Kitchen hood: which is better, reviews from professionals and buyers. Choosing a kitchen hood: review of models and expert advice

Building a house or making major renovations in an apartment without equipping the kitchen with a suitable hood is wasted money. Soot from the fire, grease fumes and odors of cooked food very quickly permeate the furniture and walls of not only the kitchen, but also all rooms. In addition, clean air is the key to health and good appetite!

The role of the kitchen hood

Modern design solutions When designing a kitchen, the hood is considered as part of the decor. Naturally, the integrity of the ensemble of furniture and equipment pleases the eye, but still, the main parameter in choosing this equipment should be its functionality.

The kitchen exhaust fan should work properly:

  • purify the air from harmful combustion products;
  • prevent grease and soot from getting on furniture;
  • remove odors as much as possible;
  • do not create a lot of noise when working.

The full performance of all functions is possible if the hood performance is selected correctly. Companies specializing in the production and sale of this type of household appliances offer numerous options for kitchen hoods; their power is indicated in the passport. How do you know which one is right for you? A calculator and simple but accurate calculation will help with this.

Performance and Power

These two concepts, although closely related, are not the same thing.

The performance of a kitchen hood is the amount of air it can pump through itself in one hour. Measured in cubic meters per hour (m 3 / hour).

Power determines the amount of electricity that will be spent on operating the fan, lighting and other functions of the hood. This indicator most likely affects the calculation of efficiency. When deciding the question “how to calculate the power of the hood”, you should pay attention to how maximum loads, and intermediate ones, when operating in different modes. The most correct calculation of power is average figures.

The standard formula for calculating productivity is as follows: kitchen area multiplied by ceiling height and multiplied by 12 (air renewal coefficient accepted by sanitary standards), or (SxH)x12.

What affects performance?

A simple basic formula does not give a complete idea of ​​what kind of hood will be needed in your case. Except basic indicators, it is necessary to correct the calculation, taking into account:

  1. Operating principle.
  2. Location features.
  3. Hood design.

Let's take a closer look at how these parameters adjust the performance calculation formula.

Operating principle and performance

With all the variety of designs, the operating principle of hoods comes down to two options: air exhaust and recirculation.

Air exhaust work

In this case, the fan absorbs polluted air along with soot particles and removes them outside through the ventilation ducts. Since the air must be constantly renewed, access to fresh air into the room is required for complete purification.

Working on recycling

This method purifies the air in the kitchen if there is no possibility of exhaust. Kitchen fumes pass through metal and carbon filters and return back into the room.

How do these indicators affect the calculation calculator? Typically, recirculation hoods have lower performance, higher noise levels and require more power. For fans with exhaust, the performance is adjusted in direct proportion to the length of the air exhaust.

Location and performance

The increase in efficiency is associated with the location of the kitchen air purifier and the area of ​​the room being cleaned. The fact is that the standard calculation assumes a closed kitchen space. If the kitchen is connected to the living room or the doorway between the rooms is formed by an arch without a door, you need to calculate the total area of ​​​​both rooms.

The efficient operation of the hood is ensured if it is placed directly above the hob and is slightly wider than it.

The air exchange coefficient adopted by SNiP 10-12 is also a relative value. Using a hood economically allows you to increase the coefficient to 15 for electric stoves and to 20 for gas hobs.

The calculators offered on many sites for calculating the power and performance of hoods mainly offer standard forms. A calculator that requires you to specify more parameters will be more accurate.

In any case, it is more advisable to buy a hood that has a performance slightly higher than the maximum you require. This will ensure that it does not operate in full mode, which in turn will reduce power consumption and, accordingly, extend the service life of the device. And the noise level is significantly reduced, which is important, especially during long-term cooking.

Which design is better?

There is no single answer to this question. Again, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the kitchen arrangement.

Dome hoods

A large dome-shaped fume hood above the stove is currently considered the most effective. This type of ventilation is appropriate for large kitchens, it is better with an island placement of the hob.

Flat hoods

This type of traditional design is quite common in areas where there are problems with installing an air exhaust system. Mostly flat-shaped ventilation devices are equipped with a filter system and work for recirculation and cleaning.

