What and how to feed cucumber seedlings. We grow strong cucumber seedlings, seeds, fertilizing and proper watering

Cucumber is a delicious kitchen essential vegetable that you can grow right at home. However, to obtain good harvest you need to know the standard growing technology and some important points.

During the process of growing indoor cucumbers, a novice gardener may have a lot of questions. How to plant correctly? Which soil should you choose? What is the best fertilizer for cucumbers on the balcony?

Let's try to answer some of them.

Temperature conditions, light and watering are comfortable for cucumbers

Cucumbers need to be provided with sufficient light and heat.

It is good to place pots on eastern and south-eastern windows; if you place them on the south side, you will have to shade the plants from hot direct sunlight. North windows are not suitable for growing crops.

In case of shortage natural light it is necessary to equip the window sill with special phytolamps for additional illumination.

The culture does not tolerate drafts very well.

Optimal temperature for the growth of cucumbers - 23-26 degrees; at night the temperature should not fall below 15 degrees.

Cucumbers need a considerable amount of water to normal development, therefore, watering should be frequent, but do not overwater the bushes, otherwise rotting processes may begin in the rhizome.

The soil should always be moderately moist. Water the crop only with settled water at a comfortable temperature.

Soil substrate and pot

In the store you can buy ready-made earth mixture, which already contains all the necessary components for the growth of cucumbers. But making such soil yourself at home will also not be difficult.

To do this, mix ordinary soil with humus and peat in a 1:1:1 ratio, and add small sawdust.

As a container for initial stage You can even take regular plastic cups, but a larger container will also work. Long, shallow wooden boxes or oblong pots are ideal for seedlings.

At the bottom of any selected container there should be holes for the drainage of excess liquid. Do not forget about the drainage layer made of expanded clay or small pebbles.

Planting and care

Before planting, prepare the seeds. To do this, soak them for half an hour in potassium permanganate, and then put them in a damp cloth and wait for them to peck.

After this, we bury the seed about 2 cm into the prepared soil. After planting, cover the container with polyethylene and place it in a warm place.

When the first shoots appear, we remove the greenhouse and place the plant in the light. Be sure to make sure there is no draft.

At this stage, it is necessary to reduce the temperature to 19-20 degrees for a short time to harden the seedlings.

After about a month, the seedlings should have grown enough to be transplanted. Replanting is done very carefully so as not to damage the sensitive root system.

What and how to properly feed cucumbers?

To get a good harvest of green fruits, you must remember one thing: important point- feeding.

Usually, the plant is fertilized for the first time 2 weeks after hatching from the ground, the next time - after 7 days. Afterwards, feeding is done once every 10-14 days.

At different stages of its growth, the plant will need different substances in certain quantities. At the very beginning of development, cucumbers most need phosphorus. During growing season more nitrogen will be required, but when the bush blooms and bears fruit, nitrogen fertilizing is minimized; potassium and phosphorus should come first.

If you plant a plant seedling method, then you can prepare an earth mixture saturated nutritional components. To do this, per 10 liters of soil you will need 2 grams of sulfate, 6 grams of urea, 15 grams of superphosphate and 5 grams of potassium sulfate.

Cucumbers also respond well to organic fertilizers, which can be purchased at a gardening store or prepared with your own hands.

Let's consider the most popular feeding options, tested by the experience of home gardeners.

Recipe No. 1

Very often, manganese and wood ash are used as fertilizer for indoor cucumbers, making solutions from them. They need to be added to the soil every 10-14 days in turn.

Recipe No. 2

Also wood ash You can use it in its pure form without making a solution. To do this, it should be poured under the rhizome of the plant, and then watered. The substance will gradually enter the soil.

Recipe No. 3

Chicken droppings - good fertilizer for this crop, but a strict dosage is needed here. Fresh droppings should not be introduced into the ground, as they contain toxic components that can burn the root system of cucumbers. Therefore, an infusion must be made in a ratio of 1:20.

However, we should also not forget that this organic fertilizer may contain microorganisms harmful to humans (helminths, salmonella, etc.).

Recipe No. 4

An infusion of horse manure is excellent as a fertilizer.

