Pansies growing seedlings from seeds. Pansies - how to grow seedlings at home

Pansies are the name given to everyone's favorite decorative garden plant. Its ancestor is a medicinal herbaceous biennial, widespread in fields and meadows. Belongs to the Violet family. The garden version is a hybrid with larger, more expressive flowers. It is also known as tricolor violet or viola. Sometimes Vittorka violet is also called this way. There is nothing surprising in the fact that all varieties of this plant are called pansies. They are united by a common feature - beautiful flowers of unusual shape and color. Viola is suitable for decorating flower beds. It can be grown in flowerpots and pots. This flower always and everywhere attracts attention; blooms long and profusely. Growing pansies from seeds is also not a problem.

We approach the choice of varieties responsibly!

There are a huge number of varieties and varieties. In addition, breeders continue to work. New bright and unusual options. To choose suitable variety, you need to decide on the purpose of cultivation. If you plan to grow in pots or containers, the Wittrock violet is a good choice. This hybrid has larger flowers and is better adapted to closed ground conditions. For open ground, choose viola. For those who want to get their own seed material, it is better to abandon first-order hybrids (F1). Plants grown from varietal seeds, will produce more predictable offspring. Although hybrids have great decorative properties.

So, you have decided which variety suits you best. All you need to do is choose the color, size and shape. Violet flowers are based on white, yellow, blue and purple colors. Plants differ in the shape and size of the flower, the size of the bush, and the timing of flowering. The nature of the color may also change: some varieties have “lost” the spot, gaining dashes and streaks of a darker color on the petals. Depending on the combination of these properties, plants are divided into series. Among the most popular: "Shalon Supreme", which is distinguished by ruffled petals, "Cats" with dark strokes on a lighter base. The “Fancy” series is represented by varieties with huge flowers of bright red shades. There are many series that are constantly updated with new varieties.

Pansies at home: preparatory stage to boarding

Viola is a biennial plant, but under certain conditions it can bloom in the first year. It all depends on the time of sowing the seeds. Early seedlings blooms the same year, but tolerates wintering worse. Flowering takes a lot of energy from a young bush and inhibits the development of the root system. In this case, the beds are additionally insulated for the winter. Seeds sown later produce strong plants prepared for cold weather; They will bloom only in a year. Depending on the desired result, the seeds are sown either in mid-winter or in spring.

Planting pansies as seedlings requires preparation. So, to obtain flowering in the same year, seeds begin to be sown at the end of February. Before planting, they need to be thoroughly soaked with water and preferably disinfected. To do this, pour the seeds onto gauze soaked in water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate and leave for 24 hours. The use of potassium permanganate is preferable, as it will help protect the seeds from damage by fungus. For planting, use nutritious but light soil with good breathability. Leaf soil with the addition of peat is suitable.
If peat is not on hand, you can add vermiculite as a leavening agent. The use of black soil is allowed. It needs to be steamed for an hour before use. Then add peat in a 1:1 ratio. Of the ready-made substrates, a universal one will do.

Planting pansy seeds

Planting pansies with seeds itself does not require much time compared to preparatory work. Seeds are sown in shallow containers (cups) at a short distance from each other. The top is covered with a 0.5-1 cm layer of substrate. The earth is pressed down a little.

What do pansies like? Seedling care

Germination must occur in a greenhouse. To do this, containers are covered with glass or film. Until the first shoots appear, keep in a shaded place at a temperature of about 20 degrees. The greenhouses are ventilated every day by opening them for several hours. The soil is moistened if necessary. At the same time, it is important not to get carried away, as if over-watered, the seeds will die. Sprouts appear after two weeks. They are transferred to a sunny place, the temperature is lowered to 15 degrees. Can be placed on a windowsill (the window should face south). The glass or film is not removed immediately. Seedlings need to be accustomed to the open air gradually.

After a week, the viola begins to be fed, and this procedure is repeated weekly until planting in open ground. Use nitrogen or potash fertilizers. Complex fertilizers with a low phosphorus content are suitable. The seedlings are picked after a pair of true leaves have grown. For picking, containers of small diameter are used. At this stage it is important not to increase the temperature. Firstly, so as not to disrupt the bookmarking process flower buds. Secondly, in the heat, seedlings wither and are affected by various fungal diseases. Water carefully, without over-wetting the earthen clod.

