen on clusters of 6 pieces; their average weight is 100 g. They are distinguished by excellent taste and good uniform color. This variety has become popular due to the fact that the first berries can be picked already on the 90th day. This is an ideal variety that will give you the opportunity to try your first tomatoes at a time when only imported varieties can be found in stores.

Low-growing tomatoes for Betalux greenhouses

This variety is ultra-early, the fruits ripen already at 95-98 days of growth. The plant is short, up to 50 centimeters. Tomatoes grow weighing 90-110 grams, round in size and red in color. The fruits are suitable for consumption in their natural form and are very good for preservation. Stepchildren practically do not grow, this makes it easier to care for tomatoes throughout the season.

Low-growing tomatoes for greenhouses Watercolor

Low-growing Watercolor plants fit perfectly into low greenhouses and greenhouses. They do without tying and do not need to remove the stepsons at all. The average ripening time in a greenhouse will be about 115 days.

In their shape, Watercolor tomatoes resemble an elongated ellipse. Ripe tomatoes are colored red without a dark spot at the base of the stalk. Watercolors are not large in size. The average fruit weight is 60 grams. But they are not subject to cracking, have good transportability and long shelf life. These tomatoes have fairly dense flesh, so they can be used for whole-fruit canning. They are also great for salads.

These plants have good resistance to blossom end rot. But their yield is not so high - only 2 kg per square meter.

Low-growing tomatoes for greenhouses Vityaz

An excellent variety for small greenhouses. Each cluster of its compact bushes can bear 5 to 6 tomatoes. Despite the height of 60 cm, its bushes require mandatory garter.

Tomatoes of the Vityaz variety have an average ripening period. The gardener will be able to harvest the first red tomatoes in 130 - 170 days. Its large, leveled fruits are oval in shape and weigh from 200 to 250 grams. Due to their fairly thick skin, they tolerate transportation well and are suitable for any type of canning.

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Vityaz will not be affected by the tobacco mosaic virus, alternaria and septoria, but it may well overcome late blight. Therefore, after the start of fruit formation, it is recommended to treat plants prophylactically and water less. One square meter will give the gardener at least 6 kg of tomatoes. And when proper care the yield will increase to 10 kg.

Low-growing tomatoes for greenhouses Nevsky

It is believed that this is the earliest variety of tomatoes in existence. With proper care, the fruits are harvested already 60-65 days after planting the seeds.

Small fruits (weighing about 50 grams) ripen early, often right on the bush. They have a pleasant sweetish taste. Nevsky is sown directly into the ground, covering the ridge with film. The variety is good for growing in a greenhouse. Resistant to rot and late blight because it ripens very early.

Low-growing tomatoes for greenhouses Moskvich

Most suitable for Middle zone Russian variety of tomatoes. Resistant to temperature changes, tolerates frost under light cover. For growing in open ground.

The bushes are only 30-45 centimeters high, but this does not prevent them from bearing fruit with incredible productivity: whole garlands of large fruits, slightly flattened and round in shape, cling to the plants in July. Harvesting begins when most tomatoes reach a weight of 90-100 grams.

Low-growing tomatoes for greenhouses Alaska

Ripens very early. When bushes of other varieties are just blooming, the first beautiful Alaska tomatoes may already be on your table. The bush reaches only 45-60 cm in height.

The fruits are especially valued because they quickly gain sweetness, so eat for your health! However, they are of little use for harvesting - this is a classic salad variety. But it is resistant to many diseases (fusarium wilt, cladosporiosis, tobacco mosaic virus) and grows well in open ground.

15 best varieties of tomatoes that do not require pinching

It is not always necessary to plant undersized tomatoes, and for many gardeners this is the best way out of the situation. The thing is that not everyone can remove stepchildren correctly. Experienced gardener, of course, will cope with such an activity without difficulty. However, if a beginner undertakes such a procedure, the result is not always expected. Sometimes the gardener is unable to accurately detect the shoots, so he removes the stems and leaves, which are key to the growth of the crop. This is how you can destroy your tomato shoots.

Fortunately, there are tomatoes that do not require pinching at all. These are low-growing varieties of tomatoes. However, do not think that growing them is a much less difficult process. Cultivating such a plant also requires certain knowledge and skills. Be sure to follow the following recommendations for caring for low-growing tomatoes:

  • Low-growing, non-sapling tomato should be grown from proven seeds. If desired, prepare them yourself;
  • After planting in a special container, seedlings must be covered with film;
  • despite the fact that tomato bushes are not particularly large in size, when intensive growth It is advisable to tie them up;
  • ensure 100% protection of tomato shoots from pests and diseases - for this, seedlings need to be sprayed in a timely manner.

