DIY hydrogen gas generator drawings. How to make a hydrogen generator for your home with your own hands: practical tips for manufacturing and installation

Hydrogen is practically perfect view fuel, but the problem is that it is found on our planet only in the form of compounds with other chemical elements. The share of “pure” substance in the atmosphere is no more than 0.00005%. Given these realities, the issue of a hydrogen generator becomes relevant. Let's consider the operating principle of such a device, its design features, scope of application and the possibility of self-production.

Description and principle of operation of a hydrogen generator

There are several methods for extracting hydrogen from other substances; we list the most common:

  1. Electrolysis, this technique is the simplest and can be implemented at home. A constant solution is passed through an aqueous solution containing salt. electricity, under its influence a reaction occurs that can be described by the following equation: 2NaCl + 2H 2 O → 2NaOH + Cl 2 + H 2 . IN in this case the example is given for a solution of ordinary kitchen salt, which is not the best option, since the released chlorine is a toxic substance. Note that the hydrogen obtained by this method is the purest (about 99.9%).
  2. By passing water vapor over coal coke heated to a temperature of 1000 ° C, under such conditions the following reaction occurs: H 2 O + C ⇔ CO + H 2.
  3. Extraction from methane by steam conversion ( necessary condition for the reaction - temperature 1000°C): CH 4 + H 2 O ⇔ CO + 3H 2. The second option is methane oxidation: 2CH 4 + O 2 ⇔ 2CO + 4H 2.
  4. During the cracking (petroleum refining) process, hydrogen is released as a by-product. Note that in our country it is still practiced to burn this substance at some oil refineries due to the lack of necessary equipment or sufficient demand.

Of the listed options, the last one is the least expensive, and the first one is the most accessible; it is the one that forms the basis of most hydrogen generators, including household ones. Their principle of operation is that in the process of passing current through a solution, the positive electrode attracts negative ions, and the electrode with the opposite charge attracts positive ones, resulting in the splitting of the substance.

Design features and design of the hydrogen generator

While there are practically no problems with producing hydrogen now, its transportation and storage still remains an urgent task. The molecules of this substance are so small that they can even penetrate metal, which poses a certain safety risk. Absorbed storage is not yet highly profitable. Therefore, most best option– generation of hydrogen immediately before its use in the production cycle.

For this purpose, industrial plants for generating hydrogen are manufactured. As a rule, these are membrane-type electrolyzers. The simplified design of such a device and the principle of operation are given below.


  • A – tube for removing chlorine (Cl 2).
  • B – hydrogen removal (H 2).
  • C is the anode on which the following reaction occurs: 2CL – →CL 2 + 2e – .
  • D is the cathode, the reaction on it can be described by the following equation: 2H 2 O + 2e – →H 2 + OH – .
  • E – solution of water and sodium chloride (H 2 O & NaCl).
  • F – membrane;
  • G – saturated solution of sodium chloride and the formation of caustic soda (NaOH).
  • H – removal of brine and diluted caustic soda.
  • I – input of saturated brine.
  • J – cover.

The design of household generators is much simpler, since most of them do not produce pure hydrogen, but produce Brown's gas. This is the name given to a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen. This option is the most practical; it does not require separating hydrogen and oxygen; the design can be significantly simplified, and therefore cheaper. In addition, the resulting gas is burned as it is produced. Storing and accumulating it at home is not only problematic, but also unsafe.


  • a – tube for venting Brown’s gas;
  • b – water supply inlet manifold;
  • c – sealed housing;
  • d – block of electrode plates (anodes and cathodes), with insulators installed between them;
  • e – water;
  • f – water level sensor (connected to the control unit);
  • g – water separation filter;
  • h – power supply supplied to the electrodes;
  • i – pressure sensor (sends a signal to the control unit when the threshold level is reached);
  • j – safety valve;
  • k – gas outlet from the safety valve.

A characteristic feature of such devices is the use of electrode blocks, since separation of hydrogen and oxygen is not required. This allows the generators to be quite compact.