Built-in hoods

Their shape resembles that of a dome, but is smaller in size. The main part of the structure is hidden in a cabinet; only the control panel and the main panel remain visible. The most ergonomic option, usually the least powerful. But there are exceptions.

A small kitchen area does not mean a low-performance hood. In small enclosed spaces with large volumes of stove operation, the air becomes polluted much faster.

Let's summarize: calculating the required hood performance is not a difficult matter. This is easy to do with a calculator. The only rule is individual approach for this event, taking into account all the nuances.

The cleaning equipment market offers a huge selection of equipment with different parameters. If the installation method and operating mode are determined by the user himself according to his preferences, then with dimensions everything is more complicated. For each room with kitchen stove A hood of only a certain parameter is suitable. This is done so that the cleaning equipment fits optimally above the hob and effectively copes with its tasks: removing foreign odors and impurities, purifying the air in the room. If you choose the wrong dimensions, the kitchen hood will not cope with its functional responsibilities in full. In this article we will tell you how to correctly determine the size of hoods for the kitchen, and what you need to take into account.

Width is the most important criterion for a cleaning device. It is this parameter that largely depends on performance device, its ability to filter and purify air. Manufacturers offer many options: the width of the hood ranges from 45 to 90 cm.

Manufacturers are constantly improving models of cleaning structures, using not only innovative materials, but also different shapes. Therefore, choosing the optimal device will not be difficult.

Size selection features

So, the main parameter for any exhaust systems is their width. When choosing it, you must take into account the dimensions of the hob or stove: the latter should be slightly narrower. This condition is explained by the fact that combustion products, fat mixtures, and vapors must be completely absorbed by cleaning equipment. Therefore, the air vent is installed strictly above the stove.

Don't neglect the general parameters kitchen set, since the exhaust device is mounted between the upper cabinets or built into one of them.

A width of 50-60 cm is standard, which is why there is more such cleaning equipment on the market (see review). Larger devices - up to 90 cm - have higher performance and are more powerful. They are suitable for a spacious room with a wide cooking surface. For small kitchens perfect option- a small device. A 45 cm wide hood will fit optimally above a narrow slab that is less than or equal to this value. IN in this case Compact size is the advantage of the device.

What to look for when choosing depth and height

These parameters must also be taken into account when arranging the cooking area. Let's look at how to choose the right depth and width of cleaning equipment.

Depth selection

This parameter is taken into account for dome and built-in air vents. Modern models have a square shape, that is, the depth of these devices is equal to their width. Accordingly, the depth dimensions also start at 45 cm and end at 90 cm. The choice of a square shape is not accidental: hobs also available with equal width and depth parameters. And, as we already know, the hood cannot have an area smaller than the stove over which it is installed.

The situation is different, because the depth can be adjusted during the planning process. However, its body must match the size of the wall cabinets.

Built-in recirculation models are often equipped with a retractable panel, which increases their depth and, accordingly, their operating efficiency.

Height selection

If your choice fell on the hood dome type, then the maximum height of such a structure can be 125 cm. This must be taken into account when purchasing: if you subtract the height of the stove from the height of the kitchen ceilings, then the remaining number must be no less than the standard values ​​​​determined by safety regulations. is:

  • for a gas hob – at least 65 cm;
  • for electric stoves - at least 60 cm.

For installation height should be slightly less:

There is no need to reduce the height: a dangerous situation will arise and the hood may be damaged. Setting it higher is also not recommended because it will reduce efficiency.

It should be noted that for There is no such selection problem. After all, these are things that can be installed at any required height.

The smaller the distance between the kitchen air vent and the burners, the higher the possibility of condensation forming from the bottom of the hood from rising water vapor.

This table will help you choose the correct size of the cleaning device:

Features of the room Hood height Instrument depth Width Hob width
A large room The height of the appliance is selected depending on the height of the room and the type of cooking unit The ideal option would be dimensions that are larger than the hob The width can be any:

a wide cooking area looks natural in a spacious room.

It is the main accent in the interior.

Small room The height of the device compensates for the small dimensions of the stove, which saves space Depth parameters correspond to width dimensions You should not choose a wide hood, take a closer look at compact models For small room choose a stove with a narrow countertop

There are many nuances to consider, but the most important criteria are: size and performance. First you need to decide what functions the cleaning equipment should perform: air purification, extracting foreign odors, or simply as a design item. Then you should measure the hob and kitchen area. After you have decided on the basic parameters, you need to choose a brand and model based on preferences and taste.

