Growing and propagating Japanese maple at home. Amazing eastern guest - Japanese maple

Many types of maples look very decorative in the garden, especially in the fall, when their foliage turns bright red, yellow-orange, and carmine tones. Perhaps, Japanese maples look the most impressive; they immediately attract the eye with their color and carved foliage and the intricately curved shape of the crown.

Japanese maples are the common collective name for several species of maples, which are native to the forests of Japan and Korea. These include: actually Japanese maple, fan maple(palm-shaped) and Shirasawa maple .

Acer japonicum Aconitifolium in autumn Japanese maple Aconitifolium summer color

Japanese maple (Acer japonicum) has insufficient frost resistance, and therefore it can only be grown in the south or as a tub plant. It is very beautiful, has deeply dissected graceful leaves and complex colors from green to cherry and burgundy.

Very beautiful and looks unusual in our gardens Japanese maple aconitifolia (‘Aconitifolium ‘). Its foliage, cut to the base, is green in summer and changes color to blood red in autumn.

Vine-leaved Japanese maple (‘Vitifolium’) was so named due to the shape of its leaf, it resembles a grape leaf. They are weakly dissected and end with several points. In summer this species is also green, and in autumn it takes on a crimson outfit.

Acer Japonicum Vitifolium autumn outfit

The rarest Shirasawa Maple (Acer shirasawanum)

short, height up to 1.5 meters. Shallowly dissected foliage is characterized by a large plate width. Classic varieties have yellow and orange leaves, the form ‘Aureum’ - with an original border around the edge sheet plate. The leaves of this variety remain golden all summer, and in the fall they acquire a bright orange hue. Shirasawa maple 'Aureum' is a winter-hardy shrub, reaching a height of up to 4 m. He prefers sunny place or partial shade, and loose, not too moist soils. It is so decorative that it is most often used as a tapeworm in the garden, and the small size of most varieties allows them to be grown as pot plants on a balcony or terrace.

Fan maple (Acer palmatum). To date it has been released a large number of varieties of this maple, they are all different small in size bush, exquisite form crowns and magnificent autumn foliage color.

Acer palmatum Orange Dream

Almost all Japanese maples that can be purchased from us are varietal, fan maple hybrids by origin. Actually, Japanese maples and Shirasawa maples are much less common and, as a rule, are inferior to cultivated forms of fan maple in the ability to choose different colors and forms of cultivation.

Maple Orange Dream has greenish-yellow leaves with a red edge; in autumn the foliage turns orange-red. This is a tall, fast-growing variety; within ten years it reaches a height of up to 10 meters.

Maple Shaina- this is new dwarf variety, reaching only 1.5 m in height within 10 years, with a dense, bushy crown and deeply dissected leaves. The maple tree looks especially elegant in the fall, when its leaves take on a carmine-red hue. ‘Shaina’ is excellent for planting in containers.

A new variety maple Shirazz, originating from New Zealand, takes its name from Australia's most common grape variety, Shirazz. Its deeply dissected leaves demonstrate a unique play of colors: young green leaves are bordered by a thin pale pink, sometimes blood-red stripe. And in autumn all the foliage turns bright red. The plant, reaching up to 2 meters in height at maturity, forms a beautiful branched crown.

Unusual maple Wilson's Pink Dwarf. In spring, its filigree foliage, the color of flamingo pink, attracts attention. In autumn, the leaves turn bright colors: from light orange to red. This is a slow growing tree with a dense crown, reaching a height of only 1.40 m after ten years. Wilson's Pink Dwarf Great for planting in containers.

Slow-growing maples with dissected leaves add a special charm to the garden. green(variety Dissectum) And dark red(variety Dissectum Garnet) coloring. Their finely dissected leaves turn yellowish-red and dark purple in autumn. The old ones ornamental trees with hanging shoots, the crown width is sometimes twice as large as the height. Maples with dissected leaves should not be hidden in the garden; they should be given a prominent place, for example, in a sitting area near a bench, near a stream or on the bank of a pond.

Openwork dark red ‘ Bloodgood ‘ is a tree-like shrub with a broadly spherical crown and feathery leaves, with a delightful inky-black hue of leaves and bright fruits, capable of displaying unusual dark colors even in the shade. Crown height and width up to 4 m.

Variety ‘ Beni Kawa' with light leaves and a very bright red hue of the bark.

Caring for Japanese Maples

In order to successfully grow these beauties in the garden, you need to adhere to several rules:

From my own experience I can only say one thing: the “Japanese” are more unpretentious and winter-hardy than is commonly believed, and in the right place they successfully winter even at the latitude of St. Petersburg!

Japanese maples in garden design

Japanese maples have a very wide range of uses and can decorate not only Asian-style gardens. Vigorous varieties with an umbrella-shaped crown reach a height of 4 to 5 meters at maturity, so they can be used in the garden as tapeworms. Old specimens of Japanese maple provide excellent shade on walking paths and recreation areas.

The decorative quality of maples lies in the amazing beauty of the details with the overall nobility and sophistication of silhouettes and shapes. After all, the contours of the maple, the shape of its lush crown and the graceful bends of the branches are no less filigree than the carved leaves. The lines of this plant are an impeccable example of picturesqueness, built on the harmony of naturalness and effectiveness. Japanese maples have a tiered or translucent crown, lush and lacy and almost weightless at the same time. And all the beauty of the mass of foliage only emphasizes the decorativeness of each individual leaf, divided into graceful pointed lobes.

One of the typical landscapes of the land of the rising sun is a quiet and secluded corner for relaxation under the shade of a maple tree, the beauty of which is “supported” by pillows blooming chrysanthemums. A laconic, discreet, but surprisingly picturesque duo today remains an ideal example of the selection of classic companions for the design of any garden. Ferns, Volzhanka, shady sedge and rhododendrons also look very good under Japanese maples (especially deciduous varieties, which also explode in the fall with bright fireworks of leaf transformation). Excellent companions of the Japanese maple are bamboo, funkia, azalea and other Asian garden plants. A very interesting combination would be Japanese maple with viburnum bodnantense variety ‘Dawn’ (Viburnum x bodnantense ‘Dawn’), or with Chinese dogwood (Cornus kousa var. chinensis). Under maples with a translucent crown, you can plant all not too tall and powerful ornamental perennials and herbs suitable for planting in partial shade. But you can always limit yourself to a minimalist design: decorative stone chips in the tree trunk area and balancing the crown with one or two plants or large boulders around the perimeter.

In the garden you can create fantastic and simply fabulous pictures by combining in small groups fast and slow growing varieties of maples with different autumn foliage colors. Against the background of evergreens, for example, a hedge of cherry laurel or yew, the brightness and richness of the colors is enhanced. Red-leaf maples typically turn a carmine-red hue in the fall, while green-leaf maples range from golden yellow to orange-red.

Root system Japanese maples, unlike domestic species, are weakly branched, with a small number of thin hair-like roots, so the plants planted under them receive enough water and nutrients.

Saying “Japanese maples” usually means two types of trees from the maple family, or Aceraceae. The genus name comes from the Latin word “acer”, meaning “sharp”. The leaves of most maple species have sharp edges.

Japanese maple (Acer palmatum) is a slow-growing shrub that can decorate both small and large gardens. He is miniature and tolerates haircuts well. This means that the size of the shrub can be maintained at a very modest level for many years. For gardeners southern regions lucky - in warm regions this maple grows without problems. IN middle lane palmate maple can only be grown in a container, brought in in late autumn winter Garden or other cool room.

Japanese maple (Acer japonicum) is no less capricious in relation to Russian winters. IN natural conditions This is not a large tree, but in cultivation it reaches 8-10 m in height. The branches are reddish-ashy. The bark is gray, smooth, and does not crack.

For those who are fascinated by the beauty of Japanese maples, but frightened by their fastidiousness to the Russian climate, you can recommend other scarlet beauties.

Manchurian maple (Acer mandshuricum) is native to the Far Eastern forests of Russia. The very first of the “autumn” ones is painted in bright red tones. It reaches a height of 20 m.

