Educational tables for children. Tables for a schoolchild's home, review of models

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There is a direct relationship between the effectiveness of a child’s learning and the convenience of his workplace. Moreover, the health of the baby’s vision and spine depends on furniture and lighting. Organize and create design working area In the children's room, our step-by-step help with a selection of 30 photo examples will help you correctly. The material will be useful to both parents of first-graders and students of junior and senior classes.

Step 1. Choose a place and plan the arrangement of furniture

First of all, you need to decide where and how it will stand desk. The workplace should be isolated from the play area, and most importantly, located near the window. Below in the photo you can see an example of zoning a children's room into study and living parts with a closet.

The ideal position of the table is when its left end faces the window, if the child is right-handed. And the right side - if you are left-handed. In this case, it is desirable that the wall is behind your back and not in front of your eyes.

Another good option is to position the workplace along the window and so that the child sits facing it. How to place two workstations in one room? Here are some options for arranging furniture:

  • Single-row layout (two tables stand side by side in one row, which can be interrupted by furniture or aisle);
  • Parallel (two tables stand opposite each other, next to each other or at a distance, the guys can sit with their faces or backs to each other);
  • L-shaped layout (one L-shaped table or two tables arranged accordingly can be used).

In the following selection of photos you can see examples of the design of children's workspaces for two children.

Step 2. Select a table

An important criterion for choosing a study table is the correct dimensions.

  • The basic principle for selecting the height of the table is as follows: the tabletop should be a couple of centimeters below chest level so that the child can easily rest his elbows on it without slouching or swinging his elbows up.

If the baby’s height is less than 120 cm, then the height of the table top should be no more than 52 cm. If the height is 120-150 cm, a table with a height of 52-61 cm is suitable. A child can start using a standard “adult” table with a height of 75 cm when he grows to 150 cm.

The ideal desk for a student is a transformable desk with adjustable height and a tabletop tilt of 15° (pictured below). You can use this “transformer” for a long time, changing the height as the child grows.

What should be the depth and length of the tabletop? The depth should be 50-60 cm. The length of a single table should be at least 60 cm for a student junior classes and 80 cm – for a teenage high school student. Accordingly, a double table for two children should have a length of 120 cm, 140 cm or 160 cm.

  • By the way, for older children you need to choose a table of such length that in addition to notebooks and textbooks, it can accommodate a laptop or, say, a printer. For example, the table can be double or simply slightly increased in length and depth, so that the laptop can be put aside during lessons. Another option is an L-shaped table, the short side of which is intended for working with a laptop/placing a printer. To place a laptop computer, it is better to buy a separate table with a retractable panel for the keyboard.

As for materials, it is better to choose a wooden or metal table for a children's work area. A table made of laminated chipboard with formaldehyde emission class E1 is also a good economical option, which will work as a temporary solution until the child grows up for an “adult” table. But from the tables with glass table top It’s better to refuse - they are too noisy, slippery, cold and seem fragile.

When choosing the design and design of a study table, it is best not to experiment and buy a standard rectangular or L-shaped desk on 4 legs with or without a back panel.

There should always be on the table:

  • Desk lamp;
  • Organizer for pens and stationery;
  • Clock to take ten-minute breaks once an hour;
  • Bookend.

And under the table you can allocate space for a trash can.

Step 6. Add a little coziness

So that the child likes it workplace, and study and creativity aroused interest, the work area in the children's room should be personalized a little. Of course, too much decor is not needed here, but in small quantities and in a neutral color scheme, some accessories will not hurt, but will only add coziness. Here are the design ideas we offer:

  • A board (wooden, cork) in a nice frame on which you can attach a lesson schedule, cards for memorizing foreign words, a multiplication table, grammar rules, etc.

  • The schedule and various reminders can be laid out on the table, and then covered with a sheet of glass (safe tempered).

Glass substrate

  • A globe that will not only help in studying geography, but will also decorate the interior.
  • Motivational inscriptions cut out of any material, written on paper/plate/poster.
  • Interior letters or numbers hung on the wall or placed on a shelf in a chaotic or orderly manner.

Interior figures

Schoolchildren of different ages I have to do various tasks at home. It will be convenient to prepare homework and do creative work if parents can properly organize a separate corner for it. The child’s academic performance, as well as his physical and emotional state, will depend on the correct arrangement of the workplace. Therefore, the home workplace must comply with existing standards and requirements.