Recipe No. 5

To feed the plant, you can use the water in which fresh meat was washed. The bush should be watered with this liquid.

Recipe No. 6

Fresh frozen capelin is a good alternative to other fertilizers. Pieces of fish need to be carefully buried in the soil around the rhizome.

Some nuances in care

Growing cucumbers at home has its own characteristics that are best taken into account to obtain the best results.

About 1.5 weeks after transplanting the seedlings, you will need to tie the plants with twine to a rope or wire that is well stretched.

When the bush completely grows to the rope, the top of the main shoot needs to be pinched.

To keep the stem smooth and beautiful, it is necessary to periodically remove overgrown tendrils. All secondary shoots should also be removed so that the plant has more strength to bear fruit.

If you follow the basic rules of caring for cucumbers and take care of your “green pets,” then you are guaranteed a good harvest!

To enjoy delicious cucumbers, you don’t have to wait until they go on sale. They are quite easy to grow at home. The culture is very unpretentious. And it can grow perfectly on a balcony or on a windowsill. But to get a high-quality harvest, there will be very little watering, sunlight and fresh air. Any gardener, deciding to plant and grow cucumbers, thinks about ensuring that the plants grow strong and healthy. And here it is important to take into account that if the soil on the site is sufficiently nutritious, the cucumber seedlings will still need to be fed. In this case, preference should be given to liquid formulations, combining the application of fertilizers with watering and performing operations in the morning, while it is not too hot. In our article we will talk about feeding cucumber seedlings after germination.

When to feed cucumber seedlings

Start feeding cucumber seedlings from the seeds follows at the moment when it forms the second or third true leaves. At this time, the roots of the plant will develop normally and will be plump, which will allow fertilizing the crop. But it wouldn’t hurt to monitor the external condition of the plant itself. If it looks pale, stunted and deplorable, you can water the seedlings with fertilizer a little earlier than usual.

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As a rule, in order for seedlings to develop normally, they are fed three times. An exception may be slow-growing plants planted in a greenhouse. It is recommended to support them nutritional compositions two to three times a month.

Features and methods of growing cucumbers

Growing this crop is quite simple, but you need to follow the requirements for caring for it, this also applies to feeding cucumber seedlings. They love moisture, warmth and light, you also need to observe certain temperature regime, and frosts are contraindicated.

Plant a plant in open ground after the air temperature does not fall below 15 degrees, if it is lower, the growth of the crop will slow down, and at a temperature of less than 10 degrees it will stop altogether. The optimal temperature for growth is from 25 to 30 degrees, the recommended relative humidity is about 70-80 percent.

Cucumbers are grown in different ways. The most popular method is in a greenhouse or under film cover. IN greenhouse conditions they will grow better in soil based on humus and turf. The plant needs abundant watering, ventilation, loosening and feeding. In open ground, cucumbers are grown under cover so that the crops are protected from the cold.

Watering cucumbers

Cucumber seedlings are capricious regarding watering. Does not like waterlogging and drying out. Water moderately with warm (+23-25°C) settled water. When carrying out additional illumination 2 times a day, in the presence of only natural light - 1 time. Spray regularly. There must be holes in the bottom of the cups so that excess moisture did not stagnate. Advice! When soil moisture and temperature are too high, pathogenic fungi and microorganisms develop. Sprouts on which black plaque appears are immediately destroyed.

Rules for feeding cucumber seedlings

For cucumbers, both root and foliar feedings are used:

The foliar method is suitable for cold cloudy summers. In such conditions, it is more difficult for the plant’s root system to extract nutrients from cooled soil for cucumbers. In addition, cloudy weather is ideal for spraying.

The root method is used in warm, sunny summers. Plant roots are better developed, and intense sunlight in contact with fertilizer can cause leaf burn, so the foliar method is not suitable. Root feeding is carried out in the evening after rain or watering.

Rules for fertilizing cucumbers:

  • After each application of fertilizer, the seedlings should be watered well.
  • It is better to fertilize early in the morning or in the evening.
  • It is undesirable for the solution to get on the leaves and stem.