Applications of hydrogen generator

Due to the problems associated with the transportation and storage of hydrogen, such devices are in demand in industries where the presence of this gas is required by the technological cycle. Let's list the main directions:

  1. Production related to the synthesis of hydrogen chloride.
  2. Production of fuel for rocket engines.
  3. Creation of fertilizers.
  4. Production of hydrogen nitride (ammonia).
  5. Synthesis of nitric acid.
  6. IN Food Industry(for obtaining solid fats from vegetable oils).
  7. Metal processing (welding and cutting).
  8. Metal recovery.
  9. Synthesis of methyl alcohol
  10. Production of hydrochloric acid.

Despite the fact that the production of hydrogen during oil refining is cheaper than its production through electrolysis, as mentioned above, difficulties arise with gas transportation. Build dangerous chemical production, directly next to oil refineries, the environmental situation does not always allow. In addition, hydrogen produced by electrolysis is much cleaner than that produced by cracking oil. In this regard, industrial hydrogen generators are always in high demand.

Household use

There are also uses for hydrogen in everyday life. First of all, these are autonomous heating systems. But here are some peculiarities. Pure hydrogen production plants are much more expensive than Brown gas generators; the latter can even be assembled yourself. But when organizing home heating, it is necessary to take into account that the combustion temperature of Brown gas is much higher than that of methane, so you will need a special boiler, which is somewhat more expensive than a regular one.

On the Internet you can find many articles in which it is written that ordinary boilers can be used for detonating gas, but this is strictly forbidden. At best, they will quickly fail, and at worst, they can cause sad or even tragic consequences. Special designs with a more heat-resistant nozzle are available for Brown's mixture.

It should be noted that profitability heating systems based on hydrogen generators is highly questionable due to low efficiency. In such systems there are double losses, firstly, during the gas generation process, and secondly, when heating water in the boiler. It is cheaper to immediately heat water in an electric boiler for heating.

An equally controversial implementation for household use, in which gasoline is enriched with Brown gas in the fuel system of a car engine in order to save money.


  • a – NHO generator (accepted designation for Brown’s gas);
  • b – gas outlet to the drying chamber;
  • c – compartment for removing water vapor;
  • d – return of condensate to the generator;
  • e – supply of dried gas to air filter fuel system;
  • f – car engine;
  • g – connection to the battery and electric generator.

It should be noted that in some cases such a system even works (if it is assembled correctly). But you won’t find exact parameters, power gain coefficient, or savings percentage. These data are highly blurred and their reliability is questionable. Again, the question is not clear how much the engine life will decrease.

But demand creates supply; on the Internet you can find detailed drawings of such devices and instructions for connecting them. There are also ready-made models made in the Land of the Rising Sun.

Making a simple hydrogen generator with your own hands step by step

We'll tell you how to do it homemade generator to obtain a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen (HHO). Its power is not enough to heat a house, but for gas burner for cutting metal, the amount of gas produced will be sufficient.

Rice. 8. Gas burner diagram


  • a – burner nozzle;
  • b – tubes;
  • c – water seals;
  • d – water;
  • e – electrodes;
  • f – sealed housing.

First of all, we make an electrolyzer; for this we need a sealed container and electrodes. As the latter, we use steel plates (their size is chosen arbitrarily, depending on the desired performance), attached to a dielectric base. We connect all the plates of each electrode to each other.

When the electrodes are ready, they must be secured in the container so that the connection points for the power wires are above the expected water level. The wires from the electrodes go to a 12-volt power supply or car battery.

We make a hole in the lid of the container for the gas outlet tube. Conventional water seals can be used glass jars capacity 1 liter. We fill them 2/3 with water and connect them to the electrolyzer and burner, as shown in Figure 8.

It is better to take a ready-made burner, since not every material can withstand the combustion temperature of Brown gas. We connect it to the output of the last water valve.

We fill the electrolyzer with water to which ordinary kitchen salt has been added.

Apply voltage to the electrodes and check the operation of the device.

A hydrogen generator (electrolyzer) is a device that uses light from two processes: physical and chemical.

During operation, under the influence of electric current, water decomposes into oxygen and hydrogen. This process is called electrolysis. The electrolyzer is quite popular among the most known species hydrogen generators.

How the device works

The electrolyzer consists of several metal plates immersed in a sealed container with distilled water.

The housing itself has terminals to connect the power source and there is a sleeve through which gas is discharged.

