Decoration of a house made of timber inside. Decoration using a block house or wooden lining. Timber is one of the best solutions

Fashion trends in finishing a house made of timber.

  1. Peculiarities timber houses concerning finishing works.
  2. Interior decoration with wooden clapboard or block house.
  3. Use of decorative stone in home decoration.
  4. Features of creation fashionable interior drywall.
  5. The secret to maintaining naturalness is in the interior design.
  6. What is the best way to make a floor?

Timber is one of the best solutions

which you can only choose, dreaming of beautiful and cozy home. But just a luxurious exterior is not enough; the interior of the home needs to meet the same high standard, which is why decorating a house from timber inside requires a thoughtful and subtle approach. For such a structure, it is important to achieve integrity and harmony, so not every interior style and not every material will be appropriate. Decorating a timber house inside

Modern trends in the interior design of timber houses

Today, designers offer a variety of materials that can be used for a house made of timber, without disturbing the favorable atmosphere that is characteristic of buildings made of natural materials, and without spoiling the unique microclimate that reigns in them, ensuring comfort and coziness. The most common ones include:

  • natural and decorative stone;
  • wooden lining and block house;
  • drywall, which is then covered with the finishing material the owners like.

Modern trends are increasingly leaning towards interesting combined options. For example, covering walls with plasterboard covered with discreet background wallpaper and accenting inserts made of decorative stone. In principle, you can implement a wide variety of solutions, give free rein to your imagination, or look at options, for example, in photos presented in huge numbers on the Internet. Decorating a timber house inside

The main thing is to decide on the style. If we are talking about a spacious country cottage, then it can be done in the best “country” traditions. And if about a small country house, then wanting to arrange an unusual place for good rest both soul and body, you can give preference to Japanese traditions.

Features to consider before starting work

Regardless of which ones will be used in the future Decoration Materials, it is necessary to understand that wooden buildings have a period of shrinkage, and until it ends, work on interior design It is not recommended to proceed. Shrinkage occurs in two stages:

  • primary. It can last from 2 to 5 years from the completion of construction of a building made of profiled timber and a year or two if glued timber is chosen. It occurs due to the drying of the material, which gradually leads to a decrease in the volume of the beams and a decrease in the gaps between them. In total, the floor may become lower by three centimeters, which is not too noticeable in a structure without finishing and is particularly evident on surfaces lined with decorative coatings (tiles come off, cracks appear, plaster crumbles);
  • secondary. It is not as pronounced as the first one, leading to serious damage decorative design most often it does not. It is caused by temperature fluctuations and humidity of the wood itself.

Before finishing the timber walls inside the house, they must be caulked. It is needed in order to provide thermal protection (prevent drafts, do not allow cold air to “enter” inside), that is, help maintain warmth and comfort in the premises. By “caulk” we mean high-quality filling with fibrous insulation (jute, tow) of all the cracks and gaps formed between the beams. Decorating a timber house inside

Decoration using a block house or wooden lining

Most used for decoration interior decoration wooden house today are wooden lining and block house. This is primarily explained by its closeness to the main material of the structure in terms of qualities and characteristics. This is the most harmonious solution that will allow you to be as close to nature as possible and create a unique and healthy microclimate indoors.

Finishing with timber inside the house has a number of undeniable advantages compared to other options:

  • she has a presentable appearance;
  • she has natural beauty and charm;
  • generally harmonizes with the residential ensemble;
  • is absolutely environmentally friendly;
  • designed for long service life;
  • During operation, the material can be refreshed by opening it with varnish, and it will again acquire a spectacular and radiant appearance. In the future, no specific care is required for the varnish surface;
  • has an affordable price.

By equipping the panels of the lining and the block house, which is its special variety, with a tongue-and-groove locking connection, any owner will be able to equip his home inside with my own hands. Easy installation will save you a lot of money family budget due to the fact that there is no need to involve specialists in the work and pay for their expensive labor. Finishing with imitation timber inside the house can be used for bedrooms, living rooms, halls, dining rooms, but preferably for rooms with high humidity choose a different design.

