Oak anemone in gardens and parks. Anemone, oak anemone

Description and places of growth of oak anemone

Oak anemone is listed in the Red Book. It has analgesic, diaphoretic, expectorant, antifungal, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effects.


The plant is self-propagating. The seeds ripen in June. The next year, young shoots grow, densely covering the ground.

Source: Depositphotos

Oak anemone blooms with single white flowers with 5-6 petals

Anemone is popularly called anemone, which translates as “daughter of the winds.” Even with a slight movement of air, the petals begin to flutter.

It has thickened horizontal roots of a cylindrical shape. They spread along the ground and grow quickly, forming dense thickets.

The stem is erect, pubescent in some species. The leaf is dissected in three places, on a short petiole.

Flowers white, sometimes with a pinkish or lilac shade outside.

Each peduncle bears one flower with oval petals up to 6 cm in diameter. The size of one inflorescence reaches 30 mm.

The fruit is an oblong achene covered with short hairs. It contains a large number of seeds

The flowering period does not last long: from late April to mid-May. When leaves grow on the trees, the anemone lies on the ground and turns yellow. In summer, not even traces of the flower remain. And the next year, at the beginning of spring, the anemone blooms again, occupying ever larger areas.

The green part of the plant contains:

  • tannins;
  • chelidonic and ascorbic acids;
  • saponins;
  • anemoneal;
  • resin.

Anemone preparations are used in folk medicine. Used for pneumonia, treatment of migraines, sexual weakness, diseases of the stomach and heart. For rheumatism and gout, compresses are made, wounds and dermatoses are washed and lotions are applied.

Pregnant, breastfeeding and people with kidney disease are contraindicated.

When treating, be careful, the plant contains not only beneficial, but also toxic substances. Harvest the stems along with flowers and leaves, and protect your hands with gloves to avoid skin irritation.

Where does it grow

Anemone can be seen in lowlands and at higher elevations, but prefers moist deciduous forests and meadows.

It grows in the west and center of the European continent, in temperate climate northern hemisphere.

They grow anemone and garden plots as a perennial ornamental plant, pleasing early flowering. The plant must have time to bloom, produce seeds and accumulate nutrients before leaves appear on the trees.

Oak anemone is a flower that is used in medicine to treat certain diseases. Its second name is anemone. This plant, listed in the Red Book, is gradually beginning to disappear in nature. And everything happens because everyone is trying to sabotage it because of its attractiveness. appearance. Indeed, the flower has a very delicate appearance and resembles a snowdrop. It sways with a slight breeze. Blooms in early spring, it is with its appearance that it begins to become warmer. And if you pick it, the root system will be damaged due to its fragility. Young anemone growing long time, and its flowering occurs only after 10 years.

The plant belongs to buttercup family. IN natural environment oak anemone grows in oak forests of Russia. Recently, oak groves have begun to be cut down, and with their reduction, the flower gradually begins to disappear. Therefore, work is underway to increase its cultivation and limit mass collection. If you see a beautiful meadow of flowers, don’t ruin them because of a momentary weakness in picking a bouquet, don’t harm nature!

Description of the plant

Anemone has a straight stem that grows up to 20 centimeters. The leaves are divided into three parts. The plant has only one flower of a whitish hue; they are less common in pinkish and lilac colors. The oak anemone has mainly six petals, its flowering occurs already in April and ends in May. Then in June a fruit is formed which has many seeds in the middle of the seed pod.

Oak anemone.

There are many varieties of anemone that are grown in garden plots. They decorate flower beds and lawns. Among them, some varieties have double and semi-double flowers. They come in purple, red and even blue colors buds. At good care Anemone begins to bloom after the third year.

Root system anemone is placed horizontally, it can grow greatly. As a result, many additional new bushes appear. If the flower is not disturbed, it can create large thickets. At the beginning of summer, the entire part that is above the ground dies off.

Anemone is very loved by bees, as the flower has a delicate aroma, so it is valuable for beekeepers.