The operation of the device can be described as follows: an electric current is passed through distilled water between plates with different fields (one has the anode, the other has the cathode), splits it into oxygen and hydrogen.

Depending on the area of ​​the plates, the electric current has its strength; if the area is large, then a lot of current passes through the water and more gas is released. The connection diagram of the plates is alternate, first plus, then minus, and so on.

It is recommended to make electrodes from of stainless steel, which does not react with water during the electrolysis process. The main thing is to find stainless steel High Quality. It is better to make the distance between the electrodes small, but so that gas bubbles can easily move between them. It is better to make fasteners from the same metal as the electrodes.

Take into account: Due to the fact that the manufacturing technology is associated with gas, in order to avoid the formation of a spark, it is necessary to make a tight fit of all parts.

In the embodiment under consideration, the device includes 16 plates, they are located within 1 mm of each other.

Due to the fact that the plates have a fairly large surface area and thickness, it will be possible to pass high currents through such a device, but the metal will not heat up. If you measure the capacitance of the electrodes in air, it will be 1nF; this set uses up to 25A in plain tap water.

To assemble a hydrogen generator with your own hands, you can use a food container, since its plastic is heat-resistant. Then you need to lower the electrodes into the container to collect gas with hermetically insulated connectors, a lid and other connections.

If you use a metal container, to avoid short circuit, the electrodes are attached to plastic. Two connectors are installed on both sides of copper and brass fittings (fitting - mount, assemble) to extract gas. Contact connectors and fittings must be firmly secured using silicone sealant.

Compliance with safety measures

The electrolyzer is a high-risk device.

Therefore, during its manufacture, installation and operation, it is imperative to observe both general and special safety measures.

Special measures include the following:

  • the concentration of the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen should be controlled in order to prevent an explosion;
  • if the liquid level is not visible in the inspection window of the hydrogen generator, then it cannot be used;
  • When performing repairs, you need to make sure that there is no hydrogen at the end point of the system;
  • the use of open fire, electric heating devices and portable lamps with a voltage of more than 12 volts near the electrolyzer is contraindicated;
  • When working with electrolyte, you should protect yourself by using protective equipment (overall clothing, gloves and goggles).

Qualified craftsmen believe that making homemade hydrogen generators for cars at home is a risky endeavor.

They explain this by the fact that an electrolyzer for a car has a complex and unsafe system of devices.

The manufacture of such units requires the use of special materials and reagents.

Note: In the case of self-installation of an electrolyzer that was made by yourself, it is recommended to strictly exclude the possibility of gas entering the combustion chamber when the engine is turned off. When the engine is turned off, the hydrogen generator must automatically disconnect from the vehicle's electrical power supply.

If you still decide to make a car hydrolyzer yourself, you should definitely equip it with a bubbler - this is a special water valve. Using it will significantly increase safety when driving a car.

Heating the house with Brown gas

Hydrogen is the most common chemical element, so it is economically profitable to use it.

For many owners of houses and cottages, the question often arises of how to obtain “clean” and cheap energy for household needs. The answer can be found in innovations such as a water generator for home heating.

Scientists, thanks to their developments, have allowed many to use such a device to produce gas. The installation is capable of generating hydrogen (Brown gas) and this gas will be used to generate energy.

This compound can be represented by a chemical formula like hho. This gas can be obtained from water using the electrolysis method. There are many examples in life when people want to heat their home with oxyhydrogen. But in order for this type of fuel to gain popularity, you must first learn how to produce it (Brown’s gas) in domestic conditions.

No technology yet hydrogen heating private home, which would be quite reliable.

Watch the video in which an experienced user explains how to make a hydrogen generator with your own hands:

In modern society there is an opinion that the most affordable fuel is natural gas. In fact, there is an alternative to it - hydrogen. It can be obtained by splitting water. Moreover, this type of fuel will be free, if you do not take into account the fact that you will have to assemble a hydrogen generator, the components of which must be purchased.

Theoretical basis

Hydrogen is a very light gaseous substance. It has high chemical activity. When oxidized, it gives a large amount of thermal energy and at the same time forms water.

Hydrogen has the following properties:

It is worth noting that hydrogen and oxygen combine very easily, but separating them is not easy. To do this, you will have to use electricity to start a complex chemical reaction.