Composition of fertilizing cucumber seedlings

At the same time, the second feeding of cucumber seedlings, as well as the subsequent one, is characterized by a doubling of the amount of mineral components. This is done in order to prevent certain diseases of this crop. As a first feeding, many gardeners prepare a mixture of ammonium nitrate, superphosphates, potassium sulfate and bird droppings. If the seeds are grown in a greenhouse, then the second feeding is done fifteen days after the first, doubling the amount of components for the same volume of water. On poor soils or with weak growth, feeding tomato and cucumber seedlings with mullein helps very well. A solution of chicken manure and ash also helps a lot.

At the same time, you must always remember that fertilizer should not get on the cucumbers. Feeding seedlings should be done very carefully. Its completion should be mandatory watering lightly warm water. The applied solution should not come into contact with aboveground part seedlings. But if this could not be avoided, then the trunk and leaves should be immediately sprayed with clean water.

Feeding cucumber seedlings with yeast

You can start using yeast for cucumber seedlings. In terms of timing, as a rule, this is the beginning of spring. This can be done both during a dive and during the landing period in open ground. Did you know? To achieve the effect that yeast has on plants, you don't have to use the yeast itself. Good results can be achieved if you simply water the beds with beer or kvass. Naturally, this should be a live drink, and not pasteurized.

Yeast nutrition for cucumbers is also used during the development of the plant in open ground. The fertilizer applied when planting seedlings lasts for a maximum of two months. Therefore, most the right time in this case, the time of formation of the ovary until the end of fruiting once a month. That's a total of about three times per season. In this way, you can saturate the soil with nitrogen, and the results of this activity can be seen after just three days. Important! Although yeast saturates the soil with nitrogen and potassium, it reduces the amount of calcium in it. Therefore, to maintain balance, fertilizing cucumber seedlings with yeast should be carried out together with crushed eggshells or ash. There is another scheme for introducing fertilizer. The first time a week after planting the seedlings in the ground, and the second time after adding superphosphate, if it was not added in the fall. You shouldn’t overuse this type of feeding; three times a season is quite enough. Such an event rather stimulates growth, but does not replace full-fledged fertilizers. Make sure the yeast you use has an acceptable shelf life.

Specialized feeding of cucumber seedlings

It is necessary to feed the seedlings, but not exceeding the dosage, otherwise the seedlings may simply burn. Fertilizing is an important component of healthy and strong seedlings. With today's abundance in stores, it is not difficult for gardeners to purchase fertilizers for cucumber seedlings. They can be either dry or liquid. The main thing is that the fertilizer must be specialized, that is, intended specifically for seedlings. Fertika-Lux fertilizer is very good - watering seedlings with a solution of this Finnish fertilizer works wonders. Fertilizers such as Agricola or Agricola-Aqua are also perfect, as well as various complex fertilizers based on humates, always containing microelements. When using fertilizers for seedlings, always strictly follow the included instructions.

How to feed cucumbers to prevent them from turning yellow

Even if you regularly fertilize and create a favorable microclimate for cucumbers, this does not mean that they cannot suddenly turn yellow. You can prevent this unpleasant phenomenon using the following foliar feeding:

  • Place a loaf of bread in a 10 liter bucket of water and leave overnight. The next day, mash the bread and add a bottle of iodine to the bucket. Dilute 1 liter of the resulting composition in 10 liters of water and treat the plants.

You can also prepare a nettle infusion:

  • cut off young nettles, without seeds, fill it with water and let it brew for 24 hours. To water 1 liter of infusion, dilute 10 liters of water.

On cold days there is no need to water, but it is advisable to spray the growing cucumbers with clean water from a spray bottle. Spraying is especially necessary when seedlings grow indoors. In residential premises, the air is always drier than in a greenhouse, and cucumbers prefer relatively high humidity: approximately 75-80% for both soil and air. It is advisable to sometimes (at least 2 times) combine spraying with foliar feeding with microfertilizers.

Cucumber is one of the most popular vegetables, consumed both fresh and canned. Pickled and pickled cucumbers are the first holiday snack on our tables. To grow cucumbers, you should try and give the vegetable all the necessary elements to get a good harvest.