Existing types

Today, the following types of anemones are common.

  1. Altai. Grows in Siberia. It has a lot in common with the oak forest. It begins to bloom at the end of April. The flower has many narrow petals.
  2. Blue. A very elegant, delicate flower. It grows no higher than 20 centimeters. The flowering period begins in May. It has bluish flowers up to 1.5 centimeters in diameter. They gather in inflorescences. Grows in Siberian forests.
  3. Dubravnaya. It grows up to 25 centimeters in height. Has white flowers. Grows in central Russia. It is grown in garden plots and park areas.
  4. Buttercup. Possesses yellow flowers with five petals, and grows up to 25 centimeters in height. Flowering occurs in May. Common plant Russia, which grows in city parks and forests
  5. Tender. It has a short and thickened rhizome. The plant itself is low, up to 15 centimeters. The flower is blue in color and blooms in May. The leaves consist of 5 parts. The plant is widespread in the Caucasus.
  6. Intermediate. Hybrid of buttercup and oak anemone. It is formed in places where both species accumulate. Has common characteristics. Shades of flowers range from white to yellow.

Growing a flower

Oak anemone loves shade and moisture. At home, it grows well around trees with a dense crown, as well as near houses on the north side. It needs soil that has fertile properties. In addition, it should be loose. It is best to plant the plant on the site in structured and light soil.

Anemone is winter-hardy and tolerates frost well. IN winter period the plant must be mulched; this will prevent it from freezing in the event of a snowless winter, since the root system is located too superficially. Straw or tree leaves are used as mulch. Thus, we will, as it were, repeat the natural conditions under which it grew in the forest. With the coming spring period The mulch is not removed; it will serve well as a moisture preserver.

Anemone care is practically not needed. She has enough of those useful means that are in the soil. It also does not need watering. Rains and melting snow provide it with the moisture it needs. At your request you can enter mineral fertilizing during the period of bud formation. As a result of these actions you will get very lush flowering.

Anemone propagation

It is difficult to propagate white anemone using seeds at home. This mainly happens by dividing the bush. After you dig up the plant, its root system is well divided into separate parts. They are formed every year. The division of the bush is carried out in July. During this period, not all leaves have completely died off, but the renewal bud is already well formed. And it can be painlessly separated from the main bush. When planting, the plant is not deepened too much; 5 centimeters is enough. Watering at this moment is also not necessary.

When you don’t divide the plant, well, maybe you just don’t want to do it, then after a while you will become the owner of large thickets. Oak anemone is a long-liver. It can exist up to 50 years. If the conditions for it are on your personal plot are favorable, the flower can sometimes self-sow.

Oak anemone is rarely susceptible to disease. Its main enemy will be the leaf nematode. Signs of this pest will be brown spots on the leaves. As a result, the foliage dries out and dies. When neglected, the plant itself dies. Fighting this pest is difficult and takes a long time. It often happens that you have to transplant the anemone to another place, remove severely damaged bushes, and change the soil in this place. Nematicides will be useful in the fight against leaf nematodes.

Medicinal properties

The flower contains many useful substances in its composition, these are: tannin, organic acids, alkaloids, resins, vitamin C, saponin, anemoneal. Its healing properties are great. Anemone kills various fungi in the body, has a sedative and antispasmodic effect, relieves pain, removes mucus, reducing its viscosity, kills microbes that contribute to infectious diseases, and rids the body of salt and toxins.