How to grow pansies? Planting and growing in open ground

Planting pansy flowers in open ground is carried out at the end of May. Before planting, seedlings must be hardened off. She is taken outside for half an hour, gradually increasing the time spent in the air. The beds for pansies are prepared in advance. They are carefully weeded, loosened and fertilizer (phosphorus or potassium) is applied. The bushes are planted at a distance of 20 cm. After transplanting, they bloom quickly enough.

For viola would be better suited sunny place. She prefers nutritious soil and grows well in loam. It grows worse on sandy soils. In this case, add turf soil or black soil. The plant is quite demanding when it comes to watering, especially on hot days.
Drying out the soil will stop flowering. Tricolor violet is very sensitive to deficiency minerals. In open ground, it continues to be fed with the same fertilizers 2 times a month. Seeds can be planted directly in open ground. It's better to do this in July. Preparation for sowing is the same as for growing in containers. Until the first shoots appear, the ground can be covered with film.

Pansies are a plant that should be grown in summer cottages and personal plots. It is beautiful and unpretentious, and working with it will give you a lot of pleasure. The reward for your work will be continuous flowering.

Greetings, friends, to the site, advice for gardeners. One of the very first spring flowers pansies, delighting with bright and chic flowering after a long winter. Such interesting name preceded by an old legend.

A very beautiful and devoted girl, whose name was Anyuta, accompanied her betrothed to the war to defend her native land. The darling did not return, and the girl, not having survived such grief, turned into luxury flower with the same beautiful eyes as the unfortunate one.

Pansy flower plant description

This perennial crop(although we usually grow it as an annual) it also has several other names - violet and viola.

The ornamental plant has been quite popular for quite a long time and today there are several hundred varieties of pansies, and up to four hundred types of crops.

There are large-flowered and multi-flowered, gigantic, semi-double and double, single, potted, ampelous, flowerbed types of pansies.

The plant is not tall, reaching a height of up to 40 centimeters. The colors of the buds are very varied, as is the size and shape of the leaves.

With proper care of the flower and in good weather, the plant develops quite quickly and is capable of blooming already in the first autumn after sowing.

Most often, these are those varieties with a bud diameter of about seven centimeters and usually with a uniform color of the buds. Flowering of viola occurs depending on the time of sowing the seeds and continues long time- literally all summer.

Growing pansies from seeds, planting dates

The main way to propagate the plant is to grow pansies from seeds, and the seeds can be collected yourself, bought at a specialty store or even at a pharmacy.

If you want to see a pansy flower in April next year, you need to sow the seeds in early June this year. If you sow the seeds in the first autumn month, flowering will occur in May. Seeds sown in March will delight you with flowering at the end of this summer.

Some novice gardeners wonder how to plant pansies on seedlings and don’t know where to start. It is better to sow pansies for seedlings in July, then in March the seedlings will be strong, with 5-6 leaves and a fairly powerful bush.

You need to make drainage holes in the boxes, cover them with polyethylene, lay a layer of acacia leaves from last year (after rubbing them through a fine strainer), moisten the leaves generously on top and sow the seeds, sprinkle with water from a spray bottle.

In general, you can start sowing seeds in February or March, or much later, it all depends on when you want to enjoy the flowering of pansies.

How to plant pansies for seedlings

You need to take flat boxes, pour drainage and fertile soil (wet) down, sow the seeds and lightly sprinkle them with soil without deepening them. It is advisable to cover the crops with a layer of snow on top.

Under favorable conditions, seedlings will appear within a week or two. If the room temperature is above +25 and low humidity air, the seedlings may not sprout at all.

When the first sprouts are noticeable, the room temperature should be lowered slightly and the seedlings should be placed on a sunny windowsill. Of course, it would be ideal to place the boxes on a glassed-in balcony, just remember to bring them into the room at night so that the seedlings do not freeze.

Seedlings should be planted in April, and permanent place replant in May. Some gardeners propagate viola by self-sowing, but in this case they need to be planted more spaciously, with an interval of 20 centimeters, in order to obtain large plants.

There is no need to worry about varietal characteristics during self-sowing, because they are completely transmitted. By the way, you can also sow the plant just before winter, when it is consistently cold, having successfully overwintered under a layer of snow - flowering will occur in mid-summer.

Choosing a place and soil for planting, caring for the plant

How to plant pansies so that the plant develops safely and blooms profusely? First you need to choose a good place for planting.

