How to decorate a house made of laminated veneer lumber. Differences in the interior decoration of a house made of laminated veneer lumber

Time flies faster and faster, along with its speed the rhythm of everyday life accelerates, people drown in their worries, and as a result do not have time to look around and enjoy life. It would seem that what prevents you from resting and relaxing at home? The answer is obvious - inappropriate atmosphere. Vacation home will become a refuge from urban stress, especially if you build it from the “right” material - fireproof, environmentally friendly, durable and beautiful. Glued laminated timber has all these characteristics.

Features of buildings

Building a house from laminated veneer lumber is an art that begins already at the stage of lumber production. To give the material strength and resistance to moisture or fire, the logs are sawed, and the raw materials are rejected poor quality. Then the resulting lamellas undergo a thorough drying stage, on average this takes about a week. After the workpieces are sanded, three pieces are glued together. The press completes the production of high-quality and strong material for the timber. All that remains is to cut out the required profile - a comb, flat or 2-3 teeth. Each profile is good in its own way; the choice depends on the need for insulation, as well as the ease of installation.

Assembling a house is somewhat reminiscent of a construction set - the parts also have shaped recesses (grooves) and convex parts (spikes). To strengthen the structure, metal is used - studs secure the structure, tightening the seams. Thermal insulation is minimal due to the characteristics of the material; climatic conditions are taken into account, and insulation is selected depending on them. Often, there is no need for it at all, because the timber itself retains heat.

Advantages and disadvantages of houses made of laminated veneer lumber

In addition to the undoubted initial environmental friendliness of a house made of natural material, it should also be noted that it is absolutely safe - the material is non-toxic, since the glue used in assembling the slats is water based. Attention should be paid to treating the beams with a special solution, which makes the material resistant to fire and protects it from damage by pests. Many stages in the preparation of timber ensure special structural strength - the tree does not dry out or lose its shape. An important factor for many is the speed of building a house. A house made of laminated veneer lumber is erected quickly, yet quite easily - thanks to high-quality profiles, as well as the absence of a shrinkage period. The finishing stage goes just as quickly, because the walls outside and inside do not require additional treatment, except perhaps several layers of varnish or paint. Last but not least is the aesthetics. Such a house gives comfort and relaxation.

The disadvantages of a dwelling made of laminated veneer lumber are a direct reflection of its advantages. The first main issue is price. At the manufacturing stage, it is important to use high-quality and, accordingly, inexpensive materials. It is necessary to monitor not only the class of raw materials; glue and antiseptics play an important role - these substances must be free of formaldehyde and other harmful impurities. We can conclude that spending during the construction stage is simply an investment in future comfort.

The meaning of wood in the interior

Man cannot, and does not want, to move away from nature. Even when building stone skyscrapers, people always use wood in their interiors. Even floor tiles you can make it wooden, let alone furniture or decorative items. Only a tree can compete with a tree - it penetrates even into modern styles registration Depending on the selected material, you can get a simply unlimited number of effects:

  • strict classic oak will give the impression of solidity; like cherry, it is preferable to use it in minimalist settings;
  • hi-tech cannot be complete without the use of ash; walnut is also perfect - its texture will emphasize the self-sufficiency of the interior;
  • the very idea of ​​the Scandinavian direction implies natural materials, that is, untreated wood;
  • the freshness and comfort of the Provence style furnishings is emphasized by wood furniture painted in pastel colors;
  • The varnished surfaces of the plum panels will be luxury duet In a respectable setting in the Art Deco style, chestnut is also perfect.

You can return naturalness to the interior not only in the living room; it is appropriate to use wood in the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and even in utility rooms, for example, in a garage. Deciding on wooden floors, windows or stairs means making great choice. A wooden floor is cozy, furniture made from valuable wood is durable and at the same time very beautiful. But still, do not forget about a sense of proportion. Of course, the preparation of the room must be appropriate - when designing wood in a bathroom or attic, it is necessary to take into account the degree of humidity.