Decorative stone in the interior of wooden houses

An excellent solution can be interior decoration using decorative stone. Natural materials are in perfect harmony with each other, and the stone inserts look attractive and natural. This combination has been chosen for centuries, and today it has not lost its relevance due to many positive aspects:

  • aesthetics and presentability of the interior, the ability to implement original and unusual ideas;
  • high strength of the material, which is not afraid of moisture, pests, mechanical damage;
  • durability;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • resistance to dirt, grease, easy maintenance.

It is also possible to do the arrangement yourself, but you need to take into account that if you choose a natural stone, then perfect leveling of the surface is not necessary, and when using a simulator (decorative element), the walls must be smooth. Decorating a timber house inside

Is it appropriate to use drywall?

Realize the most daring and original ideas and apply the desired interior style, making the room cozy and comfortable, but at the same time fashionable and interesting, you can use plasterboard to decorate the inside of a wooden house made of timber. Its use can be applied to walls and ceilings, and with its help you can easily change the geometry of rooms, and the ability to arrange many installations will give you a chance not only to add an original and fashionable touch to the interior, but also to achieve ergonomics in the room.

The material is lightweight, safe for health, and inexpensive. To install it, a lathing is installed, thanks to which the drywall does not come into contact with the wood, which does not allow cracks to form in the end, and preserves both the walls and the sheathing, under which all communications (electrical wiring, water pipes, etc.) are conveniently hidden. A layer of insulation is also placed under the drywall, which is simply invaluable for living in the cold season. Decorating a timber house inside

Sheathing made of this material is especially convenient in that it allows you to implement any design ideas. Any background paint fits perfectly on sheets covered with a thin layer of plaster, and can become an interesting and fashionable accent. decorative elements from decorative stone (for example, they effectively decorate corners, highlight the wall around the fireplace) or wood (panels, etc.).

The only point: you will not be able to install drywall without outside help; you need to involve a specialist who has experience working with this durable, but at the same time fragile material.

How to design an interior that is as close to nature as possible

Often, owners leave the walls without significant changes, trying to preserve the naturalness of the structure as much as possible. This is especially true for country cottages and small country houses which are intended for summer holidays. For residents of megacities, this is truly a great opportunity to retire to nature and protect themselves from the bustle of the city. Decorating a timber house inside

Treated wood is an excellent finish in itself, preserving everything best properties natural material and creating a unique microclimate favorable to human health, promoting internal harmony and tranquility. Along with the walls, it has become fashionable to leave them open ceiling beams from natural wood, they will become a decorative element, which is especially appropriate if the country house is designed in a country style, Provence or made like a “hunting lodge”.

This type of interior finishing of a house made of timber is done with your own hands and does not require special skills and professional tools. Pre-processing of all wooden surfaces antiseptics that prevent wood from rotting from contact with moisture and vapor, and also repel pests.

If there is a need to slightly tint the color of the timber, it can be coated with stain. The only caveat is that wood tends to absorb the coating well and may change its color a little more than you want, so you should test a small area of ​​the panel first. Decorating a timber house inside

Further, in order to make wood surfaces more spectacular and attractive in appearance, they are coated with varnish, which gives a mysterious shine and performs an additional protective function. Staining is also appropriate if the owners want to get a certain color scheme.

What can you do to decorate the floor?

All offered options are suitable for floor decoration. modern manufacturers floor coverings. Classical use wooden board, but at the same time it will be appropriate and in harmony both with the timber house itself and with any decoration:

  • parquet;
  • laminate;
  • linoleum;
  • ceramics;
  • cork covering.

As you can see, for interior decoration timber house mass provided interesting options, all that remains is to choose which one you like.


Interior finishing work



Installation of a subfloor from a 25x100 mm board

100 rubles

Installation of vapor barrier

Installation of 50 mm insulation

Installation of 100 mm insulation

Installation of floorboards (pine, spruce)

370 rubles

Installation of counter-lattice

100 rubles

Installation of plywood

200 rubles

Installation of underlay under laminate

Laminate installation

200 rubles

Installation of skirting boards

Ceiling lining with imitation timber

450 rubles

Painting the ceiling 1 layer (brush)

150 rubles

Installation of fillets

Installation of imitation timber on walls

350 rubles

Painting walls in 1 layer (brush)