The schoolchildren’s corner will become the child’s full-fledged possession, where he can not only prepare homework, but also relax, engage in creativity and hobbies. Depending on the baby’s preferences, it is necessary to properly organize the work space. He should be comfortable here.


must start with choice the right table. Its height, slope and dimensions must be clearly thought out. The child should not slouch while behind him. Elbows should rest freely on the table. If you are purchasing furniture for a first-grader, you can consider options such as transformers. Their height can be adjusted as the student grows older.

It is best if the table is made of wood. The material should be free of cracks, irregularities and other defects. Also bad smell coating may produce a low-quality product. Substances released into the air will negatively affect the child’s health. Therefore, if the table covering has a strong and unpleasant smell, it is better not to purchase such a product.

Depending on your hobbies and hobbies, you should select the size of the tabletop. For a seamstress, for example, you will need a fairly spacious table. Also, if you have a computer, you should purchase sufficiently large furniture.

Table shape

Available for sale today various options furniture for schoolchildren. The table can be straight or angular. The choice depends on the dimensions of the room, as well as the creative preferences of the child.

The simplest table is considered rectangular shape. If you do not intend to place a computer on it, the size of the tabletop may be small. However, a sufficient number of cabinets and shelves should be provided.

But it is better to make a workspace for sewing at home in the shape of the letter “L”. On one side of the table the cutting will be done, and on the other there will be standing sewing machine. This will allow you to do your work as conveniently as possible.

Ideally, the same configuration should also be present. computer desk. Here, on one side there will be a monitor, and on the other, you can perform homework. In this case, a retractable compartment can be provided for the keyboard. This will free up enough space in front of the monitor.

Armchair or stool

When setting up a workspace for a first-grader at home (or an older child), you should choose a chair or armchair no less carefully. The first option is practically not in demand today. A wide range of special children's chairs are presented on the school furniture market today.

When choosing a suitable specimen, many parents are guided solely by appearance products. This is fundamentally wrong. Ergonomics should be assessed first. The back of the chair should be rigid and have a slight bend. If it is not there, you need to place a small pillow under the baby’s lower back.

It is better if the selected chair model does not have armrests. There are special orthopedic chairs. They will help maintain healthy posture for your baby. Preference should be given to models with adjustable seat and back heights. In this case, as the child grows, the chair can be adjusted correctly.

Additional furniture

It is very important for a student to properly organize the space around him. If there are a lot of unnecessary things nearby, piled up in large piles, this will not promote concentration. The student's attention will wander.

must have additional furniture. These can be various bedside tables, wall cabinets, shelves or bookcases. It all depends on the style of the interior, as well as the free space in the room.

Textbooks, notebooks, and office supplies should be at hand. The student should have easy access to them. Therefore, it is necessary to install everything additional elements furniture so that the child can simply reach the cabinet or shelf. Cabinets should not be hung high. Due to inconvenient access to their things, the child will feel discomfort. His workplace will evoke negative associations.

Additional furniture for creativity

Since a work corner is necessary not only for study, but also for creativity, all design details must be carefully thought through. For example, a work place for a seamstress at home may have various boxes, jars, decorated with lace and ribbons. You can sew compartments for storing tools. It will look original.

If parents are decorating a workspace for their son, who loves construction toys, the furniture can be decorated in the appropriate style. This will highlight the child's individuality.

For those who are passionate about music or computer games, special shelves for disks and office equipment should be provided. If there is a computer on the table, all wires must be properly hidden so that they are not conspicuous. In this case, the corner will look neat and elegant.


When considering recommendations on how to set up a workplace at home, you should pay attention Special attention lighting. It will depend on this healthy vision child. Proper natural and artificial lighting must be provided.

When choosing a place to organize a corner for a schoolchild, you should take into account the location of the window. The table should be either directly in front of the window or to the side of it. But sunlight should fall from the left side if the child is right-handed, and vice versa.

The room must have ceiling lamp, and also place a lamp on the table. Its glow should be soft but bright. Install table lamp on the left if the child writes right hand. Lefties require lighting from the right side.

It is beneficial for a child's eyes to have diffused ceiling lighting above the corner. This will help avoid eye fatigue.