Fireplace in a wooden house

The peculiarities of the production of laminated veneer lumber make it possible to warm up with the warmth of a cozy fireplace. The timber is treated with a liquid that greatly reduces the wood's tendency to catch fire. Of course, when developing a project, the designer must take into account not only the aesthetic, but also the practical side of the issue. The fireplace is built at the same time as the house, because its foundation is also laid - if we are talking about a solid, heavy fireplace. The design must take into account the depth, height of the structure, its strength and safety:

  • The floor area adjacent to the fireplace must be separated with non-combustible materials such as iron or tiles. This will not only help protect the room from fire, but will also add character to the design;
  • The walls adjacent to the masonry also need protection - they should be covered by analogy with the floor, or simply initially insulate the timber wall with brick;
  • As a rule, the ceiling and chimney are not connected, and the remaining small gap is laid with heat-resistant material - basalt wool is suitable. Additional reinforcement will be required, this can be done with plasterboard;
  • the chimney and its assistant in removing smoke - the pipe on the roof - must be designed and then built with absolute precision. Fixation of the chimney can be based either on the fireplace itself or on another structure.

A fireplace next to laminated veneer lumber is a big step, but it will bring a lot of joy if treated with care and attention.

Main components of the interior

The interior of a house made of laminated veneer lumber, its creation, is strikingly different from the design of any other room. The nature and plastic features of the material make it possible to create projects of incredible beauty. A competent designer will take into account not only aesthetics, but functionality. There are no limits - wood can be used to create any style, but the main idea, of course, is naturalness and environmental friendliness. The advantage of a wood interior will be warmth and light - it is reflected in a very special way on the wall or floor panels. Therefore, preserving the original state becomes the main goal when planning the interior. The ceiling beams look interesting - untreated, uncovered.

Kitchen Design

The kitchen is, of course, a very cozy room: aromatic meat is crackling here, mind-blowing pies are being baked, and strong coffee is brewing. But all these actions involve creative chaos and splashes, from which it is so important to protect wooden wall and floor panels. To support style decision, you can lay out the apron with tiles that imitate the texture of wood; even a laminate board or plastic will do. A work area made of stone fits perfectly into the natural style of the kitchen. Don’t forget about the hood if you want to keep the ceilings in their original form.

Every cook sees his the perfect kitchen, but it wouldn’t hurt to adhere to a few basic principles:

  • competent zoning. Convenience, as well as the accessibility of all work areas, reduces the time for creating culinary masterpieces by several times. IN small room it is better to give preference to a linear headset, but in large kitchen an island is appropriate;
  • harmony of textures. On the background natural wood Simple objects made of plastic or fiberboard look strange, even alien. Ceramics, clay, glass, stone - these materials will perfectly set off, and in addition, highlight the timber;
  • textile. Functional, and at the same time decorative part of the kitchen - color, material and fabric treatment will create any desired mood;
  • lighting. Another way of zoning a room is to dim the light, make it bright, illuminate individual areas for convenience and create a suitable atmosphere;
  • decor. Flowers, delicious still lifes, interesting ideas will find support in wood design. Ceiling beams You can play with braided braids of onions or garlic.

Living room design

The living room can be made in any color, the main accent is already there - this is the material. The rest of the work is to emphasize naturalness:

  • a good solution would be to design panoramic windows, they will fill the room with morning light, and in the evenings you can admire the sunset;
  • It is worth supporting the expansion of space by painting the walls in gray tones, will serve this purpose well as well White color;
  • The main element of the living room is the fireplace, and its decoration with stone or brick is softened by rugs and sofa cushions, carpets. If there is no fireplace, the arrangement of furniture depends on the preferences and leisure time of the family.
  • It would be a misconception to think that timber houses require classic style, this is wrong. You can “make friends” with wood and hi-tech; minimalism, modernism, and, of course, country will look good.

Bedroom design

Sleep is very important for a person, so bedroom interior design should never be left to chance. Here you can imagine to your heart's content: an attic, an attic, a room with a double ceiling... Like any other room, the bedroom can be made in any style, but at the same time it is desirable to preserve the charm of naturalness:

  • First of all, you should think about the bedroom at the stage of designing a house - the room should be in a quiet part of the house, away from the kitchen, living room, bathrooms; if possible, you should arrange the bedroom on the second floor;
  • the processing of walls and ceilings is minimal - untreated wood coated with varnish looks most comfortable. A painted wall also looks good;
  • furniture. Do not overload the room; a bed, bedside table and dressing table are enough;
  • textiles will emphasize airiness, and a soft carpet will keep you warm;
  • lighting. It is better to adhere to zoning, this will add comfort and coziness.