The simplest gas generator for hydrogen production is a container with liquid, inside of which there are two plates connected to electrical network. Because water is a good conductor, the electrodes come into contact with low resistance. When electricity passes through the plates, a chemical reaction occurs, accompanied by the appearance of hydrogen.

Hydrogen. Educational film for schoolchildren in chemistry

It is best to assemble a device for receiving, which is called classic. Here the electrolyzer consists of several cells. Each of them contains contact plates. The productivity of the installation is determined by the surface area of ​​the electrodes.

Cells should be placed in a well-insulated housing with pre-connected pipes for water supply and hydrogen removal. In addition, the container must have a connector for connecting electrical energy.

You will also need to install a water seal and check valve. These will prevent Brown's gas from flowing back into the tank. Using this method, you can assemble a hydrolyzer for heating both a house and a car.

It is possible to assemble a hydrogen electric generator for your home, but it is difficult to call it a cost-effective idea. The fact is that to obtain sufficient volumes of gas you will have to use a powerful electrical installation. It will consume a lot of expensive energy. However, this does not stop enthusiasts.

To assemble an electrolyzer for producing hydrogen with your own hands at home, you will need a specialized tool. For example, you can’t do without an oscilloscope and a frequency meter.

Armed with the drawings, the first step is to assemble the hydrolyzer cell. Its width and length should be slightly smaller than the dimensions of the body. Height - no more than 2/3 of the main container.

The cell is usually made of thick textolite using epoxy glue. During assembly, the lower part of the housing remains open.

Holes are drilled on the top side of the container. The shanks of the electrodes are brought out through them. You will also need 2 additional holes. The first one is quite small for a liquid level sensor. The second with a diameter of 15 mm for the fitting. The latter should be secured mechanically. All holes for the plates after installing the latter are filled epoxy resin. The module is placed inside the housing and is thoroughly sealed with the same epoxy resin.

Before installing the cells, the water generator housing should be prepared:

After loading the fuel cells, connecting the power, connecting the fitting to the receiver and installing the cover on the housing, the generator assembly can be considered complete. All that remains is to fill the container with liquid and connect additional modules.

Assembling an oxygen generator with your own hands is half the battle. You need to connect additional devices to it, without which it will not work. For example, a liquid level sensor must be connected to a pump to supply water through a controller. The latter monitors the sensor signals and, if necessary, starts the supply of liquid inside the fuel cells.

You cannot do without a device that allows you to regulate the frequency of the current at the terminals of the NNO generator. In addition, all electrical parts must have overload protection. A voltage stabilizer is usually used for this.

How to make a DIY hydrogen generator

As for the hydrogen oxyhydrogen collector, it is simplest option is a tube on which are attached: shut-off valves, check valve and pressure gauge.

In theory, gas from the collector can be immediately pumped into the furnace of the heating system. In practice this is not possible because hydrogen generates too much heat. Therefore, before use, it is mixed with other fuel.

It is not so difficult to assemble such a device with your own hands. Drawings will help with this step by step instructions. You will also need to prepare necessary materials: a plastic container or a housing from an old battery, a tube at least a meter long, mounting bolts and nuts, sealant, a stainless steel sheet, several fittings, filters and a check valve.

Manufacturing process of a hydrogen generator for a car as follows:

The simplest hydrolyzer for a car is ready. But before installing vehicle need to check it. To do this, the device is filled with water to the level of the fastening bolts on the plates. A polyethylene hose is connected to the fitting. Its free end is lowered into a previously prepared container with liquid.

After applying energy to the electrodes, the surface of the water in the second container should be covered with gas bubbles. If this happens, the generator is ready for operation. All that remains is to replace the liquid in it with an alkaline electrolyte to increase the volume of gas produced.

It should be understood that a homemade hydrogen generator is not a replacement for traditional fuel. It is installed on cars mainly to save gasoline. It can reach 50%. In addition, when using HHO, harmful emissions are reduced, service life is increased, and temperature is reduced power unit. And all this with a noticeable increase in engine power. Everyone's favorite stainless steel is an affordable but short-lived solution. The fuel cells on them will fail quite quickly.

Also, when assembling the hydrolyzer, the installation dimensions must be observed. To obtain them, you need to make complex calculations taking into account water quality, required power at the exit, etc.