It is necessary to select equipment first of all according to technical indicators and only then - according to external ones.

Today we’ll talk about the kitchen hood. We will tell you why it is so important in the kitchen and how to choose the right hood.

What is a hood?

A kitchen hood is equipment for purifying the air from fumes, smoke and other unwanted odors that form in the kitchen during the preparation of breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Component hoods: housing, ventilation unit, mechanical or electronic control panel, grease filters. All parts are made from thermal and corrosion-resistant materials. The body is usually made of stainless metal or enamel is applied to the steel.

Pay attention to the power of the hood - there are different power levels for different areas of the kitchen.

One and the main function of the hood is protection. Protecting our health from air pollution and protecting our kitchen from odors and soot.

During the cooking process, a variety of combustion products are released into the air, which negatively affect our health. After all, a long stay in a room where carcinogens, fumes, and harmful microorganisms are in the air significantly affects the health of all household members, especially the housewife. Well-being worsens, performance and concentration decrease.

And it is the kitchen hood that purifies the air in the kitchen and protects our health from such symptoms.

The second protective function of the hood is to protect the room itself. All the soot, splashes, fats and odors settle on the walls, ceiling and sides of the kitchen unit, thereby significantly reducing its shelf life. In this case, the hood draws out contaminated air, traps odors, preventing them from settling on kitchen surfaces.

Types of hoods

Before buying a hood, you need to choose the type that suits your kitchen.

There are:

  • built-in hoods: built into hanging cabinet, above the stove or into a table that is located next to the stove;
  • flat (suspended): such hoods are installed under wall cabinets or shelves above the hob;
  • wall-mounted: hoods that are attached to the wall above the stove; such hoods come in a wide variety of designs;
  • island hoods: these are hoods that are attached to the ceiling above the hob;
  • corner: hoods that can be installed in corner sets.

It is important to remember when installing the hood, maintain the required distance. Between gas stove and the hood, the distance should be at least 80cm, and between electric stove and a hood - at least 70cm.

Thanks to the wide variety of hoods, you can choose any option for your kitchen. But external data and corresponding style are not everything. Or rather, not what the kitchen needs. The main selection criterion is the power that a particular hood has.

After all, what is the main thing in the work of a hood? The main thing is its performance, the main thing is how effectively it purifies the air.

Technical characteristics of the hood

So, you are ready to buy a range hood. You have chosen the manufacturer. The only thing left to do is choose the right model. Explore everything specifications hoods and only then buy.

Study: power (performance), operating mode, noise.

How to determine the hood power?

The power of the hood must correspond to the area of ​​your kitchen, otherwise it simply will not be able to clean the air too much. large kitchen. Or, on the contrary, you will overpay for extra power.

Table for calculating the minimum hood capacity (m3/h).

To determine power, there is a certain formula according to which you will accurately determine the required figure.

Standard calculation using the formula: P = SxHx12, where:

  • P is the amount of power that you will get as a result of the calculations;
  • S – the area of ​​your kitchen; if you don’t know it, you can easily calculate it: measure the width and length of the kitchen with a tape measure, multiply these data, convert to meters and get the area of ​​your kitchen; You can also find a plan of your apartment from the BTI; the design of your apartment must indicate the area of ​​each room;
  • H - ceiling height;
  • 12 – SES standard for air purification in the kitchen – 12 times per hour; this coefficient depends on the type of hob. For example, for an electric stove - 15, for a gas stove - 20.

Let's give an example: a kitchen with dimensions of 3 * 3.5, ceiling height 2.5 m. Gas stove.


Р=525 cubic meters/hour

When calculating the power of the hood, you must remember that you need the area of ​​​​the isolated room. Therefore, if you have a kitchen-studio or a kitchen-living room, you need the area of ​​the entire room: both the kitchen and the living room. In this case, the requirements for hood performance increase significantly. After all, now odors and smoke spread throughout the apartment, not only in the kitchen, and you will have to clean an area much larger than the kitchen area.