The plant is part of many medicines, which are used in the treatment of various skin diseases and sexual weakness. But there is one caveat. It is strictly forbidden to take any anemone-based solutions on your own. Everything should be carried out only under the strict guidance of a doctor, and with strict adherence to the dose, because the flower is poisonous. For the preparation of medicines, fresh leaves are used during flowering, less often dry leaves. Collection is carried out only in gloves, as flower juice can cause skin irritation.

    oak anemone- baltažiedė plukė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Vėdryninių šeimos dekoratyvinis, vaistinis nuodingas augalas (Anemone nemorosa), paplitęs Europoje. atitikmenys: lot. Anemone nemorosa engl. European wood anemone; wood anemone vok.… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

    Anemone oak forest- 251. Anemone nemorosa L... Flora of the Central Forest State Reserve

    ANEMONE NEMOROSA L., ANEMONOIDES NEMOROSA (L.) HOLUB)- cm. Perennial with a height of 6 to 30 cm. Leaves vegetative shoots on long petioles, thrice dissected. Stems are erect. A characteristic feature of the entire genus is a blanket consisting of dissected green leaves, brought together at the top... ... Forest herbaceous plants

    Anemone Typical crown anemone ... Wikipedia

    Anemone (Anemone), a genus of plants of the family. Ranunculaceae. Perennial herbs with basal and whorled stem leaves, rarely subshrubs. Flowers b. including solitary, regular, homogamous, with a simple petal-shaped perianth;... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    Anemone, anemone (Anemone), a genus of perennial rhizomatous herbs (occasionally subshrubs) of the Ranunculaceae family. The stems under the flowers are usually equipped with an involucre, mostly formed by three whorled leaves. Flowers are different... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Beech forest forest with a predominance of beech ... Wikipedia

    FAMILY BUTTERUTCULATE (RANUNCULACEAE)- rice. 1 brown clematis; straight clematis; wrestler tall figure 2 coptis three-leaved (and a branch with fruits); buttercup anemone; oak anemone; cornflower waterball rice. 3 black crow (and a branch with fruits); European black cohosh (and fruits);… … Forest herbaceous plants

Anemone nemorosa L.
Buttercup family - Ranunculaceae

Spreading. In the Moscow region. oak anemone is characteristic of Western and southwest its parts (1). In the territory now occupied by Moscow, in the 19th - first half of the 20th centuries. the species was recorded in Losiny Ostrov (2), Kuntsevo (3), Petrovsko-Razumovsky and Mikhalkov (4), LOD (2). In 1985-2000 it was observed in Losiny Ostrov (6, 7), Znamensky-Sadki (8), Moscow State University Park (2, 6) and GBS (2). In 2001-2010 the growth of anemone was confirmed in Losiny Ostrov (6), Znamensky-Sadki (8) and University Park (6, 8), it was noted in Novoperedelkino north of Lazenki (9), Troparevsky (10) and Fili-Kuntsevsky (11, 12) l- kah, in Sosnovka in SBL (6), on the bank of the Likhoborka river near the Oktyabrskaya railway. (13).

Number. In Losiny Ostrov in 1995 a clump of 100 vegetative and 5 generative shoots was found (6), in 1997 - 3 closely spaced groups numbering more than 200 generative shoots (7). The first population in 2002 consisted of many vegetative and 9 generative shoots, but was destroyed during windfall harvesting (6); the second in 2006 numbered more than 1,100 copies. in 10-15 compact spots with a total area of ​​6-7 sq.m., i.e. its numbers are increasing (6). North of Lazionki in 2003-2004. Several spots with a total number of more than 100 flowering specimens were found in 2 points. (9), in Troparevsky Lake in 2004 - several clumps with dozens of flowering specimens. at the 1st point (10), in Sosnovka in 2005 - approximately 700 flowering specimens, forming 15 spots with a total area of ​​about 10 sq.m (6), on the Likhoborka River - 2 small compact groups of several specimens each. (13).

Features of growth. Herbaceous perennial with creeping branched rhizome. Spring ephemeroid. IN natural conditions blooms no earlier than in the 10th year of life. Pollinated by insects. Reproduction is by seed and vegetative. Light- and moisture-loving forest species. In the Moscow region. confined to spruce forests and forests with spruce, less common in oak and alder forests (14), grows en masse on landslide terraces in the upper reaches of the Moscow River (6). In Moscow, found in snytev and zelenchuk linden forests with oak and birch (6), at the border of linden and damp birch forests with spruce (8), in gray alder forests (9), willow forests on the site of vegetable gardens, aspen forests (13), found in large numbers in landslide areas terraces of the Moscow River, but more often grows on flat watersheds. In most locations, it is certainly planted by humans, but in natural habitats the species has become naturalized over many years. The population may have a natural origin in Sosnovka on the steep slope of the Moscow River valley (6).