Manufacturing of a 100 mm frame partition

250 rubles

Making waterproofing in the bathroom

100 rubles

Installation of masonry mesh

100 rubles

Laying tiles by gender

1000 rubles


Preparing window openings

550 rubles

Installation of accessories

200 rubles

Installation of PVC window blocks

2,000 rubles

Installation of window sills

400 rubles

150 rubles

Installation of ebb tides

100 rubles


Preparing doorways

550 rubles

Installation of accessories

200 rubles

Door installation

2,000 rubles

Insertion of hinges

300 rubles

Lock mortise

750 rubles

Installation of a metal entrance door

4,000 rubles

Installation of platbands + manufacturing

150 rubles


Making stairs

45,000 rubles

Installation of attic stairs

4,000 rudders

Manufacturing of the entrance group

25,000 rubles

When choosing a log house, the developer is primarily guided by the affordability of the price and short installation time. But the next most important issue is the environmental friendliness of the material. And if we talk about construction country houses, then it is this factor that becomes decisive. Recently, the industry of ready-made wooden cottages has emerged as an absolutely independent direction called “eco-style”. Naturally, the main task of finishing work in wooden house, this is the preservation of the beauty and purity that nature so generously shares with us. To do this, it is necessary to exclude the use of materials with synthetic and polymer components, which can negate all the beneficial properties of wood. Nothing should disturb the natural air exchange and healthy microclimate, which is created in the house thanks to wood. If you need quality interior decoration houses made of timber, contact our company! We do absolutely everything!

Our services:

  • installation of a water supply system;
  • installation of a sewerage system;
  • finishing of walls, floors, ceilings;
  • installation of window and door units;
  • production and installation of stairs.

Traditional design solution for the interior decoration of houses made of timber, one can name the usual application of antiseptics, varnishes or primers on the surface of the timber. Recently, impregnations based on natural oils and wax. They not only reliably protect wood from ultraviolet radiation and from the appearance of fungi and mold, but also give the surface characteristic shades.

Also, for the interior decoration of timber houses, paints based on water based. With their help, surfaces of any color are obtained, preserving the natural texture of wood. It is not recommended to use vinyl wallpaper, plastic lining, linoleum and anything else that can worsen natural properties timber.

Wooden houses themselves look impressive. From the point of view of heat preservation, they do not need interior decoration. But not everyone likes the yellow-brown monotony in the interior of their home. Fortunately, the construction market offers a lot of materials for interior finishing of a house made of timber - you just need to spend some time studying the issue and you will definitely choose the right option for yourself.

House made of timber in modern design

Features of wooden houses

The interior decoration of a house made of timber is not fundamentally different from a brick or block frame. You just need to take into account a few features:

    complete shrinkage of the log house lasts several years;

    over time, the gaps between the beams expand;

    wood requires mandatory protection from moisture.

Because of such nuances, you cannot rush to begin interior decoration, otherwise cracks will appear in the walls and ceiling. To avoid troubles, it is necessary to coat the wood with a protective varnish in the first year after construction of the frame.

Builders advise following a certain order when finishing a wooden house:

    Laying utilities on top of the subfloor

    Basic flooring

    Treatment of timber (filling cracks, filling, applying antiseptic, decorative finishing)

    Ceiling decoration (puttying and varnishing of beams, installation of finishing coating)

The advantage of laminated veneer lumber is that it shrinks less than other types of wood.

In a new house, it is better to leave the original appearance of the timber - environmentally friendly, natural, smooth. And if the log house has stood for several decades, then it is advisable to cover it from the inside with modern finishing materials, since restoring the appearance of the tree will be difficult and expensive.

Types of interior decoration

Glued laminated timber does not require additional cladding. It looks perfect even without varnishing. If the walls are made of profiled wood, you will have to think about finishing.

Wood needs protective impregnation in any case. It creates a barrier against fungus, mold, moisture and even fire. Can lighten or leave the surface color unchanged.

Low-quality profiled timber can be easily hidden under panels that imitate natural wood from lining, block house or siding - this way the inside of the house will not only maintain eco-style, but will also become warmer.

Create in a wooden cottage modern interior also real. The timber can be easily sheathed with plasterboard or OSB panels, painted, covered with wallpaper, or covered with artificial stone. And hide the electrical wiring inside.

Imitation of real timber in the living room

Floor installation

Before you start finishing work, be sure to think over the design of a house made of timber: the interior decoration of the house directly depends on the project. Based on it, the cost estimate is calculated.

A conscientious construction company has specialists in 3D interior design, estimators, and experienced installers. They will quickly and efficiently fulfill all your wishes, making your dreams come true.

Installation begins with the subfloor. Regardless of the finishing materials chosen, the surface of the lag is first treated with protective impregnation against moisture. Insulation (mineral wool or polystyrene foam) is placed between them. Then a substrate made of chipboard or OSB board is attached. And a finishing coating is already laid on top of it. It can be natural board, linoleum, laminate, parquet or artificial stone.

An added plus! Double flooring will help keep the house warm.

Popular floor coverings

In a wooden cottage, the floor is often laid with planed tongue-and-groove boards made of pine or spruce. It does not require maintenance and retains its original appearance for several decades. And when it gets dark, you just need to sand the top layer and re-coat it with a protective composition.

Tongue and groove board without varnish coating

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

The only contraindication is the installation of heated floors. This is a fire hazard and impractical, because most of the energy will be spent on heating the wood.

Laminate and parquet conduct heat well. These coverings look similar to plank floors, only with a more interesting pattern. You can create an original pattern from parquet planks. And the laminate is strong enough, it is not pressed through by heels and furniture legs. Imitates different types of wood, metal and stone.

Laminate with imitation stone in a wooden house

Artificial stone on the floor enhances the interior. It is best to install this material in the bathroom, hall or kitchen. To keep your feet from freezing, a heating system is needed. The main advantage of a stone floor is its durability and unique pattern. This type of floor design requires plaster and stone on the walls and ceiling.

Artificial stone on the floor looks luxurious

Linoleum is the most affordable wood imitation. Its service life is no more than 10 years, so it is often installed as a temporary covering.

Wall decoration

Wooden walls are first impregnated with an antiseptic, and then treated with varnish, paint, mastic or oil. Choose a solution based on the expected effect. If the surface needs a tinted matte finish, then mastic or acrylic paint. For an elegant gloss, the timber is coated with oil or varnish. The texture of the wood does not change from such solutions, but moisture is not a problem in the coming years. Wax-based mastic has a porous structure that allows air to pass through, and oil gives a beautiful golden shine.

When the impregnation has dried, the finishing of the house from the profiled timber from the inside begins. The lining requires a wooden sheathing. Steam and heat insulating sheets are placed in the spaces between the slats. The boards themselves are nailed to the slats at the edges. And they are connected to each other using grooves. The lining can be placed vertically, horizontally or diagonally. If you combine these methods, you will get a unique drawing.

Lining on the wall is ideal in a wooden house

The lining is made from different breeds wood (spruce, pine, aspen, linden, alder). This affects shades, heat resistance and strength. The material class should also be taken into account:

    C-class is of low quality (with gaps, dark spots and knots);

    B-class of average quality (there are some knots);

    A-class of high quality (there are knots, but they look aesthetically pleasing);

    extra class (ideal material without defects).

There is a popular type of lining called block house. Planed board, outer side which imitates timber or logs. The groove-shaped side fastening reliably connects the parts together. They are laid horizontally, starting from bottom to top. Made from coniferous wood. Ideal for finishing walls made of low-grade profiled timber. Does not require additional protection.

A block house cannot be distinguished from a rounded log from afar

Another finishing material that builders like to use to finish a wooden house made of timber is plasterboard. It is universal, inexpensive and easy to install. It is attached to aluminum or wooden profiles, which are easily screwed to the beam. In the free space you can lay insulation and hide electrical wiring. The sheets themselves are mounted with self-tapping screws. Then they are plastered and the finishing coat is applied. For example, wallpaper, self-adhesive paper, ceramics or paint. Niches, arches, and shelves in the wall are created from plasterboard, if there is such a need. The design is 10 cm thick, so it is better not to use this material in a small room. But as a partition it is an ideal option.

Unusual plasterboard arch

Siding and plastic lining are also actively used in finishing work. These materials are cheaper than natural wood, but their texture is very similar to it.

Siding panels are mounted horizontally. You can choose the color and texture to suit your taste: wood, brick, metal or stone.

Plastic lining (PVC panel) with a standard width of up to 10 cm, and inside consists of honeycombs. Air voids improve the insulation of a home. The vinyl surface does not require varnishing, is not afraid of moisture and sun, and its colors are amazing - from monotonous white to bright flower bouquets. Mounted plastic lining on a metal frame. This material is suitable for the corridor, bathroom and living room. You can sheathe the entire room or just the basement part.

Artificial stone is made from essential resins and natural chips. It looks like the real thing, but is cheaper and lighter in weight. In texture and color it is identical to marble, crushed stone, brick, shell rock, granite, etc. It is attached to the sheathing with a special glue. Goes well with chalet style plaster. It is better to entrust installation to professionals, then the tiles will be glued without gaps and will last a long time. Decorative rock Suitable for accent in bedroom, living room, hallway and kitchen.

Accents in the living room made with artificial stone

These are the main materials for finishing the inside of a timber house. They create an interior in Old Russian, classical or modern style. For the ceiling great solution will become a tension fabric. Matte film will fit even into a country room. Drywall or lining is also often used in a wooden house.

Prices in Moscow for interior decoration of a house

What budget should the owner of a wooden house count on to construction company did you do the interior finishing? It all depends on the complexity and volume. On average, an installation team in Moscow asks for 80 rubles/sq.m. for applying impregnation in one layer. m., oils – 100 rub./sq. m, varnish or wax – 150 rub./sq. m. Painting the inside of a log house will cost 200 rubles/sq.m. m. Plus the cost of the solutions themselves.

Installation of an aluminum frame for any finishing panels– 300 rub./sq.m. Covering a room with plasterboard – 300 rub./sq.m. vinyl siding or panels without insulation - 600 rubles/sq.m, and with insulation - 700 rubles/sq.m. Plus the material itself.

What and how much in finishing a wooden house - look at the video:

Installation of block house panels is a little cheaper - 450 rubles/sq.m. excluding lathing and related work.

Cost of sticking to the wall artificial stone– minimum 1200 rubles/sq.m, but this is if the surface is already prepared. The cost of turnkey work is at least 10,000 rubles/sq.m.

Laying tongue-and-groove floorboards will cost 600 rubles/sq.m including joists, parquet without sanding – 600 rubles/sq.m, laminate or linoleum – 250 rubles/sq.m.

Covering the ceiling with clapboard costs from 500 rubles/sq.m., plasterboard – 450 rubles/sq.m. And installation of stretched PVC fabric will cost from 550 rubles/sq.m. excluding material.

For an example of designer finishing of a house made of timber, see the video:

Unusual options for finishing a wooden house

Even from familiar materials you can make original design wooden house inside. Like, for example, a clapboard ceiling with carved elements.

Or the silhouette of a Japanese tree made of stones on the wall. The base is covered with the same tiles.

Parquet in in capable hands- a real work of art. No carpet needed.

Unique pattern from parquet boards


A wooden house itself creates an atmosphere of comfort and unity with nature, and modern finishing materials help to maintain it. The main thing is professional and high-quality work on the interior decoration of the house - then the next repair will not be needed soon.

Having completed a house made of timber, you should not think that all the most difficult work is finished. On the contrary, the most interesting things await you ahead! To create a comfortable atmosphere, you will need interior decoration of the house, which requires more detailed attention. And below you will learn how to do the interior decoration of a house made of timber with your own hands, watch training videos and photos, which will allow you to become more familiar with the process.

If you have never encountered such work before, then be prepared for the fact that this is a whole range of activities, which includes:

  • laying communications (water supply, heating, electricity, sewerage);
  • impregnation wooden walls fire-resistant compounds and antiseptics;
  • waterproofing and thermal insulation of floors, walls and ceilings (if necessary);
  • subfloor installation;
  • installation of partitions and other structures;
  • preparation of ceilings, walls, floors decorative cladding(leveling, installation of a frame for fixing the sheathing material);
  • finishing of walls, ceilings, floors;
Attention! If you have not previously encountered any of the above work, we recommend entrusting this important task to specialists. Despite the fact that you will spend more money than originally planned, you can be sure of the quality. First of all, this concerns communications. You can basically handle the rest of the tasks yourself.

It should be noted that interior decoration of a house made of timber with your own hands is a very important task. For this reason, before taking on it, draw up a design project where all the nuances will be spelled out. For example, the location of the electrical network, heating pipes, sewerage, etc.

It is necessary to clearly define all the points discussed above: from rough materials to decorative coatings - their type, quantity, color, cost, texture, etc.
Another important point that is worth knowing is that all wooden buildings shrink. This process should be divided into two main stages:

  1. Primary shrinkage - usually continues during the first two years as a result of drying of the wood. During this period, the gaps between the beams decrease under the weight of the roof, and cracks of various sizes may form inside and outside the room. Moreover, the walls and ceiling may shrink by two to three centimeters. As a result, experts do not recommend using rigid structures (for example, plastic panels, drywall) when finishing ceilings and walls until shrinkage is completely completed.
  2. Secondary – associated with fluctuations in temperature and humidity of wood. Usually it is insignificant and most likely will not affect the internal cladding coatings. What kind of interior decoration can a house made of timber look like in the first years after completion of construction? In this case, you should do the following:
  • plaster the load-bearing structures and cover them with paints and varnishes that protect the wood from rotting and mold;
  • make a two-layer subfloor;
  • use a stretch fabric or leave the ceiling the same.

In any case, we will consider the most popular methods of decorating the floor, ceiling and walls - both for houses that have already shrunk and for those that are in the process of shrinking.

Finish and rough floor

Installation of subfloor

First of all, a subfloor in a home is made from timber. We recommend choosing a double floor structure - it will better conserve heat indoors.

What is a double subfloor? Special logs are made, insulation with a waterproofing layer is laid between them (for example, mineral wool). Next, all this is covered with boards, and then the finishing process takes place. flooring. This is the most economical, simple and effective option in terms of sound insulation and heat conservation.

As a finishing floor covering in timber houses Typically, the following materials are used:

  1. Planed tongue and groove board, which has a lot of advantages, of which I would like to highlight the following:
  • environmentally friendly material, resistant to moisture and “breathes” (thanks to special impregnations and natural properties);
  • durability and strength are another advantage of tongue and groove boards (this floor is easy and convenient to care for);
  • modern variations in tinting and surface treatment allow them to harmoniously fit into almost any interior;
  • If necessary, the floor covering can be updated by simply sanding the boards or scraping.
  1. If infrared or water system“warm floor”, then you can forget about floorboard. This is because most of the heat is spent on heating the sheet pile. In this case, for laying the finished floor it is usually used parquet board or laminate.
Attention! When choosing laminate/parquet for floor heating Special attention It is worth paying attention to the marking, which should mean that this coating has good heat conductivity.

Do-it-yourself interior decoration of the walls of a timber house: video, photo

As noted above, the interior decoration of walls in such a house involves their careful preparation (insulation, puttying, vapor and moisture insulation), as well as subsequent covering with a finishing coating/material.

Before finishing the walls, answer yourself the following question: “For what purposes is the built house being used?”

If it was built to spend summer holidays and weekends there, you can save on insulation. Otherwise, it will be impossible to live here in winter.

Well, if on the contrary, then it is necessary to insulate the walls. If we talk about finishing the walls, then in this case a huge amount is offered interesting solutions. But when the house is shrinking (the first two years after completion of construction), limit yourself to varnishes, paints or simple stain.

This treatment is, first of all, notable for the fact that the natural texture of the wood is preserved. The tree itself has original patterns drawn by nature itself. What's the point of hiding all this beauty? This technique is especially effective if the walls of the house are built from valuable timber.

Attention! When choosing a good paint coating We recommend giving preference to those that contain fewer harmful substances. Modern paint It comes in semi-gloss, matte and glossy, which is also important to consider when purchasing.

In this case, if shrinkage has already occurred, the interior decoration of a house made of timber can be done with sheet materials. The most popular of them:

  • plasterboard - actively used for interior work. And this is not surprising, since it allows the creation of a wide variety of architectural creations. Moreover, it has small specific gravity, easy to process and environmentally friendly material. Its price is very reasonable, despite many useful qualities. The instructions for its installation assume fastening to a wooden or metal frame, which is built on wall structures. This system is convenient in that the gypsum board and timber will not touch - this will preserve the skin and load-bearing walls from the formation of cracks. Behind such material you can hide plumbing, electrical wiring and other communications (not to mention the insulating layer).
  • Isotex wall panels. As a rule, they are made from wood without glue, so they are hypoallergenic and environmentally friendly. Their advantages include sound-absorbing properties, good thermal insulation characteristics and easy installation. Linen fabrics or vinyl wallpapers. In construction stores you will definitely see a wide selection of such products, which are made in different textures and colors.
  • Interior wall decoration with imitation timber - lining, siding, MDF panels, block house. Many people like Russian log huts, but this is quite an expensive pleasure. For this reason, it is necessary to build from more budget material– glued or profiled timber with a rectangular cross-section.

With the help of interior decoration with imitation timber, you can give your home the missing nobility without a significant investment of time, money and effort. The application with this cladding is very difficult to distinguish from natural logs.

Among the main advantages it is worth highlighting:

  • Wide range of applications - such panels can be used for both interior decoration of bathhouses and exterior cladding of buildings. Unique properties The material makes it possible to achieve high resistance to temperature changes, moisture, ultraviolet radiation and other harmful influences.
  • Environmental friendliness - a favorable microclimate is always maintained in the house. Well, if you use larch or pine panels, the air in the house will become healing.
  • Simplified installation - the groove fastening system facilitates cladding and also makes decorative coating durable and monolithic.

As you may have guessed, the interior decoration of a house made of timber can be original and varied and harmoniously combine with the chosen style of decoration of the room.

If you are planning a renovation, don’t forget about the ceiling.

In this case, you need to start from whether the shrinkage occurs during finishing work or not. If not, you can implement any ideas using a variety of materials.

  • Do suspended ceiling, which will close the ceiling well and will not be afraid of shrinkage of the house.
  • Leave the ceiling as is. It’s good if the interior matches your approach. An unlined ceiling goes well with styles such as Provence or country.


Any interior decoration is a complex undertaking that solves several important problems. For this reason, it must be treated especially responsibly. Only in this case will the desired comfort, coziness and warmth reign in the house.

Carrying out interior finishing work is the final stage in the construction of private houses. The finishing of a wooden house depends on the material of the walls. That is why, before starting work, all wooden elements should be treated with antiseptic agents. In this article we will tell you in detail how to sheathe the inside of a wooden house and how to choose the right material.

Basic requirements for facing material

Walls in a wooden house should be clad taking into account the shrinkage of the structure. The shrinkage process directly affects the selected material. Before cladding a building, pay attention to the following points:

  • Seasonality of residence. The house is not always used for permanent residence. When covering with inexpensive materials, there is a possibility of their deformation or cracking, because... V winter period the temperature inside the house will not be comfortable.
  • Design parameters. The weight of supporting structures is of great importance, because... when they shrink, they can significantly deform the decorative coating.
  • Environmental standards of the material. Not all products meet environmental standards; even the most expensive product can release toxins or formaldehyde compounds.
  • Cost and appearance. Cheap doesn't mean bad. Expensive material is not always capable of making a difference high quality and fit harmoniously into the overall interior.

When choosing a material, consult with experts and study reviews, then you can clearly answer the question of how to cover the walls in a wooden house.

Material characteristics

A timber house can be sheathed using the following products:

  • lining;
  • drywall;
  • block house;
  • PVC panel;
  • MDF panel;
  • wood material: OSB, chipboard or plywood.

Now let's look at each cladding material in details.

Using lining

The lining is simple boards, with built-in special grooves, due to which the wood fits tightly against each other. The photo shows the floor and walls finished with clapboard

The disadvantage of using lining is its stereotyped nature, such interior design It looks good, but it’s unlikely that it will be possible to give some individuality to the premises. The advantages of lining include:

  • huge selection of wood species;
  • various types of product processing;
  • environmental friendliness of the material;
  • pleasant aroma inside the house.

For information! Before covering the rooms with clapboard, it is necessary to assemble a frame from wooden or metal bars. This method will help eliminate all kinds of surface irregularities.