When buying a hood, do not skimp, hoping that you will have less power than you need. Don't chase brands. Otherwise, you will use the hood only as a backlight.

Hood noise

The second important characteristic is the noise that comes from the hood. After all, too oppressive noise will negatively affect the nervous system.

Before choosing a hood for beauty, calculate what power it should have.

Unfortunately for us, the level of noise increases according to the level of performance. Therefore, it is very important to successfully select a model with the most optimal ratio of noise level and degree of hood power.

Noise options:

  • 30dB – standard noise level in a quiet room;
  • 35 dB – noise level, with a very quiet operating hood, the noise level can be heard as a whisper of a person at a distance of 4-5 m;
  • 45dB – quietly operating hood, corresponds to a conversation at a distance of 10m or softly playing music;
  • 50dB – noise that is generated when the hood is working normally; comparable to a conversation at a distance of 2-3 m;
  • more than 50dB – increased noise level, very distracting, reminiscent of a loud conversation at a distance of 5m.

The creators of modern hoods do everything to reduce the noise level. For example: silent fan motors with special bearings, sound-absorbing pads, hoods with two fans, hoods with an external motor (outside the building).

Professionals advise choosing a hood with a certain power reserve and then using it in medium mode. This small trick will significantly reduce the noise level and extend the life of the kitchen hood.

Hood operating mode

Depending on operating mode kitchen hoods divided into: flow and circulation.

The flow mode is designed to extract air into the ventilation shaft, while completely removing polluted air, odors and fumes from outside your apartment.

This mode is considered the most reliable and effective, as it ensures 100% purification of the air in the kitchen.

In circulation mode, contaminated air does not escape outside. It only passes through the carbon filters located in the hood body, then it is cleaned and returned back to the room.

A hood in circulation mode is easy to install, but its performance is significantly lower than that of a hood in air outflow mode.

We have presented you with three main criteria for choosing a hood. Determine them first, and only then the appearance of the hood. And only in this sequence.

Subject to this simple rule you will have a kitchen with clean and fresh air, while being decorated with a stylish and modern hood.

It is generally accepted that the basis of the kitchen is the work triangle - stove, sink and refrigerator. But there is another device that is responsible for the cleanliness of the air and the absence of odors - the hood. Today you can choose either an inconspicuous wall-mounted model for a tiny kitchen or a powerful island model. Let's look at the intricacies of the selection process and the differences between kitchen hoods.

Stage one - selecting a cleaning mode

All devices according to the method of air purification can be divided into two types:

  • Exhaust– this model will purify the air in the room using a grease filter. The air itself will be completely removed from the kitchen through ventilation duct. This model requires an air vent and pipe installation. Yes, there will be a lot of hassle with installation, but the exhaust device will provide almost 100% removal of odors and will be different low level noise.
  • Recirculating– such a model will capture air, pass it through a grease filter and then a carbon filter and return clean air back to the kitchen area. To install such a hood, you do not need to install air ducts, since it can be built into wall-mounted furniture or attached to a wall by simply connecting it to electricity. About how to install hoods -.

What is good about the exhaust model is its “approach” to high-quality air purification, as well as the absence of a carbon filter, which will need to be changed periodically. Recirculating hoods without an air duct are less efficient; they purify about 70% of the air, but are less demanding in terms of installation.

Stage two - choose the type of hood

The shape and type of hood plays a decisive role. You can choose a standard mounted or dome model. The difference will be in the installation method and appearance of the device.

Built-in models are considered the most popular. Firstly, such a hood can be installed in any kitchen, regardless of the size of the room. Secondly, it provides high-quality air purification due to the retractable panel.

Wall hoods include corner models, which are mounted to two walls. This device will be indispensable if your stove is installed in a corner. Also, wall-mounted models can be mounted at an angle of 40 degrees and resemble appearance flat picture. Color solution devices can be both classic and original - yellow, steel, blue, black.

Another innovative hood option is tabletop. This model is mounted in the countertop near the stove and is pulled out only during cooking. The tabletop model is height adjustable and works on the recirculation principle. Such a device may look incredibly stylish, but in terms of power it is inferior to all of the above types of hoods.

Stage three - get acquainted with the selection criteria

You need to pay attention to such parameters as performance, size, installed filters, operating modes and additional features hoods Let's start with the main thing - the definition of productivity.

Calculating performance

What is device performance? This is a parameter that shows how much air the model passes in a certain unit of time. For hoods this unit/hour. For your kitchen you can calculate optimal performance productivity.

  • The area of ​​the room must be multiplied by the height.
  • Multiply the result by 12 (this is established norm air exchange).
  • Multiply this result again by 1.3 (bullpen).

Let's look at an example. For a kitchen with an area of ​​6 square meters and a ceiling height of 2.5 meters, the optimal model would be a model with a capacity of 234 cubic meters per hour.

In the instructions for the device you can see performance indicators. Remember that the maximum parameter will be indicated. If the hood operates on the recirculation principle, the performance will be 30-35% less due to the additional load placed on the fan.

Device size

The main rule is that the width of the model should not be less than the width of the slab. If the device is smaller, it will not be able to effectively purify all polluted air. For a slab of 40 centimeters better model with a width of 50 cm, and for a hob of 60 cm it is better to choose a larger hood - 80 centimeters, if the kitchen area and the location of the cabinets allows.

Looking at the filter

The model can be equipped with a fine filter and/or rough cleaning.

What is a filter for? rough cleaning? This metal grid traps large particles of fat. It is removed from the body and washed as fat accumulates. Additionally, the device can be equipped with a disposable synthetic mesh, which is responsible for trapping smaller particles. It also needs to be washed periodically.

Filters fine cleaning(coal) are installed additionally, and they are responsible for high-quality air purification. Carbon filters need to be changed at least once every 3-4 months. The more often the device operates in recirculation mode, the more often the fine filter needs to be changed.

Selecting controls

It is difficult to say unequivocally which hood is better in terms of control. The model may have a standard push-button or slider switch with smooth power adjustment. More advanced devices are equipped with touch buttons and electronic controls. There are also hoods that are turned on and regulated using control panels, as well as those that respond to the presence of a person in the kitchen.

A good hood can be equipped with completely non-standard functions. For example, a flat screen to which you can connect a laptop, computer and listen to music while cooking. Some models can display the weather (exhaust units in which the hood is connected to a weather station).

The hood will also be equipped with lighting lamps. Here the selection criteria are simple - if you need the stove to be illuminated to the maximum, choose models with several lamps around the perimeter. Neon and halogen lamps are considered the most economical.

Different stoves, different hoods?

When choosing a hood, a question may arise: is there a difference between models for electric and gas hobs? For any stove, you can choose either a built-in or wall-mounted hood made of any material and with any equipment. The only difference will be the height of installation of the device.

  • For gas stove The hood must be mounted at a height of at least 70, or better yet, 80 centimeters from the surface. If you install the appliance lower, it may partially extinguish the flame, causing the fire to be uneven. Devices with high power can completely extinguish the fire.
  • For electric stove the device can be placed at a height of 60 cm from the surface. There are no risks associated with flames. So the distance from hobs before the hood can be reduced.

Brands and models - the best kitchen hoods

Today, many manufacturers compete with each other for the attention of buyers. There are several leading brands that keep up with the times and can surprise you with both the stylish design and the technological equipment of the hood.

Let's look at some of the most popular models that have won the sympathy of many consumers. All hoods are 60 cm wide and belong to the average price range.

Model Cata TF-2003 60 DURALUM

Built-in hood that will clean 760 cubic meters. meters of air per hour and operates at two speeds. A special feature of the model is the presence of a removable metal filter, as well as convenient electronic key control.

This dome model equipped with a five-layer aluminum grease filter and can operate at 3 speeds. Productivity is 700 cubic meters/hour. The device is equipped with two halogen lamps and push-button control. The model can operate in both recirculation and exhaust modes.

One of the most outstanding power hoods - its productivity is 850 cubic meters per hour. This dome model is equipped with an aluminum filter, push-button control and lighting around the entire perimeter using halogen lamps. The hood only works in exhaust mode.

Video guide

The following video will help you choose a hood:

You can choose the right hood model, knowing all the subtleties and features of the device. Now you are familiar with the selection criteria, leading manufacturers and the most popular models.