Negative factors. Rarity of the species in the near Moscow region. A small area within the city is favored by damp spruce and spruce-broad-leaved forests, as well as riverine gray alder forests, landslide slopes and pseudo-terraces. Collection of plants. Long life cycle, because of which new plants do not have time to grow to replace the destroyed ones.

Security measures taken. On the territory of Moscow, the wood anemone has been subject to special protection since 1984. In 2001, the species was listed in KR 1. The main places of its growth are located in protected areas - in the Losiny Ostrov NP, Bitsevsky Forest and Moskvoretsky P-IP, LZ "Troparyovsky". It is planned to create the Peredelkino conservatory and the Likhoborka ecological park. Regularly informing Muscovites through the media about the ban on gathering on the territory of Moscow wild plants and trade in them.

Changing the state of a view. During the revision period, 1 population of oak anemone was lost in Losiny Ostrov, the number of the 2nd increased significantly. Five previously unknown places of its growth have been identified. The species is not threatened with extinction at this stage; its CR changes from 1 to 2.

Necessary measures to preserve the species. Creation of the Peredelkino conservatory and the Likhoborka ecological park. Identification of the species' habitat in Losiny Ostrov in the ZU. Restoration of the species in places of its supposed former natural growth on the landslide pseudo-terraces of the Fili-Kuntsevsky ravine and under the slope in Troitse-Lykovo. Monitoring of the species in all its locations. Strengthening educational work among the population and promoting the inadmissibility of collecting and trading wild plants.

Information sources. 1. Red Book of the Moscow Region, 1998, 2008. 2. GBS Herbarium. 3. Herbarium of the Moscow Agricultural Academy. 4. Kaufman, 1889. 5. Introduction. ., 1979. 6. Authors' data. 7. Morozova, Samoilov, 1998. 8. B.L. Samoilov, G.V. Morozova, l.s. 9. V.I. Pakhomov, l.s. 10. T.A. Kiseleva, l.s. 11. K.E.Mikhailov, l.s. 12. G.A.Polyakova, l.s. 13. N.Yu.Stepanova, l.s. 14. Starostenkova, 1976. Authors: L.A. Deistfeldt, Yu.A. Nasimovich

The oak anemone or oak anemone is not only the first herald of spring, but also medicinal plant. Previously, this fragile flower grew only in oak forests, but already in the 16th century it was used as an ornamental plant to decorate flower beds, borders and alpine slides. It is grown not only as a garden decoration, but also for cutting, for bouquets. Also this amazing and delicate flower has proven itself very well in landscape design.

What is a flower?

The flowering of anemone lasts from April to May, in the second half of spring. It also depends on the place of growth. It is during this period that the plant is collected for medicinal purposes. When collected medicinal plant you need to be careful to protect the skin of your hands with gloves, since when in contact with plants, in places of contact with it, many may experience irritation on the skin.

The flower has six petals, which vary in diameter: small ones from 20, and large specimens are up to 30 millimeters in diameter. The petals of the flowers are oval in shape, with white, pale pink and occasionally lilac colors. The stem is erect, slightly drooping, reaching a height of 15-25 centimeters. The leaves of the plant vaguely resemble hemp leaves; each leaf is divided into three parts. The root system is located horizontally, it grows very rapidly, which allows you to create entire bushy thickets. After flowering, small seeds appear inside the flowers; they will ripen until the end of June. In untouched oak groves, the plant lives up to 50 years; it grows through the root system and seeds, forming entire groups of picturesque thickets.

What names does the flower have?