A little theory: basic rules for feeding cucumbers

Cucumber is considered the most capricious garden crops. For good development and fruiting, a cucumber needs nutritious soil, but at the same time the plant cannot tolerate a strong concentration of useful elements in the soil. To balance the amount of nutrition and balance it with the nutritional value of the soil, you need to know what to feed the cucumbers after planting in the ground.

Did you know? The first greenhouses in history were built in Ancient Rome. Cucumbers were grown in them - the favorite vegetables of Emperor Tiberius.

Types of fertilizers

Cucumbers respond equally well to organic and mineral fertilizers; you just need to figure out what is best to fertilize cucumbers. From organic compounds culture best accepts mullein infusion– it is rich in nitrogen, copper, sulfur, iron and potassium. In addition to nutrition, the infusion provides the plant with protection from infections.

Chicken droppings contains nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, also increasing resistance to disease and activating plant growth. An infusion of rotted grass will be an excellent source of nitrogen; moreover, when rotted, such fertilizer loses ammonia, which is harmful to plants, faster than animal organic matter.

Important! Horse manure for cucumbers is categorically unacceptable: it contains too much a large number of ammonia, which, when decomposed in the soil, releases nitrates that are absorbed by cucumbers. The fruits of such a plant are dangerous to health.

Mineral fertilizers for cucumbers in open ground are also important, since in organic fertilizers some elements are found in minute quantities. The most important in all life processes of cucumbers are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Potassium can provide cucumbers with natural mineral remedywood ash- the best source of nitrogen for cucumbers, and phosphorus will be provided by adding superphosphate.

Forms of fertilizing according to method of application

There are two main forms of fertilizing cucumbers.

Basalfeeding cucumbers in open ground - a method of applying fertilizers under the bush, as close to the roots as possible. In this case, be careful, since it is undesirable for the fertilizer to get on the deciduous mass. Such fertilizing can severely burn the leaves and stems.

Foliar feeding cucumbers - this is a spraying aimed at the above-ground part of the cucumbers: leaves and shoots. This method is safe for foliage, because fertilizing is not as concentrated as root feeding.

How to create a calendar for feeding cucumbers after planting in open ground

In addition to what to fertilize, you need to know how often to feed cucumbers in open ground. In order to control the process and not make a mistake with the timing and type of feeding, to give cucumbers the elements necessary for a specific life period and to prevent a shortage or excess of any substance, you need to draw up a feeding calendar. Make it in the form of a table with columns of dates, types of fertilizing (organic or mineral fertilizer), method of application (root and foliar) and a column that takes into account the added nutrient element (nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.), its quantity.

What, when and how to feed cucumbers after planting in the ground, we will consider further.

First feedingAfter planting the crop in the ground, it is carried out when two or three strong leaves appear. For better growth nitrogen is needed. This could be a mineral fertilizer - urea. Application method: root, quantity: 1 tablespoon of powder per 10 liters of water. You can also use organic mullein - dilute 500 g per 10 liters of water, fertilize using the root method.

Second feeding for cucumbers in open ground, it is carried out after two weeks. The same types of fertilizer and application methods are used. You can also use an infusion of chicken droppings or rotten grass. The grass is introduced by spraying.

Third feedingnecessary during the flowering period. Cucumbers need potassium to form full-fledged ovaries. Foliar fertilizing with wood ash is suitable: two glasses per ten liters of water.

How to feed cucumbers in open ground fourth time? This feeding is carried out already during the fruiting period., the plant needs nitrogen and potassium.

The first feeding is after the fruits appear. Apply a solution of nitrophoska (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water), foliar application method. A week later, a second feeding is carried out using the root method, a solution of mullein with the addition of potassium sulfate (10 liters of water, 500 g of mullein, 5 g of potassium).

What is the best way to feed cucumbers after planting in the ground?

Feeding cucumbers is a necessity at all stages of the plant's life. Compliance with fertilizer dosages, alternating mineral and organic compositions, and timely application of the elements necessary for each period will provide you with a tasty and abundant harvest.

Did you know? The first mention of cucumbers in Russia was made by the German ambassador to Russia, Herberstein. In 1528, he described this vegetable in his travel diaries about a trip to Muscovy.