When manufacturing a device, even the cross-section of the wires through which current is supplied to the electrodes is important. This is not about the performance of the generator, but about the safety of its operation, but this important nuance needs to be taken into account.

The main problem of such devices- large expenditures of electricity to produce hydrogen oxide. They exceed the energy that can be obtained from burning such fuel.

Due to the low efficiency, the price of a hydrogen installation for a home makes the production of this gas and its subsequent use for heating unprofitable. Instead of wasting electricity, it is easier to install any electric boiler. It will be more effective.

Concerning road transport, then the picture here is not much different. Yes, you can make a hydrolyzer to save fuel, but this reduces safety and reliability.

The only place where hydrogen can be effectively used as a fuel is gas welding. Hydrogen devices weigh less, they are more compact than oxygen cylinders, but are much more efficient. In addition, the cost of obtaining the mixture does not play any role here.


HYDROGEN Generator (Instructions + Schemes)

Read more How to make a HYDROGEN GENERATOR at home (Instructions + Schemes)

The constant rise in energy prices stimulates the search for more efficient and cheaper types of fuel, including at the household level. Most of all craftsmen - enthusiasts of creating Generators Free Energy at home attracts hydrogen, whose calorific value three times higher than methane (38.8 kW versus 13.8 per 1 kg of substance). The method of extraction at home seems to be known - splitting water by electrolysis. But there are other ways that are cheaper and simpler - high-frequency electrolysis...

To begin with, I suggest you watch a short video that gives you an understanding of WHY such developments (of which there are already a great many!) have never found their application in our everyday life:

The article has 2 goals:

  • analyze the question of how to make a hydrogen generator at minimal cost;
  • Consider the possibility of using the installation for heating a private home, refueling a car, and as a welding machine.
  • Brief theoretical part
  • Creation of a prototype
  • About the Meyer hydrogen cell
  • Plate reactor
  • Conclusion

Brief theoretical part

Hydrogen, also known as hydrogen, the first element of the periodic table, is the lightest gaseous substance with high chemical activity. During oxidation (that is, combustion), it releases a huge amount of heat, forming ordinary water. Let us characterize the properties of the element, formatting them in the form of theses:

For reference. Scientists who first separated the water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen called the mixture an explosive gas due to its tendency to explode. Subsequently, it received the name Brown's gas (after the name of the inventor) and began to be designated by the hypothetical formula NHO.

Previously, airship cylinders were filled with hydrogen, which often exploded

From the above, the following conclusion suggests itself: 2 hydrogen atoms easily combine with 1 oxygen atom, but they part very reluctantly. The chemical oxidation reaction proceeds with the direct release of thermal energy in accordance with the formula:

2H 2 + O 2 → 2H 2 O + Q (energy)

Here lies important point, which will be useful to us in further debriefing: hydrogen reacts spontaneously from combustion, and heat is released directly. To split a water molecule, energy will have to be expended:

2H 2 O → 2H 2 + O 2 - Q

This is the formula for an electrolytic reaction that characterizes the process of splitting water by supplying electricity. How to implement this in practice and make a hydrogen generator with your own hands, we will consider further.

Creation of a prototype

So that you understand what you are dealing with, first we suggest collecting simple generator to produce hydrogen at minimal cost. The design of a homemade installation is shown in the diagram.

What does a primitive electrolyzer consist of:

  • reactor - a glass or plastic container with thick walls;
  • metal electrodes immersed in a reactor with water and connected to a power source;
  • the second tank plays the role of a water seal;
  • tubes for removing HHO gas.

Important point. Electrolytic hydrogen plant works only from direct current. Therefore, use a power adapter, car Charger or battery. An AC generator will not work.

The operating principle of the electrolyzer is as follows:

To make the generator design shown in the diagram with your own hands, you will need 2 glass bottles with wide necks and lids, medical dropper and 2 dozen self-tapping screws. The full set of materials is shown in the photo.

Special tools will require a glue gun to seal plastic lids. The manufacturing procedure is simple:

To start the hydrogen generator, pour salted water into the reactor and turn on the power source. The beginning of the reaction will be marked by the appearance of gas bubbles in both containers. Adjust the voltage to optimal value and ignite the Brown gas coming out of the IV needle.