Red maple or swamp (Acer Rubrum) originally from Canada. Winter-hardy, reaches up to 30 m in height. The free-growing tree has an ash-gray tent-shaped crown. The foliage turns bright red with a crimson, pink tint.

Japanese maple: planting and care. Video

When many gardeners hear the word Japanese, they immediately have an association – a Japanese-style garden. Japanese garden- this is a corner where a person can isolate himself from the outside world, concentrate, find peace and tranquility. Simplicity and laconism, the ability to enjoy the form are its main principles. One of the most popular plants for creating a Japanese garden is - Japanese maple. This is a perennial deciduous plant that began to be grown in Japan. Japanese maple is different highly decorative. The rugged leaves of this tree are bright green in summer, and in autumn they acquire surprisingly bright, rich colors - burgundy, purple, pink with many shades and transitions. Once you see this magnificent sight, you will not be able to resist. And it’s completely normal that you will have a desire to purchase a seedling and grow it in your garden. But here’s the problem: this plant is not very frost-resistant (up to -17 - 20 C) and is unusual for our region, so for its successful growth you need to know how to plant and care for it correctly.

It is advisable to buy the plant in a container. This guarantees the “serviceability” of its roots, especially since in this form it can be planted from spring until late autumn.

Japanese maple Can decorate your lawn, patio or pond and look great around your home. Japanese maple also fits perfectly into a living room or entryway. Japanese maples are very popular in landscape design. They can be used in Chinese gardens, Japanese style and simply decorate the entrance to the house.

Historically, Japanese maples have become a symbol of landscape gardening art Japanese gardens. For centuries, Japanese breeders have bred amazingly beautiful Japanese maple trees, which have become synonymous with grace and perfection.

Currently, one of the most famous and sought after is the Japanese maple Acer palmatum Atropurpureum with dark purple leaves that retain their color all summer. Another interesting variety of Japanese maple is the tent-shaped maple.

Many types of Japanese maple are grown in containers and used for bonsai.

Advantages of propagation by seedlings

Japanese maples are not always seed propagation keep their quirky decorative properties mother plant. Therefore, propagation is most often carried out by cuttings, grafting and mutation in tissue cultures. There are varieties of Japanese maples that are grown only in Japan.

If a gardener wants to plant a certain type of Japanese maple, it is better to buy a seedling, since in this case he can see the properties of the tree and imagine it in adulthood. Although a seedling can also change its external characteristics as it grows.

What varieties of Japanese maples can be seen on sale, what properties they have and where they can be grown.

Growing conditions for all types of Japanese maple vary depending on the shape, color, size of the tree, and leaf configuration. Some Japanese maples love full sun, while others do well in the shade. The root system of Japanese maple is not large. Therefore, it can be planted next to other trees, not far from the house, along the alley, near fences. Japanese maples do not like excess fertilizer. They are grown in loose, moist, acidic soil pH 5.5 -6.5.

Popular varieties of Japanese maples

Japanese red maple variety Kiyohime reaches a mature height of 1.2 1.8 m. Green dissected leaves with a red border. This is a slow growing bush. Prefers shaded places. Japanese maples can withstand temperatures in winter down to -23 to -29C.

Variety Aka shigitatsu sawa has pinkish dissected leaves with green veins. Tree 2.4 -3.0 m. Prefers a sunny place or openwork shade.

Red Japanese clensorth Wilson's Pink Dwarf is a shrub 2.5 m high and 1.5 m wide. In autumn, fan leaves acquire Orange color on dark red shoots. The compact plant grows well in sun or partial shade. Japanese maples of this variety can withstand frosts of -15C.

Japanese maples are planted like any ornamental or fruit trees.

Diseases and pests of Japanese maples

Japanese maples are susceptible to fungal diseases that you need to be aware of.

Verticillium wilt: on young shoots of Japanese maple, the leaves begin to wrinkle, then the branches dry out. The disease affects young plants whose wood has not matured. Damage occurs due to fungal diseases.

If Japanese maples receive little moisture, they develop black bark mold, which causes the plant to die. The disease is caused by the fungus Cryptostroma.

Sometimes the leaves of Japanese maples are affected powdery mildew Uncinula.

Measures to combat diseases of Japanese maples

When Japanese maples are affected various diseases in the spring, when the maples are dormant before the leaves appear, it is necessary to cut out dead branches to healthy wood. It is necessary to disinfect garden tools after each cut. During the summer, periodically inspect the leaves and bark of the plant. If there are signs of disease, use various drugs to fight him. Fungal diseases are combated using preparations containing sulfur.

Several insect pests attack Japanese maples. For example, aphids, Anoplophora glabripennis and others. To control pests, use BI-58, Aktara, Fozolon, Zolon according to the instructions, horticultural oil, spraying over the leaves on both sides.

Preventive measures for healthy Japanese maple management

Japanese maples are less susceptible to disease and insect pests if they grow in a ventilated area. Excess nitrogen fertilizers contribute to the weakening of the Japanese maple and its damage by aphids. The crown is periodically thinned out for better ventilation of the tree or bush.

  • Japanese red maple
  • Japanese maple planting and care
  • Japanese maple seeds
  • Japanese maple fan
  • Japanese maple photo
  • buy Japanese maple

Leaves are perhaps the most underrated feature of plants. But it is the leaves of the Japanese maple that are the keys to the successful design of your garden.

Japanese maple (Acer japonicum) and palm maple (Acer palmatum) - highly decorative and shrubs (in cultivation) native to Japan and Korea. These two types, as well as a variety of the second -fan maple (Acer palmatum Dissectum) - createJapanese maples group. Miniature maple varieties grow well in Japan, but they can be easily grown in our climate. The most resistant is the green-leaved maple and its varieties with red leaves - "Atropurpureum" and "Bloodgood".

Japanese maples grow very slowly and usually reach several meters in height. In Japan largest tree at the age of 100 years, reaches 10 meters in height and 40 centimeters in trunk diameter. UsuallyJapanese maple And palm maple grow up to 8 m, andfan maple – no more than 2-3 m in height.

When200 years ago These plants began to be imported from Japan, which had been growing there for centuries, and European botanists were stunned by their incredible diversity. Europeans originally dubbed them Latin name - Acer polymorphum . And from this group, perhaps the Japanese maple was one of the first to be brought to our region. This type of maple has almostround leaves , most of them are up to 15 cm long and consist of 7-, 9-, 11-, 13 feather-like lobes. They are very reminiscent of a human palm. Due to the shape of the leaves, this maple has another name -hauchiwa-Kaede . Highlight four main varieties Japanese maples: - typical Japanese maple A. japonicum, in which the lobes are connected almost together and the leaf seems solid.Other maples: A. japonicum ‘Aconitifolium’, A. japonicum ‘Dissectum’, A. japonicum ‘Vitifolium’.

Japanese maplelooks very impressive duringflowering in May. His flowers red or yellow-green in color, large, up to 15 mm in diameter. But the most impressive tree is in the fall, whenleaves acquire a charming color. In direct sunlight, the leaves turn red and purple, shaded by bright orange and red. They look stunning!

The best varieties: Japanese maple Senkaki (Acer palmatum ‘Senkaki’ or ‘Sango-kaku’), MapleGarnet (Acer Palmatum ‘Garnet’, Acer palmatum var. dissectum ‘Garnet’), MapleKatsura (Acer Palmatum ‘Katsura’, Acer palmatum var. dissectum ‘Katsura’), MapleButterfly (Acer Palmatum ‘Butterfly’, Acer palmatum var. dissectum ‘Butterfly’).

Japanese maple Senkaki is an attractive and compact tree, popular variety, which lovers of Japanese maples will definitely appreciate.Tree height - up to two meters, suitable for growing in large pots and containers.Leaves lobed, the leaf usually has five lobes; in the fall the color turns orange and bright.

Japanese maple Senkaki (photo):

Maple Garnet - an incredibly beautiful maple tree, you can look at it endlessly, especially in the autumn season. Averageheight maple - four meters. The main highlight is the unusual spreading crown, as well as the color of the leaves in the autumn months, they become carmine red.

Maple Garnet (photo):

Every gardener can grow a very beautiful Japanese maple. All you have to do is choose right place for planting, and also spend a little time caring for it.

Landing.Be sure to choose the right planting location. It would be ideal for themplace sunny or partially shaded, protected from the winds. They tolerate some shade but look best when grown in full sun. Yes, these treesdo not like transfers. Once you have planted Japanese maples, they should not be replanted because it is very easy to damage their delicate roots.

Japanese maples frost resistant. Relativelysoil requirements , then they should not be planted in wet soils. Japanese maples are sensitive plants.The soil must contain a high proportion of humus and haveweak acid reaction . If the soil is sandy, then it needs to be enriched with fertile garden soil. Due to the fact that the roots of these plants grow close to the ground, the place where they are planted needs to be well leveled. This way you can createheat insulating layer , which will perform its protective function both in winter and summer. It is also necessary to cover young maple seedlingsin winter , since these plants may suffer from frost. Also, in early spring shelter will prevent too fastthe development of their kidneys.

Japanese maple perfect for . And all thanks to himcompact growth . But for the winter, plants in tubs should be moved to a frost-free room. It grows slowly and is also very picturesque. Besides thatJapanese mapleEasy to grow, it will provide you with much joy in summer and autumn with its beautiful leaves that change color with the onset of cold weather. Expect a fireworks display of fiery red, brown, yellow and orange leaves.

Care.After planting, a young maple mustneeds feeding . The first feeding is a month after planting, then feed once every four weeks. Suitablecomplex fertilizers and compost. After winter period Necessarilyremove frozen branches. Gardeners do not recommend trimming the crowns of the tree, because the Japanese maple is a joyexactly its natural beauty. Also, don't forgetmulch the soil before the start of the winter season.In hot weather be sure to watch the soil, mapledoesn't like dry soil . Sometimes the leaves of the plant are also sprayed; this is done in hot weather. Maple pest -gall mite . Watch the leaves carefully, if you see something suspicious, it’s better to immediatelyremove the leaf.

Many varieties of mapleseeds fall in the autumn, but there are varieties whose seeds can be collected in the summer. The seeds are medium in size, most often Brown, people often call them “helicopters”, because they fall to the ground very slowly, and at the same time rotate. There are some difficulties when growing maple from seeds. It all depends on the chosen variety. The easiest to grow maples are those that drop their seeds in the spring or summer.

After youcollected seeds , they need to be placedin the cold. It is best to place the seeds in a sealed bag (ziploc lunch bags) before doing this. Collected seeds put in the refrigerator. Each variety has its owntemperature , best option- 3-5 degrees Celsius. Constantlycheck bag with seeds, there should be no condensation or excess moisture. Seeds are obtained after 120 days. Seeds of some varieties can be planted after 90 days of cold.Sprouted seeds can be planted in small containers only when a second tier of leaves appears on the small sprout. Now you canplant a tree into the ground.

Fan maple is a marvelous decoration of every garden or park. It is an excellent compact tree that impresses with the beauty of its leaves. Fan maple is one of the varieties of Japanese maple, because historicalMotherland tree - Japan, and also grows naturally in China and Korea. The tree is very compact,height - about eight meters.Crown very unusual, thick, spherical. Sometimes it has several trunks.Leaves fan maple is very beautiful and large, average length- 12 centimeters, and width - four centimeters. The leaf is divided into lobes.Blooms mainly in spring, small flowers collected in inflorescences, appear laterwinged fruits.

Use in garden design.Japanese maple will look very good in a private garden, as well as in city parks. Its interesting and very bright leaves attract attention. You can make itmain focus on its territory, because in autumn it is very difficult not to notice this tree. Japanese maple combines very effectively with large stones or boulders and even with small pebbles, which can be scattered near the root of the tree. The crown provides shade, so you can plant it near a treefern or other shade-tolerant plants. Landscape designers with good taste will be able to create very unusual compositions usingmaple and conifers , as well as combining maples and flowering shrubs ← Share with friends!