Cabinet design

The house should have work zone. The office requires concentration, which means the environment should be comfortable and discreet:

Bathroom design

This seems strange, but only at first glance. Wood and bathroom are quite compatible:

  • Accommodation. The bathroom should be located on the ground floor due to the heavy structure.
  • Floor. Strengthening is necessary, careful sealing is required, followed by finishing with tiles, stone and other moisture-resistant materials.
  • Walls. It is not necessary to cover the walls with tiles from floor to ceiling. Only surfaces near the bathtub can be protected. Of course, the room must have strong, proper ventilation, because wood does not like humidity.

After the house is built, it's time to start finishing it. This is required mainly in order to bring already impressive-looking walls to a state of perfection. Indeed, many people prefer to do without finishing at all, but this article will not talk about this at all, because often this is not enough - the house still requires competent finishing. This especially applies to walls. It is better, in this regard, to consult with knowledgeable specialists, since the security of the walls, the ease of their maintenance, and, of course, their appearance depend on how well the finishing is done.

It should immediately be noted that before being sold, the timber is treated with wax and an antiseptic, but this provides only basic short-term protection. Namely, finishing allows you to properly protect the walls, and the durability of the building directly depends on how well it is done.

Stages of work

Typically, the process of finishing a house is divided into two stages - the stage of interior decoration and exterior finishing. Let's try to figure out what these two stages include.

Exterior finishing

Exterior decoration of a house made of timber, as a rule, means processes such as:

  1. Sanding the surface of the timber.
  2. Removing wax from its ends.
  3. Protection of the surface of the timber with certain compounds.
  4. End grinding and protection.
  5. Intermediate and final coating.

Let's try to briefly consider each of the presented stages. At the grinding stage, specialized equipment is used, which performs all the necessary manipulations. Sanding of the material must be carried out in accordance with the configuration and design of the house planned to be built. After this, the laminated timber is treated with antiseptic substances, which will protect the tree from a variety of harmful organisms, such as:

After these stages have been completed, such a vulnerable material as wood becomes much more reliably protected from insects, fungi, rot, fire, dampness, precipitation and rain. Very often, after applying protective substances, laminated veneer lumber is also coated with a special compound that allows it to be given a certain shade. Glued laminated timber is treated with a special vapor-permeable coating, which provides a certain level of ventilation in the room, so that it always has a certain comfortable level of humidity.

Perhaps, at this stage, the moment at which it is necessary to achieve the proper level of end protection becomes especially important. In order to get the maximum result, first, the layer of varnish that is applied at the factory for its production is removed from the surface of the timber to provide basic protection during transportation of the product. In order to properly protect the timber, after removing the varnish, it is treated at the ends with a special sealant.

Interior decoration

Interior decoration refers to such aspects as painting and sanding walls. IN in this case, use a special vapor-permeable composition, which differs in its structure from the composition used in external finishing. Environmental safety is very important here, since the inside of the house is the environment in which people live. Therefore, every effort must be made to ensure that it does not cause harm to health. For this purpose, when treating internal surfaces, special, less intense chemicals are used.

Decoration Materials

Finishing materials for such houses can be very diverse, however, they can be divided into two groups - protective and tinting. The protective group includes finishing materials that do not come into deep contact with wood and are not absorbed into it. Typically, such finishing materials are characterized by the smoothness of the surface and its cleanliness. They can brag enough high level aesthetic appeal. The tinting group includes finishing materials that are necessary for the wood to have a certain shade.

As a rule, such substances come into direct interaction with the timber, penetrating inside to the depth of one or several layers. This type of coating is characterized by the fact that it does not form a hard surface. On the contrary, it may feel slippery and even a little sticky. That is why such a surface must be covered with protective substances. If this is not done, dust will settle on it.

As you know, it is currently customary to distinguish between two types of finishing for a house made of timber: external and internal. The first is designed to give the exterior of the room a holistic look; the interior, as the name implies, is responsible for creating the interior design.

As for the interior decoration in a house made of laminated veneer lumber, the first option is decorative painting walls This method is not labor-intensive, but allows you to transform interior spaces and rooms. Translucent paint and varnish mastics and compositions will help highlight the natural beauty of wood. Most of all, materials such as varnishes and wax oil have proven themselves and have become popular for finishing inside the house.
Finishing the inside of a house made of laminated veneer lumber is an optional process, since the initial appearance deserves the highest praise. The main advantage is considered to be an increase in service life, which is already quite large.

The second option is to cover the walls with clapboard, plasterboard or block house. The peculiarities of the latter consist in the passage of wood in several steps, drying and processing with special compounds. The material is reliably protected from moisture and pests. Not subject to deformation processes and resistant to loads.