Many people don’t know, but the anemone in Latin is Anémone nemorósa, which literally means “daughter of the winds.” This is the name that corresponds to the plant; its thin stem, on which the flower is located, begins to sway from a small breeze, which makes it even more tender. Many people do not know the delicate flower; many names have appeared among the people:

  • It is called buttercup because it belongs to the buttercup family and contains a substance called animanin.
  • Freckles, she was given this name not only because it is the most early flower, it was also described in the book “Healing Herbs”.
  • Kuroslep, the plant received this name because of its toxic effects.
  • Canopelka, the cheerful name corresponds to the shape of the leaves, which are somewhat similar to hemp.
  • Snowdrop, as it is sometimes called, because this flower is the harbinger of spring.

Read also: Anemones – delicate colors in the garden

There is also a legend about the flower. Adam and Eve, leaving paradise, walked showered with snow flakes. Eva was cold and desperate, she burst into tears. God felt sorry for her and, in order to somehow console her, he created flowers from falling snow flakes, and this was the anemone.

Why was the flower included in the Red Book?

The very name of the flower, Anemone oak, speaks of one of the reasons for its decline. It mainly grows where oak forests are located, but the oak groves began to decrease due to deforestation, and along with the trees, the flower began to disappear.
The second reason for the disappearance of the flower is that people love flowers, especially the harbingers of spring. They pick them, but due to the fact that the plant is fragile, it is pulled out from the ground, with its entire root system.

It is important to know: before you pick a flower, think about it and know that young plant will be able to bloom only after 5-6 years.

Because people so mercilessly pluck this first, delicate flower of spring, it has become rare. That is why the oak anemone is protected by the state and is listed in the Red Book.

What planting site and soil should I choose for the flower?

Before planting a plant, you need to carefully select a place for planting it and first prepare the soil. The area should be spacious and shaded, it should be protected from drafts. You also need to take into account the fact that the flower does not tolerate drafts well, but also heat. In order to plant anemone, you need to choose well-drained and loose soil. In addition, the soil must also be fertile, then the flowers will be very large and the plant will look gorgeous. For landing ideal option there will be deciduous soil with peat, but it can also be improved by adding sand to it. Anemones also do not like highly acidic soils; this can be neutralized by adding wood ash to the soil.

How to grow oak anemone from seeds?

For those who want to grow flowers from seeds, you need to know that oak anemone has a low seed germination rate, it ranges from 5 to 25 percent, and only freshly collected seeds need to be sown.

Read also: Cultivation and use of Lychnis chalcedony

Simplified methods of reproduction

In order to avoid the painstaking method of growing a plant from seeds, which is very time-consuming, you can use the two plant propagation options below.

Propagation by cuttings of rhizomes

This method is the most the best option To propagate the plant, anemone can be easily propagated by cuttings of rhizomes. Already in July - August aboveground part the plant will die, but it will have a rhizome, which, when dug up, falls into pieces along with renewal buds and adventitious roots. To plant, you need to place the rhizome at a depth of 8-9 centimeters, and after planting, you need to sprinkle the roots with light soil and maintain moisture.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Anemone reproduces very well by dividing the bush with offspring. To do this, in August the bush is divided into parts using a sharp knife, on each of which at least 2 renewal buds should remain. Then the rhizome is planted in the ground; when planting, the root collar should remain at soil level. The plant will take root very easily in a new place, but after planting it will need regular watering.

What kind of care does this marvelous flower require?

If you select right place for planting and planting the oak anemone in nutritious soil, then it will require almost no care.

What healing properties does it have?

Oak anemone is highly valued in folk medicine because of its huge content of vitamin C, anemone, tannin, organic acids and other healing substances. It is used:

  • in the treatment of fungal diseases, as it destroys all fungal formations;
  • used as a sedative and antispasmodic;
  • as an analgesic, the plant weakens and relieves all pain symptoms;
  • used as an expectorant, the plant helps to quickly remove all mucus from the body;
  • used as a bactericidal agent. Plants kill various infectious pathogens;
  • the plant has the ability to remove not only toxins, but also salts from the body.