Pansies are a light-loving crop, but they grow well in a slightly darkened area, on its northern side, so that this corner is illuminated for several hours a day.

The soil for viola needs fertile, loose soil with the addition of organic matter. Then you need to loosen the soil, moisten it and plant pansies, either in a row or in a beautiful pattern.

Pansies - plant care. The most important rule for caring for a crop is watering it. Under no circumstances should the plant be flooded, but only watered when the soil dries out.

In winter, watering should be kept to a minimum, as excess moisture leads to falseweed disease. powdery mildew. With overwatering and lack of light, most often the roots do not develop and the crop begins to rot.

If this happens, you need to loosen the soil, wait until it dries slightly, water it with a diluted mixture of pencozeb and water, in the proportion of 1 tbsp. for 10 liters.

To prevent such a disease, it is recommended to treat pansies every two weeks with special preparations (for example, topsin and alette), treating them alternately each time so as not to cause the culture to become addictive.

Of course, you need to weed the crop, loosen the soil and feed it with liquid fertilizer. The flower tolerates transplantation quite well, and you can even do it in a blooming state.

The most common of the large-flowered varieties are pansies with spots on the petals and with corrugated petals, and of the gigantic varieties - Trimard, Doctor Faust, Adonis, Rogli, Cardinal.

So beautiful flowering plant how pansies decorate flower beds, rocky hills, balconies, they are planted in hanging pots or flowerpots. Since the crop is not tall, flowers of the same height should be planted next to it.

Solving the problem “Pansies: growing from seeds” should begin by studying information on this issue. Following the recommendations of experienced flower growers will help decorate garden flower bed, vase, path, border or balcony, get aesthetic pleasure and please your home with colorful plants.

The ancestor of “pansies” in the wild was the tricolor violet, a perennial plant common in Europe, Siberia, the Caucasus, North America. In Russia it is known as Ivan da Marya and was used in folk medicine as a remedy for the treatment of furunculosis, diathesis, bronchitis. The first pansies, hybrids from crossing a tricolor violet with a horned one, were obtained in England. Swedish botany professor Veit Wittrock devoted many years to studying this plant and wrote a book about it. In his honor, pansies received a second name - Wittrock's violet.

The plant, beloved by gardeners, is a herbaceous, slightly spreading bush 15-35 cm high. The roots go 15-20 cm deep. Five flower petals are arranged in a fan; have a diameter from 5-6 to 11 cm, different colors and shades. A spot stands out in the center of the flower, this makes the flower look like an eye with a pupil. The fruit is a capsule with small seeds (width - about 1 mm).

Viola and the language of flowers

Flowers were brought to Russia at the beginning of the 18th century. Mini bouquets served as a complement to the outfits of ladies of high society. A garland of pansies decorated the hair and belt of Anna Karenina's black ballroom dress. In the language of flowers, this meant the beginning of falling in love and thinking about one person. Butterfly-like flowers quickly settled on ladies' hats and umbrellas.

Lilac-yellow pansies look at us from napkins, tablecloths and curtains, embroidered in the 50-60s of the last century.

Gardeners appreciated this fragile appearance, but unpretentious plant. Pansies have become popular in the design of city parks and garden plots. Their combination with early bulbous flowers is successful: viola replaces hyacinths and daffodils that have finished flowering.

Choosing a growing method

Pansies belong to perennial plants, but after the 2nd year the flowers on the bushes become smaller, and almost no buds are formed. When grown for two years, a bush is formed during the 1st year of life, and flowers appear in the next season. This period can be shifted by more early dates depending on the methods of growing the plant. The choice of method for breeding viola depends on climatic conditions and the preferred flowering period.

Table. Methods for planting pansies.

What is the methodprosMinuses
Plant purchased ready-made seedlings in April - MayWill bloom soon after plantingUnknown variety and species
Sowing seeds in the ground in mid-May - June - July, in August they are transplanted to a permanent placeThe seedlings have time to take root well before the cold weather and bloom early next springBlooms only one season
Sow seeds in late February - early March in a containerWill bloom for two seasonsIf a cold winter is expected, you need to cover

The best way is to grow plants from seeds and sow them in a container at the end of winter. In this case, you can admire the flowers for 2 seasons, even in the middle zone. For regions with cold winters, this method is also suitable, but the viola must be grown as an annual or very securely covered before the onset of cold weather. Most popular varieties pansies: Dynamite, Freedom, Aurora, Strawberries and cream.