The use of lining for interior decoration of a house made of laminated veneer lumber will give an original outline to the interior. The popular finishing material is highly valued for its practicality, ease of installation and aesthetic qualities.

Exterior decoration of a house made of laminated veneer lumber

Exterior decoration of a house made of laminated veneer lumber is carried out in several stages.

1. Initially, the surface of the material is sanded, if it was not sanded at the factory during the production of laminated veneer lumber.

3. Then the laminated veneer lumber is sanded from the ends.

4. In addition to antiseptic treatment, UV ray filters are also used to protect the wood from solar radiation.

Enamels and varnishes help make a house made of laminated timber a real work of art and protect the wood from moisture. But some owners of laminated timber houses prefer to use exterior decoration siding panels and other materials.

If you are in doubt about what to choose or are unsure own strength, you can always contact the specialists of our company for help.

Order finishing of a wooden house

The Stroybrus company carries out interior and exterior finishing work at acceptable prices in Moscow and the Moscow region.

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1 answer

    I would like to leave a review about the company that completed the construction of my cottage in Cottage village"Emerald Valley". I ordered laminated veneer lumber in advance from another company, not knowing that Stroybrus also supplies house kits. Well, okay, that's not what this review is about. I’ll write right away that we found a common language quickly and you can feel the techie in the director of the company. There were no difficulties at all, neither with the supply of materials, nor with the quality of the work itself and the timing. The house was built from the foundation with further interior and exterior finishing. You can see for yourself the quality of the finish and watch the entire construction process. I am grateful that we ordered construction from StroyBrus. The finishing materials inside were not cheap and they did not spoil a single detail, turning our home into a vacation home outside the city. Inside the cottage there is a sauna and a garage with a separate entrance. I think on the site you will find more photos and all the information about my cottage with an individual project. Best regards, Stanislav

Today there is no more original structure than a wooden house. It can be built from rounded and laminated timber.
How are these buildings different? Their main difference is that walls made of rounded timber do not have a flat surface, like those made of laminated timber.
It is for this reason that the interior decoration of houses made of laminated veneer lumber is quite simple.

We can say that without any decoration it looks very beautiful. All such work is necessary for the reason that with their help the house can last much longer.

Advice. It is very important to carry out insulation and finishing in those wooden houses that are used all year round.

Very often the following is used for finishing walls made of laminated veneer lumber:

  • Paints and varnishes.
  • Block house.
  • Wooden lining.
  • Plastic.

The surface of the walls is varnished from the inside only if the walls are insulated and finished on the outside. Otherwise, this finishing method will only be decorative.

Block house in the decoration of a wooden house

What is a block house? These are wooden panels that have a convex surface on one side and a flat surface on the other.
In appearance, this finishing material very much resembles lining. Widely used not only for interior decoration, but also for exterior decoration (see).
It is practical and has a beautiful aesthetic appearance.
Blockhus features:

  • The wood used to make the block house first goes through several stages of preparation.
  • Initially, it is dried in special dryers, then treated with antiseptic agents, and only after that a varnish coating can be applied to its surface.
  • It all depends on the type of material. There are varnish surfaces of a block house, and there are also natural ones.

Advice. If the block house strips are not treated with any paint and varnish materials, then it would be better to cover its surface with varnish yourself. This will help protect the finishing material from any impact on it.

  • The advantage of a block house is that it is reliably protected from rotting. All this is thanks to the long work of preparing the material.
  • It also does not deform under pressure or physical stress and does not change its appearance over time.

Advice. The only thing you need to take into account is that it cannot be used in unheated rooms during cold periods. This is because due to the difference temperature regime inside the room itself and outside under such finishing material condensation can accumulate, which has negative impact on wooden walls and on the material.

Everyone has long known that wood absorbs moisture well. After this, insects may appear in it.
Also, due to temperature differences, the tree can shrink and dry out. It is for this reason that it would be more rational to finishing works using such material to carry out insulation and insulation.

Insulation and insulation of a wooden house

There are very big choice currently insulation and insulation materials. For these purposes, even one type can be used, for example, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam.

Advice. It is not recommended to use it for insulating a wooden structure. mineral wool. It absorbs moisture well and loses its technical characteristics over time.