Low-growing tomatoes without pinching for open ground are a worthy choice for a novice gardener. When growing them, you do not need to master the pinching technique.

The best varieties

Perhaps many beginning gardeners will want to purchase low-growing tomatoes for open ground without pinching. Their key advantage is the absence of the need for stepsons. However, this is not all the advantages of the varieties. They are often grown by domestic gardeners, since they do not require careful care, and you will reap a full harvest at the end of summer. You just need to figure out which varieties of low-growing tomatoes you should give preference to.


This early-ripening hybrid plant is most often grown in open ground conditions. Its fruits ripen unevenly, have a reddish tint and a round shape. At the same time, the nose is slightly flat.


Such tomatoes for open ground without pinching form quite large fruits. The pulp of a ripe tomato is very juicy and fleshy. The weight of one fruit can be about 300–500 g.

Foreign exchange

The shrub with cherry tomatoes reaches a height of about 80 cm, so if necessary, tie up the grown plant. The fruits are characterized by the presence of a soft peel and a rich red hue.

Balcony miracle

Grow these miniature ones tomato bushes It is possible both in a greenhouse and in open ground conditions. The plant is standard and rarely reaches a height of more than 40 cm. The fruits are very small and have a yellowish-orange tint.

Children's sweetness

These low-growing tomatoes also do not require pinching. This variety is considered early ripening, but is mostly cultivated in regions with mild climates. The fruits are red in color and have thick skin.

Dolka Far Eastern

This variety of low-growing tomatoes is classified as mid-season. Ripe fruits are characterized by the presence of a crimson hue, and their shape is oval. The weight of one tomato is about 300 g.

Read also: Review of the 16 best varieties of tomatoes for open ground


This variety is one of the non-grafting tomato varieties suitable for open ground. It reaches a height of up to 130 cm, so it is recommended to tie up this shrub in a timely manner.

Golden stream

Seeds of golden fruits in the shape of an ellipse are often purchased by domestic gardeners for cultivation. The variety is perfect for open ground because it tolerates temperature changes well and is resistant to diseases.

El Dorado

These varieties of tomatoes are also not planted. The height of a mature shrub can be about 70 cm, but in volume it is quite compact. Its fruits are oval in shape and have a pleasant yellowish tint.


TO low-growing varieties Tomatoes that do not require pinching at all include this variety. Skorospelka's fruits ripen early. Among the advantages of this variety is resistance to various climatic factors.


This compact plant produces pepper-shaped fruits. What makes them notable is the presence of thick skin.

Another important point: These tomatoes are characterized by increased resistance to disease.


There is no need to plant such low-growing tomatoes. The fruits ripen very early, and the bush is considered semi-standard. Typically, this plant forms three main stems.

Leningrad chill

This high-yielding variety mostly grown on personal plots, and not in a greenhouse. The fruits are ovoid in shape and have a red tint. They are characterized by the presence of dense pulp.


Alsou does not require pinching, however, gartering of the bush must be taken care of in advance. It reaches a height of about 80 cm. The fruits of this variety are large, the weight of one tomato is up to 500 g.


A very early variety, which is grown mainly in open ground. The fruits begin to ripen already by the twentieth day after planting. Among the key advantages of this variety of tomatoes is resistance to late blight and other fungal diseases that are dangerous to plants.

Experienced summer residents can boast of a successful harvest in the fall and winter, because they know exactly how to select varieties and seeds of vegetables for planting themselves.

As a rule, only the best varieties tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes and other vegetables. The first type of vegetable deserves special attention, which not only has a slightly sweet taste, but also does not require painstaking cultivation.

Moreover, according to the same experienced summer residents, the rapid rooting of seedlings after planting and the harvest are influenced not only proper cultivation, but also a correctly selected variety. This fact leads to the need to analyze the best varieties of tomatoes.

Varieties of varieties

Breeders divide all varieties of tomatoes into two categories, which include:

Surprisingly, among the indeterminate varieties, the most popular and sought-after seeds are distinguished "Budenovka". This variety is good for all its main characteristics: up to one and a half meters high, the first harvest 100 days after seed germination, the ability to grow both in a greenhouse and in open ground.