Growing pansies from seeds can be done according to two schemes:

  • sowing in containers - picking - transplanting to the site;
  • sowing into the soil - replanting to a permanent place.

Note! Seeds have good germination if stored for no more than 2 years.

How to grow pansies from seeds in a container

To obtain viable seedlings within a given period of time, you need:

  • quality seeds;
  • tweezers (manicure);
  • container for sowing seeds;
  • priming;
  • glass or film;
  • lamp for additional illumination - LED lamp or phytolamp;
  • a room in which the temperature is not higher than 23ºС (best 18-20ºС);
  • containers for picking (pots with a diameter of 10 cm or boxes if there are a lot of seedlings);
  • container for settling water;
  • spray;
  • watering can with a capacity of about 1 liter.

Important! Better to use LED lamp: its spectrum contains blue and red colors necessary for plants; they are economical and safe to use.

Video - Pansies: abundant flowering in the year of planting

Sowing seeds in a container

To implement this stage you need to do the following:

Important! The solution should not contain undissolved potassium permanganate crystals.

Sowing seeds is carried out according to the principle:

  1. seeds are taken by hand or tweezers and laid out on the surface of the soil at a distance from each other;
  2. count out the required number of seeds, pour them into a container and distribute them in it with tweezers.

Seeds can be:

Sowing seeds in peat tablets

This method is becoming popular as it makes the process of picking plants easier.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • tablets (for example, BiTi) are freed from cellophane packaging and placed tightly in a container, warm water is poured into the bottom in portions;
  • when the tablets swell, collect the remaining moisture with an absorbent cloth or sponge;
  • Place 1 seed in the recess in the center of the tablet if you are not sure of the quality seed material, then two;
  • sprinkle the seeds with a little soil;
  • cover the container with a lid with cut ventilation holes;
  • place it in a window with sufficient lighting.

Important! This method is preferably used experienced flower growers. Growing seedlings in tablets has many advantages, but requires attention and skill.

Crop care

Crop care includes:

  • short-term ventilation since condensation begins to form on the walls of the container;
  • timely and moderate watering: do not overwater and do not allow it to dry out;
  • temperature regime: 18-22ºС, 25 is allowed;
  • if the window faces south, shade the crops;
  • caring for flower seedlings.

Creating favorable conditions for sprouts

When sprouts appear, you should:

Picking seedlings

Occurs around the beginning of April and includes the stages:

  • if space allows, prepare containers according to the number of sprouts, otherwise some of the sprouts can be transplanted into a box;
  • The containers are filled with soil. It is desirable that this be the same type of soil in which the viola will grow in the open air;
  • thoroughly water the soil in new containers and make a depression in it;
  • Use a watering can to water the soil in the container with the sprouts.
  • To better extract the sprouts, you can use convenient objects: the handle of a spoon or a spatula;
  • if the seedlings are grown in peat tablets, the diving stage is not needed - the viola continues to grow until planted in open ground.

Note! Minor damage to the roots is not dangerous for the plant. This will be a plus: it will launch a root system growth program.

The next month is devoted to caring for seedlings in such a way that they will take root faster and continue to grow:

Planting pansies in open ground

In early May, buds appear on the bushes. This is a sign that the viola can be sent to the flowerbed. A possible drop in temperature, even slight frosts, will not harm the plants.

You should first:

Plant care during the summer

  • periodic watering as needed;
  • mandatory loosening after watering;
  • mulching the soil around the bush with sawdust;
  • control of weeds that weaken the plant;
  • timely removal of faded flowers will stimulate the formation of new buds;
  • removing reddened leaves, they will appear if there has been frost;
  • fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Note! If the plant is planted in a flowerbed, it should be fed 1-2 times per season. When grown in decorative pots - every two weeks.

Video - Pansies: care and reproduction

Growing pansies with seeds in open ground

Growing seedlings can be organized by sowing seeds directly into open ground. The crucial point is to determine the sowing time. If you sow too early, the violet will begin to bloom without receiving enough root mass. By winter, the plant will weaken and may not tolerate frost. If planted late, the viola will not be able to take root well enough after picking and become stronger for wintering. Optimal time depends on the region - in the Leningrad region it is the second half of July, in middle lane– second half – end of May.