Instructions for insulation and insulation


  • It is especially important to take this point into account if, after all, a block house is chosen as the finishing material.
  • Since laminated bursa walls are a relatively flat surface, all work on them will be very simple. You can do them yourself and without the help of a specialist.
  • Initially, you will need to seal all the cracks between the logs. For this, as a rule, moss or linen thread is used.
    The materials are also considered environmentally friendly.
  • After such work, it will be necessary to attach insulation to the surface and insulating material. Let's say it's polystyrene foam, its price is very low, and the material itself is universal (insulation and insulation).
    It is attached to the wall surface using construction adhesive or liquid nails.
  • You can think through the process of insulation and finishing at the same time. In order to secure the block house, you will need to first make a kind of sheathing.

If insulation material is already attached to the walls, then the process of installing such lathing will be a little difficult. This is why it would be more rational to initially make a frame on the surface of the wall and place insulation in its cells.

Finishing with a block house

As mentioned above, the block house is attached to a frame (sheathing). But here you can use another method.
To install such finishing material very often a sheet of plywood or very thin OSB is attached to the wall surface. It is on them that it will be mounted.
In this case, insulation and insulation work can be carried out immediately, since sheets of plywood or OSB will be placed on top of them.
To attach the block house you will need:

  • Self-tapping screws for wood.
  • Liquid Nails.
  • Sealant.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Level.

Stages of finishing work


  • Since the material on the inside has a very smooth surface, its installation will not be difficult. The block house strips must be installed from top to bottom.
    Thus, on the visible part of the wall there will be only intact elements of such a unique design.
  • Panels of this material have special locks on the ends. To give the fastening greater strength, all joints of the strips must be treated with sealant, which will make it possible to protect the premises from increased air humidity.

For finishing corners in the room there are special wooden external and internal corners. They are attached to the finishing material itself using self-tapping screws. If the block house is not varnished, then it will be more rational to cover its surface after finishing work has been completed.

Wooden lining in the decoration of a wooden house

Wood has excellent technical characteristics. Use it in decoration wooden house- means giving integrity to the entire structure.
made from laminated timber using lining will look very original. The photo shows examples of such room design.

Wooden lining:

  • Practical.
  • Durable.
  • Easy to install.
  • Has a large selection of sizes and designs.

Features of the lining:

  • In appearance, wooden lining is more reminiscent of plastic. The difference will be the color scheme and weight of the material itself.
    The dimensions may also be similar.
  • Wooden lining may have a flat surface, or perhaps there will be a variety of ornaments on the surface, which are made using wood carving. This type of finishing material is rightfully considered designer.
    From strips of lining you can assemble very original images on the wall.
  • As a rule, wooden lining is already initially coated with varnish and matting agents, which impart color to the surface of the wood. If there is no paint layer on its surface, then it will be better to coat the surface with varnish after finishing the finishing work.
  • The lining is attached to a frame made of wooden planks, which are fixed to the surface of the wall. In such work it is also possible to carry out both insulation and insulation.

In order to install such finishing material you will need:

  • Self-tapping screws for wood.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Sealant.
  • Level.

Simple installation instructions:

  • It is necessary to draw stripes from the entrance to the room so that only intact elements are on the wall surface wooden lining. If you need to adjust the size, use a regular saw or jigsaw.
    All panel joints are treated with sealant.
  • The video shows an example of such work on finishing a wooden house with clapboard. There is nothing complicated in such work and anyone can cope with it.
    There are certain installation instructions, following which you need to attach the wooden lining.

Finishing in wooden house can be external and internal. The outside of wooden buildings is very rarely finished.
All this can negatively affect the appearance of the building itself. It is best to carry out interior finishing and insulation. Such work does not need to be carried out throughout the entire building.
Finish may bear decorative decoration, for example, fake diamond or cork materials.

Wooden beam – natural material, which has been used for finishing houses since ancient times. Moreover, it is unique both from the point of view of design and from the outside design solution. Wooden decoration creates an amazing and unusual atmosphere, unlike anything else. For example, the interior of a bedroom in a house made of timber looks really interesting.

Rustic bedroom interior

Interior two-story house from timber

Remember one rule: the interior of any house cannot exist separately, on its own. It is inseparable from the entire building. Don't forget about the harmony between appearance and interior decoration, especially when it comes to wooden houses.

Which style to choose

There are many basic styles, the influence of which can be seen in the creation of designs. And we are talking not only about the internal environment, but also about the creation of monuments, churches, houses and other buildings.

Timber is old material, it does not fit well with modern fashion trends such as techno, loft or hi-tech. It would seem that this limits the design options, but in fact it does not. There are really many styles for creating the interior of a wooden house, even taking into account the characteristics of the material. Let's look at a few of them below.

Russian style – “Izba”

This is a simple but incredibly popular design option. Its highlight is that you do not have to additionally decorate or finish the walls. Myself wooden beam and will be the final stage of work. It will remain almost in its original form. You only need to apply a varnish coating to the wood. This will help preserve it for many years and increase performance characteristics(resistance to increase/decrease in temperature, moisture).

Decorating a hallway in the “Russian hut” style

Another important distinguishing element is the Russian stove. This is perhaps the main character of “Russian Izba”. The stove can be built in a traditional design, or be replaced with a fireplace.

The Russian stove is a distinctive element of the “Russian Izba” style

Special attention is paid to secondary decorative elements - doors, floors and windows. Wooden interior does not accept metal inserts, as well as too pretentious, refined flooring. Obviously, doors and windows made of wood look harmonious (high-quality analogues are allowed).

Windows in a wooden house in the “Russian Izba” style

The timber goes well with rough, seemingly untreated wood. An excellent option is a dark board floor that has a slightly antique feel.

"Hunting Lodge"

In another way, this direction in the interior is called “chalet”. The origins of the style lead to solutions that appeared in the mountains. The distinctive element is the hearth. It is installed in the center of the main room or next to the long wall in the living room. The hearth is finished with stonework, which blends harmoniously with wood.

Interior of a house made of timber in a hunting style

Matte or semi-matte boards that give off an “antique” look are suitable for the floor. This will allow you to achieve harmony between the walls and floor. When using tiles in decoration, it is important to ensure that they fit the overall style.

Carpets are a nice addition. The skins, stuffed animals, and different models of weapons look great.

Another option for interior design in a hunting style for a house made of timber

Rustic is modern trend, but is still unfamiliar on the territory of the Russian Federation. The main distinguishing characteristic is freedom. Style is not tied to any specific historical period. Antique pieces of furniture combined with a modern TV or a newfangled refrigerator will not be out of place.

You can't do without restrictions. You shouldn’t fill your home with too much “junk.” In an interior made of tiled and wooden elements, modern inserts are acceptable, but their quantity should be in moderation.

Decorating a kitchen in a rustic style

On our website you can find contacts construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Colonial style involves a combination of finishing elements. For example, the wall can be diluted decorative plaster, sheets of wallpaper. The whole essence of this style comes down to the crossing of traditional old tribal objects and standard English life. It is better to build the entire interior on a combination of dark and light wood. Typically, designers distribute colors as follows: the ceiling is white/light, and the ceilings are dark. The floor looks impressive with tiles or laminate (especially if it is made with scuffs, antique).

Bedroom decoration in colonial style

The combination of various ethnic attributes, skins and stuffed animals looks advantageous. English service and musical instruments will not hurt.

Colonial style in the interior of a timber house

The basis of the Scandinavian style is white. This is a guide for the designer. The result should be a bright and comfortable design. The beams on the walls and the floor can be painted pearl white. It is also advisable to choose light wood species. This will visually increase the space in the room.

Kitchen decoration in Scandinavian style in a timber house

You don't have to work on the doors. Replace them with curtains or non-bulky translucent screens. Window curtains should let in as much daylight as possible. Choose soft fabrics. As an addition, a number of bright highlights are allowed, but it is important not to overdo it.

Interior country house made of timber in Scandinavian style

Wood selection

For the production of beams for the purpose of finishing and building a house, they are used different breeds wood The most popular of them is considered to be pine. Characteristics:

    Softness – the wood structure lends itself well to processing;

    Strength – high levels of reliability and strength;

    Cleanliness - pine, like many other trees, is environmentally friendly and not dangerous to humans (depending on the region of extraction, when purchasing, check the certificates for the material);

    Color – the whole breed is painted in a uniform shade, for example, bright gold, straw color, yellow;

    Popularity - the material is actively used in the construction of houses, structural elements for them, finishing, and is often used for the manufacture of furniture;

    Cost – the price of pine can be called “national”, especially when compared with analogues.

A significant share in the wooden market building materials spruce took over, as well as timber obtained from cedar, fir, and larch trees. Spruce and fir are close in price to pine. The only differences are in color - pine has several options, spruce has only one colorful palette.