Second important point. Too much high voltage Do not serve - the electrolyte, heated to 65 ° C or more, will begin to evaporate rapidly. Because of large quantity water vapor will not ignite the burner. For details on assembling and launching an improvised hydrogen generator, watch the video:

About the Meyer hydrogen cell

If you have made and tested the design described above, then you probably noticed from the burning of the flame at the end of the needle that the performance of the installation is extremely low. To get more detonating gas, you need to make more serious device, named after the inventor.

The principle of operation of the cell is also based on electrolysis, only the anode and cathode are made in the form of tubes inserted into one another. Voltage is supplied from the pulse generator through two resonant coils, which reduces current consumption and increases the productivity of the hydrogen generator. The electronic circuit of the device is shown in the figure:

Note. The operation of the circuit is described in detail on the resource

To make a Meyer cell you will need:

  • a cylindrical body made of plastic or plexiglass; craftsmen often use a water filter with a lid and pipes;
  • stainless steel tubes with a diameter of 15 and 20 mm, a length of 97 mm;
  • wires, insulators.

Stainless steel tubes are attached to a dielectric base, and wires connected to the generator are soldered to them. The cell consists of 9 or 11 tubes placed in a plastic or plexiglass case, as shown in the photo.

The elements are connected according to a scheme well known on the Internet, which includes an electronic unit, a Meyer cell and a water seal (technical name - bubbler). For safety reasons, the system is equipped with critical pressure and water level sensors. According to reviews from home craftsmen, such a hydrogen installation consumes a current of about 1 ampere at a voltage of 12 V and has sufficient performance, although exact figures are not available.

Schematic diagram turning on the electrolyzer

Plate reactor

A high-performance hydrogen generator capable of ensuring the operation of a gas burner is made of stainless steel plates measuring 15 x 10 cm, quantity - from 30 to 70 pieces. Holes are drilled in them for the tightening pins, and a terminal for connecting the wire is cut out in the corner.

In addition to sheet stainless steel grade 316, you will need to buy:

  • rubber 4 mm thick, resistant to alkali;
  • end plates made of plexiglass or PCB;
  • tie rods M10-14;
  • check valve for gas welding machine;
  • water filter for water seal;
  • connecting pipes made of corrugated stainless steel;
  • potassium hydroxide in powder form.

The plates must be assembled into a single block, isolated from each other with rubber gaskets with a cut out middle, as shown in the drawing. Tie the resulting reactor tightly with pins and connect it to the pipes with the electrolyte. The latter comes from a separate container equipped with a lid and shut-off valves.

Note. We tell you how to make a flow-through (dry) type electrolyzer. It is easier to manufacture a reactor with submersible plates - there is no need to install rubber gaskets, and the assembled unit is lowered into a sealed container with electrolyte.

Wet type generator circuit

The subsequent assembly of the generator producing hydrogen is carried out according to the same scheme, but with differences:

  1. A reservoir for preparing electrolyte is attached to the body of the device. The latter is a 7-15% solution of potassium hydroxide in water.
  2. Instead of water, a so-called deoxidizing agent is poured into the “bubbler” - acetone or an inorganic solvent.
  3. A check valve must be installed in front of the burner, otherwise during smooth shutdown hydrogen burner the backlash will rupture the hoses and the bubbler.

To power the reactor, the easiest way is to use a welding inverter, electronic circuits no need to collect. How a homemade Brown gas generator works is explained by a home craftsman in his video:

Is it profitable to produce hydrogen at home?

The answer to this question depends on the scope of application of the oxygen-hydrogen mixture. All published by various Internet resources are designed to release HHO gas for the following purposes:

  • use hydrogen as fuel for cars;
  • smokeless combustion of hydrogen heating boilers and ovens;
  • used for gas welding work.

Let's remember what we wrote in the first section. Hydrogen is a very active element and reacts with oxygen on its own, releasing a lot of heat. When trying to split a stable water molecule, we cannot apply energy directly to the atoms. The splitting is carried out using electricity, half of which is dissipated to heat the electrodes, water, transformer windings, and so on.

Important background information. The specific heat of combustion of hydrogen is three times higher than that of methane, but by mass. If we compare them by volume, then when burning 1 m³ of hydrogen, only 3.6 kW of thermal energy will be released versus 11 kW for methane. After all, hydrogen is the lightest chemical element.