To do this, perform the following work:

  • choose a well-drained place, in the lowlands the violet will freeze out;
  • the best option is loamy or sandy loam soil acidity not higher than 8 pH;
  • carefully prepare the place for future crops - dig up beds, mark rows;
  • sow seeds to a depth of 1 cm at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other;
  • lightly sprinkle earth on top and mulch;
  • Form each variety into a separate row.

Shoots will appear on day 10-14.

Crop care:

After 2 weeks, the plants are planted in a permanent place, the distance between the sprouts and rows is 20 cm. In order for the viola to get stronger and take root well by winter, you should ensure:

  • thorough weeding and loosening;
  • fertilizer for plants in open ground - ammonium nitrate and superphosphate or Kemira;
  • if the soil is poor, fertilize with humus and compost, otherwise the plant will turn into a small-flowered one or stop producing flowers.

The following spring, the plants will begin to grow early and bloom in April.

Touching and tender, pansies (viola) are familiar to almost everyone. They are grown on summer cottages, in gardens and parks. Exists a large number of varieties of viola, each of which has its own charming flower color. They are loved by gardeners for their beauty, tenderness and unpretentiousness. Even a novice gardener will be able to grow pansies from seeds and decorate a flowerbed with them on his site.

Pansies: description

Biennial or perennial bushes in height can reach from fifteen to thirty centimeters. They have branched and rather thin triangular hollow stems, sessile or petiolate alternate rounded heart-shaped leaves small size, lobe root system and very beautiful single flowers with multi-colored petals. The buds are located in the axils of the leaves on long stalks. They can be single-color or multi-color. In tri-color and two-color violas, the eye has a contrasting color in relation to the petals.

Planted last year herbaceous plant It will begin to bloom in April, as soon as the snow melts. Flowering will continue all summer. Young bushes are compact; over time they grow and self-sow.

Pansies: growing from seeds

Despite the fact that the plant is in regions with cold winters it is most often grown as an annual. Therefore, in order to get a flowering flower bed of violas in the spring, you need to grow seedlings.

When are pansies planted? Viola should be sown three months before planting into open ground. Seedlings are planted in the beds only after the last frost has passed. Biennial types of pansies are sown directly into flower beds in July.

Growing seedlings

Viola seeds are soaked in a growth stimulator before planting.. Seedling containers are filled with soil mixture for violets, or soil is prepared from following components:

Planting material is placed on the surface of the soil and sprinkled with a nutrient mixture. The distance between the seeds should be approximately one centimeter. The soil is moistened with a sprayer and covered with film. Seedling containers are placed in a warm place with an air temperature of +22 degrees. Planting care consists of daily aerating the soil and keeping it moist.

After about seven to fourteen days, seedlings will appear. Some varieties can take up to three to four weeks to germinate. After the seedlings appear, the boxes are placed in a well-lit place, away from direct sunlight. It is not recommended to remove the film immediately. At first, young plants are opened for a few minutes a day. Every day the duration of ventilation increases. After about two weeks, the film is completely removed.

When growing seedlings it is necessary to monitor soil moisture. Viola does not like the soil to dry out, so watering should be regular. However, you can’t flood the seedlings either. You can water it only after the top layer of soil has dried.

Gardeners are often interested in the question - Is it necessary to pick up pansy seedlings? In this case, it all depends on how often the seeds were sown. If the distance between the bushes is two or more centimeters, then they can be grown in boxes before planting in open ground. At a shorter distance, the seedlings dive.

When the plants have two or three true leaves, they are planted in separate pots or in a larger container. To prevent seedlings from falling over, they are buried down to the cotyledon leaves. To form a lush bush, when six true leaves appear, the top of the plants is pinched.

About two weeks before planting seedlings in open ground, you need to start hardening them off. To do this, you can take the seedling containers to an open balcony or area.

Planting in open ground

For pansies choose well-lit area. However, they are not recommended to be planted in open areas where the sun shines throughout the day. Direct sunlight will stop the flowering of violas by mid-summer. Therefore, it is better for the flowers to have shade for part of the day. But also plant in the shade flowering plants not worth it. Due to lack of light, the color of the flowers will fade and the inflorescences will become small.

Soil for pansies should be loose and fertile. Plants growing on poor soils have smaller and paler flowers, and their varietal qualities are worse.