Using a block house

If you like rounded logs, but you don’t know how to cover the inside of a house made of timber, block house will ideal option. This material is widely used in the decoration of cottages; wood can not only decorate a room, but also provide maximum comfort and coziness. Among the advantages of this material it is worth noting:

  • high environmental friendliness, products are made from natural types of wood that undergo special drying;
  • mechanical strength allows the product not to lose its appearance and positive characteristics;
  • has an aesthetic appearance, can decorate any home;
  • easy way to attach.

For information! A block house made of coniferous wood allows you to maintain a favorable microclimate inside the building, and products made of hardwood are highly resistant to moisture.

The disadvantages include:

  • low vapor permeability;
  • high flammability of the material.

Block house looks great inside a wooden house

Using drywall

Recently, plasterboard is often used to decorate wooden buildings. However, experts do not recommend using gypsum, because... it has a number of disadvantages. If you do interior work Immediately after building a house, drywall may crack or become deformed during shrinkage. It is also worth noting that after attaching the gypsum sheets, they must be plastered and painted. The joints are sealed, which makes the space in the house clogged.

PVC panel

If you want to save money, but don’t know how to cover the inside of a timber house, a plastic panel is the most economical option. The advantages include:

  • ease of installation;
  • high resistance to moisture;
  • big choice color palette panels.

The disadvantages of the material include:

  • low environmental friendliness;
  • the panels are not capable of passing steam and air;
  • When ignited, they quickly melt and release dangerous and harmful substances to human health.

According to reviews from home owners, the main area of ​​application plastic panels- non-residential or utility premises.

Using MDF panels

MDF panels are produced from more environmentally friendly material than plastic. The surface of the product is quite smooth and does not require complex finishing. The panels can be fastened either directly to the wall or using a frame. Manufacturers produce MDF panels of various designs, colors and textures, with their help you can decorate any room in the house.

It is worth noting that the MDF panel can additionally insulate and soundproof the walls.

Important! In rooms where heating is not provided or there is high humidity, it is strictly forbidden to use MDF!

Thanks to interesting colors You can make your premises unique and stylish. The photo shows a room covered with MDF

Use of wood material

All products from wood material(OSB, plywood and chipboard) are used to perform rough work, but they are practically not used for final finishing work. In addition, during the production process, wood products are treated with special adhesives and impregnations, which evaporate and negatively affect human health.

For information! Sheet plywood is considered the safest wood product used for finishing finishing work. It is used as a base to level the wall for wallpapering.

We carry out interior cladding of the house

Most often, owners of private wooden houses use clapboard as cladding. As a rule, plastic lining is used for rooms with high humidity, and wooden cladding panels are used for other rooms. Wooden lining perfectly insulates sound, insulates and has a beneficial effect on the microclimate. Before sheathing a house made of timber, the lining is prepared, i.e. treated with a special bioprotective agent. Wood processing allows you to protect the material from rotting, mold and various insects. Next, all products are thoroughly dried. Installation of the lining is carried out on the sheathing. The frame is assembled from ready-made slats and the sheathing is fixed to the wall with self-tapping screws at a distance of 50 cm. A small gap is left between the wall and the cladding, which serves as ventilation. If the structure requires additional insulation, lay a special material and cover it with a vapor barrier. Finally, a sheathing is built on which wooden cladding panels will be mounted.

Installation of the lining is carried out in two ways:

  • horizontal;
  • vertical.

The horizontal method begins with laying from the ceiling to the floor, with the grooves facing down. This arrangement will prevent debris, dust and other foreign objects from getting into the grooves of the boards. To obtain smooth and high-quality masonry, we recommend checking the evenness of the wall every 10-15 panels.

The vertical method begins with laying the panels from the corner. A clamp is fixed into the groove of the rear wall, which is carefully nailed to the sheathing slats. The first panel is secured with nails, the head of which is covered with a decorative corner. The installation of the lining is carried out as in the horizontal method with the obligatory insertion of the planks into each other. Fasteners carefully press the material, and as a result it is lined up into a single fabric. The last facing panel is also fixed with nails. The final stage will be decorating the internal and external joints using decorative plinths, slats and corners. If desired, the panels can be coated with a special varnish, which will provide protection from moisture and temperature changes. The photo shows the final finishing inside the house

The presented characteristics of materials will allow you to take into account the features of the structure, its interior design, and will also help you easily answer the question of what is the best way to sheathe your house.