To bring in general design creativity corner, to emphasize the child’s individuality, you need to pay attention to the choice of accessories. They can be very different. You should choose them together with your child, because he should like the things around him.

For example, school stationery can be placed in unusually shaped cases. Children love bunny-shaped scissor holders or hedgehog-shaped pencil holders. Paper clips can be multi-colored. Such small parts will help teach your baby order.

Organizing a workplace for a seamstress at home, a young designer, a constructor or a computer genius may also require the presence of special details. Depending on your child’s creative activity and hobbies, you can select various accessories for his workplace. Maybe it will be various elements with your favorite cartoon or TV series characters. The kid must choose for himself what accessories he will be pleased to see every day in his workplace.

Mood of the work area

The general atmosphere that should characterize the schoolchild's workplace at home should contribute to the child's concentration. Therefore, the choice color range corner, close attention is paid to the selection of accessories.

Too many bright details will distract your child, preventing him from concentrating on schoolwork. This will lead to a decrease in performance, feeling unwell child. Too grey, boring colors will also cause negative emotions in the baby. The work that a student does at his workplace will be associated with routine.

To properly decorate a schoolchild’s corner, it is necessary to choose beige as the main colors, pastel shades. Furniture can be painted in more expressive colors, but also not flashy. Accessories can be bright, but there should be few of them.

Green color in the interior

When setting up a workspace at home, you need to pay attention color scheme. One of best options Green shades are considered. There shouldn't be too many of them, but as a complement to the neutral base, this the color will suit perfect.

Green shades are considered the most familiar to the human eye. They relax the psyche, setting you up for calm. This is a breath of energy that allows you to tune in to work. If the work corner is completely decorated with this color, the student will not be able to get ready for work. Therefore, green shades are combined with light beige and brown colors of furniture and accessories. A few splashes of red will liven up such an interior.

In this case, it is allowed to use any light shades of green. They may approach blue or yellow.

Yellow shades of the interior

According to doctors, yellow is one of the preferred colors when decorating an indoor work area. However, it should not be used in its pure form. It's better if it's bright yellow colors are included in the accessories. These shades tone, stimulating human intellectual activity. Therefore, when decorating a workplace at home, yellow shades should be considered as one of the best options.

Walls and ceilings should not be painted this color. Yellow accessories or furniture would be preferable. This is a light, warm color. However, the child must first like it.

When choosing a color scheme for decorating a work corner and a place for creativity, you should first ask your child about his views on interior design issues. If he does not like the color chosen by his parents, this will irritate and depress the child. Therefore, parents should definitely consult with their child about the chosen design of his desktop.

Having considered how the workplace at home is designed, each parent will be able to properly organize the space for the child to complete school assignments, as well as for his creativity.

To make studying an exciting activity for a child, you need to take care of the design of his workplace. Properly selected furniture, successful color design, original accessories will help set your baby up for productive work. We collected 7 valuable recommendations for parents who want to turn their child’s homework into a real holiday.

The height of the work table should be such that the child does not slouch behind it, and his elbows rest freely on it. Experts recommend paying attention to transformable tables, the size and height of which can be adjusted depending on the age of the child.

It is better to choose wood as a material. It is necessary to ensure that there are no defects, various cracks, untreated parts, or glue residues on the table. If the furniture has an unpleasant smell, then this model should be left in the store.

It is also worth considering gender differences when choosing a table. Boys need more space than girls. Based on this, your daughter can buy a more compact table model, and your son can buy a model with a spacious tabletop.

Since the child spends at least several hours a day studying, the seating area should be very comfortable and ergonomic. The back of such a chair must be rigid with a slight bend so that the back fits snugly against it. It is advisable to choose models without armrests. The most comfortable option in this case is orthopedic chair.

It is recommended that the student’s workplace be located near the window. First of all, this allows the child to work in good natural light. Secondly, the baby can take a break from lessons and look at the sky, birds and trees. This has a beneficial effect on the student’s mood and allows him to exercise the eye muscles, which are tense while doing homework.

4. Additional lighting

Additional lighting sources should be available in any case, regardless of the location of the table. Often these are table lamps with an adjustable base. For a right-handed person it is placed on the left side of the table, and for a left-handed person on the right.