The distance between plantings of compact bushes should be twenty centimeters. Branching varieties are planted at a distance of thirty centimeters from each other.

In the first ten days of July they sow biennial pansy seeds. A bed with breathable, light soil is prepared for them. If the soil is heavy, it can be mixed with peat, sand or perlite. Compost or humus is added as fertilizer.

In open ground, seeds germinate faster, so seedlings will appear within a week. Caring for them involves timely watering and removing weeds.

At the end of August, the grown and strengthened seedlings are transplanted into a flower bed. For bushes, holes are made with a distance of twenty to twenty-five centimeters from each other. Before the onset of cold weather, the plants should grow well, they should not bloom. Only in this case will two-year-old pansies bloom in early spring next year and will bloom luxuriantly all summer.

Caring for pansies

The plants are unpretentious, so caring for them will not take much time.

Watering and fertilizing

Viola roots reach about fifteen centimeters in length, so they cannot extract moisture from the depths of the soil on their own. Plants need to be watered promptly, especially during hot months. Do not allow the soil to dry out too much. You can not water abundantly, but regularly. The main thing is that the small roots are saturated with water.

If the summer is hot and dry, then in the evenings the viola leaves can be sprayed with water from a spray bottle. Water should not get on the inflorescences. When watering and spraying, settled water is used. Plants should not be watered when they are cold.

Pansies for abundant and long flowering feeding required:

  1. During the active growing season, before the formation of buds, the first fertilizing with potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen is carried out.
  2. During flowering, plants are fed with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

Fresh mullein should not be used to fertilize violas.. It's best to buy ready-made mineral fertilizers for violets. You can also fertilize dry cow dung or bird droppings, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, nitrophoska.

Additional care

After watering and removing weeds once a week is recommended loosen soil around the bushes. This procedure is needed as a prevention of fungal diseases and for better penetration of oxygen to the roots.

To make the bushes beautiful and lush, crooked and elongated shoots are regularly pinched. Helps prolong flowering timely removal of faded buds. Plants that dry out and bloom at the beginning of summer can be pruned to provoke their growth and a new wave of flowering.

Collecting seeds and preparing for winter

If you do not remove dried buds, then in their place will form seed pods. When they turn yellow, they should be picked. Otherwise, the box will burst and the seeds will spill onto the ground. Collected seeds next year can be used for planting. They retain germination for three years.

In regions with not very cold winters, pansies are left in open ground. To protect them from freezing, the bushes are covered with dried leaves, spruce branches, sawdust or a special material - lutrasil. The shelter is covered with snow from above.

In regions with frosty winters, violas are dug up and grown at home or in a greenhouse until spring.

To get more planting material from several bushes, pansies can be taken from cuttings. For this purpose they are used apical cuttings, which are cut off from already rooted and strengthened plants. Each cutting should have two or three nodes.

Several cuttings are planted in the ground at once to a depth of one centimeter. The bed for them is selected in an area where there is no direct sunlight. Caring for cuttings involves regular watering. Rooting will occur in approximately seven to ten days. After this, the young plants can be transplanted into the flowerbed. They should bloom this year.

Hot and dry weather promotes the appearance on plants. These pests settle in colonies, multiply quickly and feed on the sap of leaves and stems. As a result, first the leaves turn yellow and fall off, and then the entire bush dies. Aphids are also carriers of many viral diseases. The pest must be disposed of immediately after detection. Insecticidal preparations will help with this. Plants need to be sprayed with Cypermethrin, Intavir, Actellik or Decis.

Viola roots can be affected by small worms called root-knot nematodes. Their larvae eat the roots, as a result of which the plant stops blooming and developing. Pests can be destroyed using Lindane, BI-58, Phosfamide, Ragon or other insecticides. Since the drugs do not destroy nematode eggs, treatment is carried out several times.

Viola diseases

Adverse weather conditions, errors in care, infected planting material or soil can cause plant damage to various fungal diseases.

Common diseases of pansies:

Proper care and timely fertilizing help strengthen the immunity of plants and increase their protective forces.

Beautiful and delicate pansies can be used to decorate flower beds, borders, alpine slides, lawns. Violas will look beautiful in flowerpots placed around the area. With their help you can decorate balconies and loggias. The plants are unpretentious, so caring for them does not take much time. And you can admire the blooming of pansies from early spring until autumn.