A hydrogen generator (electrolyzer) is a device that uses light from two processes: physical and chemical.

During operation, under the influence of electric current, water decomposes into oxygen and hydrogen. This process is called electrolysis. The electrolyzer is quite popular among the most famous types of hydrogen generators.

How the device works

The electrolyzer consists of several metal plates immersed in a sealed container with distilled water.

The housing itself has terminals to connect the power source and there is a sleeve through which gas is discharged.

The operation of the device can be described as follows: an electric current is passed through distilled water between plates with different fields (one has the anode, the other has the cathode), splits it into oxygen and hydrogen.

Depending on the area of ​​the plates, the electric current has its strength; if the area is large, then a lot of current passes through the water and more gas is released. The connection diagram of the plates is alternate, first plus, then minus, and so on.

It is recommended to make electrodes from stainless steel, which does not react with water during the electrolysis process. The main thing is to find high quality stainless steel. It is better to make the distance between the electrodes small, but so that gas bubbles can easily move between them. It is better to make fasteners from the same metal as the electrodes.

Take into account: Due to the fact that the manufacturing technology is associated with gas, in order to avoid the formation of a spark, it is necessary to make a tight fit of all parts.

In the embodiment under consideration, the device includes 16 plates, they are located within 1 mm of each other.

Due to the fact that the plates have a fairly large surface area and thickness, it will be possible to pass high currents through such a device, but the metal will not heat up. If you measure the capacitance of the electrodes in air, it will be 1nF; this set uses up to 25A in plain tap water.

To assemble a hydrogen generator with your own hands, you can use a food container, since its plastic is heat-resistant. Then you need to lower the electrodes into the container to collect gas with hermetically insulated connectors, a lid and other connections.

If you use a metal container, then to avoid short circuits, the electrodes are attached to plastic. Two connectors are installed on both sides of copper and brass fittings (fitting - mount, assemble) to extract gas. Contact connectors and fittings must be firmly secured using silicone sealant.

Compliance with safety measures

The electrolyzer is a high-risk device.

Therefore, during its manufacture, installation and operation, it is imperative to observe both general and special safety measures.

Special measures include the following:

  • the concentration of the mixture of hydrogen and oxygen should be controlled in order to prevent an explosion;
  • if the liquid level is not visible in the inspection window of the hydrogen generator, then it cannot be used;
  • When performing repairs, you need to make sure that there is no hydrogen at the end point of the system;
  • the use of open fire, electric heating devices and portable lamps with a voltage of more than 12 volts near the electrolyzer is contraindicated;
  • When working with electrolyte, you should protect yourself by using protective equipment (overall clothing, gloves and goggles).

Qualified craftsmen believe that making homemade hydrogen generators for cars at home is a risky endeavor.

They explain this by the fact that an electrolyzer for a car has a complex and unsafe system of devices.

The manufacture of such units requires the use of special materials and reagents.

Note: In the case of self-installation of an electrolyzer that was made by yourself, it is recommended to strictly exclude the possibility of gas entering the combustion chamber when the engine is turned off. When the engine is turned off, the hydrogen generator must automatically disconnect from the vehicle's electrical power supply.

If you still decide to make a car hydrolyzer yourself, you should definitely equip it with a bubbler - this is a special water valve. Using it will significantly increase safety when driving a car.

Heating the house with Brown gas

Hydrogen is the most common chemical element, so it is economically profitable to use it.

For many owners of houses and cottages, the question often arises of how to obtain “clean” and cheap energy for household needs. The answer can be found in innovations such as a water generator for home heating.

Scientists, thanks to their developments, have allowed many to use such a device to produce gas. The installation is capable of generating hydrogen (Brown gas) and this gas will be used to generate energy.

This compound can be represented by a chemical formula like hho. This gas can be obtained from water using the electrolysis method. There are many examples in life when people want to heat their home with oxyhydrogen. But in order for this type of fuel to gain popularity, you must first learn how to produce it (Brown’s gas) in domestic conditions.

There is not yet a technology for hydrogen heating of a private home that would be sufficiently reliable.

Watch the video in which an experienced user explains how to make a hydrogen generator with your own hands: