Which is better and cheaper – suspended or suspended ceiling? What is the difference between stretch and suspended ceilings

Make it at home major renovation using modern materials- a dream for many. But not everyone understands what exactly to choose and how they differ, for example, stretch ceiling from mounted ones. To fill this gap, we conducted a study, and it turns out that there is a significant difference. What is it?


Stretch ceiling- they are installed on so-called baguettes. First, the craftsmen fix them in place, and then use a heat gun to heat and stretch the polyvinyl chloride film. The latter, as it cools, takes the form of a dense canvas with a beautiful texture. Sometimes, instead of PVC film, other fabric-based materials are used, which are attached without the use of heat. In addition, it is necessary that the material be solid, without joints or seams. But if the ceiling area does not allow, then you can use sectional mounts alternately. The advantages of this method include: speed of installation, water resistance, ease of maintenance and absence of mold. But at the same time they take up less ceiling space, hide surface unevenness, have good sound insulation and high fire safety. Among the minuses it is worth noting that high reliability. However, in terms of design, very interesting ideas can be brought to life.

Installation of stretch ceiling

Suspended (or suspended) ceilings- here a frame structure is used as the basis for installation. And then they attach it to it various elements assemblies. There are two types of suspended ceilings: solid and slatted. The first ones are made of plasterboard, and in the second case they use rack guides. Suspended plasterboard ceilings are afraid of moisture, but there are materials that can withstand it quite successfully. There are also two main varieties: closed and open. In the first case, all elements are covered decorative design, and in the second - the frame is visible. Such ceilings take longer to install, they are heavier, but at the same time they are much more reliable than suspended ones. Although they are more expensive for installation work, suspended ceilings require leveling work surface, less varied in colors and textures, cannot always bring to life design solutions.

Installation of suspended ceiling


It was already said earlier that suspended ceilings are faster and easier to install, while suspended ceilings require preparatory work, difficult decisions and an experienced team of workers.

During installation, baguettes are used for suspended ceilings, and special frame elements are used for suspended ceilings.

Stretch ceilings are reliable protection from moisture, sometimes they can withstand the accumulation of up to one hundred liters of water. Suspended ceilings, despite modern developments, cope with this task worse.

For the manufacture of suspended ceilings, PVC or fabric materials are used, and for suspended ceilings, plasterboard is most often used.

The design genius with stretch ceilings can rejoice thanks to the variety of colors and textures. And in suspended ceilings much fewer options to implement various ideas.

In terms of reliability, stretch ceilings are inferior to suspended ceilings, all due to the design and installation features. But the cost of installing suspended ceilings is lower than that of suspended ceilings.

Conclusions website

  1. The installation speed of suspended ceilings is relatively low, while suspended ceilings require more time and labor.
  2. Stretch ceilings do not require preliminary preparation of the working surface, but suspended ceilings do.
  3. Installation of suspended ceilings is carried out using baguettes, and suspended ceilings using a special frame structure.
  4. Stretch ceilings resist moisture much better than suspended ceilings.
  5. The material of stretch ceilings is PVC, and suspended ceilings are plasterboard.
  6. With stretch ceilings it is easier to achieve the desired design, and there is practically no variety among suspended ceilings.
  7. The reliability and cost of suspended ceilings is lower than that of suspended ceilings.

Conventional whitewashing of the ceiling has been replaced by more practical and durable finishing methods, such as plasterboard and stretched fabrics. Both materials are characterized by their advantages and disadvantages, on which durability depends to one degree or another. We will try to answer the question of which ceiling is better: suspended or suspended, which is of interest to almost every buyer who is faced with such an alternative choice.

What is the difference between a suspended ceiling and a suspended ceiling? Firstly, design features. And, secondly, the installation method. Before choosing a system, you should first understand the definitions.

A suspended ceiling is a structure mounted on a frame made of metal profiles or wooden beams, covered with lightweight panel material, in our case practical and durable plasterboard.

Stretch ceiling is a polyvinyl chloride or fabric sheet attached to a baguette. The system is attached in one of the three most convenient and acceptable ways: harpoon, wedge or glazing bead.

When installing the film, the room is heated using a heat gun to 60-70°C. No heat is required to stretch the fabric.

Before you give preference to one type or another, you need to understand the complexity of their installation. To build a suspended ceiling structure you need:

  • purchase material and bring it to the work site;
  • mount a frame from ceiling guides;
  • fix the drywall sheets with self-tapping screws;
  • fill the seams with putty and apply serpyanka to prevent cracks from forming in the future;
  • prime the surface;
  • putty the base and prime it again;
  • paint the surface.

Installation of suspended ceilings includes fewer operations:

1) delivery of equipment to the work site;

2) securing the baguette;

3) heating of the canvas and its installation.

Comparative analysis

Stretch and suspended ceilings, what is the difference? Of course, in technical specifications, in accordance with which we will carry out a comparative analysis.

Availability of installation

It is almost impossible to install a suspended ceiling alone; you need an assistant to hold a rather heavy and bulky sheet of plasterboard while another partner attaches it to the frame.

The disadvantage is that the installation is quite “dusty”, so all things, furniture and other items must be taken out. But in general, installation can be carried out without the involvement of specialists.

Even one person can handle stretched fabric, if, of course, he is an expert in his field.

Thus, the ease of installation, provided that the work is carried out by specialists, and the minimum time spent on work speak in favor of this method of finishing. In this case, the structure is tensioned practically without dust and debris.

All work on assembling gypsum boards can be completed in 3-5 days, and installation of the tension system can be completed in a matter of hours. For large rooms and complex structures it will take 3-6 hours, and finishing small areas will take only 2-3 hours.

Reducing the ceiling height

The option of installing a tension system is more preferable if the apartment and the ceiling height are small. When attaching baguettes, the structure will “steal” from 3 to 7 cm in height.

When installing more complex systems with several levels or lighting scenarios, up to 10-12 cm or more can be “lost.” A single-level plasterboard structure will reduce the height by at least 10 cm.

Using more levels results in an even greater reduction in height.

Possibility of installing built-in lighting

If we compare both types, then they are almost equivalent. Hide wiring from lamps, install spotlights or lay LED strip It will be as simple as with drywall, film or fabric.

Replacement lighting fixtures carried out with ease. The only problem that may arise is access to individual elements hanging material somewhat more complicated, but the problem is solved by hidden hatches.

The championship here belongs to drywall. It is more durable and stable, but when exposed to heavy objects it is also easily damaged (cracks, crumbles, splits).

Polyvinyl chloride is absolutely not resistant to sharp and hard objects. The resulting minor damage can be repaired with patches, but, as a rule, they are very noticeable. Fabric is less susceptible compared to film.

Moisture resistance

Stretch or suspended ceiling? Of course, the first one. But there are some nuances. Only PVC film is resistant to moisture, while the fabric, despite the water-repellent treatment, cannot boast an enviable level of moisture resistance.

PVC is absolutely not afraid of moisture and water. Moreover, the polymers that make up the tension fabric make the material durable and elastic, capable of holding up to 80–100 liters of water in the event of flooding.

The resulting water bubble is safely pumped out by specialists, the canvas is dried and reinstalled.

In turn, drywall, like fabric, will not be able to protect either finishing or furniture from water. At the same time, the sheets themselves will become unusable, which means it will be necessary to replace the entire gypsum board surface or a separate section.


Hanging systems are guaranteed for 10 years, but it is worth considering that it may take redecorating. In particular, cracks may form at the joints of sheets or the paint may fade.

Vinyl and fabric can last at least 10-15 years without the need for restoration.

Temperature resistance

The temperature range for film operation is +3°-+70°C, fabric - -40°-+60°C. Plasterboard sheets can withstand any temperature changes.

That is, unheated rooms or balconies, loggias are not the most appropriate place For PVC installation ceilings.

Fire resistance

The characteristic is shared by both competitors. They do not support combustion, but will nevertheless be severely damaged in a fire.

The color and design of a plasterboard suspended ceiling can be very diverse. Mostly water-based paint is used for painting.

Construction stores, in turn, offer a huge selection of colors and textures. water-based paints, capable of satisfying the most unusual customer requests.

The shape and number of levels can be very different, it all depends on the courage and imagination of the performer, as well as the area of ​​the room.

Stretch ceiling options in terms of choice color design are truly limitless. In addition, you can add another shade to the main color.

Modern technologies and equipment allow you to apply any drawing, photograph, picture, pattern to the canvas, adding another level, thereby adding a zest. As they say, whatever your heart desires, the main thing here is not to overdo it.

Also, the texture can be glossy, matte, satin. Using gloss you can visually increase the area of ​​the room. Consequently, both suspended and tensioned structures are not inferior to each other in beauty and brevity and allow you to make the design the most unusual.

Installation cost

Now let's look at the price of the issue. It would seem that tension systems should cost more due to the ease of installation and its installation should be more expensive than constructing a structure from metal profiles and plasterboard.

In reality, everything may turn out to be completely different. By giving preference to a suspended ceiling, you only pay for the components of the structure (PVC film or fabric base, baguette) and its installation.

Finishing the surface with drywall incurs the cost of purchasing, directly, the gypsum boards themselves, metal profiles, fasteners, putty, serpyanka, as well as a primer mixture and ceiling paint.

It should be noted that an installation of this type will cost several times less if you build it yourself, rather than calling in a team of specialists. As a result, the installation costs of both structures are relatively the same; moreover, the simplest matte stretch ceiling can be cheaper than a suspended ceiling made of gypsum plasterboard. Therefore, it is impossible to say for sure which ceiling will be cheaper.

Easy to clean

Speaking about the practicality of using the types in question, it should be noted that both the suspended ceiling and the gypsum plasterboard structure painted with high-quality paint can be washed and cleaned.

Comparative analysis

The question of which ceiling is better: suspended or suspended, can be answered by a summary table compiled according to the main properties:

Characteristics Tensioner Suspension
Availability of installation It is necessary to involve specialists. It is possible to install it yourself.
Installation speed 2-6 hours depending on complexity 3-5 days
Height reduction 3-10 cm depending on the number of levels From 10 cm per tier or more
Possibility of installing backlight Yes Yes
Resistance to damage Low for film, medium for fabric High
Moisture resistance PVC – not afraid of moisture. The fabric is susceptible to getting wet. Destroyed by moisture.
Lifetime From 10 years or more 10 years with the need for cosmetic repairs
Temperature resistance The film does not tolerate negative temperatures. The fabric has excellent temperature resistance Excellent
Fire resistance Yes Yes
Aesthetic characteristics Variety of colors, shapes, configuration possibilities. Several textures (matte, glossy, satin, etc.) Possibility of constructing multi-level structures. The color depends on the chosen shade of paint. It also allows you to play with texture.
Practicality Yes Yes

Which ceiling to choose is a personal matter, but you definitely need to take into account all the pros and cons of a particular type of structure. If you have time, at least some construction skills and necessary set tools, then you can mount a good-quality suspended structure.

If you want to get a surface with excellent decorative and technical parameters, then you should trust the specialists and install a high-quality stretch ceiling.

The choice of materials for finishing the ceiling is a complex and important stage of repair. Not only the appearance, but also the service life of the decorative surface depends on it. In addition, you want the ceilings to be easy to care for. The leaders are tension structures and hanging systems. To understand whether a suspended or suspended ceiling is better, let’s compare both options in several respects.

General characteristics of suspended and suspended ceilings

The peculiarity of suspended stretch ceilings and suspended structures is due to the fact that they reliably mask engineering Communication, passing under the base base. In this case, before installation there will be no need for careful preparation or leveling of the rough ceiling, since the frame is mounted at a certain distance from the ceiling. It is enough to remove the old finish and peeling plaster and prime the surface. This will help save time during repairs.

Whitewashed or painted ceilings are simple in design. The main condition for such finishing is to obtain a flat and smooth surface. With the help of tension and suspended structures it will be possible to realize different shapes at the top of the room. As a result, it becomes possible to create complex multi-level ceilings, which opens up prospects for creating modern interior. An additional advantage is the organization of interesting lighting and the use of any devices.

Aesthetic content is another aspect for which consumers value suspended and suspended ceilings. Aesthetic properties and decorative characteristics film canvases, a variety of types of hanging systems will allow you to change the appearance of the room, make the interior soft and cozy.

Thus, both methods are equally suitable for decorating a room. But, before choosing one, you should familiarize yourself with the differences in detail.

The main differences between tensile structures and suspension systems

Stretch ceiling

Surface decorative ceiling represented by film or fabric. The canvases are stretched onto a specially mounted frame made of metal or plastic profile. Such baguettes are attached around the perimeter of the room and differ in the method of fastening the canvas:

  • harpoon;
  • wedge;
  • cam

The design of a stretch ceiling is lighter. It does not require the construction of a bulky frame that takes up a lot of space and interior space. Baguettes are installed at a distance of 4-5 cm from the base floors. This gap is sufficient to mask communications and wiring, install lighting devices, hide height differences or other defects in the rough ceiling.

Despite the simple design, suspended ceilings are also installed at several levels, with smooth or abrupt transitions. Flexible metal profiles, into which the canvas is tucked, are used to create a variety of shapes and figures.

Stretch the film after preheating the room (up to 40°C) and the canvas (up to 60°C) using a heat gun. The material becomes elastic and stretches easily. As the decorative ceiling cools, it levels out, forming a flat and smooth surface.

The fabric is assembled manually, first tucking it along the edges, then from the center into the baguettes with a spatula. To smooth out small wrinkles, the coating is heated construction hairdryer or a gun.

Suspension systems

The procedure for installing a suspended ceiling depends on what materials are used for finishing: plasterboard, fiberglass boards, plastic panels, aluminum slats, etc. It is the material that influences the choice of fasteners, the type of profile, and the type of lighting fixtures.

Measurements and preparation before installing a suspended ceiling are carried out in the same way as installing a tension structure. The main difference is the complex and bulky frame base on which finishing materials are attached.

To construct the frame, metal profiles or wooden beams are used. However, wood is not suitable for finishing wet rooms.

The frame in both cases consists of longitudinal and transverse guides mounted to the ceiling using special hangers, which are used to adjust the height of the decorative structure.

Thanks to the variety of profiles, you can create not only single-level, but also multi-tiered ceilings of round, rectangular and other shapes. Aluminum profiles They bend easily, so they are used for installing arches, semicircles, and bends.

It will not be difficult to install a suspended ceiling, despite the larger number of fasteners that make up the frame, if the markings are applied correctly. In this case, the profiles must be located in the same horizontal plane.

Stretch and suspended ceilings in comparison


Stretch ceilings are made of a special PVC film or fabric, which are attached to a frame made of metal or plastic profile mounted around the perimeter of the room. Thanks to modern technologies, high-quality coatings are produced that retain their original appearance for a long time.

Several materials are used to install suspended ceilings. The basis of the design is a frame made of metal or wooden beams, holding slats, plastic plates, cassettes. But most often sheets of plasterboard are used for cladding.

Service life and care

A plasterboard suspension system will last a long time if you periodically update the surface of the decorative ceiling - putty the seams, cracks, paint. For other types suspended ceilings Regular maintenance is required (wet cleaning, removal of dirt).

As for suspended ceilings, manufacturers provide a guarantee for them for a period of 10-12 years. However, if damaged, it is not always possible to restore the coating, and it becomes necessary to replace the canvas or structure. However, such ceilings are also not demanding to maintain. Film sheets can be wiped with a damp cloth; dust can be removed from fabric coverings using a vacuum cleaner.

Complexity and speed of installation

Ease of installation and speed of installation are the main criteria that people pay attention to when comparing two ceiling finishing options.

If we talk about stretch ceilings, they are easy and quick to install, but it is unlikely that you will be able to install them yourself. For example, to tension a PVC film sheet, you need a special tool - heat gun. Attaching a fabric panel requires skill and knowledge in this area. Errors in installation can cause the material to sag and the coating to slip out of the fasteners.

The installation of suspended structures also has its own peculiarities, but from a technological point of view, it is easier to carry out. Therefore, apartment or house owners often prefer to install a plasterboard or slatted ceiling with their own hands.

Craftsmen install a suspended ceiling in 3-4 hours, and the construction of a frame structure will take at least two working days. Moreover, the more complex the suspension system, the longer the installation will take.

Another question asked by people choosing between two options is which ceiling (suspended or suspended) will take more height from the room.

How to calculate the decorative canvas before installation.

The possibility of installing a baguette under the tension fabric close to the floor slabs will deprive the room of 3-5 cm of height. If ceiling profiles are used, the loss will be even less and will be about 1.5 cm.

A suspended ceiling made of plasterboard or a slatted structure will lower the ceilings by at least 10 cm if the system is intended to be one level. Two-tier or multi-level ceilings are mounted at a distance of 15-20 cm or even more from the base surface.

Consequently, suspended ceilings are suitable for all rooms, and suspended ceilings are suitable only for high, spacious rooms.


In this regard, both types of ceilings are equivalent. It is easy to hide the bases of lighting fixtures or an LED strip under the tension fabric or drywall. When installing spot lighting, the tension fabric is protected with special thermal rings. Therefore, if a lamp or chandelier fails, the device can be easily replaced. But getting to the faulty area covered with tension fabric or drywall will not be easy. But slatted panels or plastic plates can be easily removed from the frame, freeing access to the ceiling space.


In terms of price, a suspended ceiling is not always more expensive for a client than installing a tension structure. However, from a design point of view, there is much more potential here. Thanks to modern finishing materials you can mount flat planes, curved lines, boxes, niches, arches, etc. The price depends more on the materials. But you can save on installation costs if you do the installation yourself.

A simple single-level ceiling made of stretch fabric will be inexpensive. But again, the final price is influenced by the installation method, type of coating, design complexity, and the presence or absence of photo printing. Today, suspended ceilings are no longer as expensive as they were 5-7 years ago. This is due to the increasing demand for them.

Moisture resistance

In this regard, the leader is a stretch ceiling made of PVC film. Vinyl coating is not afraid of moisture, withstanding large volumes of water (up to 100 liters per 1 m²). Therefore, if the apartment is flooded by neighbors, you will not have to worry about other decoration of the room, furniture or interior items. The craftsmen will drain the water, dry the canvas, and then install it in its original place.

If the room has a suspended plasterboard ceiling, the finishing will have to be changed. When wet, the material loses its shape and swells. Even moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboard, which is used for covering frames in rooms with high humidity, will not save you from flooding. Rack structures are not afraid of water, like plastic panels, but they will also not protect the interior from flooding.


Film canvases are afraid subzero temperatures. Already at the zero mark on the thermometer, the coating begins to crack. Fabric sheets can withstand the range - from -50 to +50°C.

Suspension systems are resistant to sudden temperature fluctuations; they are used for finishing loggias, balconies, and open verandas.

PVC film sheets come in a variety of colors and textures (glossy, matte, satin). A glossy canvas will expand the spatial boundaries of the room, while a matte one will make the room cozy. The ceiling, which combines several textures and colors, will add unusualness to the interior. The palette of fabric coverings is much poorer, but the canvases are allowed to be painted and decorated with artistic painting.

To decorate plasterboard ceilings, different materials are used - gypsum stucco, decorative plaster, wallpaper, etc. But this work is carried out at the finishing stage.

So it's better to choose

It is impossible to give an exact answer to the question. The final decision depends on several factors: price, preferences of the owners, room parameters.

For example, stretch film sheets are used for finishing ceilings in different rooms. Including the bathroom or kitchen, since the material is not afraid of moisture. However, when heated strongly, PVC film releases toxic substances that are dangerous to humans.

Fabric sheets are made from environmentally friendly materials, but the material allows water to pass through. Therefore, it is better to avoid such ceilings in rooms with high humidity.

Suspended structures are installed in unheated rooms; they allow quick access to the ceiling space. Aluminum surfaces They will suit any room, but many are put off by the bright shine of the panels. Use drywall to decorate rooms with minimal humidity.

Video on the topic

The modern market for suspended ceilings is able to satisfy the demand of even the most demanding customers. Often, however, many of us have a question: “How are they different from each other?” This question can hardly be called idle, since the answer to it can greatly facilitate our choice. Possessing necessary information, we will be sure that we give preference to those designs whose acquisition in our case will be most appropriate.

It is worth noting that there are several differences between suspended ceilings, so when choosing one or another type and type, you must be guided by the following criteria:

  • Classification of suspended ceilings;
  • The presence or absence of seams;
  • Installation features;
  • Scope of application;
  • Manufacturer's trademark.

Classification of suspended ceilings.

You may have already guessed that the speech is in this case goes to materials used for the production of suspended ceilings. Still the most common material is polyvinyl chloride film. In everyday life, such ceilings are called “PVC stretch ceilings.”

PVC film is absolutely smooth. When choosing a tension structure, you can give preference to one of several textures - matte, satin or glossy. PVC ceilings are plastic, flexible structures that are usually installed with shrinkage, which ensures maximum tension after installation.

Also on the market there are stretch ceilings made of polyester fabric. The material is a durable synthetic fabric with a particularly complex knitting that provides the best performance characteristics impregnated with special polymer compounds. A ceiling made of fabric has only a matte surface structure.

For the production of suspended ceilings, the finest reinforced composite fiber, also impregnated with polymer compounds, is used. As in the case of fabric stretch ceilings, structures made of reinforced fiber have only a matte surface structure, which, however, in no way affects their attractiveness appearance.

The ceilings are suture and seamless.

The presence or absence of seams also determines how stretch ceilings differ from each other. Traditionally, suture ceilings are made only from PVC film, the width of which is no more than 2 meters. In seam structures, strips of PVC fabric are welded together along special technology: a seam is formed at the welding site, which is difficult to notice on matte and satin ceilings and is almost invisible on glossy structures.

Installation of suture ceilings is carried out using a heat gun, with the help of which the polyvinyl chloride fabric is heated to a temperature of +55... +60 ° C and stretched to required sizes. Despite the presence of a seam, such ceilings are exceptionally moisture resistant, as they can hold up to 100 liters of water in one square meter. In addition, such ceilings do not require any special care, but they have excellent decorative properties.

Until some time, only structures made of fabric were considered seamless ceilings, but several years ago seamless structures made of PVC film began to be installed in the homes of our compatriots. Seamless PVC ceilings have all the same advantages as ceilings with seams, but are more expensive.

As for fabric ceilings, they can withstand low temperatures, so they can be used even on closed terraces, loggias, balconies and in houses with seasonal residence. It is impossible not to mention the high strength of such ceilings.

Differences between suspended ceilings by manufacturer's brand.

As you already understand, suspended ceilings can be constructed from different materials. The most popular suspended ceilings made of PVC film are manufactured at factories in Russia, as well as in France, China and even in the UK. There are enterprises that are responsible for producing films for imported suspended ceilings - these are Malpensa, Renolit and some others.

As for fabric stretch ceilings, they are mainly manufactured in Germany and Switzerland, Italy and the UK.

There are many offers on the market from PVC film manufacturers from Taiwan or China, however, in terms of their performance qualities, such ceilings are significantly inferior to French or German canvases.

Scope of application of suspended ceilings.

Area of ​​use is another factor that determines the differences between stretch ceilings. The market offers universal ceilings that can be used not only in residential premises, but also in offices, business centers and other establishments, as well as ceilings that cannot be used in individual premises.

Thus, on the market you can find ceilings that can be installed in kitchens, bathrooms, children's rooms, loggias and balconies, and bedrooms. They are distinguished by increased performance properties, for example, greater moisture resistance, ease of maintenance (which is especially important for bathrooms, kitchens and dining rooms), as well as relative environmental friendliness and safety (which is important when installing ceilings in children's rooms or bedrooms).

Such different installation methods.

In addition to all the above differences, tension structures are also divided according to installation methods. The most popular are still single-level suspended ceilings mounted traditional way- along the perimeter of the room in which they are used. Multi-level structures, which are most often installed using special installation technologies - arches, waves, dunes, etc., are also ready to compete with them.

Using certain installation methods, you can play with appearance and design of suspended ceilings.

Now that you know, if not everything, then very, very much about stretch ceilings, their varieties, areas of application, brands and methods of fastening, your choice will be simple, and your purchase will be advisable.