This variety also does not require any additional care and is perfect for beginner gardeners. From one bush you can harvest at least 4-5 kg, and if you create favorable climatic conditions - all 7 kg.

Yield varieties of tomatoes, video:

Choosing a tomato variety

Many novice summer residents make the main mistake in choosing a tomato variety, relying on the “honesty” of sellers in specialized stores. It often happens that, having acquired high-yielding seeds, according to the sellers, after planting the promised growth is not observed.

What is this connected with? It's all about zoning. Remember that each tomato variety is suitable for planting only in certain climatic conditions, what the region should correspond to. If the selected variety is not zoned for your place of residence, then it is pointless to expect a high and fruitful harvest.

Before going to a specialty store, be sure to find out which varieties are suitable for planting in your region. Otherwise, suitable conditions will have to be created for an excellent harvest.

The most productive tomato seeds of Siberian selection

Siberia is a rather peculiar and somewhat “cruel” region in relation to fruit-bearing crops. Here you should be attentive to the choice of seeds, since the slightest mistakes will result in you being completely without a harvest and without salting for the winter.

It should also be noted that Siberian selection is one of the most popular seeds, because their frost resistance and other positive characteristics make it possible to use them for planting in any region of Russia.

In addition, varieties belonging to Siberian selection have a huge selection, also divided into groups depending on the growth of bushes and fruitfulness, time of planting and characteristics of independent cultivation. Thus, today the following collections of Siberian selection are distinguished:

Each collection has up to several dozen varieties, the fruits of which differ in size, weight, color and other characteristics. Characteristics and description of the variety influence both the choice and the outcome.

Early varieties of tomatoes

Of course, early varieties of tomatoes are popular in the Siberian region, including:

1. "Ultra-early"- the variety is to the taste of housewives, since the small size fruits of these seeds are ideal for canning. The average weight of one tomato is only 100 g, and the harvest can be expected within a month and a half after the first seedlings enter.

The bush itself reaches a maximum height of 50 cm, so it is suitable for planting both in a small greenhouse and in open ground. These seeds belong to the Siberian Garden collection.

2. "Demidov"- the small height of the bush (only 50 cm) and the weight of one tomato is 200 g, making these seeds popular for growing for further use of the fruit in preparing salads. Has a slightly sweet taste.

3. The same characteristics from the Siberian Garden selection include seeds. The fruits of the presented variety reach a weight of 300 g, which makes them popular in cultivation for the production of various tomato pastes and other conservation. The hostesses of “Demidov” and “Nastenka” are simply delighted.

4. "Heavyweight of Siberia"— large fruit size and taste are more suitable for preservation. This variety can withstand any weather conditions and is intended for cultivation in open ground. Does not require stepsoning.

5. "Abakan pink"- a unique and slightly unusual variety. It differs from other varieties with a fruit weight of 900 g.

6. Also, early varieties of tomatoes from Siberian selection include seeds such as “Ballerina”, “Petrusha the Gardener”, “Moscow Pear Tree” and other varieties.

What varieties to plant in the greenhouse

Despite the purpose of planting some seeds in any weather conditions, novice gardeners are still interested in the question: Which tomatoes are best to plant in a greenhouse? For most gardeners, it is the greenhouse that becomes the equipment that allows them to grow tomatoes in beds almost all year round.

This relates more to Siberian selection, but with planting in temperate or warm regions. Directly in Siberia year-round cultivation growing tomatoes in greenhouses is impossible due to harsh climatic conditions.

For cultivation in greenhouses they are isolated best varieties of tomatoes such as:

Low-growing tomatoes for open ground without pinching

If we talk about caring for tomatoes during their growth, it should be noted required condition stepsons. But the gardeners themselves claim that when growing in the south of Russia, removing leaves from the bush is not required, but as you move further north, care becomes more and more difficult.

But there are some seeds that do not require pinching in principle. Even without removing leaves, they grow fruitfully and without blemishes, and in any climatic conditions.

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes without pinching include:

Stepsoning- an important process in all agricultural technology for growing tomatoes, so more attention should be paid to it. The main thing is to properly remove the “extra” leaves.

Despite the fact that growing tomato varieties without pinching is much easier, gardeners still prefer the opposite type of seeds. Thus, the variety is extremely popular throughout Russia "Bull's Heart".

The popularity of this variety is explained large fruits and a “universal” taste, which makes it possible to use tomatoes both for fresh consumption and for pickling. Cultivation is permitted in any region of the country, but requires mandatory stepsoning.

The best low-growing varieties of tomatoes for open ground

Beginning gardeners who do not want to spend a long time and painstakingly fiddling with growing tomatoes may prefer low-growing varieties of tomatoes. Due to the small growth of the bush, which often does not exceed 60 cm, there is no need to waste time tying it up.

To the best and most popular low growing seeds include:

Low-growing varieties of tomatoes for gardeners can become a “pass ticket” to the world of growing tomatoes on their own, since they do not require either staking or pinching.

The best tomato varieties for the North-West

The North-West of Russia is somewhat harsh and treacherous, so here tomatoes are grown indoors, which requires planting a certain kind of variety. The best include:

  1. "Hermitage Museum"— early fruiting and maximum bush height of 1 m, fruits weighing 120 g and round in shape, there is a requirement for pinching;
  2. "Native"- an ultra-early variety, a spreading bush with round-shaped tomatoes weighing 160 g;
  3. "Igranda"— determinate variety with complex inflorescences, easily tolerates almost any frost, fruits up to 120 g;
  4. "Fox"- pleases with fruits three months after the first shoots, bushes with a maximum height of 1 m, fruits no more than 150 g.

The principle of growing varieties tomatoes for the North-West region lies in achieving conditions for rapid fruiting, since otherwise, due to the onset of frost, you may be left without a harvest at all. In connection with this fact, gardeners use greenhouses and greenhouses for independent and fruitful cultivation.

Proven varieties for the North-West, video:

Tomato seeds from collectors

New varieties of tomatoes always cause a lot of controversy about cultivation, proper planting and care. When using new seeds, it is better to listen to the advice of the manufacturers themselves.

Relatively new varieties include the following varieties:

1. "Rapunzel"— finding information about the presented variety is extremely difficult, as are the seeds themselves. This is due to the breeding of the variety in Holland only in 2015, so the distribution of seeds has not yet occurred in Russia.

Why Rapunzel? The shape of the clusters with fruits is similar to the braid of a cartoon heroine. Clusters of tomatoes hang from the bush to the very lowlands and can exceed 50 cm in length.

2. "Mongolian dwarf"— the variety is also quite controversial. According to reviews from gardeners, the growth of the bush varies from 10 to 50 cm.

Each bush pleases gardeners with whole bunches of medium-sized tomatoes. Despite the fact that these seeds gained popularity among gardeners, this bred specimen was never included in the State Register.

Pay attention to this material -

3. "Octopus"- this is truly a miracle of nature! This variety is perennial, so the first fruits can be expected only after 7-8 months. It is distinguished by its spreading crown and the formation of shoots that branch during growth.

As a result experienced gardeners use this feature to “spread” bushes throughout summer cottage. By erecting a structure from tomato bushes, you can create an equally attractive “grape canopy.”

Tomatoes in our country are often grown in gardens. This is a very tasty vegetable that will be welcome on any table. To get a harvest without any problems, professional gardeners often choose low-growing varieties. After all, there is no need to plant undersized tomatoes, which simplifies their care. This article will tell you everything you need to know when growing these varieties.

What is pinching tomatoes?

Cutting off excess shoots is called pinching. The tomato bush grows both in width and height, so root system is forced to work hard to fully supply the sprouts and branches with useful substances, but not the fruit. To prevent this, during a certain period of bush development, some shoots have to be cut off manually.

These are usually small (up to 5 cm) sprouts. Here it is very important not to miss the moment of pinching, so that “wounds” from this manipulation do not remain on the main stem. You don’t have to remove them, but in this case the quantity and quality will depend on the choice of variety and methods of caring for tomatoes.

The tomato bush will grow, develop and branch out greatly. From each axil on the stem a new shoot will form, producing new axillary nodes and new shoots. The concept of what more luxuriant bush, the richer the harvest - erroneous, on the contrary. Tops, growing and increasing in number most of the time nutrients, entering the plant is pulled towards itself for growth, and the fruit receives only what remains. Stepchildren also need to be carried out correctly, because many gardeners confuse stepsons and shoots that need to be left. As a result, the plant may wither and even die. For those who are not very competent in this matter, it is better not to carry it out, but to plant tomatoes that do not need this procedure.

Which tomatoes don't need pinching?

All varieties of tomatoes are divided into 2 groups: indeterminate and determinate. The former are capable of unlimited growth of the apex, and in the latter, upon reaching a certain size, a fruit raceme is formed instead of an apical bud.

Stepchildren have the greatest negative effect on tall people late varieties. Additional stems absorb some of the nutrients that are necessary for the ripening of tomatoes on the main stem. Flowers and ovaries formed on the stepson do not have time to grow and ripen. The advantage of low-growing determinate varieties for open ground is that most of them are early ripening and the stepsons can produce another harvest.

Tomato varieties that do not require pinching

Pruning is usually only necessary for tall tomatoes. Tomatoes that do not require pinching are most often low-growing or hybrid. Such tomatoes are distinguished by their resistance to disease, unpretentiousness and high preservation of fruits.

Below is an overview of the most popular tomato varieties that are grown without removing the shoots.

It is believed that this is the earliest variety of tomatoes in existence. With proper care, the fruits are harvested already 60-65 days after planting the seeds. Small fruits (weighing about 50 grams) ripen early, often right on the bush. They have a pleasant sweetish taste. Nevsky is sown directly into the ground, covering the ridge with film. The variety is good for growing in a greenhouse. Suitable for most Russian climate zones. Resistant to rot and late blight because it ripens very early.

This variety has a telling name - the height of the bushes is only 40-55 cm. The medium-sized fruits are usually sour. The tomato is suitable for pickling and pickling, canned food, various salads and lecho, which many housewives prepare for the long winter. The variety is a hybrid, therefore it resists rot, pests and diseases, and if there is excess moisture, the fruits do not crack.

An ideal tomato for lovers of growing outdoors! Plants of this variety are very strong, resistant to late blight, rot and fungal diseases. Round fruits of rich red color have excellent taste. They are not suitable for canning and use in various lecho/salads, but they are quite suitable for eating fresh.


Low growing variety for northern regions. A real find for residents of the Urals, Karelia and other cold regions. The fruits are semicircular, medium and large in size. The bushes are low-growing, the branches are usually very thick, and the leaves are dark green. In warm regions with a favorable climate, such tomatoes are sown directly in open ground.

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Little Red Riding Hood

A real gem in any garden. A low-growing variety that does not require pinching. Powerful bushes with large leaves produce round and very fleshy tomatoes. This variety is good for using fruits for pickling, pickling, and various canned foods. The tomato is late-ripening, harvesting usually takes place at the end of July or in August.

Children's sweetness

These low-growing tomatoes also do not require pinching. This variety is considered early ripening, but is mostly cultivated in regions with mild climates. The fruits are red in color and have thick skin.

Dolka Far Eastern

This variety of low-growing tomatoes is classified as mid-season. Ripe fruits are characterized by the presence of a crimson hue, and their shape is oval. The weight of one tomato is about 300 g.


This variety is one of the non-grafting tomato varieties suitable for open ground. It reaches a height of up to 130 cm, so it is recommended to tie up this shrub in a timely manner.

El Dorado

These varieties of tomatoes are also not planted. The height of a mature shrub can be about 70 cm, but in volume it is quite compact. Its fruits are oval in shape and have a pleasant yellowish tint.


This variety should also be classified as a low-growing tomato variety that does not require pinching at all. Skorospelka's fruits ripen early. Among the advantages of this variety is resistance to various climatic factors.

Features of growing tomatoes that do not need stepson

It is clear that low-growing bushes are much easier to care for. You don’t need to constantly tie them up, learn how to trim the shoots correctly, and many varieties of tomatoes without shoots are early ripening. But in fact, even low-growing tomatoes that do not require pinching need decent treatment and care.

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First of all, always try to grow your own seedlings only from seeds from trusted companies. As practice shows, seedlings under film are much stronger than indoor ones. It should also be remembered that almost all varieties are early ripening and, whatever one may say, require partial garter. In particular, this applies to high-yielding and large-fruited varieties. As with all other varieties, prevention of pests and diseases is mandatory. Otherwise, all your work comes down to the correct watering regime and timely application of fertilizers.

The described varieties of low-growing tomatoes, which do not require pinching, are only a small part of the diversity developed through the efforts of breeders. Seeds of most of them are always on sale. Each variety has its own characteristics that should be taken into account when growing, but the common advantage of these tomatoes is the need for minimal care. It is always worth planting several varieties to be able to harvest over a long period of time, as well as store it for winter consumption.