A palette of shades of lining made from pine timber for finishing interior walls

Glued laminated timber

The idea of ​​using bent and doweled load-bearing structures is not new. Such solutions were popular back in the Baroque, including among Russian masters. Despite this, the idea of ​​​​creating large structures from individual wooden elements by gluing them belongs to the German carpenter Otto Hetzer.

Wood goes well with stone, tile or wood; laminate with a wooden pattern is not excluded. If we talk about the ceiling, it is usually left in its original form. Wooden beams they look beautiful and unusual. This gives the home comfort and a piece of historical spirit.

Video description

See an example of interior design in a wooden house:

Examples of designing a house made of timber

Professional designers know many solutions on how to decorate the interior of a wooden house. Let's look at some of them below.

Brutality in design

Brutality, cruelty - not all styles can boast of these features. Among the listed design options, “hunting lodge” and “Russian hut” best fit the description.

Hunters are courageous and brave people. They have long preferred strict and rough features in his hunting lodge. Often for women similar design seems overly crude. But for a brutal man, the interior is ideal. He will be able to reveal his primitive traits, show who is boss in the house.

Interior of a house made of timber, decorated in a hunting style

“Russian Izba” stands out for its minimalism. There may be bare beams on the walls, and there may be a bulky stove in the middle of the room. Often such decisions look rude and brutal.

Brutality in the interior design of a house made of timber

Original interior decoration

The interior design of a timber house is even more important than the exterior decoration. Original stylistic decision can be called rustic style houses.

For example, the option in the photo below. The picture clearly shows the combination of newfangled solutions and the spirit of antiquity. Chandeliers are representatives of “bygone” times. At the same time, the hearth, shelves, and cabinets give off more of something new.

Interior of a wooden house in a rustic style


Interior timber house can result in natural solutions. The emphasis is on naturalness and purity. Some styles smack more of novelty, while others exude naturalism and nature. If we talk about such features, then only with mention rustic interiors. Design country house made of timber, decorated with special love and comfort, that rustic spirit.

Cozy decoration of a wooden house

Can be inlaid into the interior of plants, imitation wooden branches or other similar elements. This will add life to the home environment.

In the interior of a wooden house only natural materials

Living room

The living room is one of the most important rooms in the house. It is used to evaluate the owners and overall design, therefore it is worth approaching the finishing with special interest. For example, great option- French style. It is characterized by neutral colors combined with bright colors(yellow, blue).

It is advisable not to overload the interior of the living room. It should be harmoniously combined, the ceilings should be moderately high. Especially during french style the room is not “cluttered” with furniture and dimensional elements.

Living room in French style

Bedroom: imitation timber

The bedroom is the room in which you relax and enjoy peace. Sometimes optimal solution The walls in this room are decorated with imitation timber. A copy is no worse than the original, but costs less. Imitation is popular in construction.

An example of a bedroom, the wall of which is decorated with clapboard imitating timber

Furniture in a wooden house

Take your time when choosing furniture. It is recommended that it be made from natural materials. The furniture reflects the design style. For example, when arranging a colonial house, it should emphasize a combination of trends: classic English style and traditions of ancient tribes.

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Watch the video for an example of the interior design of a wooden house:

In the photo below there is a bedroom in which not only the wall decoration, but also the bed and bedside table are made from rounded logs. All this is very harmonious with each other.

Original furniture in the bedroom

Wooden walls go well with similar furniture.

The kitchen matches the walls perfectly

Another option for a wooden kitchen in a timber house

For a living room in a wooden house, you can choose almost any furniture, the main thing is that it matches the interior of the room itself. Soft pillows look good against the background of rough, artificially aged wood. Wicker furniture will also fit organically into the interior of the living room of a house made of timber.

Living room in a wooden house

Wicker cushioned furniture in the living room

Living room in minimalist style with wicker furniture

Photo collection - examples of the interior of houses made of timber

Interior of a kitchen combined with a dining room in a wooden house

Interior of a living room in a house made of timber

Small cozy living room in a wooden house

Kitchen-dining room combined with living room

Bright colors in the living room interior

Another option for decorating a living room with bright colors furniture

Living room with fireplace in a timber house

Bathroom interior in a wooden house

Interior of an open terrace in a timber house


When choosing an interior and style, the owner must decide in what environment it will be more convenient and peaceful for him to live. It’s not even necessary to stick to one direction when decorating the entire house. It is not prohibited to resort to different styles, not contradicting each other.