5. Storage systems

Many factors influence productivity, and a tidy desk is one of them. It is important to properly organize storage systems: put pencils in special glasses, place books on additional shelves, put notebooks in niches and drawers. It is also good to use magnetic, cork, and slate boards, on which it is convenient to leave important notes and attach notes. Children often forget something, so such an item will teach him to self-organize.

6. Creative accessories

Instead of ordinary scissors or paper clips, you can choose accessories of unusual shapes or shades. Your child will enjoy putting pencils in an organizer in the shape of a funny hedgehog. And it is much more interesting to fasten sheets of the next abstract with multi-colored strong ones than with ordinary gray ones. This will teach the baby to have order, and will also instill in him a love for school.

In addition to organizing your workplace, you need to be well prepared for the study itself. For example, sharpen a lot of pencils, check the serviceability of pens, sign a stack of notebooks. They will help with this.

Should be created for the child optimal conditions for studying or working on a computer. Parents should pay special attention when choosing a table for a schoolchild for their home, because there are many types of these interior items, differing in the material of creation, appearance, size and other parameters. A student's desk must have certain characteristics to make working comfortable and safe.

There are several types of school tables, differing in purpose and design, these include the following types:

  • desk;
  • stationary;
  • computer;
  • transformer;
  • angular;
  • built-in;
  • folding;
  • for two children.
Computer Folding
For two children

Desk - these school designs are equipped with a rotating tabletop. Additionally, the angle of inclination is adjustable. This allows you to perform many different actions using this item. The table top is adjustable different ways, choosing positions to do drawing or homework, as well as play Board games. Additionally, the height of the desk can be changed in accordance with the height and other characteristics of the child using this item. The table can be used for large quantity years. The desk is small and takes up less space than a standard desk. Often a transformable desk is chosen, and its basic parameters can be changed in accordance with the growth of the child.

Stationary - this product cannot be changed, since it is not equipped with any transformation elements. The standard table is comfortable for a child. He's different high reliability and ease of use. It is almost impossible to break it. This home option is most often chosen for children in the 7th or 8th grade, when their rapid and spasmodic growth stops. The most commonly sold stationary design is with drawers or shelves, which allows you to store many study or game items on it. The product is presented in numerous sizes, colors and other parameters, which makes it possible to choose an option that fits perfectly into the children's room and will also be perfect for the immediate user.

Computer desk - it counts the best option in the event that the parents have already bought a computer for the child for study or entertainment. It is not recommended to install it on a standard table, since optimal conditions are not created when working with equipment. Computer product will provide the required distance from the monitor to the child’s eyes, which is 60 cm. The most often chosen design is in the shape of the letter G. This configuration ensures a reduction harmful radiation from the computer. It is advisable to choose fairly large tables for schoolchildren, so that the equipment on them does not take up all the space, but a certain part. The remaining space is used for effective study.

Transformer - he is presented as standard table, as is often the case, a transformable bed is chosen that takes the form of a bed and a table. This design does not take up much space and can also be used when performing a large number of different important actions. In the designs, you can adjust the basic parameters of the product, for example, the height of the table changes in accordance with the growth of the child, which creates optimal conditions for studying.

Corner desk - considered the ideal choice for a small children's room. It is installed in a corner not normally used for any purpose, without taking up important central free space. Typically, corner structures are equipped with drawers at the top and bottom. It is easy to arrange various writing utensils in them. All of them are freely accessible, so you only need to reach out to grab the item you need.

Built-in desk for a schoolchild - considered excellent choice for a small room. Often it acts as a continuation of a regular window sill. Its shape and other parameters are selected in accordance with the wishes, age and height of the child who is the direct user of the product. In this case, quality is ensured daylight during the daytime, and also does not take up much space in the room.

Folding - usually chosen for a small room where it is impossible to place a stationary structure. It is disassembled if necessary, but is usually kept assembled. It can be moved from one place to another, which makes it convenient to use such a children's one regularly. As a rule, it is chosen for a first-grader, and when the baby grows a little, he needs a more stable and reliable design.

A table for two children is chosen if 2 children live and study in the same room.

This design ensures optimal space saving. At the same time, children will not interfere with each other, and each of them will have personal space. Thus, there are many types of designs, which ensures that parents are faced with complex and specific choices.

Which one is better to choose?

Desks are available in numerous varieties. During the selection process, parents pay attention to important parameters:

  • size;
  • appearance;
  • the ability to adjust the product;
  • price.

Each parameter is significant. During the selection process, you should pay attention to all properties.

Material of manufacture

Tables intended for children are most often created from the following materials:

  • wood - it makes classic designs that fit perfectly into different interiors, and they are also environmentally friendly. However, such products are considered expensive. Parents will have to allocate significant funds for the purchase;
  • Chipboards are inexpensive, but they are created using a resin containing formaldehyde. The child will breathe in harmful substances, which is considered unacceptable, as a result of which such furniture is not recommended for children;
  • MDF - there are no harmful components and it is safe for children. The price of these products is acceptable to every parent;
  • glass - such designs are not recommended for installation in a children's room, because even if tempered glass is used in the process of creating them, children can still break the product and also be injured by the fragments.

Thus, there are many materials used in the production of tables, and photos of many types are presented below.



When choosing this product for a schoolchild, it is important to consider that it should be comfortable for him to constantly sit at it while doing homework, playing, drawing or performing other activities. When choosing a size, you should consider the following features:

  • the working surface must be deep, and this parameter cannot be less than 60 cm;
  • width not less than 100 cm;
  • Free space must be left under the table, otherwise the child’s posture may be disturbed, and its width cannot be less than 50 cm, and its depth is approximately 45 cm.

An excellent choice is a height-adjustable table that changes according to the child himself. If the baby grows a little, parents will not need to purchase a new product.

Additional items

Each selected product should have a shelf or drawers, namely, they are used to store various accessories or things necessary for study.

The following additional elements will certainly be purchased for the table:

  • chair optimal size and parameters;
  • lighting fixtures that make it possible to provide ideal conditions for study;
  • pencil case or shelves containing the necessary elements for the child that the school requires;
  • organizers;
  • plexiglass - a schedule or sheets of paper are placed behind it important information for a child.

You can also purchase other important items for children that are located on the product. The most important element is a chair, and it must have a rigid back, and it is desirable that it be adjustable. A swivel chair with soft armrests is considered optimal. It is best to purchase an orthopedic chair that creates ideal conditions for the child’s back. Problems with posture or spine will never arise.

Location rules

It is important to choose a transformer wisely for a schoolchild, as well as correctly position it in the children's room. To do this, some important factors are taken into account:

  • it is important that it receives as much natural light as possible, preferably from the side;
  • it is best to install the structure next to the window, and this is good in terms of light, and in winter the child will sit next to the radiator, which provides him with warmth and comfort while doing his homework;
  • if you have a small room, then it is best to choose a corner product, located in a certain corner of the room, taking up little space;
  • If two children live and study in a room, then it is best for them to choose a table for two, installed in such a way as to create comfort for each child.

The comfort and ease of use of the structure depends on the proper placement of the structure.

Selection rules
Table and chair height


Caring for products depends entirely on what material they are made of. In any case, it is important to regularly clean the table and shelves, wipe off dust and prevent paints, plasticine or other elements used in studies from getting on the tabletop.

Children should take care not to draw on it, and also clean it with special polishes or other cleaning agents suitable for the material from which the structure is made. After competent and optimal choice The table for the child's study provides high-quality conditions for him.


The video shows how to choose the right desk for a student.

Photo of tables for schoolchildren

The selection of photos shows table options for schoolchildren.

Today, the school curriculum is such that even the youngest students have to sit at home at the table, doing homework for several hours at a time. We are not able to change the education system, but we can help our child, arrange his work area so that his studies at the table are convenient, comfortable and interesting.

Working area by the window in the nursery: photos of design options

Very often, parents are enthusiastically engaged in arranging a children's room, while resorting to implementing a wide variety of options. These options are not always correct in relation to the baby’s health, for example, if the choice of a working area for the child falls on some dark place.

The work area by the window in the nursery, photos and videos of which you will see below, very often seduces parents. They are guided by the fact that natural light is much safer for vision.

No light bulb will provide such high-quality lighting as natural sunlight. At the same time, one must also take into account the fact that natural light is useful not only for vision, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. And the lack of daylight is especially acute for children.

The main advantages of natural light:

  • Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • Ensures the production of vitamin D in the body;
  • Maintains visual acuity;
  • Activates the body's internal, natural clock;
  • Charges with positive energy.

The location of a child's desk near the window also has a number of disadvantages that will have to be overcome. For example, the presence of radiators near the window, possible drafts, and simply the bustle of street life outside the window will distract your child from doing homework.

A desk by the window in a nursery for two children

If not one, but two schoolchildren are growing up in your home, this task is somewhat more difficult. Firstly, the question is how to arrange two desks in one room so that they look harmonious. Secondly, if this is one table, then what size should it be so that the two children can do homework together without interfering with each other.

A desk by the window in a children's room can be placed even if there are two schoolchildren in the family. Following the rules, make it at least 1.2 meters long.

In order to set up a workspace for two children by the window, you will have to make the necessary calculations and seek help from a furniture company that will help bring the right idea to life. Do not forget that along with the table, the children will need places to store school supplies. Immediately think about the presence of drawers, shelves or bedside tables at the table.

Rules that are worth considering when creating a student work area near the window:

  1. In sunny weather, you will have to use curtains or blinds to regulate the light intensity;
  2. It is better to replace the usual window sill with a tabletop, which will become a continuation of the table and expand the work area;
  3. The battery should not interfere with moving the table to the windowsill; this nuance should be taken into account when making calculations;
  4. If the table is wide enough, it will be difficult to open the window to ventilate the room.

If your children are too active and temperamental, then it is still better to organize separate work areas for them. This will avoid conflicts and improve learning productivity.

When choosing a table, chair and other accessories, in addition to the quality of these products, you simply need to take into account the age, gender, character and preferences of your child. Don’t lose sight of the influence of the color scheme of the surrounding space on the child’s psyche.

The children's desk is equipped taking into account the age of the student. A corner for preschoolers, as a rule, is a short-lived phenomenon. But the design of the school zone opposite requires a careful approach.

First of all, when choosing furniture, consider the gender of the teenager. The school area for a girl and a boy will be strikingly different from the first years of school. Over time, as the child grows rapidly, school furniture may need to be replaced, so choose it according to primary school from the middle price category.

Tips for organizing a student’s work area:

  1. Green color awakens a child's interest in learning. Therefore, when decorating your work area, focus on soft shades of this particular color.
  2. Experts advise placing a desk in the north-eastern area of ​​the room. This is where the sector of wisdom and knowledge is located.
  3. While doing homework, the child’s face should not be against the wall. This will be the personification of a dull obstacle. It is better to place the table along the window.
  4. You can move away from the template rectangular tables and purchase a desk with an original shape, design and color.
  5. Angular school desk by the window - the most good option. This will help save space and rationally place shelves and all the necessary accessories, including computer accessories, next to the table.

A design approach to the design of a school work area will help stimulate the desire to acquire new knowledge.

Convenient workplace for a schoolchild: photo of arranging a nursery

The task of parents is to competently and correctly arrange the student’s workspace. It is worth paying special attention to the quality and environmental friendliness of the selected furniture for children's office. This will help keep your child healthy.

The student’s workplace, whose photo you will see below, is designed taking into account certain rules. This approach to planning a nursery will help not to disturb the child’s posture and preserve the child’s vision.

When purchasing furniture for a child, give preference natural materials. Be careful not to let out unpleasant odors. If, nevertheless, you decide to buy a table made of plastic, it would not be superfluous to ask the seller for a certificate for this product to make sure that it is safe for children.

When choosing a desk for a schoolchild, pay attention to the correspondence of the height of the desk to the child’s height:

  • Up to 130 cm height of a child, table top height is 52 cm;
  • From 130 to 145 cm, a tabletop with a height of 58 cm will be correct;
  • If the child’s height is between 145-165 cm, the height of the table top should be 64 cm;
  • A height of 165-175 cm implies a table top height of 70 cm.

When purchasing a table for a child of primary school age, during intensive growth, a big plus will be the ability to adjust the height of the tabletop. The chair can be selected separately, but its height should also be able to change. When the child is sitting, his legs should be free on the floor.

Setting up a work area for a schoolchild near the window (video)

When a child becomes a schoolchild, childhood does not end. When designing a student's work area and following strict rules, do not overdo it. Give him the opportunity to choose the design, the wallpaper of the work area, the mischievous design of the chair and small pleasant things for general work. All this will help the child painlessly get involved in routine school duties and make the learning process bright and exciting.