How to fertilize cucumbers immediately after picking seedlings

Nitrogen stimulates the plant for further development. When picking in open ground, it is often added to the hole for seedlings. a teaspoon of ammophoska.
Cucumbers are also fed with organic fertilizers containing nitrogen - mullein infusion, chicken manure and herbal.

Wood ash is sprinkled between the beds, which is absorbed into the soil after watering. Ash is rich in calcium, which accelerates plant growth. Moreover, since ash is natural remedy, it can be consumed several times during the growing season.

Fertilizing cucumbers during flowering

Just before flowering begins, add stimulatingfertilizer for cucumbers in open ground– mullein infusion with the addition of superphosphate and potassium sulfate. In this case, the following proportions are observed: 200 g of mullein, 5 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate per 8-10 liters of water.

A week later, already in the flowering phase, fertilizing is repeated, replacing mullein additives with nitrophoska (1 tbsp.) and reducing the dose of mullein to 100 g.

How to feed cucumbers during fruiting

Let's figure out what to water cucumbers for a good harvest. Fertilizer has proven to be effective during fruiting chicken droppings. The content of zinc, copper and nitrogen saturates cucumbers with substances necessary for the growth and taste of fruits. Chicken manure is used mainly in liquid form.

Fertilizing cucumbers during the fruiting period should also contain magnesium and potassium.

During the period of active fruiting, use potassium nitrate(25 g of nitrate per 15 liters of water), applied by the root method.

Important!During periods of frequent rainfall, cucumbers are highly susceptible to scab. When applied, potassium nitrate acts not only as a fertilizer, but also as protection against diseases.

How to properly feed cucumbers after planting in the ground, tips for gardeners

Before fertilizing cucumbers in open ground, it is advisable to find out what elements they need, in what quantities and what consequences will occur due to a lack of certain substances.

Cucumbers need nitrogen to grow, but before feeding with nitrogen-containing compounds, think about how much watering the cucumbers need. In case of lack of moisture root system will not be able to absorb the required amount of the element. If there is a lack of substance, the stems and side shoots of cucumbers stop growing, the leaves turn yellow, the fruits change color to pale green and lose taste qualities.

» Cucumbers

Cucumbers are a very popular crop that can be grown regardless of the time of year and not only in greenhouses. We are all accustomed to the fact that cucumbers can be grown either in open ground or in greenhouses. The miracles of selection have made possible any varietal varieties of various sizes of vegetables and their qualities. But not everyone knows that crispy juicy cucumbers can be grown even in your apartment or at home on the windowsill at home.

To collect fruits right in your home you need the following: houseplants provide additional care and attention. So vegetable indoor variety First of all, you need to feed. Indeed, unlike plants that grow in open ground and take all the necessary nutrients from it, our indoor cucumbers simply have nowhere to get such substances and our main task is to help them with this.

The indoor cucumber plant itself will tell you when it needs to be fed. These signs include:

  1. Drying leaves.
  2. Yellowing and death of small fruits.
  3. Hooked fruit shape.

Timing for fertilizing cucumbers on the windowsill

First stage

It is necessary to start fertilizing the soil before planting in the container. For this First of all, you need to select the desired composition of the substrate. You can purchase a ready-made substrate in specialized stores, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, take equal parts of peat, turf soil, humus and sawdust. For 10 kg of this mixture, you need to add 30 g of nitrophosphate, 15 g of urea and 200 g of wood ash.

Each individual cucumber bush requires 5-7 liters of soil. Seeds should be planted in separate pots so that they do not inhibit each other.

Second phase

At the next stage, the cucumbers are fed two weeks after seed germination.

Further steps

In the future, the bushes must feed every 10 days.

Types of fertilizers for indoor cucumbers

We have figured out the timing of fertilizer application. Now let’s find out exactly what fertilizers can and should be applied.

We have already talked about nutrient substrates above.

Organic fertilizers

The next common type of fertilizer is organic.