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It’s hard to imagine a modern kitchen without a hood. Stuffiness, the smell of cooking food, an unfavorable climate in the house, a dirty coating on the furniture, walls and ceiling - all this has long been a thing of the past due to the invention of such irreplaceable assistant. Before answering the question of how to choose a kitchen hood, you need to understand what they are, consider their functional features, types, and only then choose. Tips from professionals in this article.

Why are kitchen hoods required over a gas stove?

Quite a lot depends on the state of the air: from the well-being of family members to the taste of dishes stored or prepared indoors. Unpleasant odors worsen appetite and spoil mood, and because of poor ventilation air may cause dizziness, which is why you need to purify the air.

Ventilating the kitchen doesn't do much to eliminate the burning smell. work area, therefore, in order to improve the microclimate in the house, odors must be eliminated directly above the stove. To complete this task, you need to know which hood to choose for the kitchen.

If you are choosing a hood for the kitchen, then you want it to be quiet, efficient, look stylish in the interior, not be very expensive, reliably improve the home microclimate, and require simple installation. How to determine which one you specifically need? This depends on many parameters, which we will describe in this article.

Is a hood necessary in a kitchen with an electric stove?

Most people, when buying an electric stove, often ask whether it is necessary to choose a hood for it? There is a misconception about its unimportance when installing an induction or electric stove. Electric stoves do not emit carbon monoxide- this is their main advantage. But when cooking on it, the smells are exactly the same as the presence of burning when frying dishes. The smell of food throughout the house is not a very pleasant thing. Therefore, we can confidently say that choosing a hood for a kitchen with an electric stove must be approached in exactly the same way as if you had a gas stove.

Types of hoods and their correct choice

The following types can be classified according to their shape: domed, built-in and flat suspended.


The most popular type is the hanging one. These devices are cheaper than all other models, their installation is not very difficult and does not require the participation of professionals. This equipment is placed above the hob, and a cabinet can also be installed on top of it, since the flat model does not require installation directly under the ventilation duct.

Air purifiers of this type may look bulky in the interior, but right choice, on the contrary, will emphasize the notes modern design or classic elements. The flat model is equipped with replaceable filters, which are best replaced in a timely manner for efficient operation.


The built-in equipment is mounted in a special cabinet and is almost invisible. From the outside you can only see the exhaust surface itself. They are equipped with an air duct that enters the ventilation duct: it is located behind the cabinet doors.

Most built-in products are equipped with a retractable panel, which makes it possible to increase work surface devices. These models have a low noise level, an attractive design that is invisible modern interior, and in retro.


These hoods are the most interesting and fashionable option. There are designer models that are kitchen interior will take the main place. The devices resemble a fireplace chimney: a dome and a thick channel. They will fit perfectly into retro or classic style. In terms of design, these air purifiers are the most diverse. Colored, black or white, glass, wood or metal, hi-tech or retro hood - modern design solutions make it possible to choose the ideal device that will meet the most demanding taste. Retro-design exhaust systems are quite popular in private homes.

In some cases, they are classified as dome, and in some, types such as glass and island air purifier are distinguished separately.

  • Island. They are installed in the center of the room, fixed above the slab to the ceiling. This original installation is used in an interior in which the working part is made in the form of an island. The round shape looks the most interesting - its surface can be either curved or flat. These types of products are suitable for kitchens with a retro design inspired by television cooking shows.
  • With glass. This model is designed to solve not only its main task, but is also a design element. The lighting in these devices looks most interesting, especially when the hood with glass is not just transparent, but black, white or, for example, smoky. Glass varieties are not suitable for retro design because they look super modern.

Air purification mode

According to the method of operation, air purifiers can be of three types:

  • recirculation;
  • flow-through;
  • combined.

Flow-through hoods are called hoods with an air duct (connection to ventilation). The air begins to be captured by the fan impeller and is immediately removed from the room through the duct. Classic old models in retro style, familiar to many, work on this principle. Flow-through types of devices produce less noise, unlike recirculating ones.

Kitchen hoods with an air duct, although more efficient than recirculating ones, however, have one significant drawback: complex installation. At the same time, it is not always possible to make a technological hole for their installation; the ventilation channel may be too far away or absent.

Many modern models can operate in a combined mode (circulation - exhaust), can be used autonomously, or can be used for ventilation. At the same time, they are equipped with an ARS system, which reacts to the smell of burning. Thanks to this system, the air purifier automatically turns on based on a sensor signal, which makes it possible to capture even minor odors.

Options and performance

This is another important parameter, which shows how much air the device can “pump” per unit of time. The larger the kitchen, the higher the productivity should be.

To find out what productivity needs to be selected specifically for your kitchen, you need to calculate the volume of the room by multiplying its height by the area, and multiplying the resulting figure by 12. But even for a small kitchen, it is advisable to select products with a productivity of at least 300 cubic meters/hour. The most popular capacities for modern exhaust systems are: 1000, 850 and 700 cubic meters/hour.

Control Panel

Hoods also differ in how they are controlled. The following types can be noted:

  • touch (non-convex flat buttons);
  • push-button (convex buttons);
  • remote (using a remote control);
  • slider (horizontal mechanical switch).

It is difficult to determine which varieties are better in terms of control - the choice will be determined only by your preferences and the overall interior design of the equipment: modern style A push-button or slider panel will fit best, and a touch panel will fit in retro style. But it should be noted that buttons and sliders are more difficult to clean and are more susceptible to contamination, which cannot be said about their more modern counterparts.

Connection to communications

Installing the purifier correctly is a guarantee of its high-quality operation. To connect the device to ventilation system short pipes must be used. The more bends the ventilation channel has, the worse the performance of the device (one bend reduces this indicator by 4-6%).

It is advisable to select an air duct with a large diameter and smooth walls. Corrugated hoses, despite their convenient installation, significantly reduce productivity.

How to choose by size

The choice of size will depend on the dimensions of the stove: the size must be no smaller (and preferably larger), narrow devices will not be able to fully do their job. Standard sizes, which are usually on sale - 900, 600 and 450 mm.

The height of the air purifier is set taking into account the type of cooking surface. All cooking surfaces, without exception, require air purification - from the old Soviet retro stove to induction or modern electrical panel. The level above the gas stove on which the air purifier is placed is at least 85 cm, and above the electric stove it can be installed within 65 cm.

Noise level

This is also one of the important indicators when choosing any device for home use. No matter how effectively it copes with its task, excess noise causes discomfort to the owners, causes irritation and can even provoke a migraine.

An ideal model should be quite powerful, but at the same time quiet, not create excessive noise, so as not to cause inconvenience to its owners. Professionals advise purchasing a hood with a noise level of no more than 60 dB. The lower the manufacturer declares the noise threshold, the better.

Material of manufacture

The choice is quite important quality material for the body. Budget exhaust systems are made of enamel. Polished stainless steel looks more solid, but this is also reflected in the cost of the devices. At the same time, steel is more finicky to care for, soot sticks to it more strongly, and it cannot be cleaned with abrasive compounds - scratches will appear.

The glass hood, made of tempered glass, which is resistant to temperatures and damage, closes the ventilation channel, protecting it from contamination. But the surface of the glass needs almost daily cleaning, otherwise stains and streaks will ruin the entire look. In order to properly care for this surface, it is necessary household products for cleaning glass.


Lighting above the stove will never be superfluous, because modern kitchen hoods are equipped with lighting. This may be an incandescent, fluorescent or halogen lamp. As a rule, lighting sources are installed in the far part of the device.

In modern models you can find a rotating lamp, with the help of which you can focus the flow of light in the required part and change its intensity. An exhaust system with glass, as a rule, is equipped with a significant number of lamps and can even replace a chandelier in the kitchen.

Additional functions

In addition to the main function, modern models have additional ones. It will be right to choose good device which is equipped with them. Typically, there may be two additional functions: residual stroke and interval switching.

  • Residual speed - after turning off the device, the fan will operate in quiet mode for 10-20 minutes to better clean the air and get rid of odors that remained on the stove after cooking.
  • Interval switching on - the hood switches on periodically after a certain period of time. This function is required in order to constantly provide fresh air.

A range hood is a necessary appliance in the kitchen. It makes it possible not only to enjoy fresh and clean air, but also protects interior decoration and furniture from premature wear. Choose the right hood; even a budget model can create comfortable conditions in the kitchen.