Wood ash is the most popular organic fertilizer

Experienced vegetable growers include wood ash among the most popular organic products. This product contains large amounts of potassium and phosphorus. Without these microelements, not only fruiting, but also plant growth itself is simply not possible. Not only the soil, but also the leaves are treated with ash infusion. It is very simple to prepare such an infusion yourself. One tablespoon of ash is poured into two liters of boiled water and left for 24 hours. Before use, filter the infusion.

Popular organic products include Ross's fertilizer. It is used for secondary fertilizer of plants according to the instructions for the drug.

Of course, in our section about organic fertilizers one could mention such popular means for feeding cucumbers as chicken droppings, slurry. These products are certainly very effective, but since we grow cucumbers in the house, application of such organic products would be inappropriate and unethical. And it’s unlikely that anyone would think of fertilizing plants in the house with manure.

Foliar treatment

Foliar fertilizers are also quite effective, although not very popular. This treatment is especially important during the period of ovary formation. It is at this stage that plants need a microelement such as boron. It is he who is responsible for the formation and development of fruits. To provide yourself with an excellent harvest, as soon as our seedlings bloom, you need to spray them with a solution of boric acid. This is done by dissolving 1 gram of the product in 1 liter of water. In the future, such spraying can be carried out every 10 days.

During the period of active fruit formation, you can carry out foliar feeding manganese. To do this, dissolve 10 crystals of the product in one liter of water. This procedure will consolidate the positive result of the treatment. boric acid and improve the taste of the fruit.

Instead of manganese, you can spray the plant with urea (5 grams per 3 liters of water). This remedy will significantly improve the plant’s metabolic processes and rejuvenate it.

Folk remedies

The most popular among such means are:

  1. Eggshell is a reliable remedy, because it contains a large amount of minerals and trace elements. To prepare a healthy infusion, the shells of 3 eggs are dried, crushed and infused for 24 hours in 3 liters of water. When the water becomes cloudy and smells unpleasant, you can water our plant with it every day.
  2. Banana peel also rich in a huge amount of minerals and vitamins. It is rich in potassium, which is necessary for the normal growth of vegetables. It is enough just to leave the peel in boiled water for 3-4 days.
  3. Coffee grounds, onion peels, potato peelings They will also perfectly nourish and strengthen the plant. With such infusions you can not only water your indoor culture, but also spray the bushes with it.

Fertilizers for mass formation of ovaries at home

During the period of active formation of ovaries, the plant needs to be fertilized especially carefully. After all, it is at this moment that the yield of our vegetable is established. At this moment, the plant can and should be watered and sprayed with wood ash, complex fertilizer Growth concentrate or azofoska.

Such feeding should be done every 10 days.

With proper and sufficient care you can get an excellent harvest. crispy sweet cucumbers right on your windowsill or balcony at home. It is only important to adhere to all of the above tips and recommendations.

Cucumbers are a fairly resilient vegetable crop. They have virtually no pests. They cannot tolerate cold climates and temperature changes. Vegetable crops require moderate air humidity. It is advisable to water and fertilize cucumbers in the morning and evening hours to avoid infection with fungal diseases.

Characteristics of cucumber

Cucumber contains:

  • Vitamins A, B1, B2, C and PP;
  • Microelements: potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, iron chlorine, Iodine, chromium, phosphorus, sodium;
  • Tartonic and folic acids;
  • Beta-carotene;
  • Cellulose.

Beneficial features:

  • Removes toxins and waste;
  • Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland;
  • Has a preventive effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • Prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

Cucumber is a monoecious, cross-pollinated vegetable crop. Its flowers are pollinated by bees, bumblebees and flies. To increase productivity, you need to plant different varieties cucumbers Self-pollinating varieties do not require the help of insects.

Ripening time

Cucumbers are:

  • Early ripening: 40-55 days from full germination to fruiting;
  • Mid-season: 55-60 days;
  • Late ripening: 60-70 days.

Requirements for growing cucumbers

Growing cucumbers is not difficult, but it has some care requirements:

  • Enough light, moisture and warmth are necessary;
  • Planting in open ground should be carried out in air heated to plus 15-17 degrees. Temperatures below +15 slow down the growth of cucumbers, and at +10 it stops completely;

IMPORTANT: Frosts are detrimental to vegetables.

  • Optimum temperature range from +25 to +30 degrees Celsius;
  • Relative humidity 70 to 80%;
  • The soil should be fertile, warm, loose, with neutral acidity.


Cucumbers grow well in garden beds after:

  • Luke;
  • Cabbage;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Potatoes.

You should not wait for the harvest for:

  • Beetroot;
  • Pumpkin;
  • Kabachkov;
  • Squash beds.

Growing methods

The most common ways to grow vegetables:

  • Greenhouse. In greenhouse conditions vegetable crop preferable soil consisting of turf and humus. The main criteria for care: water abundantly, ventilate the room, feed and loosen, but not too deeply, since the root system of the vegetable is located close to the surface;
  • Open ground. Required condition– cover with film or other covering material to protect plants from possible cold weather.


For getting great harvest you need to remember about watering:

  • To avoid rotting of the roots, the vegetable crop should not be watered abundantly for some time after planting the seedlings;
  • Water temperature is from 22 to 25 degrees.

REFERENCE: It is useful to combine watering and fertilizing, and to add different fertilizers to the soil.

Feeding and fertilizers

Cucumbers need to be regularly and properly fed and fertilized. The soil is not fertilized until the cucumbers are planted, because excess mineral salts will harm the plants. When preparing a bed for a vegetable crop, only rotted manure is added.

What and how to feed

Cucumbers are fed with organic and mineral fertilizers, and chemical fertilizing is harmful to them. Feedings are divided into:

  • Roots, they are introduced into the soil;
  • Foliar spraying.

During the season, several feedings are usually carried out:

  • First time feed with nitrogen-containing or mineral fertilizers 15 days after planting;

ATTENTION: The first step is to apply nitrogen-containing fertilizer to correct height and development of vegetable crops.

  • Second feeding carried out 10-15 after the first, at the beginning of flowering. 20 grams of potassium nitrate, 30 grams of ammonium nitrate and 40 grams of superphosphate are diluted in 10 liters of water. A superphosphate solution is also used (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). Feed with such fertilizers only in dry, warm weather; during heavy rains, cucumbers are dusted with ash (one glass per square meter beds);
  • Subsequent feedings are carried out every 7-10 days. When cucumbers begin to bear fruit en masse, they need potassium and phosphorus, as well as nitrogen and sulfur.

Fertilizer recipes

Experienced gardeners use:

  • Yeast;
  • Ash;
  • Bread;
  • Chicken droppings;
  • Onion peel;
  • Various infusions.

And all these feedings are quite effective. There are many such recipes.

Growing cucumber seedlings. Feeding cucumber seedlings:



  • Dissolve a pack of yeast in ten liters of water;
  • Infuse for three days in a warm place, remembering to stir once a day;
  • Fertilize after the cucumbers are watered. Half a liter for each bush.

Ash infusion

Wood ash is a very valuable fertilizer for cucumber crops, due to its content of necessary beneficial elements for the normal development of cucumbers. Recipe:

  • Dissolve two or three tablespoons of ash in a liter of water;
  • Infuse for two weeks;
  • Feed 5-6 times per season, half a liter of infusion per bush.

REFERENCE: Hardwood ash contains more calcium, bark and straw ash contains a lot of phosphorus, and meadow grass rich in potassium.

  • In case of lack of moisture or sudden temperature changes, the cucumbers will become bitter. You need to water them generously with warm, settled water along the entire perimeter of the bed;
  • If there is not enough potassium, the vegetable becomes like a light bulb or a hook. To fix this, you need to spray and water with ash infusion (a liter per root);
  • When cucumbers have a narrow tip but a thick stalk, it means they lack nitrogen. It is necessary to water the mullein solution in a ratio of one to ten, one liter per root;
  • If it is difficult to determine which component is not enough for a vegetable crop, it is better to fertilize complex fertilizers with microelements.

Proper and timely feeding will help cucumbers grow and bear fruit well. Feeding vegetables using folk remedies, will not only save your budget, but will also allow you to grow environmentally friendly vegetables.

Video about the subcortex of cucumber seedlings: